HomeMy WebLinkAbout086 NOTES TO USERS This map Is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance Program: it LEGEND dose not necsswrlly Identify all areas subject to flooding,pamcu Is rly from local drainage ..or... of small size, or all planimetdc features outside Special Flood Hazard Areas. The community Prep repository should be consulted for FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED Possible updated flood hazard Infof ormetlon pdorto use this map forpropert, 72° 13' 07.5" SPECIAL purchase ar.n.tructen purposes. 41° 11' 15" BY SPECIAL YEAR FLOOD JOINS PANEL 008D ZONE A No base flood elevations determined. Coastal hese Flootl elevations apply only landward of OA' N action; these el Vartical tt° S' 00" Day of 1929 NGVD)smIfIc,and Include the OR--mof wave action; these alavetlons 4 15 ZONE AE Base flood elevations determined• may also differ slenifloently from those developed by the National Weather Service for hurricane evacuation plennlnB ZONE AN Flood depths o( 1 fo 3 feet(usually areas.f Areas of Special flood hazard 1100.yeer flootll IncLtle Zones A.AE,AH,A0,A99 V,and VE , Fondling); base flood elevations determined. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet Certain areas not in Special Flood HazardBow on sloping terraln); average depths Areas may be protected by flood control iemottles, determare== of For of alluvial fan flooding, vel.oities also determined. Boundaries of the }loodways were computed at cross sections and Interpolated ZONE A99 To be pro butal from 100-year flood by IDEbetren cress sections.The of the iyeFe were based on hydraulic ent A consideration.s Federal flood protection system under con- with regard to raqulremenis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, s4uctlpn� no base food elevations deter- 0o way widths In some areas may be too nB,.w to show to scale,Foodway mined. wltl[hs are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Reporc Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data evellebls.The ZONE V Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave user should contactappmprla[e community oHiclsis to verify the comomm limit action); no base food elevations determined. dellnes0ons shown on this map. ZONE VE Coastal flood with veloclty, hazard (wave For he Flood I map revisit. yhistoryRep prior m counrywitle mappine,sae section 1.0 action); base flood elevations determined. of the Flood Insurance Study Report For adjoining map panels see separately printed Map Index. FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE DIGITAL DATA AVon these Digital flies containing the thematic urgency OTHER FLOOD AREAS ln information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in name Optional format on CO-ROM. Requests for data ZONE X Areas of 500-year flood; areas of JOD-year should Include the full name of the community or county and the Flood Rood with average depths of les[Ilan 1 foot Insurance Rata Map panel numbers covered p the request Contact the or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; Federal Emergency Management Agency, Map Telephone Center,6730 Santa and areas drainage by levees from a are year Barbara Court,Beltlmore,Maryland 21227-581Telephona 1-0D03bB-8816. Flood. NOTE; The coordinate system used for the production of this Flood Paur- ance Rate Mep (FIRMI is UmVsraBI Transverse Memator011I North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27),Clarke 1888 spheroid. Corner coordinates shown on thOTHER AREAS e FIRM are in latitude and longitude referenced to the Universal Tmnaversa Mercator projection,NAD27. Differences In the datum and spherold used in the ZONE X Areas determined to be outside 500-year production of FIRMS for etljacent o county b may result a slight differences do floodplain. differences in map features a[ the county bountlarles. These dtferences do not affect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. ZONE O Areas in which flood hazards are undeter-mined. ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1829. These flood alevations must be compared to strution reg di ground elevations referenced to the same datum. For lnfum UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS" motion regarding u nvemlon between the tum of Geodetic Vertical Datum of deli and the North American addles Datum of 198e, contac[the Nationsl Geodetic Survey At theBrant following address: Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 National Geodetic Survey, NOAA Identified Idendfed ProtectedMO. se Silver Spring Metro Center 3 1983 1990 or Later 15 East-West Highway 1991 or Lamr Silver Spring, Maryland 2091D damfl d (3m)713-3101 Coastal barrier areas are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were of Transportation In tl191tN format Hazard Areas. end .opyrighmd by the Naw yolk Smt. Department of NYSOT .N ImTI. The digtal ties were complied ata apse of 1photo0 from Users o This FIM Floodplain Boundary quadrangle maps and Now using aerial photography. Users of this FIRM should be aware that minor adjustments may have been made to specific road —— — — — — — Floodway Boundary IccaOons: - Zone D Boundary Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard Zones, and Boundary Dividing Area of Dif- ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within Special Flood Hazard Zones. —513— Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation in Fee&' Town 360813 of Southold " ^A Cross Section Line (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform Within Zone'+ RM7X Elevation Reference Mark BMI River Mile *"Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical DaNm of 1929 be MAP REPOSITORY co co _r Referto Repository Listing on Map Index Ea w ro Ea Z w a EFFECTIVE ETCOUNTYWIDE to INSURANCE RATEAP a O MAY 4,1998 to O EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISION(SITO THIS PANEL Ruislip Use FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective date shown on this map to delthermne when actuarial rates apply to structures In the zones where Slow- done ordepths have been established. To determine If flood Insure... is avallebl. in this community, contact your insurance e9ent ar call the National Flood Insurance Pmgmm at(BO0)63B-4620. LONG ISLAND SOUND Q APPROXIMATE SCALE 800 0 600. FEET I ® NATIONAL FL000 INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK (ALL JURISDICTIONS) ZONE COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS EL 1411 APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NOVO }:y PANEL 86 OF 1026 EL 131 S, •Crlenf_' (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED x 3 t 42 l Point' CONTAINS, • 1 xts ✓' COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFRX SOUND VIEW RDS .�� - 3, n ° souwom.Towfl of amsis ease e NDxrH SEA DRQ 'O„`''E 4E�/ ZONE )')11 L I- r ZONE X `" N ZONE X f J /7Va, pWM )slAN01n v m; I\.J7 / Va / ec tzL GARDDVERS BAY Town of Southold NOW m taro ran MAP NUMBED eh—,aacw on,M W E 5 'Q f hen Plecln p oNen hs C.MMUNRY NUMBER shown 360813 :b"—muhury I� nn Ina�w.e„nllurle.,re .n,l..r ZONE AE i MAP NUMBER fEL 1pj i zAEO AE , 41009' 22.51- 9I°09'22.5" 3 MAY 4, ATE ZONE X ZONE X - IEL s) ..... . '� ' JOINS PANEL 0088 72° 13' 07.5" o.°" "^qe EFFECTIVE DATE: 72° 15'00" a 998 A� Federal Emergency Management Agency