HomeMy WebLinkAbout508 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance Program: it does not necessarily Identlfy all areas subject no flooding,particularly from local SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED drainage sources of small size, or all plenlmetnd features outside Special Flood Hazard Areas. The community map repository Should be consumed for 72'24'22.5" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD possible updated flood hazard Information pdorto use of this map forproperty 40°58'07.5" purchase or construchon purposes, JOINS PANEL 0606 ZONE A No base flood elevations determined. Coastal hoc mood elevations apply only landward of 0.0' National Geodetic Vertical 72'26' 15" 1 ZONE AN Base flood elevadonsdeteRdm.d. Datum of INGVDand include the effects of wave action:these elevations 40°58'07.5" may also differlder significantly from those developed by the National Weather ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 o 3 fee[(usually areas of Service for muMcana svecuatlon planning. 60I ponding); base Flood elevations determined. Areas of apaclel flood hazard (100-year flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,AO,AN, ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet)usually sheet . l V,and VE. ow on sloping terrain); average depths determinedFor areas of alluviafan flooding Certain areae not In Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood velocities els. determined. comm) structures. ZONE A99 To be protected from 100--year flood by Boundaries afthe floodways were computed Sienese se.tlons and interpolated Federal flood protection system under Earn- between cross sactlons.The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations e4.ndon; no base flood elevations deter- who regard to requirements ofthe Feearal Emergency Management Agency, f' mined. Roadway widths In some arses may be too narrow to show to scale,Focal ZONE V Coastal Flood with Velocity hamrd Iwae. widths are provided in the Flood Insurance Study Report, FTTownld action); no base flood elevations determined. Condemns limits shown on this map are owed on the best data mallable.The user should contact appropdate community officials to verify the corporate I[net ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave delicateme shown on this map. actionl; base flood elevations determined. For community map revision history poor to coumywide mapping,see section 6,0 of[he Flood Insurance Study Report, FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE For adjoining map panels see sepamtely printed Mep Index. DIGITAL DATA AVAIWBILIW: Dlgdal files containing the thematic floodplain OTHER FLOOD AREAS information shown an these maps are published by the Federal Emergency ZONE X All of5OD-year flood; areas 01`100-year Management Agency In DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for date flood with average depths of less than 1 foot Should Include the full name of the community or county and the Flood Town of Southampton or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; Insurance Rate Map panel numbers covered by the request Contact the 365342 and areas pmteaed by levees from 100-year Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map SeNloe Center,6730 Santa flood. Barham Court,Baltimore,Maryland 21227-5832.Telephone 1-800-368-9616. NOTE: The Coconino system used forthe production of this Flood Insur- OTHER AREAS an.. Rete Map (FlRMI is Universal Transverse Mercator(UTML Nmth Advanced Datum of 1927 NAD27L Clerks USES spheroid. Corner coordinates shown on the FIRM are In Intel and longitude referenced to the Universal Transverse ZONE X Arses determined m be outside 500-year Medal prOieatipn,NAD27. Differences in the datum and sphamid used In the Floodplain. productlon of FIRMS for adjacent countess may result In slight positional ZONE D Areas In which flood hazards are undeter- differences in map features at the county boundaries. These differences do ml not affect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. OHO' ATTENTION: Flood alew4lons on this map are referenced to the National J'�� Q�O� UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, Thee flood elevations must be compared y0 to structure and ground elevations referenced to the some damn, For Inf., matron regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1989, comectthe National Geodetic Survey Births following address: O Ozl Identified Identifled Otherwise Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 1983 1990 or Later Protected Areas National Geodetic Survey, NOAH lop Identified Silver Spring Metro Center 3 1991 or Later 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Coastal beerier areas are normally located within or adjacent to Special Hood 1301)713-3191 Hazard Arses. BASE MAP SOURCE: Trampprtation features were proulmod in digltel format Floodplain Boundary and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Tmnspoltatiion INYSDOT), The digital files were complied at a scale of 1:24,000 from NYSDOT 7. - inuta ——— ——— — rkmdway Boundary quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography. Users of this FIRM should be aware that minor adlestments may have been made to specific road ____ Zone D Boundary Iocatlons. AZT Boundary Dividing Special Road Hazard BAY Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of i f - COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND C Sancti[ Coastal flue Flood Elevations Within 10-01-83 Coastal Barrier /yO�T T Spatial Flood Hazard Zones. FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT OR PE/`/' 1V 1 ^^�-^^513— Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation in Feet" SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1983, IN DESIG- NATED COASTAL BARRIERS. LITTLE Cross Section Une (EL 987) Base Flood Elevabon In Feet Where Uniform i1-16-90 Coastal Bonier Within Zero-- FLOOD one"FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCRON OR SUB- RM7 X Elevation Reference Mark STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,1990, IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. •M1.5 River Mile *'Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Dotum of 1929 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES -NEWLY BUILT be MAP REPOSITORY OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1991 toto NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE Refert. Repository Usting on Map Index OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. DATE OF w oCIE 1115-93 Coastal Barrier m EFFECTIVE to FLOOD INSl1RANCE RATE COUNTYWIDE FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- LL p MAY 410 STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15,1993, Q IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. Z \\\ EFFEC LVE DATEIS)OF REVISIONIST TO THIS PANEL 11-15-93 Otherwise Protected Area FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT COASTAL EASE ROOD ELEVATIONS OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15, 1993,- APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NOVD NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE \\ \ \ \ \.- OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS, 02-2497 Coastal Barrier FLOOD INSURANCE NOT TRADABLE FOR NEW AFTER FEBRUARY OR SUB— STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AF1FR FEBRUARY 24. 1997. �' \\ \\ \\ `•\ \`, '�_ ' , \\ Rai the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective data shown an this map to IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS, n \ \`,", 0 �; y\\ \\ \\ n ,\ detertnlne when actuarial rates apply to strur:tures In the zones where Slava- .E . \\ t "\ \> R�.. tions ordepths have been established, To\\` \\ ,.; \ \�= + r * .•.\ N\ \ \\ •v rsuraence algemfan Callthetihe InsuranceIs Floodsdo in InsurancelsProgramunat((800 ntact your 638E620. COASTAL EASE ROOD ELEVATIONS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -\ - .� N;y; \ \ e. APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF Bio NGVD - \ \ \ ` \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ �' \ \ \ i ° CammeNs or concerns regarding Coastal Barrier Resources Syztem -- - • , �\ \ \` \`LOPE v� \ �\ \ \ , 1\ \ \ \ \\ "\`• \ areas should be directed to the Coastal Barrier Coordinator at the ,( . \ \I U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; (413) 253-5614. \\ \\ \` .;r. . .. '.`.` . . \i\�\ \y"'\�\ \\\ \ \ UflnxT\\\ F� fi -\ .. .... .::r \ V` \�, \v \ T, �yA ' \ ZON11) v \T, \ \ \\ \ ZONE x \ \ \ \ \ \ � ,'` : Z, N\ \ APPROXIMATE SCALE ZONE AE ZONE 500 9 500 FEET F, Vv V A v s V A y v VA v \ A -`C+';`" � . \ \ \ \\ \ \ RL 91 x 'V A \ ` � v " � A VA ' VA> •. V MAY ST\AZ4NF V A A V AA v v V A IF.v1N1 VAA ZONEZONE x \ \ V V- V A� 'v A A. v� V v coVE A S A �. , A v ' V v ,.\ V A A ZONE x v v v�\ v � � v v v ,` ' v^ CREST RD ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM \\ \ \ ' ,ZONA \\\ \; �\• \\ ` \\ - \ \\ \ \� \ \ .\� \\ \ ZONE ZONE AE �, ZONE X �� -'(�lwvv � \ x v v AA �• VA \ ZONE: AE TEL 91 V \ A V a A v` v v, v AA �� \ \ ,� \ TEL RDI • \. ` \ > �' \ \ �' \ \F: \ \ \. \\ ZONE AE \ `. v • ` , AA V \A A `� V. . � ryDf A \\ V V A \ZONAE . TEL v yy v v� v) �.rV vvv '�(( v` v�` v v Esti � 91 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP yy � �vvv v vv v yvv �wr vv . v�� vv.yFv v` v � NDPIL 1 ¢a ¢A RD SUFFOLK COUNTY v.A \$?7N\6 X.:wA VA..,A� VA A�'1 v A V ��� �� •° VA \ZOPv1@ YeA�V �;y\ v im. ao�ea NEW YORK V V VA VA. AA"VA (ALL JURISDICTIONS) VA V Av VAA V v AAVA vv \ SAM �`v t Vv Vv \ V A ZONE X \ , A V AC %iST,�l @Aa�i rT \ V ' A A VA V A V A` V A qc V A VAhaor�N11N pan SEE OvA \ V 9 �� 'V VA ` \ \ \ \`. A� \ \� fSEE.0\39\� \PiA RIER ��GEN\b)\\ \\ a •\\\ • \\\ \ \Q \ � ZONE `' \` PANEL 508 OF 1026 NOYACK x \ \ T, \ \�A E RD (SEE MA. P INDEr( FOR PANELS. NOT_PR3INU TsE D I I }wn\ Vi\ \ \ v\ ZONE X CONTAINS COVE COMMUNITY NUMBER ANEL TI11, D1y( A RD AT, I � A AA SOUTHAMPTON TOWN OF aeSNx Ore.r ASTM - A A P V AA\ZO(11E \ AAA VA \ A \ v \ �A V -VA� �.BEev LE�$Nc�V \ ��N�A V soumoLo.TewH .F aeoas coca o V AA \ \YEL�01 ZONE °.\ . A A v A _ o �� A• . A A� f31x1$1< v1d11uA1�3t13, �V - \� V A \"•. \ Vv � A AVA VA V` s � :1� V v A V A ' \ \ V ...v A � A - V ' v A �A \ \ \\\ p \� \ \\ \\ \ \`\\ \ \ \\ GS4 \\\\til\ \" \` ,,\\ \ \ \\\\\ T, \ \ \ `b \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ _.�--K, \ \ \.� Z'rN\P1E, ` \ ` \ \ \ \ THIS COASTAL Ap IARRIER RESO APPROXIMATES EM BOUNDARIESND .F \ \ `\ �, \ \ \ \. \\ .,. \'\ \ ,[\ \ \ \ € \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ t^ \ OTFRMAeaanlEH nesouREAS STAIR EMTs AN.r.R \' \ \\ \ \ \ \\, J'E ' \ \ \ \\ \ �E'L 11 \, \ \ \ '\ ' \ .\ \\ COASTAL Ba PERlEEdr IMPROVEMEML ace.1 Iss, 11L rznmji �. . \ ZONEAE \ � \ \" \ \ , \ \` \ _�. L\ \. \ FISH \\ \ \` \ \ \\..\\ \ \\. \\ \ ICL 9i \\ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \\ ` \ `\\ \\ \ \ 4A/E fit \' \ COVE Nes, n User'.R,.MAE NUMBER snow, bamw, should M umd \ \. \ \ \ \ \ \ `\ XCTNtfi A \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ man amens men ord.o- E. roMMUNnr NuumR .hPwn \ above:ns, be uvea on Ineul.n„apps-ions who subpm ZONEX v . . y vA ' vy . vV•. v �,o mmpn vv v yv \ yv yv vvv y y. v v v y v y \ "V�. v v v v v v z aP� ' x v v ` \ \ \ \ \ t \ \ \ \ \` \ \ \ ` 1 \ \ MAP NUMBER V A AA A \ . A \A \ v \VA ZONEiHAE \ V " V `0 \ V A vv v \A A ZONE AE v v � v v v � \\ v v v „ v v � v =L a 3610300508 6 \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ �, �\\\\\\ \\.\ \ \\ \ .- 40°56' 15" pax v \ v v v v v v JOINS PANEL oble z z4' zz.s" EFFECTIVE DATE: 40.56' 15" i MAY 4, 1998 72'26' 15" as Federal Emergency Management Agency