HomeMy WebLinkAbout482 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance Program; it does not necessarily identify all arses subject to flooding,particularly from local drainage sources of small size, or all planimenic features outside Special SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED Flood Hazard Areas. The community map repository should be cppaulted for 72°30' 00" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD possible updated flood haeard Information prior to use of this map for property 41°00' 00" purchase or construction purposes, JOINS PANEL 0144 ZONE A No base Flood elevations determined. 72°31' 52. S' Coronal base flood harattlons apply only landward of 0A' Natlonal Gunton Vertical ZONE X �, 1`0 ZONE AE Bigger, flood elevations determined. Datum of 1929 INGVDI.and Include the effects of wave action; these elevations 4 It 00' 00" RM B5 may also differ significantly from those d...bretl by the National Weather 'aWESS = X ZONE X pending); baZONE AN Flood dg)); bee e! 1 o 3 feet(usually areas of Service for numbers evacuation planning. RI) 2g se Flood elevations determined. Areas of spell flood hazard 000-year flood)include Zones A,AE,AH,AO,A99, _ y4 ZONE AO Flood depths in 1 to 3 feet average (usually sheet V,and VE. AE-- 6p Row on sloping terrain); average depths IEL ID eta MAW determined. For areas of alluvial fan Flooding Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Arses may be protected by flood ¢ c velocities also determined. control sWe[ures. QO 'Cg ZONE A99 Fe be protected from "can r Flood by Boundaribetween cross of the flouni were computed at ed hydras and interpolated Or m Federal Flood p base system uu deet - witween em ss sections.The (lithe Fs were based on hydraulic consientA on.y.ns yp ZONE X mined.m no base Flood elevations deter- wi[h regard m requirement tithe Federal Emergency Management Ageney. � p ZONE mined. Roadway widths In some areas may be too narrow to show to scala.Runway s 2 0 AE ZONE V Coastal Flood with velocity hazard wave widths are provided in the Flood Insurance Stud Report. o' !RL: i3( ty P Y Po i QO action); no base flood elevations determined. Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the but dam available.The user should contact appropriate community 01.1.1s to verify the corporate limit Town of Southold ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave delineations shown on this map. C✓ ' ZONE X 360813 ZONE action); base flood eievadons determined. For community map revision history prior to countywide mapping,see section SO ZONE X i ` X .f the Flood Insurance Study Report. ; FLOODWAV AREAS IN ZONE AE Foredloining map panels see separately named Map Index, X Ay 0q 1 DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY: Digital files containing the thematic floodplain RM 88 ZONE % ( OTHER FLOOD AREAS Information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergenry LA4( ZONE X Areas of 500-year Rood; areas of l00year Management Agency In DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for date FO m flood with average o the of las than 7 Teat should Include the full name of the community the county and the Flood \ R Insurance Rata Map panel numbers covered by the request Contact the s'x m or with drainage areas les than t square mile; Fladerel Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Center,8730 Santa p1V� 1\ m and areas protected 6y levees from 100-year Berbera Court,Baltimore,Maryland 21227-5832 Telephone 1�00�58-9816. "+yA o 1.1 j ( f Flood. NOTE: The coordinate system used Tfar ransverse production of this Flood InsiAmerican ZONE X 1 j ance Rate Map (FIRMIia Universal 66 sphrae Mercator(word North American 1. m ZONE X OTHER AREAS Datum of Ire I INADDI,Clarke 1666 sphemld. Coto the Udlnatea shown on 9� ZONE X \ i the FIRM are In latitude and longitude retie data to the spheroid used In the ZONE % Areas determined N be outside SOo-year Moducti proof FIR, sfor alffarences In the datum and sphemld t positional In the ytif7]gljJ]rj`QQj[Z] AVE `( Floodplain. production of FIRMS for adjacent counties may result a slight enceono PI ) ` ZONE D Arses In which flood hazards are undamen, not affect In map features h the county boundaries. These differences do O ZONE X "w mined. not affect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. --`-�— ATTENTION: Flood elevations an this map ere refarenoetl to the National 'm SUFFDIK o ZONE AE UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 These flood eI.yatlons must be compered m F �) to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same datum. Forinfor- o motion regarding conversion between the Nations l Geodetic Vertical Datum i of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1986, contctthe Natlonal ZONE AE ZONE AE > xnur Geodetic Survey atthe fidi evmg address. IEL 8) ILL 1.1 m DR \ \ 9a moan Identified Identified Otherwise Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 R 1983 1990 or Later Protected Areas National Geodetic Center Survey NNCMNEW Identified ZONE X r 19M or Later Silver Spring Memo 3 glRWgy pfl 1316 Silt'er Spring East-West Highway ZONE X , ZONE I "Coastal barrier areas era normally located within or atllacent to Spacial Flood SilvMaryland 20910 --- /� o X (301)713-3191 l � Hazard Areas RARE MAP SOURCE: Tram portebon features were provided In digital format WmpN PDINT cep 1 I P and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Trsnspom oron (NYSDOT). ` .' r 4W.:ioO Floodplain Boundary The dl0ital flies were compiled ata scale of124000 from NYSDOT TC minua -.�` Floodwa Bounds quadrangle maps and updated using renal have been Users specify FIRM � -� /�� ` p el Y y ry should be aware that minor edlustments may have bean made to spaclFlc road pP ZONE X i locations. Zone D Boundary H DR MATFRUCK wp�'y f 0vF f} ��// /r Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS AIRPORT o U@�.p �^ ZONE X 1 / / - (� Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Diff- ZONE \. l\` ferent Coastal Base Flood Eleyations Within REFERENCE ELEVATION AE O Special Flood Hoard Zones. MARK IN H.(NGVDII DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION FI 81 m � \ ZONE AE ,/� EL Si RK 05 31,6] standard disk gouged H 325 1903 an iv ZONE X D'� _513— Bale Flood Elevation Line; Elevator in Feet'* top of concrete poet pe jetting 0.3 fm[ .bows around, locates ppr.x[mecay 1.6 su^+cnLOw t'. i LONE VE miles southeast alooa state apace 25 .� IEL IS �O from poen Office at 9ntrhoave, at „me- - Town Of Southold ,� \\ A A Cros Section Une Hon Of privet. dram leedin rtheeet �'-' \ \ '� ` (EL 987) approximately 26 feet controvert of m ZONE VE wlAlifi Base Flood Elevation in Fact Where Uniform terrine of d:me acid aam.ml 360813 �. ! �'� Within Zone•' eppro r 0 l� --,� IEL hl ! :n "� RM7 51 , POINT X Elevation Reference Mark x ]mfyat n.rtbeaec of cemcerllm of f''' ( •M1.5 River Mile PIS 06 27.74 In mosaa disk areer o L 326 98581' 1966 \ i / "Referenced to the National Gucletic Vertical Datum of 1929 In .patheaet corner of concrete .,afro (q a tin.i.6 irun aria, l.taad approxi ZONE AE mealy o.6 mile mrthe..c .loos r ... m Iti III ofama. frontrenrrpance to blah snivel. KRAUS RD t'0 Ht ppCN „t.� o MAP REPOSITORY Fattened ne°deck vertical Daum °f 1929 PJE J/ J Refer tel Repository Usting an Map Index W m ZONE ZONE / z To AE ZONE X a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE IEL OI w FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP J PPA _Z a O ZONE X MAY a,1996 z .T EFFECTIVE CATE(S)OF REVISIONIST TO THIS PANEL C ZONE X ... ZONE X C0A4'�J8 sz: APPLY BASE IANDWARD OF 0.0 NOVO b / ZONE X D C / REVt zoNE x J`j.)r� ONE / ZONE VE Reform the ROOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective date shown oa this map m ZONE 3 ) // (E b, determine when actuarial rates apply to structures In the zones where eleva- AE— C./rjF -� tions proteins have been established. —° ICL sl �jl 1 ` ZONE ' mmtam AE �l To determine If flood Insurance Is .,,liable In this community, est your Insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at(ago)638-6620. NLF3LL n0(T FILE --Z P \\I „-ZONE ZONE-J­ X :<.. s X h� •' Soo APPROXIMATE SCALE a800 FEET ZONE o. X AAY ZONE �.f Town of Southold COASTAL LASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS 360813 EL NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM S) ZONE VE APPLY ONLY uNDwARO OF poo NOVO °EL B BAY FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SUFFOLK COUNTY, 1�+ NEW YORK PECpNIC (ALL JURISDICTIONS) C PANEL 482 OF 1026 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) TCONTAINS: GREACOMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX Sp11ThIo news of asoma mat a Naro-E Omr:The MAP NUM.Ea hasm below Anal G caea when piscineep O ear: the C.MMUNnY NNM6ER above °bol.sM1o°y be .ad mi mare..app fraln.Ion Na Pei mmumw, MAP NUMBER 36103CO482 G AD'58' 07.5" " JOINS PANEL ease 72°30. 00a. 9° � EFFECTIVE DATE 40^5e' 07.5^ MAY 4, 1998 72'31' 52.5" Federal Emergency Management.Agency