HomeMy WebLinkAbout144 NOTES TO USERS This map Is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance program; It LEGEND does not sources Identify all areas Ji plaricct to flooding,phishures, utaany from local drainage sources of small size, or all planimatric feaNres outside Special ' Read Hazard Areas. The community map repository should be consulted for SPECIAL LNEAR FD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED possible updated flood hazard Information prior to use of this map for property 72°30' OO" 1 By purchase or construction purposes. 41°01' 52.5" ZONE A OD JOINS PANEL 0142 No base flood elevaflons determined. Coastal base flood elevations apply Only M landward of OC' Nationnl theseGeodetic Vertical 72-31- 52.5° O ZONE AS _ Datum of 1929 (NGV01 and Include Ne effects of wave action; these elevations 91°01 62.5" Base flood elevatlons determined. May also huMcane evacuation planningiffer slgo'rflcafrom those developed by the National Weather Service forr huO F Flood depths of 1 to 3 fe (usually areas Of - cue . a ZONE AN et ponding); base Flood elevations determined. Areas of spacial flood hazard ROOyeer flood)include Zones A,AE AT,AO,A99, ZONE AO Flood depths of l l0 3 fee[!usually sh V,and VE. eet Certain areas not In Special Flood Hazard Arses may be protected by flood flow on sloping m raln); average depths control structures determined.For areas of.fuvial fan Flooding, � velocities also determined. Town Of Southold ZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year flood by football of the floodwaYs were computed at crass sections and Interpolated 360813 Federal Flood protection system under cen- between crass requirements fofthe a ware based on hydraulic connent Agency Federal fl no hose Flood stem updts deter- with regale to requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, mined. IhodWay widths In some areas may be too nertoW to show m scale,Flootlway e° widths are provided N ZONE V Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave the Flood Insurance Study Report. action,; no base flood elevatlom determined. Cumaate limits shown on this map are basad on the bast data available,The pFPoT useneatio d shoran[appropriate community efkolels to VarXy the corporate limit ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hoard (wave For common shown re this map. action); base Flood elevations determined. Far community map revision history ptlorth c.unrywitle mapping,sae saRion 6,0 a 5 of the Flood Insurance Study se Report FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE For adjoining map panels see separately printed Map Index. 02 DIGITAL DATA AVAILABILITY: Digital files containing the thematic floodplainOerE' ZONE X <qNE OTHER FLOOD AREAS information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency In DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for data ZONE X Areas of 500-year flood; areas of 100.year should include the full nems of the community the county and the Flood flood with average depths of less than 1 foot Insurance Rate Map panel numbeManagement A covered p the request Contac[ the with drainage areas Its Man 1 square mile; Federal Emergency Management Agency, Map Service Cental 6]30 Bente or and areas protected by levees kora 100-year Barbara Court, Baltimre o ,Maryland 21227-11 Telephone 1 00-356-9616. flood. NOTE: Tha coominate tlon system used for the prcducof MIs Flood loan, area Rata Map WADI IS Universal Transverse Mercator lcoord North American � OTHER AREAS Datum o/ 1927 INAD27L Clarke 1866 spheroid. Comer coordinates Shawn on se Me FIRM are in latitude and longitude referenced m the Universal Transverse ZONE X Areas determined to be outside 500-year ercemr proof FIR, sfor Differadjacent In the tlalum and sphamld used in the Floodplain. production s of FIRMS for adjacent counties may result In slight encePositional a not In map features at the county bshown tan These differences do bt ZONE D Areas In which Flood hazards are undeter- not effect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. ATTENTION: Flood elavatlans on this map em referenced to the National 9 mined. Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. These flood elevations must be compared �Oa UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS` to structure and ground ion between en the National the same datum. For lata, H matron regarding tthe folio between the National Geodatk Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North Ametican Vortical DaWm of 19981 contact the National F Geadedc Survey et the following address: Von!.[ Network Branch, N/CG13 Nacional Survey, NOAq Identified Identified Otherwise Silver Springing Met 7963 1990 or Later Metro Canter 3 Protected 1eAdreaz 1316 East-West Highway o� pq Silver Spring, Merylantl 20910 - 1991 or Later 1'3 13011]13-3191 'Coastal barrier areas are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood MAPBASE 0 SOURCE: Transportation features were provided in digital format Haze to Areas9ryF sli IF Floodplain Boundary and copyrighted by the New Vat Stats Department ofTransportationIENYSDC]Tminute D The quadrang, FlMales were Updatempiled at scale pe 1724,000photography. from NYSDUsers o TE minute O(T should ogle maps and updated using sane, photography. Users of MIs FIRM eP — — — — — — — Flootlway Boundary should be aware theCminor edlustmems may have been made to spaclHc road 9Q IocaCars, -— —- Zone D Boundary PQM Boundary Divlding Special Flood Hazard Zones, and Boundary Dividing Areas of Dif- ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within Special Flood Hazard Zones. ^--^513---- Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation In Feet" Goss Section Line �0 (EL 9871 Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where Uniform Within Zone'• OP� RM7X Elevation Reference Mark ZONE X •101.5 River Mile "Referenced to the National Oeodenc Vertical Datum of 1929 pa m MAP REPOSITORY 0 DPti � Reliance Repository Listing on Map Index S J EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE GQ d 4 Z FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP d p MAY 41 1999 O 913 5/A9' EFFECTIVE DATEISIOF REVISIONISITO THIS PANEL vo ]Refer to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP affective data shown on this map to ,aw 'determine when actuarial rates apply to structures In the zones where eleva- 't1ons .,depths have been established. P To determine Ifflood Insurance Is available In this chmprophy, ..titan[ f ]Insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1900)111Town of Southold 360813 ZONE X APPROXIMATE SCALE 5110 0 Boo FEET PE ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM 7YORK Town of Southold NCE RATE MAP " 360813 UNTY, TuLL `� IONS)6 (SEEMAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) CONTAINS: C COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX SOUTFULa,TOWN OF asoma at" v m peS4G � ZONE X ZONE X �J 2E Dyp ZONE R' Non=e,i uo.,Th.MAI NUMass n°.1' e.l°. :lore L.vasa AE ZONE =Ve III m�sid oh lnhr'.°,°:eons cion Io ane:�eia EL ,n x N MAP NUMBER al•oo' oD" 36103CO144 G ®C 72.30' 00 - sem v.r,wo I 1.00' 0011 JOINS PANEL 0462 �'° s, EFFECTIVE DATE: 72°31' 52.5'1 a MAY 4, 1996 a Federal Emergency Management Agency