HomeMy WebLinkAbout162 NOTES TO USERS - - - - - This map Is for use In administering the National Fleatl Insurance Program It - - - tives not necessarily Identify all areas subject to flooding,particularly from local drainage sources of small srze. Or ell planimetrlc features outside Special Head Hazard Areas. The community map repository should be consulted for LEGEND Possible updated flood hazard information Priorto use oftlis map forpraperty COASTAL 8,45E FLOOp ELEVATIONS purchase or connmmion purposes. APPLY ONLY ZONE LANDWARD oP o.D NGm SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED Coastal base flood elevations a 72.28'07.5" .LOINS PANEL 0164 72.26 15 BY 100-y EAR FLOOD Datum of B29 1NGV01,andInclude only antlward of 0.0' Netlonal Geodetic Vertical ospilya I`D; 45" efleots of wave action; these elevetens 4 `03'45" ZONE A may also differ slgnifl,depc from these developed by the National Weather GC No base Flood elevations deter Service far hunlwne evacuation planning. ( .rF� mined. ZONE _ ZONE AE Baze flood elevations detennjned. Areas of spacial flood hazard 1100.year flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,A0,Ag9, VE V,and VE. EL 15) S' ZONE AH Flood depths Of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of Certain auras not In Special oc pending); base flood elevar ams determined. cordial strectures. pe Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood LONG ZONE VE ISLAND / IEL 131 JW ? ZONE AO Flood depths of l to 3 feet(usual) sheet .SOUND // P Pfl flow on sloping terrain; average depths Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections and interpolated 0 .f NH determined. For areas of alluvial fan (loading, Transact omsa secdons.The floadways were based on hydraullc considerations w� Town of Southold Pyr velocities also detenhjned. with regard to requirements ofthe Federal Emergency Management -P O p r- gement Agency ae 360813 s�'' Floodway widths In some areae may be too narrow to show m scala Roadway , G 1 ZONE A99 To be protected from 10p--year 'flood by ZONE AE 50 Fadend flood pmtecilon system under an, widths are pmvlded In the Flood Insurance Study Report r° `pN EL 111 atmction; no base flood eievatjons deter- usershould limits shown on this mem are hosed on the best he corporate The mined. useneatio contact on this rte[" community officials to verify the corporate lm t ZONE X ZONE V aCoaztal flood with velocity delineations shown on this map. ZONE X coon); no base flood IehaGo s determined. nd (wave Forcommuney map revision history prim to countYWlde mapping,me section ag _y e� ZONE x of the Flood Insurance Study Report, gCrFq(} ZONE VE Coastal Flood with velocity hazard (wave ¢" action); base flood elevations determened. or etljolnlM1g map panels sae separately prlM1[lid Map Index. �e InfDroj DIGRAL DATA AVAILABILITY:maps Bel fleas ish containing the Federal flergency 'HNP° $� � FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE Management shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emer Q vs' Management Agency in DLG Optional format on CS- gency e a ROM.Requests for data should include the fall name Of the community or county and the Flood Insurance a Rata Map panel numbers coveancV, tl p the request. Contact the OTHER FLOOD AREAS Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Center,fi]30 Santa ° ear Barbara Court, Bel[Imore, Maryland 2122]_6832 Telaphone 1-900.368-9fi16. O� ZONE X Areas of 500. ear flood; hau, flood with average depths of less Iran I(oat NOTE: The coordinate system used for the production M this Flood American or Wn drainage areas less Ihan 1 square mile; Dace Rate Map (NAD Is URarke 1 Transverse Mercator lUTMI North American ZONE X and areas protected by levees from 100-year Datum of re i (Nrmudo Clarks 1966 spheroid, Comet a Universal shown se flood. the FIRM are In latitude and longitude referenced to the phamidel used In the Mercator n of Iron,NAD27. adjacff ent fi the datum and spheroid used In the Production of FIRMS for adjacent cony s may OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREA OTHER AREAS V reset n alight posl[ona IDENTIFIED 11_16-91 differences In map features at the county d0andadan These differences do noY affect the locurecy of the Information shown on the FIRM. (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) ZONE AE ZONE x Areas determined to be outside 300yearZONE X IEL B) floodplain. ATFENTION: Flood elevetlons on this map are referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. These flood elevetons must he compered ZONE O Areas in which flood hazards are h dom, 1 to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same datum. For Int., motion regarding conversion between the Netonal Geodetic Vertical Datum ZONE AE mined. Of 1929 and the North American Veneoal DON, Of 1988, contact the Netlonal (EL 10) Geadadc Sol., UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' at the following address: Vertica Network Branch, WORTS National Geodetic Survey, NOAH ZONE X Silver Spring Metro Center 3 1316 East Wast Maryland GOLDSMITHS INLET Ia ZONE X Ident6ed Identified Silver Spring. Merylentl 20910 COUNTY PARK o 1963 1990 or Later Otherwise (3017773-x191 i ZONE X ZONE Protected Areas RM Identficel BASE MAP SOURCE: Transported., Features were provided In digital format ZONE X e r X 15 1991 a Later YSOCTI end copyrighted by the NOW York State Department fromn NYSDOT W-mrat. X 'Coastal barrierareas are nonTiLly located within or adjaventm Spedal Flood The digltal (Iles ware compiled a[a scale of 1:24,000 from NYSDOT 7.6-minute HazaN Areas. quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography. Users of tits FIRM ZONE x should be aware that minor ad)umpnents may have been made to specific mad ZONE X locations. ZONE AE (EL fol ZONE AE ZONE XEP Floodplain Boundary COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND (EL 10) y 25 Floodway Boundary P°Barrier 10-01-83 CeaZone D Boundary sfal — FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR B =BFR ZONE X Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard 711 NEWLY BUILT OR Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Dif- ferent IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, iBB3, IN ❑ESIG- ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevatlans Within NATER COASTAL BARRIERS, Seen Flood Hazard Zones, ZONE AE OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREA 11-16-90 Ceasf '�--�^573--� al Barrier IEL 11) IDENTIFIED 11-16-91 Base Flood Elevation Line;Elevation In Feet" FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEWCONSTRUCTION OR SUB- STRUCTURES 'ON OR (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) A A STANTIALLY IMPROVED AFTER NOVEMBER 16,1990, Goss Section LineMpf el QO IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. PO ZONE X (EL 967) Base Flood Elevation In Feet Where Uniform La Ge�C C9P P5 Within Zone`" ZONE AE o FLOOD I Otherwise Protected Area (EL fol q0 e�GP° 9 v s RM7x Elevation Reference Mark ON SU INSURANCE NOT AVAILROVED BLE FOR STRUCTURES GPPP�E eM1.5 River Mile OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,V1B911LT P`, NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WRH THE PURPOSE OF THE "'Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum Of 1929 OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS, 9A F to MAP REPOSITORY 11-15-93 to Coastal Sorrier S ZONE % o ce w FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- Referto Repository Listing on Map Index2 STANTIAILY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,1993, a MFti IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. qAZONE X EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE m Z FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP z ZONE X to MAY a,lase 11-75-93 Otherwise Prefecfed Areo o (y �eDti FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT O OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1993,- 26 EFFECTIVE DATE(SI OF REVISIONIBI TO THIS PANEL NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE OFIFERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. 9 p 9 02-24-97 Coasfol Barrier 9C�O Pig Town of Southold FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- " 360813 PHP' STAINERALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24, 1997, G� 0 IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. Cy ♦E VO PyaP qP Reefer to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective date shown on this map to culturalwhen uarial rates apply to structures in the zonas vuhere eleva- Comments or centaurs regarding Coastal Barrier Resources System O s hact . areas should be directed Ia the Coastal Barrier Coordinator RI the N ZONE times or depth ave been established U.B. Fish and Wildlife Service; )473) 253-8614. ly -as'' ATO determine If flood Insurance Is evellahle In this community, contact your sh" (FL 81 Imsurence agentorcell the Netlonal Flood Insurance Program at IB001638A620. ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS F� ZONE % N REFERENCE ELEVATION 90 MARK IN FT.INGVa)1 DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION Nf 13 30,12 Stantlnra disk etampad E 326 1903 and Det fe top of tavtrete pont prngetm ZONE K ZONE X APPROXIMATE SCALE Ecce "Ewe g p.4 grrana. loca[ea pproximeteyy 1.2. suit so ...ehwesc elnag seace Bnuct ss f[om poet oEBeo a[ SoutLoltl, epprozl— mately 3] fee[ vvrxhweet of cen[erllve 600 0 59(1 FEET of higlm�ay. ZONE X IIM 16 za.69 Standard disk stamped p 326 1943 set in Top of mund,[e post pro]eeting 0.2 foot ZONE X ansae os d, antatea apptvxlmatel 3.0 ZONE AE miiea newt alons. state Route 25 -ffi free Sac[ feet of Entahef c;na r,tne- (EL B. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM m Lr 2.4 feet nntthweat of t trrilne ZONE X ZONE ZONE X Pf h1g6Wey. N 1Netio,ul Geodetic pettical Genus of 1929 x ZONE X 3 I ti ZONE X Fnlmelfw Town of Southold 360813 ZONE X ZONE % ANCERATE MAP ZONE AE o SUFFOLK COUNTY, EEL 6) st to oc NEW YORK ZONE X (ALL JURISDICTIONS) a� ZONEIEL AE n-A x i ZONE AE PANEL 162 OF 1026 ZONE X FL Bj \ (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) \\\\ CONTAINS; \ ZONE \\ \ \\ ZONE VE COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX 5PP1NG N a \ \\ \ \\ X \\ IEL B souTHom.TatqN of vece)a as p RM 16 X nt ZONE X \ \ \\ \\ \\C A\STAF\11gRRl[R\\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\\\\\ \\G \ \ \\\\\ \\\\\ \\ \\\ \\ ` \�boE L hLZEDN AN O� Ek�1 \ \ \\\\\\ \\ \\ \\\\\\\\ \\ FEE )s1, woonaoaa�Es no.E- ZONE X �\ \\ \Z\^� \ \ \\ \\ A\\B(!1\t \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ -PPaaxie.hTa euevoaalss oe NE \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \x \ aTTri' a 'ata RI ouacL s Ts um Ts rho oa _ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\\ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ ZONE VE 'list PnoTccn o rrcns Lsr a Isyto LIMIT 11 RL �,T �,r��k� earsrnL RRen ,,Pa 'EM T c [F 0 . l 591 \. \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\. \ \ vka•�st"`W"' \\ \ \\ \ \\ \v. \\ IEL 81 ". pati n all ITT \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .eh r sn' s r a . na c ml lrE 0 $ \. \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ LISTLE mrod [ tr,., pr [ . \ \\ \\ ZONE % \ \\ \ \ ` \\ \\ \�\ \\ \\ \\ rECONIC BAY MAP NUMBER \ \ \ \ 41°01' 52. 5" \ \ \\ \ \\ 41°0 52.5" 1` 3610300162 G 1 72°28 07. 5" JOINS PANEL 0154 ZONE X 72°26' 15" let• "'+x� a' ZONE x COASTAL T OF EFFECTIVE DATE: FLOOD E 0 0 NS a�v MAY 4, 1998 APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF . NGVO rp Federal Emergency Management Agency � I