HomeMy WebLinkAbout176 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is far use In adminlstedng the National Flood Insurance Program; It doss not necessarily Identify all areas subject to Reading,pertle.ledy from local SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED drainage sources of small size, or all planimetric features outside Special 72°20' 37.5" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD Flood Hazard Areas. Th. community map repository should be consulted for 41-07'30" ZONE A No base flood elevations determined. possible updated flood hazard information prior to use of this map for property JOINS PANEL 0063 purchase orconstmctlon purposes. 72°22'30" p 90 ZONE AE Base flood elevations determined. Coastal base Flood elevators apply only landward of CO' National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD),and Include the effects of wave nation;these sevatlone 41°07'30" g 90 ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather i ponding); base flood elevations determined. S.Nlce for hurricane evacuation planning, `e ZONE VE ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet Ames of special flood hazard 000-year flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,A0,A99, (EL 13) flow an sloping fermi N; average depths V.and VE, demrmined.For areas of alluvial fan Flooding, velocities also determined. Certain areas not In Spacial Flood H3gdrel Areas may be protected by flood carve) structures. ZONE X ZONE X TO ZONE A99 To be protected from loo-year flood by LONG ISLAND Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections and Interpolated 'SOUND Federal flood protection system under con- between crass seudmin ons.The floodways were based on hydraulic consideration. ZONE O e*' etlon; no base Flood elevafions deter- s I ` mined. with regard to requirements of the Fadami Emergency Management Agency, AE q.. Q L 11 i. ZONE V Coastal flood with velocity, hazard (wave Floodway widths In some areas may be too narrow to show to scale.Roadway COASTAL EASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS ZONE XF actioN; no haze hood elevations determined. widths are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Report APPLY ONLY LANDWARDOF Gn NGVD o 9 Corporate limits shown on this map ere basad an the best data available.The ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity heard (wave user should contact approprom community officials to verify the Camara" limit delineations shown on this map. action); haze flood elevations determined. For community map mvlslon history prior to countywide mapping,see sedan 6.0 FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE birth. Flood Insurance Study Report Town of For adjoining map panels see separately printed Map Index. Southold `§ j )"'e3{ll OTHER FLOOD AREAS DIGITAL DATA AVAILABDITV: Digital files containin, the thematic floodplain % d1i"W� 11, e p 360813 �P Information shown on these maps ere published by the Federal Emergency G oZONE X Areas of 500-year Flood; areas of 1011-year of less than 1 foot Management Agency in DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for date or w th drainage d with arre s e dePesssthan 1 quare mile; should Include the full name of the community or county and the Flood and areas protected by levees rem 100-year Insurance Rate Map panel numbers covered by the request. Contact the flood. Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Center,6730 Santa Barbara Court,Baltimore,Maryland 21227-6932.Telephone 1-800-36BPGI NOTE: The coordinate system used for the production of this Flood Insur- OTHER AREAS ante Rata Map (FIRM)is Universal Transverse Mercator flUi North American Datum of 1927 NiClarke 1866 sph..Id. Comer Oomdlnatss shown an ZONE AE ZONE % Areas determined [o be outside 500-year the RRM are In latitude and longitude referenced to the Universal Transverse (EL BI `P floodplain. Mercator pableatlon,Ni Differences In the datum and spheroid used in the ZONE D Areas In which flood hazards are undeter- Production of FIRMS for adjacent counties may result In slight positionaly t�5 mined. differences in map features at the county boundaries. These differences do r d `E'r+GG ZONE AE not afmat the ...Umcy of the Information shown on the FIRM. Lry I D OR It EEL 8) L °P RM < UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' ATTENTION: Flood elevations on the map are referenced to the compared 2U ZONE Geodetlo Vertical Datum le ation These flood elevations must m compared 'pL to structure and ground elevations referenced i o the same datum. For infor- '{air 'fb x 'Y motion ndthregarding conversioner between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum ! ZONE / ZONE \ of 1929 and the North American Vartical Datum of 191 conteatthe National �,f X // X ; ra F n 1983 Identified Otherwise Geodetic Survey et the fallowing address' 9 9L \ y Id 1983 1990 or Later Protected Areas Vardal Network Branch, N/CG13 q'C : br \ Identified National Geodetic Survey, NOAH ' ( ZONE\ Qv" 1991 or later Silver Spring Metro Center 3 y v ZONE AE \\ ZONE AE 1316 East Wast Highway 1 X �., Avt>E ZONE X /IEL 9) *Coastal barrier areas ere normally located wlViln or adjacentm Special Flood Silver Spring Maryland 20914 O N / 2 Hazard Areas. 130117139191 P ZONE 'fir �F PO �. oP Floodplain Boundary BASE MAP SOURCE:by the Now Transportation features were provided rpso In digital format pf and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Transportation Ni MptN �J �i _S9 y Gq - - - -- - - Headway Boundary The digital Files were compiled at a scale of 1:24,000 from NYSDOT 7.6-minute O� 25 F 9 FinA 9F quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography. Users of this FIRM 4 qi< c F o -P - — - Zone O Bound s0 �- ZONE AE ) o � cry should he aware that minor adjustments may have been made m specific mad 1 T(pLtpE X( ,t o, t L,"} ZONE n".E locations. y 'ONE X A (FL 10 .. \V /' Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard r -NE " 30NE Xd I�J�� � Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Within, rarer[ Clood Base Flood Elevators Within ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS PG YAiv ";� � ' ))) 1 PEND VE Special Flood HezaM Zones. g ZONE )( \ � \. /� c l3AU / ZONE VE REFERENCE ".(NON 01d 9'y Sir N 1f +\ �_, / i ^^^^^$1',j�^^.^� Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation in Feet- MARK IN FT.INGVO)t OE9CRIEOON OF LOCATION GP�P ��� �! \ +/ � nn 20 16.06 nick ec®ped A 325 1943, 2 feet above ZONE I;I � � ` TC.°4eE Air: �� // r - A A Cross Sedan Une 1na1 of highway, me Sn rap of camumter p p,.J.m i� 7 tn.hea, 1...ted ap- 91V z5 X Basee Flood Elevation In Feet Where Uniformpoet 00 ptoor aPely 1.5 miles mrtheaet along In% 0 p�vw r ZONE AC zv, � IEL 987) Within Zone-- States Moate 25 f.- Fact, of£ice .t P araeattam mss naml .I cornet of k. PgpvoOE f rF' H) pry, o z �` / � FEW X Elevation Reference Mark Urge of .bety, va of hit a re 32 feet %L ? S ZONE N •M1.6 River Mlle Urge of centerline of move1yy �J\ l \ \NS s gtl 232 b.]06 gtavd.td , ofC9 disk, et.at, y325 1943 O� P P5' ZONE fa 3` ( \ U 5 ZONE( IA� X Sj: I j� ( ""R¢f¢n'.rIC¢d to the National Geodetic Vernal Datum of 1929 sec d, toe of ,mrntace .at, .t ,otcm at % AE l` _ l(I r ca r of Snt...natlon of Pliet Sceeg ay Pj1S EVb Irl 2) \� rna ^' arra %ai, BE..t. WIUW' o ,MAS !. s _ ZONE r14s {` MAP REPOSITORY IaM1 233 12.238 at.ndard Oaance disk, steamed M373 195fi tom' - "�� I ! { et m top of man ante part, flush with g \ �' proton Repository Llstng on Map Index stoma, et notcheaat t.rnne .f anter- sadiron a Ilei, Sttaat and Adam. street. 9G "\ Ll Z rn PNE Village of --/ y - ZO°'8o AEI a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE I Patlonal Geodetic Vertieel DattG� Greenport 10, Datum of 1929 O ( ZONE x ,i 1 y FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP // ZONE la, zP °2 RM 232 �� S71b'1:CNG �" o MAY 4,1898 v X NA 361004 i 2a N rn ZONE X EFFECTIVE DATEISI OF REVISION(S)TO THIS PANEL Z N "� ZONE VE ZONE VE _ EL 9; IEL tun )ZONE VE 2 ZONE \_ �r IEL 111 1 cl o X srrtumc / _ ZONE Pa = Town of Southold X i =en •,_ �� BPGPD � � ( 360813 4 I �. �' ZONE X .e. ZONE \� ZONE X - 5fi_-t z — !PI Rr7 T111 !], ��, ZO(59E AE Gores ]"r.. ZONE LPSE V�„,� f�~`"> ZONE VE ;FIC (` ' Referee the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective data shown oa this map to X 5 + �/ r ' u 1 1.; dear nine when actuarial rates apply to structures In the zones where elwa- DrDin ZONE AE I 1. [Ions or depths have been established. 1. E6 l To determine If flood Insurance is available in this community, contact your 1 51 insurance agent or cell Via National Flood Insurance Program at(BOO)838L8620. .a1 •xas n_ ZONE .,J �- -=- k. I Yi 5` jx ri:r ' X NE VE 3$9� ZONE X SpPsv' ZONE AE �1 CREENPORTn 4 ZONE X /( HARBOR S GHfY(64- s J 3f bt i . n APPROXIMATE SCALE m q _ COASTAL BASE 8000 ELEVATIONS 600 0 Ego FEET E jd ij MADISON WEST ST PPN A !_ APPLY ONLY WNDWARD OF 0.0 NOVO AVE RIM rs0 ... "a Ja 3T ,a ZONE 233 a X l Q re Z SOUTH ZOI F_NE AE A +F' w�h° NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM t , ) O MAPLE Sir EEL 8) �. I re` ,g'( o n Town of rn rT I rom 1 0` ov� f� Southold (v j Ae�1� �-XI y irl FIRM 0 0 360813 OAK ZC)NE At Jti FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONE x �' �� .1� a 'J TL 9I SUFFOLK COUNTY, �Nk NEW YORK assezs MNN ri ZONE AE hT _ ZONE —» ��4, N OF SDOjHO�� Np (ALL JURISDICTIONS) X r 7JW7E x E lJ Y �S1A k wlGGws 1 ! 1n P 10\N SNE�IEP Town Of a ZONE AE 1o�N of Shelter Island EEL B) I__ / PANEL 176 OF 1026 ZONE S7Er 00Pw1N RN�O� � `� � IF 36509 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) G IS�ND ZONE X ` CONTAINS: LON FIJNT Sr FONT 6T i' DEMMUNFY NUMBER PANEL SUFFOX GEPINa HPPVH ILLAGE OF 361a. Orta G ZONE AE EL BI "��. GREFNppai,wanes or 3Msoa one c SGtl11GIDad LTEEI s ONTO N of amen M76 azsee Rin G 61 I >1 ZONE vE Village of NNS C rr Greenport ®; ..,,5 ':.i "OWN � 361004 ZONE AE ZONE XvJ JEL 0, ORov)m ZONE X STZONE X ¢TN- cIAPK ZONE Nero.to Us-m.NAP NII. ahean be. .Id to wad ZONE X X :mw:n.1i8 be ar Irth ren eM UNde of mann oval i alnnamor POINLOCUT R MAP NUMBER JOHNSON d�r APPY ONLYSLAN WARD OF O0 NGVD SNOPG RDINER PRIM RD // WAY 3610300116 G 72.20' 37.5” sem o. COAMAI r IL00 N rL[ ATI ) $ d' ,* EFFECTIVE DATE APPLY ONLY LANrlrIARrr INF 30 N,vn ~. JOINB PANEL 0178 MAY 4, 1888 41'05'37.5" ZONE AE Village of 1 a 72°22' 30" (EL 81 Daring Harbor 361524 Federal Emergency Management Agency