HomeMy WebLinkAbout161 NOTES TO USERS This map Is eforss administering the National Floud Insurance Program' d LEGEND tires net necessarily identity ,.I all areas all plat to ILIO features g tits Imm local or.Flo nage source of sinal Sze. or all planmetrc sda dons Special SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED Flood Hazard Areas The community map repos tory sof this be co for pre for 2'2B' O7.S" By 100-YEAR FLOOD Purchase Updated hood hazard information prior to use of Ns map for pmpenV ZONE A No base flood elevations determined. purchase or construction purposes 41° 7`30 GO^ Coastal base flood9y ale a ns apply only lafectstl f wa, National Geodetic l neons '03 n' „ ZONE AE Base flood elevations determined, Datum of 1929 INGV01,and include The effects of care action. these eleatncr. - Sehery also differ sgnlflc7rol,cia from Thanming aevelopetl by 1M1e Nabors' Weather ZONE AN Aided depths of 1 to 3 feet usually areas of Service for hurricane evac.iahon planning, pending): Flood eleva6(ome determined. Areas of spenal Flood hazard '.110-year flood nclace Zones A,AE,AH.A0,A99, V.and VE ZONE AO Flood depths of I to 3 feet(usually sheet now on sloping terrain]; average depths Certain areas not In Spec al Flood Hi eard Areas may be pmledted W Hund COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS: determined.For areas of alluvial fan flooding, APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF oA NOVO comrol structures. velocities asp determined. Boundaries of the 110ed.rays were computed at cross sections and interpolated ZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year flood by between cross sections The floodways were based an hydahic considerations Federal need protection system under con- with regard to requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency strucdon; he base flood elevations deli mined. Floodway widl in same areas may be too narrow to show 10 scale Roadway ZONE VE widths ata pmmded In the Flood Insurance Study Report TEL 13) ZONE V Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave Southold ZONE VE action); no base flood elevrtlons determined. Corporate should limits shown on this map ere based os the hest data available The Town Of SOuthOld TELL 16) userreation contact an this ate community officals to yenfV the corporate limn O delineations shown on this map m 360013 ZONE VE Coastal hoed with velocity hazard )wave a¢jon); base /loud elevations determined. For of the Flood I map revisionSTUDY nlstory Repo prior to I;npnry,yme mapping see sammn 60 FLOODWAV AREAS IN ZONE AE of the Flood Insurance Stutly Report. F.,.dlolning map panels see fe nimmIv printed Mee InaeA DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY: Digital }Iles aontaming Th. Thematic Iloodplam OTHER FLOOD AREAS information shown on these maps ere published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency m DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROAM Requests for date /// OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREA \ \R ZONE X Alias of50o-year float; areas of 100-year should Include The 'till name of IM1e communityo°count and the Flood IDENTIFIED 11-16-91 �\ ZONE AE flood With average depths f less Than 1 foot Insurance Rate Map panel numbers cO,.rAd by the request Cpntact the .L (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) • ! TEL lti or with drainage areas less than 1 are mile; Federal Emergency Management Agency. Neap Service Center, 5730 Santa SO \\\\\ ` square Barbara Court Balt re, Maryland 21227-5832 Telephone 1-800-358 9616 \ \ and areas protected by levees from 100-year \\ \ e flood. NOTE: The coordli-the system Used for the production of1Ms Flood Insur once Rate Map (FIRM.Is Unnersal Transverse Mercator JUNi Npnh American `\ \• \\\' R` ZONE AE Datum of 1. I NA02L Clarke .Ton spheroid .fare. it coordinates shown on •\\\\\• \\\\\\ `\'\\• °\ V TEL 101 OTHER AREAS the FIRM are n lel rude and Ierencetle r the d d 1. theU real Transn one \ \ \\\ ZONE X Areas determined to be outside 50o-year Moducti pmol FIR Efo adjacent n the datum and spneroo t po it me floodplain. production of FIRMS for salt cent counties may resort a slight differences al s • \\\ ZONE 0 Areas In which flood hazards are unde[er- tllfferences in map features h the county o bno,m as These tlifferencee tin \ mined. not affect the accuracy of the information shoem on the FIRM �\ \• v ATTENTION: Flood ele,rl on this map aro referenced to the Naiona Geodetic rertieel Datum of 1829. These Flora o the soo mustbe compares ��� \e '\ \\\ •\_\ ZONE X UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' to structure end ground ale bete r.en the Na to the seine bVanj For mfm R • v ( •\R`{� oration regardingOrth Amoroso between the Nations Geodetic Vertical Datum ZONE VE e ' \ • \ \ \ \ � of deli and the Nene American 'vertical Datum of 1988 mntacl the Navpnal (EL 1$) P • \ \ \ ® \ \ Geodetic Survey at the lalplamg address Verona Network'odeti Branch h ORA �.( ZONE \ \ `li Identified Iden r Later Otherwise Nanenal Spring Mth Surent N04A ,v■• \ 1963 1990 or Later P Other Areas Sliver Spnng ET Highway Center 3 oO`'e AE ) R \\\ \ Identified O Z iF' g \\ \ \\ 1991 or later L 1315 Eest! est Wghv/ay \ ZONE X Silver Spring McNland 211910 /r� � 'Coastal bartler areas are noomey located within or adlepentm Spacial Flood BA 713-3191 Hazard Areas RASE MAP SOURCE) Transpertk State features :.ere o.dTran p m ion N formal ZONE Gr4Y ve \\\a• ZONEOAE Floodplain Boundary and copynghLs b) [he Ne;: York State Department pt Tan sponat T 5 ornot. Th. dTFrangl hies s are an compiled ata scale 011 2A,DUO Imm Users o 7 6 minute X IEL a, quadrangle maps and updates using aerial have been de to of this FIRM -� \\ T - -- - -- Floodway Boundary should he away [hal minor adjustments may have been made m Specific mad 9 \ �\ -- Icce[iens. _ Zone D Boundary COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND ZONE VE MIT Boundary Civil n Special Flood Ha and ISL 151 Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of OIf- 10-01-83 Coastal Barrier ZONE \\\ ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within _ X Special Flood Hazard Zones, FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STPUC7 UHE9 NEWLY BUILT OF r::.sgfv�ra SUBST "F 0t~., -----513-��-- Rase Flood Elevation Line; EleVatlon In Fere" INATEDANOAST BARRIERS ARRI CD ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1 1983. IN ❑ESIG ZONE ' ZONE X NATER COASTAL BARRIF RS. X U � Crass Scall Line I1-76-90 Coastal Barrier III If In ' u. .1 ZONE AE (EL gal Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform -r' I , Within Znne" I ';, 'EL 101 FLOOD INSURANCE NOT STRUCTURES E FOR 09 CONSTRUCTION O1 SUB- ZONE X n RM7 X Elevation Reference Mark IN DESIGNATED IMPROVED STR ARRIE ES CN OR AFTER NOVEMBER lfi 1991 eM1.6 River Mile IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area ; "Befriended to the National Gereetic Vertical Datum of 1929 FLOOD INSURANCE NOI AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWU BUILT DR SUSED IN TALL I' IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 1997 lS MAP REPOS70RY 0 NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE -a Referto Repository Listing on Map Index OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS, v ZONE z X a EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE I1-15-93 Coastal Barrier Ad FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FLOOD INSURANCE NOT A,All-BIC FCR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- Z D , STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES CN OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15 1993, a MAY 41Eaa IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS N Z EFFECTIVE DATEISI OF REVISIONIS)TO THIS PANEL 11-75-93 Otherwise Protected Area - ZONE VE Town of Southold FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT IEL 151 360813 OR SUBSTANTIALLI IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOBEM9ER 15. 1993 NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSIStFUT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS 02-24-97 Coastal Barrier FLOOD INSURANCE NOT A,AILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES CII DR AFTER FEBRUARY 24 1997 Refer m the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ePartly. data shown on this map to IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS determine when actuarial rates apply to structures in the zonas where eleva- tions prepare haw. been establlehil ZONE X To determine it flood insuranee Is avalleble In this commurlty, contactyour insurance agent or cell the National Flood Insurance Program at 18001638-6620. Comments o s d 1. the Coastal Barrier Resources System areas Fish a r ben Wildlife ed ry the Coastal Bardet Coordinator at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; )413) 253-8614. APPROXIMATE SCALE 500 0 500 FEET ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM t FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SUFFOLK COUNTY, e NEW YORK 0 is (ALL 1URISDICITONS) �G 0 ZONE % PANEL 161 OF 1026 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS. COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX souTHate MAN OF trot into a Da w ' Town of Southold ZONE X 0FE 'y 360813 ESO A`E Aper THIS MAP NCOgRe BRTES pleS AIMATE BOUNDARIES OF COASTAd`m'Z'L 94aeIEe m5e1,'1AA SYSTEM all THE AtrV�4 plHmy/ISd pg" Y u FPMS ES CT OF UNOEI THE Ln45T41 .ABPIEn IMPgc'IEMENT ACT OF 19.a EL 1N-6ell Nonce IT Usn The MAP NUId0E0 xhall when annp aY ortler Sea d, AMU) - n"hf"A" A' b ahonvm sh'Wtl Pa rai on ,n ,a phcaxue I F ALhiam `1 aB MAP NUMBER 36103COlM G 41.01 52. 5" JOINS PANEL 0163 72°26' 07. 5" EFFECTIVE DATE: If 'bO� MAY 4, 1998 if Federal Emergency Management Agency