HomeMy WebLinkAbout069 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for use In adminlstsring the National Flood Insurance Program: it SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED does not necessarily Identify all areas subject to flooding,particularly from local drainage sources of small size. or all planlmetuc features outside Special 72° 15' 00" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD Flood Hazard Areas. The community map repository should be consulted for 41°09'22.5" possible updated flood hazard Infmmadds prior to use of this map for property JOINS PANEL 0067 - »:_. M PppO ZONE A No base Flood elevatlons determined. purchase orconstmctlon purposes. P, Coastal base flood elevations apply only landward of D.0' National Geodetic Vertical72° 16' 52.5" NORTH ZONE X i Y, F p ZONE AE Base flood elevations determined. Datum of 1929 INGVD),and Induce the effects of wave Nation;these elevatlons 41°09' 22.5" `'\ LONG ISLAND SOUND SEA ROADlEt nP ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 to 3 fee[(usually at.of may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Woodman i �i,v"r• tyro i N parading); base flood Elevations determined. P.M.. far hurricane Evecuetlon planning. �, COASTAL DOSE FLOOD ELEVAi1ONS ZONE X APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NOVO 2 ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet - [ P Areas of special flood hazard (100-year flood(include Zonas A,AE,AN,A0,A99, IN �\ _ T- rA .pN flow on sloping terrain); average depths V,and VE \� \\� - r" YPY' determined.For areas of alluvial an Bonding. -'\ PETTVS BIGHT mo velocities also cetenalned. Certain areas not In Speclel Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood ZONE ti - .._. .- ^an„ to cmdrol Structures. - x �y \`'�, Z4�SEn 4`E ZONE A99 To he protected from 700.year, Flood 6y �'N. ON: - /� l' Federal flood Protection system undercon- Boundaries of the Roadways were computed Stripes sections and Interpolated / `_�� `. � I, I �, I 61i �_----' Town Of Southold `z�. c struction; no base Flood elevatlons deter- between cress smtords The floodways were based an hydraulic considerations '`I _ 'P` pmF2, mined. with regale to requirements ofthe Federal Emergency Management Agency, / ���_" __,� 360813 ZONE X y Ve ZONE V Coastal Flood with velocity hazard (wave Floodway widths In some areas may be too narrow to show to scale.Roadway ZONE 5 ZONE X optical; no base flood devatimo determined. widths are provided in the Rood Insurance Study Repan. ZONE ME AECor � to JI LEL 111 Lear should limits shown on this map are booed an the bask dere eva[lable.The The OP` ZONE VE Coastal Flood with lavabo hazard (wave Lear should confect appropriate community officials to vadN the coryorate limit \ 0.pE� � action); haze flood elevations determined. delineations shown an this map, pNP ` ZONE x Porto Flood I map on Stu yhistoryRep ptlar to countrywide mapping sea section 6.0 1 ZONE X Ovq FLOODWAV AREAS IN ZONE AE of the Flood Inaurenca Study fleport. \\\,\ -70 INE AE -�\ „ Foradjoining map Panels see separately printed Map Index. HAI II �, _ - LI ;AEE a,,av rte\, \ OTHER FLOOD AREAS DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY: Dlghal files Containing the thematic floodplain - -\ys y �a ZONE X Ar of 500.year Flood; areas of 700-year Information shown an these maps era published by the Federal Emergency v, \� ,\. \, flood with averzge depths of less than 7 foot Management Agency in DEG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for data - `-�\ \\ \ or with drainage areas les than 1 square mile; should Include the full name of the community or county and the Rood O u \ ZONE X \, \ \ and areas protected by levees from 100-year Insurance Rata Map panel numbers covered by the request. Contact the flood. Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Center.6730 Santa Barbera Court,Baltimore,Maryland 21227-6 9 3 2.Telephone 1-Ba"Sg_9616. DLO 25 NOTE: The coordinate system used forth• production ofthis Flood Insur- OTHER AREAS once Rate Map (FIRM)IS Universal Transverse Mercator(UTMI, North American \''I RO „ Datum of 1927 NADDI,Clarke iB66 spheroid, Comer coordinates shown on1 � _ \ ZONE X Areas determined to be outside 500-year the FIRM are in lethal. and longitude referenced to the Universal Transverse \ \ .`s. Floodplain. Mercator projection NAD27. Differences in the datum and spheroid used in the production of FIRMS for adjacent countles may result In slight Positional \ \ ZONE D Areas In which Flood hazards are undeter- difimmnces In map featse features at the county boundaries. Thedifferences do .k ' tea -\ \ not affect the accuracy of the information shown on the FIRM. _ \ mined. ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the National \ \ UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS" ZONE X Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 These flood elevations must be Compared .\ '� ZONE AE \\ \,.. to sauctue and graund elevations referenced to the some tlem For lnPor L, _. ` ® \ \ motion regarding convemlon between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum r- \ of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 19%, conraetthe National Geodetic Survey atthe following address S. \ Identified Identified Otherwise Vertical Network Branch, N/CGi3 1983 1990 or Later Protected Areas National Geodmlc Survey, NDAA - Identified \ 1991 or Later Silver Spring Metro Center 3 ( ` \ , \ ` 1316 East West Highway iw _ �'�-,� 1 ,�\' \ ` t\ P\ •Coastal barrier areas ere normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Slivm Spring. Maryland 20910 ?, /` \ �\ (301)7113191 - (/f /'..} rva..4. \ \\ \ \�'. Hazard Areas, BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were pr vldod in digital format t3 'Zq' Al- / I t1P11\ ` \\ \ \\ \\ \\ ` ♦ Floodplain Boundary and copyrighted b the New York State Department of Transportation INYSDOT). i PJ@F L D9a. \� , h,lj'� `\/ , ']6i, ;-1E �-- ` ` t \ \\ \\ \'`\ l \\\ \ \\ \ \ - - - - - - - Roadway Boundary PWg Y P P :�- IN The fighal files Were Compiled at a scale of 1:24P00 from NYSDOT Z5-minute / \ Z m \ \, quadrangle maps and updated using zonal photography. Users of this FIRM \_ ; \'�. � LL 9! j.'� _ \ \\ \ `+ ♦,� \ \ \ •\\ \ -1a - -- Zone O Boundary should be aware that minor adjustments may have been made to speclfic road — \ ] I \ locations. v� I I V V V \ \ \ If3FN INE t \ \ \ \ `I [T Gw'1�q \ Bound Dividing Special Flood Hazard •_�� T�SSE cbnsZRe Mph iGR �'GEf�tL� \ '\- '\ ark g P \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ♦\e Zonas, and Boundary Dividing Areas of imi COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND \ ; �\ \` \ \\ `\ \ \` \ Special Coastal Base Flood Ele ration Wi hie \ \ \ \\ \ \ /\`` `,\ \ \ \,\ Special Flood Hazard Zones. 10-01-83 Coastal Barrier ' A \ \A A`�\ V' \A\ \T' VA, VVA- VA_ - _513— Base Flood Elevation tine; Elevation In Feet** FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STNEWLY BUILT OR OCTOBER SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR OFFER OCTOBER 1, 1993. IN OESIG- \ NATEO COASTAL BARRIERS. - \�� �\ \\ \ \ \ \\ Cros Section Line 3.' = xaj L= ;;c ,; -x f „�.,.u•', :s` .»,, ._ ®_..a.,,.a.. ';', ....._k.' x. _ ._'- 3r .= A A V AVS \A\ .,Yy` n Base Flood Elevation in FeetWhere Uniform 11-16-90 Coastal Barrier SAV� .. \ ,VVA \ \A VSA\ \ LEL sal Within Zone** ° \ :\ \ \ \�: \\ \\' \\\ , \ `. \ \\. RM7 X Elevation Reference Mark FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUR- STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,1990, - \\ '. \\ \\ \!^� \\y,\ \\ \ \ �` \\' �` \ •mils River Mile IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. -\ SVT �T A VV l \ \- ®\N \ *•Referenced to the National Geodetic Ventral Datum of 1929 \ 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area \ S,. \� .\ \\ \ \ \� Imm MAP REPOSITORY INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT \ \ FF C\\ \ \/ \ \ } \„ to OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER ifi, 1991 \ <I �''''� \J\\ \\ \ O Raferto Repository Listing on Map Index NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE >\\ J OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. A, A\ A \ Z No \_..A \A':, k V A , - A V A ` \A' \\ + a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE o p 11-15-93 Coasml Barrier :1z - - 1` \ \ \ \ \ " \. QT z \g `C \ \ ` \\ \ \ m FLOOD INSURANCE PATE MAP w - ` \ `., \ \ \ \\\`' '`, \ \ O MAY 4,men FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 SUB- Z r \` \ \ g STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15,1993, \\. \\ \ \ 3`' IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS ot \ \^ EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISIONiS)TO THIS PANEL 11-15-93 Otherwise Protected Area FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15, 1993,- `` \ \ \\ ,\. \�"\71'td.eVlt\1\ \\ \ \ \\' \'\ \ \ \\ \ \ - ` � {rs\ ♦ •\ ytn\ 1 NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE \ \ 'z\ \\ \ `� \ \ \ \� �\ 1k\^§ _\ �� r OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. \\ tl:. \ L., r ,�.. '\ Tgt :\ \` . \ \ \ \ \ A. \, ; i \ v A ,),4111v V` v V v` \'" y vvVA \A _'V i VA, \ \A VA vA \�1pIF \4 \ \ \ ♦ \ \ \ \ \ P. t s :...w \\. \4 \. \\ \ \ \ \ ~ 02-24-97 Coastal Barrierin FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEIN CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- `\` \l' `\ \ ` \ ` \ N, \ '♦ \, Referto the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effectlya data shown on this map to STANTIALLV IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24. 1997, Idk1 T(\1�,r{;'G. \ . .` \ \ \ \` \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 determine when actuarial rates apply to structures In the zones where eleva- IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. \ \ ,\n \ \ \ \ ` `. \ \ \ \ \ \' \ "-0y: If \3°•\7- \\ tions or depths have been established. \\ \ ' \ \ '\ \ \ '' \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ ` ^. \ \ J \ \ \l \\ \ To determine If flood Insurance Is available In this Community, contact our �\ \ �,, \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ - \ \ _\ \\ v \ \ \ \ .\ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ \,- \. `\ \ \ \ '\\ _ , \�\\\\ : \ \\\\ ` Insurance agent or Dell the National Flood Insurance Program at 10001638-6620. Commerris or cancans regarding Coastal Bomar Resources System \ \ \ `' `\ \ or... should be dinectad to the Coastal Bomar Coordinator at the \\ .. 'A \ ' \" \` \ A, \ \ ' U.S. Pith and Wildlife Service; (413)253-8614. V ` 'v A ` v v ` V A ` \ v - : ? \ yA v , A A �� 71 Pf. I( 1 . .•- A `., AA `' '\.0 a, A A \ V A A V A V A`, A v ♦ `', A A A v v A A \ Z \ A' v v V` V . A v A v � A I u1 A ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS ` \ \ ` \ \ \ \ \`� \ ` \\ ^\ \ \` \ \`- ` '\ \\ \\ \ '\\ \ APPROXIMATE SCALE REPERFNCE ELEVATION \ \\'. \\ \ \ \ \ `' \\ _ \\ - \\.\\" \ \ \ \\ \�\\ \'^ .v \\ \ \ .\ `\ \�\ =' 'C . \\\\ \ \ \ \\ \ 600 0 500 FEET MARS IN R.INGVDIt DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ . �^..a \ \ \ \\" fi'T\ 5 �\ � \ \\ � \` ` '` \\ \ \` \\ \ ` \�\.»;` �\`. \� �F`��m \ N \ .\\ \\ 8tl ll 6.73 scenderd dirk etmped B 325 1043 at in \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\` \ _ ` q \\ \\ •,, \\' FI�� R\ m!\ \`.. \ \ \v` \ ` \ \ \ t cantata c m , \ \' \ \\ \ ,\\ `\\ \ .M. G \> d \ \ \ \ 'f,,,,` 'Fm .\ \ \ \ `\\`' \1\ \ 4\ \\ \ \ \\\ h \\ \ ,:. \ \ \\ \\\\ \ \\ \i GARDINERS mP o Poe E-Je.c s 0.4 foot \ \. \ \ \ \ \ \ "'\ ,\ \ \ \, \ ' BAY .hove grotrd, located ,PPrnnfmataly 1.4 \\ \ \ \ �. e\ \ \ \ `. \ \ \` \ _ \ milCB vactFeee[ aloOB 5[nCe Haute 25 \ \\ \\. \\... \ \\\ \ } \ \ \.. \\ \ \_`.. \ \ \ \\ \\ \ ,\\' \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \` �\ \,\ \ \\ Eton f at.t.cmat vine nam rotate, A. \\ \ \ \\ \ .\ ' \,` . .. \ \ \ b \ \` \ \ _ '\ \ \ ♦ \ .. \ \ \ \ \ \.: \ ePPeoxfmntely 40 feet eat[ of emoeYllso ., '\ \ 'v \ \ \, \ , _ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \/f\ I f rAwo. toed, apponume[ely 27 feet \. \\ \. .,\\ \ \ \� \. \ \ \ � \\..:. . \\ \ \� \ v \. � \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ v \\' \,. \ \\ re ch of rom.tdfve of hishv.y. \ \ \ \ \ :\ \ > \ \ \ \ ' . \ \ .` ,\ \ ` . ` ? \ . \ ' \ ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM \ . \ \ \ ` \` \ ,\ \ - . \ \ \ '� \\ \\ .v\ \ \. \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ ..� \ ` \' �.., \\ . \_ \... _ ZONE AE Ra 12 x.90 Standard diek, mamped 8 325 1943 ova /\` . \ \ V\ '' ` ` \ \ A, ..\., \. 'N\ \\ \ \ \ \ .\ ` \`\\ \ \. \\ \ \\ \ \. \ `\ (EL 10) do 1n COP of c�wrevm Poe[ PrrJ cme S\ \, \\ , \ \ " \ \\ \� \\. \\\ \\''.. \ \ `` ti\ \ ♦ \ \\ \ `\,: \ '`' \ :� \ ` \ ` \\\ \ \\\ \\ `. \]\ \\ \ 1i.4 foot ,Lave d loeaved a ori \ ` metol, 2.5 NUL­ Leet alora sent. acute '. \ \ `.� \ \ \ \ � ♦ \ \ \ \ '\\ \ \ \ � \ \\', \ \�\ \ L, \\ \ � -. \\ \\ \ \ ` , 25, from intersection olch aefn eReet \ \ \' \ \'` \ �`/,'� e motheast earner of email c ,err, \ \ \ • \ \ \ ,\ \\ \ _ \ \ \\" / \_\ , \ \\ ` \ \\ \` \` \ . \ \\ ` \\ .� \ \\ \: a,pozoi •tel, 29.3 feet south of center \_ . \ ` \ ,• \ \ ^ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ '\ \\C \\ \\ I, \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ FIRM lice .f hi8lw.y. `. \. \ ` \ \\ \ \ \ \ ` \' \\ \\ ^ \ ' \ZO6`�r V2, \\ \' \>- A �, \ \\ \ \, \ \ \ \ \\ t, 1 aanaral ceoatcm vetucel moan of 1929 AN, \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ ` \ \\ \. . \IT t\fFl \. ` \ \ \ \ \ \ \\�.\` .\` \ lav - \ \ \ Mlw \ \\ \ \ \ ' `' FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP v N. v ' V" v A `' . ' vA' A .A��V `� ` VA/V ' VA VAA 4 ` AA V\ V� v' \A V�' A\ v v v v v v' v v v y -y yv A V . v ' v 'v' v v t> SUFFOLK COUNTY, y v v v v v v v• A v v v ` v v yv . v v�v '' y y vv y v v y VA A V ♦ s V . v`^ v v v . A V A A y o, v v,,, v \. AA X v ,.� A VA VA \A yV A\ \y'� a.c \ vv vv v U0 1�fA TWE v yv vv y o? ` ;` v A ` vNES NEW YORK Vv v v ' vv IOEN �9ti ;eA1 ,la ♦, v vA" vv ,.vv v A v „v yv ' A V� IV17t V _ v (ALL JURISDICTIONS) v . A v . v v A v?sR��?As,AL smPRI�a._fejars } \ , AA y A V A v •, .O� V A VA, V, v ,\A V v �A \ •A A V A V V ` V A IA V A ` . A A - V A A \ �l q\ V A. A A A V A A \: \ \ \ \ \ A . V A V A \ A vA \A L A V A A�b,1[,j��\[fj�,.\1Ci` A VA ,'` ` A V COASTAL RASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS \ vA V A V ` V A A V A V ` A' ` VA ♦ A `V \ yA V APPLY ONLY LANOWARO OF OO NGVD v v v v v �'�v v v ` / v v, � yti v v v vv PANEL 69 OF 1026 ♦, \ \ \ ,\ (SEE MAP INDEX FON PANELS NOT PRINTED) `Av \A ` y\ \A.AA Av yAN V A VA VA . ^\ VAVA. A`V, VA , ' cV`` CONTAINS: A. v ` \ V V A V A V` V O A \ .A VA \ `. \` . \ \ \ \'- \ \ \. \ '\ \\. \ \ �\ \ \ \� - \. 1 \ \ \; , COMMON NUMBER PANEL SUFRX VAV. Av V yA vAA A' V A A v\ V A \ V A, A , V \ —lT \ �. .. \ , 4\ \\ \\ \ : \":\ . \ \�\ \� `.\ .,\ \` \```�\ \ \ \ :.�\\ apuwutn,7owN OF senna saw D VA vVc \ Vv ,A .A .vA V v �v �\ V♦ '\ Vv .A VA V A \ V" V -. A A \A VA \ �8v[�VSOINT\ \\\\\ \ \\ \\\ \ ` \\\ \ \\ *\; Town of Southold RNER RESOURCES THIS MAP INCaExtratd APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES an AL \\ \\ \\\` `\\ \ !\\♦ ♦ Lv,\\ \�\\\ ` .S� \\ \A, ..r 360813 CCAEXWISEAmaTECIEO AREAS ESrAh Ibl1E0 UNDER TIE CaperAL BARRIER IMPROVEMENT ACT OF Rea IPL jai-be16 \ \\ \\:`\ v NMI"11 US-Tho MAP ROVER M-1 MIMV Mould M Mad when Fhdn map Muse lnEa COMMpNmne UMForrte euNam g v A V A A VA V A A A �. \ v .fievo e�l de area ua \ m MAP NUMBER \4 ;\` \\ \\ \\\ ` \ ` 36103CO069 G \\ .\. 41°07' 30, A, \. .\\ 72. 15' 00" M "+k JOINS PANEL O1e2 °e, e EFFECTIVE DATE � MAY 4, 1996 � 41 07 30 7. Ib 5'. 5 [Federal Emergency Management Agency