HomeMy WebLinkAbout066 - - - - - LEGEND NOTES TO USERS This map Is for use In administering the National Flood Insoanoe Program; It SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED does not necessarily identlfy ell areas subject to Flooding,particularly From local dramage sources of small size, or all plamenstric features ounalde Spacial T2° I6' 5 t-1 BY 100-YEAR FLOOD A Flood Hazard Areas, The community map repository shoOd be consulted for 41° I' IS" ZONE A No base flood elevations determined. possible updated good hazard Information pdortc use ofthis map for property . ZONE AE Base flood elevations determine . purchase or construction purposes. 2° 18' 45" Coastal bele hood elevationsD) aapply only landward of National Geodetic Vertical ' " Datum of 1929 (NGVDI,and include the affects of wave action;these elevations 1° 1 1 15 ons ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 [0 3 feet(usually auras of pendi may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather Flood de base flood elevations feet dally s determined. Service for hurricane evacuation planning. ZONE AO Flood depths in 1 er 3 feet average sheet Flow on sloping terrain); average depths Areas of special flood hazard (100-year flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,AO,A99, V,.ntl VE. determine .For areaz . n flooding, vevelocities also determined. Contain areas not In Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood ZONE A99 To be pd p from 100-year flood y control suumures, Federal flood protection system under con- struction; no base flood con- struction; od eleva0ons defter- Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross section. and Improdatetl mined. between cross 3ectlons.The floodways were based an hydreullc considerations with regard to requirements of the Federal Emergency Mane gement Agency. ZONE V Coastal Flood with velocity hazard (wave action); no hese flood elevations determined. Floodway wldthe in some areas may he too narrow to show'. to scale.Floodway widths are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Report. ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave Composite limits shown on this map ere based an the beat tiara available The d. user should contact appropriate community offeiele to verlfy'the corporate limit action); ase floc elevations .[ermine delineations shown on this map, FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE For community map revision history prior to countywide mapping,see section 6.0 ofthe Flood Insurance Study Report Foradlolning map panels see separately printed Map Index. OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of SDo-yaflood; areas of 100-year DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY: Digital flies ..naming the thematic floodplain flood with averagee depths of less than 1 foot Information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; Management Agency In DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for data should Include the full name of the community orcounty and the Flood and areaz prote�ed by levees from 100-year Flood. Insurance Rate Map panel numbers covered by the request. Contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Center,6730 Santa Barbara Lend,BaWmom,Maryland 21227-683ZTelephom 1�900-35"616. OTHER AREASNOTE: The ..ordinate system used forth. production of this Flood Incur- ance Rete Map (FIRM)Is Universal Transverse Mercator Ur I. North American ZONE X Areas determined but he outside 500-year Datum of 1927 NAD27l,Clarke 1865 spheroid. Comer coordinates shown on Floodplain. the FIRM are in latitude and longitude referenced to the Universal Transverse ZONED Areas In which flood hazards are unde[er- Mercator projection,NAD27. Difference. in the datum and spheroid used In the mined. production of FIRM. for adjacent counties may result In slight positional differences in map features at the county boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of the Information shown on she FIRM. UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS ATTENTION: Flood elevation. an this map are referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. These flood elevations must he compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same datum. For infer- bristle, regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the Nortb American Vertical Datum of 1988; contact the National Identified Identified Otherwise Geodetic Survey at the following address: 7983 7990 or Lazar Ponspothad Areas Identified Vartica Network Branch, N/CG13 1991 or Later National Geodetic Survey, NOAA Silver Spring Metro Canter 3 'Coastal bamlerareas are normally located within or adjecentm Special Flood 1315 East-West Highway Hazard Areas. Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 (301)713-3191 Floodplain Boundary BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were provided In digital format _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Floo and copyrighted by the New York State Department of TransportNYSDOT6 dway Boundary ation The digital files were compiled ata scale of 1:24,000 from NYSDOT 7.5-minute ____ quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography. Users of this FIRM Zone D Boundary should be aware that minoradjustmants may have been made to specific road locations. Boundary Dlviding Spatial Flood Hazard Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Dif- ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within Special Flood Hazard Zones. --^573— Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation In Face' p p Cross Section Line (EL 987) Bus Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform Within Zone'- RM7X Elevation Reference Mark •WE River Mile **Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 Town of SoutholdMAP REPOSITORY o 3600O 13 o Reform Rep elbary Usdng on Map Ind. Ell Z • a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE V, FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP / Z MAY 4.1998 O EFFECTIVE DATEIS)OF REMSIONIS)TO THIS PANEL Refer to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective data shown on this map to determine when actuarial rates apply to structures In the zones where elava- tions ordepths have been established. To determine Hflood Insurance I. available In this community, commotyour Insurance agent or cell me National Flood Insurance Program et IBO01838-8820. 0� Y 4 APPROXIMATE SCALE rr 600 0 600 FEET ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM 1Sv__ YY FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP �O SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK (ALL JURISDICTIONS) PANEL 66 OF 1026 SEE MAP INOIX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX SOUIHOLpTeye of 3Wela she a COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NOVD ZONE VE FL 151 Nmlm ro U—The MAP NUM.Eq 3MMU below OoldMBE he trial vvh. . above 6 inti he notusetl ern Ina mnoe eppllceat ons�lor�ih, sublet MAP NUMBER Town of Southo It ZONE x 36103CO066 G 360813 41-09, 22.5" 2. 16. 52.5° EFFECTIVE DATE: ows PANEL ease MAY 4, 1998 �e 41 09' 22.5" ` +'T ,z° 1e' 45" Federal Emergency Management Agency