HomeMy WebLinkAbout157 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map Is for use In administering the Natlonal Flood Insurance Program; It _ SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED does not necessarily Identify ell areas subdin subject to floog,particularly from local - - drainage sources of small size, or all planimetrlc features outside Special 72°22' 30" BY 100-YEAR FLOOD Flood Hazard Areas. The community map repository should he consulted for 41-07'30" possible updated flood hazard information prior to use of this map for property ZONE A No base Flood elevations determined. purchase or consrruotlon purposes. 72°24'22.5" ZONE AE Base flood elevations determined. Coastal base flood elevations apply only landward of DO National Geodetic Vertical q '07'30" Datum of 1929 NGVD),and include the effects of my. aotlan; these elevationsZONE AN Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of may also differ sIgnifcandy from those developed by the Netlonal Weather pending); base flood elevations determined. Service for hurricane evocuntlon planning. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet Areas of special flood hazard 100-year flood)Include Zones A,AE,AH,A0,A99, flow on sloping terrain); average depths V,and VE. dommolned.For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities also determined. Car In areas. not In Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control structures. ZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year flood by od under com- Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections and Interpolated federal nction;o no Abase on pllaYntions date, between cress sections.The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations mined. with regard to requlrements ofthe Federal Emergency Management Agency, hatuard partway widths In some areas may be too narrow, to show to scale.Floodwey ZONE V acorn;noobase flood od with velocity determined. widths are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Report. Corporate Rents shown on this map ere basedonthe best dam available.The ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave Lear should contact appropriate community officials to verify the corporate limit nal,m); base flood elevations determined. delineations shown on this mop. For community map reviede hletory prior to countywide mapping,see section 6.0 of the Flood Insurance Study Report. FLOODWAV AREAS IN ZONE AE ATIONS FcradjoinlnB map panels sae separately earned Map Index. APPLYCOAST AL ONLLVSLANOWARp FLOODO 0,0 NEVA OTHER FLOOD AREAS DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY: Digital files containing the thematic flocdplale Information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency ZONE X Areas of 500-year d.rth areas of 100-year Mena Bement Agency In DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for data flood With avenge depths of les than 1 foot should include the fv11 name of the community or county and the Flood Town of Southold or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; Insurance Rete Map panel numbers covered by the request. Contact the 360813 and areas protected by levees from 100-year Federal Emergency Management Agency, Map Service Center,6730 Santa flood. Barbara Court,Baltimore,Maryland 21227-6832.Telephone 1�OD�6B-9616. NOTE: The coordinate system used fomite production ofth)s Flood Incur- ?'r OTHER AREAS ante Rete Map (FIRM)Is Universal Transverse Mercator lUTMI. North American Datum of 1927 INAD2]),Clarke 1866 epherold. Comer coertllnems shown on =g UN ZONE X Areas determined to be outside 500-year the FIRM are in lettuce and longitude referenced to the Universal Tranaversejail SN`'1'Ep floodplain. Marcatnr projection,IDlffarences In the datum and sphaned used In thetU pmtluctan of FIRMS for adjacent courNes may result In slight posltlonal r 1�n ZONED Areas In Which Flood hazards are undeter- differences In map Tantrums at the county bountlariae, These differences do G p mined. not affect the accuracy of the Informatlon shown on.the FIRM. 'ZONE VE (EL a6).�- UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS" ATTENTION: Flood elevatlons an this map are referenced to the National Geodetle Vertical Datum of 1929. These flood elevations must he compared to structure and ground elavetlons referenced to the same datum Forlufor- madon regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical DatumTown of of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1989, comeatme, National `\ FM Geodetic Survey Bathe following address: t� Southold Identified Identified Otherwise tected Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 ,-\ CSF 360813 1983 1990 or Later Pm dentfiedeaz 1991 or Later National Geodetic Survey, NCAA ,\v\) Silver Spring Metro Center 3 5 Ty 1315 Best-West Highway *Coastal borlerareas are normally located within oradjacentto Special Flood Silver SpdnB, Maryland 20910O ZONE Hazard Areas. (301)713191 Inlet .m `� X 9 BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features Were provided In diglfel format Point - O Floodplain Boundary and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Transportation INYSOOTI. O The dl911e1 files were compiled at a scale of 1:24,000 from NYSDOT 7.5-minute o POND — — — — — — — Roadway Boundary quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography Users ofthls FIRM should be ..are that minor adjustments may have been made to specific road WLET i - -- Zone D Boundary locations. \ !! 'ZONE' $ t Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Off- L I • s Special Coastal Base Flood FJevatiorrs Within IBL iif yP !y Special Flood Hazard Zones. • !q ^-------513-^-- Base Flood Elev#lon Une; Elevation In Feel• ZONE ^~ 1 ZONE AE ln1eG • X A A Cross Section Line IEL 131 Pond Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform \ (EL 9BZ) Within Zone 1 'L\tea ZONE X RM7X Elevation Reference Mark 1 ° �ESteP' •M1.5 River Mlle •\ �° **Referenced to the National Oeodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 \ ' ZONE m MAP REPOSITORY ZONE I \ 009 x Ei Refer to Repository Listing on Map Index x ZONE • wN z AE PO EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE t IEL 101 POOe,§ Z to FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 9if-•\ J MAY 4,1998 INLET POND OOL� COUNTY PARK tl/ ZONE a_ EFFECTIVE OATE15)OF REVISION(S)TO THIS PANEL X ` y ZONE AE ZONE 1 ZONE _ - IEL sl VE Heart. the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP affeel data Shawn an this map to - TEL 151 p X determine when actuarial rates apply to structures in the zones where clave- @° tions or depths have been Established.Of p� mi To determine if flood insurance is available In this community, contact your Southold Insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1800)838-6620. 360813 ate ZONE a HMllI - r ZONE X 1 �$ ZONE X q 500 APPROXIMATE SCALE 0 500 FEET z G) Village of 0 o Greenport ZONE xo A 361004 ZONE X NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM O v O ' Q1A / ZONE X FIRM ZONEAE EL -__ FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS a. APPLY ONLY LANOWARD OF 0.0 NGVD ZONE SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK G 1 ZONE (ALL JURISDICTIONS) 00 �N PANEL 1510F 1026 ZONE A.E/ n E ZONE (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) 11' 11i ti m Town of ZONEZONE ZONE CONTAINS: Southold ZONE m X x . Town of COMMUNITYNUMBER PANEL SUFFIX 360813 ae mll OIWGF OF 3a,ase aro G R' seVlHet➢,TOWN OF 36c813 N3] G ZONE VE Southold m ,Ag�DAD I F; 360813 ZONE X ZONE X fP )pct ZONE AE ZONE VE ZONE 1E (EL GI X a ZONE X ZONE �Co i N.k.m u..r me MAP NUMBER eno,m e.l.w Howe e. need J ZONE AE �� c D P yaP 9 when pleouR map oNere' ..r o.eppl INft,tbyot AE v' above zM1oultl ae peed om InIts CO MUNI NUMBER rm sown commuNty a o MAP NUMBER ZONE AE. ,JZONE � lea �F �a� covE 36103CO157 G lel_ IJ, x P1I E5 ZONE AE. .. / 2 41°OS' 37.5' 71-22 3D' ��" •'"°4� EFFECTIVE DATE tFIL 11' APPLY ON / JOINS PANEL 0159 COASTAL StAASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS LY NOWARp OF 0.0 NGVD + � MAY 4, 1998 41°05'37.5" 1 72°29. 22.5- ZONE X Federal Emergency Management Agency