HomeMy WebLinkAbout501 NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map is for use In administering the National Flood Insurance Program: it ® SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding,paniculerly from local ZONE K 72'28' 0].5" 100. drainage sources of small size, or all plammeUiC features oulaide Special 41'00' 00" Flood Hazard An. The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated Hood hazard Information prior to use of this map for property JOINS PANEL 0163 ZONE A No base flood elevatlons determined. ZONE AE Base flood elevations determined. purchase orcomtiuctibn Purposes. " ZO 72.30' 00" - — — _ Coastal base flood elevations apply only landward of OD National Geodetic Vertical 4 1'00' 00" \ Datum of 1929 INGVDI.and include Me effects of wave action: these elevations - ZONE AE NE ZONE AN Flood depth of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of may also differ significantly from those developed by the National Weather \\\ \ \ iEl 81 ZONE AE Forcing); lood debase flood official feet determined. Service for hurricane evacuation planning. - X TEL el \ \ � ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet lusually sheet Areas of special flood hazard TDO-veer floodl include Zones A,AE.AH,AO.A99, OAK ST Bow on sloping terrains average depths . \ \ ZONE X determined.For areaz alluvial fan flooding V.and VE Town Of veities localso determined. Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood \\ \\ Southold .eZONE A99 To be protected from 100-year flood by control structures. zr� Federal flood protection system under coo- Boundaries of the floodways were computed at Cross sections and interpolated ` \\ \ ZONE X a 360813 ZONE X NTHILL qp 2 minshr.ed.n; no base Flood elevations deter- between close sections.The floodways were bated on hydraulic considerations , \\ \ mined. \ ZONE x ZONE V Coastal Hood with velocity hazard (wave with regalerequirements of the Fetleral Emergency Management Agency ZONE X �.,\ \ \ g \ \\ \\ ` \ \ r o w Floodway widths in some arses may be too narrow to show to scale.Floodwav WEST CREEKo =ion); no base Hood elevations determined. widths are provided in the Flood Insurance Study Report. \ \ \ \ ` �gy \ z B Corporate limits shown on this map are Rased on the beat tlela aveilaDle.The \\ \�\\ �� \ o 71 ZONE AE o9 ZONE VE Coaxal flood with velocity azo (wave ser should conflict appropriate community officials to verity the corporate limit \ Up \ _ U�/� :EL 8, action); base flood elevations determined. wilnastions shown on this map. \ \\ \\ \\ �` { f o \ � \\\{I%_ GEORGE RD CUTCHOGUE � FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE For community map revision history prior to countywide mapping,see section 6.0 \ \ \\-A \\\ \ \\ \ HARBOR of the Flood Insurance Study Falcon. \ \ - \ ( „�� ZONE X \ \\ \\ 1t OTHER FLOOD AREAS For edlo n ng map panels sae separately printed Map Index \' \�� IN \pA�}• ` \ � Icy. `\\ DIGRAL DATA AVAllAalllT'r: DI811a1 Hles cpntelning The thematic flootlplem IDEMN I 1� s O ZONE ZONE % Areas of 500-year Good; areas 0(100-year AE Information shown on these maps are published by the Federal Emergency \ \IS I Tzµ I \ Hood with average as less of less Man i laH Management Agency in DLG-3 Optional format on CD-ROM.Requests for data \ \EAFkIER_"OfNg1,\ ZONE X iE i / or with damage areas less than 1 square mile; should Include the full name of the community or county and the Flood \ \ -N \\ v s and areas Protected by levees from 1pp-year Insurance Rate Map Panel numbers covered by the request. Contact the \\ N; Ak \ 7 Federal Emergency Management Agency,Map Service Canter,6730 Santa IE \ ( flood. Barbara Court,Baltimore,Maryland 21227 5832.Telephone 1-900-368-9616. \\ \\X81\\ \"F\ 1 � \ nC l4gp CH RUES LN S _ NOTE: The coordinate system used for the production of this Flood Insur- \ \ \ \\ \ ZONE OTHER AREAS \' ZONE X \ \ \ \ \ '\ X � ZONE X Areas determined to be ouaide 500-year Dace Rate Map INA Ifs Universal Transverse Mercator lcoor No1h American \ \w \ \\ Datum of 1827 INAD2]I.Clarke 1886 spheroid. Comer coordinates shown on \ Floodplain. the FIRM are in latitude and longitude referenced to the Universal Transverse \ \ { \\ \\ U, > t'v Mercator projection,NAD27 Differences in the datum and Spheroid used In the \ \ \ \ VNNI o ZONED Areas in which Hood hazards are undeter- \ \ \ \ \ RD MEADOW 8 S mined production of FIRMS for adjacent counties may result In slight positional \\ \ \ � \ � f� in 57 differences In map features at the county boundaries. These differences do \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ ¢ s 0 KING not affect the accuracy of the Information shown on the FIRM \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ K ZONE X TOWII Of Rhn UNDEVELOPED COASTAL BARRIERS' ATTENTION: Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the National \ \ \ \ .. Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. These flood elevations most be compared rti ' \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ 90 Southold to structure and ground elevations referenced ro the same datum. For Infor- \ rye, 360813 0 ® \ \ motion regarding convention between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum c”' \ \ \ \ \ MAIN of 1929 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 contact time National \ \ `\v \ \ Identified IdenG6ed Otherwise Geodetic Survey at the following address: ZONE X \ \ \ \ !q 1983 1990 or Later Pm ectedIII Areas Vertic6, Network Branch. N/CG13 \ \ \ **��\.N\ra\vs\ \ \\\\ 20NE8ed 1AE oY \ ZONE X i 1991 ofLater National GeodeticSurvey, NOAA `Z.Lz�•- ` \ .\\ \ \ \ sl �` Silver Spnng Metro Center 3 AVE ZONE 'Coaxal banner areas are normally located within ce adjacent to Special Flood 1315 East-West Highway \\ \ \ \\ '�\ \ \ \\ \\ JACKSON X Hazard fueaa Silver Sprlyd, MaNIS'd 20910 . 130117113191 FI ZONE VE F' _ y oodpfaln Boundary EASE ~ SOURCE: Transportation features were provided in panel formatIEL 91 i ZONE AE "" and copyrighted by the New York State Department of Transponsbon WYSDOTI, ZONE AE \ 4' \ ' `,axe' TFL 81 — — — — — — — Floodway Boundary The digital files were compiled at a scale of 1:24.000 from NYSDOT 75-minute ILL B) \ \ ____ quadrengla maps and updated using aerial photography Users of This FIRM \ \� COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS ZONE X Zone D Boundary should be aware that miner adjustments may have been made to specific road BDECNWtr0O YN .a APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NGVD locations. qD Boundary D oSpecial Flood Hazard g KIMDGENEN Zones, and Bounun dary Dividing Anew of Dif- ferent Coastal Base Flood Elevations Within COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND POINT Spedal Flood Hazard Zones. COASTAL BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS 10-B1-83 COONOI Barrier APPLY ONLY LANDWARD OF 0.0 NOVO —513— pa5e Flood Elevation Line; Elevation In Feel" FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES NEWLY BUILT O6 Cron SeNon Lae SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER OCTOBER I, 1883, IN OESIG- A A NATER COASTAL BARRIERS. IEL 987) Bou Flood ElevaDon in Feethere WUniform Within Zone.- 11-16-90 one^11-16-90 Coastal Barrier R 7 X Elevation Reference Mark FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- •M1.5 River Mile STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16,IND. ••Referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum o 1929 W DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS 11-16-91 Otherwise ►refected Area \ \\a \ \\` IN MAP REPOSITORY UP FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 199 \ \ \ O Rehr to Repository Lsting on Map Index 1.- NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE \\ \ \ \\ OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. w \ \` \\ \ \ \ a \ \ Q EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE FLOOD INSURANCE ATE MAP MAY 11-15-93 Coastal Barrier ou 7t6NE, \ \\ o FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- Z v At \ \\ STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 15.1991 a \ \ EFFECTIVE DATEISI OF REVISIONIST TO THIS PANEL IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS Z \\ \ \ \ 11-15-93 Otherwise Protected Area O' FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR STRUCTURES - NEWLY BUILT OR SUBSTANTIALLY IMPROVED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 16, 1993,- NOT USED IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE PURPOSE OF THE \ OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS. GREAT \ 02-24-97 Coastal Barrier ` \ \ \ \ Refer to FLOOD INSURANCE NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR SUB- the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP elective STANTIALLY IMPROVED STRUCTURES ON OR AFTER FEBRUARY 24. 1997, \ \\ \ determine when actuarial rial rates apply a Structures inn in. onshown on Isla map to zae where eleve- • \ \ \ \ trona ordepths have been established. IN DESIGNATED COASTAL BARRIERS. \ \ To tlerenne H Hoatl Insurance is available In this commonly, confect your ID COASTAL BARRIER \ \\ \\ \ \\ nlInsurance agent or mil the National Flood Insurance Program at 18001638-fill AI (SEE COASTAL STAL FAED I1-16-90 FARRIER LEGEND) \\ � \\` C.RmHRm or comms maordina Coastal Barrio ReaaMrces Sydem areas should be direded to the Coastal Barrier Coordinator lie the \\ \ \ \ /.fW Ll1w\ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; (413) 253-8614. \ \ \ \\ \ LITTLE z'1LII�RI�uIIIT? PECONIC ELEVATION REFERENCE MARKS \ �\ \ \ \ BAP pFH#!NC! APPROXIMATE SCALE EtlVATION \ \ \ NARK IN ff.INGVDI' DESCRIPTION OF LO "M PECONIC APPLY ONLY AL BASE FLOOR ELEVATIONS \\ \ \ >, 500 0 500 FEET APPLY LANDWARD OF O.0 NGVL! a \\ \ \\ \ m 90 5.69 Standard disk eisamd W 8 1935. located \ \ ♦ ' aP9tazlwtel9 27 feet berth of cevt it. of Nate streeol knon use lrt3.6 feet orridu t of soot6wt cetmr of Rose ffuw' lie eueeeuc coeur ee a \ \ \ \ concreto base for guolrne pose. \ \ 1 'National Geodatfc ViiiDetuu of 1929 �` \'\ \ \`-� NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Town of FIRM BAY Southold \ \\ . F \ \\ ` \ \ 360813 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP \ \ � EL 'NE ` \* SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK vv �v 9vv�v (ALL JURISDICTIONS) \ Town of PANEL 501 OF 1026 Southold \ \\ \ \ ^� \ 'SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTEDI \\ \\ \ \ CONTAINS. 360813 \ \ \ \\ COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL \\\ \\ —OLD To— of aeaau cam G ZONE X No E- ThisMM INcoRPORATEs aPR1oMIM4TE aouxpFRiss OF COASTAL DMRIER Rlsoura a Sy1TEM UNITS AND/ON OMERMEE MOTECTLD AREAS SITSBLWIED UNDER THE C045T4L BARRIER IMWOVEMFHT 4CT OF bob IR IOF6al. NTb io UWa bx rMr NUMBER M::seen ensue N reed ZON Bow anoulNE be too m be COMMUHRV^NUMB�P apK X vnrM or MAP NUMBER 3610300501 G 40.58' 07.5" ) DINS PANEL oSDa z 26 o7.s° / EFFECTIVE DATE JOINS PANEL 0503 ° MAY 4, 1998 40.50' 07.5" 72'30'00" Federal Emergency Management Agency