HomeMy WebLinkAbout139 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This mop Is for use In administering ell .,. the Ne60oP Flood Insurance Program It does not necessarily Identify all auras all ditto flood a partictituryouts hour foal Flood sources of small Sze it ell pl repository features outside Special SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED Flood Hazard Arses. The community map reposlmry should he consulted for 72°33 45" BY 100--YEAR FLOOD possible updated flood hazard information prior to use of this map for property 41"01' 52.5" purchase or construction purposes. ZONE A No base Food elevations determined. 72.35'37.5" Coastal base flood elevations apply only landward of OP Geodetic Vertical GeodVertical q °01' S2.5" ZONE AS Base Flood elevations determined, Datum of 1929 (NGVD),and Include the effects of wave bell three elevations may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 ad feet(usually areas of Service for uMoana evacuation planning. ponding); base flood elevations determined. Areas of speclul flood hazardy (100 .ar flood)include Zones A,AE,AH,A0,A99, ZONE AO Flood depths of i to 3 feet(usually sheet anJ VE. flow on sloping terrain); average depths d.For Certain areas not In Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood velacitiles A. determined. central fan Flooding, control structures. Bounderles of the floodways were computed at cross sections and Interpolated ZONE A99 Fe be good co from 100-year Flood by Federal Flood base system under con- betwwhip ren cross requirement floodways were based on hydraulic entAconsiderationsncymined. no base flood elevatlotts deter- with regard m requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. mined. Roadway widths In some areas may be too narrow to show to scale.Hoodway ZONE V Coastal Flood with velocity hazard (wave widths are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Report action); no haze Flood elevations determined. Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the host data available.The user should contact appropriate community officials to verify me corporate limit ZONE VE Coastal Flood with velocityaz hard (wave delineations shown on this map. cti aon); haze Flod Rated eevadans determined. For community map revision history prior to countywide mapping,see around 6.0 of the Flood Insurance Study Report. FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE For adlolning map panels see separately printed Map Index. DIGITAL DATA AVAILABIUTY: Digital flies containing the Burned.floodplain OTHER FLOOD AREAS information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency In DLG-B Optional format on CRROM.Requests for date ZONE X Areas of 500-year Food; areas of100-year should include the full name of the community or county end the Flood Food with average depths of less than 1 foot Insurance Rate Map panel numbers covered by the accost Contact the or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Center,5730 Santa and areas protected by levees from 100-year Barbara Court, Baltimore,Maryland 21227-6832.Telephone 1-80068-9816. flood. NOTE: The coordinate system used for production of this Flood Ini erican OTHER AREAS Choc Rete 92 I NAD2s Universal Transverse Mero me coed North American Datum of re I altitude Clarke 18ee spheroid. Comer a Universal shown on se Town of Southold the FIRM are In latitude and longitude referenced ro the Universal Transverse ZONE % Areas determined to be outside 500-year Mercator pmol FIR, sfor adjacent a the datum and spheroid used m the 360813 Floodplain. prdiffoduction of FIRMS for adjacent counties may result a diff encespospdo ZONE O Areas in which flood hazards are undeter- notafnees In map factures h the county bshown ion These differences do mined. not affect the accuracy of the information shown on the FIRM. ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced be the National UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' Goodish. Vertical Datum of 1929. These flood elocations must he compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same datum. Forinfor- - motlon regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North American Voi lcal Datum of 1985 oontectthe National ® \\ \ Geodetic Survey at the fallowing address: Identified Identified Otherwise Vertical Network Branch, N/CG13 Nations l Geodetlo Survey, NOAH 3 19Id or later Protected Areas clflied Silver Spring Metm Center 3 19191E orf Water 1315 East-West Highway 'Coastal harder areas are normal) located within or adjacent to Special Flood Silver pang, Aryan 0910 (31111713-3191 V I pec Hazard Areas, BASE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were provided In digital format and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Transppta len (Ni Floodplain Boundary The digital files were ..,,!led at a scale of 1:24,000 from NYSDOT 7.GR mute quadrangle maps and updated using aerial photography, Users of this FIRM - - - - --- Floodway, Boundary should be aware that minor adjustments may have been made to specific road locations. - Zone D Boundary ��. Boundary Dividing Special Flood Hazard Zones, and Boundary Dividing Anizat Dl� ferent Coastal Base Flood Eleyadens Within Special Flood Hazard Zones. 513---- Base Flood Elevated Line; Elevation In Fere" �� ll Cross Second hire U �J (EL 987) Base Hand Elevation In Feet Where Uniform Within Zone-` RM7X Elevation Reference Mark •Mi.5 River Mlle "'Referenced to the National Ceodedc Vertical Oature of 1929 MAP REPOSITORY O Raferto Repository Listing on Map Index w Z Ov( 1 Up d EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUMVWIOE UFLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP O S Z MAY 4,1998 EFFECTIVE DATES OF REVISION(S)TO THIS PANEL 1�+v11' �sv Refer to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP effective dies shown on this map to G hil"T determine when actuarial rates apply to structures in the zones where aleve- RD tions or depths have been established. OL To determine If flood Insurance is available In this community, contact your 00)638-6620. Insurance agent or cell the National Flood Insurance Program at 03ZONE (EL 131) ZONE X APPROXIMATE SCALE 500 0 500 FEET ZONE AE IEL 12) 0 u}� tj pP COASTAL EASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS s�e"c^ ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF d0 Ni OR .xvEi.` r' �NtPNV m DP FIRM �SPtN FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONE VE SUFFOLK COUNTY, IEL 16) \ s, z a \ y NEW YORK \\\ RO ZONE X Pa (ALL IMSDICTIONS) JAS{ ruGy DOGWOOD P Pa A PANEL 139 OF 1026 (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) sG W MAINS', I, y`�r tP�VO COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFX 5 PIVEAHFAa,TOWN OF 3fiaWad o 3 Pa say"Fou➢,TOWN eF 3fiaBl3 be, G Town of Southold 360813 Nance to U—Thi,MAP NUMPIP hewn below altionad be end ZONE X :i should be used on insuaCOMMUNITY iatns r ina subject neem, Town of MAP NUMBER Riverhead 36103CO139 G 360805 41.00 00° 72'33' 45" '`� '""' EFFECTIVE OATEt q 1•DD' Do' JOINS PANEL 0477 ty 72.35' 37.s• ;$®a MAY 4, 1996 Federal Emergency Management Agency