HomeMy WebLinkAbout087 I NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for use In administering Na National Hood Insurance Program;It does not necessarily Identify all areas subject to flooding,particularly from local drainage sources of small size, or all plenimatrlc features outside Special SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED Flood Hezad Ames. The community map repository should be consulted for 72° 11' 15" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD possible updated flood hazed information prion use ofthls map forproperty purchase orcomaructlon purposes. I JOINS PANEL 0060 ZONE A No base Flood elevatiensdetennined. Coastal base flood elevations apply only landward of 00 National Beneath, Vertical 72° 13' 07.5" III ZONE All Baze Flood Elevations determined, Datum of 1B29 INGVOI,and Include the effects of wave action these elevations 41° 1 1' 15 may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of Service for hurricane evacuatlbn planning. ponding); base flood elevations determined, depths of 1 W 3 fee[ usual) Areas of special flood hertl 100'fe.rFlood include Zones A,AE,AH,AO,A99, ZONE AO Flood de V,end VE ter 6E%' tic E flow on sloping terrain); average sheet depths determined.For areas of alluvial fan flooding, Certain arses not In Special Flood HeardAreas may be protected by Flood velocities else determined. control structures. ZONE X ZONE A99 To be protected from 101)-year flood by Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections and Interpolated Federal Flood protection system under run- hatween cruse. sections.The floedways were hosed on hydeulle considerations struction; no base flood elevations deter- with regard to requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. mined. Roadway widths In some areas may be too narrow to show to Scala.Roadway ZONE V Coastal Flood with velocity hazard (wave widths are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Report action); no base flood elevations determined, Cordminde limits shown on this map ere based on the brut data available.The COASTAL BASE FLOCD ELEVATIONS user should contact appropriate communityoffclal9 to verify the carparem limit APPLY ONLY L4NDWAPO OF 0.0 NOVO - ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity headed (Wave delineations shown on this map. _ F'1 I I p q action); base flood elevations determined. For community map revlslon history prior m countywide mapping,sea section 6.0 ' a ¢ r L V I V I I S LAN D of the Flood Insurance Study Report. tzx,xrL>sxPyr r,ts Frxr •rF „ 3 M1� .m s emr,, 4 „x„'ks„' FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE Por adjoining map panels se. sap.mmly printed Mep Ind.. ,{ M •S r OTHER FLOOD AREAS DIGITAL DATA AVAIUIBILITY: Digital files containing the thematic floatlpleln ZONE Vh"c Information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency (FIL 151 ZONE X Areas of 500-year Flood; areas of 100-year Management Agency In DCF,-3 Optunel format on CD-ROM.Requests for data LONG ISLAND BOUND _ hood with average depths of les than 1 toot should include the full name of the community orceunty and the Flood -. or with drainage area less than 1 square mile; Insurance Rate Map panel numbers covered by the request. Contact the 1 and areas protected by levees from 100-year Federal Emergency Management Agency, Map Service Canter,6730 Santa flood. Barbara Court, Baltimore,Maryland =7 5832.Telephone F�BO 358-9616. NOTE: The aoadinato system used for the production of this Flood Insur- once Rate Map FIRM)Is Universal Transverse M9roater(UTM) North Amence, OTHER AREAS j Datum of 1927 1NAD27j.Clarke 1866 spheroid. Center coordinates shown on / Town of Southold the FIRM are In letters. and ICngltude referenced to the Universal Transverse / ZONE X Areas determined N be outside 500-year Mandator emi url NAD27. Difference. In the datum and apherold used In the / 360813 floodplain production of FIRMS for adjacent counties may result In slight positional ZONE D Areas In which flood hazards are undeter- differences In map features at the county boundaries. These differences do mined. not effect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the National +.. "`A r 1 ° 'f'r E / UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' Geodetic Verlicai Datum of 1929. These flood elevations must be compared ZONE X / to structure and ground elevation$e w referenced m the same datum.Vertical For Infar- Station192 regarding North American between the National Geodetic of the Datum of 1929 and the North Am.dcan Vertical Datum of 1988, oontaO[tlte National Geodetic Survey at the following address: Identified Identified Otherwise VertoL. ical Network Branch, N/CG13 /. 1983 1990 or Later ProtectedIdents Areas SllverrNational Geodetic Survey,Sprng Metro CenterN3� - 19191 or Later w = ° 3 a z Ler:' yi1iT.T' 1315 East Wes[Highway / Silver Spnng Maryland 20910 'Coastal banieramr, are nomlelly Intel within oradjacenito SpeClal Flood (301)7113191 ��- \\ Hazard Areas. BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were Provided In digital format \ x` ZONE VE / /J,'/ \� \ (EL 12) Floodplain Boundary and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). ' ,0\ The digidl flies ware compiled at a scale of 1.24.000 from NYSDOT 7.6-minute ZQl�I `AE, \ / — — — —— — — Floodway Boundary quadrangle maps and updated using Barrel photography. Users of this FIRM ' ILL J \ \ ZONE AE should be aware that minor adjustments may have bean made to specific road ' \ \ - - Zone D Bound ZONE X �l 1EL 9) ZONE VE TEL 'nl locations. � \ ��, Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND \` \ ; ` r Zones, andBoundary Dividing Areas ofDif- \\ Spent oaodl BOB. Flood Elevations Within 10-07-83 Coastal Barrier \ \ ' FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT Oq ^--'-- _513— Base Flood Elevation Une; Elevation In FROR* V A A A SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1883, IN OE61(1 HATED COASTAL BARRIERS. V� A V .�ZE PyE Or.Section Line \ \ Bre Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniformrier 71-16-90 Coastal BarIEC sell Within Zoner• FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STANHALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON NOVEMBER 16 1990, CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- V \ AA V A v RM7 X Elevation Reference Mark \ \ IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. A 0Ml.5 River Mile Plum Island v IXA"\ Lig house v � A V` v A V � ` V A v. x� A v, v ..Referenced [o the National Geodetic Vedcal Datum of 1929 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area \ \ 'v`, �' v v y A FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES -NEWLY BUILT \ V \ '\\ V iA A� ,� V A x A m OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1991,- \v Vv �A v ��t-�� A� o MAP REPOSITORY NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE ZONE VE VA A ` A V v - v Ed v A - A V ' , - �J V -� A' A V -_A R.fer to Repository USting an Map IIdax OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. m (EL 131 � _A� \ \� A V v V y Vv V � A A A V d a v V v A v A \A V A A v a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE 11-15-93 Coastal Barrier o v Av v A \ PONE AE V V A A od FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- m A A \ V 0, . A A V A V - A ` A MAY 4,less z ZONE VE V v . A v ^ v A V v' 6 STANTIALLV IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,1893, Q _ a TEL 121 IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. �� \ Z EFFECTNE DATER)OF flEV1910NSlTO THIS PANEL 11-15-93 Otherwise Protected Area FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1993,- PLUM GUT NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE V A A \ �' aASTAL 6ARGj1ER \ ` \ V A V A OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. HARBOR v A V v rgNNtFl6p•ll�pa-su v v .. v v A ,_ NEE,COASTAL BARRIER LEG4ND1^ 02-24-97 Coastal Barrier FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFFER FEBRUARY 24, 191 V VA, A �v\ V -AAA . AA Refer the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP date Shownon map to DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. Adetermine when actuarial este apply to Structures in the zine. where slave- \ tions or depths have been established. \ \ V A \` \ \ vv ` •A v �` \ V ` A V Yn To determine If flood maumnce is available In this community, contact your \ \ \ �. �` \. A �V • \ \ V. V v ^ �' \ \ ,A Insurance agent or Cell the National Flood Insmenoe Program e[ 8001638-662[. Comments or concerns regarding Coastal Barrier Resources System \ , A . . A v A areas should be directed to the Coastal Barrier Coordinator at the - v V v ` A V v \ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service! (413) 253-8614. A . v v A V A A V A Vv \ v . vy v zodyE-JE v vvv A V `ZONE VE_ . �l v v - - - v v _ A L,l 1, v v 'Ni' A�� � V v \� BLOCK ISLAND V v v v v v � v v .v v v A ve APPROXIMATE SCALE \ r LSOUND 600 D 600 FEET ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GARDINERS BAY FIRM a '” l FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP rr l SUFFOLK COUNTY, r�':. •!.� iI' 11 NEW YORK COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS (ALL JURISDICTIONS` v - APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NG rC / PANEL 610F 1026 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS', COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX SOUTHOLPTOWN OF Fcars am q Town of Southold 360813 ore- Tlla MAP BARRIER RES. XMATFSYSTEM UNTSAND OF OT'silCOASTAL PECTn TIon AREAS SYSTEM INTI AER me COASTALB BARRIER IMFP v1.E EACTHEa rNBEA THE COASTAL gpgglEP IMPROVEMENT ACT Cln19Ba IPL IOIABII. Nonce w Iter The MAP NUMlle kn,n bemw boula Sc uew shove slM1oulE M1eeumno d iiin COMMUNITY NUMBER Shown on emnSe apPllmllons colic euaixl mmuniry. MAP NUMBER 39103CO087 G 41°09' 22.5" " J°vv� N"'+e JOINS PANEL Does 72° I I' ISEFFECTIVE OATEN 4r09' 22. 5" g e MAY 4, 1998 72° 13' 07.5" Federal Emergency Management Agency