HomeMy WebLinkAbout068 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance Program; It does nnecessarily identify all areas subject to flooding,perticulady from Ideal SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED ot drainage sources channel size, or all Daniel features outside Special 12° 16' S2.5" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD Flood Hazard Areas. The cdmmuniry map repository should be consulted for 41.0a' 22.5" ZONE A No base Flood elevations determined. possible updated flood hazard information prior to use of this map for property JOINS PANEL 0066 purchase or construction purposes. ZONE AE Base flood elevations dedermind. 2° 18'7ISLAND " Doestal base flood emotions D, apply only landward of DA' action: thesGeoe tic Verticaelevators Datum of 1929 (NGVD,end Include the effects of wave action; these elevations 41°09' 22.5" ZONE AN Foo depths o( 1 m 3 feet(usually areas of pending); haze Flood elevations determined. may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather - Servlce for hurticana avevuedoh planning. ZONE AO Flood depths in 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet -;i flow on sloping terrain); average depths Areae of.pedal flood hazard IID0.year tloddl include Zones A.AE,AH,A0,A99, determined.For areas of zllwial fan Bonding V,and VE. � velocities also determined. Certain areas notin Special Flood Hazard Areas may be pmteRed by IloodZONE A99 To be protected hem 100.year Rood by control stm.tUmdu 3� t Federal flood protemon system under mn- Boundaries of the floodwaye were computed at cross sections end interpolated pmined.n; no base flood elevationsdetr- between cross sections.The floodweys were based an hydraul c considerations x ZONE Xmined.with regard la requirements ofthe Federal Emergency Management Agency. p,FL000 ELEVATIONS At ZONE V Coastal Flood with Veodty hazard (wave FloodWey widths In some areae may be too narrow td show to scale.RaodwayANDWARD OF 0.0 NGVO _ �` -� no base flood elevations determined. widths are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Report6 .Non);oP'ai v Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the bast date available.The 2 Ra J4MZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave user should contact appropriate community officials to verify the comorate limitanion); haze Flood elevations determined. dellm add.de shown on this mep. UND For commu by map revision history prior to countywide mapping,see section 6D FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE of the Flood Insurance Study Report, k Formol lning map panels see separately printed Map Index, ZONE X w OTHER FLOOD AREAS DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY: Digital files containing the trail a[le floodplain =y„i - ZONE % Areas of 500-year Flood; areas of 100-year information shown on these maps are published by Use Federal Emergency Management Agency in DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM,Requests for data ZONE AE z i:$i+m-" or wifloodth with average depths of less than 1 foot should Include the full name of the community or county and the Flood (EL 111 a or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; , r ° and areas protected by levees from 100-year Insurance Rate Map panel numbers covered by the request. Contact the .+ Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Center,6730 Santa s -p�3,fg. - Bood. Barbara COun,Baltimore,Maryland 21227-5832.151... ITBO 358-9816. _ t F X NOTE: The coordinate system used forthe production of this Flood Insur- z 0�9q RM B a $ x )c;x OTHER AREAS once Rata Map IFIRMIis Universal Transverse Mercator LTM), North Amerlaen O 1 f 'x Oatum of 1927 INAD27L Clarke 1866 sphemid, Comer coordinates shown on F(gry PDo9 '^ ZONE X Areas determined m be outside 500-year the FIRM are In latitude and longitude referenced m the Universal Transverse - F ze Floodplain. Mercator projector,NAW]. Olfferences In the datum and sphered used In the / Wt F.�_ Mercatorproductip of FIRMS for DIff.mnt . In the may result in slight positionalZONE X vNdN L 3s ! ' '*+ - ZONED Areas in which flood hazards are undefer- dlfferences in map features at the county boundaries. These differences do t 1 rr mined. not affect the accuracy of the Informatlon shown on the FIRM. r-•. f UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the National �F Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, These tloetl elevations must be compered to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same demm� For infer- \\ \ ®' motion regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum .POINT of deli and the North American Venial Datum of 1988, confect[he National \ Of \\\\ Identified Identified Otherwise Geodetic Survey at the following address: ¢ Oq/OTS 1983 1990 or later PromptedAreas Vertical Network Branch N/CG13 ZONE VE { _ffi 1991 or Later National ing Mao Survey, N3 > \` IEL q0 hI Silver Spring Metro banter 3 .-.1 ZONe: YE o •Coastal realer arses are normally looted within or atllacenf to Spacial Flood 1316 EasEWes[HIghWBY --�,_.,� _ Sliver Spring. Maryland 20MG ZONE AE fl 12; ZN \. a HazeM Areas. 13at19t3at91 ZONE AE nil \ - LEL 10) �; .1 Floodplain Boundary BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features Were pmvlded In digital format 1VUNN ZONE ZONE X \ and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Transportation INYSDOTI, nE �^ \ The digital files were compllad at a scale of 1:24,000 from NYSOOT 7.6-minute LEL i1) ZONE AE \� —- Floodway Boundary quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography, Users afthe FIRM LEL 10) ¢ - should be aware that minor adjustments may have been made to specific road ee Zone D Boundary locations. g e Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND LA ZONE X Town of Southold Zones, and BDnndary Dividing Areas of Dim s ZONE X X 360813 -� .`x t s ri Special Coastal Base Flood Elevatlom Within MAPLE RM 9 'tY �9 t�1 i Special Flood Hazard Zones. 10-09-83 Coastal Barrierors,.. ® FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT OR ZONE X \ ;: ^^^^513'^^ Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation In Feet•• SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1983, IN DESIG- NATED COASTAL BARRIERS, BIRD RD ¢ �r ST�\ M4N \/\11 ° \ LEL 987) Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform 11-16-90 Coastal Barrier " \ \ \ ROgp \1 ZONE AE El.vWitIn Zane•• FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- �q� \ \ \ �)` LEL 91 RM7% Elevation Reference Mark STANTIALLV IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,1990, \ 45 \ •M1.6 River Mile \ �\ \ i" IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. \, �{'t s AlE ��\\\^� 9p ZON&,AE � x, \ . '•Referenced m the National Geodetic Vertical Damm of 1929 ZONE X tE<81 \\ \ v 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area2� VA MAP REPOSITORY FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT •-'\�!'C \ v \ \ \ `� Refer to Repository Listing on Map Index OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 18, 1991,- NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE \V �\-GA�A .A A' IE s) -g / \ i�-^l listo OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. \ \ —`� \ \�` EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE - �A \ A A� ZONE X c ao �` V� o FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 11-15-93 Coastal Barrier \V EA 0 3 206A4 li A �` �` z MAY a,19ee \ \ V \ \ \\ \ FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- I \\a\ d STANTALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15,1993, �� h 5 ` d9YH� ` q ul V A c v \. A \ e r n¢Ss A �� A \ �A .� m EFFECTIVE DATES)OF REVISION(SITO THIS PANEL IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. m \L ,Yg \ Ik1911 , \\ \° \ 0 ": su E1-15-93 Otherwise Protected Area FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEV _y BUILT \ `ti P T 'g'ter' } t \` \c ip' \ t\�-.� COASTAL BARRIER OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1993,- ° \\\ \\ \ \ ORCHggp S'xfx Cdpf r sex ` s piyxo \� \ ""} \ ' \ IDENTIFIED 11-15-93 \,eV A V A \'� ST y0 - ->=ys-fpr=w --# r Ste `= ' `�� AA VAV ISEE COASTAL BARRIER NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE \ \�°\\ hpp.+\�\\ OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. 1jV LEGEND) 02-24-97 Coastal Barrier \\\\\\ \N'R, .� vFFF xa - \ \ \ T ZONE REO. #tP w=<m 4eesTZr '.1 1: \• \ ° ° x bG - \ Refer i the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP structures data shown on this map to FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION O2 SUB- \ ^ F..A a..t'E 1 7 \ �\ STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24, 1997, \ z : a determine when actuarial rates apply m e[racmres In the zones where eleva- IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. \ v l _ ruI 1 /�� \ VA V on ordepths have the l d 1 )B3B-6B2o Ina' f M V\ til s depth b y hestablished. ?a 4 em�' d� TO determine If flood Insurance IS ..liable In this community, contact your \ \\ � ` , \\ Insurance agent or colt a .tone Foo rsurance Program at 800 U Comments or concams regarding Ceostal Barrier Resources System :n - oreas should be directed to the Coastal Barrier Coordino or at the i \ \ a `�\+ �A V U.5. Fish and Wildlife Service; (413) 253-8614. - f \ / �~ R \\ \\ \l\K \ -%IIh`I II(T r 'y d ,. OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREA -- \1CA ZONE X \\pL \\\ IDENTIFIED 11-16-91 \ `\ (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) .,�rvYs ZONE : . "� t �j\V ° X i Levu• .. R. \9 ^ \�A� \�A \ �\\. APPROXIMATE SCALE ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS � . z +" A �; v VAA ` A v V SgD B boa FEET 'F s ZONE AE 'v� VA V \ :4(rn �' V A \ REFERENCE ELEVATION Z (EL 101VA �� MARK IN Fr.ITION DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION \ ZONE PN a 11.13 stair stamped s 372 1956 totems approxi I P`�• \ \.\ \ \ \ \ \ i U•'C �✓ \ mately 1 m11e ..at a oa, State Bocce 25 Ecom far....trade vlth Mahn Better. ac I / /' \ \ \ x road Susof toad le.ddng norch- ZONE X \ \'\. - n ria. to a,etare wdie highway, Av v v* v v ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM .at fa t^P .f:wtliaea[ teatlaall. tP- A \t V`: A roe�aral, Is feet South of ceaternne /4i noWE s1 ZONE T �1 ' vt�� v �. y Vj t. try v v of hoghvay. R!1 9 20.75 Disk etmped T 325 1943, approximately AE S� �/ / A V \ �� E feet above level of higMaY. set is A, rFgq LEL 9 tap of ...urea poet Pmi.armg 9 fncbee, Joshed epproxlmately 0.3 mole '` C \ �L "�" �� iaeo- —_.,. _ FIN amt along state Roan 25 from rote _— .� X V 5 A A a.o mdth e m street at T toad]mo— \ �\.. • V a., eppraxfmmtely 29 fear South of #.�` FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 5 center. of hoghnq .pptropetely 25 ORIENT HARBOR =�N AE w \ \ \ " \ \ f.ttarea[ of tenteclies of T road. \ti. \ \ 'kt \\\I\\ N1 10 6.02 OLk atmvped No. 3 1933, laaaMd appxax V 4 L It'p" \ \\ \ \ \\~, \ \`.\\\ \\ \. \ \\\ \. '\' SUFFOLK COUNTY, \.� V� \v \ . .VV (mately C.2 m11e South [long Mao Street '�. \ from .or hfftre alaHg road l..aing \ \ \ NEW YORK peat, epprozrmetely IB feet South of - \ ,}\. \ \ \ i la0 \�\\ \ \'\\r\\4-y\\\. \\�j\\\\ \\\\",,\\\\ centerline of road, tpprosime[ely 3 feet _,\ \ \\. \'\ \ a \�. \ \ \ \ \ \'\ JURISDICTIONS) .—taxi of Horton..[ and of ..moll, ALL net So so, of theater. ..me.11. \ .=� ' �•r N r t \ „ A _ \ \- ,\\�'�\\ \\\,\l\t \1i.\ \\ 1NacionSl Cead.[ic Vertical Datum of 1929 \\ \c\ \l' ... ...\, \\ \`\ y �\ \ \ \\\`\\��\`\\ \\�1� y\ \ \ PANEL 68 OF 1026 COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS \ APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NGVD \ \ \ \. \ \ \�' '` \ (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) , ZONE VE ',\ x\. ,�. -\\ x ,\. a\ 4 \ T;'& \\._ \\ \v ,\\ \a.�\ .\-�. \ \ CONTAINS: \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ `.t\- F\ < \'._ ,' \\ QVI1� \ COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL 3UFFI% \\ \ z\. .\.. ` .�\\\� \\^ \' \\\\'l, SOU ROLD,TOVM of 060013 Mose G N A A A V A A C lu A A \A \ V L\ \`. 711 N. x- ,�l` \\' y`1Y- \Y\. -NOTs. 11 1 THa MAP INCOflPOPATEs APPPOItIMgTE 9011NdAPIEs of \*\ \ \Qr•\S\\ \ t \ \ \ \\ '\ \. \\ �\ \ \ \ \�' \ .\�` \�" -\ '•'�> COASTAL aMPIEP RESOIIPCES sync UNITS AND/OP V V A A 'A A. A A \A V A A \ �\ \ A \ t. A �' OTHERVal PROTECTCD APESS STASLISRED UNDER THE \ \ \ \ : \ �\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \• \ \ _\• \\ •,( COASTAL aMflIER IMPROVEMENT AR OF 1. IPL 1aReart \ \ Na. Uai The MAP NUMBS a.,below zooid be wet \ A _ when phsnp .p o,deo the COMMUNITY NUMBS .hewn eneveunMWa he heed .. se eniox.O...far R.el vhLI ` �� \ lnRl�c5311��Ryvv �` w MAP NUMBER 36103CO068 G 72° 1E' 52.5" ,p'pe b� EFFECTIVE DATE �I JOINS PANEL 0181 ORIENT BEACH MAY 4, 1996 STATE PARK f 41.07' 30" 3 72° IB' 45" Federal Emergency Management Agency