HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 CUTCHOGUE CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT E 9 S 2 T e 260 New Suffolk Road, PO Box 930, Cutchogue, NY 11935 F.D. Telephone (631) 734-6907 • Fax (631) 734-7079 88 Years E-mail: cutfd@optonline.net of Service www.cutchoguefiredept.org LETTER REQUESTING POSTING OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON BUDGET ON TOWN WEBSITE AND ON TOWN CLERK BULLETIN BOARD (PUBLIC HEARING ON BUDGET ONLY) RECEIVED Cutchogue Fire District 260 New Suffolk Rd OCT 1 1 2016 Cutchogue NY 11935 Southold Town Clerk Dear Elizabeth Neville, Enclosed is a Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget of the Cutchogue Fire District. Pursuant to Town Law§ 181.3 (a), kindly post: 1. The enclosed notice on your website (if such a website exists) on or'before the 13th day of October, 2016. (This notice must be posted at least 5 days before the date of the Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget), also 2. Post this Notice of Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget on the bulletin board maintained by the Town Clerk pursuant to Town Law§ 30(6). Enclosed are affidavits of posting for your signature. Kindly sign, have your signature notarized and return the original affidavits to me at the address above (below). Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, 110 6L Matthew J. Martin, Secretary BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT 260 New Suffolk Road Cutchogue NY 11935 This notice must be sent to all the clerks of the towns that lie within the geographic boundaries of the fire district, or any town which the fire district contracts, or to the secretary of the fire district, if there is a fire protection contract between town fire districts. CUTCHOGUE CUTCI-- OGUE FIRE DISTRICT E g S 2 T e , 260 New Suffolk Road, PO Box 930, Cutchogue, NY 11935 F.D. Telephone (631) 734-6907 • Fax (631) 734-7079 88 Years E-mail: cutfd@optonline.net of Service .www.cutchoguefiredept.org RECEIVED OCT 1 .1 2016 State of New York ) Southold Town CiErk County of Suffolk ) Town of Southold ) Matthew J. Martin, Secretary of the Cutchogue Fire District, located in the Town of Southold, being duly sworn deposes and says: The attached Notice of Public Hearing on the Budget, at least once five days before the date specified for the hearing. I ` 1) Was published in Suffolk Times, the official newspaper of the Fire-District on October 6, 2016; 2)' Was posted the official signboard of the Cutchogue Fire District, on September 29, 2016; 3) Was posted on the Fire District's website, on September 24th, on the website of the Town of Southold Town The Fire District is located in the Town of Southold, 4) The Notice of Public Hearing specified the time when and the place where this public hearing would be held; 5) The Fire District Secretary also made available for inspection by any interested person during district office hours copies of the proposed budget on the 6th date of October, 2016, which is at least five ,�days before the public hearing. Dated- October.6, 2016 -Gve'�c Fire Distri Secretary Swor a this b"7 day of October, 2016 MIRPWARM ic ftte of New York No.OD*4634315 Qualified in Suffolk Counttyy Commission Expires May 31,% (Attached to this notice is the Notice of Public Hearing on the Budget) RECEIVED To: Suffolk Times Newspapers Mattituck,NY OCT 1 1 2016 September 29, 2016 Southold Town Clerk Legal Notice of Public Hearing on the Budget Cutchogue Fire District NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Proposed Budget of the Cutchogue Fire District of the Town of Southold, State of New York, will be presented to the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Cutchogue Fire District, for Its consideration. A PUBLIC HEARING will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Cutchogue Fire House, 260 New Suffolk Rd., Cutchogue, New York 11935, in the Town of Southold, State of New York on the 18th day of October, 2016. The purpose of the public hearing is to allow any person to be heard in favor of or against the proposed budget as it is submitted, or for or against any item or items contained in the proposed budget, and hearing all persons interested in the subject concerning same. That a copy of the proposed budget is available at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold at 260 New Suffolk Rd, Cutchogue, NY 11935 and Fire District Secretary at 260 New Suffolk Rd, Cutchogue, NY 11935 where it may be inspected by any interested person during office hours 9am to 5pm. The Budget is also posted on the Cutchogue Fire Dept. web site www.cutchoguefiredept.org under the Fire District Menu Dated: September 27, 2016 Board of Fire Commissioners Matthew J. Martin, Secretary Cutchogue Fire District Publish in Legals October 6th, Certified. C Legal Notice Hearing 2017 Budget doc RECEIVED Form 6-8: Affidavit of Posting Town Clerk—Budget Hearing OCT 1 1 2016 Southold Town Clerk Affidavit of Posting Southold Town Clerk Deputy Town Law§175-c (2) State of New York ) County of Suffolk ) Town of Southold ) Lynda AA Rudder �?Cprkuo%he Town of Southold , being duly sworn deposes and says- The attached notice of the Public Hearing on the proposed budget. 1. Was posted on the official signboard of the Town of Southold on Oct 11, 2016 2 (If Applicable.) Was posted on 10/11 / on the website of the Town of Southold Dated: Oct 11 , 2016 4eptity-Town Clerk Sworn me this 11 day of 10 , 20 16 BONNI DOROSKI Notary Public,State Of New York No. 01D06095328, Suffolk County Term Expires July 7,20 CUTCHOGUE C UTC H O G U E FIRE D I STR 1 CT T a 260 New Suffolk Road, PO Box 930, Cutchogue, NY 11935 F.D. Telephone (631) 734-6907 • Fax (631) 734-7079 88 Years E-mail: cutfd@optonline.net of Service www.cutchoguefiredept.org RECEIVED September 23, 2016 SEP 2 3 2016 Southold Town Clerk Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville • Town Clerk • Town of Southold 53095 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: On behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the Cutchogue Fire District, I have enclosed the district's proposed budget for the year 2017. A public hearing to discuss this budget has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 18,2016, at fire department headquarters. After considering any and all comments presented at that meeting the proposed budget may be revised before its final adoption. A copy of the final budget will be forwarded to you upon its adoption. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Ver ly your , Peter J. Zwerlein Treasurer PJZ:p enc. BY HAND CUTCHOGUE CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT T 2 T e 260 New Suffolk Road, PO Box 930, Cutchogue, NY 11935 F.D. Telephone (631) 734-6907 • Fax (631) 734-7079 88 Years E-mail: cutfd@optonline.net of Service www.cutchoguefiredept.org September 23, 2016 2017 PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY Total Appropriations - $1,495,655 Less: Estimated Revenue $1,000 Estimated Appropriated Unreserved Fund Balance $0 $1,000 Amount to be Raised by Real Property Taxes $1,494,655 I certify that the estimates contained herein were approved by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Cutchogue Fire District on September 13, 2016. Matthew J. Martin, Secretary Cutchogue Fire District Cutchogue Fire District 2017 Proposed Budget Appropriations Code Description Amount A100 Personal Services $192,000 A200 Equipment $254,850 A400 Contractual and Other Expenses $479,750 A9010.8 State Retirement System $7,555 A9025.8 Service Awards Program $360,000 A9030.8 Social Security $15,000 A9040.8 Worker's Compensation $56,000 A9050.8 Unemployment Insurance $2,000 A9060.8 Medical & Hospital Insurance $23,500 A9045.8 Group Term Life Insurance $5,000 A9901.9 Transfer To Reserves $100,000 Total 2017 Proposed Budget Appropriations $1,495,655 Revenue &Appropriated Fund Balance Code Description Amount A1001.8 Real Property Taxes $1,494,655 A2401.8 Interest& Earnings $1,000 Appropriated Fund Balance $0 Total 2017 Proposed Budget Revenue& Appropriated Fund Balance $1,495,655 sEii';3i.+13*'11",-'0 'l3.. Cutchogue Fire District 2017 Proposed Budget Appendix Estimated Fund Balances General Fund $172,500 Apparatus & Equipment Reserve Fund $418,000 Buildings & Grounds Reserve Fund $934,000 .1':f:j r,.. Z;3,i'c,r..: > » .<f't3'^F3 it1f... .i•ti.<<f.Z