HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 FIFD ANNUAL, REPORT z � OF THE TREASURER OF FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT (Name of District) IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N._Y., COUNTY OF SUFFOLK FOR THE ' FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 196 9 AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30 of the General Municipal Law �'1. !'• everyimprovement and special district *** shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the comptroller. Such report.shall be made by the chief fiscal officer of each municipal corporation ***. Such reports shall include the financial transactions of joint'services defined by section one hundred nineteen-n of this chapter. ***. 4° 5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation ***. Every such officer shall also, within sixty days after the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom, make a report to the comptroller of the financial condition of such municipal corporation *** on the date of the expiration of his term of office, or his resigna- nation or remaval from office, as the case may be, -The refusal or wilful neglect of such officer to file a report as herein prescribed shall be a misdemeanor and subject the financial ofTicer so refusing or neglecting to a penalty of five dollars per day for each day's delay beyond the sixty days to be paid on demand of the comptroller." DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY, NEW YORK - ,�e - - `-_"'-_-,.••"—_"--_�'-�-:,L?=Lie. ..nr..h• \' -.�'.•^,S$�;' ,':;.•''`�•:.'��•'�"�� ' 1 , 2 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Schedule 5 �' 1 Receipts tand Disbursements for the year 1969 i C ,i Receipts ; � i� Ba l ante Janua ry 1 , '1969 From Tar, Levy $ 8 3,495.86 � 51 ferry District Proceeds ' 178' 00 �1 U. S. Mail 207, 168, 03 ' U, S, Navy 8,918, 79 '< Theatre 679.30 j Airport 9,053. 19 { Charters 933. 34 Refunds 7,650,00 Insurance Claims 484,50 2 , 773.58 {' 1,$372 ,33/f. 59 Disbursements ; r 4 t Operation of Ferry 5 Payrolls $ 145, 199.97 Office Expense 25 ,811 ,92 Commissioners Fees 257. 82 Accounting 1 ,295. 65 ; Airport 1 ,500. 00 Theatre 3, 641 , 89 U. S. Mail 3,529. 89 - Insurance 1 ,505, 00 t Social Security 30,055.26 ' Construction & Repairs airs 1 ,264, 24 Taxes 132,01 Claims 2 , 1, 79.28 ,l Bond Redemption: Principle 194.99 d 20,000.00 Interest r Retirement Contributlon 5 .657 50 2,078. 24 r .0 ;;$244. 303. 66 ,sr , bbS1 ,11 4 li M .S 41 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Title of Issue year S of Interest Outstanding Issued Durin t? Issue Rate January 1, 1919 year 196 9g Redeemed During Outstanding a{ Bonds; Year 196 9 December 31, 196 9 1 M Total Notes; Borg] Antici at ion Not 1968 $ $ for purchase of fePry 3.65 155,000. _ p 1559000.00 _ p 1969 3.60 - p _ 135,000. - 0 Total 1351,000.00 1155,000. $ 135,000 $ 5S 1000. � $135p000.00 i CLAIMS UNPAID Claims Outstanding and Unpaid; K At the beginning of the year Atr„ tr, . .. ... the end of the year "" •r $ { �' �,1•'Ir',RI't it r,.n .,1. •tn r,',• .. •tr• $ t i AMOUNTS DUE DISTRICT � ' , UNCOLLECTED AS OF DECEMBER 31, 196 9 Specify; U S. N 1 $ 151.88 Total .,. .t. ,. ................... .......... 57.31 '1 Amounts Due District .................:..................... ......... $ INVESTMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 196 { Description Purchase Price 7i 'K RECONCILIATION OF BOOK AND BA d NK BALANCES ' Name of Bank Bank Balance December Outstanding Checks d�j1@ 31, 196 December Net Bank Balance 31, 196 December 31, 196 Y National sank of L.I. $ 130,123.61 23 ,480.72 $127,842.89 in tr nsii', Totals ----- --_ _ Cash On Hand .,1"r�rt „ .. .r. ,rr. ............... $ $ tn111,tnentryt,rrnr•tnrti tt It„'•••rr;• '} it I•'1•r. •,r. .,. Tool Cash in Bank and A H i.,. ... ........ .... ' Atlacb bank ce►tilicales ins nr,rt,,,,•.,,r•r, $ ppport of bank balances sbowp, AUTHORIZATION a ype)••••....... , do herebycertify that I am the treasurer - ease rtnF or Type) " ' """ '•^ +1 Y of the •Pis�Iaer�. .I8 D i ..Pess� st. j ct.: ame of f)'Istrict) """'+"+"' tlttrt I.". , in the Town of ..... 'soUft'ha21'1..... ..... ........ ......... . r .• r. .,....r County of • . Sufiiolk .+. .,.1. +It• •r•atl r,rr•,• .. . ... and that the foregoing is a true and correct report of the said district for the year ended December 31, 196 ,(end that this Feport agrees with the official records. v (Signature ......... .,. x-� Sig of Treasurer) Date P. O. Address 16..South.Stxeetl,...rcgenpo t NV g ill.I..11,. 11.1. ...1 if• !9. .,rl..rrr•tr,. ,•rrrl}• .,..............1. . ; FOR DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL USE O % ONLY Initials Completed Date P6. ledged. opening balances with previous year's closing balance. e bank balances with bank certificates. , e bank balances with cash balances in each group of accounts. ie e assessed valuations with previous year's report. ' utstanding debt with report of previous year, adjust for debtnd new debt incurred, ; ? 7. Tabulate revenues and expenses for annual report. ,;kk , 4 I"tm N