HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950 • s f�tf�.•ti� �"�e�vr �rrx�, (��r��f ,ark The People of the State of New York to -----bY_I,T`.,I_Z?;.�;"I---`�',�__`I'E�RY , :r -- -----,,-- K.2ceiver of Taxes of the Town of ______� U'.I'EIOLD ______________ said County, Greeting: You are Hereby Required and Commanded to collect on or before the 31st day of May, 1950, from the several persons named in the tax and assessment roll to which this warrant is annexed and on the property named and described therein, the several sums extended and mentioned herein as taxes and assessor respective names and property, together with fees, interest and penalties when due, except taxes end against the fur- ther commanded to pay over from time to time all moneys so coli P upon the shares of stock of banks and banking associations; Y collected, as follows: g ns; and you a ws: Y re You are Further Required and Commanded to pay over from time to ti m e all money so collected as follows: L Within fifteen days after the delivery of this warrant to the Supervisor of the Town, in trust for the school districts therein, one-half of the amount of the tax levied for the purposes of the school districts of the Town, or such part thereof as shall not in the a 2. Within thirty days after, such delivery, to the Supervisor of the Town, aggregate exceed one-half of the total amount collected by said date. w , in trust for t purposes of said school districts he school districts therein th , or such part thereof a e balance of the ate, s shall not in the aggregate exceed one-half of the total a amount of the tax levied for the 3. Within the said first mount collected by said date, period of fifteen days and thereafter within in the said second p nsor of the Town on account of the o period of fifteen days, the remain moneys levied the der h the moneys rein for the support of highways and bridges, mon Y then collected to the Su- levied for any special purposes, and moneys to defray any other town g moneys levied therein for the benefit of special tax districts, w expenses or char st icts, taxes 4. After thirty y days from the date of thee d livery of the warrant an Supervisor, in proportion to the balances r , d at the expiration of each period of ten days thereafter, remaining unpaid, all mon Y on account of the f P moneys so collected until such balances are paid in full; for all of which payments made b foregoing, to the officer than the County Treasurer you are to require duplicate receipts and P Y Y you to any other P you shall file one of such duplicates with the County Treasurer on makingo 5. After the payment of such balances in full, to the Count Treasurer, your return. Y asurer all ten days from the completion of the payments , the residue of the moneys so collected and such p Y ents above provided in subdivisions , h payments shall be made isions 1, 2, 3 and 4 hereof. at intervals of You are further commanded to pay to the Supervisor of the Town herein � may h n mentioned upon Y ave been collected for fees p n the completion herein the payments as herein directed such sum or s penalties, interest, and charges on taxes or with respect to the moneys herein mentioned. sums as If any person shall neglect or refuse efuse to pay any tax imposed on him you are hereby commanded to levy the same by distress and sale upon any personal property in said county belonging to or in possession of such person, and cause the same to be sold at public auction for the payment of such tax, and the fees and penalties her imposed and expenses of collection, and no claim of property to be made by any other person thereto shall be available to prevent such sale. einafter You are further required, after the receipt o and P f this warrant, to cause notices of the reception that the taxes and ass P n of this tax and assessment assessments therein may s ssment roll and warrant to be given as required by law notices to be given as required with penalties q ed by law of the dates and places other than your principal office when and where will provided o law, and you are further required to cause All taxes upon real property shall be due and payable on the date affixed You will attend for the receipt of taxes and assessments. ono x d to this warrant r prior to the succeeding 10th da of and shall be p yable to the Receiver Y January, 1956, and on all such taxesof Taxes without penalty at an t' remaining Y time of tax will be added, and an additions g unpaid on the said day 10th da Y 1 one per cent 1 Y of Januar one per P ( %) will be added for each month thereafter until the return of this warrant and taxroll cto the County Treasurerof the t You shall make your return, verified as required by law, to the County Treasurer of all unpaid taxes and assessments on the tax warrant which you shall not have been able to collect on•o and assess r before assessment roll e the first da 1 annexed t y of June 1950 a o this s provided b law. You are further required and commanded out of the money so collected by you, and as above provided, to pay over: TO SUPERVISOR OF SAID TOWN FOR: y.✓s Amqunt TO THE TREASURER OF A / SAID COUNTY, ' Maintenance of Highways mount g' Y ?', •Tp 77 000.00 the residue 9 of the money so collected byY ou for: Maintenance of Bridges County Tax 196 Highway �42 9 g Machinery 2 Y nery � 35,000 .00 Supreme Court Expenses Removal of Snow and Miscel- � 3, 732,602 laneous Highway Purposes School Superintendent's Salary 1 R n O(1 n Cl_ y 9 a 1 x•44 Highway Bonds and Interest , Doubl e.and Erroneous Assessments / Fire Districts 10,25!/ 63 '082 ®CJ J_ Maintenance of County Home Inmates • Water Districts Foster Home Care 14; 235v81 • j Lighting Districts If 14.041 5■� Children in Hospitals 524.05 9 �' s Sewer Districts Children in Institutions Garbage Districts Children in Training Schools Police Districts Epileptics(Adults) Parks 11 -5,57.82 Hospitalization (Adults) ' School Districts 50216.95 ¢ Insane Commitments_44, .r�1 Q- mi�1 menta c 270.00 _110SVito uito Di.sfrit•cam� / 2, 013.91�" ?,r' Town Charge a/c Home Relief_ F! erry District l / � . 977 .87 2Q QQ" 6Town Charge a/c Beach Erosion .5 ��. 5 t w 11V s General Town Purposes 53,055.20 TOTAL PAYABLE TO SUPERVISOR $ 739,173 X55 Total Payable to County Treasurer $ 231 111.31 TOTAL AMOUNT OF WARRANT $ 9701284.86 In Witness Whereof the Board of Supervisors of said County, in meeting duly assembled on the 28th day of November, 1949,the date duly designated by reso- lution of the said Board of Supervisors, have caused this warrant to be signed by the'Chairman and Clerk of said Board, and the Seal of the County to be affixed thereto and have caused the same to be annexed to the tax and assessment roll of the town above named this 28th day of November, 1949. Chairman. ~ ...........................................Clerk. "F•