HomeMy WebLinkAbout504 NOTES TO USERS JJ11 This map Is for use in adermisering the National Flood I....area Pmgrem; it LEGEND does not necessarilidentify y all areas subject to flooding,poultularly from Ideal drainage sources of small size, or all danimetrlc features outside Special FloodHazard Areas The community map repository should be consulted for possible 72°Z6' 151 SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED pceaibl. updated hood hazard information pdm prior use of[his map bel-property, BY 100-YEAR FLOOD purchase or construction purposes. 72°28' 67.5" JOINS PANEL 0502 4O°55' 07.s' Datum ase flood elevations apply only landward of o.6' National th.. c vec[.r.Varflual JOINS PANEL 0601 ZONE A No base flood elevations determined. Datum a< 1929 INGVDI,and include the effects of wave action) these elevations 40°58' 07.5" may eLo differfor hurricane from those developed by the National Weather ZONE AE Base flood elevatlons determined. Service for hurticana evacuation planning. ZONE AN Flood depths Of 1 to 3 feet(usual) areas of Areas of special flood heard TOO,..,flood)include Zones A,AE,AH,A0,A9B y V,and VE inn ponding); base flood elevatlons determined. u, ZONE AO Flood depths Of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet v N flow On sloping terrain); average depths nn di -rimned.For areas of alluvial fan flooding, Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood Np, velocities also determined. control structures. - u, latedZONE ZONE - between c of the ems,Thefloodways were computed at Cross sections and considInterperations X ZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year flood 6y with ren cross requires.Tha of th. F. were based on Maraulic ent A e racy. L 6 Federal flood tedProfr., system , tend regard m requirements of the Fedeal Emergency Management agency. (EL 9) Federal flood no base tion elevatlons r con- P mined. Flootlway widths in some areas may he too narrow to show to scale,Floodway strucZONE V Coastal flood with velodty hazard (wave wltlihs are Provided In the Flood Insurance Study Report. 5r, 9O LITTLE nF`Cr acdDm; no base Flood elevatlons determined. Corporate Il Cormits shown on this map are based on the best beta available.Tho ROBINS usereation ..moot an this community officials to vabfy the mryomte limit ISLAND delineations shown do [his map: ZONE For communityme revision histo AE ZONE W Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave p port. to countywlda mapping,see racoon 6,0 IEL B) action); base Flood elevations determined. of the Flood Insurance Study Report. Foradlolning map panels see separately printed Map Index, 'D Town of FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY: ps are files containing the thematic floodplain Southold Management shown on these maps are format on by the Federal Emergency 360813 Management Agthey In name Optional format ty CD-ROM.Requests Forests PO OTHER FLOOD ART-AS should ZONE X Areas Of 500-year flood; areas of[on-year include the full name of the community or county and the Flood ' Insurance Rate Map penal Management numbers envy,covered p the request, 873DContact the CES`+ Federal Emergency Man agement Agency, Map Telephone Center, 58- Sante PC flood with average depthsha loss than 1 foot Barbera Court. BalYmore,Maryland 21227-5832,Telephone 1-800-358-9816. COASTAL SAGE FLOOD ELEVATIONS or with d2inage areas less than 1 square mile; APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0,0 NGvn and areas protected by levees from 100-year TE: Th. ceodlna[e system usetl future production of this Flood Insur- flood. n once Rete Map (FIRM)Is Universal Transverse Mercator IUTMd North American .nN N Datum of 1927 INtitude clerks gess spheroid. Comer aUniverscoordinates shown on se OTHER AREAS the FIRM are In latitude and longitDifferences I referenced to the Universal Transverse ZONE X ZONE X Areas determined [D be outside 500-year Mercator projection, NAp27. Oiffemnces In the datum and spheroid used In the 9° production of FIRMS for Sol...or cvun[les may result In slight positional Areas Sin. differences In map features at the county boundaries. Those differences do not effect the accuracy of the nfore-upon shown on the FIRM. ZONE O ATTENTION: Flood elevatlons on this map em referenced to the National Q y° EAreas In which flood hazards are ur leter-CONIC mined. Geodetle Vertical Datum of 1929. Those llootl elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevatlons referenced to the same datum. For lnfm- ZONE AE ZONE X UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' Batch regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum EL B) of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, contact the National Geodetic Survey at the following address: Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 \ \ Identified Identified National Geodetic Survey, NOAH Sprang Metro Center 3 Otherwise 1316S[Iv1983 199 4 or Later Protected Areas East-West Highway 1991 or Later Silver Spring, Maryland 209111 dentified 13011713-3191 - COASTAL RASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS 'Closer banner areas are normally located within or adjacent t0 Special Flood BABE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were prodded In tligital Jorma[ APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 00 NGVp azard Areas, and popytgltted a the New York Stele Depanmsnt of Tren NYSD ton W mflruu. Floodplain Boundary The digital lues were compiled ata scala of 1'photog horn Users o 75-minute should a maps and updated using aerial photography Users of this FIRM Floodway Boundary should tl ba aware that minor adjustments may have been made to spacfflc rdetl locations — — — — — — — COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND BAY Zane O Boundary Boundary Dividing Spedal Flood Hazard 10-01-83 Coastal Barrier I� Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Dif- ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT OR Special Flood Hazard Zones, SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1983, IN DESIG- RATED COASTAL BARRIERS, Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation In Feet'- ZONE eet"ZONE AE 11-16-90 Coastal Barrier tEL el U- A Cross Section Line FLOOD CE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- (EL 987) Base Flood Elevator In Feet Where Uniform STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER Zone*` ER NOVEMBER 18,1996, IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. RM7X Elevation Reference Mark 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area •M1.5 River Mlle 09 SU INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT "Referenced to the National Daddario Vedral Datum of 1929 OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER F TH NOT BED N A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSEE OF THE Ed Up o OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. MAP REPOSITORY poron w Refer to Repository Llrtlng on Mep Index 11-15-93 Coastal Barrier o m EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- Z m FLOOD INSURANCE HATE MAP Q 2 IN A Y PROVED STRUCTURES REB ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,1993, O MAY 4,1999 IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. o. N Z ' EFFECTIVE DATE1S10F REVISIONIST TO THIS PANEL 11-15-93 Otherwise Protected Area O FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15, 1993,- NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS- 02-24-97 Coastal Barrier GREAT FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- ALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24, 1997, IN DEOJQ�O� m each,.IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. Reforthe FLOOD INSURANCE-RATE MAP ective date Shawn on this map to 1Z` determtu ine when acarial rates apply to structures In the zones where dew, F ;�.t• tions ordepths have been established. Comments or concerns regarding Coastal Barrier Resources System O OJ To determine If flood Inputs... Is evail.bla in this community, ..moot your areas should be directed to the Coastal Barrier Coordinator at the �� 5 COASTAL RASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS Insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at18001638-6626. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; (413) 253-8614. "O OF APPLY ONLY L4NnWARD OF o.O NGvp �O COASTAL BARRIER IDENTIFIED 41-16-9D \ \ZQINE (SEE COASTAL BARtRIER LEGEND) ` \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \, \\ \ \ \ \ APPROXIMATE SCALE PECONI C \\ \\ \\ \\\ \\ \ \\ \ 560 0 600 FEET Town of Southold \`\ ` 360813 \ �� \ \\\ ' ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM l \ \P��\ \ \E \ \ \ZQN \ \ a \Z �\�\ IEL ZONE AE ltiFIRM BAY \\ FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONE SUFFOLK COUNTY, \ \ X NEW YORK \` "\ Town of Southampton (ALL JITRISDICTIONS) \` \ 365342 COASTAL T, ,\ ' APPLY ONLY SENOF LANDWARD .0 NOVA \ .ELEVATIONS ' \ \ �� PANEL 504 OF 1026 \\ (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) \\ \\\ CONTAINS \ COMMONIIY \ \\ \ NUMBER PANEL BUFF)% ',,THA.PTON,mwN or seater, a. a III \. \\ souTnom HE of aegea dao¢ a Town of \ \ Southampton \ \` 365342 ` \ \\ \\ ZONE -eD - ' \ THIS MAP Imm"oaI'll AppnoxlmAtE SAINLARIEr Of \ \ AE COASTAL BARRIER nns.UlCEr SYS,i UNIT' AND oa \ \ \ IEL 91 DTF I'c FROTECTm AREAS eETASUSHE. UNDER THE cOAShv L BARRIER IMPn.,lIvI T ACT Or 1.0 TFL 191_591, \ ,yc1�• Norla. 11 Un,.Th,° u B mb , . "Er nE oi sen Alael g ob. eC COoo,MML'NrY NUI IBEH °no. NIL 1\N' asmmu'luvuia nz„:ea "I ,,.....a .Soma=.,.. o,Ul- ,Uro ZONE AS MAP NUMBER \\ \\ \ EL Br 40.56 ,5” 36103CO504 G 90°56' IS" JOINS PANEL 0612 72°26' 15" vJ vv=• a+p JOINS PANEL D5n �s� EFFECTIVE DATE 72-28'07.5" MAY 4, 1996 Federal Emergency Management Agency 1