HomeMy WebLinkAbout168 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND i This map Is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance Program;It does not necessailly Identily all areas subject to flooding,mumiculady from local ZONE X � SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED drainage sources of small size, or all clenimetdc fee,,. outside Special Flood Hazard Areas. The community map repository should be consulted for i_°Ca' %L 5" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD bleu dated flood hazard information dorto use of this me for ro ert SUNSET LN d i•01' S'_. 5" posse p p p p p y ZONE A No hose flood elevations determined. purchase or construction purposes. JOINS PANEL 0166 ZONE AE 72°26' 15" ICL Ij ZONE X ZONE AE Base flood elevatlonsdetermined. Coastal base flood VD)v and apply only landward of wave National Geodetic Vertical �----� lv[,.1 Datum of 1929 NGVDI,and include the effects of wave action;these elevators 41-01' 52.51 DR may also r hmr slmiflca,hu from those davelopetl by the National Weather ZONE VE ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 o 3 feet ons sly areas d Servme for hurricane evacuation planning. TEL a ponding); hose Flood elevations determined. Ames dispeclal flood hazard (W0�&er flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,A0,A99, ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet V,end VE flow on sloping terrain); average depths determined.For areas of alluvial fan flooding, Certain areas not in Spaniel Flood Hazard Areae may be protected by flood velocities also. determined. control structures. COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF n.c NOVO p ZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year flood by Roundedes of the flvvdways were computed at cross sections and interpolated Town of Southold Federal flood protection system undercon- ZONE arms sections.The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations 360813 structloni no base flood elevationsdeter- with regard to requirements of the Federal Emergency.Management Agency, mined. Roadway widths in some areas may be too narrow m show he stele.Headway ZONE V Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave widths are provided in the Flood Insurance Study Report. action); no base flood elevations determined. Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data evelleble.The ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard wave user should contact appropriate community officials to verify the corporate Ilmlt tY ( delineations shown on this map, aotivnl; base flood elevations determined. For community map revision history prior to countywide mapping,see section 6.0 FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE of the Flood Insurance Study Report. ForedjolnTnt map panels see separately printed Map Index, OTHER FLOOD AREAS DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY:maps are files containing the MarrFederal merge cy Management shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency ZONE X Areas of 500-year flood; areas oh100-yea Management ABency In DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM Requests for dela Flood with nageaverage areas depths of less than 1 loot should Include the full name of the community the county and the Flood or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; Insurance Rate Map panel numbers ency.covered by the request. Contact the and areas protected by levees from 100-year Federal Emergency Management A Map Service Canter 6730 Sante flood. Barbara Court,Baltimore,Maryland 2122]-67-5 832.Telephone 1-BD0.35R-9BIfi. NOTE: The coordinate system used forth. production oPthis FloodIncur- once Rate Map IFIRMI Is Universal Transverse Mrc eator(UTM), North American OTHER AREAS Desire of 1921 INAD27I4 Clarke 1566 spheroid. Carrier coordlnatas shown on ZONE X Area determined ns be outside 500-year the FIRM ere In latitude and longitude referenced to the Universal Transverse Mercer r projection,NAD27. Differences in the datum end spheroid used in the Floodplain. production of FIRM. for adjacent counties may result In slight positional LITTLE ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undeter- differences In map features at the county bounderles. These differences do mined. not affect the accuracy of the Inferm nRm shown on the FIRM. ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the National UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS" Geodetic Montreal Datum of 1929 These flood elevations must be compered to spurred and ground elevators raferenoad to tie same datum. Far infer- matron regarding conversion between the NaUonel Burdatle Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North Ameriasn Vertical Datum of 1998, co metthe National \ \ Geodetic Survey etthe following address: Identified Identified Otherwise Vertical Network B11ch, N/CG13 1983 1990 or Later Protected Areas National GBOdedc Survey, NOAH Identified Sliver Spring Mayo Center 3 19M or Later 1315 East-West Highway Sliver Spring, Maryland 20910 'Coastal barrier areas are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood (301)713-3191 Hazard Areas, RASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were provided In digital format Floodplain Boundary and copyrighted by the New York State Depertmentef Tlnsparetch INYSDOTI. The dlgMl flies ware compiled eta stale of 1:26,000 from NYSDOT 7.5-minum — — — — ——— Floodway Boundary quadrangle maps and Opened using aerial photography. Users of this FIRM should be aware that minor adjustments may have been made to specific road Zone D Boundary Iccatons. — Boundary Dkhdln.. Special Flood Hazard Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Dif- ferent Compal Base Flood Elevations Within Spedal Flood Hazard Zones. ^^^^^513--^- Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation In Feet" V-————- Jf Cos.Section, Line (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform Within Zone•• RM7,f Elevation Reference Mark •M1.5 River Mile "'Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 v� MAP REPOSITORY Returns Repository Usting on Map Index w m 5 a EFFE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE � y FLOODOD INSURANCE RATE MAP N PECONI C ' O MAY 4,1998 Z EFFECTIVE DATEIB)OF flEVISIONSTO THIS PANEL O Town of Southam ton Reform fie FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP armored, data shown on this map to P determine when actuarial rates apply to structures in the zones where a1eva- 365342 tions ordepths have been established. To caterers s ff flocd Insulnoa is available In this Community, cour a d dour Insurance stem or cell the National need Insurance \\\InnssuProgram at 600)638 620, 1 ISI APPROXIMATE SCALE 5DO 0 500 FEET -L1 O ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Town of Southold 0 z 360813 z o o ° oFIRM � 3 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP B ^n Z SUFFOLK COUNTY, 1 NEW YORK (ALL JIMISDICTIONS) PANEL 168 OF 1026 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS 1 COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX SOUMAYMN,TOWN OF aeRv, me c SOIIIHON,rd MN OF seoal3 can' G ' Notes.w Uses,The MAP NUMBER shown htlow should IN,used .bow shoulL be used on Insurance applisel erns odeet munhy. MAP NUMBER 36103CO168 G 72.24. 22.5" EFFECTIVE DATE: JOINS PANEL 0506 41°00' 00° j MAY 4, 1998 72°26' 15" + 3 Federal Emergency Management Agency