HomeMy WebLinkAbout9180 Sound Ave Permit No.��_ � . TOWN OF SDUTHC)LD �4��u�FO��.�,o , HIGi�CJAY I)EPARTMENT ,y,e�:'.:- w G,� - Peconic Lmne �i��, ' i� .� , �� , � ' Peconic,Ne�vYork 11958 �e � t `�� T 101866831 � , (G31)765-3140 ��a.��;�� :�a`�. nr��rc�Tiorv i�rri�rr�°rr�R xrrtttivAv rxcnv��rro�v nr�n r�rrnlR API'LICATIQN TS HEREBY mude to d�e Superin4endent ot Hi�ltwuys of the To�vrs of Sauthotd far►he issuaa�ce of an Excavokiori Permit pursuant to Chapter 237�f the Cado of the To�vn aF Sauthold,Suffal�County,New York,and other upplicntile iaws,ordin�snccs or rcgulntions far ench individunl cantiguous excnvation project lterein desoribed, The applicar�t agrees to comply�vith a11 appiiaable law,�, ordinanccs,cades ond regulations,ihe nttnchcd°`General Conditians of Permit"nnd"Specinl Canditions",if Any and to permit authorized inspeclors to make,necessary inspections af the job site. � Print or'['vnc Keysp�n Gas Eas� Corp D/B/A Natianal Grid T Gas Permits [}ept. �i{dg: 3 Ff: � ' � �, 516 545 4094 175 E. U{C� COU�iti')t Rd HIC�CSV{�tBi �Y 11��1 Name of Applicant , Phone NumUer Adclress af Applicani � r � 2, Nnmc aT Contructor Ptionc Numbcr Address of Contructor 3. � Name of Property Otivner Reqvesting Service(if npplicabPe) ,b►ddress of Owner � 9180 SOUND AVE, MATTITUCK-S/S of road, 1074' W/O COTTAGE WAY ��4'ork Descriptiom m�d Locution(Strect N�smber,Hamlet,Cross Street) (a) ls construction 9ocmt�d�vitl�in 75 feet of tidal�tietlands? �Yes No . , *If yes,other To�vn permits may be required. �� lr��' Margaret Paglia � Nf3TE: All'anFormatDon requested hy t3s6s Si�nature.of Appiic t , Ap�r�icAtion!�'crmit Carrn ts Required for u cotnplete�ppl'sc�tion! 7/27/16 ___ _ _ � ' IDate 5. {a) Altaclied plat plan to reasonably nnd t+dequate{y describe the proposed rvork. t'rovida nccur�ce sohema[ic site plan sl�atiaing the loc�tion oPnll praposed excavations und relntionship to�djaining premises,public streecs or nreas,and give n detnited description of n19 site and pavemen4 restoration�vork.' , , (b) Attach ull fltller necessary permits and ticensas t'or dais project. ' (c) tirork covered by this npplicption may nal commence beCore issuance of n Highway Cxcc►vation Permit by ttte T'o�vn Clerk. 6. T�x Map No.: District 1000 , Section , i3lock . Lot 8/25%16 � 8/26/16 7. Stactin�Date: . __ .____ Cornpletion Dute: 8. 4Vark Scl�edulc: Plsnsc Comnlcticin []:i1c Excavntian '4V�rk�rl�edutc Facitity Ynstalfation 11]s�st be prnvideal Bncktill S Completion fOC COI15�fS1'1'f1t�0II:15 A f'�vement 6teplacement Compicte Appllcntinn. a. Under�vhich authority is npplication being n�ade; Keyspan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid See Town Code Chnpter 237(E)-Pravide Resolution by,ar aulhority{'rom,ti�e Util'sty beiilg tnodified. 10. Estimated Cost oCPropased 1Vork: �_ � ��_ _,,��._ „�...,.,,.._.,�,._, ..�„..._ 1 I. Remarks: install new�gas service D-39 1 of 3 12, fnsurance Cpver��c;(AttAch Copy) (u) Insurnnce Company:, . � (b) Policy€�: (c}State whether pot'scy of certificptian on tifc with the High�vuy Department: (d}Cov�rage required extended to tlie Town: Any Loss including Bodiiy injury,pruperty ar commercial injury caused by or nttributnble ta llte work performed: �1,QOO,QQQ per Occurrence nnd�2,004,000 gcncral aggregate. � l3. Sccurity: (p)Surety Band or Ceriifsed Clieck providsd in the toinl Amount of$ {b}Maintennnce I3ond provided: 2 ycnrs or_ _ _ 3 years. 14. Fees for Applicatians and permiis: Basic Application Fee for Each Project Location - $�54.Ofl A ProJeet Loention would include each Bell Hole pndlor every road opening ar excavation within ariy SO'Radius tivhethec or not#hey may be inter-connected by opan trcnch or directionnl borin�. 7'he totat numbec�F Project Locat9ons sha11 bc subject to the Approval of the Hi�hway Superintendent, A1. � � 1Service Connections excavaiions Q�20,60 S 20.00 �4. � A2, /AdditionAl Excavations same servicc Q S 10.00 S�_ ,, _ Na. B. Excavatians 18"in deptU or less 0-100 i..F.=$14.OD;Additannal L.F. rQ�U.10 � _ _._ C.. �xcavations 18"in dcpth to 5' in depth U-100 L.F.=$3Q.00;Additionai L.F.Q�0.30 S ___.._...__._ D. Excav�stions S'in depth and over � 0-100 L.F._�SU.00;Additiona3 L.F.Q�O,SD � E. Utility Itepair Excavatians rQ$10.00 � • No, �Repai�s same service r{r�$S.OU $ ABdiciot��l , �,�T��� 170.00 F. Notice to public utilities proof rriust bc provided and Shull be attached to this spplicAtian prior to issunnce of permit. w+ � � m � � a r � � o � � ,� a Authoriaation is hereby granted to the Tawn Clerk of the Town of Sauthold ta issue a Hig�titvay Excavntion pennit ta: ' accordance�vith this application and subject to the"Gencrai Conditions'"und"Specint Conditions'°of pecrriit{if a )a4tached hereto SLiPERINTEN T S TOWN OP SO Yl0 ,N � K incen �n^����� Datc i?ate Received by tlfe Totivn Cl�rk � � Date Perrnit lssued � �� /t�._Permit No.� ,�� NOTE: Permit expires ane(1)year from date af issuance. A10 work to sfart�vithout 24 hnur notice to Superintendenk of Highwuys. Permit must be aevailable at aU times far inspection,on site,durins construction, � L)-39 2 of 3 - Copy Distribution: ' I'er�nxlt# Highway Dep�rtment ' Enginaer(witti gage 3) Applicant Tawn Clerk(Original) IN�PECT()R'S�CO�� Inspection Dute Findings(use cflde) Applicant Notified 151 � and ' 3ra �ch � (To Permit Clerk) REIYiAItICS cou� 1B lmproper Baa�icades IL lmproper Lights ST Sundcen Trench ar Excavution , UTM Unuble to Me�sure(duc to bAck�liin� sUC Building Under Conswction , � WIP Work In Progress , I3B Impraper Backfitl(too t�i�,noi sufficient) HFS Inspector Halding for Finul Serilement of Excavation RFR Reatiy for R�pair D-39 3 of 3 �i ' � • ' • . ., , , k � , , ' • 4 � ' i, . � � , . � . , � '. GENFRAL COTVDITI�NS UF-PEItM.YT , � • , � APPLFCATIUN/PETfMIT FfJR�IIGH��AY•��XCAVATIOr1 ANI9�ItEPAIR , ' 1, 'Pcr�ilice's Cantr�ctors to Comnly�vith Pcr`m'it�Rairuiremer�ts: The Permittee is responsible far - � � irifo�rning its i�depandent cor�tractors;employces,agat�ts und assigns af their responsibility to comply with . � this p�rmit, includin�aII speciaUsiie specific'and general conditions imposed by�the Higiiwny �Superintendent while acting ns thc permittee's�a�ent wiEh respcct to the pet�mitted activities,And such '•pe'rsons shAll be requircd to comply virith a19 permit requireca�ents. , � 2, No Dti�lit la Tresn�ss a�Inlcrferc.�viif�Privste 1'roper#v Ri�l�ts; This permit does not convey io t�e �pei�mittee'sny right to'trespass upon the'lands nf adjacent propeiiy owners in ordor to perfarm thc permitt,ed � , tivark aor does it authorize the impairment�of any rights,title,or intcrest in real.or personfll propariy held or' , • vested in a,person not a pArly to the psi�mit, � � ' �, Pa�otectian of t6c Uiel��vav and Tuturc ITieln4�av�Mnintenancc: If future bperatians ar highwuy ' ' muintenunce projects by the Town of Southoid requirc an altcration in the positian af the utility,structure , or,wark Herein authorized,or if,in the opinion of the Highway Superiniendent tl�e work pe�'ormed undec this permit shall cause unret�.sonabla ob�slrucEion to rcquired hi�hway r�iairitenance or endanger the heAlth, , safety and/ot welfare of vehicular or pedestrian traffic,this permit�shall be revoked and ihe utility, str,ucture;fiil,cxcavation,or other modificatian of the high�vAy hereby autharized shall not be completed. Additionally,the perm'st rnay 6e revoked if the HighwAy Superintendent finds that the issuance of the � pei�mit was iliegal or anuuthorized�r that the applic�nt failcd te comply�vith any of the,terrns nnd , conditians of the permit or Ch�pter 237 of the Town Cadc. - , � A, Revocntson of�lic Permi't Uv dhe lC3ieh�vAv Sunerintco�dent: If the Highway Snperintetsdent deems it � necessa 'ry to revoks this permit and the praject hereby uuthorized has not been cornplcted,the appticant sh�lt,without expense to the Town and to such extent and iri s`uch time and manner us ihe Superintendent • may rcquir�,remave all orany portion of the uncompieted utility,structure or�li,And reslore the site to its � faimer condation. � ' � 5, N�tiea of Cam�enceinente At least 24 huurs prior to commcn�ement of ihe prajeet,the perrnittee and/or co'ntractor shall dotify thc Town Highway Department in writing that thcy arc fully Awnre af and " understand ail tcrtns arid project conditians of titis permit. Upon compietion of the work�the eontractor ' shAt!provide photogruphs of the completed work to tha Town Highwny Department and reques�n�inal . � inspection. : � ' , ' . � 6. Storssee of rpuipment S�Mntcrinls: The storfl$e vf coastivction equipment snd/or materinls s�all be � con�ned within the project wark area and/or adjacc�t areas�vhere permission/legal access hAs been oUtaincd in u mttnner'Ehat does nat interfere�vith normul highway,trnffic. �, Utifitv Mnrlt-Otits: The Appiioant/Cansractor shal{be responsible for verification of all existing utitity � m'wrk-outs and sh�ll tpke All precautions to proiect same. DAmage ta existing utiliEies sha11 bc the respo�ssib':lity of the eontreetor and shall be repaired At the contractor's expense. 8, Ro�d Clasures: Alt schcduled roud clasures inust first rcceive tvritten permission from the Southaid Town. . Baard prior to clasing a road, Temporary lunc closures rnay 6e permitted with the approval of the Highway , , ' ' Superintendent. This item wi[I included but not be limited to the instnllation af approprinte signage and � fl��men to stop and stari ttaffic�to allow for single tane traffic. Road Ctosures due to unforeseen emergenciss require immediate notificution of the High�vny Department and shall be limited to immediate' � � � and/or expedited restoration ofthe Wark Zone, � � 9, N'a Consiruction Debris i��Roncl Shouldcr Arca: Ail Conskruction Debris shall be removcd frotn theJob � siie on��daily bnsis, All'stockpiled soil t�.s well as all olher project materials that�vill be"staged within the 12ight-of Way must be dclincated with reflective signage or"oihcr means ta mcet tfie minimum requirements � of the,NYS DOT Construciion Standacd5. , , - , � � i . . � � 'o ° �_��I�.�t�����. � a PERMIT AP'PLI�iTI�N �K�T�H � �fillage Of � � � � DATE: �I27J2O'I� � LOCATI�d'I: 9180 SOUND AVE CROSS Sl'REET 1: CGTTAGE 1NA`( � 0 To�rr: MATTITUCK CROS"a SfREET 2: GQUNTY RD 48 ,� � wa�c or.nE�z: T101$6�831 N . N '--� � . , � � SCiRFACE: � N1�C�dar71 RO dd HQ,�Na � � � 9180 � y' w A. �7 � � o � ~ � � O O � U U X � � a� - �n 1074' � b � �' x 4' Bell Hole � U .� � �i N SOUND A�E � � 3 � , �. . � � � _ � , a � ' . - ,GENE�.L CONDI'TIONS 4F P�RMTT . APPLiCATION/PERMIT FOR I�IGHWAY EXCAVATION AND REPAIR �(Continucd) 10. Jnstall,Mnintnin�rasion Cantrols: Required_Erosion Contral Meusures(i.e,silt fencing)is to be placed . ori ilie doxmslope edge of nny disturbed Areu, This sediment batrier is.to be put in place before any distt�rbancc of thc ground occurs and is to bc maintuined in good functionai conditian until thick vegetsitive cover is established. 11. Clcan Till Onlv: A(1 project back-fill sl�ull consist of clean sf►nd,grAvel or soil(NOT uspltalt,slag,flyash, , broken concrete o�'demdlition debris}, AII UIISUttAbIC 501�5 CXCBVStC(�a��1C SitC{l.e.Clny,Bo�,etc.)are to be reinovcd from the sitc nnd nat u'sed to backfill'any exeavation witi�in u Town Highwuy. ' � , 1 Z. �t[Areas af Soil Disturbance: Ali areas of soil disturbance resufdng from the approved project sizull be stabilized to the satisfaction of the Highway Superintendent'immedintely follawir�g project completian', If � the project site�emains inuctive for more than 48 haars ar planting is impractical due#o the season,tl�en the area shall be stabilized with sRraw,hay muich andlor jute matting until weather conditions favor germination. ' � - 13. l3ackfill&Comrihction of n11��ccs�v:etions: Bactc Fill s1taU consist of cican ftil or soils which exhibit� we11-defined maisture density relfltionship as determined to be in uccordancc with ASTMD 698. Fill shnll be placed in mrixittyutrt lifts of tweive(IZ'�inches thiek tutd shall be mechanictilly compacted to a Ninety- • ' five(95%}percent maximum dry density. Suitabie hydraulio compkction by water jetting atthree-foot intervals wili ulso be permif#ed subject to a project spec�c npprovel by the Highway Superintendent. � 14. Restors�tion of t9�c Road Slioulder Aren: Al)mat►-madc improvcments located within existing road ' , shoulder areas must be protected to the greatest extent practical. Items would include but not be limited to , drivewuy&privAte road aprons,iiiait 6oxes,sprinkler systems,trees and ornnmental plantings. Excavatians through driveways and private rond pavements must be ceconstrucEed to mect al1 reRuiremenis of Southofd Town Highway Specificntions, All pre-existing road shoulder improvements thai have been disturbed during construction must be rcplaced or repaired by the cantraetor to the satisfaction of the Highway Superintendont. 15. Schemntic PlAns tivill�nI1 Tecl�nicsal inPormafion nnd Scone o1'VVorli: To reasonnbly und adequately describe the propnsed work,accurate schematic site pinns must be pravided to show or indicate nll praposed construction activity required under this pern�it. All Pavement surfaces schedulcd for excavAtion must be saw cot to the fv{i depth of nsphult and/or eonerete pavements. 'Accurate size of bell holes or width of trenehing must be indicated hy dimension or labe4in�. This schematic site plan must provide detaiis oa all restoration required to meetthe requiremcnts of ihese Genern!Canditions snd reyuirements found in ihe Southold To�vn Highway Speci�ications. 16. Puvement Reconstruction: All Pavement sections must be reconstructed in the follawin�martner; '(Note:Whcn Concrete Pavements are Present,Picase rcview Rcstoration rcquircmenls with the Highwny Superintendcnt) A} Complele nit back-fill&soi!compaction work�.s needed to provide A suitable sub-base; , b)�Over-cut existing asphalt bell bole or trench by rivclve'(12")inches on all'sides; c) Install a compacted lift of 4"thick Stone Biend base(RCA Blend must mcet NYS DOT Specification); d} lnstall n iwo aad one hnlf(2.5").inch compacted lift af Asphalt Dase Course; � c) Install a one nnd one half(I,5")inch of Asphalt(Type 6)�Vearing Course. {Provide AC at all joints) All work listed herein must mcet,the minimum requirements of the Southold Town Highwuy � Specificutioi�: � ' I7. Trenebin�af Pnvcmen4 Seiri's�ccs Txcecdint Unc I1�unttretl(100'1Tcet in Len�tli: A!1 trenching of , 'puvemeat surfaces exceeding 100' in length must first be recansweted to meet the requirements of Item N 16 us noted above. Once All pavement rcconstntction is compleled to the satisfaction of the Highwny , Superintendent,the entire road section andlor width af road aver the entire lengih of Vench shali be � repaved with a two(2") inch Eift of Asphalt(Type 6}Wc.�ring Course(Typicul.shoulder to shoulder). . . . . _ S�,y * * �` RECEIPT �` * � Date: 08/01/16 Receipt#: 211469 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 Excavation Permits 1140 $170 00 Total Paid: $170.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#35495 $170.00 National, Gnd -Gas Permits. Dept Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: National, Grid - Gas Permits Dept 175 E Old Country Rd Bld 3 FI 1 Hicksville, NY 11801 Clerk ID: BONNIED Internal ID 1140