HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-6718 FOB~M NO. 4 -TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office .Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. M .67~ 8 Date Sepa 3Q 19 75 . THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at E,l. hsnx~ey .&d............ Street Map No. ~ Block No.X~........Lot No...x~....Southo7.d...~ rX.% . conforms substantially to the a irQme t~ f f8 1 e] . Fc l;o ~n code d~t• before •.~pr3]. • •I t195~.. pursuant to which~~X~~~Op~691$ C~ dated ...........Septi ..3SI..., 19.75.., was issued, and conforms to all of'the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ~'riyate ,one, .family, dwelling, :kith .two. accessQpy hu~.ldings , , The certificate is issued to .8abnrt. J...~ olger... , os~mer . (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval pre-„existing, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. .pre-esisti,tlg . . . HOUSE NUMBER ...212.0....... Street $enxiey..i.3oad . Buildin Ins •eCtO~ r g P } HOUSING CODE INSPECTION September 29, 1975 2120 Kenney's Rd. R-3 Southold, New York Tax Roll: Robert J. Kolyer Occupied: owner Upon receipt of an application for a Pre-Existing Certificate of Occupancy I made an inspection of this one story framed dwelling. I was admitted to building by Mr. Kolyer who accompanied me during this inspection which began at approximately 2:20 P.M. The building consists of three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, living room and an enclosed rear porch Heat is furnished to building from an oil fired warm air furnace located in living room floor. Accessory structures consist of a small building located in front yard area on northwest corner of property. This building has a non-conforming use as a real estate office. A large utility shed is located on the southeast corner of lot. Fences consist of a six foot stockade along rear yard line and a split rail fence along right of way. There were no violations of The Housing Code, Chapter 52, Town of Southold. Buildings and structures are in good order. Inspection com- pleted at approximately 2:40 P.M. Res ectfully sub tted, • n, (.w~-~-_ EH:mm Edward Hindermann Building Inspector FORM NO. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Building Deportment Town Clerks Office Southold, N. Y. 11971 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Instructions A. This application must be filled in typewriter OR ink, and submitted in DUPLICATE to the Building Inspector with the following; for new buildings or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final approval of Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage disposal-(S-9 form or equal). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Commercial buildings, Industrial buildings, Multiple Residences and .similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code compliance from the Architect or Engineer responsible for the building. 5. Submit Planning Board approval of completed site plan requirements where applicable. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 1957), Non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, buildings and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Sworn statement of owner or previous owner os to use, occupancy and condition of buildings. 3. Date of any housing code or safety inspection of buildings or premises, or other pertinent in- formation required to prepare a certificate. C. Fees: 1. Certificate of occupancy $5.00 2. Certificate of occupancy on pre-existing dwelling or land use $5.00 3. Copy of certificate of occupancy $1.00 Dote~/ New Building Addition Old or Pre-existing Building .,~,Vgcont Land Location Of Property ."T"'""...~~..... Owner Or Owners Of Property ..l.C:.A~:I.I. `........Y.:.._... f Subdivision ...............~........................................Lot No....~...... Block No. .House No............. Permit No. Date Of Permit .......:.\........A licant pp Health Dept. Approval ....~~j~~.'.^..`...t ::..............Labor Dept. Approval ......G~-~`~"./..`.'..~I Underwriters Approval .....ll,/.~:°.... ~::?::............Planning Board Approval ' Request For Temporary Certificate Finnl Certificate ~M~ O_ u--- Fee Submitted $ Construction on above described building and' it eet; pl ap codes and regulations. Applicant r - Sworn to before me this ~ _ ~ ~ t ' ` day of (stomp or seal) Notary Public - County G~-~ ` ` p