HomeMy WebLinkAbout105 NOTES TO USERS — — — — — — — This map Is for use In admlolatedng the National Flood Insurance Program it LEGEND does not necessarily erlly Identify all arses subject to Flooding,particularly from local drainage sources of small size, or all plenmetre features outside Special Rood azar SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED Areas. The community map reposltory should he consulted for " possible updated flood hazard Information prlorm use .f this map for 72°03' 45 property 41° 15' 00" purchase or construction purposes.sea. BY 100-YEAR FLOODses. Coastal hese flood elevations apply only landward of aC' National Geodetic VeNcal 72°0730" ZONE A No base flood elevations determined. Datum of 1929 (NGVD),and Include the effects of wave action;these elevations q ° 15'00" ZONE AS Base Flood elevations determined. may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather - Service far hurricane evenuatlon planning. ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of Areas of special flood hexon, (100-year flood)include Zones A,AE,AH,A0,AB9, ponding); base flood elevations determined. V,and VE. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually sheet Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected on sloping terrain); average depths[eotetl by flood - control sVuctures. determined.Furores of.Iluvi.1 fan flooding, velocities also determined. Boundaries ofths flo.dways ware computed ofar... sealers and Interpolated To 6e protected from 100-year {load by between cross settlors.The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations ZONE A99 tem under — eon with regard to owlremente ofthe Federal Emergency Management Agency. Federal no haze flood Flood protection syselevations ron- Floodway widths in some areas may be too narrow to show to scale.Floodway mined. widths are provided In the Flood Insurance Study Repot. ZONE V Coastal Flood with Velocity hazard (wave Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data corporate limit out no base flood elevations determined. user should contact appropriate community officials to verify the corporate Ilmit - delireatlons shown on this map, ZONE VE Coastal flood with velocity hazard (wave For community map revision history prior to countrywide mapping,see section 0.0 added; base flood elevations determined. of the Flood Insurance study report r FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE For adjolNng map panels see separately printed Map Index. IJIGRAL DATA AVAILABILITY: ps are Nes fished containing the thematic floodplain OTHER FLOOD AREAS DIGFFALInformationD shown A these maps are published by the th Federal Emergency Management Agency In DLG-3 Optional format on CO-ROM.Requests for data ZONE X Areas of 500-year flood; areas of 100-year should Include the full name of the community th county and the Flood Rood with average depths of less than 1 foot Insurance Rete Map panel numbers covered by the request Cont6730 the or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; Federal Emergency Management Agency, Map le hon Center,6730 Banta and areas protected by levees from 100.year Barbara Court,Baltimore, Maryland 21227-6832 Telephone 1�00.36B-gB16, Flood. NOTE: The coordinate system used far the produtbon of this Flood Insur- ance Rate Map IFIRMI Is Universal Transverse Mercator(UTMI. Horth American Datum of 1927 (NAD27),Clarke 1866 spheroid. Corner 000rdinetee shown on the FIRM are in latitude and longitude referenced to the Universal Transverse OTHER AREAS Mercator projection,NA027. Differences in the datum and spheroid used In the on ZONE X Areas determined to be outside 500-year production of FIRMS for adjacent counties may result in slight positlonal differences in map features see the county boundaries, These dlffarances do o floodplain. not affect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM. ZONE O Areas in which Flood hazards are undeter- z mined. ATTENTION: Flood Elevations on this map are referenced to the National a to Geodetic re and Datum of e 1929. These flood o the same most rn compared m UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' to structure and ground elevations referenced o the same datum. For infer- Z motion regarding North A ton between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of deli and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, contact the National Geodetic Survey at the following address: Variant Network Branch, N/CG13 National Geodetic Survey, NOAA Identified Identified Otherwise Sliver SpOEg Metro Center 3 1903 1990 or Later Protected Areas 1315 East-West Highway IdenUFled Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 19M or Later (SUI 713-3191 'Coastal barrier areas are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood BE MAP SOURCE: Transportation features were provided In dlgltel format Hazard Areas. and copyrighted by the New York Sete Department.f Transportation (NYSDOTI, The digital tiles were compiled ata scale panel from UsersNYSDCTo 7b-minute Floodplain Boundary quadrangle maps and updated using aerlEl photography. Users of this FIRM should be aware that minpr edlustments may have been made to spedflc road — — ——— — — Floodway Boundary locations. - Zone D Boundary COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND Boundary Dividing Specal Flood Hazed 10-013 Coastal Barrier Zone , and Boundary Dividing Area ofOlf- TDTTT ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT OR so Special Flood Hazard Zones. SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1983, IN DESIG- Base Flood Elevation Line; Elevation in Feet•• NATED COASTAL BARRIERS. ISLAND _513— NG ......... Cros Seddon Line FLOOD 11-16-90 Coastal Barrier �O (EL Santa) Base Flood Elevation in Feet Where uniform Within Zone-- 5 INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- RM7X ' IN DESIGNATED IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER ie,1880. Elevation Reference Mark IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS, •MIS River Mlle 11-16-91 Otherwise Protected Area ^-Referenced FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLV BUILT to the National Geodetic Voldal Datum of 1929 OR SUBSTANTIALLYM IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 193F— NOT USEDSEDININ A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSEE OFF THE MAP REPOSITORY OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. Reform Randal ry Listing oa Map Index m 11-15-93 Coastal Barrier o FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- w EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE IN DE IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NOVEMBER 15,1993, Q IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. o. MAY 4,1998 Z 11-15-93 Otherwise Protected Are. O EFFECTIVE DATES)OF REVISION(S)TO THIS PANEL FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1993,- NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. 02-24-97 Coastal Barrier FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24, 1997, IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. Referm the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Wendy. data shown on this map to Little GUI[ determine when actuarial rates apply to structures In fine zones where .[Bya- Island [tions or depths have been established. Comments or concerns regarding Coastal Barrier Resources System IT. determine If flood insurance Is available In this commomo, contact your areas should be directed to the Coastal Barrier Coordinator a1 the Irnsurance, agent or nail the National Flood Insurance Program at(800)639-6820, U.S. Fish .ad Wildlife Service; (413) 253-8614. Towel of Southold 360813 ZONE x APPROXIMATE SCALE -ZONE.V - 1000 0 1000 FEET Ed o ® NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM w t_ a ZONE v GrealGdll no I= FIRM land 1 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 1 SUFFOLK COUNTY, ZONE x NEW YORK -! (ALL JURISDICTIONS) / ZONE V PANEL 105 OF 1026 BLOCK ISLAND SOUND (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTpll CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX East NAMFION,TOWN OF uon,. .lase p H.m .cuT ,TOWN OF scone, plan G DF S�USNaMP�oN ' I NDN Sj NP DA,v" N.V.— deer Th° Map NOMB,, ,_ [°low roud as oup, .bore Nixonhouha usetl °" Ipsu COMMUNITY a epUNIT NUMBER(o anh�, Town of East Hampton 00560794 MAP NUMBER 41 I I' IS" 36103CO105 G al° IS^ JOINS PANEL 0115 72°03' 45" EFF r ECTIVE DATE; 71'C7 30 ' MAY 4, 1998 Federal Emergency Management Agency