HomeMy WebLinkAbout167 NOTES TO USERSThis map Is for use In edminlstedng the Netlonel Flootl Insurance Program; It tloes not necessarily identify all areas suhlec[to flpoding,Particularly from local Flood H sources of small alze, or all Planlmetd¢ feature¢ outside Special LEGEND Flood Hazard Areas. The mmmunity map repository should be consulted for posslhle updated flood hazard Information part. use of tNe map far propVny purchase or construction purposes, 72°22' 30" SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED Coastal base flood elevations apply only Iw-deard of o.0' Net]onel Geodetic Vertloel JOINS PANEL 0159 41.03' 45° By 100—YEAR FLOOD 72°24'22. 5" Datum of 1929 1NGVDi,and Include the effects of wave action;these elevatlons 41.03'45" :ZONE AE ZONE A No base flood elevatlons determined. May also r hurt slue evacu from those developed by the National Weather IR 9) Serylce for hurricane evacuetlon planning. I ZONE AE Bese flood elevations determined. Nees of spedel flood hazard 190-year flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,AO,ASS, ZONE X V,and VE. ` ZONE AN Flood depths o/ 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of Cattalo areas not In Spacial Hood ZONE Areas may be protected by flood dancing); base flood elevaLons determined. ZONE VE ZONE AO motto structures. (EL 101 Flood depths of 1 f4 3 feet!usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); average dspths betweS.urrden a of the floodwaysThe were aYs Were basedutpormon sections and Interpolated determined.For areas of alluvial fan flooding, between amts requirements fifth, Fa Were based n hydraulloanage ent Agency, Velocities also determined. with regard to rmuiremen[s of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, ZONE A99 To be prompted from 1OD-year good by Floodway widths In some areas may au mo narrow m show to scale.Floodway Federal Flood protettion system underaDucon- widths are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Report Federal fl no 6Ga flood elevatlons deter- Town of Southold mined. Corporate Mita shown p0 ud. map ere based on the beat data orporatle.The ` COASTAL EASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS ZONE V uaershould nontect an this one oommunit 360813 APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF oD NOVO Coastal Flood With Velodty hoard (Wave dellnea6ons shown on this map, V oiflclele m verity the corporate Ilmlt anion); no base Flood elevations determined. Eorcomloounity map r¢vl Stu history prior[o countywide mapping,see section 6.0 ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave of the Flood Insurance Study Report. TDW action); base flood elevations dere TU N OF rmined. For atllolning map panels sea separately printed Map Index. H DIGITAL DATA AMIABILITY: 0191tel files containing the thematic floodplain wN OF S F<T Town of Shelter Island FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE Information shown on these me s are SO `eR 360809 Managamanr Ag.ory In DLG-3 Cp published by the Federal ,E forced, UTyO<D y5(q�0 phonal format on CD-90M.Requeata for dote OTHER FLOOD AREAS should include the full name of the community or county and the Flood Insurance Rete Map panel numbers covered by the request Contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Map Service Center, 030 Sante Areas OF5OG1 year Flood; areas of 100-year Barbara Court,Marmara Maryland 2122]-5932.Telephone 10.3 068-9616. ZONE X Flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; OTE: The coordinate system used far the production M this Flood American and areas protected by levees from lo"ear once T O Map NAD2S Universal 66 pher Mercator IUTML North American flood. Datum of r. i (Ntitude Clarke 1966 spheroid. Comet cocrdinams shown on se the FIRM are in latitude and longitude I referenced m the Universal Transverse Moducti n fCtFIR,FIRMS DiffAdjacent c m the datum and spn uldEight used In the OTHER AREAS production of FIRMS for Adjacent cuuty b may result a slight ence do SO UTHOLD ` tllfferenoes In map features at the county boundaries. These differences do ZONE X Areas determined to be outside 500-year not affect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. floodplain. ATTENTION: Flood elevationsOf19 9n this map are referenced to the National ZONE D Areas In Which Flood hazards are undeter- to sithat Val Datum to 1929. Theta tieotl dthetlona musthe compared R mined. m structure and groUrdnve elevations en the Na r the same datum. Por lnfor, BAY \motion regarding conversion between the Netlonel Geodetic VETO.] Datum UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' Of 1929 and the North Allowing Vertical Datum of 1899, contact the National Geotletic Survey at the following address: Vertical Network Branch,Surve WOAA National GieSpring Metol- Survey, NOAq \, \ Silver Spdng Matra Center 3 Identlfied Identlfled Sliv Eapring, [Highway 1983 19Id or Later Otherwise Silver Spring. Maryland 20910 Protected Areas (301)7133191 Identified 1991 or Later BASE MAP SOURCE: Tr w York Sn a D.pa tm.pt f Fars tl a digital format `Coastal barrie..... .. normally located within or etllecent to Special Heotl and copyrighted by the New York State D¢partm¢n[ot irBnSpBrta[IBn NY9DDT, COASTAL PARRIER The digllal film Were compiled at a Sema of 1:24,990 loon NYSDOT 7.E-mlmu[9 IDENTIFIED 11-16-90 Ha.erd Arses. quadrangle maps and updated using aedal photography, users Df this FIRM (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) Should be aware that minor adjustments may have keen made to specific road Floodplain Boundary locations. ZONE AE - -_ _ _ __ Floodway Boundary COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND IEL B, --_ zone D Boundary FLOOD 83 INSURANCE l OT AVAj \1�PR5\Jf111\` c .�` APYCOASTAL SASE ROOD FOF 0. ONS Boundary DIOding Special Flood Hazard APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF O.p NOVp Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Dif- FLOOD INSURANCE NOi AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT OR .f �' \ \ ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1983, IN DESIG- \` '\ Spent Flood Hazard Zones. NATER COASTAL BARRIERS, l4 11-16-90 Coastal Sorrier ` _513— Base Rood Elevation Line; EIpWLlon In Foe[,— FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FON NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- ZONE IN DESIGNATED IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16 1990 \ X �F W ss?yAL. IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. X O¢ N 1 EL V) on In Feet Where Uniform Pfirudise ( gB Base Flood FJevah coin' Within Zone- Protected DRf IL$' i i ea ,. RM7 X Elevation Reference Mark 11-76-97 Otherwise Protected Area ¢ aR •M1.5 FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT ANEHGq o River Mile OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1991,- o /--� NOT USED IN A MANNER TEM WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE `\ I•-1/) OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS,EAS, Up NO RD m •'•Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 gPStN MAP REPOSITORY Up ` o 17-15-93 Coastal Barrier E5 ZONE e° w Refer m Repository Listing on MOP Index ZONE X o ZONE X. ((( X s Z FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- h Q IN DESIGNATED IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 1fi,1993, Q o `� o_ EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. o- LAKE DR ee\VeZ� m FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Town of z w O MAY 4,lBs9 Z 9P FLOOD IN Otherwise P AVAILABLE BL Area o Southold ZONE OLD FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT X OR SUBSTANTIALLY RD 360813 ZONE AE EFFECTIVE DATES)OF REVISIDNI5I TO THIS PANEL IMPROVED ON DR gFfEq NDVEM9ER 16, 1993,- p9pkE e0 \ \ ;EI. 811 NOT USED IN A PROTECTED CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE \ p OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. ZONE X 13 a o � 02-2497 Coastal Borriar ZONE 0P� a X FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24, 1997, IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. ZONE X ZONE AE / IEL 8) Town of Southold Reflar[a the FLOOD INSURANCE // RATE MAP effective n On shown an this map m fI//�� 360813 land or a when ave bel rales apply m structures in the zones where eleva- ams sho or concerns regarding oaosral Barrier Coordinator nres System !/ tions or depths have been established. areas Fish and he directed to the Coastal Sorrier Coardinolor a1 the To determine If flood Insurance is evallabla In this cammunity, confect your U.S. Fish ped Wildlife Service; (413) 253-8614. Z Inswmnca agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1800)638-6620. NORTH SAYVIEW EF ZONE AE DR 1(EL. Bl ZONE X ZONE : 0 s IJ X APPROXIMATE SCALE 500 c. 500 FEET ZONE X LITTLE PLECONIC 10 g BAY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ZONE X ZONE X ZONE X EONLYY ONLY OF O�OOFIRM APPLYNGVD i / \ FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP I 6r:A,cH Bp ZONE X SUFFOLK COUNTY, VA. NEW YORK ZONE X ZONE X �`_ v A 3 •�a (ALL I'MSDICTIONS) a e M4rN PANEL 1610E 1026 8 5 �� F ZONE AE \ •\ \ • \ �\� OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREA (SEE MAP IND" FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) ILL \o\ \• \ e° IDENTIFIED 11-16-91 %Rp • \��\\ �\\ \ ' �\ ° °.. (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) CONTAINS,y \ , I �\1VA COMMUNITY UMBEP PANS SUFFIX SHELTER hUAN¢,TOWN DF sWeoe mal s Town of �� ��� \,A ` ��� SOULIOm.TOWN OFeaoRe mar q L \ \\ ZONE VE mUE p, Southold a4y Southold •V\AV� \ \ 1 TL 81 = 360813 -0OTE h ZONE X 8 y=e \\ \° \ \°\ \�\ e \ \\\ \\ TCOAMA HIa ML INCOnRDRATFS gUES ,PmEM 6011NDpRIES OF ZONE X �9 \\ R \ \ \ \\ \�\ •\ I\a t " OTHERWISEBARRIER AREAS E¢TAE SHEUNITS AN.10I D UNDER THE \� \, \ COASTAL ¢ARRIER IMPRDVEel ACT OF[.Be IPL in-SI, \ \ \ \ ° � o ,>\' jp All le Ilam The MAP NDM¢ER palow h.,d ae mtl CP 41 g LAKES QW \ \\ ` \ G\\t\ when plaWnp p dma; 'Is COMMUNITY NUMBER sh—o ZONE ° \ ° \,\ \• \` Y?lY .Omnemould ee weE on m-lPror epprnlcna rarme mblem �\ \\ . zoNe AE AD, A` �° MAP NUMBER xEL 3, " OR w6 -� \ . \\ l ° ��\\� 41°01' 52. 5 36103C0167 G 'T " 41•.01' 52.5" MIDWAY JOINS PANEL 0169 72°24' 22.5" Rp 72-22 30 ZONE AE EFFECTIVE DATE: (EL al is MAY 4, 1998 Federal Emergency Managemeat Agency