HomeMy WebLinkAbout502 NOTES TO USERS This map Is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program: It LEGEND does not necessarily Identify all areas subject to flooding,particularly from local drat nage sources of small size, or all plaalmatric features outside Special Flood Hazard Areas. The community ohy map repository should be consulted for SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED lPurchasePossible updated flood hazardd Information pdm oruse of rots map for property 72°26' 15" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD pesB er ConelNetnn parPnae6, JOINS PANEL 0164 41°00' DO,COeslel base flood elevations apply 72°28'07.5" ZONE A No haze flood elevatlons deoermined. BAILOR WUNNEWETA FAST ppy only landward of D,D' National Geodetic Vertical L4 RD CLUB DR ZONE AS Base flood elevations determined. Datum of 1929 (NGVOc,end Delude the effects of wave action these elevations 4 °00' DD° '. i LITTLE may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather < ' �� ZONE X ZONE XJ ZONE X PECOIVIC ZONE AH Service for hurricane evacuation planning. \ Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of V I BAIT ponding); base flood elevations determined. Areas of spade) flood hazard 100-year flood)Include Zonae A AE AH AO,A99, L.gNT \ V and VE �} sO,F '^ ¢PYy ZONE ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet I �--"� l (r�"' pPyap,O X ZONE Bow on sloping terrain); avenge depths Certain ernes not In Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood ZONE X 90 `` J 4. AE determined.For areas ra alluvial fan flooding, control structures. C�J .Town of -._/ )'-� LIT77.F .�. velocities also determined. C(HARB GUE \\ (EL e) ZONE HARBOR '�..�^ C Southold NECK 8fl10GE VE ZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year Flood by 0oundades of[ha ilpotlways were computed at cross sections and interpolated J 1 �� :4E LiLi. 8)betweencross require The tfThe a were based on hyana gel[c entconA e ncyns ZONE AE -- Federal Flood prOtectibn systemunder con- FI- regard th ren same a of she be tool arrow to Menem scale Agency 360813 ZONE o situation; Be base Flood elevations deter- /J(I �' x �a mined. Floodway widths in some areas may be too narrow m show m soele Floetlway � JAE ZONE.Widths ere providd in the Flood Insurance Study Report / AE ZONE V Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave CPPI_r L BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS 0.0 NS ? // / E; 3) action); no base flood elevations determined. Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best date available.The APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF D.O NGVD r- I S �./ User should coolant an This appropriate community afFlclels to verify the corporate Ilmit � A :ESS. \ ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave delineatiom shown an this map. HD \� \ / -'tzr �,~` y ZONE action); base flood elevations determined. aftheFor Flood I map rev)Stusion history poor to counrywlde mapping see section 6.0 / x ofthe Flood Insure nae Study Report J / �� I e°vREnn'v 1/ P6t For edlolmng map panels see separately printed Map Index " no eL[nnwarea FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AS i' I ZONE LA DIGITAL DATA AVANIBIse Digital files containing the thematic uar,malo f ZOWc x F x OTHER FLOOD AREAS Managetionment shown on those maps are published by theCD-ROM Federal Emergency C Management Ag they In name Optional format it CO-ROM.Requests forams \ ! / \�� ZONE X Areas of 500-year flood; areas of 100-year should Include the full name of the community or county and the Flood �/ U Y� �-.-�- Flood with average depths of less than 1 foot Insurance Rete Map panel numbers covered by the request Contact the p �`(((,,'''���jj �/ or with drainage areas to than 1 square mile; Federal Emergency Management Agency Map Sarvlcs Canter,6T30 Santa \ ZONE y S and arses protected by levees from 100-year Barbara Court Baltimore,Maryland 2122] 6832 Telephone 1-800�6B-961fi. \\.\\\ � � flood. NOTE: The coordinate system used for the production of this Flood Insur- X v Jp,. ZONE AE Dace Rate Map (FIRM)I7 Universal Tl6 sphere Me amererne UI Ntes Ae" o ,g N el OTHER AREAS me of m i (NAD2)) Clarke 1866 spheroid, d to the coordinates shown on �\ the FIRM are In latitude and longitude referenced [O the Universal Transverse �VJ�.. ` ZONE ZONE X Mercator projection, EforA027. Diffeadjacent c In the datum and spheroid t ptl In the Ij\ x Areas determined to be outside 500.year Production Of FIRMS far adjacent counties may result a slight positional floodplain. net In map features at the runty boundaries, Those differences do ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undem, not affect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. ZONE AE � mined. ATTENTION: Flood elevatlons on this map ere referenced to the National !I'I H Gentlect Vertical groundturn le ation These flood elevatlons must m compared ZONE UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same datum. For Infer- atum ZONE X 1( of 192 ndthregarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of Succeed and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, contactim National Geodetic Survey Blonerant following abdross: ® �\ � M Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 Netlonel Banded. Survey, NOAA Identified Identified Otherwise Silver Spring Metro Center 3 1983 1990 or Later ProtecteIdentified d Areas 1315 East-West Highway Silver Bpdh9, Maryland 20910 nD COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS NASSAU PT roue a tater 301 ]113191 APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF OO NGVD '°Coastal bism.rareas are npnnally located Within or adjacent to Special Flood BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were pmvldad In dighal format Hazard Areas. and copyrighted by the Naw York Siete Depertmen0ofrom NY DOT .N Dnlnrute Floodplain Boundary The digital files were compiled ate scale of 1:24,000 from NVSOOT ].rrminute ZONE mould quadrangle maps and updated using aerial havephotography. de is Ofthis FIRM R Floadway Boundary should be aware that minor adjustments may have beap made to speclflc road _ _ _ IDpaDnnB. LITTLE - -- Zane D Boundary COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard Zones, and Bounds Dividing Areas of Dif- ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within Boundary g FLOOD 13 LANCE Barrier Special Flood Hazard Zones. FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1883, IN DESIG- NATED COASTAL BARRIERS. --^---513--- Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation in Feel- 11-16-90 Coastal Barrier G___@ Crass Section Line FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEIN CONSTRUCTION OR SUS (EL 887) Base Flood Elevation In Feet Where Uniform Within Zone'• IN DE IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 11990, RM7X Elevation Reference Mark IN DESIGNATED 18ATED COASTAL BARRIERS. e M1.5 River Mlle 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area "'Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 18, 198L- NOT USEDED IN IN A M MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE o MAP REPOSITORY OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. Referto Repository Liman On Me Index 3 PECONIC J p ry g p 11-15-93 Coastal Barrier Z FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- w a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE an FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15,1993, a Z IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. p MAY 4,IBM Z 11-75-93 Otherwise Projected Area EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISION(SI TO THIS PANEL FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15. 19M.- NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS, 02-24-97 Coastal Barrier FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- STANRALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24. 1997, IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. BAY Reform the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effedlve data shown on this map to deHermine when actuarial rates apply to structures In the zonae where slays- tionns or depths have been established. Comments or concerns regarding Coastal Barrier Resources System To, determine it flood Insurance a available In this community, content your areas should be directed to the Coastal Barrier Coordinator of the m a tinsurance egentorcall the National Flood Insurance Fragrant, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; (413) 253-8614. Town of Southold 360813 L� APPROXIMATE SCALE 500 0 500 FEET COASTAL BASE FLOODELEVATIONS APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF n.0 NOVO COASTAL BARRIER IDENTIFIED 11-16-9a (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) " °.� : NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM k fr £ -TEL 8) FIRM zoN x \ FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP i SUFFOLK COUNTY, flD r, qa m \ NEW YORK N y. \ (ALL JURISDICTIONS) ?�c ZONE X \ ZONE 9 PANEL 502 OF 1026 X Q o \ (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) v roti CONTAIN& COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX Town of ZONE E sourhou,TOWN OF a... nbBz a ROBINS AE Southold ISLAND �n 611.E 360813 9a r ICOASTAL EASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS NOrF APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NGVp ZONE AE THIS MAP INCORPORATES APPROXIMATE muNDARIES oP COASTAL BM91ER RESOURCES SYSTEM UNDS ANI prPERMSE(EL 6 COASTAL BARRIER IMPROVEMENT ACT OFi AREAS hED la9auat 1H-mu. ZONE X N0I®m usn m.MAP NUMBER ue e.Iux noun be °.aa ZONE X �. h." al.osN reR.N.rn, 'he COMMUNm NUMBER .news eO .cove. uld e.used a. lemon.aPPlluaone mono sue'ec I mm MAP NUMBER At 40'58' 07.5" 36103CO502 6 AOa59' 07.5^ JUINS PANEL 0504 72°26' 15" �" a.ry" 30 EFFECTIVE DATE: MAY 4, 1998 Federal Emergency Management Agency