HomeMy WebLinkAbout169 NOTES TO USERS This map Is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance Program: it LEGEND does not annua ly identity all areas subject to flooding,particularly from local drainage sources of small size, or all planlmetne features outside Special Flood upnl Areas. The community map reposter, or should be consulted SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED possiblea prim-1 updated flood hazard Information use use OF this map for propertyFfor catch... ....mttuodona ones 72°22'30" p LITRE PECONID ZONE X CEDAR POINT JOINS PANEL 0167 BY 100-NEAR FLOOD BAY LANE DR 4 °0I' S2. 5" Coastal base flood el DI an s 0 y 72.24' 22. S' No bale Flood elevations determined. Datum of 1929 NGVO apply only landward of O.D' Nat anal GeotleHo Venlcal � - • ZONE A ),and Include The Effects dev of ed b action; these elevations 4 1°01' 52.5" S ZONE May also r huh rre avant a from those developed h the National Weather ZONE X ZONE rp ZONE AE rCp, \ Iq IFI a) X A \ ° \\ ZONE AE Base Flood elevations determined, Service for Special flood avanErd (1 planning. p y WEST Dq AE `F`SD�INT OF \ • \� F�•L \ \� ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of lEL BI a, t IaLET hq° \ \ 1\ \\� pending; base flood I leyatlona determined. I Areas of spedal Hood hazard (IDU-year flood)Include Zones A,AS,AH,A0,A99, ZONE AE P V Viand VE. IEL el W LArc DR \ 8 ZONE AO Flood depths of l to 3 feet Wsually sheet �� ZONE X \` \\\ ` � Flow on sloping terrain); average depths Certain areas not In Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by )food \,` \\\\`�\\e Town of Southold determined. For areal of alluvial fan flooding, control stmof the Visibilities also determined, between Boundaries, of the floodweys were computed at Gross sections and intercalated ZONE VE \ 360813 between moss Sections quIrep The floodweys were based on hydraulic ent sect, s ILL HI ZONE.X' ZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year flood by with regaN to requlremartrs ofthe Fetlaml Emergency Management Agency. Federal flood protection system under coo- sbuctiem; no base flood elevations dors— WiderRunaway wldms in some erects may su me n turfy to show m scale,Floodway mined. Wdthe aro pmVld¢d In t110 Flood Insurance Study Repoli OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREA IDENTIFIED 11-16-91 ZONE V Coastal flood with Velocity bound (Wave user shou mita act AP on This map ere based on the beet data corporaovallablte The (BEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) aobbirm; no base flood elevatlans determined. user should cameo[appreptlete community officials to verify the corporate Ilmit daldr ell°na affair on this map. Town of Southold COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS For a Flood map revision history prior to countywide mapping,see section fi.0 360813 APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF D.0 NOVO ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave of the Flood Insurance Study Report action); base flood elevations determined. For adlolnlng map panels see separately printed Map Indent. FLOODWAV AREAS IN ZONE AE DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY; psar published Pondering by the Federal Emergency ManagInformetionment shown on rhes- maps are format on D HO Federal Emergency OTHER FLOOD AREAS Management Agency In DITS-name Optional format on CDc10M.Rand t for dataFlood ZONE % should include the full name of the community the county and the Flood Areas Of 500-year hood; areas of 100-year, Federal Rate Map panel numbers covered by the request Contact the / flood with average dorms of less than 1 feet Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Telephone Center,6730 Santa or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; Barbara Court, Baltimore,Maryland 21227-6832.Telephone 1-90p-3fi8-9BIR. end e. protected by levees from loo-year NOTE: The en (FIRM) I system used Transverse a production(n Mf this Flood Insur- for flood. anon Rate Men (FIRM)is Universal Transverse . Carne(coas), North hewnAmerican 00 Datum of t. I INtitude Clarke longitude spheroid. Corner a Universal shown m OTHER AREAS the FIRM are In latitude and 1-nncesI referenced to the spheroid used In the Memetor projection,NAO27. Diff chances In the datum and spheroid used In the ZONE % Areas determined to be outside 500-year Production of FIRMS for adjacent counties may result . slight encepositionalo Floodplain. note affect In map features at the county boundaries. These differences do \\ ZONE 0 not affect me accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. Areal in which Flood hazards are catheter- ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the National mined. to strut Vertical Datum 1s 1929 These flood el the same must m compared UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' to structure and ground ion between referenced Na i o the some tlatum. l Infor- of tion192 regarding conversion Aon between the National Geodetic Vtimor Datum \ of 1929 and Su the North American Veitioal Datum of 1988, confect the National Geodetic Survey attire Sury following edtlress: •\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ® \\ \ Vertical Network Branch N/CG13 Identified Identified National Geotletlo Survey, NOA4 ,�I 1963 19Id of Later Protected Areal 1315 Spring Metro Centex 3 \\ \ \\ \\` Otherwise \, Identified 1315 East-West Highway \ \•\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ 1991 or Later Silver Spring. Maryland 20910 \\\ \\\\ •,1\ (3m)7133191 •Coastal barrier areas are normell ocatetl whhn or etl'avem to 6 nal Flood Hazard Areae y 1 pec' BASE MAP SOURCE; hansporfe[ion features were provided In digital fomnet ted and rapyre ma by and New York State aerial photograent ofphy. Transportation his HIHTI, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \•\\\\ Floodplain Boundary The digital files were compiled at a sale cf 1 24,000 ham NYSDOT 7.0minute quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography. Users of this FIRM Floodway Boundary should be aware that minor adjustments may have been made to specific road `00 \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \. \\ \•\�\ •\ locations. — — — -- — — COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND oma° Qc°� \\ \ \\ Enne D Banda' r�0 -(t'`P \ Bounday Dividing Special Flood Hazard 10-01-83 Coastal Barrier OJ \\ \\\\• \\ \\\\ \\\\• \\ \ \\• Zones, and Boundary Ulviding Areas of Dif- OF S \ \• \ \ \• \ • \ ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT OR A \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\` \ \�\ \\\\\\\\\\• \\\* -513�� Special Flood Hazard Zones. SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1983, IN DESIG- °�� ' °� \\Yl Base Flood Elevation Zones Elevation In Feel NATEp COASTAL BARRIERS. \ \\ \ \ \ °\° �` A A Cross Section Dne FLOOD IN Coastal Barrier \\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\\\ \X FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW AFTER NOVEMBER N O1 SUB- \\ \\\\• \\\\• \\• \\\\ \\\• \ �\`\• (EL 987) Ficed Zone-- IN in Feet Where Uniform 1 IN DESIGNATED IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER i6,199q \\ \\ \\\\ \\\\• \\ \\\\ \ \'\\ IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. / \\\\ \\. \\\\ \\\\• \ \\\���l \ RM7X River it Reference Mark \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ k\>\'7S` '\ nced River Mlle 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area \ \1\R x•11 � \ `. «*Referenced to me National Geodetic Vertical carom of 1929 OR SU INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT \\ \\• \\ \\ \\• \\ \` \ OR SUBSTANTIALLY IN A M IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER E 191TH / \\ \\\\\• \\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\ o\\. \\`y cc MAP REPOSITORY NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\e ro OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. an \ Refer[o Repository LIsHn9 an Map Index 1 lee 11-15-93 Coastal Barrier to 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\ `° `\\, a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILAELE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION DR SUR- w �\ * rn FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP STANTIALLV IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 7E,1993, a \\\\\\\\\• \\\�\•• \\ \°` ��* 0 MAV 4,1998 IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS, ' Co \ \ N 2 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ �c ,\� �JESSUP EFFECTIVE DAlEISI OF REVISIONISI TO THIS PANEL 11-75-93 Otherwise Protected Area Z NECK OR SU INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IN A M IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, RealHE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ *e 0OOD INS ONCE N Barrier \ \ FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- \\\\\\\\• � \ \\\\\\\\ \ STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24, 1997, \ IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. AA Reform the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP -ffir lva date shown on this mapto \ determine when -luadal rates apply to structures In the zones where Steve- \ tions or boom have bean established. 1 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ To detennlnl: H flood Insurance Is Floodavailable Ins In this community, contact your Comments should or concerns regarding Coastal Barrier Resources System tthe Y \ Insurence agent or cell the National Flood Insurance Program at 18001638-6620. areas should be directed to the Coastal Barrier Coordinator al the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; (413) 253-8614. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \• APPROXIMATE SCALE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\• 600 0 600 FEET \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM \\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\• FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ SUFFOLK COUNTY, \\\\\\\\\\\\\ NEW YORK \• \\• \ \\• \ \• (ALL JURISDICTIONS) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PANEL\ OF 1026(SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) \ \ \ CONTAINS: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\• COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX \\\\\\\\\\\ saulr+RMPmN.TowN or aaaaz mee s SOM..TWN or .,an ORa It Town of Southampton 365342 \\\\\\\\\\ NOTE- \\\\\\\\\• THIS MRP INCORPORATES BLIsy,,eAPPROXIMATE rNME ARIE. of OTHERWISE BARRIERTE 'MID AHCE5 SYSTEM E. A 11 OOASTAL BARRIER RMPp IEMQEAS EAct .11. I(IL Tr TIE \\\\\'\\\\\ COASTAL , The IMPROVEMENTr— aF I Ij ljL ral_agl. wheNaln.to pz9sr:IDa MAPass NUMell BER C M. E MBI be l shore sM1oultl be unit an hWumnm appllum looalhe auhne MAP NUMBER 36103CO169 G 41 00. 00° JOINS PANEL ohm 72.22'30•' o`"n "`°• EFFECTIVE DATE: 2`2"' 22'5" � MAY 4, 1998 a Federal Emergency Management Agency