HomeMy WebLinkAbout088 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for use In adminiemmng the National Flood Insurance Program; It does not n¢cassedly identify all areas subject to flooding,particularly from local f SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED drainage sources of small size, orall plammetric features outside Spatial 7," ,3 07.5 BY 100-YEAR FLOOD Flood Hazard Areas. The community map repository should be consulted for 41`09 22.5" possible updated floodhazard information poor to use of this map for property JOINS PANEL 0086 ZONE A No haze Flood elevations determined. purchase or construction purposes. Coastal base flood elavatlons apply only landward DfCa' National Chatichai Vertical 72° 15' 00" "- Oe[um of 1929 (NGVOL and Include One affects of wave ectlon; these elavatlons 41°09' 22.5" THREE WATERT ,. ZONE AE ZONE X / ZONE AE au flood elevations determined. may also differ signRlcantly from those developed by the National Weather —LANE FL 9) ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 [0 3 feet(usually areas of Service for hurricane evecua lan planning. ZONE x Ctt i ZONE pending); base flood elevations determined. W DP)Nk F ZONE v r'f AE - ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet 1 Areas of special flood hazard 000-yaar flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,A0,A99, PNI.FWE yt x Fq �� IEL i"r flow on sloping terrain); average depths V,and VE. ZONE r1 `t� ,� 1 determined.For am.of alluvial fan floods ng ` velocities oho determined. Certain areas acrid Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood AE `+ Control structures. IFI 01 f h f VVV \\\ ZONE A99 To be protected from 100.year flood by Soundaries of the fioodways were computed at cross sections and Interpolated ZONE n w ZONE AE j , 1itvl 13 ,L Federal Flood protection system under co ron- between came ,codon. he floodways were based an Ii x lf111 \ 1 101 /!. abootion; no haze flood levadons deter- with regard to requirements ofthe Fem daml Emergency Manageent Agency, a (/\` i mined. Floodway widths In some areas may be mo narrow to show to scale,Floodway 1 Town of ZONE V Coastal flood with velocity hazrd'a (wave re widths aprovided In the Flood Insu2nce Study Report. � \ \ > \\ ction); no base flood elevations determined. Socithold / V Corporate limits shown an this map are based on the beet data available.The !t '} 1 ZOENE ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave user should contact appropriate community officials to verify the comarete limit 360813 \ r dBlln¢allohs shown on this map. v. VE action); base Flood elevations determined. v ZONE 1L 92). 1 Forcommunity map reN history prior to countywide mapping,see section fi.0 t AE FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE of the Flood Insurance Study Report t l 10) ��\ Parcel map panels sae separately printed Map Ind.. \ \ t. OTHER FLOOD AREAS 1 \ DIGITAL DATA AVAIIAaIUTY: 019121 files entering the mm aatic floodplain t ` Information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency ZONE % Areas of SOOyear Flood; areas of 100.year Management Agency In DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for data } �; \! _ " a ! flood with average depths of less than 1 foot should include the full name of the community or county and the Flood ZONE AE ' \ F// \ or with drainage areas her than 1 square mile; Insurance Rate Map panel numbers covered by the request. Contact the ;FI 8 l \ \\� and areas protected by levees from 100-year \ \ COASTAL BARRIER flood. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2. S¢rvce Center,6730 Sant \ \` \ a \ IDENTIFIED 11-15-93 Barbee Court,Baltimore,Maryland 2=7-5832.Telephone 100368-9818, \ \ \ `� ., (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) NOTE: The Map (FI M) system used vernal production otthis Flood Incurn \ once Rate Mep IFIRMI Is Umversel Tansvarsa Mema2rlUTM) North American \'LQN�E OTHER AREAS Datum of 1927 (NADDI Clarke 1866 spheroid Corner coordinates shown on \fEL\u \ ZONE X Areas determined to be outside 500-year 1 the FIRM are In Istltuds and longitude referenced to the Unlvereal T2naverme \ - \, \ Flood lam. Mercator projection NAD27 Differences in the datum and spharold used In the \ \ \ \ \\ p prod- iron of FIRM. for adjacent counties may result In slight positional \ \ \ ZONE D Areas 1n which flood hazards are undeter- differences In map features at the county boundaries These differences da \ �\ o \, \\' mined. not affect the accuracy of me Informatlon shown on the FARM. ATTENTION: Flood Elevations on this map are referenced to the National '^\�\�\ �.�\® �iN� `, UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. These flood elavatlons must be comparetl to Structure and ground elavatlons referenced 2 the some datum. For infer- matlon regarding conversion between the National Geodetic VerticalDatum \ \. \ \ \ 1 of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1968 contootthe National \ \\ ` aQ' \\_J` \ Geodetic Survey atthe followlog address: \ \ a; I Idualfied IdicntlSled Otherwise 1 \ \� Vertical Network Branch, NACG73 1983 1990 or later Protected A. z \ \ National c Survey, NOAA Identified\`^ o \ 19M or Later Silver Spdog nB Memo Center 3 COASTAL BARRIER \ 1315 East-West Highway IDENTIFIED 11-15-93 , \ `,^�a f ORIENT BEACH Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 (SEE COASTAL BARRIER I/ Hazard t b (( STATE PARK *Coapal bannerareas are normally located within oradjacentm Special Mood (301)713-3191 LEGEND) A Hazard Areas. BASE MAP SOURCE: Trensportetlan features were provided in digital format \ Floodplain Boundary and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Transportation INYSDOTt The digital files were compiled at a scala of 1'24,000 from NYSUCT 7,6-minute Yr \ \ — — — — — — — Floodway Boundary quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography. Users of this FIRM should be aware that minor adjustments may have been made to specific road ZONE AE LEL 6) Zone D Boundary locations. '� ` Boundary Dividing Spe,dal Flood Hazard ,�. L ZONE Zones, and Bourda DividingAreas ofD'd- COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND � , `� VE ILL 12) Special Coaster Base Flood Elevations Within 10-01-03 Coastal Barrier . . \ Sparer Flood Hazard Zones. FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT OR \ \\\ —513— ' Base Flood Elevidi Line; Elevation In Feet** SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1883, IN OESIG- NATEO COASTAL BARRIERS. \� nry��f Cross Station Line (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform 11-16-90 Coastal Barrier Within Zone** FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- ( RM7X Elevation Reference Mark STAN'TIALLV IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,1990, \ w aMLS River Mile IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. **Referenmd m the National Geodetic Venial Datum of 1929 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area an FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT an AP REPOSITORY OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1991,- a Reform Repository Listing on Map Index NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. Z o a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE 11-15-93 Coastal Barrier da z m FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUE- MAY STANTIALLY IMPROVED. STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15,INS, a O 0 IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS, on EFFECTIVE DATE S)OF REVISIONIS)TO THIS PANEL Z Town of Southold 11-15-93 Otherwise Protected Area 360813 FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15, 1993,- 1 NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE 1 OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS, 02-24-97 Coastal Barrier FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEIN CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- Refer m IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS.ERS. actuarial rates the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective date shown on lora map IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24, 1997, determine when arates apply to structures in the zonas where eleva- N DESIGN tions or depths have been established. To determine If flood insurance Is available In this community, contact your Insurance agent or call the Northeast Flood Insurance program at(S00)638620. Comments or ...cams regarding Coastal Barrier Resources System mesa should be attracted to the Coastal Barrier Coordinator at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ses"as; (413) 253-8614. ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS APPROXIMATE SCALE REFERENCE ELEVATION MARK IN PT.RGIVD)1 00 6 500 FEET DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION as 11 8.71 standard disk etacci No. 4 1953. lacated 11mxfmataly 3.7miles ...r sloe, Some awe 25 fear intersection unto you. archer at Nem Locdw Ferry dock, use 1n ton o£ ietefning him" oe eoudmeat aidn e f dock road, aim.mor- mntely 7.5 feet eoutheent of mnbmese NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PR06RAM and of call, epIronfmaeely 1.5 feat shove level of antl. i Hatichi Geodetic Vertical came of 1929 FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK (ALL JURISDICTIONS) PANEL 88 OF 1026 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFRX SO.MHOLOJOWN OF 3Ne13 Oct a THIS MAP MAP RSAPPROXIMATE HOUNDARIES OF COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM UNITSI'l OTHEHY.E PROTECTED AREAS Er."AMU6HEa OWES THE COi RMINER { IMPROVEMENT Act aF 1W0 11.9811, Ni In thin Th.MPP love. ahtem below ai he ueel whm plain mop oNm: do COMMUNITY NUMBER she. so—eb na Itl he.10 on Ionn neppllu0ane for rhe gubl. ' to mmi MAP NUMBER 36103CO088 G 41°07'30" 72* 13 07.5 � �A EFFECTIVE OATEL JOINS PANEL 0205 4 07 30 , MAY 4, 1968 72' 15' 00 Federal Emergency Management Agency