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HomeMy WebLinkAbout483 NOTES TO USERS This map Is for use in administeringfallreathe National Flood Insurance from to It LEGEND tires nota sources Identify all areas subjecttoflrife,particularly from local drainage sources of smell size, or all pl repoetdo features outside ted for Flood aHazard updated Areas. The community map mor to ry should be p for pro far SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD71NUNDATEDDATEDpossible updated Flood hazeN Informetlon prior to use of this map for property 72°31'52.5" BV 100YEAR FLOOD 40°58'07.5ZONE Apurchase s cflood leve purposes. JOINS PANEL 0481 No base floodined.T2°33 45 ZONE AE Base flood eled.Coeytel hese flootl elevetldns apply only landward of 0.0' National Geodatic Vertical q0°58'D7.s"Datum of 1929 (NGVDcantl Ifrom the effects aped b ectlom these elWeathemay also differ aigniflcently from those developed by the Natlonal Weather s6Service farhurricane evacuation planning. e° ZONE XZONE AH Flood depths oally areas of pending); base Flood elevations determined. V,and VE. ZONE AO mY Areas of spacial flood handed 100.yeer ildod)Include Zones A,AE,AH,AO,A99, Flood depths of 7 to 3 feet(usually sheet Flow on sloping handle); average depths Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood determined. d.Fodetermined.f alluvial fan flooding, control structures. ZONE 2 X ,` betweBounden c of the floodwaysns.The were computed ere at cross sections and Interpolated oro ZONE AE _ ZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year flood by Federal flood protection system under con- between crass sections.Thy fldadweys were based on hydaullc honsitleations ZONE X y� IEL BI shu Pion; no base flood slevadpns deedr- wkh regard to raqulremerrts of the Fedeal Emergency Management Agency. � 9p k�I_1 mined. idths Roadway PrOvI In some areas may su too narrow a show m socia.Floodway ,� '3 ZONE V Coastal flood wkh velocity hazard (wave widths are pavidetl In the Flood Insurance Study Report. h uo-s� O tj Jas action); no base flood elevations determined, dor should limits shown on this map are based an the best data corporate The O� ZONE X Town of Southold m ' ter= user should content on toptlete community o(Flalels to verify the comoreta limit 09 n 9E' . ZONE VE Coastal flood with velou hazard wave delineations shown on this map. � .; , 360813 x action); base flood elevations determined. For community map .. Stn history prior to countywide mapping,see section s.0 of the Flood Insuanoe Study Report eyq FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE Far adjol0l0g map panels sae separately ptln[etl Map Index , / � COASTAL BASE ROOD ELEVATIONS APPLY ONLY IANOWARD OF O.0 NOVO DIGITAL DATA n on these maps al files fished containing the thematic floodplain ZONE X \I o p OTHER FLOOD AREAS should Inn shown on these maps ere published r the Federal Emergency u' ZONE X Areas of 500-year flood; areas of 100-year Management Agency in DLG Optidnel forme[on CD—ROM.Requests for data Rood with average de the of less than 1 foo[ should Include the full name of the community the county and the Contact the orod ith aver areas Pess than 1 square elle; Insurance Rate Map panel numbers coverency, d p the request. 870S the and areas maprotenad by levees from 100-year Barb al Emergency Management Agency, Map Service Center,8]30 Sena 1 flood. Barbara Court,BelUmore,Maryland 21227-5832.Telephone 1-BOt1�58-8818. O NOTE: The coordinate I system used forth, production of tete h Amended Insur- ZONE AE OTHER AREAS Dane Rata Mep INAD Is Unarke 1 6BTrasverse,phero Meromer word North hewn IL 81 ZONE X �pq Datum of 1927 (NAD2]i.Clarke 1866 spheroid. Comer a Universal shown ZONE X g. ZONE % Areas determined to be outside 500-year Me FIRM are In 1,affiddeNAD2 and longitude referenced a and Universal used InOTransverse ss Floodplain. Mercator projection,RE, Ofor7. Diffadjacent c In the datum and spn slight t po In the pmerence of FIRMe far adjacent counties may result In slight difference. do TO ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undeter- differences in map features et the county boundaries. These dkferances do �iy �} `\ mined. not affect she acduacy of the information shown on the FIRM. ° J"1.\ r ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the National OT's �� \ ZONE AE Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1829 These flood elevations must be compered ,9 S nzr (EL BI UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same datum, Fdrinfdr- of llon192 rend the North Amoroso ion between the Natlonal GBB, estcon Vertical Datum of deli end the North owing address:Datum of 7998, contact the National Geodetic Survey a[the following address: `9 - Q Vertical Network Breach WCtl3LA Identified Identified Otherwise National Geodetic Survey, NOPA OpOS1� yF �q� 1983 1990 or Later Protected Areas Silver Spring Mehc Canter 3 � �9p @ IdentlFled 1315 East-West Highway F(� Doo �j-' 1991 or Later Silver spring, Maryland 20910, b (3011]113191 $ Coastal barrier s mer dee are normallylocated 't BABE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were f Transportation In on INl format �cC op a e Hazard Arses. within or adjacent to Special Flood and copyrighted etl by the New York State Department of Tranepartatlon WYSDOTI. ` ZONE X \ s s 1' Floodplain The digital fres were compiled at a scale of 1',24,000 from NVSDOi ].5-minute > po ZONE AE Boundary op IEL BI Roadway Boundary quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography. Users ofthis FIRM k should be aware that minor adjustments may have bean made to speclfd road — _ _ — _ _ — ap locations. Zone D Boundary Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard pc/f ZONE X Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Dk- �m` P GREAT PECONIC BAY ferent Coastal Base Flood Ele afi is Within ` �`�� o \ ''L - Special Flood Hazard Zones. °� ^'"�^•^$13-^^— Base Flood Elevation Una; Elevation in Feet-' 9Z Cq 9OA A Oo0 Op f Cross Section Line ♦ IEL 987 ZONE X Within laZodeElevation in Feet Where Uniform Town of Riverhead t�" I 360805L�� RM7X Elevation Reference Mark ZONE X ,�,/ •M1.5 River Mile _ "Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 � ZONE VE I LL BI MAP REPOSITORY 1-h Pa: Refer to Sandakan, Usting on Map Index m w Z o_ EFFECDVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE B Z INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONE X m9L FLOOD N 0 O MAY 4.19913 9 Z 0 EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISIONIS)TO THIS PANEL 9A0 LONE �- X ZONE AL h; Town of Southold 360813 ZONE Refer i FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ucdata shown on this map m i' AE 3lF dedetermineine when actuarial ales apply to structures in the zonas whereeleva- yTJ - tions ordepths have been established. el ry To deteInsurance ineage It or Insurance Is foodavailableIns In this commodity, contact our Insurance agent or cell the Natlonal Flood Insurance Program at(800)63B-6820. ' i <'� IL ZflJNE I X -,. �yll Ny lll+� � Jffjf/ UHIYLI V , APPROXIMATE SCALE �lifi{J'fJNS 500 0 500 FEET ZONE )( �.. POINT ! � COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS APPLY ONLY IANDWARO OF 0.0 NGVO ZONE A2 B) °2�� ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM oT °T s 9�LF`G�ti FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK (ALL JURISDICTIONS) GREAT PECONIC BAY PANEL 483 OF 1026 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS: j COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUmx RIbEflIM TOWN OF 3arepa and e sdlmlea.T%YN Of suae',3 aa® a Town of Riverhead e 360805 N.N.Io our:1F.we NUMase mown be— houla le.ueW "or plednpp oroom, rbc COMMUNrry NUMBER shown ` ebous rhauld ke on Iuumnc.epp"n,ra Ior,ou mmun M MAP NUMBER 40°56' 15" 36103CO483 G I 40°56' 15" JOINS PANEL 0491 72°3I' sz.s" ea'�� .� EFFECTIVE DATE: 72°73' 45" MAY 4, 1998 e, Federal Emergency Management Agency