HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC-09/14/2016 T ter\ Peter A.Young,Chairman y Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. Lauren Standish, Secretary P.O.Box 1179 44 Southold,NY 11971 Conservation Advisory Council RECEIVED Town of Southold OCT 1 3 2016 MINUTES Southold Town Clerk Wed., September 14, 2016 4:30 PM Down's Farm Preserve A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., September 14, 2016 at Down's Farm Preserve. Present were: John Stein, Acting-Chairman Jack McGreevy, Member Keith McCamy, Member Peter Meeker, Member Greg Williams, Member James Dinizio, Town Board Liaison Lauren Standish, Secretary Absent: Peter Young, Chairman CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:35PM by Acting-Chairman John Stein. REPORTS John Stein attended the Board of Trustees meeting held on Wed., August 17th and reported the meeting was business as usual. NEW BUSINESS Jack McGreevy read a letter he recently sent to the Town Board, for the record, regarding training for CAC. (See attached.) OLD BUSINESS , � r 2 Peter Meeker is following up with Mark Terry about wetlands maps. He should have an update by next month. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by John Stein, seconded by Keith McCamy, to Approve the Minutes of August 10, 2016. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION OF WETLAND PERMIT & COASTAL EROSION PERMIT APPLICATIONS Moved by Greg Williams, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of CONSTANTINE AND PAMELA STAMIDIS to construct a two-story, single family dwelling with attached garage and 10'X 25' first and second-story decks with 3.5' wide steps, a 4'X 5.6' platform and steps, and a 4'X 6' outdoor shower; install a drainage system of drywells; establish a 10' wide, 500 sf. non- turf buffer adjacent to top of the naturally vegetated embankment; construct a 4'X +/-27' embankment stairway with a 4'X 6' platform; and install a sanitary system and asphalt driveway more than 1 00' from wetlands. Located: 1325 Bayview Ave., Southold. SCTM#52-5-13 Inspected by: John Stein, Keith McCamy Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried DECLAN AND LAURA MEAGHER to remove and replace (in-place) approx. 100 If. of timber bulkhead and +/-12' timber return with vinyl bulkhead and return; and backfill with approx. 25 cy. of clean sand fill to be trucked in from an approved upland source. Located: 750 Blue Marlin Dr., Southold. SCTM#57-1-29 The application was reviewed administratively by the Board of Trustees. Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of SALVATORE PENNISI to repair the broken dock 14'X 6' wide and add plantings to berm between grass land and bulkhead. Located: 1425 Pine Neck Rd., Southold. SCTM#70-5-40 Inspected by: John Stein, Keith McCamy All dock and floats shall have the street address of the subject premises permanently affixed to the most seaward face for identification, in accordance with Chapter 275-11(6). Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried . u 3 Moved by John Stein, seconded by Peter Meeker, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of DOUGLAS A. GEROWSKI, MICHELLE GEROWSKI AND DOUGLAS J. GEROWSKI to install a raised/elevated 16'X 32' pool and patio. Located: 2570 Clearview Ave., Southold. SCTM#70-10-29.2 Inspected by: John Stein, Keith McCamy The CAC Supports the application with a drywell contain the pool backwash. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of MARY S. ZUPA AND VICTOR J. ZUPA to install a 16'X 32' swimming pool, 10'X 32' brick deck, and pool retaining wall on seaward side to be 32' long and approximately 3' deep. Located: 4565 Paradise Point Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-1-13.1 Inspected by: Keith McCamy Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by Greg Williams, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of DAVID SCHWARTZ to extend the deck; install a generator pad; construct an in-ground swimming pool with security fencing and pool equipment; and new patio. Located: 1015 Lakeside Drive North, Southold. SCTM#90-4-5.1 Inspected by: Keith McCamy The CAC Supports the application with the proper best management practices in place to contain all stormwater run-off and the pool backwash. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by Greg Williams, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of SAMUEL SINGER to install a 156' elevated thru-flow catwalk supported by 4X4 posts in vegetated areas, install a seasonal 3'X 20' ramp, and seasonal 6'X 20' floating dock. Note that dock shall consist of untreated materials and in (in water) areas be supported with monopile/ice breaker pilings. Located: 44030 Route 25, Peconic. SCTM#75-6-6.1 Inspected by: Keith McCamy 4 Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by Greg Williams, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of FOR THE LOVE OF FAMILY, LLC C/O ANTHONY LOMANGINO to dredge 250 cy. of course sand from existing inlet which has deposited subsequent to dredging Little Creek channel by other agencies. Dredged material to be spread on beach to a maximum depth of 12" as'shown on proposed plans. All work will be above the mean high water line and avoiding disruption of existing vegetated wetlands in area. Ten-Year Maintenance Permit to include five (5) additional dredging events consisting of 50 cy. of sand each event. Located: 9205 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#104-3-16.1 Inspected by: Keith McCamy, Greg Williams Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of THE SUSAN T.H. KWIT REVOCABLE TRUST C/O SUSAN KWIT, TRUSTEE to construct approx. 139 If. of vinyl bulkhead in place of (and 12" higher than) existing timber bulkhead; construct +/-8' of vinyl bulkhead to close off existing 8'X 14' boat slip and ramp to be filled/removed; construct +/-8' northerly return; backfill bulkhead and boat slip with approx.. 50 cy. of clean sand/loam to be trucked in from an approved upland source; remove existing 3'X 21' fixed dock; construct 4'X 6' platform and 3'X 14' ramp to existing 6'X 80' floating dock; relocated two existing light poles and install a third light pole in compliance with the standards set forth by Section 172-5 of the Town Code; and remove existing utility poles and overhead wires in favor of buried electric. Located: 906 Harbor Rd., New Suffolk. SCTM#117-5-48.1 Inspected by: Keith McCamy The CAC Supports the application with a 5'-7' non-turf buffer with a "no-mow" area up to the buffer. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of WILLIAM & AIDA HARTUNG for the removal of the existing deteriorated dock and replacement with new 4'X 16' fixed pier, 30" X 14' ramp and 6'X 20' floating dock supported with two 8" dia. piles. Dredge approx. 22 ' t 5 cy. of clean sand from area surrounding floating dock to a depth of 30" below MLW. Dredge material to be brought to an approved upland location. Located: 1200 Old Harbor Rd., New Suffolk. SCTM#117-5-15 Inspected by: Keith McCamy The CAC Supports the application with the Condition of an updated survey no more than one (1),year old, and compliant with the site plan. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Greg Williams, seconded by Jack McGreevy, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of NEIL McGOLDRICK for a Ten-Year Maintenance Permit to dredge various underwater areas within the marina to a navigable depth of 6.0'+/- at low tide. Approx. 5,000 cy. of dredge spoil to be transferred to onshore trucks and deposited as beach nourishment to the shoreline. Reconstruct existing groin located on the southern shore of property measuring 84' in length. Groin shall have a width of 20' complete with a protective mesh overlay over the top of most surfaces. Proposed three-car garage to be built at a distance of 78' from the wetland boundary. Existing garage is 22.4'X 22.4' located 52' from north of existing house of residence. The addition will be attached to the southern face of the existing garage, extending it out an additional 12'. The foundation shall be concrete slab, surrounding by a Belgian Block curb and the existing stone driveway. Located: 1671 Meadow Beach Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#116-4-16.4 Inspected by: Greg Williams Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Keith McCamy, seconded by Peter Meeker, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of FRANK AND CINDY MARTORANA to construct a 34'X 29' addition with a 6'X 10' second story habitable connection to the existing dwelling 44.7' from the wetland boundary. The existing 8'X 12' shed would be removed from the property. Located: 3450 Deep Hole Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#115-17-10.1 Inspected by: Greg Williams Vote of Council: Ayes: Keith McCamy, Peter Meeker, John Stein, Greg Williams Motion Carried Abstained: Jack McGreevy, Moved by Greg Williams, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of MICHAEL JOEL COLODNER AND SARA WINSOR COLODNER for the existing two-story dwelling with garage and storage, 6 existing outdoor shower along rear of house; existing stone patio to be demolished and new 25'X 30' upper patio with outdoor grill and counter top; lower patio around proposed 16'X 36' in-ground swimming pool; drywell, 8'X 8' hot tub, pool fence and hay bales and silt fence during construction. Located: 130 Willis Creek Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#115-17-17.8 Inspected by: Greg Williams The GAC Supports the application with an additional drywell to be located in the area of the pool equipment. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Peter Meeker, seconded by Keith McCamy, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of GLORIA A. SCOLLARD INTER VIVOS CREDIT SHELTER TRUST to construct a 16'X 32' swimming pool surrounded on three sides by a 4' to 8' wide, 448 sf. on-grade masonry patio; and install pool enclosure fencing, pool equipment, and a pool drywell. Located: 905 Willis Creek Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#123-10-3 The CAC Supports the application with appropriate setbacks. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried CHRISTINE HOWLEY to demolish the existing two-story dwelling and replace with new two-story dwelling with new two-car attached garage, front roof over porch, seaward first- floor decks and seaward second-floor decks. Located: 320 Sailor's Needle Road, Mattituck. S6TM#144-5-29.3 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. RECOMMENDATIONS-APPLICATIONS TO AMEND WETLAND PERMIT AND COASTAL EROSION PERMIT APPLICATIONS Moved by Peter Meeker, seconded by John Stein, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of SOUNDFRONT HOLDINGS LLC to Amend Wetland Permit#8047 and Coastal Erosion Permit#8047C to leave in place concrete bulkhead and steel bulkhead landward. Stabilize concrete bulkhead with heavy stones, construct a 6 tiered retaining wall system to stabilize slope and prevent further erosion. Install gabions as return on western line to hold soil. Redesign staircase and install bluestone patios between house and first tier and-on two plateaus. Create beach area, 7 provide beach grass and Rosa Rugosa plantings, install 4' wire fence at top of last retaining wall. Located: 20275 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#51-4-8 Inspected by: Peter Meeker, John Stein The CAC Supports the amendment, however, inconsistent with our original concerns. The hardening of the shoreline and terracing work has been completed and subsequent erosion has affected the area. The CAC did not Support the application in 2013 referencing the Starvation of Southold's Beaches. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried - John Stein will attend the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled for Wed., September 21, 2016 at 5:30PM. The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council will be held on Wed., October 12, 2016 at 4:30PM at Down's Farm Preserve. There being no further business to come before the Council; the meeting was adjourned at 6:30PM. Respectfully submitted by, C � 4 ` Q vt"�i Lauren M. Standish, Secretary Conservation Advisory Council n r j V ' r' / f MARMAMMM ./ 5 OKI i i . jp 1 / �, -. _ _ _,:j >. 1 i1 � — � rttia ' � al ._ i _ � _ t `.� — • — Y .� � r f r `�� � v �