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1971 Annual Rpt of Supervisor
"A:C.f132S''�Rev. 9%71) ,4 k PRINT CODE YZ ANNUAL REPORT °�.-•,ria BASED ON SINGLE ENTRY ACCOUNTING OF THE a` �c-2YI sG (TITLE OF FISCAL OFFICER MAKING REPORT) SUBURBAN ❑ _ FIRST CLASS ❑' -Town of S J y o �� SECOND CLASS ®` IN THE County of Su FOR THE Year Ended December 31, 19'7 x', AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30, of the General Municipal Law every municipal corporation *** shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the comptroller. Such report shall be made by the chief'fiscal officer of each municipal corporation ***. Such reports shall include the financial transactions of joint services ***. 5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation ***. STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS TABLE OF CONTENTS EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES PAGE Summaryof Cash - All Funds ............................................................................................ 1 Investments, Receivables, Petty Cash Funds, Outstanding Obligations .......................... 2 A Genera I-Fund 3 BGeneral Fund - Outside Village ........................................................................................ 14 CEnterprise Revenue Fund .................................................................................................. 17 DHighway Funds .................................................................................................................. 19 FWater Fund .......................................................................................................................... 29 GSewer Fund ........................................................................................................................ 33 JJoint Activity Fund ............................................................................................................ 37 LLibrary Fund ...................................................................................................................... 39 SLLighting District ..............................:................................................................................. 41 SWWater District ...................................................................................................................... 43 SF Fire Protection District ...................................................................................................... 45 SSSewer District ...................................................................................................................... 47 SDDrainage .............................................................................................................................. 49 SRRefuse and Garbage ............................................................................................................ 51 SPPark District ........................................................................................................................ 53 . STParking District .................................................................................................................. 55 SMMiscellaneous District .........................................................................................:.............. 57 HCapital Fund ...................................................................................................................... 59 P - Special Assessment ............................................................................................................ 61 RReserve Fund ...................................................................................................................... 63 TTrust and Agency ................................................................................................................ 65 OTHER SCHEDULES - ALL FUNDS 1 Statement of Indebtedness .................................................................................................. 66 2 Maturity Schedule ................................................................................................................ 68 3 Reconciliation of Cash and Bank Balances ................................. 69 4 Real Property Tax Levy and Uncollected Taxes ............••••.•.••.••••...................................... 70 Certificate of Fiscal Officer .............................................................................................. 71 EXHIBIT 1 SUMMARY OF CASH - ALL FUNDS CASH CASH EDP BALANCE CASH CASH BALANCE CODE TITLE CODE JANUARY 1 RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS DECEMBER 1 CURRENT FUNDS 1 3 5 7 A General-Town Wide 1410 5-,31 ,7 5(, 1164.4T5-36-4,56-1-41 /73 E5 27,17 7 B General-Outside Village 49,3,6-SI s79 /oo,_4o 6',fc?. S1/o.rl6 676.9-R C Enterprise Revenue Highway: DR Repair and Improvement R 3� 7C! 35 �I Ff90 to r,/o DB Bridges DM Machinery SGs �o /offer ,33 8�8f'a, oS GG �// DS Snow and Miscellaneous o 09 546 DE Improvement Program F Water Fund G Sewer Fund J Joint Activity L Public Library Special Districts: $ L�ic-rr-t- Lr<:,r4-r 4/17,70 ,7o -4,0,57, 0.215 X 33 $ rA�tl1�Al�lanf �iG+r [�./ X05 o /0.5�as �o $ 0 3a 9, 30 0,0 110 ?, / $ $ /33, 8� ��' .�0 v�"35;ae $ l'u rTifa „�G ���T B�vrS /3 0!n( os /( 9lo/,S / 3 9 S NA:r9i7or,64�,r�� 3E L4, 091 oo Z—30,77 �yG,A"0 $ f1Arr�T„r� L�nl�Tif / 03 00 /�:5` `O S�/ , S — 3 vrG G S 9'0 — $ G HlC c-r:NPoR� FI/'G���cTr/ -17o moo/ 60 /�7 70o,od $ '�o,a77 IWProy_C-1W /T o — /o Soo, ee $ _/jy YJ w AR�a 7T?HT/n7Rros/emb�J / o o,o o / �f'Fo, o e /6 O, a o S S S TOTAL CURRENT FUNDS 850. OTHER FUNDS H Capital / 7Goo. - / Sr6 33/_ 36 / G� 6 P Special Assessment R Reserve Fi�o,h A,rr STAr&,o - /4/ o oI,`/ /7,'S/7d,69 T Trust and Agency /,-37Z 99,5'99' %do 96-R.6 8' oE68 6.q 04/ TOTAL ALL FUNDS 851. 1 3 5 7 *Transfer to Page 69. 1 EXHIBIT 2 INVESTMENTS (Amounts Invested at End of Year) (Note: Certificates of Deposit are considered cash and should be included in the cash balance) DATE PURCHASE FUND DESCRIPTION PURCHASED PRICE TOTAL 8531 $ EXHIBIT 3 RECEIVABLES (Amounts Due at End of Year) FUND DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE $ TOTAL 8532 $ EXHIBIT 4 EXHIBIT 5 PETTY CASH FUNDS OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS (Unpaid Claims, Encumbrances and Due Other Governments) Officer Having Custody Amount Fund Amount TOTAL 8533 $ 8541 $ a 2 SCHEDULE A-1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES REAL PROPERTY TAXES Real Property Taxes A1001 $Z6,7'Fa?.zd Real Property Taxes, Prior Years A1020 Total Real Property Taxes A1049 REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes A1080 $ Other Payments in Lieu of Taxes A1081 Interest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes A1090 J, 8'7 7, Sia Total Real Property Tax Items A1099 NON-PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Non-Property Tax Distribution by County Al 120 $ Franchises A1170 Total Non-Property Tax Items Al 199 DEPARTMENTALINCOME General Supervisor (or Comptroller) Fees A1230 $ Tax Collector Fees A1232 Town Clerk'Fees A1255 30 Total General A1299 $a,67,Z6 Public Safety Police Fees A1520 $ Safety Inspection Fees A1560 Total Public Safety A1599 Health Health Fees A1601 $ c Hospital Income A1635 Ambulance Charges A1640 Total Health A1699 Transportation Public Works Services A1710 $ Parking Lots and Garages A1720 On Street Parking Fees A1740 Bus Operations A1750 Airport Fees and Rentals A1770 Airport Commissions and Concessions A1774 Airport Sales of Supplies A1776 Total Transportation A1799 '?��J�, /0 3 SCHEDULE A-1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE REVENUES DEPARTMENTAL INCOME (CONTD.) Economic Assistance and Opportunity Repayments of Home Relief A1840 $ 'V,34, 38' Repayments of Burials A1848 Total Economic Assistance and Opportunity A1999 Culture-Recreation Park and Recreation Charges A2001 $ 3,o7<, c7o Recreation Concessions A2012 700<e o Beach and Pool Fees A2025 Stadium Charges A2030 Auditorium Charges A2035 Marina and Docks A2040 Golf Charges A2050 Ski Facility Charges A2060 Skating Rink Charges A2065 Contribution from Private Agency for Youth A2070 Museum Admissions A2090 Total Culture-Recreation A2099 Home and Community Services Zoning Fees A2110 $ Planning Board Fees A2115 Refuse and Garbage Charges A2130 Charges for Cemetery Services A2192 Total Home and Community Services A2199 Charges for Services to Other Governments Tax and Assessment Service for Other Govts. A2210 $ Public Works Services, Other Governments A2300 Youth Recreation Services, Other Governments A2350 Refuse and Garbage Services, Other Govts. A2376 Total Charges for Services to Other Govts. A2398 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL INCOME A2399 1.MCI 7f USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings A2401 $ So .Sa8 70 Rental of Real Property A2410 Rental of Real Property, Other Governments A2412 Rental of Equipment, Other Governments A2416 Rental, Other(specify) A2440 Commissions A2450 Total Use of Money and Property A2499 4 - - SCHEDULE A-1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE REVENUES LICENSES AND PERMITS Business and Occupational Licenses A2501 $ %o�o a Bingo Licenses A2540 / 9.7 ll,9,6' Dog License Fund Apportionment A2544 447-s� Licenses, Other A2545 Public Safety Permits A2550 Building and Alteration Permits A2555 Street Opening Permits A2560 Plumbing Permits A2565 Permits, Other A2590 140 //,97 Total Licenses and Permits A2599 FINES AND FORFEITURES Fines and Forfeited Bail A2610 $ 7 `��G•ao Forfeitures of Deposits A2620 Total Fines and Forfeitures A2649 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials A2650 $ %J-/,37/, do Minor Sales, Other A2655 Sales of Real Property A2660 Sales of Equipment A2665 Insurance Recoveries A2680 Other Compensation for Loss A2690 Total Sales of Property and Compensation for Loss A2699 7/, 030 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Prior Years Expenses A2701 $ Gifts and Donations A2705 Premiums and Accrued Interest on Borrowings A2710 Endowment and Trust Fund Income A2755 Other Unclassified Revenues (specify) A2770 Total Miscellaneous A2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Contribution and Reimbursement of Expenses Transfer from General Fund-Town Outside Village A2812 $ Transfer from Enterprise Revenue Fund A2814 Transfer from Highway Fund A2840 Transfer from Special District Fund A2842 Transfer from Capital Fund A2850 Total Interfund Contribution and Reimbursement of Expenses A2899 $ 5 SCHEDULE A-1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN NIDE REVENUES Transfers for Debt Service Premium on Securities Issued, Capital Fund A2950 $ Accrued Interest on Securities Issued, Capital Fund A2952 Unused Capital Fund Authorization Financed by Obligations A2954 Earnings on Investments A2956 Transfer from Capital Reserve Fund A2958 Total Interfund Transfer for Debt Service A2998 TOTAL INTERFUND REVENUES A2999 General STATE AID Per Capita A3001 $-72 68-q,ea Mortgage Tax A3005 Loss of Railroad Tax Revenue A3007 Loss of Public Utility Valuation A3017 Other (specify) Total General A3099 $/s o Public Safety Navigation Law Enforcement A3315 $ Other (specify) Total Public Safety A3399 Narcotic Guidance Council A3484 Transportation (specify) Total Transportation Economic Assistance and Opportunity Social Services A3660 $ J7,� 6a Other (specify) Total Economic Assistance and Opportunity A3699 O0 Culture and Recreation Programs for Aging A3803 $ Youth Programs A3820 Other(specify) Total Culture and Recreation A3899 Home and Community Services (specify) _ Total Home and Community Services A3998 TOTAL STATE AID A3999 19,b`� 6 ' c SCHEDULE A-1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE REVENUES FEDERAL AID Civil Defense A4305 $ Crime Control A4320 Emergency Employment Program A4780 SSB, 3 Total Federal Aid A4999 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES A5000 $ 4,5_Lf,Jo NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Refunds of Current Year Expenses A5001 $ 63�. Return of Petty Cash A5080 <op• o� Sale of Investments A5085 Repayments of Advances to Other Funds A5090 Other Non-Revenue Receipts (specify) lPfSu R6�nCCE �7' SSE A5095 Obligations Issued Budget Notes A5750 Tax Anticipation Notes A5760 Revenue Anticipation Notes A5770 Total Non-Revenue Receipts A5999 -5�, 37s 73 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS —��� �c�L (Transfer to Page 1) A6000 -1 7 L� COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues A8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. SCHEDULE A-2 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE EXPENSES PERSONAL CAPITAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT OUTLAY EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 3 4 0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT LEGISLATIVE Town Board A1010. $ / a - $ $ $ X94 JUDICIAL Justices AII10. Tiaffic Violations Bureau A1130. EXECUTIVE Supervisor A1220. 3�92 `�oG.S o 3�a�5'�[3 37�,P3si FINANCE Director of Finance A1310. Comptroller A1315. _ Auditor A1320. oa - 7o o,oa Tax Collection A1330. Budget A1340. Purchasing A1345. �® Assessment A1355. �`0 8� L4'<o7- s`S'&r- STAFF Town Clerk A1410. 15,'61 q9 f,/��,so /77,L Law A1420. -Tt�Z- o4�Q,�� /,s�,' 9,ir Personnel A 1430. Engineer : A1440. ��S� ! Elections A1450. Board of Ethics A1470. Public Works Administration A1490. �000 3 ood,ao SHARED SERVICES Buildings A1620. Central Garage A1640. _ Central Communication System A1650. _ Central Printing and Mailing A1670. _ Central Data Processing A1680. _ SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Insurance A1910. Municipal Associ,pption Dues A1920. Jl �c�.•° `s °��c - -Y,f0. oa1a..3? .ola 38 Purchase of Land - Rights of Way A1940. $ Taxes and Assessments on Town Property A1950. To County Treas. to Reduce Taxes A1972. R(:&&0eri`OUm 014 ASSC-6oRs /Sq.L4 RoFFy`7�51' i-Sf}LC-sTx __ /'�� 33 TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. SUPP0RTA1999.$ $ $ag7� 3;9,33 1 2 3 4 0 EDUCATION School Attendance Officer A2950.$ /�a�©� $ $ - 1 2 4 0 8 EXHIBIT A-2 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 PUBLIC SAFETY LAW ENFORCEMENT Public Safety Communication System A3020. $ $ $ $ Police and Constables A3120, Jail A3150. '36-0,C"o Z_5O, op TRAFFIC Traffic Control A3310. /,895;7? On-Street Parking A3320. FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL Fire Fighting A3410. SAFETY FROM ANIMALS Control of Animals A3510. 3�, o a ,� %v 5�9 3 S"440o 93 OTHER PROTECTION Examining Boards A3610. Safety Inspection A3620. Civil Defense A3640, TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY A3999. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 HEALTH PUBLIC HEALTH Public Health (Board of Health) A4010. $ $ $ $ Registrar of Vital Statistics A4020. Laboratory A4025 Air Pollution A4060. Insect Control A4068. Nursing Services A4072. Narcotic'Guidance Council A4210. 61 9�,O 7S�9lC�.� 7 OTHER HEALTH Hospital A4510. Joint Hospital A4525. Ambulance A4540. Medical Center and/or Physician A4560. TOTAL HEALTH A4999. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 9 SCHEDULE A-2 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES BENEFITS TOTAL 1 2 4 8 0 TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION Superintendent of Highways A5010. $ $ $ $ HIGHWAY Garage A5132. Street Lighting A5182. _PEDESTRIAN Sidewalks A5410. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Airport A56,10. Joint Airport A5615. Bus Operations A5630. Railroad Station Maintenance A5640. 6ff- ST -r PRk,ffr, _ /4 6%,T-0 a,iii•�;s .�9v� G l TOTAL TRANSPORTATION A5999. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES Administration A600. $ $ $_ $ Home Relief A6140. V6, 3 a2,1y-6, f3 Burials A6148. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Community Action Adminis. A6310. Work-Training (Neighborhood Youth Corps) A6320. g Emergency Employment Program A6380. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Publicity A6410. OTHER Veterans Services A6510. TOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE -AND OPPORTUNITY A6999. $ $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 8 0 10 • = GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE EXPENSES SCHEDULE A-2 PERSONAL, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 CULTURE - RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Council on Arts A7010. $ $ $ $ Recreation Administration A7020. , %a�9, 93 /oG9, 43 RECREATION Parks A7110. , 000,oe Goa. a, _Zr_?. 0,3 5�38� n3 Playgrounds and Recreation Centers A7140. Joint Recreation Projects A7145. Beach and Pool A7180.- Stadium A7210. Auditorium A7220. Marina and Docks A7230. Zoo A7240. Golf A7250. Ski Facility A7260. Skating Rink A7265. Band Concerts A7270. Youth Program A7310. Joint Youth Project A7320. CULTURE Library A7410. a0 Museum A7450. Historian A7510. Historical Property A7520. Celebrations A7550. foo,_ oo,00 ADULT ACTIVITIES Programs for Aging A7610. Adult Recreation A7620. 5�6v,�9 TOTAL CULTURE-RECREATION A7999. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL GOVERNMENT Zoning A8010. $ $ $ $ Planning A8020. Joint Planning A8025. Research A8030. Human Rights A8040. SANITATION Refuse and Garbage A8160. _-13,.90;? /427,L71 :Z-41 Zi425L COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENT Community Beautification A8510. 4oL-0, oa Noise Abatement A8520. Drainage A8540. Joint Drainage A8550. Shade Trees A8560. / I� 70,e a _ -' 11 SCH E'DU L E A-2 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE EXPENSES ' PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES (CONTD.) NATURAL RESOURCES Conservation A8730 �7�9 �o `�� 90 90 +So2, Flood and Erosion Control A8745. General Natural Resources A8790. SPECIAL SERVICES Cemeteries A8810. Agency for Prevention of Cruelty to Children A8820. TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES A8999. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement AQ010:8 $ a944�S� aa Fire and Police Retirement A9015.8 Social Security A9030.8 // X33:41-3 Workmens Compensation A9040.8 /09, 46 Life Insurance A9045.8 Unemployment Insurance A9050.8 Disability Insurance A9055.8 Hospital /Medical Insurance A9060.8 8,9 _ Total Employee Benefits A9199.0 $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Highway Fund A9540.9 $ Transfer to Capital Fund A9550.9 Transfer to Capital Reserve A9560.9 Transfer to Repair Reserve A9562.9 �Rr�rIs�eg — Vrwmr G-r,-04 r a,5—oo- — �RPtgbf-eR - PoL1cc--B1_t& ,i rbc-R,+L, Em&P_ CrngL A,-,- o Total Interfund Transfers A9699.0 $ 12 • SCHEDULE A-2 • GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE EXPENSES UNDISTRIBUTED (CONTD.) \ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds A9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds A9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes A9730.6 �-aoo, 00 Capital Notes A9740.6 Budget Notes A9750.6 Tax Anticipation Notes A9760.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes A9770.6 Public Authority A9780.6 Total Principal A9899.6 $gym aoo, a INTEREST Serial Bonds A9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds A9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes A9730.7 4/Z`'63 Capital Notes A9740.7 Budget Notes A9750.7 Tax Anticipation Notes A9760.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes A9770.7 Public Authority A9780.7 Total Interest A9899.7 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE A9899.0 $ TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION EXPENSES A9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Budget Notes A9950.5 $ Redemption of Tax Anticipation Notes A9960.5 Redemption of Revenue Anticipation Notes A9970.5 Provision for Petty Cash A9980.5 Purchase of Investments A9985.5 Advances to Other Funds A9990.5 Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements A9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS _ (Transfer to Page 1) A9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses A8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amounts must agree. 13 SCHEDULE B-1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE - REVENUES TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes 131001 $ ya, 9S-" Rion-Property Tax Distribution by County B 1120 DEPARTMENTALINCOME Police Fees B1520 $ —6 �o Health Fees B1601 /.aha, C'C' Zoning Fees B2110 Planning Board Fees B211,5 X / ao SANG o� RD'S 40'oin Total Departmental Income B2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings B2401 $ /02, Total Use of Money and Property 82499 66-9" go MISCELLANEOUS Specify IL--t 01- RLtccr--(Z,A-Pi $ Total Miscellaneous 82799 000, 00 STATE AID Per Capita B3001 $135`97 oa Youth Programs 83820 Total State Aid 83999 o o TOTAL GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE - REVENUES B5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses, Current Year 85001 $ l lSS;SS �nhs TOLL Other Non-Revenue Receipts (specify) fdL%c.E Sct oaL R�1M�L'F{SC--m�ivT /,X7'0, <j Budget Notes 85750 Total Non-Revenue Receipts B5999 4� TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) B6000 $ oo-30 COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues B8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual 1 over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 14 SCHEDULE B-2 • GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL ` 1 2 4 0 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Insurance B1910'. $ /,6'/ $ TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. SUPPORT 81999. $ PUBLIC SAFETY 4 0 LAW ENFORCEMENT Police B3120. $337//D, /0 $ j97543,�' $�.5"l33;'l.3 $OF41 89.74 OTHER PROTECTION '&aq 'j, bel. n 1,3, �/df.�/ Safety Inspection B3620. !J R.33.914 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY B3999. $ $ $ $ Y191Y- HEALTH 1 2 4 0 PUBLIC HEALTH Board of Health 84010. $ $ $ t Registrar of Vital Statistics B4020. a`fy/r 1'31- o25l99.91 L Laboratory B4025. TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH B4999. $ $ $ $ A/9 f.814 1 2 4 0 CULTURE-RECREATION RECREATION Playgrounds and Recreation Centers B7140. $ $ $ $ Youth Programs 87310. CULTURE L i bra ry B7410. TOTAL CULTURE-RECREATION B7999. $ $ $ t 1 2 •4 0 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Zoning 88010. $ $ Planning B8020. -M, /�L o/_ ?o,4?'7l7-6" SANITATION Refuse and Garbage 88160. TOTAL HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 88999. $ 1 2 4 0 15 SCH'EDULE' B-2 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE - EXPENSES UNDISTRIBUTED . EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement B9010.8 $ '?o f 8'//,o0 Fire and Police Retirement B9015.8 Y7��,�00 Social Security 139030.8 Workmens Compensation B9040.8 �?¢ Life Insurance B9045.8 Unemployment Insurance 89050.8 Disability Insurance 89055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance B9060.8 573 3,'m Total Employee Benefits B9199.0 $ l-00. 98�?=8 6 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Highway Fund B9540.9 $ Transfer to Capital Fund B9550.9 Transfer to Capital Reserve B9560.9 Tran er toAepair R erve B9562.9 fatal li erfund Transfers B9699.0 $ 57 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds 89710.6 $ Statutory Bonds B9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes B9730.6 Capital Notes B9740.6 Budget Notes B9750.6 Tax Anticipation Notes B9760.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes B9770.6 Total Principal B9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds B9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds B9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes B9730.7 Capital Notes B9740.7 Budget Notes B9750.7 Tax Anticipation Notes 69760.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes B9770.7 Total Interest B9899.7 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE B9899.0 $ TOTAL APPROPRIATION EXPENSES B9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Budget Notes B9950.5 $ Purchase of Investments B9985.5 TOTAL NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS'139998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS(Transfer to Pagel) B9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total'Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses B8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amounts must agree. 16 SCHEDULE C-1 ENTERPRISE REVENUE FUND (This fund will be used to segregate transactions of a revenue producing improvement or enterprise when required by § 123.00 of the Local Finance Law.) DEPARTMENTALINCOME Hospital Income C1635 $ 1 Airport Landing Fees and Rentals C1770 Airport Commissions and Concessions 01774 /J Airport Sales of Supplies- C1776 Park and Recreation Charges C2001 Beach gnd Pool Fees C2025 Golf Fee\s� C2050 Ski Facility Charges C2060 ✓`� Total Departmentl Income C2399- - $ USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings 02401 $ -Commission sC24'50 Total Use of Money and Propeity ci499 i� SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials f'J , ,C2650 $ Minor Sales, Other ,r' .02655 Sales of Real Property C2660 Sales of EquipmentJ� C2665 Insurance Recoveries f ��`� C2680 Total Sales and Compensation for Loss 02699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses of/Prior Years C27 $ / C2770 Total Miscellaneous f C2799 STATE AID J Total State Aid f•' C3999 FEDERAL AID / Total Federbl,Aid C4999 �. TOTAL ENTERPRISE REVENUE FUND C5000 $ �. NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS ` Total Non-Revenue Receipts C5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) C6000 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues C8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate' $ *These amounts must agree. 17 SCHEDULE C72 _ ENTERPRISE REVENUE FUND DETAILED STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATION EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL .ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPEhISES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 Total Operating $ $ ,$ $ ' 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement 09010.8 $ Social Security 09030.8 Workmens Compensation C9040.8 Hgspital/Medical Insurance C9060.8 Total Employee Benefits 09199.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds C9716 $ Statutory Bonds C9720.6'� 1 Bond-Anticipation Notes C9730.6 Capital-Notes C9740.6 Budget Notes C9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes C9770.6 Total Principal C9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds C9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds C9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes C9730.7 Capital Notes C9740.7 Budget Notes C9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes 09770.7 Total Interest 09899 Total Debt Service C989 .0 $ TOTAL ENTERPRISE REVENUE APPROPRIATION EXPENSESC9 00.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Purchase of Investments C9985.5 $ Other(specify)- C9995.5 Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements C9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) 09999.0 $ e COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES ? Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses C8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amounts must agree. 18 4 I SCHEDULE DR-1 ' HIGHWAY FUND - REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS - REVENUES TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes DR100,1 Non-Property Tax Distribution by County DR1120 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings DR2401 $ 9,167, Toff Total Use of Money and Property DR2499 21 MISCELLANEOUS (specify) iS-R I/I Gl K G w M VE.If�f-,C�.G�� 6TH $ �,9 3 1, 54a /3/►y a�n Total Miscellaneous DR2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from General Fund - Town Outside Village DR2812 $ Transfer from Highway Fund DR2840 Total Interfund Revenues DR2999 STATE AID Mileage and Valuation Aid DR3507 $ ��;7 7 Y-1, 7-5- Total State Aid DR3999 / 77` TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS - REVENUES DR5000 $ .4,6-1.�aa.�a NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS (specify) R&CoM-0 `�-ra-WCC-(.I,t07Z�w� -F_EG Total Non-Revenue Receipts DR5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) DR6000 $ 6` a 97, 36- COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues DR8819 $ a6-1 6-.2-7 Estimated Revenues •337 vr`�v�,�`3 Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 19 SCHEDULE DBA HIGHWAY FUND- BRIDGES- REVENUES TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes D131001 Non-Property Tax Distribution by County DB1120 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings DB2401 $ Total Use of Money and Property DB2499 MISCELLANEOUS (specify) Total Miscellaneous DB2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from General Fund DB2810 $ Transfer from Highway Fund DB2840 Total Interfund Revenues DB2999 STATE AID $ Total State Aid DB3999 TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND- REVENUES DB5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS (specify) Total Non-Revenue Receipts DB5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) DB6000 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues DB8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 20 - SCHEDULE DMA • HIGHWAY FUND MACHINERY - REVENUES TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes DM 1001 $ 9 006/. Non-Property Tax Distribution by County DM1120 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings DM2401 $ Rental of Equipment, Other Governments DM2416 Total Use of Money-and Property - DM2499 e3 477, efo MISCELLANEOUS (specify) IQW? .c.,�r $ Total Miscellaneous DM2799 3a(,, e INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from General Fund DM2810 $ Transfer from General Fund - Town Outside Village DM2812 Transfer from Highway Fund DM2840 Total Interfund Revenues DM2999 STATE AID Total State Aid DM3999 TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND MACHINERY - REVENUES DM5000 $ 7,f.- NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS (s ecify) $ —5 Total Total Non-Revenue Receipts DM5999 7/o �`9 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) DM6000 $ /a 7. 386. 33 COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues DM8819 $ 33 Estimated Revenues !o/ F6 o Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 21 SCHEDULE DS-1 HIGHWAY FUND - SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS - REVENUES TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes DS1001 $ Non-Property Tax Distribution by County DS1120 CHARGES TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS Services for Other Governments DS2300 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings VS2401 $ Total Use of Money and Property DS2499 MISCELLANEOUS (specify) Total Miscellaneous DS2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from General Fund DS2810 $ Transfer from General Fund - Town Outside Village DS2812 Transfer from Highway Fund DS2840 Total Interfund Revenues DS2999 STATE AID Total State Aid DS3999 TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND - SNOW AND MISCEL- LANEOUS - REVENUES DS5000 / NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS (specify) 3 Total on-Revenue Receipts DS5999 X00, — TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) DS6000 $ 1a 7, 3y0,o P, COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues- DS8819 $ /�f� 1310, mcg Estimated Revenues d'8'cr, 8-,? Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ * These amounts must agree. 22 ' SCHEDULE DE-1 HIGHWAY FUND - HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - REVENUES TAX ITEMS Real Proper Taxes DE1001 $ Non-Property Ta Distribution by County DE1120 USE OF MONEY AND ROPERTY Interest and Earnings DE2401 $, Total Use of Money and Prope DE2499 MISCELLANEOUS (specify) Total Miscellaneous DE2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from General Fund - Town Outside Vill a DE2 2 $ Transfer from Highway Fund DE2840 Total Interfund Revenues E2999 STATE AID Highway Improvement Program DE3 21 $ Total State Aid DE3999 TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND - HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - REVENUE" DE5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS (specify) Total Non-Revenue Receipt / DE5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) DE6000 $ , i /Stuim"alted OMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Revenues DE8819 $ Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ * These amounts must agree. 23 SCH EDU L E D R-2 HIGHWAY FUND - REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EXPENSES TOTAL 1 4 0 REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS General Repairs DR5110. $ l �j.o63. 6 $ f1.5r 774 $ d 71 8o�a5J Improvements DR5112. Total DR5199. $ $ $ 1 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DR9010.8 $-?! S6 a Social Security DR9030.8 yAs�.5_ Workmens Compensation DR9040.8 6 jo U. — Hospital/Medical Insurance DR9060.8 4 ell. 6 Total Employee Benefits DR9199.0 $ � INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Highway Fund DR9540.9 $ Total Interfund Transfers DR9699.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds DR9710.6 $ Bond Anticipation Notes DR9730.6 Capital Notes DR9740.6 Budget Notes DR9750.6 Total Principal DR9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds DR9710.7 $ Bond Anticipation Notes DR9730.7 Capital Notes DR9740.7 Budget Notes DR9750.7 Total Interest D R9899.7 Total Debt Service DR9899.0 $ TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND - REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS - EXPENSES 'DR9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Budget Notes DR9950.5 $ Purchase of Investments DR9985.5 Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements DR9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) DR9999.0 $ 3° 9,7 C, COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses DR8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amounts must agree. 24 SCHEDULE DB-2 ' HIGHWAY FUND - BRIDGES - EXPENSES PERSONAL CAPITAL - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OUTLAY EXPENSES TOTAL 1 3 4 0 BRIDGES ' Maintenance of Bridges DB5120• $ $ $ Construction of New Bridges DB5122. $ Total Bridges DB5199. $ $ $ $ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3 4 0 'State Retirement D B9010.8 $ Social Security D69030.8 Workmens Compensation 69040,8 Hospital/Medical Insurance DB 060.8 Total Employee Benefits DB91 9.0 $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Highway Fund DB9540. $ Total Interfund Transfers DB9699.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds DB9710.6 $ Bond Anticipation Notes DB9730.6 Capital Notes DB9740.6 Budget Notes DB9750.6 Total Principal DB9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds DB9710.7 $ Bond Anticipation Notes DB9730.7 Capital Notes DB9740.7 Budget Notes DB9750.7 Total Interest DB9899.7 Total Debt Service DB9899.0 $ TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND - BRIDGES EXPENSES DB9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Budget Notes DB9950.5 $ Purchase of Investments DB9985.5 Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements DB9998.0 $ TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) DB9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses DB8839 Unexpended Appropriation - $ *These amounts must agree. 25 SCHEDULE DM-2 ' HIGHWAY FUND - MACHINERY - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 MACHINERY Machinery DM5130. $ �1�,641��! 8' $ $ �,C�78.5�35� $_rte.46-0"3 Garage (Rental) DM5132, Total Machinery DM5199. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DM9010.8 $ -46000, — Social Security DM9030.8 �b77• 'yz Workmens Compensation DM9040.8 v o 0. o e Hospital/Medical Insurance DM9060.8 / StS� d Total Employee Benefits DM9199.0 $ °�,- 4l'l, 7,3 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Highway Fund DM9540.9 $ Total Interfund Transfers DM9699.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds DM9710,6 $ Bond Anticipation Notes DM9730.6 Capital Notes DM9740.6 Budget Notes DM9750.6 Total Principal DM9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds DM9710,7 $ Bond Anticipati6n Notes DM9730.7 Capital Notes DM9740.7 Budget Notes DM9750.7 Total Interest DM9899.7 Total Debt Service DM9899.0 $ TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND - MACHINERY - EXPENSES DM9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Budget Notes DM9950.5 $ Purchase of Investments DM9985.5 Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements DM9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) DM9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses DM8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amounts must agree. 26 • SCHEDULE DS-2 HIGHWAY FUND - SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EXPENSES TOTAL 1 4 0 SNOW AND MI SCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous (Brush and Weeds) DS5140. $ 9•6—/7� 08' $ &'-v 7, Snow Removal DS5142. -?_ /a7 e3, z 9; 07J`914- 910 Services for Other Governments DS5148. Total Snow and Miscellaneous DS5199. $ $ $ 1 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DS9010.8 $/0,ooe- — Social Security DS9030.8 Workmens Compensation DS9040.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance DS9060.8 7o2u—.5 a� Total Employee Benefits DS9199.0 $ 171 69l. 4,(6 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Highway Fund DS9540.9 $ Total Interfund Transfers DS9699.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds DS9710.6 $ Bond Anticipation Notes DS9730.6 Capital Notes DS9740.6 Budget Notes DS9750.6 Total Principal DS9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds DS9710.7 $ Bond Anticipation Notes DS9730.7 Capital Notes DS9740.7 Budget Notes DS9750.7 Total Interest DS9899.7 Total Debt Service DS9899.0 $ TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND - SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS - EXPENSES DS9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Budget Notes DS9950.5 $ Purchase of Investments - DS9985.5 Total Non-Budgetary Disburs. DS9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) DS9999.0 $ fZ,377, 6G COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses DS8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amounts must agree. 27 'SCHEDULE DE-2 • IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM HIGHWAY FUND - IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - EXPENSES ' Project No. Personal Services DE5150.1 $ Contractual Expenses DE5150.4 $ Non-Budgetary Disbursements E5150.5 $ Principal on Notes D 150.6 $ Interest on Notes DE5 0.7 $ Employee Benefits DE5150. $ Transfer to Highway Fund DE5150.9 $ Total Project No. DE5150.0 $ Project No. Personal Services DE5151.1 $ Contractual Expenses DE5151.4 $ Non-Budgetary Disbursements DE5151.5 $ Principal on Notes DE5151.6 $ Interest on Notes DE5151.7 $ Employee Benefits DE5151.8 $ Transfer to Highway Fund DE5151.9 $ Total Project No. DE5.151.0 $ Project No. Personal Services DE5152.1 $ Contractual Expenses DE5152. $ Non-Budgetary Disbursements DE515 .5 $ Principal on Notes DE5 2.6 $ Interest on Notes DE 152.7 $ Employee Benefits D 5152.8 $ Transfer to Highway Fund E5152.9 $ Total Project No. DE5152.0 $ TOTAL IMPROVEMENT PRO RAM Personal Services DE9900.1 $ Contractual Expenses DE9900.4 Non-Budgetary Disbu sements DE9900.5 $ Principal on Notes DE9900.6 $ ' Interest on Notes DE9900.7 $ Employee Benefits DE9900.8 $ Transfer to Highway Fund DE9900.9 $ Total (Transfer to Page I) DE9900.0 $ 28 • SCHEDULE F-1 WATER FUND REVENUES (Water Fund Established Pursuant to 157 or 1209-r of the Town Law) (DO NOT INCLUDE WATER DISTRICTS) j REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Real Prope{ty Taxes F1001 $ DEPARTMEN ►L INCOME(WATER) , Metered Water ales F2140 $ Unmetered Water Sales F2142 Water Service Cha\es F2144 Interestand PenaWater Rents F2148 Water Services to overnments F2378 Total Departmental Inc Te F2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROP RTY Interest and Earnings - F2401 $ Rental of Real Property, Other 0vernments F2412 Rental of Equipment, Other Gove ments F2416 Commissions F2450 Total Use of Money and Property F2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSA ION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials \ F2650 $ Minor Sales, Other F2655 Sales of Real Property 2660 Sales of Equipment 6fi�5 Insurance Recoveries F2 0 Other Compensation for Loss F2690 Total Sales of Property and Compensation for Loss F2699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Prior Years Expenses F2701 $ Gifts and Donations F2705 Other Unclassified Revenues F2770 Total Miscellaneous F2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Contribution and Reimbursement of Ex enses Transfer from Capital Fund F2850 $ Transfer from Reserve Fund F2882 Total Interfund Contribution and v Reimbursement of Expen es F2899 $ Premium on Securities Issue , Capital Fund F2950 $ Accrued Interest on Securi ies Issued, Capital Fund F2952 Unused Capital Fund A thorizations Financed by Obliga/t ons F2954 Earnings on Investm fits, Capital Fund F2956 Total Interfund Transfer for Debt F2998 Total Interfund/Revenues F2999 29 SCHEDULE F-1 WATER FUND REVENUES STATE AID (specify) \ Total State Aid F3999 FEDERAL AID (specify) Total Federal Aid F4999 TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUES F5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Refunds of Current Year Expenses F5000 $ Sale of Investments F5 85 Other Non-Revenue Receipts (specify) Obligations Issued; Budget Notes 5750 Total Non-Revenue Receipts F59 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) F6000 $ COMPARIS N OF ACTUAL AND ESTIMA ED REVENUES Actual Re enues F8819 $ Estimat d Revenues Exces or (Deficiency) of Ac al over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 30 SCHEDULE F-2 WATER FUND - EXPENSES CAPITAL CONTRACTUAL OUTLAY EXPENSES TOTAL 3 4 0 SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Insurance F1910, $ $ Municipal Association Dues F1920. Judgments and Claims F1930. Purchase of Land (Rights of Way) F1940. $ / Taxes and Assessments on Town Property �' F1950. Total Special Items �� F1999. $ $ $ 3' 4 0 PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 i 2 4 0 HOME AND COMMUNITY WATER SERVICES Water Administration �F8310. $ $ $ Source of Supply, Power and Pumping F\30, Purification F8330. Transmission and Distribution F8340. Refund of Water Rents F8352. Total Home and Community Water Services F8399. $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement F9010.8 $ Social Security F9030.8 Workmens Compensation F90407 Life Insurance F9045.8 Disability Insurance F9755.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance 9060.8 Total Employee Benefits F9199.0 $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Capital Fund F9550.9 $ Transfer to Capital Reserve/Fund F9560.9 Transfer to Repair Reserve Fand F9562.9 Total Interfund Transfers F9699.0 $ 31 SCHEDULE F-2 WATER FUND - EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds F9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds F9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes F9730.6 Capital Notes F9740.6 Budget Notes F9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes F9770.6 Payments to Public Authority F9780.6 Total Principal F9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds F9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds F9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes F9730.7 Capital Notes F9740.7 Budget Notes 9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes F�770.7 Payments to Public Authority F9780.7 Total Interest F98 9. Total Debt Service F989 .0 $ TOTAL WATER FUND APPROPRIATION F99 0. $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Budget Notes 9950.5 $ _ Redemption of Revenue Anticipation Note F9970.5 Purchase of Investments F9985.5 Refund of Revenues F9987.5 Other _ F9995.5 Total Non-Budgetary Disbursemen F9998.0 $ TOTAL WATER FUND DISBURSEME TS (Transfer to Page 1) F9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS A D EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses F8839 Unexpended Appropriations $ *These amounts must agree. 32 SCHEDULE G-1 SEWER FUND REVENUES (Sewer Fund Established Pursuant to§57 or§209-r of the Town Law) (DO NOT INCLUDE SEWER DISTRICTS) REAL PROPERTY TAXES Real Property Taxes G1001 $ DEPARTMETALINCOME Sewer Rent G2120 $ Sewer Charges� G2122 Interest and Penalties on Sewer Rents G2128 Sewer Services fo'r Other Governments G2374 Total Departmentat\lncome G2399 USE OF MONEY AND P� PERTY Interest and Earnings G2401 $ Rental of Real Property, 0 the Governments 62412 Rental of Equipment, Other G vernments 62416 Commissions G2450 Total Use of Money and Property \ G2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess MaterialsIG 650 $ Minor Sales 655 Sales of Real Property 660 Sales of Equipment 665 Insurance Recoveries 680 Other Compensation for Loss 690 Total Sales of Property and Compensation for Loss G269 MISCELLANEOUS Refund of Prior Years Expenses G27 1 $ Gifts and Donations G 05 Other Unclassified Revenues (specify) 2770 Total Miscellaneous G2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Contribution and Reimbursement of Expense Transfer from Capital Fund G2850 $ Transfer from Reserve Fund G2882 Total Interfund Contribution and Reimbursement of Expenses G2899 $ TRANSFERS FOR DEBT SERVICE Premium on Securities Issued, C pital Fund G2950 $ Accrued Interest on Securities I sued, Capital Fund G2952 Unused Capital Fund Authoriz tions Financed by Obligations G2954 Earnings on Investments, Capital Fund G2956 Total Interfund Transfer for Debt Service G2998 Total Interfund Revenues G2999 33 SCHEDULE G-1 SEWER FUND REVENUES STATE AID Operation and Maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant G3901 $ Other ( specify) Total State Aid G3999 FEDERAL AID (specify) / Total Federal Aid G4999 TOTAL SEWER FUND REVENUES G5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Refunds of Current Expenses G5001 $ Budget Notes G5750 i Revenue Anticipation Notes G5770/ Other (specify) i Total Non-Revenue Receipts G5999 TOTAL SEWER FUND CASH RECEIPTS 6000 $ COMPARISON OF A TUAL AND STIMATED REVENUES Actual Revenues G881 $ Estimated Revenues / Excess or (Deficit) f Actual over Esti ate $ *These amounts must agree. 34 SCHEDULE G-2 SEWER FUND EXPENSES CAPITAL CONTRACTUAL OUTLAY EXPENSES TOTAL 3 4 0 SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Insurance G1910. $ $ Municipalssociation Dues G1920. Judgments Claims G1930. Purchase of Lah4 (Rights of Way) G1940. $ Taxes and Assessi ents on Town Property G1950. Total Special Items G1999. $ $ $ /J 3 4 0 PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES �QUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 HOME AND COMMUNITY SEWER SERVICES Sewer Administration G 110. _ $ $ $ $ Sanitary Sewers G81\20. Sewage Treatment and Disposal G813 . Refund of Sewer Rents G8132\ Total Home and Community Sewer Services G8199. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement G9010.8 $ Social Security G9030.8 Workmens Compensation G9040.8 Life Insurance G9045 Unemployment Insurance G905 .8 Disability Insurance G9 5.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance G 060.8 Total Employee Benefits 9199.0 $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Capital Fund G9550.9 $ Transfer to Capital Reserve F nd G9560.9 Transfer to Repair Reserve and G9562.9 Total Interfund Trans rs G9699.0 $ 35 SCHEDULE G-2 SEWER FUND EXPENSES DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds G9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds G9720.6 Bond Anticipation Note G9730.6 Capital Notes G9740.6 Budget Notes G9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes G9770.6 Payments to Public Authority \ G9780.6 Total Principal G9899.6 $ INTEREST \ Serial Bonds G9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds G9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes G9730.7 Capital Notes G9740.7 Budget Notes \\G9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes p 7770.7 Payments to Public Authority G9,80.71 Total Interest G98 9.7 Total Debt Service G989 0 $ TOTAL SEWER FUND APPROPRIATION G9900. $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Budget Notes , G9950. $ Redemption of Revenue Anticipation Notes G9970 5 Purchase of Investments G99 .5 Refund of Revenues G9 7.5 Other Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements 9998.0 $ TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) G9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF PPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENS Total Appropriatio s $ Total Appropriati n Expenses G8839 Unexpended ppropriations $ *These amounts must agree. r r 36 JOINT ACTIVITY FUND - REVENUES SCHEDULE J-1 (This fund will be used when the Supervisor is the Treasurer of an activity sponsored jointly by the town and another muicipality. Examples would be a joint airport sponsored by two or more towns or a joint recreation pro gr m sponsored by a town and a village.) LIST EACH PARTICIPANT OF THE JOINT ACTIVITY / Municipality Municipality Municipality Municipality DEPARTMENTAL INCO� E Hospital Income J1635 $ Airport Fees and Rentals J1770 Airport Commissions and Co cessions J1774 / Airport Sales of Supplies J1776 / Park and Recreation Charges J2001 Garbage Removal and Disposal arges J2130 Share of Joint Activity Expenses- ther Governments J2390 Total Departmental Income J2 49 $ USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings 2401 $ Commissions J2450 Total Use of Money and PropertyJ2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION OR LOS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials J2650 $ Sales of Equipment J2665 Insurance Recoveries J2680 Total Sales and Compensation for Loss J2699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses of Prior Y rs J2701 $ Total Miscellaneous J2799 INTER FUND REVENUES Transfer from General Fund X2810 $ Transfer from and \ Totallnterfund Revenues J29 9 STATE AID Total State Aid J3999 FEDERAL AID Total Federal Aid J4999 TOTAL JOINT ACTIVITY EVENUES J5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIP S Total Non-Reven a Receipts J5999 TOTAL CASH REC IPTS (Transfer to Page 1) J6000 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMA-TED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues J8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or (Deficiency)of Actual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 37 SCHEDULE J-2 ' JOINT ACTIVITY FUND - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT 2 4 0 $ $ $ $ Total Operating Expenses $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement J90 .8 $ 7 Social Security J9030. Workmens Compensation J9040.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance J9060.8 Total Employee Benefits J9199.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds J9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds J9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes J9730.6 Capital Notes J9740.6 Budget Notes J9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes J9770.6 Total Principal J9899.6 $ INTEREST . Serial Bonds J9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds J9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes J9730.7 Capital Notes J9740.7 Budget Notes J9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes J9770.7 Total Interest J9899.7 Total Debt Service J9899.0 $ TOTAL JOINT ACTIVITY APPROPRIATION EXPENSES J9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Purchase of Investments J998 .5 $ Other (specify) Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements J9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) J9999.0 $ CO ARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EX ENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses J8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amounts must agree. 38 The 'No'rthFork ,, alp :•. . &Trus ; �111 ' HOME OFFICE TELEPHONE: 516 298-8366 • J�iY E�L'�f7�p -v ' January 25, 1972 Town of Southold Southold, New York Gentlemen: , , The following Supervisor accounts are listed with the t balances . on December 31, 1971• 044_051268 Town of Sothold Capital Fund 58,738072 , 044®08621-5 Fishers Island Ferry Agency, & Trust Account 900. 09 '= 044-088960 Town of Southold Highway Account 71,342.'29 044®08892®7 Town of Southold Tax- Account 1, 027,533. 96- 440 9 53-7 0 0 1 Town of Southold Highway Payroll Account 90. 91 yCzv 1g70 If there is any' other information needed please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely yours, _ William G. lbertson Asset Vice resident January 26., 1972 Su',pervisors, T(x-in of Southold 16 South Street Greenport,q LoIo., N.Ya 11944 Gentlemen JU renquqsted by you., please be advioed that, the eanount on deposit in the account of Ashers Island Ferry District at the close or business December 31j, 1971 waz $49322#74". very trruly,, 70 'so Ili Fg— R"146 woodwo th Credit Officer January 26, 1972 Supervisor, Town of Southold lu South Street Greenport, L,:I., N-Y- 11941 . Gentlerven e As requested by you, please be advised gnat tine amount on de-oosit in •the account of Fishers Island Ferry District at the close of business December 31, 1971 eras ""P4022®72® Very truly yours, T1.116 'I;oodtia r th RNAW/ab Credit Officer }r. Ply 1AWADVIal Banff 51300 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 January 179 1972 ' PT. Albert Martccchia Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11900, Dear Yr. Martocchia: At the close of business December 31, 1971 the following accounts and balances were maintained at this office : r Checking account no. Z!50W-0010-9 0 7,315.70 Town of Southold Certificate of deposit no. 30194 5,000.00 f Town of Southold, pec. Dist. bund Very truly yours, On �Ulruhn Assistant Vice President HG:lb o u 51300 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 January 17, 1972 ' '`r. =lbert j'artccchia Town of Scuthold 15 South Street Greenpert, ='ilei•* Ycr•k 11954 Dear Yr. !"artocchia: At the cicse of business ece;aher 31, 1971 the follo,aing accounts and balances ware maintained at this office : I Checking account no. ) 50-0010-9 0 7,315.70 { Ton of Southold Certificate of deposit no. 30'19, 000 � 7� an0 Toon of Southold, Spec. Dist. Fund 7pr-v tr 111V JTOi' v, i'`nr y U r uhn Assistant Vice r'r s=lent 1-IG:lb } 1 y „t,. - '! :i i•t - _ _ r , t F' tr, Sys _ -_ + .T.. . -•j,. , - .. _ '�? _• - __ 1, - ,,,'''r''�'. J _ - "•�` s,i' _ ' , ' ii - _ - - - '� - ' - -_ - + , v ° ' 'nZf,- " _ -r 'i. -+•J:y A'C.3"'��T' ' -j•t / ''S s - •'4, _ - s W r r '� r �11fiG1 72a Town of Southold Ibf-Souih Street {; Gjreenpor At , he close of',buainekv december, * .�'llY'.the fc logia n+ ' . aacmints,and': riees; :zee malni�ained sxt.,thisoff3 6 i ' Lh®t3i seaoritr I TiC3r- D„�1old-9 .7315.76 tificateo3x1� h94 - - -5auth6ld�,.Spec:•• .st; Fnnd T-17 r a Nam.Gspf'l�'1'p�]f', ,x '', + - ♦ s l� A�sY•��3Jstar�i�Kw�YY4{rliice President - L _ _ aut apy - A ,.Y'_ - ' .�.EJ4t f1 _,_ '• - _ n _1 �.souih i?,trebi+, + 4 '., ftsv : ork' . _ ',moi•' .�=yr, i - �,s' r.?s, :`,}f; ,z�r �'_'' - - ,r' $? - . 1,194Y i _ - 1k _ - "y_' , ' '5 M� •a LF - +v'k" .S ��1. . JrF �,. t� , - - �A5'" !i '`.S - , rl•t- - IVY ,' - - ppyy{s �({` },� .y'�.p"'pM� •{�-y •�•��;ag�+�,j(� �(q,;,j,� yg'}{�r(�y�Y-g+�( y'�r' }°rFy' vY1 �"N�} {}'�'}� �r{{'�J'F��'Y ,y,� -b V617�$,16se +FaS�dSLilhisiY ,3M�, 97l' W+L�u1 ♦i,7adllbwi 5t,.' ecomto' xx Gama `' .this bd9C ` - iig y '' .yi�r.¢Y,.+�uyP�t[4 �Tiot�450.V 1.f4J.4o "r}•, - 'I•-l+ iiif'F't?,.•, d', -]` '•fes --T v�i3 of Sbutbolil ,_ ,�A. `',- „+-i._'`�_K_ofi"�st4� � �-,rk'„.,w4k:~i`. � :y-,:/ i/.=,` ''__-•;;. � -•Z'.'t.a,_s_.�-',._°`- '_" +`',„ '`t-f",»Y?ii�/-Ni+t.•a3a9tfi� d: c _ = AssistantK`L'.Y,•°��',1y[,"_.I��-ti;._ [y-_F,,�,.- , -A- , lY-S_� e�t rvr-„_- •'I„--„_�,n-_'1'p-r;�",;`A'A•"}V_ty. ��"l.a_''a x.r^/ ,ct, C` ,v V' µII -- Vit.• _ �Mp}aw}�,y�: +�{ T - .�'$' . ?�: '� - � '�{ `� _ ft ;'g "fie' , , rt /�, . _ `\ t` � r�l.�� _ <, �s, - .. r'' ,r ! _`:,i' _ `” ,f ,� `,+;iJ - .. et•AT s. ' _ 1. Vit. -.t, IJ•' :� '� ;�' j' `', _ '` ,�f4;i .. -_ ��t''� , , - -• , � )J + i . •KYR S - Y.:,',_ ,f .,� 44, r ! 'moi . C - �,�� _ _ 1 ,t•p , - ” • P a� 't+ - ,' f r ' - /' r ,, t ., - is _ fi'F>+� hil, t�:� r1• - t '%4 rYti n _ 5: .a, ' ,, .. /.C. �_ _ ,� ,. —:°% fel` z .. . . - ,. .•.! ..e},�: _ -._ - ,t , dams ry,,17, i,972 Mr. Albert°Hartocchia , Sown,.of ,Southold 16y South StieVt Greemort. New York 3-1944, -Dear Mr. Martocchiat �j/�/;�/���p'� -At��}the cyl�^o�sje' wore tbyussai�nye�ss�yPecer�ber.•p'�3t�1}.�,/y 971the f011ow.ng r ' accounta and Us a fes Yiore x'6 intained at R1his office I Checking acco=ant no., 150-0110-9 7s315.7o rl Town of South,bld Certificate of deposit no. 30194 5'000.00 - 1' Town'-off'' South.eldq Sic: 'Dist. mid . , ` "fiery •t2 my,y'd3 s.,- Fmnry G Assistant Vice Prdsident HG ab The North, Fork'. Bask &-Trust �F HOME OFFICE TELEPHONE: 576 29B-8366 /III Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 January 17, 1972 'Mr. Albert Martocchia, Town of Southold Supervisors Office Greenport, N.Y. Dear Mr. Martocchia: The Town of Southold had on deposit with this bank, the following Certificates of Deposit, as of December 31, 1971: #3529 $50,000: dated 12/4/71, maturity 1/3/72 _ #3540 $100,000. dated 12/15/71,maturity 3/15/72 t Sincerely, mbd Margaret B. Dickerson ' ILILILIE'V MATLPTIOW-PLIE. IBAPIWK 14 d9jv-4&zd 238 MAIN STREET 0 GREENPORT, N. Y. 11944 Cable Address : VALLIBANK, Valley Stream, N. Y. J y 2 11 9 72 i-Abort Martoachia, Stu.,Oerviflor Town aE, �,outhold 11944 Dear '.-Ir, Il.artocchin.- oe hei,�eby certify that the balnmeav is she accounts of the 2, mm of "louthold P's of -,Deaeyabez� 31, 19, 71 viere az follows lown of Saut'hold - Payroll account 27020.60 .owU of ,'outlhold - %Gvnerall i7oxaauntv 73v622.50 I- �2owrl Of ,outhoid - 21-Wolic 14eltare Account 3.; 078.70 'Tow r,A of Southold - Vj4ShfrV, IPIand Verry 93rg2g.66 'Town of .�outholf,-1 - Ageney 4.'- 'T'rust .A;3count 11" 793.2-9 Yourv,,, truly, L - w Ak-e-&ff vi.h. iiAGiCiTT viae-1,-rosidant W2,1<i b 238 MAIN STREET • GREENPORT, N. Y. 11944 Cable Address : VALLIBANK, Valley Stream, N. Y. January 18# 1972 Albert H. Hartoachla, Supervisor Tovn of Southold Greenports N.Y. , 11944 Dear r. Martocohiaoi We eertify that the Town of Southold, Certificates of Deposit, as of December 31# 1971 were as fallows: 047177 due janu&rY' 3* 197R - - 450,,000. with 'raterest 4 2' 4716 due January 19#1912 -4100,000. with Interest C& 43/&,� Louis Komarek U, b SCHEDULE L.1 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND - REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES REAL PR PERTY TAXES Real Property Taxes 1-1001 $ DEPARTMEN\ LINCOME Services to Fre Association Libraries L2080 $ Library Charges (Fines) L2082 Library Services - Other Governments L2360 Total L2399 USE OF MONEY AND P OPERTY Interest and Earnings - - L2401 $ Rental of Real Property L2410 Rental of Real Property, Oth r Governments LV41 Commissions L Tota 1 1!2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMP SATION FOR /OSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Material L2650 $ Sales of Equipment L2665 Sales of Books L2670 Insurance Recoveries L2680 Other Compensation for Loss L2690 Total L2699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expense f Prior Years L2701 $ Gifts and Donations L2705 Endowment and Trust Fund Inc me ?755 Library System Grant L2760 Other Unclassified Revenu s 1-277 Total L2799 STATE AID State Aid for Li brari s L3840 $ Total L3999 FEDERAL AID - Federal Aid or Libraries L4840 $ Total L4999 TOTAL VENUES L5000 $ NON-R ENUE RECEIPTS Total L5999 T TAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) L6000 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues L8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 39 SCHEDULE L-2 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 Library Operation L7410. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement L9010.8 $ Social Security L9030.8 Compensation Insurance L9040.8 Life Insurance L9045.8 Unemployment Insurance 9050.8 Disability Insurance L'��55.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance L9060.8 Total L9199\0 TOTAL APPROPRIATION L9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements L9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS L9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APP OPRIATIONS WITH APPRO RIATION EXPENSES Total Ap ropriations $ /e. propriation Expenses L8839 ended Appropriation $ *These amounts must 40 SCHEDULES SL-1 AND SL..2 - PC_cor(( ' LIGHTING DISTRICT 'i REVENUES, Qs , A Real Property Taxes $SLO) 1001 SL(1) X6. 60 TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES 4V SLO) 5000 $ "-26 Non-Revenue Receipts � �G—S9' SLO) TOTAL,CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(1) 6000 $ EXPENSES ` j Street Lighting �j SL(1) 5182.4 $ SLO) TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(1) 9900.0 ' $� � �� �� o (b) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(1) TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS(Transfer to Page 1) SL(1) 9999.0 $ d Sys:bo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -= - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - LIGHTING - - - - - - - -LIGHTING DISTRICT . REVENUES Real Property Taxes SL(2) 1001 - $ SL(2) TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES SL(2) 5000 $ � 5 0L, ©5� (c) Non-Revenue Receipts SL(2) 1 =e ' TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(2) 6000 $ - /3,06'7 : EXPENSES ,Street.-Lighting• SL(2) 5182.4 $ TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(2) 9900.0 $ // 9'6 / _S 7 (d) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(2) -TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(2) 9999.0 $ /� 96/• COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES'r LIGHTING DISTRICT 7f Vc ` LIGHTING DISTRICT ' Actual Revenues ";,SL(1) 8819 $ 6 26, 60 (a) SL(2) 8819 $ -/3 G6 /, 6S (c) Estimated Revenues c`��S-O. o a /4f %'00, 0 0 Excess or(Deficiency)of Actual over Estimate $ (a) These amounts must agree. (c) These amounts must agree. COMPARISON OF=00-ROPRLA=TIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Yq ± f LIGHTING DISTRICT �—r�o V� LIGHTING DISTRICT, Total Appropriations $ $- Total Appropriation Expenses SL(1) 8839 (b) SL(2) 8839 ,d) 'Un_expended Appropriation $ $ d (b) These amounts must agree. . ' (d) These amounts must agree. e 41 r SCHEDULES SL-1 AND SL.-2 LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES Real Property Taxes : SL(1) 1001 $ , SL(1) TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES SL(1) 5000 $ /-17C083 , oG (a) Non-Revenue Receipts c SL(1) TOTAL CASRAECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(1) 6000 $ /4/, 08'3. o e' EXPENSES �3.a77 ' Street Lighting . , � � SL(1) 5182.4 $ 3 o, TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(1) 9900.0 $ (b) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(1) TOTAL'DISBURSEMENTS(Transfer to Page 1) SL(1) 9999.0 $ /J'{ a a,77 /Vji2�7u� � LIGHTING DISTRICT " REVENUES Real Property Taxes SL(2) 1001 $ SL(2) 7, -3a . TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES SL(2) 5000 $ /'oo 7 3- (c) Non-Revenue Receipts 10^67— SL(2) TOTAL.CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(2) 6000 $ / o 0 7, -',Z- EXPENSES ,EXPENSES m'57. Street Lighting SL(2) 5182.4 $ - �. 1t_rl SL(2) - TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(2) 9900.0 $ (d) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(2) TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(2) 9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES /��►�>' i LIGHTING DISTRICT /)9A;77, S LIGHTING DISTRICT Actual Revenues' SL(1) 8819 $ 14, 0 .60 (a) SL(2) 8819 $ / oo (c) " Estimated Revenues , Excess or (Deficiency)of Actual over Estimate,,,' ' $ $ (a) These amounts must agree. (c),These amounts must agree. COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES ; LIGHTING DISTRICT LIGHTING DISTRICT 'Total Appropriations $ $ Total Appropriation Expenses SL(1) 8839 / 50- 7 (b) SL(2) 8839 d) Unexpended Appropriation $ $ 10 �° (b) These amounts must agree.` ., (d) These amounts must agree. ;F 'i 41 ' SCHEDULES SL-1 AND SL'-2 — (;'E c�:,rrPd R-7- LIGHTING DISTRICT { REVENUES i Real Property Taxes SL(1) 1001 $���o, dd SL(1) TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES SL(1) 5000 $ (a) ` Non-Revenue Receipts /7 SL(1) TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(1) 6000 $ EXPENSES ;t Street Lighting ��� SL(1) 5182.4 $ Glc—r,/YFo 2T SL(,, TOTAL LIGHTING-DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(1) 9900.0 $ alas- (b) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(1) TOTAL DI SBU RSEMENTS(Transfer to Page 1) SL(1) 9999.0 $ �?�✓u 6l LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES Real Property Taxes SL(2) 1001 $ SL(2) 't TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES SL(2) 5000 $ (c) Non-Revenue Receipts SL(2) TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(2) 6000 $ EXPENSES Street Lighting SL(2) 5182.4 $ SL(2) TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(2) 9900.0 $ (d) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(2) TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(2) 9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES LIGHTING DISTRICT LIGHTING DISTRICT Actual Revenues SL(1) 8819 $ y` / v (a) SL(2) 8819 " $ (c) Estimated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency)of Actual over Estimate $ $ K (a) These amounts must agree. (c) These amounts must agree. , }''''`' • COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES 4-IGHTING DISTRICT LIGHTING DISTRICT • } Total Appropriations $ $ - Total Appropriation Expenses SL(1) 8839 `�7a� 6/ (b) SL(2) 8839 Id) Unexpended Appropriation $ $ (b)-These amounts mus4 a ree. ' (d) These amounts must lagree. ,' ' � , 7� SCHEDULES SLA AND SL-2 G— LIGHTING DISTRICT. REVENUES Real Property Taxes SL(1) 1001 $ ooO, - o G SL(1) .5'/, 0`1 TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES SL(1) 5000 $ os'/. _ (a) Non-Revenue Receipts SL(1) TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(1) 6000 - $ EXPENSES Street Lighting SL(1) 5182.4 $ 6�d• �� TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(1) 9900.0 $ (b) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(1) TOTAL DI S BU RSEMEN TS(Transfer to Page 1) SL(1) 9999.0 $ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �sf e2;Lio LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES Real Property Taxes SL(2) 1001 $ 0 ooa, SL(2) � %o TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES SL(2) 5000 $ 3e, 570 (c) Non-Revenue Receipts _ SL(2) TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(2) 6000 $ `f0° EXPENSES Street Lighting SL(2) 5182.4 $ �/06-o 0 TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(2) 9900.0 $_ (d) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(2) TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(2) 9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES arc h LIGHTING DISTRICT ZLrP94'1q1,1' LIGHTING DISTRICT Actual Revenues SL(1) 8819 $ `� 116-1. �' (,a) SL(2) 8819 $ 0, ql (c) Estimated Revenues �{o0 0• - a a a. Excess or(Deficiency)of Actual over Estimate v` $ 1�01/moo (a) These amounts must agree. (c) These amounts must agree. COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATIO EXPENSES LIGHTING DISTRICT 5y,-� LIGHTING DISTRICT Total Appropriations $ D o o. - $ -do c. - Total Appropriation Expenses SL(1) 8839 (b) SL(2) 8839 d) Unexpended Appropriation $ $ (b) These amounts must agree. (d) These amounts must agree. 41 SCHEDULES SL-1 AND SL-2 - A-SH&KS LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES Real Property Taxes SL(3) 1001 $ a � . -/N'�.1ec sT' SL( ) TOTAL LIGHTING,DISTRICT REVENUES SL(3) 5000 $ (a) Non-Revenue Receipts /m- SL(3) y TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(3) 6000 $ EXPENSES Street Lighting �7 SL(3) 5182.4 $ i—I.sLLtif2.5 A Z#iy'-D (/��! / 4 L� SL(3) TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(3) 9900.0 $ (b) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(3) TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(3) 9999.0 $ E, 770 08' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �� �b LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES Real Property Taxes SL(4) 1001 $ °`© TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT REVENUES SL(4) 5000 $ / -1,4673, 7U- (c) Non-Revenue Receipts SL(4) TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(4) 6000 $ EXPENSES Street Lighting SL(4) 5182.4 $ ,L,C��f Tir/� �o. SL(4) TOTAL LIGHTING DISTRICT EXPENSES SL(4) 9900.0 $ (d) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SL(4) TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SL(4) 9999.0 $ 77/7,8'4 COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND-ACTUAL_REVENUES LIGHTING DISTRICT 'QZ L-2 LIGHTING DISTRICT Actual Revenues SL(3) 8819 $-_d3a 9.00 (a) SL(4) 8819 $ �a.`f�3, 7s' (c) Estimated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ �O $ (a) These amounts must agree. (c) These amounts must agree. COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Frsr�crzs ZSZa,,�LLIGHTING DISTRICT '32o �� LIGHTING DISTRICT Total Appropriations $ $ Total Appropriation Expenses SL(3)8839 a?, 7 G (b) SL(4)8839 A(, 7 7 f, (d) Unexpended Appropriation $ $ (b) These amounts must agree. (d) These amounts must agree. 42 SCHEDULE SWA WATER DISTRICT - REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes SW1001 $ Special Assessments SW1030 Total Real Property Taxes SW1049 $ Penalties on Special Assessments SW1091 DEPARTME`1 TAL INCOME Metered Wate Sales SW2140 $ Unmetered Watet Sales SW2142 Water Service Chaa`ges SW2144 Interest and Penalties on Water Rents SW2148 Total Departmental Income SW2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROPIE7 Interest and Earnings SW2401 $ Commissions ` SW2450 Total Use of Money and Property \ SW2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials SW2650 $ Sales of Equipment SW2665 Insurance Recoveries SW2680 Total Sales and Compensation for Loss SW2699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses of Prior Years \S 2701 $ Total Miscellaneous SW27999 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from Fund $ Transfer from Fund Total Interfund Revenues / SW2999 STATE AID / Total State Aid SW3999 FEDERAL AID / \ Total Federal Aid SW4999 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT REVENUES SW5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Total Non-Revenue Receipts SW5999 1 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SW6000 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues SW8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 43 SCHEDULE SW-2 WATER DISTRICT - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 WATER OPERATIONS Administration SW8310. $ $ $ $ Source of Supply, Power and Pumping SW8320. % Purification SW8330. 1'r Transmission and Distribute SW8340. TOTAL WATER OPERATION W8399. $ $ $ $ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1 2 4 0 State Retirement SW9010:8 $ Social Security SW9030.8\ sf� Workmens Compensation SW9040.8 Life Insurance ' SW9045.8 !d Unemployment Insurance SW9050.8 Disability Insurance SW9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance SW9060.8 Total Employee Benefits SW9199.0 $ _DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds SW9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes SW9730.6 Capital Notes SW9740.6 Budget Notes SW9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes SW9770.6 Total Principal SW9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds SW9710j' $ Statutory Bonds SW9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes SW9 0.7 Capital Notes SW7740.7 Budget Notes SW9750.7 _ Revenue Anticipation Notes SW9770.7 Total Interest /S:9899.0 9899.7 Total Debt Service $ TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONSSW9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEM NTS Total Non-Budgetary Disb. SW9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SW9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses SW8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amounts must agree. 44 SCHEDULES SF-1 AND SF-2 —W RT FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REVENUES Real Property Taxes SF(1) 1001 $ NY--r SF(1) TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REVENUES SFO) 5000 $ (a) Non-Revenue Receipts NYS A1RC- SF(1) TOTAL RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SF(1) 6000 $ EXPENSES Fair Protection Contracts SF(1) 3410.4 $ /7 1�O� Op Y/kk,-c-c- o f (2r,&r w r©o R r SF(1) TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT EXPENSES SFO) 9900.0 $ /7 75-0, (b) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SF(1) TOTAL PAYMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SF(1,) 9999.0 $ i7, '77,50• o0 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REVENUES Real Property Taxes SF(2) 1001 $ SF(2) TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REVENUES SF(2) 5000 $ (c) Non-Revenue Receipts SF(2) TOTAL RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SF(2) 6000 $ EXPENSES Fire Protection Contracts SF(2) 3410.4 $ SF(2) TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT EXPENSES SF(2) 9900.0 $ (d) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SF(2) TOTAL PAYMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SF(2) 9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES FIRE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTION DISTRICT Actual Revenues SF(1) 8819 $ (a) SF(2) 8819 $ (c) Estimated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ $ (a) These amounts must agree. (c) These amounts must agree. COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES FIRE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTION DISTRICT Total Appropriations $ $ Total Appropriation Expenses SF(1)8839 (b) SF(2) 8839 (d) Unexpended Appropriation $ $ (b) These amounts must agree. (d) These amounts must agree. 45 SCHEDULES SF-1 AND SF-2 ' FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT R`ti'VENUES Real Property Taxes SF(3) 1001 $ SF(3) TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REVENUES SF(3) 5000 $ /� (a) Non-Revenue Receipts SF(3) TOTAL RECEIPTS(Transfer to Page 1) SF(3) 6000 $ EXPENSES Fire Protection Contracts SF(3) 3410.4 $ a SF(3) TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DIST\RICT EXPENSES SF(3) 9900.0 $ (b) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SF(3) TOTAL.PAYMENTS (Transfer to Page 1,� SF(3) 9999.0 FIRE PROTECTION OT CION DISTRICT REVENUES ` Real Property Taxes SF(4) 1001 $ SF(4) TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REVENUES SF(40000 $ (c) Non-Revenue Receipts SF(A TOTAL RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SF(4) 6000 $ EXPE SESf Fire Protection Contracts SF(4) 3410.4 $ SF(4) TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT EXPENSES SF(4) 9900.0 $ (d) Non-Budgetary Disbursements SF(�) TOTAL PAYMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) D SF(4) 9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIM7'D A ACTUAL N CTU LRE ENU ES FIRE FIRE PR TECTION DISTRICT PROTECTION DISTRICT Actual Revenues SF(3) 8819 $/ (a) SF(4) 819 $ (c) Estimated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of r Actual over Estimate $ $ (a) These amounts must agree. (c) These amo is must agree. COMPARIS NOF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPE SES / FIRE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTION DISTRICT Total Appropriations $ $ Total Appropriation Expens s SF(3) 8839 (b) SF(4) 8839 (d) Unexpended Appropriatio $ $ (b) These amounts must agree. (d) These amounts must agree. 46 SCHEDULE SS-1 SEWER DISTRICT - REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes SS1001 $ Specil,Assessments SS1030 -Total al Property Taxes SS1049 $" Penalties on pecial Assessments SS1091 DEPARTMENTAL\n, o'n Sewer Rents SS2120 $ i Sewer Service SS2122 Interest and PeDelinquent Sewer Rents SS2128 Sewer Services overnments 552374 Total Departmental Inc°�me SS2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings SS24 $ Commissions SS 450 Total Use of Money and ProperSS2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMP SATION FOR OSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials SS2650 $ Sales of Equipment SS2665 Insurance Recoveries SS2680 Total Sales and Compensation for Los SS2699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses o Prior Yea s SS2701 $ Total Miscellaneous SS2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from Fund $ Transfer from Fund Total Interfund Revenues SS299 STATE AID Total State Aid SS3999 FEDERAL AID $ Total Federal Aid SS4999 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT REVENUES SS5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Total Non-Revenue Receipts SS5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SS6000 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues SS8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ * These amounts must agree. 47 SCHEDULE SS-2 ' SEWER DISTRICT - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 2 4 0 SEWER OPERATIONS Taxes on Sewer District Property SS1950. $ $ Administration SS8110. $ $ Sewage Collecting System SS8120. Sewage Treatment and Disposa\SS8199. S8130. TOTAL SEWER OPERATIONS $ $ $ $ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement SS90 0.8 $ Social Security SS9030. Workmens Compensation SS9040.8 Life Insurance SS9045.8 Unemployment Insurance SS9050.8 Disability Insurance SS9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance SS9060.8 Total Employee Benefits SS9199.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SS9710. $$ Statutory Bonds SS9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes SS9730.6 Capital Notes SS9740.6 Budget Notes SS9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes SS9770.6 Total Principal SS9899.6 INTEREST Serial Bonds SS9710.7 Statutory Bonds SS9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes SS9730.7 Capital Notes SS9740.7 Budget Notes SS9750 Revenue Anticipation Notes SS977 .7 Total Interest SS9 9.7 Total Debt Service SS 899.0 $ TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT EXPENSES SS9900.0 NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS $ Total Non-Budgetary Disb.� SS9993.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SS9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES �. Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses SS8839 U nexpended Appropriation $ * These amounts must agree. 48 SCHEDULE S6-1 DRAINAGE DISTRICT - REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes SD1001 $ Special Assessments SD1030 Total Real Property Taxes SD1049 Penalties on Special Assessments SD1091 USE OF MONE AND PROPERTY Interest and Ea ings SD2401 $ Commissions SD2450 Total Use of Money and Property__ SD2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND\C\\OMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials SD2650 $ Sales of Equipment SD2665 Insurance Recoveries SD2680 Total Sales and Compensation for Lo s SD2699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses of Prio Years SD27 1 $ SD;0 Total Miscellaneous SD2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from Fund $ Transfer from Fund Total Interfund Revenues SD2999 STATE AID Total State Aid SD3999 FEDERAL AID Total Federal Aid SD44999 TOTAL DRAINAGE DISTRICT REVE UES SD5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Total Non-Revenue Receipt SD5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Tra sfer to Fhge 1) SD6000 $ CO ARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Re enues SD8819 $ Estimate Revenues Exce s or(Deficiency) of Ac ual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 49 SCH EDU L-E SD-2 ' DRAINAGE DISTRICT - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 Drainage SD8540. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Reti rem t SD9010.8 $ Social Security SD9030.8 Workmens Compens ion SD9040.8 Life Insurance SD9045.8 Unemployment Insurance SD9050.8 Disability Insurance SD9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance SD9060.8 Total Employee Benefits SD9199.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SD97 0.6 $ Statutory Bonds SD9720. 1177'� Bond Anticipation Notes SD9730.6 Capital Notes SD9740.6 Budget Notes SD9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes SD9770.6 Total Principal SD9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds SD9710.7 Statutory Bonds SD9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes SD9730 Capital Notes SD974 .7 Budget Notes S D0.7 Revenue Anticipation No0.7 Total Interest9.7 Total Debt Service9.0 $ TOTAL DRAINAGE DISTREXPENSES 0.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBU Total Non-Budget y D i s bu rs emeryts S D9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SD9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses SD8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ * These amounts must agree. 50 SCHEDULE SR-1 REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT - REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes SR1001 $ Special Assessments SR1030 Total Real Property Taxes SR1049 $ Penalties on pecial Assessments SR1091 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Garbage Removal nd Disposal Charges SR2130 $ Refuse and Garbage 17 vices for Other Governments SR2376 Total Departmental Inc me SR2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROP RTY Interest and Earnings SR2401 $ Commissions SR2450 Total Use of Money and Proper SR2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPE SATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials SR2650 $ ,Sales of Equipment SR26 Insurance Recoveries SR 80 Total Sales and Compensation for Loss R2699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses of Prior Yea s SR2701 $ Total Miscellaneous SR2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from Fund $ Transfer from Fund Total Interfund Revenues S 2999 STATE AID Total State Aid SR3999 FEDERAL AID Total Federal Aid SR4999 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT REV NUES SR5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Total Non-Revenue Re eipts SR5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS Transfer to Page 1) SR6000 $ OMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENU S Actual,Revenues SR8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ * These amounts must agree. 51 SCHEDULE SR-2 REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 Refuse and Garbage SR81 0. $ 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement SR9010.8 $ Social Security SR9030.8 Workmens Compensation SR9040.8 Life Insurance SR9045.8 Unemployment Insurance SR9050.8 Disability Insurance SR9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance SR9060.8 Total Employee Benefits SR9199.0, $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SR9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds SR9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes SR9730.6 Capital Notes SR9740.6 Budget Notes SR9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes SR9770.6 Total Principal SR9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds SR9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds SR9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes SR9730.7 Capital Notes SR9740.7 Budget Notes SR9750 Revenue Anticipation Notes SR977// 7 Total Interest SR9899.7 Total Debt Service /SR99.0TOTAL REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT - EXPENSES 00.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMF� / $ Total Non-Budgetary Disb. SR9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS r (Transfer to Page 1) SR9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses SR8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ * These amounts must agree. 52 ' SCHEDULE SPA PARK DISTRICT - REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes SP1001 $ Special Assessments SP1030 Total `Rea Property Taxes SP1049 $ Penalties on pecial Assessments SP1091 DEPARTMENTA INCOME Park and Recreat n Charges SP2001 $ Recreation Concessions SP2012 Beach and Pool Fees SP2025 Stadium Fees and Charg s SP2030 Auditorium Charges SP2035 Marina and Docks SP2040 Golf Fees SP2050 Ski Facility Charges SP2060 Skating Rink Fees SP2065 Museum Admissions SP2090 Total Departmental Income SP2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings SP2401 Commissions SP2450 Total Use of Money and Property SP2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATIO FOR LOSS' Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials SP26 0 $ Sales of Equipment SP2 65 Insurance Recoveries SP 680 Total Sales and Compensation for Loss SP2699 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses of Prior Years SP2701 $ Total Miscellaneous S 799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from Fund $ Transfer from Fund Total Interfund Revenues SP2999 STATE AID Total State Aid / SP3999 FEDERAL AID Total Federal Aid SP4999 TOTAL PARK DISTRICT REV NUES SP5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS - Total Non-Revenue Rec ipts SP5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SP6000 $ COMPARISON OF.ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REV UES , Actual Revenues SP8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ *These amounts must agree. 53 SCHEDULE SP-2 PARK DISTRICT - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 Parks SP7110. $ $ $ $ Playgrounds and Recreation Centers S P7140. Beach and Pool SP7180. Marina - Docks SP7230. Golf S P7250. Ski Facility \S P7260. Total Park Operations SP72 9. $ 1 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement SP9010.8 /$ Social Security SP9030.8 Workmens Compensation SP9040.8 Life Insurance SP9045.8 Unemployment Insurance SP9050.8 Disability Insurance SP9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance SP9060.8 Total Employee Benefits SP9199.0 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SP9710.6 $ Bond Anticipation Notes SP9730.6 Total Principal SP9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds SP9711/ .7 $ Bond Anticipation Notes SP97/30.7 Total Interest 9899.7 Total Debt ServiceSP9899.0 $ TOTAL PARK DISTRICT EXPENSES SP9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURS MENTS Total Non-Budgetar Disb. SP9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEM TS (Transfer to Page ) SP9999.0 $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION NSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses SP8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ * These amounts must agree. 54 ; SCHEDULE ST-1. PUBLIC PARKING DISTRICT - REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Real Prop Kty Taxes ST1001 $ Special Assessments ST1030 Total Real Property Taxes ST1049 $ Penalties on Special-Assessments ST1091 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Parking Lots and Garage\ ST1720 $ Total Departmental Income ST2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY\ Interest and Earnings ST2401 $ Commissions ST2450 Total Use of Money and Property ST2499 SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials ST2650 $ Sales of Equipment ST2665 Insurance Recoveries ST2680 Total Sales and Compensation for Loss ST2 9 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses of Prior Years S 2701 $ Total Miscellaneous ST2799 INTERFUND REVENUES_ \ Transfer from Fund $ Transfer from Fund Total Interfund Revenues ST2999 STATE AID Total State Aid ST3999 FEDERAL AID Total Federal Aid ST4999 TOTAL PUBLIC PARKING DIST CT REVENUES ST5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Total Non-Revenue Rec ipts ST5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS ransfer to Page 1) ST6'000 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES A' I Revenues ST8819 $ E timated Revenues Excess or(Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ * 'These amounts must agree. 55. SCHEDULE ST-2 - y PUBLIC PARKING DISTRICT - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 Off Street Parking ST 650. $ $ $ $ 1 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement ST9010. $ Social Security ST9030.8 Workmens Compensation ST9040.8 Life Insurance ST9045.8 Unemployment Insurance ST9050.8 Disability Insurance ST9055.8 Hospital/MedicalInsurance ST9060.8 Total Employee Benefits ST9199A $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds ST9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds/ ST9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes ST9730.6 Capital Notes ST9740.6 Budget Notes ST9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes ST9770.6 Total Principal ST9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds ST9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds ST9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes ST9730.7 Capital Notes ST9740.7 Budget Notes ST9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes ST9770.7 Total Interest S T9899.7 Total Debt Service ST9899.0/ $ TOTAL PUBLIC PARKING DISTRICT EXPENSES ST9900.0 $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Total Non-Budgetary Disb. ST9998.0 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) ST9999.0 $ C MPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPE ES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses ST8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ *These amo nts must agree. 56 - - SCHEDULE Sm-1 , Bay Haven ,Road Improvement District - Revenues . Proceeds' of Bond Anticipation Note $10,500.00 Total Revenues (to page 1)' $10,500.00 Bay Haven Road Improvement District - Expenses To: surveyor for maps d profiles 345.00 legal d. advertising fees 836.65 Town Highway Dept. for road work ' 9,000.00 Total, Expenses (to page 1) 10,181.65 - Bay View Street Improvement District - revenues Real Estate Taxes $19600.00 ' Total Revenues (to page 1) 1,600,00 Bay View Street Improvement District - expenses To: Bank, payment of principal d. interest on note $1,440.00 'Total Expense (to page' l) $1,440.00 Page 57A , SCHEDULE SM-1 DISTRICT- REVENUES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS Real Property Taxes SM1001 $ Special Assessments SM1030 Total Real Property Taxes SM1049 $ Penalties on Special Assessments SM1091 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME $ Total Departmental\lncome SM2399 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earnings SM2401 $ Commissions SM2450 f Total Use of Money and Prope y\ SM2499 SALE OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials SM2650 y$ Sales of Equipment SM2665 ' Insurance Recoveries SM2680 �s Total Sales and Compensation for Loss SM2499 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of Appropriation Expenses of Prior Year � SM27 1 $ Total Miscellaneous % SM2799 INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from Fund $ Transfer from Fund Total Interfund Revenues �f SM2999 � STATE AID / / $ Total State Aid f SM3999 , FEDERAL AID f Total Federal Aid SM4999 TOTAL DISTRICT REVENUES SM5000 NON-REVENUE RECEIPT Total Non-Revenue Receipts SM5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) SM6000 $ COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL REVENUES Actual Revenues SM8819 $ Estimated Revenues Excess or (Deficiency) of Actual over Estimate $ * These amounts must agree. 57 SCHEDULE SM-2 - DISTRICT - EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 $ $ $ $ Total $ $ $ $ EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1 2 4 /0 State Retirement SM9O10.8 $ Social Security SM903O.8 Workmens Compensation M9O40.8 Life Insurance SM9045.8 Unemployment Insurance M9O5O.8 Disability Insurance S�M9O55.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance SM9060.8 �* Total Employee Benefits SM9199 4 $ DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SM9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds SM9720.6 \ Bond Anticipation Notes SM9730.6 �N Capital Notes SM974O.6 \y ; Budget Notes SM975O.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes SM9770.6 Total Principal SM9899.6 INTEREST f Serial Bonds SM971O.7 $ Statutory Bonds SM9720.7� F'f , Bond Anticipation Notes SM973O.7' � Capital Notes SM9, 0.7 Budget Notes SM9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes SM9770.7 Total Interest SM9899.7 Total Debt Service SM9899.0 $ TOTAL d DISTRICT EXPENSES' SM99OO.O $ NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS Total Non-Budgetary Disb. SM9998.O TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) SM9999.O $ COMPARISON OF APPROPRIATIONS WITH APPROPRIATION EXPENSES Total Appropriations $ Total Appropriation Expenses SM8839 Unexpended Appropriation $ * These amounts must agree. 58, SCHEDULE H-1 CAPITAL FUND DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES Capital ProjectsrOther Local Governments H2397 $ Interest and Earnings H2401 Gifts and Donations H2705 Premium and Accrued Interest on Borrowings H2710 Financing from Other Local Sources (specify) 150ec., T-'< «-rvn�1s /00, — Total Revenues from Local Sources H2799 $ /00. — INTERFUND REVENUES Transfer from General Fund H2810 $ 74"'o, — Transfer from General Fund-Town Outside Village H2812 Transfer from Highway Fund H2840 Transfer from Special District Fund H2842 Transfer from Total Interfund Revenues H2999 STATE AID (specify) Total State Aid H3999 FEDERAL AID (specify) Total Federal Aid H4999 TOTAL REVENUES H5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Advances from Other Funds H5075 $ Sale of Investments H5085 Other Non-Revenue Receipts H5095 Obligations Issued Serial Bonds H5710 Statutory Bonds H5720 Bond Anticipation Notes H5730 — Capital Notes H5740 _ 4 -Zoo. — Revenue Anticipation Notes H5770 Total Non-Revenue Receipts H5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS(Transfer to Page 1) H6000 $ /8, % 4 0o . — 59 SCHEDULE H-2 CAPITAL FUND ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL EQUIPMENT OUTLAY TOTAL 2 3 0 CAPITAL PROJECTS (SPECIFY) r.c— bi K G H $ .3o9,s�$ o�=f H H 31 G.11, dl,e. 1, 9,2 H H (H H H H H H H H H H H TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS H9000. $ $ $ /ala,33/-Z 2 3 0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to General Fund H9510.9 $ Transfer to Highway Fund H9540.9 Transfer to Special Districts Fund H9542.9 Transfer to General Fund-Town Outside Village H9544.9 Transfer to Capital Fund H9550.9 Transfer to Capital Reserve Fund H9560.9 Total In'terfund Transfers H9699.0 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS AND INTERFUND TRANSFERS H9900.0 $ OTHER EXPENDITURES Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes H9930.5 $ Redemption of Revenue Anticipation Notes H9970.5 Repayments of Advances to Other Funds H9975.5 Purchase of Investments H9985.5 Other(specify) Total Other Expenditures H9998.0 TOTAL CAPITAL FUND EXPENDITURES (Transfer to Page 1) H9999.0 $ 60 SCHEDULE P-1 , - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND CASH RECEIPTS This fund is used to record transactions of a capital improvement financed from proceeds of special, assessments against benefited properties. NOTE: Construction of District Improvements shall be accounted for in the Capital Fund. REAL PROPERT TAXITEMS Special Assessmen, s P1030 $ MISCELLANEOUS Premium and Accrued Inte rst on Borrowings P2710 $ Other (specify) Total Miscellaneous P2799 INTERFUND REVENUES 4 Transfer from General Fund P2810 $< Transfer from Transfer from Total Interfund Revenues P2999 "' $ STATE AID (specify) Total State Aid P3999 FEDERAL AID (specify) }} Total Federal Aid P4999 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REVENUES P5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Obligations Issued Serial Bonds P5710 Statutory Bonds P5720 Bond Anticipation Notes P5730 Capital Notes P5740 Tax Anticipation No s P5760 Revenue Anticipation Notes P5770 Total Non-Re/yenue Receipts P5999 TOTAL CASH fRrECEIPTS (Transfer to Page 1) P6000 $_ 61 SCHEDULE P-2 SPECIAL-ASSESSMENT F '16 ANALYSIS OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY Highways and Streets P5197.3 $ Other Transportation P5997.3 Parks P7397.3 Sewers P8197.3 Water P , 97.3 Other Home and Community Services P8997.3 Total Capital Outlay P9000.0 $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to General Fund P9510.9 Transfer to Highway Fund P9540.9 Transfer to Special Districts Fund P9542.9 Total Interfund Transfers i P9699.0 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL , Serial Bonds P9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds P9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes P9730.6 Capital Notes P9740.6 Total Principal P9899.6 $ INTEREST Serial Bonds P9710.7 Statutory Bonds P9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes P9730.7 Capital Notes P9740.7 Total Interest P9899.7 Total Debt Service P9899.0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY, INTERFUND TRANSFERS AND DEBT SERVICE P9 0.0 $ NON-PROJECT DISBURSEMENTS Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes 9930.5 $ Redemption of Tax Anticipation Notes P9960.5 Redemption of Revenue Anticipation Notes P9970.5 } Total Non-Project Disbursements P9998.0 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) P9999.0 62 $ SCHEDULE R-1 L26 W,,,g - RESERVE FUND DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES Interest and Earnings R2401 $ Sales of Real Property R2660 Sales of Equipment R2665 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 6 Transfer from General Fund R2810 $_a 1,.5"00 • — Transfer from Enterprise Revenue Fund R2814 Transfer from Highway Fund R2840 Transfer from Special District Fund R2842 Transfer from Reserve Fund R2882 Total Interfund Revenues R2999 Total Revenues R5000 $ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS Sales of Investments R5085 $ Other (specify) R5095 Total Non-Revenue Receipts R5999 TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS(Transfer to Page 1) _ R6000 - 63 SCHEDULE R-2 - RESERVE FUND ANALYSIS OF CASH EXPENSES CAPITAL, EQUIPMENT OUTLAY; TOTAL 2 3 0 CAPITAL PROJECTS (specify) _K TM � g do'/Aoo1GuU�Wgcr " �� R � $ $ d9,,©0_b T ayc--1 E2 SYacEr FXTC_P{5row or'- R �Rx�7,or1s =��v �R ��S-r�Cr R_. �1�PP1M c- Foe -r W R f�4T�R �t�ts i iii T S I v ri R R , R , R . TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS R . $ $ $ 2 3 0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to Capital Fund R9550.9 $ R R Total Interfund Transfers R9699.0 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS AND INTERFUND TRANSFERS R9900.0 $ NON-PROJECT DISBURSEMENTS Purchase of Investments R9985.5 $ Other(specify) R Total Non-Project Disbursements R9998.0 TOTAL RESERVE FUND DISBURSEMENTS (Transfer to Page 1) R9999.0 $ /4,o 9.9a 64 • SCHEDULES T-1 AND T-2 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS CASH - BALANCES, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS BALANCE BALANCE BEGINNING RECEIPTS PAYMENTS ENDING 1 3 5 7 PAYROLL FUNDS Consolidated Payroll T10 $ $ $ $ Group Insurance T20 `� -' �% X97 /g, -3-y X97 1g, — o - State Income Tax T21 _ ° - �9,r/D�, 4,7 l /ro3,4�7 - o Federal Income Tax T22 0 - 161,5'96, 7d /a I's-61-70 ,70 Income Executions T23 Association and Union Dues T24U. S. Savings Bonds T25 Social Security T26 6,876.09 ff/ 0.6-q.6-, S1/ �//_3 ,34 a6 New York City Income Tax T28 PERFORMANCE DEPOSITS Guaranty and Bid Deposits T30 - 7D0. Street Opening Deposits T31 Water Customer Deposits T33 Sewer Customer Deposits T34 Park Land Deposits T37 — o - /t3 Zz .7u' REAL PROPERTY FUNDS* Tax Redemption T40 Joint Tax Liens T41 AGENCY Foreign Fire Insurance Fund T50 Bond and Coupon Account T65 Bingo Licenses T67 Sales Tax T69 3'o}~I,7� X3,5;08 Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable T71 Overpayments and Collections in Advance T72 Fire District Taxes T74 4.2-9 612-.01 e?Ve-491A,a�? School District Taxes* T75 v')/ /'f7,oz'�/ /_,�1.70,7„r� ���aq ,��,t 71 - cv Town and County Taxes* T76 77�. "Zl.N'O I`196d5"1-01f J&25`G4'4,la GY% 71/.; Other (specify) dN� 5rra7 )7 ?n0"G 00 FrnF.P�< cc tel. /�cT�urrvs ?:=,6o 4 6/L-0 -47s7, 70 OTHER TRUST me ( �eQVC- T90 �ofoor" oo Library Trust Fund, Income T91 Cemetery Lot Fund, Principal T95 Library Trust Fund, Principal T96 TOTALS (Transfer to Page 1) T808. $t,377 1 $5ioos5a,G8 $ si8,3GFt,�a $ 66c�,X70•�`� 1 3 5 7 65 SCFIEDULE 1 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS (NATER AND OTHER PURPOSES EXEMPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT (Include debt wholly or partially excluded by State Comptroller pursuant to Sections 123.00 and 124.10 of the Local Finance Law) Month Outstanding DO NOT INCLUDE RENEWALS*'' Outstanding EDP and Beginning of Issued During Paid During End of Code O Year of Fiscal Year Fiscal Year riginal Fiscal Year Fisc f Year Issue* 1 3 5 7 Tax Anticipation Notes 861. Revenue Anticipati Notes 862. Budget Notes 863. Urban Renewal Notes 864. CAPITAL NOTES (List each issue by purpose) X � . X X \ \ X \ X \ fr X \ J� X \ y� Total Capital Notes 865. \\� BOND ANTICIPATION NOTESr \ (List each issue by purpose) D \\ - Y Y � ^ Y Y Y � - Y 1J Y Y Total Bond Anticipation Notes 866. �f BONDS (Complete Schedule 2 for Bonds Issued During Year) J Total Bonds 867. Authority Loans 869. SUMMARY OF EXEMPT INDEBTEDNESS 820. 1 3 5 7 *Original date of issue is defined as the initial date that notes were issued for a particular project or purpose. Renewals of exising obligations and dates of renewals should not be included in this Schedule. 66 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS SCHEDULE 1 • (continued) INDEBTEDNESS NOT EXEMPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT Month Outstanding DO NOT INCLUDE RENEWALS* Ou—tanding CAPITAL NOTES EDP and Beginning of Issued During Paid During End of Code Year of Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year (List each issue 6y purpose) Original Issue* 3 5 7 00 ry v X oz/ - �a X o O d 5�p • X X X X X X X X Total Capital Notes 875. BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES / (List each issue by purpose) D {9ND 'e"R '49u&yo Y /3 o0 0 u sr�a Y 7 !�' /d Soo — 500. — o00 i.-w Y IJ/To 1 (-600, 0 Y / o u�o — ' — v C' P Y o .� Y /a �� — v — !a s o0, — Y Y Y Total Bond Anticipation Notes 876. BONDS (Complete Schedule 2 for Bonds Issued During Year) LT ce � Total Bonds 877, 879. State or Authority Loans SUMMARY OF ALL INDEBTEDNESS 822 NOT EXEMPT SUMMARY OF ALL INDEBTEnNESS (EXEMPT AND NOT EXEMPT) 824. 1 3 5 7 * Original date of issue is defined as the initial date that notes were issued for a particular project or purpose. Renewals of existing obligations and dates of renewals should not be included in this Schedule. 67 SCHEDULE 2 MATURITY SCHEDULE BONDS ISSUED DURING THE YEAR *EDP CODE *ACCOUNT CODE AC l Purpose of Issue CE / Total Principal PR Date of Issue DT Interest Rate PC Month, Day and Year / DM of Final Maturity ` Amount of Prin- cipalRedeemed in or to be Re- o / deemed in Fiscal Year Ending in ! (Please insert / Years) / f � 5� �f \ 1 TOTAL $ •a * Audit and Control use. NOTE: If two or more purposes are combined in a consolidated issue, give the Maturity Schedule for each purpose. 68 SCHEDULE RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND BANK BALANCES AT END OF FISCAL YEAR EDP CODE TOTAL - CASH BALANCES ALL FUNDS - FROM EXHIBIT 1 (Page 1) 8399 $ CERTIFIED BANK BALANCES IDENTIFY BANK BALANCES WITH FUNDS BY LISTING THE APPLICABLE CODE LETTERS Fund Bank Less Adjusted \// Name and Location of Bank Code Balance Outstanding Checks Bank Balance YAL SIR IIoN� Lek ��f� O� I -I. a�-� $ 2§zga5n NboeTg F,n4 P`1 9' yLL(s44 I7R-�a L I,JAN/� o(- �.I� 113420(,.( 6?/yjo�0. l00 0?z9.?0. evo - O f Cl�}�lli�. )"f�Tarrwl�! �ai1 �.1. ��.�=iR. 793 ,29 /,/65:5�9 687.9'0 No ��Rk�_0PWK —_7_RUs-r � I PrX `�� /oA' 533,y4 37Z79/, 7a g9 7-1a,.2 4 SEcu�t i t-u r�Tr oc/ a Lia r!/{ S 3,67 70 l�oP,r/4 46K 3Ay/< +-TKfCo µ �—R 8 73s 7a — O �5�17.3r,7a Certificates of Deposit � �coP.T Fo1211L:np e RusTl!„ `D — �-C-Cy $ AI/ 67,o6 $ -11a77T,s, $ . Add: Cash on Hand (deposited 1 Other Adjustments (specify) TOTAL ADJUSTED BANK BALANCE 8300 * These amounts must agree. NOTE: Attach bank certifications to support bank balances shown. 69 SCHEDULE REAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND UNCOLLECTED TAXES (WESTCHESTER COUNTY TOWNS ONLY) TAX LEVY AND TAX COLLECTIONS School Town and County Taxes on Roll $ $ Other Items Included on Roll: Water Rents Sever Rents Special Assessments Other (specify) Total Taxes and Other Items $ LESS: Cancellations During Year Net Taxes and Other Items $ $ (A) LESS: Collections During Year (B) Total Uncollected•Taxes $ $ Town and County Tax Collection Performance (B - A) (nearest hundredth of a per cent) ANALYSIS OF UNCOLLECTED TAXES AND TAX LIENS - BY YEAR 19_ $ Please Insert 19 Fiscal Year of 19 this Report and - Four Prior Years 19 19 All Other Years Tota 1 8400 70 i CERTIFICATE OF FISCAL OFFICER .�:�r' certify that I am the fiscal officer of the Please Print town of SO OLD , in the county of S MM ; that this report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of.the town for the year ended December 31, 197_,. Signature Title 1A Se ith I-q1:Zff4.;. 6:dWdr..Li 1pt 9"'.Pyr J� PIS, 197 Official Address ate Office Telephone Number 5171477-0550 PLEASE MAIL REPORT T0: This Report prepared by: State of New York, Department of Audit and Control Bureau of Municipal Accounting Systems Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Municipal Research and Statistical Services State Office Building Albany, New York 12225 ,Attention: G. Philip Frey FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY OPERATION INITIALS DATE COMPLETED 1. Acknowledged. 2. Check beginning balances with previous year's ending balances. 3. Compare bank balances with bank certificates. 4. Compare adjusted bank balances with cash balances,in group of accounts. 5., Compare assessed valuations with previous year's report. 6 Check outstanding debt with report of previous year, for debt retired and new debt incurred. 7. Compare fund balance and reserves as shown on balance sheets with ending fund balance and reserves shown in various schedules. 8. Tabulate revenues and expenses. 9. To EDP. 10. From EDP. 71