HomeMy WebLinkAbout085 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for use in edminlatenng the National Flood Insurance Program; It does not necessarily identify alea l ars subject to flooding,Particularly 30" BY 100.YEAR FLOOD cularly from local SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED drainage sources of small size, or all planlmetric features outside Spacial Flood Hazard Areas. The o.mmunity map repository should be consulted far 41° S'00" ZONE A No hale flood elevations determined. possible updated flood hazard Information prior to use of this map for property pumhm. or construction purposes. ZONE AE Base floodeevations eterm ne . Coastal base flood elevations apply only landward V ITO' Nm.ml Geodrti etic Vertical 12- I I' IS" of Datum of IBM INGVDI,and include the effects of wave action;these elevations 41 Is 15' 00" S/ ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 ponding); haze flood 3 feet(usually areasd elevations determined . may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet arsually sheet Service for hurtioane evacuation planning. Arms of spacial flood hazard 110.-year flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,AO,A99, // Flow on sloping terrain); average depths determined.For areas of alluvial fan Bonding, V,and VE Certain areas not In Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood velocities also determined. control a n"Fores. PPN / / ZONE A99 Fe be good pro from 100-year flood by Boundaries of the floodways were computed a[cross sections anti Irrteroola[etl BOVNp p p Federal Flood protection system under con- between cross sections.The werefloodcys were basad on ctionslic dconsiderationstorated S1 Town Town of Southold mined. ; no haze flood elevations deter- with regard to requirements of the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency. mined. // / 360813 ZONE V Coastal Flood with velocity hazard (wave action); no base flood elevations determined. Floodwey widths In some areas may he too narrow to show to scale,flcodwey widths are provided in the Flood Insurance Study Report Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data available.The / / ZONE VE Coastal Flood with velocity hazard (wave anion); base flood levations determined. user should contact appropriate community officials to verify the corporate limit / e delineations shown on this map. For community map revislon history prior to countywide mapping,see section 6.0 / FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE ofthe Flood Insurance Study Repan. / OTHER FLOOD AREAS For eelmep panels as separately printed Map Index. ?�{ I ;.� DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILRY: Digital Hies containing the thematic Roodpleln Information shown on these maps are published by the Formal Emergency ZONE X or of 500-year flood; areas square mile; Management Agency In DLG-3 Optional format on CO-HOM.Requests for data Bood with average depths of les than 1 foot should Include the full name of the community .,county and the Flood or with drainage ed bless than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levee from 100-year p. Insurance Rale Map panel numbers covered by the raquesL Contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Center,6730 Santa o0 Barbara Court,Baltimore,Maryland 212275832.Telephone 1-600 68-9616. NOTE: Th. nom prate system used for the protlucdon of this Flood Imur- OTHER AREAS an.. Rate Map (FIRM)Is Universal Transverse Mercatoraff-MI, North American ZONE X /yeas determined to be outside 500-year Datum of 1927 ill Clarke 1866 spheroid, Corner coordinates shown an floodplain. the FIRM are in latitude and longitude referenced to the Universal Tpreverae ZONED Areas In which flood hazards undeter- Mercator projection,NAD27, Differences In the datum and spheroid used In the are production of MRMs for adjacent counties may result In slight positional differences In map features at the county boundaries. These differences do mine . net affect the accuracy of the Intonation shown on the FIRM. UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS* ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are mfem,md to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. These flood elevations must he compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the some datum. For lnfor- ® �\ motion regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, contact the National Geodetic Survey atth. following address: Identified Idendl erwise 1983 1990 or Later Protected Areas Identified Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 1991 or Later National Geodetic Survey, NOAA Silver Spring Metro Center 3 •Coeacar barde,mm are normally located within or.djecant t. Special Flood 1315 East-West Highway Hazard Areas. Suver Spring, Maryland 29910 (301)713-3191 Fl.cu laln Boundary BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were pmvlded In digital format _ _ and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOTT The di91tal flies were complied at a scale of 1;24,000 from NYSDOT ZFminute — — — _ Roadway Boundary quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography. Users of this FIRM should be aware that minor adjustments may have been made to specific road - Zone D Boundary locations, Boundary Dividin Special Flood Hazard I` Zones, and Boundary Chiding Areas of OIL intent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within Special Flood Hazard Zones. —513---^- Sam Flood Elevation Line; Elevation in FeeP° UJf Cross Section Line (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform Within Zonae"' RM7 X Elevation Reference Mark •M1.5 River Mile "Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 a MAP REPOSITORY ED Roberto Repository Listing an Map Index Z a EFFECDVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE Po w FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 0 J MAY 4.1998 w Z d EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISION(S)TO THIS PANEL Z O Persian the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective date shown on this map to determine when actuarial rates apply to structures In the zones where slava tions or depths have been estabil.had. To determine if flood Insurance is available in this community, contact your insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at(8001638-6620. ' 4 APPROXIMATE SCALE 1000 0 1000 FEET ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK (ALL JURISDICTIONS) Town of Southold 360813 PANEL 85 OF 1026 LONG ISLAND SOUND (SEE MAP INDEXFOR PANES NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS: I COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX soumoLD.TOWN or Same Doss o COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS East APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NOW _ Point BLOCK ISLAND SOUND so.. be used NPT .is useels l e ed NaMeEN s ea eade erraN 1,- I leelnp ap coss INe COMMUNITY NOMass shown ehsVe spsulE be used ss M1UNense appllmrlmu IsrlLe sables[ ior. xe MAP NUMBER .= EL 1a1 3610300085 G ZONE 41° I1' 15° PLUM 72°07.30" EFFECTIVE BATE: a salvo ° 9 zoNe x sows PANEL DDsS MAY 4,1998 72° 11' IS" Federal Emergency Management Agency