HomeMy WebLinkAboutChardonnay Woods FILED 8822 # FILE N0. 1�9 sw us �sas P'^ 4C�W1 SNPia4Or+fz°S3 T13ti1>)3i�rOC$dJLD133 9 ABS No }a v cuun --- Beu/oh T MLLYG.FOLSiRood 230 b r Mount --- 1 B4NO {-L A� Ch L Prl _ t _ at j /r /f I i 5A4N0 _.. ._._ .._._. . _ i., \ '?i ��f// `/til 1 ✓ Lot 1Cack � Terry k John Loi i A �� l d 1 � � j nAl nff Creen 6 7 -_! h HA rEI. a \ �hh� \Y /�.�'�� p V Lot I °[ Jahn h Alexander EPapaivnlau / Herbert h Irene __.__---'- " ( i, es, I���*V V A fi \\ Lo 2 z ❑tract - / - vA � n o f r, o f He dAIFR ' _-} �. ^J / Vincent L. ienlli C a o f Mat_! i"l t B e u l fa h A Hen'/ k'P pe Ernest = l e / r � n t �. rP. S late I n/t , c + i Locclion �o n GS rf Donald h Jane - �� N ' Petrlu 5 -•' ❑� 1,"i0'> �_ 0584 p Vincent L. ivalll -_ j, �� Silvia R&s�Imllphi e �� _ c I f- Ic'd ' 1 ❑ c5, 1 ' 6 li 5c0/e: 1"' � 60D� j / ( N 00'50'30' W 2007.25' l o� 'It �I 415 F4 to a3 k T.P. v . NOTES T An Yh>ny Lenrckl - L LOTS 6 9 INCLUSIVE ARE IN A HIGH GROUNDWATER LOT 1 4 ' f0 AREA. CONSIDEHAT/ON MUST BE GNEN TO F' 40,001 sq. ft. _ •�j- ti r+ .v'su o' w zs'zC°__ FOUNDATION AND SANITARY SYSTEM LOCATIONS ON ' V` n/f ^f Yl s4.e+' 'tn.v' THESE LOIS. 0.918 acres ynlb 3i e �od'2. - 4 Aeb Gory h Hans Z. 7//E R7WN OF SOUTHOLD HAS AN EASEMEPIT FOR +Q4�r. wwYa� n'+0� 2A\ t HI I, y DRAINAGE PURPORES 0YHER ALL OF THE OPEN vT _ SPACES SHOWN ON THIS MAP FOR THE PURPOSE OF ti=' 0 C� -nn. �, sl., ° h1A/NTA/NTNG THE ORA/NAGE SYSTEM 0p0 1,1 A = as54'3r u° o A r _ , 3. THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER °-9/R arise eL = r32n' oo _OT 15 r, - - _- El, -1 i. Ef �l \s 0 T 8 5 SUBDIVISIONS IN PERPETUITY. a r 5 EL 190 E/ i / s fi ?. n ;0,000 s Ft ,. SANDY ' _ Gre r h Anne \1 480°0 eq. ft. k Is, (TS MI• z• ° s Soe +r I r.PsIl.L { Tr1,301. { 1>PSOIL go / w. 0.918 acres r: DD50',c" w �--. . 2' aazsso o nr t i i0Rii0iL Cahill a� r v3]4' S t9y- R y t0^,r] ]a tI �.� Helen Sam nck7 COARSE 990VA1 j t y� '• OPEN SPACE ED ?]/.P ° w ' 62Voo VC 19d"'s . n �...__. ___ ...._ "- - } C01Ak5E TO !AFD 01A MECIUTA TC3 FINE •, ` 'a0. _ 5 w 5A!VO k rRA'hL _ 1. t s' s f -' 1014,039 s ft OT \\ n v r lOT ) Fo - x.279 ac.rer 0& acres a °Oo o < , zs 70 ss \? p SOCrnl SANO acxAvel. v _ �'- q 10 a • _ c _ s9 ^f a iQ L { CBROWNOAN5 SOME 9ti n,r n.a s O j \ d a 2s> 40,000 acr s LOT 9 Tax Lot 3.20 ,y z 0.97 9 k. 't0 72 .q ba' d' I snap e cRAVEi } 1� s 0.918 acres n u w 40.000 sq. ft. f to (1.97A sQ !( jy� a ..S>I°a. 5• �� v O nff _ 2• 1 d� o0 1p 0-918 acres �areb w R ata' ? l r- Phdlt k E,a n (NA1EA)I 52 r • { SAID&mukV 10 E 5 co. •,A _ f zZs p}7. �T p �I SOME SILT w m 1g Coandmui5 mS•' ( la 6, L 2]9. 0 � o rr, ,00 � - COASE i0 FINE . f a ?5. R 50.00 Z L 3 j DROVMSA'+0 / - m 0 BOAR E TO ONE 1 626 �� V/ 0., a 09� a Q V CAFK 9fi0'dM :At+O + q A - 2]4'28"50" b a1�4'24' w \5 /�0p' S ° amara ff ry (n --._ -.. Y M SL 10 RUNS S S]ME SPA/E4 ( { a ODD w < So '� f%2] . +5^q e5 R�(x5 oa,tSv' a 4p 107 r I a l J°g0 Anthldarsnkut elan 2 -TC' ID' o " +� cs D`a ti L a 4130 5 t5 - 0 00 .� pig s7 / °r °ss. - L = 119,51 A= n . a.ta' - vo-aat �YY ,� �•oco s Lf'. T.to. T.P. 2 // 7 /f 3 Fr '� e ' M1�b V C s. S c. 9'507" L _ ii40" + 9rd 9. ff. /, _. rw w,u ✓�Or• 0 3 Z2']ri°' R n + , �. I'e ry ' 'roes / .cv-.P..m„!' l-i - 1 s J u stere no ,: n 0 L7't ^I ! Fax Lal J.21 - ]>5 p0' C + 5631• b / ss. °' l 4p•0a°T 1g vi e, '\J,g Y Y P �t'e�1Df111,� 4. � f3�'o f hereb certtF that th/s subdl vlslan tat was Wade iron an -� @,, gI],rh 5.f✓� A= ia's � ''Cs 0?' r_y ry m gYa O,pl aq, n;} :/`7 r. are pf tVEky actual survey comp feted by me May l9/ 1988 and that the rzso =( s" w y 4'3.63 •_ ] N " s X• n 8'Ocr„ !+ Arthur L. Zlelinski '/ P9 q\,l A's,w�-- Y can ore te, nommen is w111 10 set sho,vn 40,00° sq. ft. .:5e 8. ° L= S 0390'3°' E L ` IS'2B'Pe' 2s.eb' t w 1Z'STr�� a a� No -9 t `T \ c? M1D P e+7ll�4pw ' BZ4.r Z' R = 200°' F 20.0°. VOg5' 2J9.36' F're'es vno N i w V O h-.fX- 0.918 acres h'y>' d /`1°S L 31 42' .} N. - r„} war n - ___. _..__ 1 +' a - -' ' ` ''13]zI. � z zbs' ai s,3ja s7' °d. d r ma r�Qf ° �I Ealrard A. But lack, Jr. - N Y.S. P.L.S No. 49214 Al _ ss3, sa' ,"a, w,u �' - W r L Chis 4ppas .. A: p A a The nater supply and sewage disposal Facll/ttes For off fo is ID7I7. _ _ : F ° s+ •i 0 6 4 is .�'8 In this subdtvlslon ca^laly xtfh the standards and requirements 1.07 5 --- rage sls? 14z-6]' p •� e' e �� R Ufa i' / aFFofk Count Le ar eat of Nea lth Services L 3' 00 ° ]'u _ w m �y Sp G - of the 9 y P ty [� m 40. 0 s9 ft M . .. . . i 0.979 vcrPs h _w a _- __-. .__ OT :0. t Nw q' ' a- n�{ rs.? +ONAE YP v o n 40,0 ¢ " "•„ r53.?s. tsps A r r ^ Cc. app k �t..i Edward A. Bullock, Jr, - N• Y.S. P•E• No, 63675 I ,p,' fs( \ R ry 0.90p s •Usr? c, 40 E.R. JoiY f/. 17.7 r EL 41.0 -tl� - ti - le as !L <0 sJE a:' '> r-' Thfs (s to cer tl fY that a(1'. (ofs and Parcels shown on this v (O �i p r^e a0 T J ram -. -._ {... �. TOPSOIL subdl vision corpO, wt to the requirements of the building zone s l0 '1 r � ° R -.TROP Qth, ff? zJ• � o Dasid k Joanna - -D-T ord/npn ce for cluster develcpnent OF the` Town of Southold and . {� fps Ol8 9. N. I lss / 1 �y WPsrJL 6p0 cu rEy are Sul table For dove lcpment under file provisions of that w T Z v! �T)s01nY#Qy,(}-. _. -'LF! " n '^ n ry a � oR 4p•GO° 2 � Moore l LnAIA ordinance. Lot.density was ca lculp ted using the'. current a 7 7. !. { 1 1 _y zon Ing (A-80) as shown• to tP w ue 8 ft. a _- - I - Tata( Area 1,929,157 +/-'s Ft n 1 = 5 01 9,43' Yr ry ; Qq?° s7 o w •Q COARSE i° FINE COARSE i0 FlNE q N T w e� !L- _.-. _ r ro N Jerry'!&tlJcry 3Atm k 'RAVEL 9ftOM1 sA:+p WeNet tlpnd Area u8 280+/- sq,' Pt t, _ as n n s T 1 SOME sl_r a ME eaT 1.871.974 BArea Ft IkB80//4771,4974!82 sq.ft: 4 ~ > N °p J Y Y n 1 ...i.. q. 4 � 2 h � ]C � a' _ I N Ta a Ds P UW z Ge.Crgos i 2 l i ! 497 18d 5 Ft / 60 000 $Q Ft. IB 7} tots pL 3� ti ^ COARSE TO FINE T 4v `may Aa0 Ilk pp F x. o n S .2]' v (/) 4 _. COARSE TO Flt'E J4 -ArCn6 tr0 R� BROW! SAND h ORAVEL rg_ IIz.BT 161.06' n f DARK ER0'aN SAND The fond shown on thusplat as roads, streets, or nlghwayr, or ?g . TRACE CRAWL the Widen ing thero F, and aiso easements, recharge basins, park , .' • HS / .a�n \ ?Dr' 205.°5' { areas, .and all other lands Ind/rated as dedicated'. For other s Craa'ss" w \9HOLU Carp. �� 4T3.as' I 1 pub(lc use or natural areas, are hereby Irrevocably offered It12ss' ! 'O] Tax Lal 3.19 I { IFor dedlcaflon to the Ton of Southold. The Town of Southold 'I r ` _20' /s in no way responsl(e For the no In tenonce OF such roads, S 01 ,3310' W / 1217.27 ce � streets, or highways, p j S 01 .48'56'' W • -__ -- --- - - T. T.P. the accepted b public areas, unless and un tl! n/f 692.$8 game have been arce ted b the town If n/i Frank k Walt<r Sa',vicki \, / r Anthony G. 5 Frank k Walter Sawicki \ OPEN 5PACE A j GuAb.coundle 59,859 sq. ft. 1.374 acres TYPICAL LEACH/NG POOL THIS SUBDIVISION WILL APPEAR /N (NTS.) TYPICAL DEEP WELL DISTRICT os� �'�� �� � �s INIShLD G4AL� Typlcel Plot Layout 'r s;tuoye at TYPICAL BOO GALLON (N. T.S.) I �ECRaeG BLOCK o3 SEPTIC TANK --LBASINE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP N _ - -- -- - -- --- Southold \ - - -- --- j r ,...L ril y 2 Y rL,,�.ETE_ n�En r North .r ----' -- C ciiArcr- Ir NI �\ Fr r,Esr ncwr,w' , acc �..v Tr vE nre srckcav'c ®NCTE' i� Le, (61" �•..� "» r Town of Southo/d - } sj 1 ! f�\//A _ °' „HAIR, ITO�rr.crr'PAT PAT =la°u/iFmc.- J / �� AL im141N. Ble�nccu NLJ Teni. SUFFOLK COUNTY VE Th1ENT [JF HEALTH SERVICES I {i•['• ,J P S,_ i Suffolk County, New York ////� / ALL �I �}, �/ �� - ;r � / I, l t -- 1 uEILs Asp _Am, sr�srenfs. Hauppauge, New York Zoned. A 8D: Residence q 'i 3 m / R,P, --- - Th/s Is to cent Fy that the proposed arrangenen is - - GRAPHIC, SCALE 10" '� . � _ �-b• o " �r PO's �' 'V For .he water sup (y and sews e d/spara l systems .2� TorGRAOErNG> a� P Ma ChOrdon70ygWOOdS Oi SOUthOId own a ---- -- e in the Southold w/t/1 a Iotal of elgh teen C18J qyr „ \O' _ L / _ lots were a roved on the above date, - ----- -- -- - R4 l2' . . ^� 4 1� e �taCM co r/ernIrene PP __ I� •oncre tE ave IN FEET ) ° o C z4v x 2C• 7 \ //Q r-Q,, 'n concrete �, 1 ✓.o rpe ------ -- C1US HOUSE Conservt is hereby, lven fer trey F'l ( !n of the na 1 inert - 000 ft.. - - 2, vr,v . tE4a,rrs ;r I r C rete H- ( ' on which this endorsement appear., In the OFfIre of -. z„ - -- are v C E•5=,� � z-rJ \ L- •s- the Cier(r oP St+Fto lk County to accordance lvl th the September 15, 1988 r// ---- -- SEP rr c. `� rErnc { p ov s F Pub( l c Health Low and the Suffo(k P Prepared by - I I > �>; { - uaTE,e LLVEr - rA•w ,�- \'naw �-.ke Courttyt San I tory the armed by hr� r I I I � S.S. SCFEEII t ` � 1 ff ( 3 / r •; 1 Pfei�Re o f'-(t f1+gid rP/,�� '4'fac�s. Edward A. Bullock, Jr. �L s rk;rC� erssr¢r. Y __ __. . _-_____ 3 Sunsll Avenue „o, . Yc / ssmrldl-�,J P i I_ 6' •N;//. pF'o'TRATICK WIT __ vtit�ze ARE ro E' Le? s6 <e[rS rE UEU C4 a. CCHT4 F`CC:ry - .; -i Dr f /vnv/ Land surveYvr tr Engtne --- -- - rsc vet' oa ,6s4rraEe xeucrm.Es vnnr.r sc rccr cE P.O. BOX 1164 "the h Co house" euse.4wa T_a ! A yr FS:'rf fmrA'A aWtiT \ . r _-_- - - -�---_ J'P<, QQJr $oulS) Country Road eF ��enN CArog GPAktt ` ALL FRCvOStJ FC`L. Director Ole En v icon is ( Hes 1,th Weslhamplon Beach ry '�- p^'g B -fb Brookhaven, NY 11719 Tc1-_atAL Tr PAooeD NOTs �, ,/NM [ !A. LL<-AN SANG E GRAPE- ay eg NY 11978 • appE'p NJTS WNM 8'+5-89