HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/2016 souTxoLn TowN TREE coMMiTTEE REGULAR MEETING TOWN HALL ANNEX BOARD ROOM June 22, 2016 7:00 PM Present: Dave Cichanowicz, Gerard Orientale, Jay Jansen, Don Grim Matt Campbell, (prospective member) This Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Tree Committee was called to order at 7:00 PM at the Southold Tawn Annex. Minutes fram the May 25, 2016 meeting were approved. Discussian Items: 1. The Tawn Board would like the Tree Committee's input with regard to writing a Tree Code for the Tawn of Southold. We were provided with a copy af the Town of Huntington Cade, Chapter 186 bbTree Preservation and Protection" ta use as a reference tool. A copy was distributed to each member at the meeting Over the coming manths the Tree Committee will put together same ideas, taking into consideration the various difficult situations an variaus types af properties, reviewing other Town's codes and then make our recommendatians and work with the Town Board to help guide the Tawn with writing the Cade. 2. Dave posted signs in Town for the two cherry trees which are to be taken down. 3. Dave will work on putting together the brochures for the Tree Committee's fall event with Suffolk Times. 4. Jay Jansen advised the committee about some inquiries which he got regarding missing memorial plaques and the cammittee's policy with regard to missing plaques was discussed. 5. The next meeting of the Tree Committee will be August 24, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Annex Board Raom. There was no meeting held in July 2016 This meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM Respectfully submitted, Diane DiSalvo ��.,.�.. ..�� �„� �� ����,� � �� ,,� �� � � � �'� � ��� �� ,�' �� � ;, � ����„����� .�� � ���� �,,,�w ��µ� �.�.m_......�.� .���'