HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/2016 Elizabeth Thampson,Chairperson Town Hall Annex
Reynolds duPont,Jr. �,�;�������"¢�- 54375 Route 25
Joseph Lee �l�„���������"��"��a PO Box 1179
Ronald McGreevy �.�,.� '�"�r�� Southold,NY 11971
Nicholas Planamento � �,�
Mark Schwartz �' � Telephone: (631)765- 1$92
Stephen Geraci � � � Fax(631)765-6641
Patricia Butler �'����"� �,�'�'�'" ' sautholdtown.northfork.net
James Garretson �'��� ��
Town of Southold
Architectural eview Co ittee
4:OOp.rn., August 18, 2016
Town all Annex Executive oard o0
embers Present°
Elizabeth�Thompson,Chairperson,Ron McGreevy,Joseph Lee; Nicholas Planamento;Stephen
Geraci;Patricia Butler;James Garretson,Heather Lanza,Planning Director; and Elizabeth
The ' �tes f�r the J�x�y 21,2016 ee ' gs were approvecl.
A ap
hcants will give a presentation cansisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and
other informatian required by the Planning Departrnent to the Corrirrsittee. The Coininittee will
ask questions and make suggestions as part af a general discussian with each applicant. Final
recommendatians from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting
Minutes, and be made part of the Planning file for that applicatian. The Planning Board will
consider these recommendations,together with a11 comments from other agencies,and provide
the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions.
Am��c�ecl Sit� Pla�;
� IV � SCT # 1000-125-1-19.5
IV�re�resentative for the ap�lic��Y was�resex�t at the rr�eeti�g.
This A endecl Site T'l��a is for o (2) �°oof additiarts at 24'x32` and 24'x28' (1,440 total sq.ft.) to
an existing 960sq.ft. car wash facility on 0.91� acres in the Gene�al Business Zonrng I)�st7ci�t,
Matti ck.
The Co °ttee review�ec�the a��licatior�and is a}�provir�g it as sub �tted.
Motion Made and Secanded.
� �ite la� �lfl��t�ra s:
� E E II� EP�S SC�' #k 1000m�3m3�4.6
Charles Cudc�y, Esq.,Atta�ney for client; Eric Nicasia, Architect; Greg Daroski,future operato�;
and Pa�zl Ellio�, agent for owner presented this site�lan for the proposed consh°uction af a
100'x65' (6,5QOsq.ft.} steel l�uilcl° g for prac��ction (brevaeiy with no retail), office and storage
with 2� pa�°king stalls on 0.96 acres in the light Industrial Zonir►g District, Cutchogue.
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The Co 'ttee reviewed the application and is approving it as subrrutted.
Motion made and seconded.
• TE P ETAIL SCT #1000-102-5-3 &4
Patricia Maore, Esq.,Attarney for client;Stephen Pinzino,Esq.,Attorney for client;Jeff Bord,
Architect;and A1 Terp, agent for owner presented this site plan for the proposed demolition of
an exis ' g 2,108 square foot building and the construction of an 81'x68' (5,537sq.ft.}building
with five (5) retail stores where there exists a+/-10,000 square foot retail build°u1g on 1.35 acres
in the Ha et Business Zoning District, Cutchogue.
The Committee reviewed the application and is subrnitting the attached memo to the Plaiuzulg
Depar ent dated August 18,2016 in regards to their reco endations for the project,
The Coxrunittee has determined that this application is incomplete and has been unanimously
Motion Made and Seconded.
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Elizabeth Thompson,Chairperson Town Hall Annex
Reynolds duPont, Jr. �'�������,�`�`'"�r 54375 Route 25
Joseph Lee �,�'"�°�� ��'���,� PO Box 1179
Ronald McGreev � "�" `rr Southold,NY ]]971
Nicholas Planamento "� ��
Mark Schwartz 7��� +�a ^'��""�� Fax(631)765-6641
Stephen Geraci 'FM��� � ,����;� Telephone: (631)765 - 1892
Patricia Butler .r�,,�„�x,,x���' southoldtown.northfork.net
James Garretson
TO: Brian Cummings, Planner
Planning Dept.
FROM: Eliza���t�r �I��������r�, Chair��rson �
Archrt��t�,Nr�N F���i�vv Comnr�n�tee C�
DATE: August 18, 2016
. New Site Plan for Terp Retail
28195 Main Road, Cutchogue
SCTM# 1000-102-5-3 & 4
The Architectural Review Committee conducted a preliminary review of this project. As noted in
the minutes, this submission was incomplete and therefore any decision by this committee has
been deferred at this time.
At the applicant's request, we send this letter of response that includes preliminary comments of
a general nature and does not constitute a full review of the project.
1. Building massing is inappropriate in relation to the scale of the surrounding village
2. Building facades need greater articulation. East elevation should have fenestration.
3. Eastern-most store front fa�ade could be stepped back at least several feet, to provide
more visibility to neighboring property. Also, a setback at western store front could
reduce massing and scale, and differentiate from existing building.
4. Individual storefront awnings are better scaled, more contextual and allow more light into
storefronts than a continuation of the brick arcade
5. Due to the visibility of the north elevation, we recommend that the fa�ade be consistent
with requirements for elevations facing side yards.
6. Front and side yards should be more pedestrian friendly, including more developed
landscaping and seating.
7. Parking area needs further development, including landscape islands with deciduous
shade trees to counter the local heat island effect. Loss of municipal parking is an
unresolved issue.
8. The Hamlet Study designates this area as a site where increased density is appropriate
and desirable. Therefore, we recommend that the false 2"d floor be developed as
habitable office or residential space in keeping with this designation.
cc: H. Lanza, Planning Director