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ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK eI C7 { P.O.Box 1179 cts a: a , Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS �'�® . •� �� Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Ov e Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER = .1 -0,0 0 www.southoldto765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER - � ��,.•' wnny.gov OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 21, 2016 Grade A. Petroleum Corp 90 E Hawthorn Ave Valley Stream NY 11580 Dear Sir: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on July 12, 2016,the Town Board accepted the bid of Grade A Petroleum for additional lubrication and oils. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. The bid deposit is being returned to you. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, • Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of July 12, 2016 ,. RESOLUTION 2016-677 Item# 5.17 y� r ADOPTED DOC ID: 12109 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2016-677 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 12, 2016: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Grade A Petroleum Corporation to supply the Town with additional lubricants and fluids for the term of one (1) full year after the bid was awarded, as submitted in the bid and all in accordance with the Town Attorney. 6-12e4Q .'aP Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William P. Ruland, Robert Ghosio SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell Generated July 13, 2016 Page 32 BID ITEM: OILS AND LUBRICANTS * BID DATE: TOTAL NO. EST. UNIT OF DESCRIPTION BRAND UNIT PRICE QTY. MEASURE BID PRICE (based on est. qty.) 1. 1 case qts 15W-50 Full Synthetic Mobil 1 $4.41 $52.92 2. 10 cases 1 qt 15W-40 Lubricating Oil Phillips 66 $3.08 $30.80 3. 16 55 gal. drums 15W-40 Lubricating Oil Phillips 66 $423.00 $6,768.00 4. 10 cases Gallon 15W-40 Lubricating Oil Phillips 66 $11.75 $470.00 Kendall Super $3.50/qt 5. 5 cases Gallon lOW 30 lubricant oil D XA Diesel 12 qts per $210.00 Engine case 6. 1 case qrts OW-40 oil Mobil 1 $4.41 $52.92 7. 2 cases Qrts Synthetic Gear lube 75W-140 Kendall $7.42 $178.08 8. 4 120 lb Drums Synthetic Gear lube 75W-90 Kendall $425.00 $1,700.00 9. 1 120 lb drum Gear Lubricant, Semi-Synthetic SAE Kendall $205.00 $205.00 80W-90 10. 11 5 gal.pail Gear Lubricant,Semi- Kendall $57.00 $627.00 Synthetic, SAE 80W-90 11. 2 5 gal. pail SX200 Synthetic Gear Oil Kendall $203.00 $406.00 12. 1 120 lb drum 85-140 Hypoid gear oil Kendall $215.00 $215.00 13. 5 cases 1 quart 5W-20 Synthetic Blend motor oil Kendall $2.50 $150.00 i14. 2 55 gal. Drum 5W-20 Synthetic Blend motor oil OElAK Motor $349.00 $698.00 15. 15 cases 1 quart 5W30 synthetic blend Kendall $2.50 $450.00 16. 15 cases 1 quart 10W30 synthetic blend Kendall $2.50 $450.00 AK 17. 1 55 gal. Drum 10W30 synthetic blend OP 1 Motor $349.00 $349.00 PEAK 18. 15 55 gal. Drums Hydraulic Oil, ISO Grade 32 Hydraulic $280.00 $4,200.00 5,000 Hour ' Fluid updated 5/16 Page 1 PEAK 19. 2 55 gal.Drum AW 46 Hydraulic Oil Hydraulic $280.00 $560.00 5,000 Hour Fluid 20. 5 cases 1 quart 50- 1 outboard 2 cycle Kendall $4.25 $255.00 21. 1 cases 6.4 oz bottles 50 - 1 outboard 2 cycle No Bid No Bid No Bid 22. 20 55 Gal.Drums Transmission Fluid PEAK ATF $369.00 $7,380.00 DEX III/Mere 23. 10 cases 1 quart ATF+4 Transmission Fluid No Bid No Bid No Bid 24. 2 55 gal drums Dexron VI Transmission Fluid CAM2 Dex $665.00 $1,330.00 I 25. 3 5 gallon pail Dexron VI Transmission Fluid CAM2 Dex VI $68.00 $204.00 26. 2 gallon Full Synthetic Multi Vehicle No Bid No Bid No Bid Transmission Fluid 27. 2 120 lb drums Synthetic Transmission Oil Kendall SHP $630.00 $1,260.00 SAE 50 Transoil 50 28. 2 pail 5 gallon pail Syn-295 Licensed Trans Shell Spirax $195.00 $390.00 S6 ATF A295 29. 20 120 lb.Drums Heavy Duty Chassis Grease Phillips 66 $282 00 $5,640.00 Dynalife HT $115.00 30. 50 Cartridges Extreme Pressure Grease Kendall Superper case of $115.00 (14 oz) Blu 40/14oz tubes 31. 2 cases 50 tubes/case NLG#2 EP Grease Phillips 66 $110.00 $220.00 Dynalife HT Anti-Freeze PEAK Fleet 32. 6 55 gal. Drums [Ethylene Glycol Base]Pre-Mixed Charge Green $285.00 $1,710.00 50/50 33. 24 Gallon Anti-Freeze extended life PEAK Final $14.85/gal $356.40 collant/antifreeze Charge 50/50 6/1 gal per 34. 1 55 gal. Drum Final Charge Global Extended Life PEAK Final $825.00 $825.00 Red Anti-freeze or equivalent Charge Full Con 35. 20 cases Gallon Windshield Washer fluid-premix PEAK $2.00 $240.00 36. 2 drums 55 gallons Windshield Washer fluid-premix PEAK $115.00 $115.00 updated 5/16 Page 2 37. 2 55 gallon Windshield washer concentrate Houghton $192.00 $384.00 38. 10 drum 55 gallons 303 Tractor Fluid(Hy-Tran)or Kendall Hyken $545.00 $5,450.00 equal 052 UTF 39. 10 drum 120 lb 303 Tractor Fluid(Hy-Tran) or Kendall Hyken $305.00 $3,050.00 equal 052 UTF 40. 7 pails 5 gallon 303 Tractor Fluid(Hy-Tran)or Kendall Hyken $63.00 $441.00 equal 052 UTF 41. 1 drum 55 gallon Diesel Exhaust Fluid BLUEDEF® $139.00 $139.00 42. 10 cases Case lots Diesel Fuel Anti-gel Howes $120.00 $1,200.00 43. 1 case Qrt White Lithium Spray No Bid No Bid No Bid 44. 1 case Qrt Penetrating Oil Spray No Bid No Bid No Bid 45. 5 55 gallon Diesel Fuel Anti-gel Howes $1,100.00 $5,500.00 * See attached Product Specifications. ESTIMATED TOTAL: $53,977.12 NOTE: SDS sheets MUST be included on all deliveries. No exceptions. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS SAE 15W40 DIESEL ENGINE MOTOR OIL Multi-grade and heavy duty formulated to use in turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines in various types of service with either high or low sulfur fuels. Must meet or exceed the requirements of most manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, construction,mining, fanning and high ' speed marine diesel engines. Approved against MACK'S EO-M Plus specifications and Cummins CES 20076 specifications. Brand Comparison: Miles "ALL-SPEC Super"oil or equal. Only oils with the commercial API rating of CJ-4 (or better if/when available) will be accepted. 4ANTI-WEAR(A W) HYDRAULIC OIL -ISO GRADE 32 Anti-wear hydraulic and circulating fluids formulated with high quality base stocks and thermally stable additives. Multi-grade and heavy duty formulated to use in turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines in various types of service with either high or low sulfur fuels. Must meet or exceed the requirements of most manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, construction,mining, farming and high speed marine diesel engines. Approved against Allison C-4 and Caterpillar TO-2 specifications. Brand Comparison:Miles "Stratus Premium Anti-Wear Industrial"Hydraulic Oil or equal. GEAR OIL-HEAVYDUTY,SAE80W-90 Multi-gear and High Temperature Gear Oil. Petroleum based gear oils. Must meet or exceed the requirements of API Service designation GL-5/MT-1 and MIL-PRF-2105E. Keeps critical parts clean of deposits and sludge when subjected to high temperature service. Protect gear equipment under heavily loaded conditions against surface stress. Brand Comparison: Miles MPI Premium or equal. updated 5/16 Page 3 BID ITEM: OILS AND LUBRICANTS BID DATE: 7/7/2016 TOTAL NO. EST. UNIT OF DESCRIPTION BRAND UNIT PRICE QTY. MEASURE BID PRICE (based on est. qty.) PEAK Full 1. 6 drums 55 gallon Peak full force green concentrate anti- Force $489.00 $2,934.00 freeze GREEN Full Conc. Kendall 2. 40 Quarts 10/40 Lubricating Oil 10w40 $2.35 $94.00 Synthetic Blend PEAK 10w40 3. 10 Gallons 10/40 Lubricating Oil in 5 gallon $9.50 $95.00 Pails 4. 30 Bags Non Based Silica Speedy Dry Oil-Dri $7.99 $239.70 5. NOTE: SDS sheets MUST be included on all deliveries. No exceptions. updated 5/16 Page 1 I! .# 00 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC ����y0 4 Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ? o ; P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS $ Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER * 0 �� 0' Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER y®.( * ",�®�� www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER "- ,,•� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID OPENING 2016 Lubricants #2 Bid Opening 7/7/16 @ 2:00 PM One bid was received: Grade A. Petroleum Corp Results are attached. 90 E Hawthorn Ave Valley Stream NY 11580 516-825-554 OFOlir Town Hall,53095 Main Road ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC ���A.• ®� � '` °. .'• TOWN CLERK ' • P.O.Box 1179 ® ; ce2 a ; Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ; p , , s', ��� Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE O1-F10ER t ; RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER _��� •i $ ,.•le Telephone(631)765-1800 � www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 12, 2016 Grade A. Petroleum Corp 90 E Hawthorn Ave Valley Stream NY 11580 Dear Sir: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on June 14, 2016, the Town Board accepted the bid of Grade A Petroleum corp for supplying various lubricants and fluids. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. The bid deposit will be returned to you after the second (2nd ) bid is accepted. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of June 14, 2016 RESOLUTION 2016-591 Item # 5.12 19441!. ADOPTED DOC ID: 12020 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2016-591 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JUNE 14, 2016: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Grade A Petroleum Corporation to supply the Town with lubricants and fluids for the term of one (1) full year after the bid was awarded, as submitted in the bid and all in accordance with the Town Attorney. -86/A1141462 -4./IP Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Robert Ghosio, Councilman SECONDER:Jill Doherty, Councilwoman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell Generated June 15, 2016 Page 28 #12844 . STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successfully commencing on the 30th day of June, 2016. 9141/4-"...g:7 -'.-3-- Principal Clerk r im re Sworn to before me this day of `�A,_A 2016. 0( 0 LEGAL NOTICE , - j NOTICE TO BIDDERS , . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,mac- CHRISTINA VOLINSKI I cordance with the provisions of Section NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK r 103 of the General Municipal Law,that No. 01 V06105050 sealed bids are sought and requested for . Qualified In Suffolk County the purchase of Additional Lubricants by the Town of Southold for a period of a My@fl1fl1I561pH€I�If89 February 28,2020 I year from when the bid is awarded.Speci fications and bid proposal form may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold,Town Hall,PO Box 1179,53095 Main Road,Southold,New York 11971. The sealed bid,together with a Non- collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check m the' amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town ' Clerk,at the Southold Town Hall,153095 1 Main Road,Southold,New York,until 2:00 P.M.,Thursday,July 7,2016 at which time they will be opened and read aloud I Ir-in public The Town Board.of the Town of I Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all mfor- ' malities in any bid should it be deemed in' " - "the best interest of the Town of Southold , to do so. . , - ' All bids must be signed and sealed in I envelopes plainly marked"Bid on Addi-, tional Lubricants",and submitted to the; '. Office of the Town Clerk.The bid price shall not include any tax,federal,state,or local,from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated:June 14,2016 , ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE ' - SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 12544-1T 6/30 _ .4- NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid . Signet: 1'77, Print name: Stephen R. Clyne Corporate Title (if any) Vice President Company Name: Grade A Petroleum Corporation Mailing Address: 90 East Hawthorne Ave. Valley Stream,NY 11580 Phone Number: 516-825-5544 BID ON 2016 Lubricants updated 5/16 Page 2 SHIPING DEPARTMENT (516) 825-5544 LTR 1 OF 1 GRADE A PETROLEUM 90 E HAWTHORNE AVE VALLEY STREAM NY 11580-6302 ( SHIP TO: - OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK'. SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL ATTN ELIZABETH NEVILLE BIDS ON LUBRICANTS 53095- MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 :}lis}ttr°tt.t l ti:ttt°{#.%,041,01. 60 NY 117 1170-08 reCk }}r UPS NEXT .DAY AIR TRACKING q: 1Z A20 V69 01 5463 4290 :IL � 1 Immisismimmemmor BILLING:•P/P /`s ti 4 k WS 16 0 35LP2844 75 OP 04/2016 1lOC^�UJ��II SEENONCEONREVERSEmgardngUPSfema,and nobmofbmnauvn a/Ilabdty Ylhere allowed bylaw,ahaperautonresUPSfuactasfinerardmgagentforaxpmlwnyoland IULI r+uNmspvrpaces.Uapated/romal US,shipper«rldies Uut Necomimdoes,IeNnologyarso(avarewemeapatedhom the USNeaadanmmNNe FapoM1Admnvbaban ge�pylq�Orverslpra mntraryto laW 6pohiWle6 ry.— RRDRO415 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of Additional Lubricants by the Town of Southold for a period of a year from when the bid is awarded. Specifications and bid proposal form may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971. The sealed bid, together with a Non-collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York,until 2:00 P.M., Thursday,July 7, 2016 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Additional Lubricants", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: June 14, 2016 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON JUNE 30,2016 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Brown's Letters Town Board Members Burrelle's Information Services Town Attorney Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Dodge Reports Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck Highway Dept DPW NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief,by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid . Signed: 4101,,/ Print name: Stephen R. Clyne Corporate Title (if any) Vice President Company Name: Grade A Petroleum Corporation Mailing Address: 90 East Hawthorne Ave. Valley Stream,NY 11580 Phone Number: 516-825-5544 BID ON: 2016 Lubricants ` . . Oilipm Material Safety Data Sheet Granular Absorbent (#1003000) CORPORATION OF AMERICA 410 North Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL 60611 W (312)321-1515,Information (800)424-9300,Emergency 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION MSDS Number: 1003000 Identity: Granular Absorbent Issued: July 5,2011 Chemical Name Fullers Earth and/or bentonite or amorphous opaline silica 2. COMPOSITION I Component CAS Number Amount Silica Hydrated(Amorphous Opaline Silica) 7631-86-9 90-100% Fullers Earth 8031-18-3 90-100% Bentonite 1302-78-9 90-100% Quartz(respirable<1%) 14808-60-7 <10%bulk 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW This product is a non-combustible,chemically inert mineral. This mineral sample contains naturally-occurring crystalline silica as quartz. Prolonged overexposure to respirable crystalline silica may cause lung disease (silicosis). IARC,in Monograph 68,has concluded that crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans(Group 1);however,carcinogenicity was not detected in all industrial circumstances studied. The company is not aware of any scientific or medical data available indicating that exposure to dust from this product under conditions of normal use will cause silicosis or cancer.Adverse effects would not be expected from normal use of this product. HEALTH HAZARDS INGESTION: No adverse effects expected with unused material. INHALATION: Inhalation of excessive concentrations of dust may cause irritation of mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. EYE: Contact may cause mechanical irritation and possible injury. SKIN: No adverse effects expected. SENSITIZATION: No adverse effects expected. CHRONIC/CARCINOGENICITY: Inhalation of excessive concentrations of any dust,including this material,may lead to lung injury. This product contains crystalline silica. Excessive inhalation of respirable crystalline silica may cause silicosis,a progressive,disabling and fatal disease of the lung. Symptoms may include cough,shortness of breath,wheezing and reduced pulmonary function. The International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC),in Monograph 68 has concluded that crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobalite,from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans(Group 1). However, in making the overall evaluation,the Working Group noted that carcinogenicity was not detected in all industrial circumstances studied. Carcinogenicity may be dependent on inherent characteristics of the crystalline silica or on external factors affecting its Issued on July 5,2011 Page 1 of 6 Y , 051 L. Material Safety Data Sheet Granular Absorbent (#1003000) CORPORATION OF AMERICA 410 North Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL 60611 & (312)321-1515,Information (800)424-9300,Emergency biological activity or distribution of its polymorphs. The National Toxicology Program (NTP)classifies crystalline silica as a known carcinogen.The company is not aware of any scientific or medical data available indicating that exposure to dust from this product under conditions of normal use will cause silicosis or cancer.Adverse effects would not be expected from normal use of this product. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: None currently known. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EYE: Immediately flush eyes with cool running water,lifting upper and lower lids. If irritation persists or for foreign body in the eye,get immediate medical attention. SKIN: None needed for normal use. INGESTION: If used material is ingested,get medical attention due to possibility of chemical contamination. If large amount of unused material is swallowed,get immediate medical attention. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. 5. FIREFIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT: ' This product is not combustible. FLAMMABLE LIMITS Not applicable EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: • Use media that is appropriate for surrounding fire. UNUSUAL FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None SPECIAL FIREFIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS None required. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: None Issued on July 5,2011 Page 2 of 6 b Dm Material Safety Data Sheet Granular Absorbent (#1003000) CORPORATION OF AMERICA 410 North Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL 60611 22 (312)321-1515,Information (800)424-9300,Emergency 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Sweep up and collect for re-use or disposal 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: Avoid breathing dust. If clothing becomes dusty,launder before re-use. STORAGE: Store in a dry area. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE GUIDELINES: Component Exposure Limit Silica Hydrated(Amorphous Opaline Silica) PEL-80 mg/m3/%Si02 Fullers Earth PEL- 15 mg/m3 TWA (total dust) PEL-5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable fraction) Bentonite PEL- 15 mg/m3 TWA (total dust) PEL-5 mg/m3 TWA (respirable fraction) Quartz(respirable<1%) PEL- 10 mg/m3/%Si02+2 TWA TLV-0.025 mg/m3 TWA PEL-OSHA Permissable Exposure Limit. TLV-American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists(ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value. TWA-8 hour Weighted Average STEL-Short Term Exposure Limit ENGINEERING CONTROLS: For operations where the exposure limit may be exceeded,local exhaust ventilation is recommended. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: For operations where the exposure limit may be exceeded,a NIOSH/MSHA approved high efficiency particulate respirator is recommended. SKIN PROTECTION: None required for normal use. EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses or goggles recommended. OTHER: None required for normal use. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Gray to tan(or red)granules,no odor PHYSICAL STATE: Solid BOILING POINT: Not applicable VAPOR PRESSURE: Not applicable VAPOR DENSITY: Not applicable SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Insoluble C,n,/�TT,Tl1!fin 1 TITTTI n'1 Issued on July 5,2011 Page 3 of 6 OIL. Dm Material Safety Data Sheet Granular Absorbent (#1003000) CORPORATION OF AMERICA 410 North Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL 60611 m (312)321-1515,Information (800)424-9300,Emergency .SPLA .AJ 1C IiKAVl1 Y: pH: Not applicable MELTING POINT: Not applicable OCTANOL/WATER COEFFICIENT: Not available 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable INCOMPATIBILITY: Physical contact between this material and turpentine,hydrofluoric acid,vegetable oil or other unsaturated organic compounds(such as fish oil)may generate heat and/or fire. Do not use this material with these compounds. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: None HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data available. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Dispose in accordance with local,state and federal environmental regulations. Unused material is suitable for disposal in sanitary landfill. Used material may be subject to regulation,depending on the nature of the material absorbed. Check with appropriate regulatory authority for used material containing hazardous waste. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not regulated UN NUMBER: Not applicable HAZARD CLASS/PACKING GROUP: Not applicable LABELS REQUIRED: None Issued on July 5.2011 Page 4 of 6 Olb Dm Material Safety Data Sheet Granular Absorbent (#1003000) CORPORATION OF AMERICA 410 North Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL 60611 S° (312)321-1515,Information (800)424-9300,Emergency Issued on July 5,2011 Page 5 of 6 . . , OILI Dm Material Safety Data Sheet Granular Absorbent (#1003000) CORPORATION OF AMERICA 410 North Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL 60611 2 (312)321-1515,Information (800)424-9300,Emergency 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION CERCLA/SUPERFUND None SARA HAZARD CATEGORY(311/312): Chronic Health SARA 313: None TSCA: All of the components of this product are listed on the EPA TSCA Inventory or exempt from notification requirements. EINECS: All of the components of this product are listed on the EINECS Inventory or exempt from notification requirements EEC R&S Phrases: Xn Harmful,R48/20 Harmful:Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure by inhalation;S22 Do not breath dust; S38 In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. JAPAN MITI: All of the components of this product are existing chemical substances as defined in the Chemical Substances Control Law. AICS: All of the components of this product are listed on the AICS Inventory or exempt from notification requirements CANADIAN DSL: All of the components of this product are listed on the Canadian Domestic Substance List or exempt from notification requirements. CA PROPOSITION 65:This product contains respirable crystalline silica which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. 16. OTHER INFORMATION NFPA RATING: Health=l Fire=O Reactivity=0 HMIS RATING: Health=l*Fire=O Reactivity=0 _ The information in this data sheet is believed to be accurate. However,each purchaser should make its own test to determine the suitability of the product for its purposes.OIL-DRI CORPORATION OF AMERICA MAKES NO WARRANTY,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT and assumes no responsibility for any risk or liability arising from the use of the information or the product. Statements about the product should not be construed as recommendations to use the product in infringement of any patent. Issued on July 5,2011 Page 6 of 6 0IL. Dm Material Safety Data Sheet Granular Absorbent (#1003000) CORPORATION OF AMERICA 410 North Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL 60611 W (312)321-1515,Information (800)424-9300,Emergency APPENDIX. ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS This MSDS applies to the following products. Products are listed alphabetically across then down. Absorbs It All Purpose 18/40 All Purpose 18/40 2426# Associates Premium Calcine 5/18 Red Concentrate Concept Absorbent DOC Private Dryden Generic Exclusiva Flor Dri GA Generic GA A.P. Private Label Ga Generic Grey Calcined 5/30 Ground Clay 4/20 GW Ground Clay 6/30 GB Industrial Quick Sorb Instant Dri Blue Instant Dri Red Japanese Floor Abs. OD Premium Absorb OD Premium Absorbent O-D Sams Premium Poly Off Shore Generic Oil Dri 12/24 LVM Oil Dri Allpurpose Oil Dri Allpurpose 33 1/3 Oil Dri Industrial Oil Dri Industrial Absorbent Oil Dri Premium Poly Abs Oil Dri Regular Absorbent Plain Oil Dri U.S. Special Oil Zorb Oil Zorb Premium Abs Oil-Dri Automotive Premium 4/10 Oil-Dri Premium Poly Abs Pvl Heavy Duty Generic Quick Sorb Pail SND Standard GB Super Clean A.P. 18/40 White Absorbent White Absorbent-Pvl Issued on July 5,2011 Page 7 of 6 , , : „,... PATENTED UNIVERSAL LOW FORMULA FOR AUTOMOBILES AND HEAVY-DUTY DIESEL ENGINES . , ,: . , . . ...._ . ,,, ,„,,,,,, .. . --;,,. . ., ea ) • Freeze-Up Protection To -84°F i • Boil-Over Protection To 276°F 4 • Protects All Cooling System Trusted Brand I Metals,Including Aluminum, , Full .”,., _.....7- l Against Rust And Corrosion .; 1 I .. F ,,..,..•,, ,, . .4, ,1 ,. .. . 1 : . , ,,,, , , . . ._ ANTIFREEZE' , , 4 1 FOR AUTOMOBILES AND HEAVY DUTY -.�r. ,,' �h _. \ DIESEL ENGINES �- PROTECTS ALL ENGINE METALS �,7.. INCLUDING ALUMINUM =. � \ 7i� One U.S. Gal. (3.78 Liters)f , ; Fulli k,,, ,, , ce®144;,,,,,„';;, ' For ��o� • NJ�BUCOSan F®Q \\ ��LC�t�° f FOffffNN a gggEL.43.0777 (61 O.S.C NO I c. • :i, Full Force ANTIFREEZE & COOLANT Patented Universal Low Silicate Formula Full Force® Antifreeze & Coolant is a conventional green colored, Specifications: ethylene glycol based antifreeze formulated for use in automotive Meets the performance requirements of these specifications: and light duty diesel applications. It's patiented formula protects all Automobile Heavy-Duty engine metals, including aluminum, against damaging rust and ■ ASTM D-3306 ■ ASTM D-4985 corrosion when used as recommended. ■ ASTM D-4340 ■ Caterpillar ■ Chrysler MS 7170 ■ Cummins 90T8-4 • Ford ESE-M97B-44-A • G.M.1899M Full Force Antifreeze & Coolant Provides • G.M.1825M • John Deere H24B1 5-WayProtection Against: • John Deere H24C1 • Mack Truck 9 • SAE J1034 ■ Navistar B1 ■Freeze-Up •Sludge Clogging ■ SAE J1941 •Scale Build-Up •Rust,Corrosion ■ TMC RP 3028 • Volvo/GM Heavy Truck •Boil-Over Chemical Properties Patented Corrosion Protection: Properties Typical Values ASTM Very low corrosion weight changes by standard Test Method ASTM Glassware (D-1384), Simulated Service, Specific Gravity at 60/60°F 1.120-1.130 D 1122 (D-2570) and Vehicle Service (D-2847) test methods. These methods use the 6 different Boiling Point,Reflux 325°F Min. D 1120 metals: copper, solder, brass, steel, cast iron and Foam Test 50 ml./3 sec.Max. D 1881 aluminum commonly found in an automotive or pH,50%Volume Solution 10.5 Min.-11.0 Max. D 1287 truck cooling system. Compatible with all Reserve Alkalinity 11 ml.Min. D 1121 nationally distributed water filters and liquid Flash Point,COC 250°F Min. D 92 supplemental coolant additives(SCAs). Total Water,Wt.% 5%Max. D 1123 Aluminum Water Aluminum Radiator Corrosion Pump Cavitanan Total Glycols,Wt.% 95%Min. E 202 —ill. GM.. Creme Silicon 250 ppm.,Max. �uFORGET g At sea level atmospheric pressure with 15 lb.pressure cap The boiling point decreases about 2'Figgl per 1,000 feet of altitude and increases about 2.5'F per pound of pressure developed in the system. 1- 1 FREEZE/BOIL %of Cooling PROTECTS FROM We Only Have One World...Please Help Protect IL PROTECTION System Capacity Freezin. Down to Boilin• U•to* All laws and regulations should be observed when disposing of CHART 50 -34°F 265°F Antifreeze/Coolant and Radiator Fluids. Call the EPA or the office of your 60 -62°F 270°F state or local environmental agency for details on disposal procedures. 'Using a 15 PSI Pressure Cap 70 -84°F 276°F Gallon UPC Code 0-74804-00905-7 Part Number FFA003 Case UPC Code 0-74804-10905-4 Pallets/Cases Per Truck 20/720 Case SCC-14 Code 1-00-74804-00905-4 Units Per Truck 4,320 Pack/Unit Case 6/1 Gallon(3.78 Liter) Truckload Weight* 44,200 lbs. Weight/Cube 60 lbs./1.53 cu.ft. Pallet Size 48"L X 40"W X 533/4"H Case Dimensions 151/2"L X 12112"W X 121/4"H Pallet Weight(inc.A/F&pallet) 2,210 lbs. Cases Per Pallet 36 Cases/Rows High 9/4 (*)Includes Pallet Wt.: 20©50 lbs.ea.=1,000 lbs. Product Liability Information/Material Safety Data available upon request Old World Industries,Inc. 4065 Commercial Avenue Northbrook,IL 60062-1851 Full Force® and the PEAK Mountain Design are Weg.!;401;14:1=--. 1-800-323-5440 registered trademarks of Old World Industries,Inc. www.laeakantffieeze coin ©2004 Old World Industries,Inc. Be Car Care Aware" www carcare.org FF-0404 Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet • according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations S SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking ' (�1 Froducl ldentifler Product form : Mixture Product name • Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze&Coolant ;1.2. v;Relevant identified uses of the sutistanix�o�riiiztu�e and uses advised against�, _ �„__ __;_ Y _ �: �; Use of the substance/mixture , Antifreeze&Coolant 1179:, Details of tFie supplier of the safefy data he–el _ _ A�.-71 Old World Industries,LLC 4065 Commercial Ave Northbrook,IL 60062-USA T(847)559-2000 www.oldworldind.com 71 ,1I 4,- , Emergency telephone-number _ 1._�..._�. .m_ ��TM Emergency number (800)424-9300;(703)527 3887(International) Chemtrec SECTION 2: Hazards identification Classification ofthe substanceormixture ._�_____ .__.�___ GHS-US classification Acute Tox 4(Oral) H302 STOT RE 2 H373 Full text of H statements•see section 16 Label elements GHS-US labelling Hazard pictograms(GHS-US) GHS07 GHS08 Signal word(GHS-US) , Warning _ Hazard statements(GHS-US) • H302-Harmful if swallowed H373-May cause damage to organs(kidneys)through prolonged or repeated exposure(oral) Precautionary statements(GHS-US) • P201 -Obtain special instructions before use P202-Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood P260-Do not breathe mist,spray,vapors P264-Wash affected areas thoroughly after handling P270-Do not eat,drink or smoke when using this product P280-Wear personal protective equipment as required P301+P310-If swallowed.Immediately call doctor/physician or poison center P301+P330+P331-If swallowed:rinse mouth.Do NOT induce vomiting P304+P340-If inhaled:Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing P308+P313-If exposed or concerned:Get medical advice/attention P405-Store locked up P501 -Dispose of contents/container,in a safe manner,to appropriate waste disposal facility, in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations No additional information available 12'.4. Unknown acute tonicity(GHS US) - -- No data available SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients 131 Substance_.` ^ .�__„. Not applicable 02/09/2016 EN(English) Page 1 Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations 3.2.-- Mixture -- - - - - - — - - Name Product identifier %by wt GHS-US classification ethylene glycol (CAS No)107-21-1 90-97 Acute Tox 4(Oral),H302 Methylene glycol (CAS No)111-46-6 <5 Acute Tox 4(Oral),H302 STOT RE 2,H373 water (CAS No)7732-18-5 <4 Not classified denatonium benzoate (CAS No)3734-33-6 30-50 ppm Acute Tox 4(Oral),H302 Skin Irnt 2,H315 Eye Irnt 2A,H319 STOT SE 3,H335 SECTION 4: First aidmeasures 4.1. Description of first aid measures_ First-aid measures general Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person If you feel unwell,seek medical advice(show the label where possible). First-aid measures after inhalation • If breathing Is difficult,remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing Seek immediate medical advice Allow the victim to rest If not breathing,give artificial respiration If breathing is difficult,give oxygen. First-aid measures after skin contact Remove contaminated clothing Wash with plenty of soap and water Wash contaminated clothing before reuse If skin irritation occurs.Rinse immediately with plenty of water(for at least 15 minutes).Get medical advice/attention. First-aid measures after eye contact • Rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes,lifting lower and upper lids Remove contact lenses,if present and easy to do.Continue nnsing.If eye irritation persists.Rinse immediately with plenty of water Get medical advice/attention First-aid measures after ingestion • Obtain emergency medical attention Rinse mouth.If the person is fully conscious,make him/her drink two glasses of water Never give an unconscious person anything to drink Do NOT induce vomiting Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.If medical advice is delayed,and if the person has swallowed a moderate volume of material(a few ounces),then give three to four ounces of hard liquor,such as whiskey.For children,give proportionally less liquor,according to weight ;44. Most important symptoms and effects,both acute and delayed .. • Symptoms/injuries Causes damage to organs(kidneys) Oral Symptoms/injuries after skin contact . Causes skin irntation Symptoms/injunes after eye contact . Causes serious eye damage Symptoms/injuries after ingestion Swallowing a small quantity of this matenal will result in senous health hazard The lethal dose in humans is estimated to be 100 mL(3 oz) 4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed A more effective intravenous antidote for physician uses is 4-methylpyrazaole,a potent inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenases,which effectively blocks the formation of toxic metabolites of ethylene glycol It has been used to decrease the metabolic consequences of ethylene glycol poisoning before metabolic acidosis coma,seizures,and renal failure have occured SECTION 5: Firefighting measures Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing media _ Water fog Alcohol-resistant foam Foam Carbon dioxide Dry chemical powder Sand Fine water spray Unsuitable extinguishing media Do not use a heavy water stream May spread fire -------- — ----- ---- 5.2. __- Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Fire hazard . During a fire,smoke may contain the original matenal in addition to combustion products of varying composition which may be toxic and/or irntating Combustion products may include and are not limited to Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Reactivity No dangerous reactions known under normal conditions of use 5.3. _ Advice for firefighters Firefighting instructions : Use water spray or fog for cooling exposed containers Exercise caution when fighting any chemical fire Prevent fire-fighting water from entering environment Protection dunng firefighting Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment,including respiratory protection Special protective equipment for fire fighters : Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) Protective fire fighting clothing(includes fire-fighting helmet,coat,pants,boots and gloves) 02/09/2016 EN(English) 2/9 j Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations SECTION 6: Accidental release measures 1. `Personal pretautions,,protective equipment andeoergency_procedures_______._ _______ _. ' __________ _____ „� 6.1.1. For non-emergency personnel Emergency procedures : Evacuate unnecessary personnel. 6.1.2. For emergency responders Protective equipment : Equip cleanup crew with proper protection.Refer to section 8.2. Emergency procedures • Ventilate area (6.2,. Environrnenfai precautions— . _�a , .._,_._�,.___. __. �. ._r_.,..0 �_... _ .___�__ per...` i Prevent entry to sewers and public waters Notify authorities if liquid enters sewers or public waters L6.3. . Methodsandmateiialfor containmentnndcleaning up' Methods for cleaning up • Soak up spills with inert solids,such as clay or diatomaceous earth as soon as possible.Collect spillage.Store away from other materials (6.4. Reference to other sections _v_ See Heading 8.Exposure controls and personal protection. SECTION 7:Handling..and storage , 7l• Precautions for safe handling__..__. ; r= , _ –�.__ Precautions for safe handling Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating,drinking or smoking and when leaving work.Provide good ventilation in process area to prevent formation of vapor. Hygiene measures • Do not eat,drink or smoke when using this product Wash affected areas thoroughly after handling. 1:7,2,:__Conditions for safe storage;including anyineompa ibilities „� _,. 4 �.._w ' • .1 Storage conditions . Keep only in the onginal container in a cool,well ventilated place away from Heat sources. Keep container closed when not in use Product may become solid at temperatures below-18 °C(0°F).Do not cut,drill,weld,use a blowtorch on,etc containers even when empty.Do not store near food,foodstuffs,drugs or potable water supplies Incompatible products • Keep away from strong acids,strong bases and oxidizing agents _ Incompatible matenals Sources of ignition. (7.3. _ ,Spec c end uses) _ �_ M , �., � "t No additional information available SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection rt". Control parameters _._ .�M___.�.___... � _.._� �.. _ 3 ethylene glycol.0 - _ - * ACGIH ACGIH TWA(mg/m3) 10 mg/m3 ACGIH Remark(ACGIH) Upper Respiratory Tract(URT)&Eye imtant OSHA Not applicable 8.2. _ Exxposure controls w_ _ �" �!�_W —�_� Personal protective equipment Avoid all unnecessary exposure Gloves.Safety glasses. 7m ��,1 V." \---_--Yi Hand protection Wear protective gloves. Eye protection Chemical goggles or safety glasses ' Respiratory protection : If exposed to levels above exposure limits wear appropriate respiratory protection. Other information . Do not eat,drink or smoke during use. SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties 9.1. Information on basic'physical and chemical properties=— _ __— __ _, _3 , Physical state Liquid 02/09/2016 EN(English) 3/9 Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations Color Green Odor Mild Odor threshold : No data available pH 50%water solution : 10 5-11 Relative evaporation rate(butylacetate=1) ' Nil Freezing point -18°C(0°F) Boiling point 158°C(317°F) Flash point 116°C(241 °F)[100%Ethylene Glycol]ASTM D56 Auto-ignition temperature 400°C(752°F)[100%Ethylene Glycol]Literature Decomposition temperature No data available Flammability(solid,gas) No data available Vapor pressure <0 1 mm Hg @ 20°C Relative vapor density at 20°C No data available Specific Gravity • 1 12 Density . 1.12 kg/I(9 3 lbs/gal) Solubility Water Complete Log Pow No data available Log Kow • No data available Viscosity,kinematic . No data available Viscosity,dynamic No data available Explosive properties No data available Oxidizing properties No data available Explosive limits 3 2-15 3 vol% 9.2. Ottierinformation_ - - - — - - -- -- — — - -- - _i VOC content 0.00% SECTION 10; Stability;and.reactivity. 10.1. Reactivity__ No dangerous reactions known under normal conditions of use s10e2_- Chemical stability______ __ Stable ;10.3. Possibilityof hazardous reactions Hazardous polymerization will not occur 10:4. -Con'ditions Extremely high or low temperatures.Keep away from any flames or sparking source L10.5. __Incompatible materials µ_ Keep away from strong acids,strong bases and oxidizing agents 110.6. Hazardous decomposition products________._--_____,_ _ Carbon dioxide.Carbon monoxide Fume Ethers Aldehydes.alcohols SECTION 11: Toxicological information.. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity Oral Harmful if swallowed ethylene glycol(107-21-1) LD50 oral rat >5,000 00 mg/kg(Rat;Literature study) ATE US(oral) 500 00 mg/kg bodyweight diethylene glycol(111-46-6) LD50 dermal rabbit 11,890 00 mg/kg(Rabbit) ATE US(oral) 500.00 mg/kg bodyweight ATE US(dermal) 11,890 00 mg/kg bodyweight 02/09/2016 EN(English) 4/9 Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations denatonium benzoate(3734-33-6) - LD50 oral rat 584 00 mg/kg(Rat,Literature study) LD50 dermal rabbit >2,000 00 mg/kg(Rabbit;Literature study) ATE US(oral) 584 00 mg/kg bodyweight Skin corrosion/irritation Not classified Serious eye damagehrntation Not classified Respiratory or skin sensitisation Not classified Germ cell mutagenicity . Not classified Carcinogenicity • Not classified Reproductive toxicity Not classified Specific target organ toxicity(single exposure) Not classified Specific target organ toxicity(repeated May cause damage to organs(kidneys)through prolonged or repeated exposure(oral) exposure) May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Not classified Potential adverse human health effects and Based on available data,the classification cntena are not met Harmful if swallowed symptoms Symptoms/injuries after skin contact Causes skin irritation Symptoms/injuries after eye contact Causes serious eye damage Symptoms/injuries after ingestion Swallowing a small quantity of this material will result in serious health hazard The lethal dose in humans is estimated to be 100 mL(3 oz) SECTION 12: Ecological;infor,mation 121 TozicihC__ __ �_____ __ ..__— ____ _- �_r----- •------- �_�._ �_ ethylene glycol(107-21-1) EC50 Daphnia 1 >10,000 00 mg/I(EC50;24 h) LC50 fish 2 40,761 00 mg/I(LC50,96 h,Salmo gairdneri) diethylene glycol(111-46-6) , LC50 fish 1 >5,000 00 mg/I(LC50,24 h) EC50 Daphnia 1 >10,000 00 mg/I(EC50,24 h) denatonium benzoate(3734-33-6) LC50 fish 1 >1,000 00 mg/I(LC50;96 h;Salmo gairdnen) EC50 Daphnia 1 13 00 mg/1(EC50,48 h,Daphnia magna) ��_------•---�---____.�._�.---------------- ------------------------_-_�_._�_�.—ate._._-__-.--.--, 472.2. Persistence and degradability ethylene glycol(107-21-1) - . Persistence and degradability Readily biodegradable in water Biodegradable in the soil Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD) 0 47 g 02/g substance Chemical oxygen demand(COD) 1 24 g 02/g substance ThOD 1 29 g O2/g substance BOD(%of ThOD) 0 36 • -diethylene glycol(111-46-6) Persistence and degradability Readily biodegradable in water Biodegradable in the soil Highly mobile in soil Photolysis in the air. Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD) 0 02 g O2/g substance Chemical oxygen demand(COD) 1.51 g O2/g substance ThOD 1 51 g O2/g substance BOD(%of ThOD) 0 02 02/09/2016 EN(English) 5/9 Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations denatonium benzoate(3734-33-6) • Persistence and degradability Biodegradability in water no data available No(test)data on mobility of the substance available ;12_3 Bioaccumulative potential_-__-- __-- _ -__ _____.___— .--____-------_-- -•-__- ___---.-- _-_- --_-___---_-__--._ —_--___1 ethylene glycol(107-21-1) BCF fish 1 10 00(BCF,72 h) BCF other aquatic organisms 1 0 21 -0 6(BCF) BCF other aquatic organisms 2 190 00(BCF,24 h) Log Pow -1 34(Experimental value) Bioaccumulative potential Low potential for bioaccumulation(BCF<500) diethylene glycol(111-46-6) BCF fish 1 100 00(BCF,Other,3 days,Leuciscus melanotus,Static system,Fresh water,Experimental value) Log Pow -1 98(Calculated,Other) Bioaccumulative potential Low potential for bioaccumulation(BCF<500) denatonium benzoate(3734-33-6) BCF fish 1 1 4-3 6(BCF,BCFBAF v3 00) Log Pow 1 78(Estimated value) Bioaccumulative potential Low potential for bioaccumulation(Log Kow<4) 112.4. _ Mobility in soil ethylene glycol(107-21-1) Surface tension 0 05 N/m(20°C/68°F) diethylene glycol(111-46-6) Surface tension 0 05 N/m Log Koc Koc,SRC PCKOCWIN v1 66,1,Calculated value,log Koc,SRC PCKOCWIN v1 66,0, Calculated value 12.5. 'Other adverse effects Effect on ozone layer No known effect on the ozone layer Effect on global warming No known ecological damage caused by this product Other information Avoid release to the environment SECTION 13 Disposal considerations • 13.1. Waste treatment methods Waste disposal recommendations Dispose of contents/container,in a safe manner,to appropriate waste disposal facility,in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations Ecology-waste materials Avoid release to the environment SECTION 14:Transport information • ' Department of Transportation(DOT) In accordance with DOT Transport document description UN3082 Environmentally hazardous substances,liquid,n.o s,9,III UN-No(DOT) UN3082 Proper Shipping Name(DOT) Environmentally hazardous substances,liquid,n o s Class(DOT) 9-Class 9-Miscellaneous hazardous matenal 49 CFR 173 140 Hazard labels(DOT) 9-Class 9(Miscellaneous dangerous materials) Packing group(DOT) III-Minor Danger 02/09/2016 EN(English) 6/9 Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations DOT Packaging Non Bulk(49 CFR 173.xxx) 203 DOT Packaging Bulk(49 CFR 173 xxx) 241 DOT Symbols G-Identifies PSN requiring a technical name DOT Packaging Exceptions(49 CFR 173 xxx) 155 DOT Quantity Limitations Passenger aircraft/rail No limit (49 CFR 173 27) DOT Quantity Limitations Cargo aircraft only(49 : No limit CFR 175 75) DOT Vessel Stowage Location . A-The material may be stowed"on deck"or"under deck"on a cargo vessel and on a passenger vessel Other information : Non Bulk Not regulated by the US D 0 T (in quantities under 5,000 lbs in any one inner package) TDG Refer to current TDG Canada for further Canadian regulations Transport by sea Proper Shipping Name(IMDG) Not regulated by IMDG(in quantities under 5,000 lbs in any one inner package) Air transport Proper Shipping Name(IATA) Not regulated by IATA(in quantities under 5,000 lbs in any one inner package) SECTION 15: Regulatory°information j15.1.US Federal regulations �_ i Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze&Coolant EPA TSCA Regulatory Flag Toxic Substances Control Act(TSCA): The intentional ingredients of this product are listed ethylene glycol(107-21-1) Listed on the United States TSCA(Toxic Substances Control Act)inventory Subject to reporting requirements of United States SARA Section 313 EPA TSCA Regulatory Flag T-T-indicates a substance that is the subject of a Section 4 test rule under TSCA CERCLA RQ 5000 Ib(s) SARA Section 311/312 Hazard Classes Immediate(acute)health hazard Delayed(chronic)health hazard Ethylene glycol is subject to Tier I and/or Tier II annual inventory reporting SARA Section 313-Emission Reporting Ethylene glycol is subject to Form R Reporting requirements. diethylene glycol(111-46-6) Listed on the United States TSCA(Toxic Substances Control Act)inventory denatonium benzoate(3734-33-6) Listed on the United States TSCA(Toxic Substances Control Act)inventory [15.2.Iniemational regulation's__W_ CANADA WHMIS Classification Class D Division 2 Subdivision A-Very toxic material causing other toxic effects EU-Regulations No additional information available 02/09/2016 EN(English) 7/9 . Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations Classification according to Regulation(EC)No.1272/2008[CLP] No additional information available Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC[DSD]or 1999/45/EC[DPD] Not classified National regulations Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze&Coolant DSL(Canada). The intentional ingredients of this product are listed ECL(South Korea).The intentional ingredients of this product are listed EINECS(Europe) The intentional ingredients of this product are listed ENCS(Japan). The intentional ingredients of this product are listed 15.3.US State regulations I California Proposition 65-This product contains,or may contain,substance(s)known to the state of California to cause cancer,developmental toxicity and/or reproductive toxicity ethylene glycol(107-21-1) U S -California- U S -California- U S -California- U S -California- Non-significant risk Proposition 65- Proposition 65- Proposition 65- Proposition 65- level(NSRL) Carcinogens List Developmental Toxicity Reproductive Toxicity- Reproductive Toxicity- Female Male No Yes No No ethylene glycol(107-21-1) U.S -Massachusetts-Right To Know List U S -New Jersey-Right to Know Hazardous Substance List U S -Pennsylvania-RTK(Right to Know)List diethylene glycol(111-46-6) diethylene Pennsylvania-RTK(Right to Know)-Environmental Hazard List SECTION 16: Other information Full text of H-statements. H302 Harmful if swallowed H315 Causes skin irritation H319 Causes serious eye irritation H335 May cause respiratory irritation H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure NFPA health hazard 1 -Exposure could cause irritation but only minor residual injury even if no treatment is given 9 NFPA fire hazard 1-Must be preheated before ignition can occur / ,, NFPA reactivity 0-Normally stable,even under fire exposure conditions, . '1 0 and are not reactive with water. HMIS III Rating Health 2 Moderate Hazard-Temporary or minor injury may occur Flammability 1 Slight Hazard-Materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur Includes liquids, solids and semi solids having a flash point above 200°F(93°C) (Class IIIB) Physical • 0 Minimal Hazard-Materials that are normally stable,even under fire conditions,and will NOT react with water,polymerize,decompose,condense,or self-react Non-Explosives Personal Protection B•Safety glasses,Gloves 02/09/2016 EN(English) 8/9 A i , Full Force Concentrate Antifreeze & Coolant Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations SDS GHS US(GHS HazCom 2012)OWI Old World Industries,LLC makes no warranty,representation or guarantee as to the accuracy,sufficiency or completeness of the material set forth herein It is the user's responsibility to determine the safety,toxicity and suitability of his own use,handling and disposal of this product Since actual use by others is beyond our control,no warranty,expressed or implied,is made by Old World Industries, LLC as to the effects of such use,the results to be obtained or the safety and toxicity of this product,nor does Old World Industries,LLC assume liability arising out of the use by others of this product referred to herein The data in this SDS relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process \J 02/09/2016 EN(English) 9/9 .Kendall. GT-1® High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Kendall®GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Premium Liquid Titanium protection additive is a premium quality, Synthetic Blend part-synthetic automotive engine oil designed to provide excellent engine protection for gasoline-fueled and flex-fuel passenger cars Passenger Car and light trucks under all operating conditions. Engine Oil; GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend with Liquid Titanium is Fortified With formulated with a blend of synthetic and conventional base stocks Liquid Titanium® and a performance additive package fortified with our exclusive Protection Liquid Titanium protection additive for extra wear protection and improved fuel savings.The part-synthetic formulation provides Additive enhanced oxidation resistance and thermal stability at high temperatures and better pumpability at low temperatures compared with conventional engine oils,for extra protection under all driving conditions.The Liquid Titanium protection additive Kendall increased engine protection by forming a strongly bonded titanium shield on the surface of critical engine parts, ir:ABM. which reduces friction and wear and can help extend engine life. Reduced friction also helps improve fuel economy performance beyond ILSAC GF-5 requirements. GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend with Liquid Titanium (except SAE 10W-40)exceeds new car warranty requirements as defined by ILSAC GF-5. It meets or exceeds"Resource Conserving"requirements for fuel economy improvement, emission system and turbocharger protection,and protection of engines operating on ethanol-containing fuels up to E85. It is CONTACT backward serviceable for use where API SM or earlier"S" INFORMATION category engine oils are recommended. Phillips66 Applications Lubricants.com • Gasoline-fueled and flex-fuel passenger cars, light trucks and U.S.Customer sport utility vehicles Service: • Four-stroke cycle gasoline engines in other mobile or 1-800-368-7128 stationary equipment Technical Hotline: GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend with Liquid Titanium is 1-877-445-9198 licensed for: International • ILSAC GF-5 (except SAE 10W-40) Customer Service: • API Service SN with Resource Conserving (except 1-832-765-2500 SAE 10W-40) E-mail address: • API Service SN (SAE 10W-40) kendallmotoroil@ p66.com - ' ,a •K GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend with Liquid Titanium meets or exceeds the requirements of: • Chrysler MS-6395 (except SAE 10W-40) • Ford WSS-M2C945-A (SAE 5W-20) • Ford WSS-M2C946-A (SAE 5W-30) • Ford WSS-M2C947-A (SAE OW-20) • GM6094M (except SAE 10W-40) (obsolete specification) • Foreign automakers where the OEM specifies ILSAC GF-5 engine oil Features/Benefits • Exceeds ILSAC GF-5 requirements for new cars under warranty(except SAE 10W-40) • Part-synthetic formulation provides enhanced performance benefits compared with conventional engine oils • Exclusive Liquid Titanium®protection additive provides extra wear protection and improved fuel economy • Excellent resistance to viscosity and thermal breakdown at high temperatures • Protects against sludge and varnish formation • Protects against rust and bearing corrosion • Low volatility for reduced oil consumption • Excellent low-temperature pumpability for protection during cold starts • Highly resistant to foaming • Formulated to protect turbochargers and emission control system catalysts • Formulated for use in vehicles operating on ethanol-containing fuels up to E85 Typal properties are&erage values only and do not constitute a specification Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected dung normal manufacture,and at different btendntg locations Product formulations are subject to change nithout nobfeaeoo. 0 2015 Philips 66 Company Kendall the Two F nger logo,Loped Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Philips 66 Company in the U S A and other countries 06/15 a . . • . , I . GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Typical Properties SAE Grade OW-20 5W-20 5W-30 Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.849 0 862 0.861 Density,lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.07 718 7.17 Color,ASTM D1500 3.0 3 0 3.0 Flash Point(COC),°C(°F) 218(424) 218(424) 216(421) Pour Point,°C(°F) -41 (-42) -39(-38) -39(-38) Viscosity,Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 46.0 49.9 66.2 cSt @ 100°C 8.8 8 6 11.0 Viscosity Index 174 150 158 Cold Cranking Viscosity,cP 5,400 6,150 6,150 @(°C) (-35) (-30) (-30) High-Temp/High-Shear Viscosity,cP @ 150°C 2.6 2 6 31 Sulfated Ash,ASTM D874,wt% 0.96 0.96 0.96 Total Base Number(TBN),ASTM D2896 8.0 8.0 8.0 Phosphorus,wt% 0 077 0 077 - 0.077 Titanium,wt% 0 010 0.010 0.010 Zinc,wt% 0 085 0.085 0 085 Typical properties are average values only and do not conshmta a specification Minor variat®ns that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufachxe,and at different Wen. locations Product formulations are subject to change without nohheahan O 2015 Phillips 66 Company Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Tdamum and them respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U S k and other countnes 06/15 • tt "; GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Typical Properties SAE Grade 10W-30 10W-40 Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0 866 0.872 Density,lbs/gal @ 60°F 7 21 7.26 Color,ASTM D1500 3.0 3.0 Flash Point(COC),°C(°F) 229(444) 227(441) Pour Point,°C(°F) -39(-38) -36(-33) Viscosity,Kinematic cSt@40°C 657 110 cSt @ 100°C 10.5 15 6 Viscosity Index 148 150 Cold Cranking Viscosity,cP @-30°C 4,550 6,700 @(°C) (-25) (-25) High-Temp/High-Shear Viscosity,cP @ 150°C 3 0 3.9 Sulfated Ash,ASTM D874,wt% 0.96 0 96 Total Base Number(TBN),ASTM D2896 8 0 8 0 Phosphorus,-wt% 0 077 0 077 Titanium,wt% 0.010 0.010 Zinc,wt% 0 085 0.085 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product,please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.philhps66.com/NetMSDS. Typxal properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to to expected durmg normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without reification 0 2015 Phelps 66 Company Kendall,the Two Finger logo,liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U S A and other countnes 06/15 Safety Data Sheet Kendail. According to OSHA HCS 2012(29 CFR 1910 1200) SECTION 1: Identification Product Identifier GT-1® High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Protection Additive Other means of identification Kendall GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Protection Additive SAE OW-20 Kendall GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Protection Additive SAE 5W-20 Kendall GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Protection Additive SAE 5W-30 Kendall GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Protection Additive SAE 1 OW-30 Kendall GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium® Protection Additive SAE 10W-40 SDS Number 815899 Relevant identified uses Automotive Engine Oil Uses advised against All others 24 Hour Emergency Phone Number CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 CANUTEC 613-996-6666 CHEMTREC Mexico 01-800-681-9531 Manufacturer/Supplier SDS Information Customer Service Phillips 66 Lubricants Phone: 800-762-0942 U.S.: 800-368-7128 or International. 1-832-765-2500 P.O. Box 4428 Email: SDS@P66 com Technical Information Houston,TX 77210 URL: www.Phillips66.com 1-877-445-9198 SECTION 2: Hazard identification = • Classified Hazards Hazards Not Otherwise Classified(HNOC) This material is not hazardous under the criteria of the Federal OSHA Hazard PHNOC: None known Communication Standard 29CFR 1910 1200 HHNOC. None known Label Elements No classified hazards SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients . Chemical Name CASRN Concentration' Distillates, petroleum, hydrotreated heavy paraffinic 64742-54-7 >75 Other components not contributing to product hazard(s) VARIOUS <25 'All concentrations are percent by weight unless ingredient is a gas Gas concentrations are in percent by volume SECTION 4: First.aid measures Eye Contact: If irritation or redness develops from exposure,flush eyes with clean water. If symptoms persist,seek medical attention. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated shoes and clothing and cleanse affected area(s)thoroughly by washing with mild soap and water or a waterless hand cleaner. If irritation or redness develops and persists,seek medical attention. 815899- GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium®Protection Page 1/7 Additive Issue Date: 09-Feb-2016 Status: FINAL 815899- GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium®Protection Page 2/7 Additive Issue Date: 09-Feb-2016 Status: FINAL Inhalation: First aid is not normally required. If breathing difficulties develop, move victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air in a position comfortable for breathing Seek immediate medical attention. Ingestion: First aid is not normally required;however, if swallowed and symptoms develop,seek medical attention. Most important symptoms and effects,both acute and delayed: Inhalation of oil mists or vapors generated at elevated temperatures may cause respiratory irritation. Accidental ingestion can result in minor irritation of the digestive tract, nausea and diarrhea Notes to Physician: Acute aspirations of large amounts of oil-laden material may produce a serious aspiration pneumonia. Patients who aspirate these oils should be followed for the development of long-term sequelae Inhalation exposure to oil mists below current workplace exposure limits is unlikely to cause pulmonary abnormalities. SECTION 5: Firefighting measures NFPA 704 Hazard Class Health: 0 Flammability: 1 Instability: 00(Minimal) '1 ,> 1 (Slight) 'N. 0 2(Moderate) 3(Serious) 4(Severe) Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical,carbon dioxide,foam,or water spray is recommended Water or foam may cause frothing of materials heated above 212°F/100°C. Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen. Use caution when applying carbon dioxide in confined spaces. Simultaneous use of foam and water on the same surface is to be avoided as water destroys the foam. Specific hazards arising from the chemical Unusual Fire&Explosion Hazards: This material may burn, but will not ignite readily If container is not properly cooled, it can rupture in the heat of a fire. Hazardous Combustion Products: Combustion may yield smoke,carbon monoxide,and other products of incomplete combustion Oxides of sulfur, nitrogen or phosphorus may also be formed. Special protective actions for firefighters: For fires beyond the initial stage,emergency responders in the immediate hazard area should wear protective clothing When the potential chemical hazard is unknown, in enclosed or confined spaces, a self contained breathing apparatus should be worn. In addition,wear other appropriate protective equipment as conditions warrant (see Section 8). Isolate the hazard area and deny entry to unnecessary and unprotected personnel Stop spill/release if it can be done safely. Move undamaged containers from immediate hazard area if it can be done safely Water spray may be useful in minimizing or dispersing vapors and to protect personnel Cool equipment exposed to fire with water, if it can be done safely Avoid spreading burning liquid with water used for cooling purposes See Section 9 for Flammable Properties including Flash Point and Flammable(Explosive)Limits SECTION 6: Accidental release measures . Personal precautions,protective equipment and emergency procedures: This material may burn, but will not ignite readily Keep all sources of ignition away from spill/release. Stay upwind and away from spill/release Avoid direct contact with material. For large spillages, notify persons down wind of the spill/release, isolate immediate hazard area and keep unauthorized personnel out Wear appropriate protective equipment, including respiratory protection, as conditions warrant(see Section 8).See Sections 2 and 7 for additional information on hazards and precautionary measures Environmental Precautions: Stop and contain spill/release if it can be done safely Prevent spilled material from entering sewers, storm drains,other unauthorized drainage systems,and natural waterways. Use water sparingly to minimize environmental contamination and reduce disposal requirements. If spill occurs on water notify appropriate authorities and advise shipping of any hazard Spills into or upon navigable waters,the contiguous zone,or adjoining shorelines that cause a sheen or discoloration on the surface of the water, may require notification of the National Response Center(phone number 800-424-8802) 815899- GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium®Protection Page 3/7 Additive Issue Date: 09-Feb-2016 Status: FINAL Methods and material for containment and cleaning up: Notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicable regulations. Immediate cleanup of any spill is recommended Dike far ahead of spill for later recovery or disposal Absorb spill with inert material such as sand or vermiculite,and place in suitable container for disposal. If spilled on water remove with appropriate methods(e.g.skimming, booms or absorbents) In case of soil contamination, remove contaminated soil for remediation or disposal, in accordance with local regulations. Recommended measures are based on the most likely spillage scenarios for this material;however local conditions and regulations may influence or limit the choice of appropriate actions to be taken See Section 13 for information on appropriate disposal. SECTION 7: Handling and storage Precautions for safe handling: Keep away from flames and hot surfaces.Wash thoroughly after handling. Use good personal hygiene practices and wear appropriate personal protective equipment(see section 8). Spills will produce very slippery surfaces Used motor oils have been shown to cause skin cancer in mice after repeated application to the skin without washing. Brief or intermittent skin contact with used motor oil is not expected to cause harm if the oil is thoroughly removed by washing with soap and water Do not enter confined spaces such as tanks or pits without following proper entry procedures such as ASTM D-4276 and 29CFR 1910.146 Do not wear contaminated clothing or shoes Conditions for safe storage: Keep container(s)tightly closed and properly labeled Use and store this material in cool,dry, well-ventilated area away from heat and all sources of ignition.Store only in approved containers Keep away from any incompatible material(see Section 10) Protect container(s)against physical damage "Empty"containers retain residue and may be dangerous. Do not pressurize,cut,weld, braze,solder,drill,grind,or expose such containers to heat,flame,sparks,or other sources of ignition.They may explode and cause injury or death. "Empty"drums should be completely drained, properly bunged,and promptly shipped to the supplier or a drum reconditioner. All containers should be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner and in accordance with governmental regulations Before working on or in tanks which contain or have contained this material, refer to OSHA regulations,ANSI Z49.1, and other references pertaining to cleaning, repairing,welding,or other contemplated operations SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection Chemical Name ACGIH OSHA Other Distillates,petroleum,hydrotreated heavy TWA 5mg/m3 TWA 5mg/m3 paraffinic STEL.10 mg/m3 as Oil Mist,if Generated as Oil Mist,if Generated Note:State,local or other agencies or advisory groups may have established more stringent limits. Consult an industrial hygienist or similar professional,or your local agencies,for further information. Engineering controls: If current ventilation practices are not adequate to maintain airborne concentrations below the established exposure limits,additional engineering controls may be required. Eye/Face Protection: The use of eye/face protection is not normally required; however,good industrial hygiene practice suggests the use of eye protection that meets or exceeds ANSI Z.87 1 whenever working with chemicals. Skin/Hand Protection: The use of skin protection is not normally required, however,good industrial hygiene practice suggests the use of gloves or other appropriate skin protection whenever working with chemicals Suggested protective materials Nitrile Respiratory Protection: Where there is potential for airborne exposure above the exposure limit a NIOSH certified air purifying respirator equipped with R or P95 filters may be used. A respiratory protection program that meets or is equivalent to OSHA 29 CFR 1910 134 and ANSI Z88.2 should be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use.Air purifying respirators provide limited protection and cannot be used in atmospheres that exceed the maximum use concentration(as directed by regulation or the manufacturer's instructions), in oxygen deficient(less than 19.5 percent oxygen)situations,or under conditions that are immediately dangerous to life and health(IDLH). Suggestions provided in this section for exposure control and specific types of protective equipment are based on readily available information. Users should consult with the specific manufacturer to confirm the performance of their protective equipment. Specific situations may require consultation with industrial hygiene,safety,or engineering professionals. SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties 815899- GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium®Protection Page 4/7 Additive Issue Date: 09-Feb-2016 Status: FINAL Note:Unless otherwise stated,values are determined at 20°C(68°F)and 760 mm Hg(1 atm) Data represent typical values and are not intended to be specifications Appearance: Amber;Transparent Flash Point: > 365 °F / > 185 °C Physical Form: Liquid Test Method: Pensky-Martens Closed Cup(PMCC),ASTM D93, EPA 1010 Odor: Petroleum Initial Boiling Point/Range: No data Odor Threshold: No data Vapor Pressure: <1 mm Hg pH: Not applicable Partition Coefficient(n-octanol/water)(Kow): No data Vapor Density(air=1): >1 Melting/Freezing Point: No data Upper Explosive Limits(vol%in air): No data Auto-ignition Temperature: No data Lower Explosive Limits(vol%in air): No data Decomposition Temperature: No data Evaporation Rate(nBuAc=1): No data Specific Gravity(water-1): 0.8-0.9 @ 60°F(15.6°C) Particle Size: Not applicable Bulk Density: 7 0-7 5 lbs/gal Percent Volatile: No data Viscosity: 6.9-16.3 cSt @ 100°C;38-110 cSt @ 40°C Flammability(solid,gas): Not applicable Solubility in Water: Negligible SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity Reactivity: Not chemically reactive. Chemical stability: Stable under normal ambient and anticipated conditions of use. Possibility of hazardous reactions: Hazardous reactions not anticipated. Conditions to avoid: Extended exposure to high temperatures can cause decomposition Avoid all possible sources of ignition Incompatible materials: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents and strong reducing agents. Hazardous decomposition products: Not anticipated under normal conditions of use, During use in engines,contamination of oil with low levels of hazardous fuel combustion by-products(e.g polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)may occur SECTION 11: Toxicological information Information on Toxicological Effects Substance/Mixture Acute Toxicity Hazard Additional Information LC50/LD50 Data ; Inhalation Unlikely to be harmful >5 mg/L(mist, estimated) Dermal Unlikely to be harmful >2 g/kg(estimated) Oral Unlikely to be harmful >5 g/kg(estimated) Aspiration Hazard: Not expected to be an aspiration hazard. Skin Corrosion/Irritation: Not expected to be irritating Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Serious Eye Damage/Irritation: Not expected to be irritating. Skin Sensitization: No information available on the mixture, however none of the components have been classified for skin sensitization(or are below the concentration threshold for classification). Respiratory Sensitization: No information available Specific Target Organ Toxicity(Single Exposure): No information available on the mixture, however none of the components have been classified for target organ toxicity(or are below the concentration threshold for classification) Specific Target Organ Toxicity(Repeated Exposure): No information available on the mixture, however none of the components have been classified for target organ toxicity(or are below the concentration threshold for classification) Carcinogenicity: No information available on the mixture, however none of the components have been classified for carcinogenicity(or are below the concentration threshold for classification). 815899- GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium®Protection Page 5/7 Additive Issue Date: 09-Feb-2016 Status: FINAL Germ Cell Mutagenicity: No information available on the mixture, however none of the components have been classified for germ cell mutagenicity(or are below the concentration threshold for classification). Reproductive Toxicity: No information available on the mixture, however none of the components have been classified for reproductive toxicity(or are below the concentration threshold for classification). Information on Toxicological Effects of Components Distillates,petroleum,hydrotreated heavy paraffinic Carcinogenicity: This oil has been highly refined by a variety of processes to reduce aromatics and improve performance characteristics It meets the IP-346 criteria of less than 3 percent PAH's and is not considered a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. SECTION 12: Ecological information-' GHS Classification: No classified hazards Toxicity: All acute aquatic toxicity studies on samples of lubricant base oils show acute toxicity values greater than 100 mg/L for invertebrates,algae and fish These tests were carried out on water accommodated fractions and the results are consistent with the predicted aquatic toxicity of these substances based on their hydrocarbon compositions Persistence and Degradability: The hydrocarbons in this material are not readily biodegradable, but since they can be degraded by microorganisms,they are regarded as inherently biodegradable Bioaccumulative Potential: Log Kow values measured for the hydrocarbon components of this material are greater than 5.3, and therefore regarded as having the potential to bioaccumulate. In practice, metabolic processes may reduce bioconcentration. Mobility in Soil: Volatilization to air is not expected to be a significant fate process due to the low vapor pressure of this material. In water,base oils will float and spread over the surface at a rate dependent upon viscosity There will be significant removal of hydrocarbons from the water by sediment adsorption. In soil and sediment, hydrocarbon components will show low mobility with adsorption to sediments being the predominant physical process.The main fate process is expected to be slow biodegradation of the hydrocarbon constituents in soil and sediment Other adverse effects: None anticipated. SECTION 13: Disposal considerations' • The generator of a waste is always responsible for making proper hazardous waste determinations and needs to consider state and local requirements in addition to federal regulations This material, if discarded as produced,would not be a federally regulated RCRA"listed"hazardous waste and is not believed to exhibit characteristics of hazardous waste. See Sections 7-and 8 for information on handling,storage and personal protection and Section 9 for physical/chemical properties. It is possible that the material as produced contains constituents which are not required to be listed in the SDS but could affect the hazardous waste determination Additionally, use which results in chemical or physical change of this material could subject it to regulation as a hazardous waste.This material under most intended uses would become"Used Oil"due to contamination by physical or chemical impurities.Whenever possible, Recycle used oil in accordance with applicable federal and state or local regulations. Container contents should be completely used and containers should be emptied prior to discard. SECTION 14':'.Transport information U.S.Department of Transportation (DOT) UN Number: Not regulated UN proper shipping name: None Transport hazard class(es): None Packing Group: None Environmental Hazards: This product does not meet the DOT/UN/IMDG/IMO criteria of a marine pollutant Special precautions for user: If shipped by land in a packaging having a capacity of 3,500 gallons or more,the provisions of 49 CFR, Part 130 apply.(Contains oil) Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code: Not applicable a 815899- GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium®Protection Page 6/7 Additive Issue Date: 09-Feb-2016 Status: FINAL SECTION 15: Regulatory information CERCLA/SARA-Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances and TPQs(in pounds): This material does not contain any chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of SARA 302 and 40 CFR 372. CERCLA/SARA-Section 311/312(Title III Hazard Categories) Acute Health Hazard: No Chronic Health Hazard: No Fire Hazard: No Pressure Hazard: No Reactive Hazard: No CERCLA/SARA-Section 313 and 40 CFR 372: This material does not contain any chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of SARA 313 and 40 CFR 372. EPA(CERCLA)Reportable Quantity(in pounds): This material does not contain any chemicals with CERCLA Reportable Quantities California Proposition 65: This material does not contain any chemicals which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm at concentrations that trigger the warning requirements of California Proposition 65 International Hazard Classification Canada: This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations(CPR)and the SDS contains all the information required by the Regulations. International Inventories All components are either listed on the US TSCA Inventory,or are not regulated under TSCA All components are either on the DSL,or are exempt from DSL listing requirements. U.S.Export Control Classification Number: EAR99 SECTION 16: Other information Issue Date: Previous Issue Date: SDS Number Status: 09-Feb-2016 14-Apr-2015 815899 FINAL Revised Sections or Basis for Revision: Product Name/Synonyms(Section 1), Physical Properties(Section 9) Guide to Abbreviations: ACGIH=American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,CASRN=Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number,CEILING=Ceiling Limit(15 minutes);CERCLA=The Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation,and Liability Act,EPA=Environmental Protection Agency,GHS=Globally Harmonized System,ARC=International Agency for Research on Cancer;INSHT=National Institute for Health and Safety at Work,IOPC=International Oil Pollution Compensation;LEL=Lower Explosive Limit,NE=Not Established,NFPA=National Fire Protection Association;NTP= National Toxicology Program;OSHA=Occupational Safety and Health Administration,PEL=Permissible Exposure Limit(OSHA);SARA=Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act,STEL=Short Term Exposure Limit(15 minutes),TLV=Threshold Limit Value(ACGIH),TWA=Time Weighted Average(8 hours),UEL=Upper Explosive Limit,WHMIS=Worker Hazardous Materials Information System(Canada) R 815899- GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium®Protection Page 717 Additive Issue Date: 09-Feb-2016 Status: FINAL Disclaimer of Expressed and implied Warranties: The information presented in this Safety Data Sheet is based on data believed to be accurate as of the date this Safety Data Sheet was prepared. HOWEVER,NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE,OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IS TO BE IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE,THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT,THE SAFETY OF THIS PRODUCT,OR THE HAZARDS RELATED TO ITS USE No responsibility is assumed for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use or from any failure to adhere to recommended practices The information provided above,and the product,are furnished on the condition that the person receiving them shall make their own determination as to the suitability of the product for their particular purpose and on the condition that they assume the risk of their use In addition,no authonzation is given nor implied to practice any patented invention without a license Nmol f, "'> '' USA ® > . ~ ti CONVENTIONAL MOTOR OIL DESCRIPTION,: ` " " PEAK®MULTIGRADE MOTOR OIL is formulated with an advanced additive s' technology and premium base oils for high performance and longer engine life. •Exceeds API SN Service Classification(all grades) •Exceeds ILSAC GF-5 requirements(SAE 5W-20,5W-30 and 10W-30) •Meets passenger car and light-duty truck manufacturers'warranty requirements 1x t ' • ' • 'a' •Meets the highest U.S.standards for automotive engine wear protection ,r ,, S''+�, t {% APPLICATION: , , __ — I s ,' A1 PEAK®MULTIGRADE MOTOR OIL is recommended for use in allgasoline engines - (including turbocharged),in passenger cars,light-duty trucks,vans and sport utility vehicles. PEAK®MULTIGRADE MOTOR OIL SAE 5W-20,5W-30 AND 10W-30 exceed theKI *I[-}-AL pa demanding requirements of the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval COIN y R 011 Committee(ILSAC)GF-5. GF-5 is the latest standard for passenger car,van,light-duty Mgr`""AC truck and sport utility engine oils. It also exceeds API SN Service Classification requirements. Always consult your owner's manual for correct viscosity choice and API Service Classification requirements. errrcuL �.+arQa on,. SHIPPING INFORMATION: Pack 6/1 Quart 3/5 Quart 55 Gallon Drum .... 5 ,L'f.rj,-,\t Unit Weight(lbs.) 2.1 10.1 450 1 f` '. 5 Case/Pallet Weight* 12.3/2106 31.2/1797 1850 �• � *•- Units per Pallet 1008 168 - 4 Cases per Pallet 168 56 1.1 1 U.S.Quart/946 mL Units per Truck 24192 4032 84 - - Cases/Pallets per Truck 4032/24 1344/24 21 Case Size(inches) 8.9 x 74 x 8 8 14.3 x 7.9 x 12 5 - Cases per row/Rows high 24/7 14/4 • - Pallet Size(inches) 148 x 40 x 72.3 48 x 140 x 58.3 46 x 48 x 40.5 (*)Including pallet weight of 501bs. PRODUCT INFORMATION: 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 10W-40 20W-50 Quart Part Number P2M0576 P3M0576 P3M0176 P4M0176 P5M0276 5 Quart Part Number P2M055 P3M055 P3M015 P4M015 P5M024 Drum Part Number P2M051 P3M051 P3M011 P4M011 P5M021 Tote Part Number P2M052 - - - - Bulk Part Number P2MS50 P3MS50 P3MS10 P4M010 P5M020 API Classification SN SN SN SN SN ILSAC GF-5 GF-5 GF-5 - - Test(Method) 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 10W-4O 20W-50 API Gravity(ASTM o-2e7) 32 32 31 31 27.5 Flash Point"3 202 206 202 202 204 Pour Point"C -33 -39 -30 -30 -21 Viscosity '[140-C,cSt(ASTM o-445) 46 56 68 106 161 'Cal 100"C,cSt(ASTM 0 445 8.58 9 94 10 4 15 5 18.2 Viscosity Index(ASTM o-2270) 165 169 139 155 126 Noack Volatility(ASrM0-58001 12.6 14.5 15.2 14.9 6.2 Sulfated Ash,wt%(ASTM 0-8741 0.96 0 96 0.87 0.87 0.88 Quart UPC Code 074804-01308-5 0-74804-01309-2 0-74804-01310-6 0-74804-01311-5 0-74804-01312-2 Case UPC Code 0-74804-15155-8 0-74804-14798-8 0-74804-14799-5 0-74804-14800-8 0-74804-15159-6 Case SCC-14 Code 1-00-74804-05155-8 1-00-74804-04798-8 1-00-74804-04799-5 1-0074804-04800-8 1-0074804-05159-6 5 Quart UPC Code 074804-03992-4 074804-01426-6 0-74804-01427-3 074804-01428-0 0-74804-03345-8 Case UPC Code 0-74804-13992-1 0-74804-11426-3 0-74804-11427-0 074804-11428-7 0-74804-13345-5 Case SCC-14 Code 1-00-74804-03992-1 4-00-74804-01426-4 4-00-74804-011427-1 4-00-74804-011428-8 1-00-74804-033145-5 Drum UPC Code 074804-03418-9 074804-03399-1 0-74804-03400-4 0-74604-03401-1 0-74804-03440-0 Old World �1e Su � Distributed by Old World Industries,LLC Northbrook,IL 60062 RUN TRUE. Industries,LLC Be Car Care Aware- p 600.323.5440 www.peakauto.com wwwcw,„•wg 62015 PEAK and the PEAK Mountain Graphic are Registered Trademarks of Old World Industries,LLC PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN Safety Data Sheet • according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations e SECTION 1' Identification of the substance/mixture and of the°,company/undertaking 113;7_ Product Identifier_ - .. .-. _ .__..__ _.� . _ .—k..... _ .__._ .... Product form . Mixture Product name : PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN ' T 4 pFielevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againit —; _ - __„ _._ _._.__-. Use of the substance/mixture . Motor Oil E 3. ,Derails of the supplier of the nafety data shheet � _-___ _�, Old World Industries,LLC 4065 Commercial Ave Northbrook,IL 60062-USA T(847)559-2000 www.oldworldind.com 14 _Emergencytelephonenumbge ms_,.._ _' �� _ _ , ,.vm,___.._. Emergency number : (800)424-9300,(703)527 3887(International) Chemtrec 'SECTION 2: Hazards identification ' • 4. -- -- Classification of the substance or miztiure Y ._.. ,..-�_. GHS-US classification Not classified C2.2 iLabel elements._* ' 77:-___ ,._. ,._...- —,_„_,._�n.._. _.___:__-___.._....�...._ ._ __._..._._-....,_LL_ __ _ GHS-US labelling Signal word(GHS-US) : None Hazard statements(GHS-US) : None Precautionary statements(GHS-US) P273-Avoid release to the environment P501-Dispose of contents/container,in a safe manner,to appropriate waste disposal facility, in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations 473. Other hazards j . �._ �� Other hazards not contributing to the . The mixture consists of substances capable of producing an aspiration hazard Aspiration may classification result in chemical pneumonia(fluid in the lungs),severe lung damage,respiratory failure,and even death 12.4. Unknown acute toxicity(GHS US) ` -.. Y__ r%__. No data available `SECTION 3:,Compositiori/information on ingredients • , 3.1. Substance _. _ __ � v __�__- - - - _.,_ __ Not applicable 1-3-.2.7— Mixture; PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations First-aid measures after skin contact . Remove affected clothing and wash all exposed skin area with mild soap and water,followed by warm water nnse.Wash contaminated clothing before reuse If skin irntation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. First-aid measures after eye contact : Rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes,lifting lower and upper lids.Remove contact lenses,if present and easy to do Continue rinsing.Get immediate medical advice/attention First-aid measures after ingestion • Do NOT induce vomiting.Rinse mouth.Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician 4:2. Most important symptoms and effects,both acute and delayed Symptoms/injunes after inhalation . ON CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE/CONTACT:May cause respiratory irritation. Symptoms/injunes after skin contact : Contact during a long penod may cause slight irritation. Symptoms/injunes after eye contact Direct contact with the eyes is likely to be irritating Symptomshnjunes after ingestion Ingestion is likely to be harmful or have adverse effects. O Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed - �— No additional information available SECTION 5: Firefighting measures 15.1. Extinguishing media_ _�_ _�___p -_• �----- _�� _v_ __ _,___ Suitable extinguishing media : Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment Unsuitable extinguishing media • Do not use a heavy water stream.Will float and can be reignited on water surface 52: Special hazards arisingfrom the substance or mixture Fire hazard : Not flammable Promotes combustion Explosion hazard . Not applicable Reactivity No dangerous reactions known under normal conditions of use 5.3. Advice fog firefighters Firefighting instructions Cool tanks/drums with water spray/remove them into safety.Fight fire with normal precautions from a reasonable distance.Under fire conditions,hazardous fumes will be present. Protection dunng firefighting Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment,including respiratory protection. Special protective equipment for fire fighters : Protective fire fighting clothing(includes fire-fighting helmet,coat,pants,boots and gloves). Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) ,SECTION 6: Accidental release measures '661.- Personal precautions,protective equipment and emergency procedures General measures Avoid contact with skin,eyes and clothing.Avoid breathing vapors,mist,spray 6.1.1. For non-emergency personnel Protective equipment : Use appropriate personal protection equipment(PPE) Emergency procedures . Evacuate unnecessary personnel 6.1.2. For emergency responders Protective equipment . Equip cleanup crew with proper protection. Emergency procedures : Stop leak if safe to do so Ventilate area P.__ Environmental_secautions A' Prevent entry to sewers and public waters Notify authorities if product enters sewers or public waters. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up For containment • Contain leaking substance Plug the leak,cut off the supply.Take up mechanically(sweeping, shovelling)and collect in suitable container for disposal. Methods for cleaning up • Soak up spills with inert solids,such as clay or diatomaceous earth as soon as possible.Collect spillage Reference to other sections No additional information available 08/26/2015 EN(English) 2/6 PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations SECTION 7:,Handling and storage ' r1 Precautions for safe handling Precautions for safe handling Any proposed use of this product in elevated-temperature processes should be thoroughly evaluated to assure that safe operating conditions are established and maintained Practice good housekeeping-spillage can be slippery on smooth surface either wet or dry Hygiene measures . Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating,dnnking or smoking and when leaving work Do not eat,dnnk or smoke when using this product Technical measures Comply with applicable regulations Storage conditions Store in a dry place Store in a well-ventilated place Keep cool.Keep container closed when not in use.Protect from sunlight Keep away from heat,hot surfaces,sparks,open flames and other ignition sources No smoking Do not store near food,foodstuffs,drugs or potable water supplies 7.3. . Specific end use(i) No additional information available SECTION 8: Exposure:controls/personal protection,,. „, ° • �' 16.1 Control parameters_ PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN. • ACGIH ACGIH TWA(mg/m3) 5 00 mg/m3 Chemical name Oil mist,mineral ACGIH ACGIH STEL(mg/m3) 10 00 mg/m3 Chemical name Oil mist,mineral OSHA OSHA PEL(TWA)(mg/m3) 5 mg/m3 Chemical name.Oil mist,mineral OSHA Remark(OSHA) Skin notation distillates(petroleum),hydrotreated heavy paraffinic(64742-54-7) ACGIH ACGIH TWA(mg/m3) 5 mg/m3(Mineral oil,pure,highly and severely refined; USA,Time-weighted average exposure limit 8 h,TLV- Adopted Value,Inhalable fraction) OSHA Not applicable 18.2 F�cposure controls Appropriate engineering controls Ensure good ventilation of the work station Personal protective equipment Protective goggles Gloves Insufficient ventilation wear respiratory protection Hand protection Wear suitable gloves resistant to chemical penetration Eye protection Chemical goggles or safety glasses. Skin and body protection Wear suitable protective clothing Respiratory protection Where exposure through inhalation may occur from use,respiratory protection equipment is recommended SECTION,9r Physical and chemical,properties' • 94; Information on basic_physical and chemical properties Physical state Liquid Color brown Odor petroleum-like odor Odor threshold No data available Relative evaporation rate(butylacetate=1) No data available Freezing point • No data available Boiling point . No data available Flash point 210°C(410°F)[Method used•Cleveland Open Cup] Auto-ignition temperature No data available Decomposition temperature . No data available Flammability(solid,gas) No data available 08/26/2015 EN(English) 3/6 PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations Vapor pressure No data available Relative vapor density at 20°C No data available Specific Gravity 0 85 Density : 0 85 kg/I(7 09 lbs/gal) Solubility Water Negligible Log Pow . No data available Log Kow • No data available Viscosity,kinematic No data available Viscosity,dynamic . 94 76 cP Explosive properties . Not applicable Oxidizing properties No data available Explosive limits No data available 9.2._- Otherinf_ormation_ ___---_____ __ _ _._-�- •-_--_ ___._- ---- _VOC content 0 00% _ SECTION 10:,Stability;and reactivity 101. Reactivity..'' -------- -- -- ------._--___--_-------._.--•--- ----, No dangerous reactions known under normal conditions of use _16:2: stabilih!—__ --------.-_--______—___---_–-----_- .--- Stable under normal conditions 10.3 PossibilitiOf hazardous reactions __— ___ _ _ _——____ _ _I Hazardous polymerization will not occur Conditlons to — Direct sunlight Extremely high or low temperatures.Keep away from open flames,hot surfaces and sources of ignition. --- -- -- — ---- -- Keep away from strong acids,strong bases and oxidizing agents Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide hydrocarbons SECTION 11: Toxicological information • [1'1,11 Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity Not classified distillates(petroleum),hydrotreated heavy paraffinic(64742-54-7) LD50 oral rat >5,000 00 mg/kg bodyweight(Rat,OECD 401 Acute Oral Toxicity,Experimental value) LD50 dermal rabbit >5,000 00 mg/kg bodyweight(Rabbit,Experimental value,Equivalent or similar to OECD 402) LC50 inhalation rat(mg/I) >5.53 mg/I/4h(Rat,Experimental value) ATE US(vapors) 3 00 mg/I/4h Skin corrosion/irntation Not classified Serious eye damagehrntation . Not classified Respiratory or skin sensitisation Not classified Germ cell mutagenicity Not classified Carcinogenicity . Not classified Reproductive toxicity Not classified Specific target organ toxicity(single exposure) Not classified Specific target organ toxicity(repeated Not classified exposure) Aspiration hazard Not classified Symptoms/injuries after inhalation ON CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE/CONTACT May cause respiratory irritation Symptoms/injures after skin contact Contact during a long penod may cause slight irritation. 08/26/2015 EN(English) 4/6 PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations Symptoms/injuries after eye contact Direct contact with the eyes is likely to be irritating Symptoms/injuries after ingestion . Ingestion is likely to be harmful or have adverse effects. SECTION 12 Ecological information, . . • ' ' ` a2.1. 'Toxicity _ _—._.�_—_ — -- --- -- —— —W -- —— - — -------- — — — -- — ----I distillates(petroleum),hydrotreated heavy paraffinic(64742-54.7) LC50 fish 1 >100 00 mg/I(LL50;OECD 203:Fish,Acute Toxicity Test,96 h,Pimephales promelas;Static system,Fresh water,Expenmental value) Threshold limit algae 1 >=100 mg/I(NOEL;OECD 201 Alga,Growth Inhibition Test,72 h,Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata,Static system,Fresh water,Experimental value) distillates(petroleum),hydrotreated heavy paraffinic(64742-54-7) Persistence and degradability Not readily biodegradable in water Adsorbs into the soil T3ioaccumulatiye potential __...__._ .__ __. —_- distillates(petroleum),hydrotreated heavy paraffinic(64742-54-7) Bioaccumulative potential No bioaccumulation data available r12.4'� Mobiti _Insoi! ----_------------------A-__._.__ _— —__Y_.__� No additional information available Effect on ozone layer No known effect on the ozone layer Effect on global warming No known ecological damage caused by this product. No additional information available 'SECTION'13: Disposal osiderations . n F , 13.1. Waste treatment methods Waste disposal recommendations Dispose of contents/container,in a safe manner,to appropriate waste disposal facility,in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations SECTIONF14:'Transport information' " Department of Transportation(DOT) In accordance with DOT Not a dangerous good in sense of transport regulations TDG Refer to current TDG Canada for further Canadian regulations Transport by sea No additional information available Air transport No additional information available SECTION'15: Regulatory information . 115.1.US Federal regulations PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN EPA TSCA Regulatory Flag Toxic Substances Control Act(TSCA). The intentional ingredients of this product are listed distillates(petroleum),hydrotreated heavy paraffinic(64742-54-7) - Listed on the United States TSCA(Toxic Substances Control Act)inventory 08/26/2015 EN(English) 5/6 PEAK Passenger Car Motor Oil SAE 10W-40 SN Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register/Vol 77,No 58/Monday,March 26,2012/Rules and Regulations X15.2.International regulations CANADA WHMIS Classification distillates(petroleum),hydrotreated heavy paraffinic164742-54-7) Listed on the Canadian DSL(Domestic Sustances List) WHMIS Classification Uncontrolled product according to WHMIS classification criteria EU-Regulations No additional information available Classification according to Regulation(EC)No.1272/2008[CLP] No additional information available Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC[DSD]or 1999/45/EC[DPD] Not classified National regulations No additional information available .15.3,_US State regulations . SECTION-16; Other information.. , _ Full text of H-statements Acute Tox.3(Inhalation vapor) Acute toxicity(inhalation vapor)Category 3 Acute Tox 4(Inhalation vapor) Acute toxicity(inhalation vapor)Category 4 H331 Toxic if inhaled H332 Harmful if inhaled NFPA health hazard 1-Exposure could cause irritation but only minor residual injury even if no treatment is given NFPA fire hazard 1-Must be preheated before ignition can occur. NFPA reactivity . 0-Normally stable,even under fire exposure conditions, , p and are not reactive with water : r, HMIS III Rating Health 1 Slight Hazard-Irntation or minor reversible injury possible Flammability . 1 Slight Hazard-Materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur Includes liquids, solids and semi solids having a flash point above 200°F(93°C).(Class IIIB) Physical 0 Minimal Hazard-Materials that are normally stable,even under fire conditions,and will NOT react with water,polymenze,decompose,condense,or self-react Non-Explosives. SDS GHS US(GHS HazCom 2012)Owl w/Supp OEL's Old World Industries,LLC makes no warranty,representation or guarantee as to the accuracy,sufficiency or completeness of the material set forth herein Itis the user's responsibility to determine the safety,toxicity and suitability of his own use,handling and disposal of this product Since actual use by others is beyond our control,no warranty,expressed or implied,is made by Old World Industries, LLC as to the effects of such use,the results to be obtained or the safety and toxicity of this product,nor does Old World Industries,LLC assume liability arising out of the use by others of this product referred to herein The data in this SDS relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process 08/26/2015 EN(English) 6/6 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of Additional Lubricants by the Town of Southold for a period of a year from when the bid is awarded. Specifications and bid proposal form may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971. The sealed bid, together with a Non-collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, July 7, 2016 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Additional Lubricants", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: June 14, 2016 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON JUNE 30, 2016 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Brown's Letters Town Board Members Burrelle's Information Services "Town Attorney Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Dodge Reports Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck Highway Dept DPW BID ITEM: OILS AND LUBRICANTS BID DATE: TOTAL NO. EST. UNIT OF DESCRIPTION BRAND UNIT PRICE QTY. MEASURE BID PRICE (based on est. qty.) 1. 6 drums 55 gallon Peak full force green concentrate anti- freeze 2. 40 Quarts 10/40 Lubricating Oil 3. 10 Gallons 10/40 Lubricating Oil , 4. 30 Bags Non Based Silica Speedy Dry 5. NOTE: SDS sheets MUST be included on all deliveries. No exceptions. updated 5/16 Page 1 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid . Signed: Print name Corporate Title (if any) Company Name Mailing Address Phone Number BID ON Additional Lubricants Rudder, Lynda From: legals <legals@timesreview.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 9:50 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: Lubricants2 for publication Good morning, The legal notice has been scheduled to be published in the 6/30 edition of the Suffolk Times. Thank you and have a great day! Best regards, TIMES R'EVIEC h1EO A GROUP Lindsay Rierner Assistant Sales Coordinator 631.298.3200 ext. 235 631.354 8032 (direct) 631 298.0410 (fax) Inemer@tnnesreview.com www.timesreview corn From: "Rudder, Lynda" <lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us> Date:Tuesday,June 21, 2016 9:48 AM To: "Cushman,John" <John.Cushman@town.southold.ny.us>, Lee Peters<legals@timesreview.com>, Lisa Finn <lisaahfinn@gmail.com>, "Michaelis,Jessica" <iessicam@southoldtownny.gov>, "Reisenberg, Lloyd" <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.ny.us>, "Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com)" <denise@southoldlocal.com>, "Dinizio,James" <james.dinizio@town.southold.ny.us>, "Doherty,Jill" <fill.doherty@town.southold.ny.us>, "Doroski, Bonnie" <Bonnie.Doroski@town.southold.ny.us>, "Ghosio, Bob" <bob.ghosio@town.southold.ny.us>, Louisa Evans <Ipevans06390@gmail.com>, "Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Neville@town.southold.ny.us>, "Noncarrow, Denis" <denisn@southoldtownny.gov>, "Rudder, Lynda" <lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us>, "Russell, Scott" <scottr@southoldtownny.gov>, "Standish, Lauren" <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.ny.us>, "Tomaszewski, Michelle" <michellet@town.southold.ny.us>, William Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com>, "Duffy, Bill" <billd@southoldtownny.gov>, "Kiely, Stephen" <stephen.kiely@town.southold.ny.us>, "Silleck, Mary" <marys@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: "Orlando, Vincent" <vincent.orlando@town.southold.ny.us>, "Standish,Jeff" <jeffs@town.southold.ny.us>, "Bunchuck,Jim" <ibunchuckfttown.southold.ny.us> Subject: Lubricants2 for publication Please publish in the June 30, 2016 edition of the Suffolk Times and the Town website 1 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE,Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 21st day of June , 2016, a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Lubricants—Bid #2 • g _ 1 lizabeth A. Neville w outhold Town Clerk Sworn before me this 21st day of June , 2016. tt-S-Z------ otary Public LYNDA M. RUDDER Notary Public, State of New York No.01 RU6020932 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 8,20 Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of June 14, 2016 RESOLUTION 2016-628 16-628 Item # 5.49 (V\ a.w� ADOPTED DOC ID: 12058 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2016-628 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JUNE 14, 2016: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for supplying additional Automotive and Equipment Lubricants and Fluids for a period of one (1) year from the acceptance of the bid. a ; ,Ci4e.e.4e2ho Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman SECONDER:William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell Generated June 15, 2016 Page 71 Rudder, Lynda From: William Ruland Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 7:58 PM To: Rudder, Lynda, Orlando,Vincent; Bunchuck, Jim, Standish, Jeff Subject: Re: LUBE Lets go for it and get it done, WPR William P. Ruland . Town of Southold Deputy Supervisor Town Councilman E-mail:rulandfarm@yahoo.com Phone- 631-566-4107 On Monday, June 20, 2016 1 16 PM, "Rudder, Lynda" <lynda ruddertown southold ny.us>wrote: This is what I have so far 1 Rudder, Lynda From: Foote, Nancy Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 9:55 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: Standish, Jeff Subject: oil bid Hi Lynn, As a favor for Jeff, if it's too late, can you please add 10/40 lubricating oil in gallons. Only if it's not too late!! Otherwise disregard our emails pertaining to this matter! Thank you! Nancy 1 L Rudder, Lynda From: Orlando, Vincent Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 3:46 PM To: Rudder, Lynda;Wells, Randy;Tabor, Roger; Standish, Jeff; Foote, Nancy; Bunchuck, Jim; - DeFio, Valerie; McLaughlin, Karen; Flatley, Martin; Blasko, Regina Cc: William Ruland Subject: RE• Lubrication list Please add the below to the additional Lubricant list Peak full force GREEN concentrate In 55 gallon drums Thanks in advance VO From: Rudder, Lynda Sent:Tuesday,June 14, 2016 1:21 PM To: Orlando, Vincent<vincent.orlando@town.southold.ny.us>; Wells, Randy<randyw@town.southold.ny.us>;Tabor, Roger<rogert@southoldtownny.gov>; Standish,Jeff<jeffs@town.southold.ny.us>; Foote, Nancy <nancy.foote@town.southold.ny.us>; Bunchuck,Jim <jbunchuck@town.southold.ny.us>; DeFio,Valerie <Valerie.DeFio@town.southold.ny.us>; McLaughlin, Karen <Karen.McLaughlin@town.southold.ny.us>; Flatley, Martin <mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Blasko, Regina <rblasko@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: William Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com> Subject: Lubrication list Importance: High Attached find the list of lubricants that were bid on for this year. Please review carefully and on a separate piece of paper add any items that your department would like to receive a bid on. Additional item lists are due by 4:00 pm Tuesday June 21, 2016. This is the last chance to add items to the current list for this year. 1 Rudder, Lynda From: Foote, Nancy Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 8:56 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: RE: Lubrication list Scott Kessler would like 10/40 lubricating oil added to the list in quarts From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 3:47 PM To: Orlando, Vincent; Wells, Randy; Tabor, Roger; Standish, Jeff; Foote, Nancy; Bunchuck, Jim; DeFio, Valerie; McLaughlin, Karen; Flatley, Martin; Blasko, Regina Cc: William Ruland Subject: RE: Lubrication list Please review and make sure that nothing else needs to be added, thanks From: Orlando, Vincent Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 3:46 PM To: Rudder, Lynda; Wells, Randy; Tabor, Roger; Standish, Jeff; Foote, Nancy; Bunchuck, Jim; DeFio, Valerie; McLaughlin, Karen; Flatley, Martin; Blasko, Regina Cc: William Ruland Subject: RE: Lubrication list Please add the below to the additional Lubricant list Peak full force GREEN concentrate on 55 gallon drums Thanks in'advance VO From: Rudder, Lynda Sent:Tuesday,June 14, 2016 1:21 PM To: Orlando, Vincent<vincent.orlando@town.southold.ny.us>; Wells, Randy<randyw@town.southold.ny.us>;Tabor, Roger<rogert@southoldtownny.gov>; Standish,Jeff<jeffs@town.southold.nv.us>; Foote, Nancy <nancy.foote@town.southold.ny.us>; Bunchuck,Jim <ibunchuck@town.southold.ny.us>; DeFio,Valerie <Valerie.DeFio@town.southold.ny.us>; McLaughlin, Karen <Karen.McLaughlin@town.southold.ny.us>; Flatley, Martin <mflatley@town.southold.nv.us>; Blasko, Regina <rblasko@town.southold.nv.us> Cc:William Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com> Subject: Lubrication list Importance: High - Attached find the list of lubricants that were bid on for this year. Please review carefully and on a separate piece of paper add any items that your department would like to receive a bid on. Additional item lists are due by 4:00 pm Tuesday June 21, 2016. This is the last chance to add items to the current list for this year. 1 ' 0 -40 6) ;n CCS-5C,S bPbo 15-50 47)tt s y n -1-3- Ock,5e BID ITEM: OLS AND LUBRICANTS * BID DATE: TOTAL NO. EST. UNIT OF DESCRIPTION BRAND UNIT PRICE QTY. MEASURE BID PRICE (based on est. qty.) 1. 10 cases 1 qt 15W-40 Lubricating Oil 2. 15 55 gal. drums 15W-40 Lubricating Oil I UJ l'\ 3. 10 Cases Gallon 15W-30 Lubricating Oil 4. 5 cases Gallon lOW 30 lubricant oil �j',,�: i 5. 4 120 lb Drums Synthetic Gear lube 75W-90 J 6. 1 1201b drum Gear Lubricant, Semi-Synthetic SAE 80W-90 Gear Lubricant, Semi- )()% 7N. . 10 5 gal.pail Synthetic, SAE 80W-90 8. 1 120 lb drum 85-140 Hypoid gear oil 9. 2 55 gal. Drum 5W-20 Synthetic Blend motor oil 5 IC 10. 10 cases 1 quart 5W30 synthetic blend77-tei_ M firgio !'\Ot:?E- 11. 7.:\ 10 cases 1 quart 10W30 synthetic blend ° S (A5k3 12. 15 55 gal. Drums Hydraulic Oil, ISO Grade 32 13. 2 55 gal. Drum AW 46 Hydraulic Oil 14. 5 cases 1 quart 50 - 1 outboard 2 cycle 15. 1 cases 6.4 oz bottles 50 - 1 outboard 2 cycle 16. 20 55 Gal. Drums Transmission Fluid 17. 2•••-•- 5 cases 1 quart ATF+4 Transmission Fluid mfr f�, 18. 2 55 gal drums Dexron VI Transmission Fluid 'e," • updated 3/16/15 Page 1 t. 19. 1 5 gallon pail Dexron VI Transmission Fluida._ 20. 2 gallon Full Synthetic Multi Vehicle LA Transmission Fluid � 6o 21. 2 1201b drums Synthetic Transmission Oil SAE 50 22. 2 pail 55 gallon Syn-295 Licensed Trans 23. 20 120 lb.Drums Heavy Duty Chassis Grease 24. 50 Cartridges Extreme Pressure Grease (14 oz) 25. 2 cases 50 tubes/case NLG#2 EP Grease 266 55 gal.Drums Anti-Freeze 1 [Ethylene Glycol Base]Pre-Mixed 27. 24 Gallon Anti-Freeze extended life r, collant/antifreeze 28. 1 55 gal. Drum Final Charge Global Extended Life Red Anti-freeze or equivalent 29. 10 cases Gallon Windshield Washer fluid-premix / 0 f . t 30. 2 drums 55 gallons Windshield Washer fluid-premix 1 31. 2 55 gallon Windshield washer concentrate "k 32 10 drum 55 gallons 303 Tractor Fluid(Hy-Tran) or equal ' 33. 10 drum 120 lb 303 Tractor Fluid (Hy-Tran) or equal )c. 34. 5 pails 5 gallon 303 Tractor Fluid (Hy-Tran)or equal 35. 1 pail 2.5 gallon Diesel Exhaust Fluid 36. 10 cases Case lots Diesel Fuel Anti-gel 37. 5 55 gallon Diesel Fuel Anti-gel * See attached Product Specifications. ESTIMATED TOTAL: updated 3/16/15 Page 2 .J _. 10W 30 LUBRICANT OIL Shell Rotella T or equal ,\171, . - r iv A • 3-�ERE-MIX Usable to -20 degrees 0 , (6 ,14ao'r 5,., D :ouiNTs zr; _ _ W I J j • << A • ?Ft/4'0 tr 3(41 6% 5Prifrt • updated 3/16/15 Page 4 L a' BID ITEM: OILS AND LUBRICANTS * BID DATE: TOTAL NO. EST. UNIT OF DESCRIPTION BRAND UNIT PRICE QTY. MEASURE BID PRICE (based on est. qty.) 1. 10 cases 1 qt 15W-40 Lubricating Oil 2. \[ ,.. 55_gal. drums 15W-40 Lubricating Oil 3. 10 Cases Gallon 15W-30 Lubricating Oil ' 4. 5 cases Gallon 10W 30 lubricant oil Please add this in 5. 4 1201b Drums Synthetic Gear lube 75W-90n ,��— quarts glsq --, Gear Lubricant,Semi-Synthetic SAE Heavy Duty 6. 1 4-20 lb drum 80W-90 from specs? 7. fk 55 ga1._paii Gear Lubricant, Semi- Synthetic, SAE 80W-90 8. 1 X120 lb drum 85-140 Hypoid gear oil 9. 255 gal.Drum 5W-20 Synthetic Blend motor oil 10. 10 cases 1 quart 5W30 synthetic blend 11. cases 1 quart 10W30 synthetic blend 12. 15 55 gal. Drums Hydraulic Oil,ISO Grade 32 13. 2 55 gal. Drum AW 46 Hydraulic Oil 14. 5 cases 1 quart 50— 1 outboard 2 cycle 15. 1 cases 6.4 oz bottles 50- 1 outboard 2 cycle 16. 20 55 Gal.Drums Transmission Fluid 17. , 0 cases 1 quart ATF+4 Transmission Fluid 18. 2 55ga1 drums' Dexron VI Transmission Fluid C'eaO V updated 3/16/15 Page 1 ' 19. 5 gallon pail Dexron VI Transmission Fluid 20. 2 gallon Full Synthetic Multi Vehicle Transmission Fluid -- -- , Synthetic Transmission Oil 21. 2 11201b drums SAE 50 Highway uses in 5; 22. 2 pail This was,5 Gal pails Syn-295 Licensed Trans in 2015' Gallon pails 23. 20 [1-.20 lb.-Drums Heavy Duty Chassis Grease 24. 50 Cartridges Extreme Pressure Grease (14 oz) 25. 2 cases 50 tubes/case NLG#2 EP Grease 26. 6 55 gal. Drums Anti-Freeze Highway uses Full [Ethylene Glycol Base]Pre-Mixed Concentrate 55 gal — —i Anti-Freeze extended life 27. 24 Gallon collant/antifreeze 28. 1 55 gal.Drum Final Charge Global Extended Life Red Anti-freeze or equivalent 29. ti cases Gallon Windshield Washer fluid-premix 30. 2 drums 55 gallons Windshield Washer fluid-premix 31. 2 55 gallon Windshield washer concentrate 32. 10 drum 55 gallons 303 Tractor Fluid(Hy-Tran)or equal 33. 10 drum 120'lb 303 Tractor Fluid(Hy-Tran) or equal 34. pails ;5 gallon 303 Tractor Fluid(Hy-Tran)or equal Highway purchased 35. 140- .5 SLori Diesel Exhaust Fluid r in 55.gallon drum 36. 10 cases Case lots Diesel Fuel Anti-gel 37. 555 gallon Diesel Fuel Anti-gel * See attached Product Specifications. ESTIMATED TOTAL: Pleaseald Synthetic Gear lube 75W-140 quarts. Highway uses 24 quarts per'year(2 cases) updated 3/16/15 Page 2 NOTE: SDS sheets MIDST be included on all deliveries. No exceptions. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS SAE 15W40 DIESEL ENGINE MOTOR OIL Multi-grade and heavy duty formulated to use in turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines in various types of service with either high or low sulfur fuels. Must meet or exceed the requirements of most manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, construction, mining, fanning and high speed marine diesel engines. Approved against MACK'S EO-M Plus specifications and Cummins CES 20076 specifications. Brand Comparison: Miles "ALL-SPEC Super"oil or equal. Only oils with the commercial API rating of CJ-4 (or better if/when available) will be accepted 4ANTI-WEAR (A W) HYDRAULIC OIL -ISO GRADE 32 Anti-wear hydraulic and circulating fluids formulated with high quality base stocks and thermally stable additives. Multi-grade and heavy duty formulated to use in turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines in various types of service with either high or low sulfur fuels. Must meet or exceed the requirements of most manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, construction, mining, farming and high speed marine diesel engines. Approved against Allison C-4 and Caterpillar TO-2 specifications. Brand Comparison: Miles "Stratus Premium Anti-Wear Industrial"Hydraulic Oil or equal. GEAR OIL-HEAVYDUTY,SAE80W-90 Is tthis the semi synthetic? Multi-gear and High Temperature Gear Oil. Petroleum based gear oils. Must meet or exceed the requirements of API Service designation GL-5/MT-1 and MIL-PRF-2105E. Keeps critical parts clean of deposits and sludge when subjected to high temperature service. Protect gear equipment under heavily loaded conditions against surface stress. Brand Comparison: Miles MPI Premium or equal. ANTI-FREEZE (ENGINE COOLANT) UNIVERSAL - GREEN Single phase ethylene gycol based,universal. For use in both heavy duty diesel and automotive engines particularly those containing aluminum alloys. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID Shall meet or exceed the requirements for applications requiring General Motors Dexron IHI/(F-30 166) and Ford Mercon(M931113) and Micro LV. Shall meet the requirements of Ford ESP- M2CI38CJ and ESP-M2CI66H. MULTIPURPOSE LITHIUM LUBRICATING GREASE -No.2 Lithium complex, water resistant, extreme pressure grease for heavy duty chassis applications. Brand Comparison: Miles Extreme Red or equal. MULTIPURPOSE GEAR GREASE -No.8 Longer-lasting, high temperature, water-resistant, extreme pressure Grease for extreme load joints. A synthetic high temperature EP grease that will stay in place under all weather and load conditions. Brand Comparison: Black Bear HT No.8 or equal. 5W 30 SYNTHETIC BLEND Conoco Super Synthetic blend or equal 10W 30 SYNTHETIC BLEND Conoco Super Synthetic blend or equal 50:1 OUTBOARD 2 CYCLE updated 3/16/15 Page 3 1 Kendall 50:1 outboard 2 cycle or equal, suitable for all 2 cycle uses lOW 30 LUBRICANT OIL Shell Rotella T or equal WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID—PRE-MIX Usable to -20 degrees • • updated 3/16/15 Page 4 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid . Signed: Print name Corporate Title (if any) Company Name Mailing Address Phone Number BID ON 2015 Lubricants updated 3/16/15 Page 5 e ANTI-FREEZE (ENGINE COOLANT) UNIVERSAL - GREEN Single phase ethylene gycol based, universal. For use in both heavy duty diesel and automotive engines particularly those containing aluminum alloys. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID Shall meet or exceed the requirements for applications requiring General Motors Dexron I1U(F-30 166) and Ford Mercon(M931113) and Micro LV. Shall meet the requirements of Ford ESP- M2CI38CJ and ESP-M2CI66H. MULTIPURPOSE LITHIUM LUBRICATING GREASE -No.2 Lithium complex,water resistant, extreme pressure grease for heavy duty chassis applications. Brand Comparison: Miles Extreme Red or equal. MULTIPURPOSE GEAR GREASE -No.8 Longer-lasting,high temperature, water-resistant, extreme pressure Grease for extreme load joints. A synthetic high temperature EP grease that will stay in place under all weather and load conditions. Brand Comparison: Black Bear HT No.8 or equal. 5W 30 SYNTHETIC BLEND Conoco Super Synthetic blend or equal 10W 30 SYNTHETIC BLEND Conoco Super Synthetic blend or equal 50:1 OUTBOARD 2 CYCLE Kendall 50:1 outboard 2 cycle or equal, suitable for all 2 cycle uses l0W 30 LUBRICANT OIL Shell Rotella T or equal WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID—PRE-MIX Usable to -20 degrees updated 5/16 Page 4 #12776 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successfully commencing on the 12th day of May, 2016. / /-e-e7 Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of �1 2016. LEGAL NOTICE •__`1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS 'I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance,with the provisions-of Sec I tion 103 of the General Municipal Law, CHRISTINA VOLINSKI that sealed bids are sought and request- ' NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK ed for the purchase of Lubricants by the No. 01 V06105050 'Town of Southold for a period of a year ;- Qualified In Suffolk County I from when the bid is awarded.Specifica- 9 tions and bid proposal form may be ob- My Ci®O1f111b010fl boat Febidery 28,2020 tained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold,Town Hall,PO Box 1179,53095 Main Road,Southold,-New 'York 11971. The sealed bid,together with a Non- ! collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of , $100.00,will be received by the Town Clerk,at the Southold Town Hall,53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, un- til 2:00 P.M.,Thursday,May 19,2016 at I which time they will be opened and read aloud in pubhc.The Town Board of the 1 Town of Southold reserves the right to , reject any and all bids and waive any and all-informalities in any bid should it be I deemed in the best interest of the Town I ' of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked`Bid on Lu- bricants", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk.The bid price shall , not include any tax,federal,state,or lo- cal,from which the Town of Southold is exempt. - Dated.May 9,2016 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK I '_12776-1T 5/12 , f Mobil 1TM 15W-50 Page 1 of 3 I Mobil Mobil 1 TM 15W-50 Advanced Full Synthetic Engine Oil Product Description Mobil 1 TM 15W-50 is an advanced full synthetic engine oil designed to help provide exceptional wear protection for a smooth driving experience. Mobil 1 15W-50 meets or exceeds the requirements of the industry and car manufacturers' standards required for high-performance turbo-charged, supercharged gasoline and diesel multi-valve fuel injected engines. Mobil 1 15W-50 is a winning, race-proven technology. It is especially suited for a wide variety of motorsports applications, towing, and other severe service situations. Mobil 1 15W-50 helps to provide outstanding engine oil performance and protection for the winning edge. Mobil 1 is the official motor oil of NASCAR. Features and Potential Benefits Mobil 1 15W-50 is made with a proprietary blend of ultra high performance synthetic basestocks fortified with a precisely balanced component system. Mobil 1 15W-50's heavier viscosity together with this high- performance component system helps to provide the ultimate in dynamic lubricant protection. This feature is supported, not only by meeting or exceeding the toughest industry performance standards, but also it is proven in gruelling racing applications. Key features and potential benefits include: Features Advantages and Potential Benefits Helps prevent deposits and sludge build-up to enable long Advanced Full synthetic formula engine life Excellent overall lubrication and wear protection performance for many driving styles Outstanding performance during the maximum oil change Outstanding thermal and oxidation stability interval recommended in a vehicle's owners manual Extra anti-wear additive Extra protection for severe service Applications Mobil 1 15W-50 is recommended for all types of vehicles, suitable for use in high-performance turbo- charged, supercharged gasoline and diesel multi-valve fuel injected engines found in passenger cars, light vans and trucks. • Mobil 1 15W-50 is suitable extreme engine stress conditions, where conventional oil often may not perform. • Mobil 1 15W--50 is not recommended for 2-Cycle or aviation engines, unless specifically approved by the manufacturer. Specifications and Approvals http://pds.mobil.com/USA-English/Lubes/PDS/NAUSENPVLMOMobil l_1... 5/16/2016 Mobil 1TM 15W-50 Page 2 of 3 Mobil 1 15W-50 meets or exceeds the requirements of: API SN,SM, SL, SJ ACEA A3/B3 According to ExxonMobil,Mobil 1 15W-50 is of the following quality level: API CF Typical Properties Mobil 1 15W-50 SAE Grade 15W-50 Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt(ASTM D445) 18 Viscosity, @ 40°C, cSt (ASTM D445) 125 Viscosity Index 160 Sulfated Ash,wt% (ASTM D874) 1.21 HTHS Viscosity, mPa•s @ 150°C (ASTM D4683) 4 5 Pour Point,°C (ASTM D97) -39 Flash Point,°C (ASTM D92) 232 Density @15.6°C g/ml ASTM D4052) 0 87 Health and Safety Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment. Mobil , Mobil 1 and the Pegasus design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries. 1-2013 Exxon Mobil Corporation 22777 Springwoods Village Parkway Spring TX 77389 1-800-ASK MOBIL (275-6624) Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification. Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local http://pds.mobil.com/USA-English/Lubes/PD S/NAUSENPVLMOMobil l_1... 5/16/2016 Mobil 1TM 15W-50 Page 3 of 3 ExxonMobil contact or visit www.exxonmobil.com ExxonMobil is comprised of numerous affiliates and subsidiaries, many with names that include Esso, Mobil, or ExxonMobil. Nothing in this document is intended to override or supersede the corporate separateness of local entities. Responsibility for local action and accountability remains with the local ExxonMobil-affiliate entities. Copyright©2001-2016 Exxon Mobil Corporation. All rights reserved. http://pds.mobil.com/USA-English/Lubes/PDS/NAUSENPVLMOMobil 1_1... 5/16/2016 , . PHILLIPS conoco • 66 Fleet Supreme EC° Engine Oil Fleet Fleet Supreme EC (Emission Compatible) is an API CJ-4 API CJ-4 engine oil developed for use in four-stroke cycle diesel engines Diesel Engine Oil designed to meet 2007 and later EPA on-highway exhaust emissions standards. It is specially formulated for compatibility For with exhaust aftertreatment systems using diesel particulate filters Low-Emission (DPFs), diesel oxidation catalysts (DOCs) and/or selective Engines catalytic reduction (SCR). It is backward serviceable for use in pre-2007 diesel engines, and may be used in mixed fleets with both diesel and gasoline-fueled vehicles. Fleet Supreme EC is designed for use in mixed fleets with both on-highway and off-road equipment operating in varying climates and under varying loads and service conditions. It has excellent soot dispersancy to protect against soot-induced oil thickening and abrasive wear, and excellent oxidation resistance to help minimize deposit formation. The low-ash formulation protects exhaust catalysts on low-emission engines and helps prolong DPF life. Fleet Supreme EC meets or exceeds the performance requirements of API Service Categories CJ-4 and SN, and is approved under the latest OEM specifications for use in low-emission diesel engines. It is backward serviceable for use where earlier API "C" category engine oils, or the concurrent earlier OEM specifications, are specified. It is formulated for use in diesel engines operating on diesel fuels with sulfur content up to 500 ppm. However, for applications not using Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), consult the engine manufacturer for CONTACT recommended service interval. INFORMATION Applications Phillips66 • On-highway diesel trucks equipped with EGR and exhaust Lubricants.com aftertreatment systems to meet 2007/2010 emissions U.S.Customer standards Service: • Older diesel equipment with conventional, non-EGR engines or 1-800-368-7128 ACERT engines • Off-highway construction, earth moving and mining equipment Technical Hotline: • Mixed fleets with diesel and gasoline-fueled vehicles 1'877`445`9198 Fleet Supreme EC is licensed or OEM-certified for: International Customer Service: • API Service CJ-4, CI-4 with CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, CH-4, SN 1-832-765-2500 • Cummins CES 20081 (SAE 15W-40) E-mail address: • Detroit Diesel DFS 93K218 (SAE 15W-40) lubricants@ p66.com PHILLIPS - - 66 conoco 6 , • • Mack EO-O Premium Plus (SAE 15W-40) • Mercedes-Benz Sheet 228.31 (SAE 15W-40) • MTU MTL 5044 Type 2.1 (SAE 15W-40) • Renault VI RLD-3 (SAE 15W-40) • Volvo VDS-4 (SAE 15W-40) Fleet Supreme EC meets or exceeds the requirements of: • ACEA E9-08, E7-04 (SAE 15W-40) • Caterpillar ECF-3, ECF-2, ECF-1-a • Chrysler MS-10902 (SAE 15W-40) • Ford WSS-M2C171-E • Mack EO-M Plus • Diesel engines manufactured by OEMs not listed above, where the OEM specifies API CJ-4 engine oil Features/Benefits • Excellent protection for newer low-emission diesel engines and older diesel engines • Specially formulated to protect exhaust aftertreatment systems • Protects against particulate filter plugging • Excellent soot control for protection against abrasive wear and soot-induced oil thickening • Excellent resistance to viscosity and thermal breakdown at high temperatures • Protects against sludge and varnish formation • Protects against rust, bearing corrosion and wear • Good resistance to foaming and aeration Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations.Product formulations ate subject to change without notification. ®2013 Phillips 66 Company.Phillips 66,76,Conoco,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U.S.A.and other countries. 11/13 PHILLIPS SS Econoco 76 Fleet Supreme EC®Engine Oil Typical Properties SAE Grade 10W-30 15W-40 Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.872 0.880 Density, lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.26 7.33 Color, ASTM D1500 4.0 4.0 Flash Point (COC), °C (°F) 227 (441) 227 (441) Pour Point, °C (°F) -45 (-49) -38 (-36) Viscosity, Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 80.0 114 cSt @ 100°C 12.0 15.2 Viscosity Index 145 139 Cold Cranking Viscosity, cP 6,200 6,500 @ (°C) (-25) (-20) High-Temp/High-Shear Viscosity, cP @ 150°C 3.6 4.3 Sulfated Ash, ASTM D874,wt % 0.97 0.97 Total Base Number(TBN), ASTM D2896 8.4 8.4 Zinc, wt% 0.121 0.121 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification. 2013 Phillips 66 Company,Phillips 66,76,Conoco,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U.S.A.and other countries 11/13 • t . Kendal er` .s '•• L-427 Super flu® Typical Properties NLGI Grade 2 Thickener Lithium Complex Color Blue Dropping Point, °C (°F) 260 (500) Density, lbs/gal 7.50 Penetration,Worked (60 strokes),ASTM D217 265-295 Texture Smooth/Tacky Four-Ball EP,ASTM D2596,Weld Load, kgf 250 Four-Ball Wear,ASTM D2266, Scar Diameter, mm 0.45 Oxidation Stability,ASTM D942, 100 hours, Pressure Drop, psi (kPa) 5 (35) Rust Prevention,ASTM D1743 Pass Timken OK Load,ASTM D2509, lb 45 Water Washout Resistance,ASTM D1264,Wt Loss @ 175°F, % 5 Base Oil Properties: Viscosity, cSt @ 40°C 155 cSt @ 100°C 19.0 SUS @ 100°F 801 SUS @ 210°F 97 Viscosity Index 139 Operating Temperature Range, °C -40 to 177 °F -40 to 350 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. -Weal properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations.Product formulations are subject to change without notification. i1.,t 2012 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and then respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U S A.and other countries. 11/12 i • • • Super-D XA° Diesel Engine Oil with Liquid Titanium° Kendall°Super-D XA (eXhaust Advantage) Diesel Engine Oil Premium with Liquid Titanium protection additive is a premium quality, Synthetic Blend part-synthetic API CJ-4 engine oil developed for use in four-stroke cycle diesel engines designed to meet 2007 and later EPA API CJ-4 on-highway exhaust emissions standards. It is specially Diesel Engine formulated for compatibility with exhaust aftertreatment devices Oil; Fortified using diesel particulate filters (DPF), diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC) and/or selective catalytic reduction (SCR). It is backward With serviceable for use in pre-2007 diesel engines, and may be used Liquid Titanium° in mixed fleets with both diesel and gasoline-fueled vehicles. Protection Super-D XA with Liquid Titanium is formulated with a blend of Additive synthetic and high-quality Group II base stocks and a proprietary low-SAPS additive package to provide outstanding engine protection in new and older diesel engines. It is fortified with our L I o:, u o exclusive Liquid Titanium°protection additive for enhanced TITFII-11LJt1T1 oxidation resistance and protection against wear. This additive PROTECTION ADDITIVE enhancement provides increased engine protection from a strongly bonded titanium shield formed on the surface of critical engine parts, which reduces wear and helps extend component life. Super-D XA with Liquid Titanium has excellent soot dispersancy to protect against abrasive wear and soot-induced oil thickening, and to ensure good low-temperature pumpability even with highly --- -- soot-laden oil. It provides excellent bearing corrosion protection and protects against sludge and varnish formation. The synthetic CONTACT blend formulation provides enhanced thermal stability at high INFORMATION temperatures and improved low-temperature properties compared Philfips66 with conventional diesel engine oils. Lubricants.com Super-D XA with Liquid Titanium meets or exceeds the U.S.Customer performance requirements of API Service Categories CJ-4 and Service: SN, and is approved under the latest OEM specifications for use 1-800-368-7128 in low-emission diesel engines. It is backward serviceable for use where earlier API "C" category engine oils, or the concurrent Technical Hotline: earlier OEM specifications, are specified. It is formulated for use 1-877-445-9198 in diesel engines operating on diesel fuels with sulfur content up International to 500 ppm. However, for applications not using Ultra-Low Sulfur Customer Service: Diesel (ULSD), consult the engine manufacturer for 1-832-765-2500 recommended service interval. E-mail address: kendallmotoroil@ p66.com • e 04,77k) • Kendall • • • . . . Applications • On-highway diesel trucks equipped with EGR and exhaust aftertreatment systems to meet 2007/2010 emissions standards • Older diesel equipment with conventional, non-EGR engines or ACERT engines • Off-highway construction, earth moving and mining equipment • Mixed fleets with diesel and gasoline-fueled vehicles Super-D XA with Liquid Titanium is licensed or OEM-certified for: • API Service CJ-4, CI-4 with CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, CH-4, SN • Cummins CES 20081 (SAE 15W-40) • Detroit Diesel Power Guard 93K218 (both grades) • Mack EO-O Premium Plus (SAE 15W-40) • Mercedes-Benz Sheet 228.31 (SAE 15W-40) • MTU MTL 5044 Type 2.1 (SAE 15W-40) • Renault VI RLD-3 (SAE 15W-40) • Volvo VDS-4 (SAE 15W-40) Super-D XA with Liquid Titanium meets or exceeds the requirements of: • ACEA E9-08, E7-08 (SAE 15W-40) • Caterpillar ECF-3, ECF-2, ECF-1-a • Chrysler MS-10902 (SAE 15W-40) • Ford WSS-M2C171-E • JASO DH-2 (SAE 15W-40) • Mack EO-M Plus • Mercedes-Benz Sheet 228.3 (SAE 15W-40) • Diesel engines manufactured by OEMs not listed above, where the OEM specifies API CJ-4 engine oil Features/Benefits • Excellent protection for newer low-emission diesel engines and older diesel engines • Specially formulated to protect exhaust aftertreatment systems • Exclusive Liquid Titanium° protection additive provides enhanced oxidation resistance and protection against engine wear • Outstanding soot control for protection against abrasive wear and soot-induced oil thickening • Outstanding resistance to viscosity and thermal breakdown at high temperatures • Protects against sludge and varnish formation • Protects against rust and bearing corrosion • Excellent low-temperature pumpability with soot-laden oil • High shear stability • Good resistance to foaming and aeration Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected dunng normal manufacture,and at different blending locations.Product formulations are subject to change without notification C 2013 Phillips 66 Company Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U.S A.and other countries. 05/13 , . . . . . . . . • „.._ • Klin• t , . . . , • , ,. , . ,. . . . ._. . Super-D XA® Diesel Engine Oil with Liquid Titanium® Typical Properties SAE Grade 10W-30 15W-40, Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.872 0.877 Density, lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.26 7.30 Color,ASTM D1500 L 4.0 4.0 Flash Point(COC), °C (°F) 226 (439) 229 (444) Pour Point, °C (°F) -40 (-40) -40 (-40) Viscosity, Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 79.0 117 cSt @ 100°C 12.2 15.3 Viscosity Index 151 137 Cold Cranking Viscosity, cP 6,300 6,000 @ (°C) (-25) (-20) High-Temp/High-Shear Viscosity, cP @ 150°C 3.6 4.4 Sulfated Ash, ASTM D874, wt% 0.95 0.95 Total Base Number (TBN), ASTM D2896 9.5 9.5 Titanium, wt% 0.010 0.010 Zinc, wt% 0.126 0.126 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations.Product formulations are sublect to change without notification 0 2013 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U S A.and other countries. 05/13 • • en- a *.Z4 ,.. . t� a► • 4 ' GT-1® 2-Cycle Motor Oil Kendall°GT-1 2-Cycle Motor Oil is a high-quality, ashless engine Ashless oil specially designed for use in water-cooled and most air-cooled Engine Oil For 2-stroke cycle engines. It is TC-W3®certified by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), and also meets 2-Stroke Cycle API TC and JASO FB performance requirements for use in Engines, air-cooled 2-stroke cycle engines. It may be used in either direct NMMA TC-W3® oil injection or premix engines. Certified GT-1 2-Cycle Motor Oil is formulated to minimize piston ring sticking and exhaust port deposits to maintain good power output in 2-stroke.cycle engines. It also protects against piston and cylinder scuffing and helps reduce spark plug fouling and preignition problems. It provides rust and corrosion protection in service and during storage. It is pre-diluted with a high-flash solvent for easy mixing with gasoline at low temperatures for premix applications. Applications • Outboard marine engines • Personal watercraft • Motorcycles, scooters and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) • Snowmobiles • Low-output chain saws • Lawn-care equipment (mowers, weed trimmers, leaf blowers) GT-1 2-Cycle Motor Oil is licensed under the following industry specification: • NMMA TC-W3® (Certification No. RL 26640G) CONTACT INFORMATION GT-1 2-Cycle Motor Oil meets or exceeds the requirements of: Phillips66 • API Service TC Lubricants.com • JASO FB U.S.Customer • NMMA TC-Wll®, TC-W® (obsolete specifications) Service: Features/Benefits 1,800-368-7128 • Ashless dispersant/detergent formulation helps minimize Technical Hotline: engine deposits and preignition 1-877-445-9198 • Minimizes piston ring sticking and helps reduce exhaust port blocking International • Protects against piston and cylinder scuffing Customer Service: • Excellent lubricity for use in high-output outboard engines 1-832-765-2500 • Reduces spark plug fouling E-mail address: • Excellent rust and corrosion protection kendallmotoroil® p66.com • . . p KendaIt • Keeps engine parts clean • Mixes easily with gasoline at low temperatures for premix applications • Dyed for easy visibility when mixed with gasoline • Suitable for either direct oil injection or premix engines(') rMote: For premix engines, always follow the manufacturer's recommendation for choosing the proper fuel-to-oil mixing ratio. GT-1®2-Cycle Motor Oil Typical Properties Specific Gravity©60°F 0.876 Density, lbs/gal ©60°F 7.29 Color,Visual Blue Flash Point(COC), °C (°F) 114(237) Flash Point(PMCC), °C(°F) 95 (203) Pour Point, °C (°F) -45 (-49) Viscosity, Kinematic cSt Q 40°C 45.7 cSt @ 100°C 7.9 Viscosity Index 144 Sulfated Ash,ASTM D874, wt% Nil Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not alfect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations.Product formulations are subject to change without notification ©2012 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U.S A.and other countries. 11/12 ,• r1 • L� n a It NS-MP Hypoid Gear Lubricant Kendall® NS-MP Hypoid Gear Lubricant is a multipurpose, API Multipurpose GL-5 automotive gear lubricant specifically designed for use in Automotive passenger car and truck axles with hypoid gear sets. It also is recommended for use in some heavy-duty manual transmissions Gear Lubricant, in trucks and buses. API GL-5/MT-1 NS-MP Hypoid Gear Lubricant is formulated to provide long service life and extended gear life in automotive differentials operating under varying conditions of speed, load, temperature and torque. The carefully balanced formulation is designed to minimize oxidative sludge and varnish formation, reduce wear, prevent scoring damage, and protect against metal fatigue and spalling damage under shock-load conditions. Applications • Service fill of conventional differentials on passenger cars and trucks • Top-off only of limited-slip differentials on passenger cars and light trucks') •-Service fill of differentials, final drives and transfer cases in some off-highway equipment • Non-synchronized manual transmissions in trucks, buses and heavy equipment where the manufacturer specifies an API GL-5 or MT-1 gear oil (1)Note: For complete drain and refill, many limited-slip differentials may require the manufacturer's specified gear lubricant or supplemental additive. Refer to the owner's manual for specific requirements. CONTACT NS-MP Hypoid Gear Lubricant meets or exceeds the INFORMATION requirements of: Phillips66, • API Service GL-5, MT-1 Lubricants.com • Ford WSP-M2C197-A (SAE 80W-90) U.S.Customer • Meritor 076-A (SAE 85W-140), 076-D (SAE 80W-90), 076-E Service: (SAE 75W-90) 1-800-368-7128 • MIL-PRF-2105E Technical Hotline: NS-MP Hypoid Gear Lubricant is registered or approved for: 1-877-445-9198 • Mack GO-J (SAE 80W-90, 85W-140) International • SAE J2360 (SAE 80W-90, 85W-140) Customer Service: 1-832-765-2500 E-mail address: kendallmotoroil@ p66.com • J. ......0., Ken , ,. , „ , , . „ , . . , , , . . . . , , .. .. . ,. . . . . . ., - , . , , . , . , . _ . Features/Benefits • Excellent oxidation resistance and thermal stability to minimize sludge and varnish formation • Excellent thermal durability and extreme-pressure (EP) properties for extended gear life • High load-carrying capacity for protection against scuffing and wear • Protects against rust and corrosion • Good foam resistance NS-MP Hypoid Gear Lubricant Typical Properties SAE Grade 75W-90 80W-90 85W-140 Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.878 0.888 0.898 Density, lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.32 7.40 7.48 Color,ASTM D1500 1.0 1.5 2.5 Flash Point(COC), °C (°F) 195 (383) 220 (428) 220 (428) Pour Point, °C (°F) -45 (-49) -32 (-26) -12 (10) Viscosity, Brookfield cP @-40°C 120,000 — — cP @-26°C — 105,000 — cP @-12°C — — 110,000 Viscosity, Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 101 146 336 cSt @ 100°C 15.0 14.5 25.0 Viscosity Index 156 97 96 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not al feet product performance are to he expected during normal manufacture,and at ditterent blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification 0 2012 Phillips 66 Company Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company In the U.S A.and other countries, 11/12 • Kena . Super Three Star® Synthetic Gear Lubricant Kendall®Super Three Star Synthetic Gear Lubricant is a synthetic, Synthetic, API GL-5 automotive gear lubricant specially designed for Long-Drain long-drain service and extended warranty protection in passenger car and truck axles with hypoid gear sets. Automotive Gear Lubricant, Super Three Star Synthetic Gear Lubricant is formulated to provide long service life and extended gear life in automotive API GL-5/IVIT-1 differentials operating under varying conditions of speed, load, temperature and torque. It combines excellent oxidation resistance and thermal stability at high temperatures with outstanding low-temperature properties to ensure excellent performance over a wide temperature range. It has excellent water-separating properties to prevent the formation of emulsions and retain its lubricating properties even in the presence of a small amount of water. Super Three Star Synthetic Gear Lubricant is approved for 500,000-mile drain intervals in drive axles under Meritor extended warranties. Applications • Service fill of conventional differentials on passenger cars and trucks • Top-off only of limited-slip differentials on passenger cars and light trucks') • Service fill of differentials, final drives and transfer cases in some off-highway equipment CONTACT • Non-synchronized manual transmissions in trucks, buses and INFORMATION heavy equipment where the manufacturer specifies an API GL-5 or MT-1 gear oil Phillips66 Lubricants.com "Rote: For complete drain and refill, many limited-slip differentials may require the manufacturer's specified gear lubricant or supplemental additive. Refer to the US.Customer owner's manual for specific requirements. Service: 1-800-368-7128 Super Three Star meets or exceeds the requirements of: Technical Hotline: • API Service GL-5, MT-1 1-877-445-9198 • Mack GO-J • MIL-PRF-2105E International • SAE J2360 Customer Service: 1-832-765-2500 E-mail address: kendallmotoroil@ p66.com • KBE rr .. _ e Super Three Star is approved for service fill under the following OEM specification: • Meritor 076-R for extended-drain lubricants Features/Benefits • Extended drain/extended warranty protection • Outstanding oxidation resistance and thermal stability to minimize sludge and varnish formation • Excellent thermal durability and extreme-pressure properties for extended gear life • High load-carrying capacity for protection against scuffing and wear • High shear stability • Outstanding low-temperature properties • Excellent water-separating properties • Protects against rust and corrosion • Good foam resistance • Compatible with synthetic and conventional automotive gear oils Super Three Star®Synthetic Gear Lubricant Typical Properties SAE Grade 75W-90 80W-140 Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.874 0.882 Density, lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.28 7.34 Color, ASTM D1500 L 8.0 L 8.0 Flash Point(COC), °C (°F) 200 (392) 200 (392) Pour Point, °C (°F) -45 (-49) -36 (-33) Viscosity, Brookfield cP @-40°C 119,000 — cP@-26°C — 48,000 Viscosity, Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 114 222 cSt @ 100°C 17.2 25.5 Viscosity Index 166 146 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations.Product formulations are subject to change vdthout notification 0 2012 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U S A.and other countries. 11/12 . „ . . • , . GT-1° High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium° Kendall°GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Premium Liquid Titanium protection additive is a premium quality, Synthetic Blend part-synthetic automotive engine oil designed to provide excellent engine protection for gasoline-fueled and flex-fuel passenger cars Passenger Car and light trucks under all operating conditions. Engine Oil; GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend with Liquid Titanium is Fortified With formulated with a blend of synthetic and conventional base stocks Liquid Titanium® and a performance additive package fortified with our exclusive Protection Liquid Titanium protection additive for extra wear protection and improved fuel savings. The part-synthetic formulation provides Additive enhanced oxidation resistance and thermal stability at high temperatures and better pumpability at low temperatures compared with conventional engine oils, for extra protection under all driving conditions. The Liquid Titanium protection additive provides increased engine protection by forming a strongly Kendall ®Li cm 1E" bonded titanium shield on the surface of critical engine parts, TIYrR,ntum. which reduces friction and wear and can help extend engine life. Reduced friction also helps improve fuel economy performance beyond ILSAC GF-5 requirements. GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend with Liquid Titanium exceeds new car warranty requirements as defined by ILSAC GF-5. It meets or exceeds "Resource Conserving" requirements for fuel economy improvement, emission system and —� - turbocharger protection, and protection of engines operating on ethanol-containing fuels up to E85. It is backward serviceable for CONTACT use where API SM or earlier"S" category engine oils are INFORMATION recommended. Phillips66 Applications Lubricants.com • Gasoline-fueled and flex-fuel passenger cars, light trucks and U.S. Customer sport utility vehicles Service: • Four-stroke cycle gasoline engines in other mobile or 1-800-368-7128 stationary equipment Technical Hotline: GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend with Liquid Titanium is 1-877-445-9198 licensed for: International • ILSAC GF-5 Customer Service: • API Service SN with Resource Conserving 1-832-765-2500 E-mail address: kendallmotoroil@ p66.com Kendall GT-1 High Performance Synthetic Blend with Liquid Titanium meets or exceeds the requirements of: • Chrysler MS-6395 • Ford WSS-M2C945-A (SAE 5W-20) • Ford WSS-M2C946-A (SAE 5W-30) • Ford WSS-M2C947-A (SAE OW-20) • GM6094M (obsolete specification) Features/Benefits • Exceeds ILSAC GF-5 requirements for new cars under warranty • Part-synthetic formulation provides enhanced performance benefits compared with conventional engine oils • Exclusive Liquid Titanium° protection additive provides extra wear protection and improved fuel economy • Excellent resistance to viscosity and thermal breakdown at high temperatures • Protects against sludge and varnish formation • Protects against rust and bearing corrosion • Low volatility for reduced oil consumption • Excellent low-temperature pumpability for protection during cold starts • Highly resistant to foaming • Formulated to protect turbochargers and emission control system catalysts • Formulated for use in vehicles operating on ethanol-containing fuels up to E85 Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification_Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification. 2014 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the LI S.A.and other countries. 02/14 . . , gam , , . A' endati . ,. . , .. . Ken . . , . _. _ _ GT-1®High Performance Synthetic Blend Motor Oil with Liquid Titanium° Typical Properties SAE Grade OW-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.849 0.862 0.861 0.866 Density, lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.07 7.18 7.17 7.21 Color,ASTM D1500 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Flash Point(COC), °C (°F) 218(424) 218 (424) 216 (421) 229 (444) Pour Point, °C(°F) -41 (-42) -39(-38) -39 (-38) -39(-38) Viscosity, Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 46.0 49.9 66.2 65.7 cSt @ 100°C 8.8 8.6 11.0 10.5 Viscosity Index 174 150 158 148 Cold Cranking Viscosity, cP 5,400 6,150 6,150 4,550 @ (°C) (-35) (-30) (-30) (-25) High-Temp/High-Shear Viscosity, cP @ 150°C 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.0 Sulfated Ash,ASTM D874,wt% 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 Total Base Number(TBN),ASTM D2896 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Phosphorus,wt% 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 Titanium,wt% 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 Zinc,wt% 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.085 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NefMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification. 02014 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall.the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U.S.A.and other countries. 02/14 s MiLv.i. NIAOEINTHE r `,. f Ser.lkiAliN 1, W <4 la * IA�h . TIC BLEND NTHE oi` WLO•1OR . DESCRIPTION: 1 f fin l• '' PEAK®SYNTHETIC BLEND MOTOR OILS formulated with superior oxidation stability,extra protection ._ against heavy load conditions,additional high temperature protection,and better cold weather £. , properties than conventional motor olle. This combination provides increased protection for tough ,, ' " I driving conditions that put stress and demands on your engine. " BENEFITS' . ...: _-_. . •Advanced synthetic blend offers better anti-oxidancy,sludge control and TBN retention •For Everyday Use t1S3.4,, •1•Exceeds protection requirements of all major OEMs where API SN oils are recommended 0 ,•Compatible with leading conventional and synthetic motor oils " �•• "�° t . -, -_ 1' , A. `APPLICATION: ' .{ PEAK°SYNTHETIC BLEND MOTOR OIL is recommended for use in all gasoline engines(includingBD turbocharged],in passenger cars,light-duty trucks,vane and sport utility vehicles. PEAK® r -fHETSG OIL 1` Y� R SYNTHETIC BLEND MOTOR OIL SAE 5W-20,5W-30 AND 10W-30 exceed the demanding p` O T�rnezcussxr€rrc" \ requirements of the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee(ILSAC7 MITEo MOTOR SF-5. SF-5 is the latest standard for passenger car,van,light-duty truck and sport utility engine oils.It also exceeds API SN Service Classification requirements.Always consult your owner'sOFFICIAL' MOTOR OIL., manual for correct viscosity choice and API Service Classification requirements. vL4d16> SHIPPING INFORMATION: .f 1'514, lei V ' Pack 6/1 Quart 55 Gallon Drum i 15 tura. 1kci .6o,uri, � Unit Weight(lbs.) 2.1 1450 Rr"° Case/Pallet Weight* 12.3/2108 1850 Units per Pallet 1008 4 0 "1 U.S.QT/946 mL Cases per Pallet 168 --r Units per Truck 21168 814 ' • Cases/Pallets per Truck 3528/21 21 ' Case Size(inches) 89 x 7.4 x 88 - - Cases per,row/Rows high 24/7 - Pallet Size(inches) 148 x 40 x 72 3 46X48X40.5 (*1 Including pallet weight of 50 lbs PRODUCT INFORMATION: SW-20 5W-30 10W-30 Quart Part Number P2MB576 P3MB576 P3MB176 Drum Part Number P2MB51 P3MB51 P3M811 Bulk Part Number P2MS50 P3MS50 P3MS10 ILSAC GF-5 GF-5 GF-5 API SN SN SN Test(Method) 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 Specific Gravity pa 60"F(ASTM o-40521 0.8614 0.8608 0.8713 Viscosity '6 140'C,cSt(ASTM 0-445] 149.68 63.05 66.68 'Lal 100'C,cSt(ASTM 0-4451 8.55 10 6 10.14 Viscosity Index(ASTM o-22701 150 158 138 Pour Point -46`C -45'C -41`C Flash Point(ASTM 0-921 206T 204'C 204T Noack Volatility% 14 2 14 3 12 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30 Quart UPC Code 0-74804-05322-7 0-74804-05323-4 0-74804-051408-8 Case UPC Code 0-74804-15322-4 0-7148014-15323-1 0-74804-15408-5 Case SCC-14 Code 1-00-74804-05322-4 1-00-74804-05323-1 1-00-74804-05408-5 55 Gallon Drum UPC Code 0-74804-05354-8 0-74804-05355-5 0-74804-05409-5 Old World Vie 5 Distributed by Old World Industries,LLC Northbrook,IL 60062 RUN TRUE ' Industries,LLC Be Car Care Aware p 800.323.5440 www.peakeuto.com ,,,,,,‘„,„,,„a 02015 PEAK and the PEAK Mountain Graphic are Registered Trademarks of Old World Industries,LLC USP+ • ' , * fill . - ANTI-WEAR RAVLIC �% HYD - •DESCRIPTION: ' . ' - • 'll PEAK®ANTI-WEAR HYDRAULIC OILS are advanced hydraulic and circulating fluids L '..` ' - I specially formulated with high quality base stocks and improved thermally stable Cr zinc additives.PEAK®ANTI-WEAR HYDRAULIC OILS provide outstanding resistance '; lo:...4..s'z.-._-Tir.:= to sludge formation,are chemically stable,and demonstrate excellent anti-wearproperties. •` ..•Thermallystable zinc additives protect against the formation of heat related r ntiweaicFluid sludge in electro-hydraulic service associated with traditional zinc type oils .• " ISO 32•Formulated with anti-foam agents to limit air entrainment in hydraulic systems ' • .uoand demuisifiers to separate water from oil in the sump �.. ,•Provide outstandinganti-wear to um s,motors,valves and other ' "" @ 'f." '°° protectionpumps, : ro.,r4as+a..tts46,09. mm,waar�w roaWs . hydraulic circuit components. i l , • APPLICATION: N� PEAK®ANTI-WEAR HYDRAULIC OILS are recommended for service in vane,piston (1 - and gear pumps when used according to the manufacturers'recommendations. a _ . PEAK®ANTIVI/EAR HYDRAULIC OILS are formulated to provide maximum service t� . life to these pumps as well as other system components. >; All PEAK®ANTI-WEAR HYDRAULIC OILS meet the following specifications: ; •Cincinnati Machine(formerly Cincinnati Milacron)P-68,P-69 and P-70 •Denison HF-0,HF-1 and HF-2 •General Motors LS-2 •U.S.Steel 126,127 and 136 •Vickers M-2950-6,1-286-6 Always consult your owner's manual for specified anti-wear hydraulic oil requirements. SHIPPING INFORMATION: Pack 5 Gallon Pail 16 Gallon Keg 55 Gallon Drum Unit Weight(lbs) 40 6 140 1450 Pallet Weight* 1,755.2 1,310 1850 Units per Pallet 42 9 4 Units per Truck 882 189 814 Pallets per Truck - - - Cases per Truck 21 21 21 Cases per row/Rows high 114/3 - - Pallet Size 44 x 49 x 511 - - (*)Including pallet weight of 501bs PRODUCT INFORMATION: Test(Method] AW 32 AW 46 AW 68 AW 32 AW 46 AW 68 API Gravity(ASTM D-287) 32 31 30 Pail Part Number P3H025 P4H065 P6H085 Pour Point,°C -33 -33 -30 Keg Part Number P3H026 P4H066 P6H086 Viscosity Drum Part Number P3H021 P4H061 P61-1081 'Lal 40°C,cSt(ASTM 0-445) 32 46 68 Bulk Part Number P3I1020 P4H060 P61-1080 'Lal 100°C,cSt(ASTM D-445) 5.5 6.9 8.9 Viscosity Index(ASTM D-2270) 110 100 100 Pail UPC Code 0-74804-03468-4 0-74804-03469-1 0-74804-03470-7. Turbine Oxidation 5000 5000 5000 Keg UPC Code 0-74804-03449-3 0-7148014-031450-9 0-74804-03451-6 RBOT,min 300 300 300 Drum UPC Code 0-74804-03446-2 0-74804-03447-9 0-74804-03448-6 Emulsion Separation(01401) 10 15 15 Old World /4/.50, Distributed by Old World Industries,LLC Northbrook,IL 60062 RUN TRUE. p 800.329.5440 www.p Industries, o.com Industries,LLC Be Car Care Aware 92015 PEAK and the PEAK Mountain Graphic are Registered Trademarks of Old World Industries,LLC Mobil 1 New LifeTM OW-40 Page 1 of 3 o Moil Mobil 1 New LifeTM OW-40 Ultimate Performance Synthetic Engine Oil Product Description Mobil 1 is the world's leading synthetic engine oil brand delivering exceptional performance and protection. Mobil 1 New Life TM OW-40 is engineered for the latest engine technology, the ideal product for newer vehicles or older vehicles in good condition, delivering our best all-round performance. Features and Potential Benefits Mobil 1 New Life OW-40 is made with a proprietary blend of ultra high performance synthetic basestocks fortified with a precisely balanced component system. Mobil 1 New Life OW-40, is designed to minimize wear to help maintain performance like new. It helps protect against sludge and varnish under high stress conditions, keeps contaminants away from critical engine parts, performs in extreme temperatures and helps keeps your engine in top condition. It is a complete engine oil and is recommended if you drive a more modern vehicle or simply want an outstanding oil for your car. • Latest OEM and industry approvals • Chosen for factory fill by many of the world's finest vehicles • High performance basestocks combined with a precisely balanced component system for excellent all-round protection • Excellent low temperature capabilities for rapid engine protection at start-up • Low frictional properties for fuel economy • Extremely low oil consumption reducing the need for top-up • Excellent thermal and oxidation stability to help prevent sludge build-up and keep engine clean Applications Thanks to extensive cooperative development work with major manufacturers and the application of the latest lubrication technology, Mobil 1 New Life OW-40 is recommended for virtually all types of modern vehicles where it will help provide unsurpassed performance even under very demanding driving conditions, from mild to severe. • Latest engine technologies including Turbo-chargers, Direct Injection, Diesels and Hybrids • High Performance Engines • Helps to extend Oil Drain • Nearly all operating conditions, from mild to extreme http://pds.mobil.com/Latvia-English/Lubes/PDS/GLXXENPVLMOMobil_... 5/16/2016 Mobil 1 New LifeTM OW-40 Page 2 of 3 Always consult your owner's manual to check recommended viscosity grade and specifications for your particular vehicle. Specifications and Approvals Mobil 1 New Life OW-40 meets or exceeds the requirements of: API SN/SM/SL/SJ X ACEA A3/B3,A3/B4 X Nissan GT-R X • Mobil 1 New Life OW-40 has the following builder approvals: MB-Approval 229.3; MB-Approval 229.5 X BMW LONGLIFE 01 X VW 502 00/505 00 X PORSCHE A40 X According to ExxonMobil,Mobil 1 New Life OW-40 is of the following quality level API CF X VW 503 01 X SAAB X OPEL GM-LL-A-025; GM-LL-B-025 X FIAT FIAT 9.55535-M2 X FIAT FIAT 9.55535-N2 X FIAT FIAT 9.55535-Z2 X Typical Properties Mobil 1 OW-40 Value Viscosity, cSt(ASTM D445) @ 40°C 75 @ 100°C 13 5 Viscosity Index 185 MRV at-40°C, cP (ASTM D4684) 31,000 HTHS Viscosity, mPa•s @ 150°C, (ASTM D4683) 3 8 Total Base Number(ASTM D2896) 11.8 Sulfated Ash,wt% (ASTM D874) 1.3 Phosphorous,wt% (ASTM D4981) 0 1 Flash Point,°C (ASTM D92) 230 http://pds.mobil.com/Latvia-English/Lubes/PDS/GLXXENPVLMOMobil_... 5/16/2016 Mobil 1 New LifeTM OW-40 Page 3 of 3 Mobil 1 OW-40 Value Density @15 6°C, g/ml (ASTM D4052) 0.85 Health and Safety Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet, or will be provided by seller to customers if and as legally required. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment. Mobil , Mobil 1 and the Pegasus design are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries. 11-2015 Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification. Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit www.exxonmobil.com ExxonMobil is comprised of numerous affiliates and subsidiaries, many with names that include Esso, Mobil, or ExxonMobil. Nothing in this document is intended to override or supersede the corporate separateness of local entities. Responsibility for local action and accountability remains with the local ExxonMobil-affiliate entities. Copyright©2001-2016 Exxon Mobil Corporation. All rights reserved. http://pds.mobil.com/Latvia-English/Lubes/PDS/GLXXENPVLMOMobil ... 5/16/2016 Blue Mountain Professional"' Dexron®—III ATF is a synthetic automatic transmission fluid recommended for use in ' passenger car and light truck automatic transmissions that require GM's Dexron®—Ill or __ earlier generation Dexron fluid. Blue Mountain Professional"' `t' e:• ' ' "'• Dexron®—III ATF provides . He `� um " warranty protection for 2006 and 'is t newer GM vehicles. /, ;, f ' f ,., ./ � Blue Mountain AUTOMATIC P.RoFES910NALirn, TRANSMISSION FLUID ID ATF .. FOR USE IN • DEXRON° III/ MERCON APPLICATIONS, ' 1 U.S.Quart/946mL PROFESSIONAL AUTO CARE PRODUCTS T • 4 ` ; Ns % S, untain TM 7 1.II!'.t Y �$! *iie " / ,. PROFESSIONAL ' +i Blue Mountain ProfessionalTM Dexron®—Ill AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID is recommended for use in automatic transmissions of General Motors, Ford(except those that specify Ford M2C33-F Type F fluids)and other U.S. and import vehicles requiring DEXRON III, DEXRON IIE, DEXRON II and MERCON ATF. It may also be used in Allison automatic transmissions, including those that require C-4 fluids, and Caterpillar transmissions requiring TO-2 performance. • Helps provide smooth shift performance where • Offers excellent protection against corrosion,wear and DEXRON III or a MERCON fluid is specified rust • Extended fluid life • Compatible with automatic transmission components • Designed to provide outstanding high temperature such as elastomer seals and plastic parts oxidation resistance • Resistant against sludge and deposit formation Viscosity recommendations vary according to temperature and engine manufacturer. Chemical Properties Test(Method) Viscosity Index(ASTM D-2270) 179 API Gravity(ASTM D-287) 32.98 SAE Viscosity Grade DEX.III/MERCON ATF Viscosity API Classification N/A '@ 40°C,cSt(ASTM D-445) 35.22 ILSAC N/A '@ 100°C,cSt(ASTM D-445) 7.29 Quart Part Number BDT007-01 Drum Part Number BDT001 12 oz. UPC Code 0-74804-01980-3 Case UPC Code 0-74804-01978-0 Pack/Units Per Case 12/1 Quart Pallets/Cases Per Truck 21/1,764 Cubic Feet .73 cu Ft. Units Per Truck 21,168 Case Dimensions 13.25"L x 10.25"W x 9 25"H Pallet Size 48"L x 40"W x 60.5"H Cases Per Pallet 84 Cases/Rows High - 14/6 (')Includes pallet weight at 50 lbs each HANDLING AND SAFETY INFORMATION Refer to Old World Industries Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS).The MSDS is available from your Blue Mountain Professional Products Supplier at www bluemountainprofessional.com, or by calling Old World Industries technical support line at 1-800-477-5847. _• oP FOR ''Po k GASOLINE 4 Oistnbuted bydWaldlnd a ENGINES "' Old World Industnes,LLC Northbrook,IL60062-1851 O. , 0 1-800-323-5440 Made in U S A 0,t, � www bluemountainprofessional corn ©2011 Blue Mountain- Old World Industries, LLC ' 4065 Commercial Avenue Northbrook,IL 60062•1-800-323-5440•www.bluemountainprofessional.com Blue Mountain Professional and Blue Mountain Professional Graphic are trademarks of Old World Industries,LLC. 02011 Old World Industries,LLC r -- -• • CAM2 -'!4;1.1- rr i tk"nWL • a y — PRODUCT BULLETIN DEXRON® VMulti-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF PRODUCT#298 CAM2 DEXRON®-VI Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid is a universal ATF specifically designed for use in modern automatic transmissions. CAM2 DEXRON®-VI Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF is a licensed DEXRON®-VI ATF and is the only GM®approved specification for vehicle of model years 2006 and newer CAM2 DEXRON®-VI Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF provides additional oxidation control required for extended drain intervals, excellent low temperature performance for fuel economy, and superb shear stability. CAM2 DEXRON®-VI Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF is recommended for use in:GM DEXRON®-VI, DEXRON® 111111I(H)/IIE, DEXRON®II, Ford MERCON®,Ford MERCON®LV, Hyundai/Kia SP-II/III/IV,Toyota WS,T III,T-IV Mercedes Benz®, Honda®Z-1,Allison®,and Nissan®Matic Fluids. Cannot be used in extended drain heavy duty diesel,Type F, CVT or DCT applications. Refer to owner's manual for manufacturer's recommendation. FEATURES ____�__ CAM2 DEXRON®-VI Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF • Lower Foaming - t • Excellent Oxidation Stability • Better Protection against Pitting • • Highly Shear Stable • Fully Synthetic Formulation I _ M DEXRON-VI APPrvedcense Number:J-60177 X171 ,er , C DEXROP =VI TYPICAL DATA T' MULTI-VEHICLE Product Code 298 f' Kinematic Viscosity, 6.0 D-445 cSt@ 100°C I tn'atic Tr1nsllliss ali. o E lull Syuthilic Kinematic Viscosity, 29.11 D-445 cSt@40°C 1QUAR1/946mL Viscosity Index, 153 • . - - Calculated, D2270 • Brookfield Viscosity, 10,000 D-2893 cPat @-40°C Color Red •DEXRON®is a registered trademark of General Motors Corporation See Applications on pg 2. CAM2 INTERNATIONAL,LLC 685 Halling Road,Vicksburg,MS 39183 USA°Tel•800-338-2262 www.CAM2 corn ., 'Z M -' PRODUCT BULLETIN DEXRON®IVI Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF PRODUCT#298 APPLICATIONS CAM2 DEXRON®-VI Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF provides superior friction durability as required by OEM strict testing limits, providing smooth operation and protection over the life of the vehicle. CAM2 DEXRON®-VI Multi-Vehicle Full Synthetic ATF is also suitable for the following applications: DEXRON®-VI, MERCON®LV GM DEXRON®-VI Ford WSS M2C 922A1,924A(XT-8-QAW)JWS Nissan Matic Fluid C/D/J/K/5 i (License#J-60158) — 3309 1 Ford MERCON®LV Fuso ATF-I1/SPIIUA4 Opel(all vehicles) [Acura ATF-Z1 GM9986195(Aisin AW,JWS 3309) Peugeot ZF 4HP20 AISIN WARNER JWS 3309,JWS 3324, GM TASA Porsche ZF 5HP19FL,ZF 5HP20, LT71141 TIV,AW-1 ALLISON Technical Engineenng Applica- GM DEXRON®-IUIID/IIE/IIIGNIIH Porsche ATF 3403-M115, tion TES 295 ALLISON C-3/C-4 Hino Blue nbbon ATF Porsche T-IV(JWS 3309) American Motors ATF+3/+4 [ Honda ATF-Z1(except in CVTs) Saab T-IV(JWS 3309) ATF RED 1,RED 1K Honda DW-1 Saab 93 165 147 Audi 5 HP LT71141(ZF 5 HP Hyundai/Kia SP-IV/SPI-IV M/SP-IV-RR/SP-III Saturn T-IV(JWS 3309) 18FU19FU24A) Audi G 052 162-A1/A2 _ Hyundai/Kia Dex-IU SP-II Scion(all vehicles) BMW JWS 3309(T-IV) Hyundai/Kia JWS 3314/9683 Shell 3403,M115,LA 2634 BMW LA2634 ISUZU BESCO ATF-II/111 Subaru ATF BMW LT71141 (ZF 5 HP 18FU19FU24A) Jaguar ATF 3403 M115, ATF 3403-M115, Subaru ATF 5AT BMW ZF 5HP18FL,5HP24,5HP30 Jaguar ATF L171141, ZF 5HP24 Subaru DEXRONO-11 BMW 7045E Jaguar JLM20238 Subaru ATF,ATF HP BMW ETL-8072B Jaguar ATF 3403 JLM20238, Suzuki AT OIL 5D06 BMW MINI JASO M315-2013 1A-LV Suzuki ATF 2326/2384K/JWS 3309/3314/3317 CAT TO-2 JEEP ATF+3,+4 Texaco 7045-E/8072B/N402 Chrysler ATF+,+2,+3(MS 7176E),+4 Lexus JWS 3309 - Toyota ATF D-11/D-111/TIII/1 IV/WS (MS 9602) Chrysler/Dodge MOPAR AS 68 RC(r-IV), KIAATF SP-II,SP-III,SP-IV, Vickers M2950-S,I-286-S JWS 3309 SP-IVM,Red 1 Daewoo LT 71141 Mazda ATF D-IUM-111/M-V/FZJS-IM-1 Voith 55 6335 xx(G607) Daihatsu AMMIX ATF D-II Mazda ATF F-1 Volvo CE 97340 Daihatsu AMMIX ATF D-111SP MAZDA ATF 3317 VW 5 HP(ZF 5 HP 30)/(18FL,30)/(19FL,24A) Esso LT 71141 MB 236.1/236 2/236 3/236.41/236.5/236.6/236. VW G-055-025 A2(JWS 3309) 7/236.8/236.9 FIAT T-IV type,JWS 3309 MINI COOPER T-IV VW TL 521 62 Ford MERCON® Mitsubishi Diaqueen SK/SP-IUSP-IIUSP-IV/AW/ ZF all 3&4 speed transmission J2/J3 Ford FNR5/M2C138CJ/M2C166H Mitsubishi Diaqueen ATF PA ZF TE-ML 09/09X/11A/11B Ford WSS M2C 138CJ,166H NAG 1(Chrysler,Jeep,Cherokee) *Not recommended for use in CVT,DCT,Ford TYPE F or G applications Contact your CAM2 representative or CA' 12 distributor for additional information. CAM2 INTERNATIONAL,LLC 685 Halving Road,Vicksburg,MS 39183 USA o Tel:800-338-2262 www CAM2 com . „ , •.. , •• • . tKer,daIt • .. % . % SHP® Synthetic Transoil 50 Kendall®SHP Synthetic Transoil 50 is a full-synthetic, SAE 50 Premium transmission lubricant designed for use in heavy-duty manual Full-Synthetic transmissions in trucks and buses operating in extreme temperatures and/or extended service intervals. It combines SAE 50 Manual improved low-temperature properties with outstanding oxidation Transmission resistance and thermal stability at high temperatures to provide Fluid, API MT-1 excellent all-climate, year-round performance. SHP Synthetic Transoil 50 has excellent shear stability and antiwear properties to protect synchronizers, reduce component wear and promote longer transmission life. It is particularly recommended for use in newer, higher torque manual transmissions coupled with increased horsepower engines. It is fully approved for extended drain service (up to 500,000 miles in linehaul service) in Eaton Roadranger°and Meritor transmissions. Applications • Heavy-duty manual and semi-automatic transmissions in trucks and buses where the OEM specifies a non-EP, API MT-1 SAE 50 or API GL-1 SAE 90 gear oil, or an SAE 50 heavy-duty engine oil SHP Synthetic Transoil 50 meets or exceeds the requirements of: • API Service GL-1, MT-1 • International (Navistar) TMS 6816 SHP Synthetic Transoil 50 is approved for service fill under the following OEM specifications: CONTACT INFORMATION • Eaton PS-164 Rev 7 • Mack TO-A Plus Phillips66 • Meritor 0-81 Lubricants.com Features/Benefits U.S.Customer • Extended drain, all-season performance Service: • Outstanding oxidation resistance and thermal stability to 1-800-368-7128 minimize sludge and varnish formation Technical Hotline: • Excellent low-temperature properties for easier shifting in cold 1-877-445-9198 weather • High shear stability International • High load-carrying capacity Customer Service: • Protects against component wear and gear micropitting 1-832-765-2500 • Protects against rust and corrosion E-mail address: • Good foam resistance kendallmotoroil@ p66.com • ir • Excellent seal compatibility • Potential fuel economy improvement compared with non-synthetic transmission fluids SHP® Synthetic Transoil 50 Typical Properties SAE Grade 50 Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.860 Density, lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.16 Color,Visual Amber Flash Point(COC), °C (°F) 221 (430) Pour Point, °C (°F) -45 (-49) Viscosity, Brookfield cP @-40°C (Brookfield) 104,000 Viscosity, Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 132 cSt @ 100°C 17.5 Viscosity Index 146 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification. f 2012 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall.the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the 11 S.A.and other countries. 11/12 Technical Data Sheet ShellS i rax S6 ATF A295 • Maintenance• Enhanced Efficiency p Synthetic Extended Drain Heavy Duty Automatic Transmission Fluid Shell Spirax S6 ATF A295 Oil is a fully synthetic,heavy-duty automatic transmission fluid which is specifically designed and approved for use in transmissions requiring Allison TES-295 fluids.Spirax S6 ATF A295 is approved for extended service intervals and remains stable even under severe operating conditions. DESIGNED TO MEET CHALLENGES Performance,Features&Benefits • Allison Medium/Heavy Duty Automatic Transmissions • Long enhanced protection—long equipment life Spirax S6 ATF A295 was developed to meet the extended drain Viscosity Control:Spirax S6 ATF A295 incorporates latest requirements of late model medium and heavy duty Allison synthetic base fluid technology and mechanically stable automatic transmissions. It is particularly suitable for viscosity index improver technology to help ensure the viscosity transmissions requiring a TES-295 type product. of the oil remains constant over the complete oil drain,thus Spirax 56 ATF A295 is recommended for use in transmissions helping to ensure consistent lubrication and oil film thickness found in the following applications: required to ensure protection of the gears,bearings and other . Municipal fleets mechanical components. . Vans,school buses • Long fluid life—maintenance saving • Buses and Coaches The exceptional oxidation resistance of Spirax S6 ATF A295 . Emergency vehicles helps resist formation of deposits to ensure longer fluid life and . Commercial vehicles and trucks better fluid performance under arduous conditions. . Motor-homes Extended fluid life demonstrated in full scale long duration • Heavy duty pickup trucks transmission testing. • Spirax 56 ATF A295 can also be used in some ZF and Voith • Enhanced efficiency heavy duty transmissions as well as those previously serviceable Extremely high frictional stability,excellent viscometric control by Dexron®III and Mercon®fluids,and is particularly suited to and durability helps ensure consistent shifting and power mixed fleet operations. transfer characteristics.This helps provide smooth shifting and Specifications,Approvals&Recommendations helps maintain the fuel efficient operation of the transmissions. Approved: ' Excellent low temperature properties help ensure efficient . Allison TES-295 AN-121008 transmission operation even under cold climate conditions. . Allison TES-468 AN-121008 Excellent anti-foam and filterability characteristics to help Suitable for use in applications calling for: ensure efficient and effective lubrication and hydraulic control • Former Dexron-III applications system performance within the transmission. • Voith DIWA transmissions Main Applications • ZF TE-ML, 14A,1413, 14C . MAN 339 Z3 . MB 236.91 . Caterpillar AT-1 For a full listing of equipment approvals and recommendations, please consult your local Shell Technical Help Desk. Page 1 of 2 Shell Spirax S6 ATF A295,v 5 1 22.11.2013 08.19 Typical Physical Characteristics Properties Method — Shell Spirax S6 ATF A295 Kinematic Viscosity @40°C cSt ASTM D445 - 36 Kinematic Viscosity @ 1000C cSt ASTM D445 ' 7.3 Viscosity Index ASTM D2270 181 • Density _ @15°` kg/I ASTM D287 0 840 • Flash Point(COC) ASTM D92 213 Pour Point ` 0C ISO 3016 -51 These characteristics are typical of current production.Whilst future production will conform to Shell's specification,variations in these characteristics may occur. Health,Safely&Environment • Health and Safety Shell Spirax 56 ATF A295 is unlikely to present any significant health or safety hazard when properly used in the recommended application and good standards of personal hygiene are maintained. Avoid contact with skin.Use impervious gloves with used oil.After skin contact,wash immediately with soap and water. Guidance on Health and Safety is available on the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet,which can be obtained from http://www.epc.shell.com/ • Protect the Environment Take used oil to an authorised collection point. Do not discharge into drains,soil or water. Additional Information • Advice Advice on applications not covered here may be obtained from your Shell representative. Page 2 of 2 Shell Spirax S6 ATF A295,v 5.1 22 11 2013 08 19 PHILLIPS (4 Conoco) 76 a Dynalife® HT Dynalife HT is a high-quality, multipurpose, extreme-pressure Multipurpose, (EP) lithium complex grease developed for the lubrication of Heavy Base Oil, automotive and industrial equipment operating under heavy loads and at moderate to high temperatures. It is recommended for use Extreme-Pressure in a variety of automotive, agricultural, construction, mining and Lithium Complex industrial applications. It is NLGI GC-LB certified for use as a Grease; NLGI multipurpose automotive wheel bearing and chassis lubricant. GC-LB Certified Dynalife HT is manufactured with high-quality base oils, a special polymer and a lithium complex soap thickener. It is fortified with extreme pressure and antiwear additives plus rust and oxidation inhibitors. It has excellent thermal stability at high temperatures, high load-carrying capacity for excellent wear protection, and protects metal parts against rust and corrosion. It forms an effective seal to help minimize bearing contamination. Its tackiness properties and heavy base oil provide a high level of adhesion to bearing surfaces for improved retention, reduced leakage and excellent resistance to water washout. Applications • Agricultural, construction, mining and industrial equipment operating under heavy or shock loads • Wheel bearings of passenger cars, trucks, high-performance vehicles, sport utility vehicles and motorcycles equipped with disc brakes • Ball joints, universal joints, other chassis parts and water , pumps on passenger cars, trucks and other mobile equipment '• Conveyor bearings CONTACT Features/Benefits INFORMATION • • Excellent high-temperature performance Phillips66 • Excellent wear protection Lubricants.com • High load-carrying capacity • Protects against rust and corrosion U.S.Customer Ser • Excellent resistance to water washout • Good low-temperature pumpability i=800ice:0-368 7128' • NLGI GC-LB certified Technical Hotline:,. 1-877-445-9198 International Customer Service: 1-832-765-2500 E-mail address: lubricants@ p66.com - PHILLIPS 9 X3 Conoco 76 R66 ,1 Dynalife® HT Typical Properties NLGI Grade 1 2 Thickener 1 Lithium Complex Lithium Complex Color Red Red Dropping Point, °C (°F) 260 (500) 260 (500) Density, lbs/gal 1 7.44 7.44 Penetration, Worked (60 strokes),ASTM D217 310-340 265-295 Texture Smooth/Tacky Smooth/Tacky Four-Ball EP, ASTM D2596, Weld Load, kgf 315 315 Four-Ball Wear,ASTM D2266, Scar Diameter, mm 0.45 0.45 Oxidation Stability,ASTM D942, 100 hrs, Pressure Drop, psi (kPa) 2 (15) 2 (15) Rust Prevention, ASTM D1743 Pass Pass Timken OK Load, ASTM D2509, lb 70 80 Water Washout Resistance, ASTM D1264, Weight Loss @ 175°F, % 7.50 2.75 Base Oil Properties: Viscosity, cSt @ 40°C 625 625 cSt @ 100°C . 40.0 40.0 SUS @ 100°F ' 3,350 - , -3,350 SUS @ 210°F 195 195 Viscosity Index 104 104 Operating Temperature Range, °C -18 to 177 -12 to 177 °F 0 to 350 10 to 350 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to tie expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification. 0 2012 Phillips 66 Company.Phillips 66,76,Conoco.Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company In the U S A.and other countries. I11/12 PHILLIPS ' I '? 3 , . „conoco _, , 6 • , :7 - - . . ' , , ... , ._ : ' '• ' , ' .. , , _ , ' ?1 , _ . , . , , Dynalife®HT Typical Properties NLGI Grade 1 2 Thickener Lithium Complex Lithium Complex Color Red Red Dropping Point, °C (°F) 260 (500) 260 (500) Density, lbs/gal 7.44 7.44 Penetration, Worked (60 strokes), ASTM D217 310-340 265-295 Texture Smooth/Tacky Smooth/Tacky Four-Ball EP, ASTM D2596, Weld Load, kgf 315 315 Four-Ball Wear, ASTM D2266, Scar Diameter, mm 0.45 0.45 Oxidation Stability,ASTM D942, 100 hrs, Pressure Drop, psi (kPa) 2 (15) 2 (15) Rust Prevention, ASTM D1743 Pass Pass Timken OK Load, ASTM D2509, lb 70 80 Water Washout Resistance, ASTM D1264, Weight Loss @ 175°F, % 7.50 2.75 Base Oil Properties: Viscosity, cSt @ 40°C , 625 625 cSt @ 100°C 40.0 40.0 SUS @ 100°F 3,350 3,350 SUS @ 210°F 195 195 Viscosity Index 104 104 Operating Temperature Range, °C -18 to 177 -12 to 177 °F 0 to 350 10 to 350 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations.Product formulations are subject to change without notification. 0 2012 Phillips 66 Company.Phillips 66.76,Conoco,Liquid Titanium and theh respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company In the U.S.A.and other countries. 11/12 1 • K nd ., '. .,•e • Hyken° 052 Farm Tractor Lubricant Kendall® Hyken 052 is a multifunctional fluid specially formulated Multipurpose for use in farm tractors and other off-highway equipment requiring Hydraulic/ one lubricant for the transmission, final drive, wet brakes and hydraulic systems. It meets the performance requirements of all Transmission/ major brands of farm tractors and other farm equipment that Final Drive Fluid utilize a common fluid reservoir. For Farm Tractors Hyken 052 is formulated to provide excellent oxidation resistance, excellent wear protection, protection against rust and corrosion, and resistance to foaming. It has carefully balanced frictional properties to ensure proper operation of wet brakes and transmission clutches. Hyken 052 is available in two viscosity grades for use over a wide range of temperatures. The heavier viscosity grade is suitable for year-round use in most climates, whereas the "Low Viscosity" grade is recommended for use in cold climates where a John Deere J20D fluid is specified. Applications Hyken 052 is recommended for use where the equipment manufacturer specifies: • AGCO Power Fluid 821 XL, Q-1826, Q-1802 (Type 55 Fluid), Q-1766B • Case IH MS1210, MS1209, MS1207, MS1206 • Case New Holland (CNH) MAT3525 (134-D Fluid), MAT3506, --- ----- --- MAT3505 • Caterpillar TO-2 (obsolete) CONTACT • Denison Hydraulics HF-0, HF-1, HF-2 INFORMATION • Ford ESN-M2C134-D, ESN-M2C86-C, ESN-M2C86-B, Phillips66 ESN-M2C41-B Lubricants.com • Ford-New Holland FNHA-2-C-201.00 • John Deere JDM J20C, J20D ("Low Viscosity" grade), J14C U.S.Customer (Type 303 Fluid) Service: • Kubota UDT Fluid 1-800-368-7128 • Landini Tractor II Hydraulic Fluid Technical Hotline: • Massey Ferguson CMS M1145/M1143, M1141, M1135, 1-877-445-9198 M1129A • Sundstrand Hydrostatic Transmission Fluid International • Vickers (Eaton) M-2950-S, I-286-S Customer Service: • Volvo VME WB 101 (VCE 1273.03) 1-832-765-2500 • ZF TE-ML 03E, 05F, 17E E-mail address: kendallmotoroil@ p66.com i 1 . . . .. . . . . :K: ndaIi .. . . . . .. ,. . Hyken 052 also meets API GL-4 performance requirements. a Features/Benefits • Excellent oxidation resistance and thermal stability • Excellent wear protection for clutches, gears and hydraulic pumps • Prevents brake chatter and grabbing • Protects against rust and corrosion • Excellent seal compatibility • Good foam resistance • Two viscosity grades for use in most climates Hyken® 052 Farm Tractor Lubricant Typical Properties Grade — Low Vis Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.872 0.864 Density, lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.26 7.19 Color, ASTM D1500 3.5 3.5 Flash Point (COC), °C (°F) 210 (410) 190 (374) Pour Point, °C (°F) -43 (-45) -51 (-60) Viscosity, Brookfield cP @-20°C 2,800 — cP @-35°C 26,700 — cP @-40°C — 11,500 Viscosity, Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 61.0 34.3 cSt @ 100°C 9.3 7.4 Viscosity Index 132 190 Ash, Sulfated, ASTM D874, wt% 1.41 1.41 Total Base Number, ASTM D2896 9.6 9.6 Zinc, wt% 0.149 0.149 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not al Met product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification. 0 2012 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company In the U.S.A.and other countries. 11/12 r , Hyken 052 also meets API GL-4 performance requirements. Features/Benefits • Excellent oxidation resistance and thermal stability • Excellent wear protection for clutches, gears and hydraulic pumps • Prevents brake chatter and grabbing • Protects against rust and corrosion • • Excellent seal compatibility • Good foam resistance • Two viscosity grades for use in most climates Hyken®052 Farm Tractor Lubricant Typical Properties Grade — Low Vis Specific Gravity @ 60°F 0.872 0.864 Density, lbs/gal @ 60°F 7.26 7.19 Color, ASTM D1500 3.5 3.5 Flash Point (COC), °C (°F) 210 (410) 190 (374) Pour Point, °C (°F) -43 (-45) -51 (-60) Viscosity, Brookfield cP @-20°C 2,800 — cP @-35°C 26,700 — cP @-40°C — 11,500 Viscosity, Kinematic cSt @ 40°C 61.0 34.3 cSt @ 100°C 9.3 7.4 Viscosity Index 132 190 Ash, Sulfated, ASTM D874, wt% 1.41 1.41 Total Base Number, ASTM D2896 9.6 9.6 Zinc, wt% 0.149 0.149 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification.Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification 2012 Phillips 66 Company Kendall,the Two Finger logo.Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in theft S.A.and other countries. 11/12 jiiii °tip ;nu run+ -' ----•-..,-"-.,-....9 A. ‘.'" Ilannk la IN , ... al, . DEP' EF ,.:te _ 6]-a TM a MW:muscuu.xsu_ .m `.„• i DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID 1 IF.Plal �gi ,`=-a��a.,:x APPROVED FOR USE ON ALL DIESEL SCR SYSTEMS ' Slam ��Er mss= area Ji WHAT 95ELUEDEF®? BIueDEF®is a mixture of 32.5%high purity synthetic urea and 67.5%deionized water that is used in Selective Catalytic Reduction(SCR)systems on diesel engines.DEF is the primary ingredient used to help convert NOx to harmless nitrogen and water.BIueDEF is stable,colorless,non-flammable,non-toxic and is classified as minimum risk for transportation.BIueDEF conforms to the ISO-222411 specification for DEF,is API registered and meets or exceeds OEM specifications. SLLUEDEF HANDLING AND STORAGE The shelf life of DEF is directly related to the temperature at which it is stored.Storage temperature between 12°and 86°F are recommended to maintain optimal shelf life of up to two years. If BIueDEF freezes,its efficacy will not be effected upon thawing.To maintain the purity of DEF and not harm the SCR Catalyst System care must be taken regarding the material of construction for all items that come in contact with the DEF solution.Included from the ISO-22241-1 standards are the recommended and not recommended materials for contact with DEF. PHYSICAL,AND CHEMICAL MATERIALS RECOMMENDED MATERIALS NOT PROPERTIES FOR USE WITH DEF RECOMMENDED FOR Boiling Point >212*F Highly alloyed austentic Cr-Ni-Mo-steels or stainless steel 304 USE OP!//THDEF Crystallization Point 12'F (530400),3041(S30403),316(S31600]AND 316L(531603)in Carbon Steels,Zinc Coated Carbon Pounds/Gallons 9 09 accordance with ASTM A240,ASTM A276,and ASTM A312 Steels,and Mild Iron Specific Gravity(Water=l) 1.09 Titanium Vapor Pressure[mm of Hg] Not applicable Non ferrous metals and alloys: Vapor Density[Air=11 0.6 H2O>1 Ni-Mo-Cr-Mn-Cu-Si-Fe Alloys,e.g.Hastelloy c/c-276 Copper,Copper Alloys,Zinc,Lead Water Solubility 100% Polypropylene,free of additives Solders containing Lead,Silver,Zinc Appearance Colorless,clear liquid Polyethylene,free of additives or Copper Odor None to slight ammonia Perfluoroalkoxyl Alkane(PFA),free of additives Aluminum,Aluminum Alloys Evaporation Rate <1 Polyfluroroethylene(PFE),free of additives Magnesium,Magnesium Alloys Polyvinylidenefluoride[PVDF),free of additives Plastics or metals coated with Nickel Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE),free of additives Copolymers of Vinylidenefluoride and Hexafluoropropylene,free of additives PACKAGING IN& r______.,) a r - ` 6 a ; ��� OPTIONS If ALSO AVAILABLE ` i , of= o 1 IN33BBAWIN DE j al ®Er DU i ' I ,a TUIEANULNBULX. b -..,qa; ''''qagris3003I 1 - } LT,.. :l'” + 55 Gallon Drum 275 Gallon Tatet IGallon 2.5 Gallon Part#IEF001 (Plastic Value) Part#DEF275P[Plastic Valve] Part#DEEMS Part#OEF002 Part#OEFOO1S[Stainless Steel Value) Part#DEF275S[Stainless Steel Valve) UPC Code 0-74804-12567-5 0-74804-03211-6 0-74804-03522-3 0-74804-03308-3 Case UPC Code 0-74804-12567-2 • s -._-_'.--2. ; = Case SCC-14/Code------1-00-74604-02567,-2 1-00-74804-03211-3 ~ .1°([ Pack/Unit Bse V-� 4 per case X 1 per case (gAi" ,-. r '1 ,F _ •_Y i�- c25 h w-. .."h _... n n i ,^4[1' lw x 2 l , Weight/Case 37'Ibs, 22 75 lbs. 522.5 lbs.(per drum) L `5`2;835,1>bss.(per tote]- ,.-/-- r-----•,-•::,---..., 1, r a. Case Dimensions 15"w x 8.5'1 x.1225 h. 9 5"w x 9 5",I x 10'h 22.5 dia.x 35.5 high 39.375'w x u7.25.I x 95,75'6" " L.:_- __I ' Cases Per Pallet 48 ,.. [x 80 - a 4�(drums]I 1[tote) ''d T i Pallets/Cases'Per Truck 2211,056 ��,C<. ',===--221.-1;760 20 a-~--r----14J` ' /` )()., of 'i - Units Per Truck • 4224 ' ' f =- j"- - `1,760'-W, BO j'. f:`14 , �-`""' PETROLEUM '_°xE i t _•. .y ,.rw: � CERTIFIED i;. 'Truckload Weight 40,1721bs.,,, - 41,140'166, 42,800 lb s:,- '-_ '- _-37;950 lbs.- DIESEL EXHAUST CERTIFIED _ ' .�P_allet Size - - - 40"W ax 46"I x'53:7.5"h ' - 40".w x 48"lx 4!•175"h -----?-'411"1Z 48"w x 40.25"h -- ' 40"1 x 48"w x 50 5"h FLUID 'Pallet Weight`- 1,826'Ibs. " ' ' 1,870�Ibs',,', 2,140 lbs. -' 2;685 lbs. ' I'.1 r',: ;$ ,'Cases/Rows•High - 12lLI\-i •2014,;,..;:;' j:>, , , • _ • -,'.'.- . 'DEF iISO22241 . 1 `' ' ,4,- Tfi, w - CHEMISTRY°THAT`®RIVES COMMERCE-, ' �:�] -lgcludespmduct°ndpalletweigh[(5016s e°chlr; _ _ _ - � - _ � Pry ,� ._... �..,+�. .--_ .,._,.-_ __.__._�._.�..-e.v__....,d __.... `• z-._-_.,__�._"_^—'_____...._._..-._._.._._....-� F,� • c t,® ,� 'I ,1, ® � ,, • .i 'te • E r ,�` CZAL4IN®u� AL `' �7 , COMME6ms PEAK Commercial & Industrial products have been r. trusted by fleets, large and small,for over 65 years, • to keep their equipment running. f -,----c' Driver Clint Bowyer ' ,i, . ,.,nom 1 -- -.0'1"-a''.- Taaj O r '.. , O- Q 0'. pupa on-1ERF Oies0Exhaust flvd , �p °`l L1 i `\ N , ,-;ifoffr., ',' it 1 0 !A, "", -,1..,.----..?! g PRODUCT-i (t..// , . l 'IP* . A ', ,r IV r---1-_---7.''-'‘ttft- _ EL ___.„, —,Ma , fs .., „ =�.,�.,:-, -. a .1 RCIAL0INpudTRIAL 1) r V'.' 2 !r! - Driver ,C ❑ Danica Patrick Ole w r'2 to : n rt ' ! peakhd,com • �e. �. HANDLING AND SAFETY INFORMATION Refer to Old World Industries Material Safety Data Sheet rs .. (MSDS)The MSDS is available from your PEAK Performance Supplier at www peakauto corn,or by - l calling Old World Industries'PEAK technical support line at 1-800-477-5847. We Only Have One World Please Help Protect It All laws and regulations should be observed when disposing of Antifreeze/Coolant and Radiator Fluids Call the EPA or the office of your state or local environ- , mental agency for details on disposal procedures i - Old World Zf1e S,,: — Distributed by Old World Industries,LLC Northbrook,IL 60062 RUN TRUE" iii, P 800.323.5440 www.peakhd.com Industries,LLC Be Car Care Aware 02013 PEAK,PEAK Mountain Graphic and BIueDEF are Registered Trademarks of Old World Industries,LLC. 12/2/2014 Howes Lubricator Products MSDS GSA FAQ Contact Links Distributor Login Itowes aubrlcator Diesel Treat SDS Sheet Download Now Diesel Treat Anti-Gel the introduction of ULSD has created several serious 4/ ' problems for diesel powered vehicles. During theWhere to Buy retiring process of removing sulfur important -tiI.s - Find it Plow properties such as lubricity and BTU are reduced a. R J Howes Diesel Treat wit help prevent your diesel fuel i z, i from netting in cold weathei and correct the inherent . tCurrent Promotion problems caused by ULSD fuel Howes Diesel Treat •':,` Free Stuff from liowest replaces the lost lubricity and compensates for lower :F ="= -'•`._=i, B TU a by improving combustion,resulting in rrrore v _sr iF:-,,,r,-y BRI power and better MPG's. c, ° p i `+ `' Our Guarantee St Howes Diesel Treat dernuisifres or displaces water ' -.i • U„,— I The Best in the Industry out of Inc fuel,leaving only pure fuel to burn As the ' .-i i °!�` vehicle moves and agitates,water is easily removed by "-� SuAti`in-ori., the water separator Products that emulsify or disperse ; «-���;=' ° water into the fuel are usually alcohol or solvent based awn ..� and can further damage key system components by ' in-SSD Compliant allowing rater to pass through the fuel water 's-, _; • __' .' - - separator Since water is abrasive,it tends to score or wear down the dose metal to metal tolerance of the injection system causing smoke and loss of MPG s The perfect solution to prevent these problems is to treat each purchase of ULSD fuel with Howes Diesel Treat • Prevents diesel fuel from gelling • Safely removes water from diesel fuel • Contains no alcohol or other harmful solvents • Increases power and fuel economy • Cleans and lubricates fuel injectors. • Eliminates smoking and rough idle • Free Tow Guarantee! • Safe and effective in at diesel and biodresel blends to B-20. • Particulate filter friendly and warranty safe. Howes Diesel Treat lowers the Cold Filter Plugging Point of your base fuel Howes Diesel Treat provides superior cold weather performance and is much more cost effective than blending with kerosene. foldFltterPlug7est I /�� .00• 9r 6• ■ ® F• I■ ■ &seFod Same&setoel Umeited Treater:1 0hdrares httpj/howeslube com/dieseltreatphp 1/2 12/2/2014 Hawes Lubricator ndividual Trea rnent Ra los ' ' - Part# Case/UnIts 'Above 0°F 'Below OT 103060 6-1/2 Gallon 'A Gallon to 320 Gallons ',4 Gallon to 160 Gallons 103062 12-1 Quart, 1 oz.to 5 Gallons 1 oz.to 2.5•Gallons 103064 12-15 Ounces 1 oz.to 5 Gallons 1 oz.to 2.5 Gallons 103068 55 Gallon Drum 1 Gallon to 640 Gallons 1 Gallon to 320 Gallons ' Cam/Pickup Doable Dose Both l realrnent Ratios ©2009 1-lowe3 Lubricator I Privacy Policy I Contacl • http//howeslube.com/dieseltreatphp 2/2 PRIlf tb" Ken_ L-427 Super Blu® Kendall® L-427 Super Blu is a high-quality, multipurpose, Multipurpose, extreme-pressure (EP) lithium complex grease developed for the Extreme-Pressure lubrication of automotive and industrial equipment operating under heavy loads and at moderate to high temperatures. It is NLGI Lithium Complex GC-LB certified for use as a multipurpose automotive wheel Grease; NLGI bearing and chassis lubricant. GC-LB Certified L-427 Super Blu is manufactured with high-quality paraffinic base oils thickened with lithium complex soap. It is fortified with extreme-pressure and antiwear additives, a tackifier, and rust and oxidation inhibitors to provide excellent wear protection, excellent thermal stability at high temperatures, and excellent resistance to corrosion and water washout. It forms an effective seal to help minimize bearing contamination and provides a high level of adhesion to the bearing surface for improved retention, reduced leakage and enhanced resistance to water washout. Applications • Wheel bearings of passenger cars, trucks, high-performance vehicles, sport utility vehicles and motorcycles, particularly vehicles with disc brakes • Ball joints, universal joints, other chassis parts and water pumps on passenger cars, trucks and other mobile equipment • Heavily loaded plain and rolling-element bearings in industrial and mobile equipment Features/Benefits • Excellent performance over a wide temperature range • High load-carrying capacity CONTACT • Excellent wear protection INFORMATION • Protects against rust and corrosion Phillips66 • Excellent resistance to water washout Lubricants.com • NLGI GC-LB certified U.S.Customer Service: 1-800-368-7128 Technical Hotline: 1-877-445-9198 International Customer Service: 1-832-765-2500 E-mail address: kendallmotoroil@ p66.com . . , . , ‘.. : 6... . ,__ a :, . . . _ " . . , , . . , . ._ . ,, , . , . . .. , .. ,. . , . , _ .. . ,.. . .. , , L-427 Super Blu® Typical Properties NLGI Grade 2 Thickener Lithium Complex Color Blue Dropping Point, °C (°F) 260 (500) Density, lbs/gal 7.50 Penetration,Worked (60 strokes),ASTM D217 265-295 Texture Smooth/Tacky Four-Ball EP,ASTM D2596,Weld Load, kgf 250 Four-Ball Wear,ASTM D2266, Scar Diameter, mm 0.45 Oxidation Stability,ASTM D942, 100 hours, Pressure Drop, psi (kPa) 5 (35) Rust Prevention,ASTM D1743 Pass Timken OK Load,ASTM D2509, lb 45 Water Washout Resistance,ASTM D1264,Wt Loss @ 175°F, % 5 Base Oil Properties: Viscosity, cSt @ 40°C 155 cSt @ 100°C 19.0 SUS @ 100°F 801 SUS @ 210°F 97 Viscosity Index 139 Operating Temperature Range, °C -40 to 177 °F -40 to 350 Health and Safety Information For recommendations on safe handling and use of this product, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet via http://w3apps.phillips66.com/NetMSDS. Typical properties are average values only and do not constitute a specification Minor variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture,and at different blending locations Product formulations are subject to change without notification. 0 2012 Phillips 66 Company.Kendall,the Two Finger logo,Liquid Titanium and their respective logos and products are trademarks of Phillips 66 Company in the U.S.A.and other countries. 11/12 1cDMMERCIN�oINoustra� y: __� 1 111 hL .______—) ,\ P ri- FEH , r [1 1 . , 9 1 x 11 ._ -Ck1!; GE1 SCA PRECHARGED , I ,c,.., COOLANT. h. —,r ANTIFREEZE. `` DESCRIPTION: - FiJLL FORMULATI~p t � ,•• ` FORALL}l5 VY-O YOtGJNC5 Fleet Charge SCA Precharged Coolant/Antifreeze is a Fully Formulated,ethylene , t,. it ,11414 L glycol-based coolant, precharged with advanced technology Supplemental f, -_, �m Coolant Additives (SCAs) Because it is SCA precharged, Fleet Charge SCAsrn�nsc Prechared Coolant/Antifreeze requires no SCAs at initial fill and ensures proper au�t=+, � ttms x IT t U.S.Gkh 7a r' chemistry at every top-off Fleet Charge SCA Precharged Coolant/Antifreeze - r uses a low silicate and phosphate-free formulation BENEFITS ) — --= --—_ •Works in ALL heavy-duty diesel,gasoline and natural gas engine cooling systems + Meets or exceeds these specification requirements: •Optimum protection against freezing and boil over •Provides corrosion protection of all cooling system metals and components I; •Incorporates nitrite to provide wet sleeve liner protection against cavitation j •CATERPILLAR •VOLVO/MACK •Designed to last the life of the engine when maintained with a high quality SCA •CUMMINS 9OT8=4,CES 14603 •MTU 5048 filter system i •DETROIT DIESEL 75E298,93K217 •GM 1899M •Eliminates SCA mixing errors at initial fill. ( FORD ESE-M97B44-A(SEC 311 •ASTM D4985 •Phosphate free formula reduces the risk of scale (Sc 312) •ASTM D5345 •JOHN DEERE H24A1,H24C1 •ASTM D6210 •NAVISTAR 8-1 TYPE II •TMC RP329 •FREIGHTLINER 48-22880 v , I I t" ASTM D6210/d-3306 Typical Values for i PROPERTIES: Specification Concentrated 50/50 Pre-Diluted Specific Gravity 60/60°F 1.110-1.145 1.126 1.065 Freezing Point,50 Vol %,°F -33.5 Max. -36 -34 FREEZE/BoiL• %of Cooking PROTECTS FROM Boiling Point,50 Vol %,°F 226 Mm. 226 226 ;PROTECTION System Capacity Freezing Down to Boding Up to° CHART pH,50 Vol.% 75-11 0 10.4 10.450 -34°F 265°F ''Using;1.5 psr Chloride,ppm 25 Max. 20 20 Pressure Cap 60 -62°F 270°F Reserve Alkalinity Report 7 20 • 70 -814°F 276'F Water(Wt %) 5 Max. 3 3.5 *At sea level atmospheric pressure with 151b presure cap The boiling point Ash(Wt D/D) 5 Max. 1 <1 decreases about 2°F per 1.000 feet of altitude and increases about 25°F per pound developed in the system CHEMISTRY THAT DRIVES COMMERCE" -el' ',T7rs:" COMP�� LoINDU I' It- ►'` 410,11-4-,:',1„,,- - FCAOBi ''' -'h 4 FCAB51 155 Gallon Concentrate Drum *' �.s,; - 55 Gallon 50/50 Drum UPC'074804-03346-5 & V_r "; P--,-,.yr,, s; r; UPC 074804-02066-3 , >u Z ` "- 1 ` Kf u t, --- F•- FCAB53 �, FCAOB3 - S t -�. 1 Gallon Concentrate Bottle `� 1 Gallon 50/50 Bottle ;, , 1. _ , Gallon UPC 074804-00560-8 Gallon UPC 074804-00319-2 :.: Case UPC 074804-10560-5 �.�;r` - Case UPC 074804-10319-9 • �� Case SCC 14'1-0074804-00560-5 - �"„el Case SCC 14 1-0074804-00319-9 i ) FCAOBO FCAB50 t;, Bulk Concentrate Bulk Concentrate �' i i Units per Pallets per Pallet 1 Part# UNIT Pack/Size Case/Drum Dimensions Unit Wt(lbs) Pallet _ Truck Weight i, ( FCAOB1 Drum 55 gal 23.5”dia.x 314.5"rh 512.05 14 20 2,098 I ` FCABS1 Drum 55 gal 23.5"die.x 34.5"h 512.05 14 20- 2,098 FCAOB3 Case 6/1 gal 16"1 x12.5"w x 12.5"h 60 36 - 20 _ 2,210 1' FCAB53 Case 6/1 gal 16"1 x1.2.5"w x 12.5"h 60 36 20 2,210 f _ ____ ___ _ __ < (*)Includes Pallet Wt.- 20 @a 50 lbs.ea.=1,000 lbs.Product Liability Information/Material Safety Data available upon request. 1. , To order,please call Old World Industries,LLC Customer Service at 1-800-323-8755. I' ll PEAK Commercial &Industrial products have been trusted by fleets, large and small,for over 65 years,to keep their equipment running. ' p • p x• Inr �'� .a °_ peakhd.com Driver "' c' .4 `s Clintot s„` r.. r' 4y� Bowyer (j r1 � '�'�}i'rM�.�1////f� .:♦a.[ --•�_/r af l ',yid ,, i... .T11W- '.tk ,'Ai!,„.'' .,n, ,',0,;..,:,.,..4 , .'4' ,j, r-W 2.1 ' r" '" l� ! _Cr ° Driver . . Danica 'r' 11 - r '' 1 sw r Patrick „ .C#101130: �a � HANDLING AND SAFETY INFORMATION Refer to Old World Industries Material Safety Data Sheet(MKS).The MSDS is available from your PEAK ` - Performance Supplier at www peakauto corn,or by calling Old World Industries'PEAK technical support line at 1-800-477-5647 We Only Have ' • , +, One World Please Help Protect It All laws and regulations should be observed when disposing of Antifreeze/Coolant and Radiator Fluids , - w; Call the EPA or the office of your state or local environmental agency for details on disposal procedures Cyd Distnbuted by Old World Industries,LLC Northbrook,IL 60062 RUN TRUE m Old World �e 5 � p 800.323.5440 www.peakauto.com rt 02013 PEAK and the PEAK Mountain Graphic are Registered Trademarks of Old World Industries,LLC , ; � Industries,LLC Be Car Care Aware Long Life is a registed trademark of the Warren Distribution } COMMEm° OUBTRIIIL -- _ - g. —zit t .,4r---) "1 , ,,,, i , ,._ • , �,( rt r s . , . .. . i E \\___i� I . ., i l . t , r 1.1, 1 A cal „,,. _.,. GLOBAL F� C • •yLNT/ATUxEtE COOLANT/ - ' ANTIFREEZE. EXTENDED LIFE DESCRIPTION: CORIILLHEIAVY=OLtrkEniGt rfs. ruis+Wwr. -.- ' FINAL CHARGE® Global Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze is an Organic Acid 4.rtnilFra . Technology (OAT), globally formulated, ethylene glycol based coolant, which uses organic acid inhibitors(non 2-EH)to provide guaranteed protection for all fdii : irr�,u - `�' t r4u t s6"Z,1 7.0 .GAL(3.;781.) cooling system metals With proper maintenance, Final Charge Global r,..-V.:w'�+•e��xx+t� . Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze delivers guaranteed cooling system protection for ONE MILLION MILES of on-road use(8 years or 20,000 hours of . - off-road use)without the use of Supplemental Coolant Additives(SCAB) Final • Charge Global Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze is nitrite-free,phosphate-free, silicate-free and borate-free / Meets these specifications T — — BENEFITS:. - _ i •CAT EC-1 •BEHR RADIATOR -Works in ALL heavy-duty diesel,gasoline and natural gas engine cooling systems 'CUMMINS CES 14603 •ASTM 06210 •DETROIT DIESEL 93K217 •NAVISTAR CEMS-B1- •Guaranteed protection for ONE MILLION MILES of on-road use(B years or •MAN 324 TYP SNF TYPE IIIA 20,000 hours of off-road use)t •MTU 5048 •ASTM DA7583(JOHN; •Eliminates the need for SCAs and chemically charged filters i •MERCEDES DBL 7700• DEERE COOLANT •Excellent heat transfer for high temperature applications such as engines with ' •MERCEDES 325 3 CAVITATION TEST)/ EGR and SCR systems ASTM 06210 •Outstanding protection against corrosion and cavitation •Non-abrasive formula can improve water pump seal life Meets these performance requirements: •Eliminates drop-out,gel and reduces scale { •Can be mixed with other coolants(to maintain corrosion protection contamination levels should be kept below 25%) •JOHN DEERE H24A1,H24C1 •VOLVO/MACK •Provides exceptional long term elastomer compatibiltity •PACCAR •TMC RP 329 / PROPERTIES: ASTMVID6210/D3306 Typical Values for W v Specification Concentrate 50/50 Pre-Diluted I Specific Gravity 60/60°F D1122 1.126 1.07 Freezing Point,50%Vol. D1177 -34°F(-37°C) -34°F(-37°C) Boiling Point,50%Vol. D1120 226`F(108°C) 226°F(108°C) FREEZE/BOIL %of Cooling PROTECTS FROM pH,50 Vol.% D1121 7.9 7.9 PROTECTION System Capacity Freezing Down to Boding Up to Reserve Alkalinity 01123 7 3.5 CHART' SO -314°F 265°F Ash Content 01119 2 1 .'usi so'15PSII Pressure Cap 60 -62°F 270'F Color — Red Red 70 -84°F 276°F t Proper maintenance requires a complete cooling system flush and fill-and subsequent *At sea level atmospheric pressure with 151b presure cap The boiling point topping off, as needed - with Final Charge Global Extended Life 50/50 Pre-diluted decreases about z`Fperl.000feet ofaltitude and increases about z.5'F Coolant/Antifreeze or Final Charge Global Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze and water For guaranteed protection,no other products or product supplements may be used For Per pound developed in the system all warranty details please visit wwwf.peakhd.com Follow OEM recommendations for specified maintenance CHEMISTRY THAT DRIVES COMMERCE— t"-t, \?.....-L-e-N-A41 comment" . f FXAOBI1 FXAB51 55 Gallon Concentrate Drum `^_ I 55 Gallon 50/50 Drum UPC 074804-02067-0 _'" il. UPC 074804-02068-7 FXAOB3 ' 1 Gallon Concentrate Bottle emir FXAB53 e , Gallon UPC.074804-00836-4 x 1 Gallon 50/50 Bottle FERAL' Case UPC 074804-10836-1 MAI, - . Gallon UPC 074804-00358-1 --�4�-t Case SCC 14 1-0074804-00836-1 ',...` Case UPC 074804-10358-8 -- '. ......._.41!p Case SCC 14 1-0074804-00358-8 }, I FXAOBO FXAB50 Bulk Concentrate Bulk Concentrate P, t. _ t �{ Units per Pallets per Pallet Part# UNIT Pack/Size Case/Drum Dimensions Unit Wt(lbs) Pallet Truck Weight FXAOBI Drum 55 gal 23.5"dia.x 314.5"h 512 05 14 20 2,098 i FXAB51 Drum 55 gal 23.5"dia.x 314.5"h 512 05 14 20 2,098 I s' FXAOB3 Case 6/1 gal - 16"1 x12.5"w x 12.5"h 60 36 20 2,210 '' FXAB53 Case 6/1 gal 16")1 x 12.5"w x 12.5"h 60 36 - 20 2.210 I' 6, (`J Includes Pallet Wt.: 20 W 50 lbs.ea.=1,000 lbs.Product Liability Information/Material Safety Data available upon request. iI To order,please call Old World Industries,LLC Customer Service at 1-800-323-8755. it r PEAK Commercial &Industrial products have been trusted by fleets, large and } small,for over 65 years,to keep their equipment running. , -, .-, ¢ as r. 0- D. peakhd.com t Driver ' i k Clint '' ,'4 -,�. _ : +�f' Bowyer ;' C x ✓~ �~r�4a`" ..7'' _ f „: ,., ,1 "2:.,,,, ;::, .,„,,,` :,,, r f ,41:3 ir '‘I iiitlitick ; , A i y i syn iv EI- 4 ,,` I� !- 3 �6'' idf�L.l t,�—,`.-S F{ .. l`.p' T .Sfax„+'_` [ ` 44 r Siva t' r ":w. 1. Y`'� ! Driver rt ' Danica ' f � - !,k, � * r,..+ Patrick r* A%.03,- HANDLING AND SAFETY INFORMATION Refer to Old World Industries Material Safety Data Sheet(MSOS).The MSOS is available from your PEAK ` ' Performance Supplier at www peakauto com,or by calling Old World Industries'PEAK technical support line at 1-800-477-5047 We Only Have -,y, One World Please Help Protect It All laws and regulations should be observed when disposing of Antifreeze/Coolant and Radiator Fluids t Call the EPA or the office of your state or local environmental agency for details on disposal procedures i Distributed by Old World Industries,LLC Northbrook,IL 600621 Old World 1/00, —ud p 800.323.5440 www.peakauto.com RUN TRUE- 02013 PEAK and the PEAK Mountain Graphic are Registered Trademarks of Old World Industries,LLC 1 ' Industries,LLC Be Car Care Aware Long Life is a registed trademark of the Warren Distribution �, 1-----.4 1 j/-- \ F1,,,,/c/ -0 } ____.,,,,, r------ I/ A \S. ,„ \ yiii te: I, ii T ".-*: J r ,..----..0 1.11 ; „� ' ' 'yb'• Nationwide Wind-shield Wash Program .�` 5 Available- In. 5 Product: Strengths:: *^->w ,,: -25°F;7 20' .:,F7F 0 , +20°F +-3.2 'F .r - ,ti ' iii, C. .-:,-------7 ' vE tjr,e t i T-To-.-,,i; •• lil w _ 15 ' i 20 _ Kbit y -'-i, {fir( r E 1 -+yb, y. :st r1Y gjj' " k' rte' �+ �4 jn ^ j ! 1 =` Windshield Wash a W;n — 'Sh ndshield Was .4.;';'- ..44t ' Windshield Wash Windshield Wash Wi sh 0.-tr.. "'°Deice _,::__,. r -5. . an`Deicer dca; -__,_shield Wa� ,,,,,k,.awl.P.,,ttd..,� v4,. ••,.. ..t.„,-....:.____.. .. .•-• •,.,. . ........ .,.......„4„,..,..„__z__ . ••• ---:.:7 "--:::".' t 1 ,. . ..,..7„....:..--..„..,.............._=:--- t„..• `:::,14017. G " b ; ,---.� , � y t x t -25'F PWN013 0-74804-00769-5 0-74804-10769-2 1-00-74804-00769-2 -.` ti '''-•'4,. -20'F PWNOG3 0-74804-00752-7 0-74804-10752-4 1-00-74804-00752-4 y''" 0' PWNOE3 0-74804-00753-4 0-74804-10753-1 1-00-74804-00753-1 II +20'F PWN0C3 0-74804-00754-1 0-74804-10754-8 1-00-74804-00754-8 -..- ,.,1 +32'F PWN0K3 0-74804-00748-0 0-74804-10748-7 1-00-74804-00748-7 .,'; "Si Pack/Unit 6/1 gallon/3.78L Pallets/Cases Per 24/840 t.t J iCase Weight/Cube 52 lbs./1.5 cu.ft. Units Per Truck 5,040 ;2:i i Case Dimensions 18"L x 12"W x 12"H Truckload Weight 44,400 lbs. 'f c Cases Per Pallet 35 Pallet Size/Weight 40" x 48", 4 Way/50 lbs. • ,:r--vi III f:. Cases/Rows High 7/5 Pallet Weight 1,850 lbs. "V Fico�_rc CL L�esr f_1(.,i;ly Fa �=V:r' ��%��i'.�r�'(r�:�. •;'wf' -ITz, "4-,-1 r • g„..,_ l ' Pack/Unit 6/1 gallon/3.78L Pallets/Cases Per 23/805 %. . Caw.;- • Case Weight/Cube 54 lbs./1.5 cu.ft. Units Per Truck 4,830 =- ,- . Case Dimensions 18"L x 12"W x 12"H Truckload Weight 44,620 lbs. •., . Cases Per Pallet 35 Pallet Size/Weight 40" x 48", 4 Way/50 lbs. Cases/Rows High 7/5 Pallet Weight 1,940 lbs. Old World Industries, Inc. 1- 4065 Commercial Avenue • Northbrook,IL 60062-1851 • TEL(800)323-5440 • FAX(847)559-2021 www.peakantifreeze.com 1 ,+ ©2008 Old World Industries,Inc. PEAK and the PEAK Mountain Graphic are Trademarks of Old World Industries.Inc. PWW01.0708 • ' LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested or the purchase of Lubricants by the Town of Southold for a period of a year from when the bid is awarded. Specifications and bid proposal form may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, PO Box 1179, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bid, together with a Non-collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of$100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, May 19, 2016 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Lubricants", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: May 9, 2016 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON MAY 12, 2016 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Brown's Letters Town Board Members Burrelle's Information Services Town Attorney Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Dodge Reports Solid Waste Coordinator Bunchuck Highway Dept DPW BID ITEM: OILS AND LUBRICANTS * BID DATE: TOTAL NO. EST. UNIT OF DESCRIPTION BRAND UNIT PRICE QTY. MEASURE BID PRICE (based on est. qty.) 1. 1 case qts 15W-50 Full Synthetic 2. 10 cases 1 qt 15W-40 Lubricating Oil 3. 16 55 gal. drums 15W-40 Lubricating Oil 4. 10 cases Gallon 15W-30 Lubricating Oil 5. 5 cases Gallon 10W 30 lubricant oil 6. 1 case qrts OW-40 oil 7. 2 cases Qrts Synthetic Gear lube 75W-140 8. 4 120 lb Drums Synthetic Gear lube 75W-90 9. 1 120 lb drum Gear Lubricant, Semi-Synthetic SAE 80W-90 Gear Lubricant, Semi- 10. ]1 5 gal. pail Synthetic, SAE 8OW-90 1 1. 2 5 gal. pail SX200 Synthetic Gear Oil 12. 1 120 lb drum 85-140 Hypoid gear oil 13. 5 cases 1 quart 5W-20 Synthetic Blend motor oil 14. 2 55 gal. Drum 5W-20 Synthetic Blend motor oil 15. 15 cases 1 quart 5W30 synthetic blend 16. 15 cases 1 quart 10W30 synthetic blend 17. 1 55 gal. Drum 10W30 synthetic blend 18. 15 55 gal. Drums Hydraulic Oil, ISO Grade 32 19. 2 55 gal. Drum AW 46 Hydraulic Oil updated 5/16 Page 1 20. 5 cases 1 quart 50 — 1 outboard 2 cycle 21. 1 cases 6.4 oz bottles 50 - 1 outboard 2 cycle 22. 20 55 Gal. Drums Transmission Fluid 23. 10 cases 1 quart ATF+4 Transmission Fluid 24. 2 55 gal drums Dexron VI Transmission Fluid 25. 3 5 gallon pail Dexron VI Transmission Fluid 26. 2 gallon Full Synthetic Multi Vehicle Transmission Fluid 27. 2 1201b drums Synthetic Transmission Oil SAE 50 28. 2 pail 5 gallon pail Syn-295 Licensed Trans 29. 20 120 lb. Drums Heavy Duty Chassis Grease 30. 50 Cartridges Extreme Pressure Grease (14 oz) 31. 2 cases 50 tubes/case NLG#2 EP Grease 32. 6 55 gal. Drums Anti-Freeze [Ethylene Glycol Base] Pre-Mixed 33. 24 Gallon Anti-Freeze extended life col lant/antifreeze 34. 1 55 gal. Drum Final Charge Global Extended Life Red Anti-freeze or equivalent 35. 20 cases Gallon Windshield Washer fluid-premix 36. 2 drums 55 gallons Windshield Washer fluid-premix 37. 2 55 gallon Windshield washer concentrate 38. 10 drum 55 gallons 303 Tractor Fluid(Hy-Tran) or equal 39. 10 drum 120 Ib 303 Tractor Fluid (Hy-Tran) or equal updated 5/16 Page 2 40. 7 pails 5 gallon 303 Tractor Fluid (Hy-Tran)or equal 41. 1 drum 55 gallon Diesel Exhaust Fluid 42. 10 cases Case lots Diesel Fuel Anti-gel 43. 1 case Qrt White Lithium Spray 44. 1 case Qrt Penetrating Oil Spray 45. 5 55 gallon Diesel Fuel Anti-gel * See attached Product Specifications. ESTIMATED TOTAL: NOTE: SDS sheets MUST be included on all deliveries. No exceptions. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS SAE 15W40 DIESEL ENGINE MOTOR OIL Multi-grade and heavy duty formulated to use in turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines in various types of service with either high or low sulfur fuels. Must meet or exceed the requirements of most manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, construction, mining, fanning and high speed marine diesel engines. Approved against MACK'S EO-M Plus specifications and Cummins CES 20076 specifications. Brand Comparison: Miles "ALL-SPEC Super"oil or equal. Only oils with the commercial API rating of CJ-4 (or better if/when available) will be accepted. 4ANTI-WEAR (A W) HYDRAULIC OIL -ISO GRADE 32 Anti-wear hydraulic and circulating fluids formulated with high quality base stocks and thermally stable additives. Multi-grade and heavy duty formulated to use in turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines in various types of service with either high or low sulfur fuels. Must meet or exceed the requirements of most manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, construction, mining, farming and high speed marine diesel engines. Approved against Allison C-4 and Caterpillar TO-2 specifications. Brand Comparison: Miles "Stratus Premium Anti-Wear Industrial"Hydraulic Oil or equal. GEAR OIL-HEAVYDUTY,SAE80W-90 Multi-gear and High Temperature Gear Oil. Petroleum based gear oils. Must meet or exceed the requirements of API Service designation GL-5/MT-1 and MIL-PRF-2105E. Keeps critical parts clean of deposits and sludge when subjected to high temperature service. Protect gear equipment under heavily loaded conditions against surface stress. Brand Comparison: Miles MPI Premium or equal. ANTI-FREEZE (ENGINE COOLANT) UNIVERSAL - GREEN Single phase ethylene gycol based, universal. For use in both heavy duty diesel and automotive engines particularly those containing aluminum alloys. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID Shall meet or exceed the requirements for applications requiring General Motors Dexron III/ (F-30 166) and Ford Mercon (M931113) and Micro LV. Shall meet the requirements of Ford ESP- updated 5/16 Page 3 M2CI38CJ and ESP-M2CI66H. MULTIPURPOSE LITHIUM LUBRICATING GREASE -No.2 Lithium complex, water resistant, extreme pressure grease for heavy duty chassis applications. Brand Comparison: Miles Extreme Red or equal. MULTIPURPOSE GEAR GREASE -No.8 Longer-lasting, high temperature, water-resistant, extreme pressure Grease for extreme load joints. A synthetic high temperature EP grease that will stay in place under all weather and load conditions. Brand Comparison: Black Bear HT No.8 or equal. 5W 30 SYNTHETIC BLEND Conoco Super Synthetic blend or equal 10W 30 SYNTHETIC BLEND Conoco Super Synthetic blend or equal 50:1 OUTBOARD 2 CYCLE Kendall 50:1 outboard 2 cycle or equal, suitable for all 2 cycle uses 10W 30 LUBRICANT OIL Shell Rotella T or equal WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID—PRE-MIX Usable to -20 degrees updated 5/16 Page 4 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid . Signed: Print name Corporate Title (if any) Company Name Mailing Address Phone Number BID ON 2016 Lubricants updated 5/16 Page 5 Rudder, Lynda From: Reisenberg, Lloyd Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 1:04 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: RE: Lubricants for publication Posted Lloyd H. Reisenberg Network and Systems Administrator Town of Southold,New York www.southo/dtownn y.qov lloydr@southoldtownny.gov 0: 631-765-18911M:631-879-15541F: 631-765-5178 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 10:30 AM To: Cushman,John <John.Cushman@town.southold.ny.us>; legals@timesreview.com; Lisa Finn <lisaahfinn@gmail.com>; Michaelis,Jessica <jessicam@southoldtownny.gov>; Reisenberg, Lloyd <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.ny.us>; Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com) <denise@southoldlocal.com>; Dinizio,James<fames.dinizio@town.southold.ny.us>; Doherty,Jill <fill.doherty@town.southold.ny.us>; Doroski, Bonnie <Bonnie.Doroski@town.southold.ny.us>; Ghosio, Bob<bob.ghosio@town.southold.ny.us>; Louisa Evans <Ipevans06390Wgmail.com>; Neville, Elizabeth <E.Neville@town.southold.ny.us>; Noncarrow, Denis <denisn@southoldtownny.gov>; Rudder, Lynda <lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us>; Russell, Scott <scottr@southoldtownny.gov>; Standish, Lauren <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.ny.us>;Tomaszewski, Michelle <michellet@town.southold.ny.us>; William Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com>; Duffy, Bill <billd(casoutholdtownny.gov>; Kiely,Stephen <stephen.kiely@town.southold.ny.us>; Silleck, Mary<marys@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Lubricants for publication Please publish in the 5/12 edition of the Suffolk Times and Town website 1 Rudder, Lynda- From: legals <legals@timesreview.com> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 10:28 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: Lubricants for publication Good morning, The legal notice has been scheduled to be published in the 5/12 edition of the Suffolk Times. Thank you and have a great day! Best regards, Ms REVIEW Meals,GROUP Lindsay 16emnr •As,istant S ies Coop dinatot 631 2.98.3200 ext. 235 631.354.8032 (difoct) 631.298.0410{fax) Irier_aeLV timesreview.com www.timesreview.com From: "Rudder, Lynda" <lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us> Date: Monday, May 9;2016 10:30 AM To: "Cushman,John" <John.Cushman@town.southold.ny.us>, Lee Peters<legals@timesreview.com>, Lisa Finn <lisaahfinn@gmail.com>, "Michaelis,Jessica" <lessicamCc@southoldtownny.gov>, "Reisenberg, Lloyd" <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.ny.us>, "Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com)" <denise@southoldlocal.com>, "Dinizio,James" <james.dinizio@town.southold.ny.us>, "Doherty,Jill" <fill.doherty@town.southold.ny.us>, "Doroski, Bonnie" <Bonnie.Doroski@town.southold.ny.us>, "Ghosio, Bob" <bob.ghosio@town.southold.ny.us>, Louisa Evans <Ipevans06390@gmail.com>, "Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Neville@town.southold.ny.us>, "Noncarrow, Denis" <denisn@southoldtownny.gov>, "Rudder, Lynda" <lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us>, "Russell, Scott" <scottr@southoldtownny.gov>, "Standish, Lauren" <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.ny.us>, "Tomaszewski, Michelle" <michellet@town.southold.ny.us>, William Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com>, "Duffy, Bill" <billd@southoldtownny.gov>, "Kiely, Stephen" <stephen.kiely@town.southold.ny.us>, "Silleck, Mary" <marys@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Lubricants for publication Please publish in the 5/12 edition of the Suffolk Times and Town website 1 Rudder, Lynda From: DeFio, Valerie Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 2:29 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: Bunchuck,Jim; DeFio, Valerie Subject: FW: New Lubricant Bid Please see below. Thanks, Vcae,r%e De F o- Sevtiar A ccowvtt Clerk' Taw vv of Southold/ Depc rtw .t of So d'Waite, P.O. Saw 962 6155 Caw Lam Cuchocm , NY 11935 V& /r6e4,@bou hatoltowvwty.fav Tete-pho-vtni' 631 -734-7685 Fccuw.' 631 -734-7976 From: DeFio,Valerie Sent:Wednesday, March 16, 2016 9:52 AM To: Bunchuck,Jim <jbunchuck@town.southold.ny.us> \�`� ) Cc: DeFio,Valerie <Valerie.DeFio@town.southold.ny.us> 1�l Subject: New Lubricant Bid Jim, The currCeltibricant bid is good until April 7th. Can we please add a new item for the Windrow Turner. We need SX220 Synthetic Gear Oil,We will need a 5 Gallon pail once a year. Also,the turner will use a 55 gallon drum of 10W30 Synthetic blend oil.There is only a quart price on the current bid. Bruce is going to check to see if'there is anything else that is specific to the new machine. Thanks, Va lerCeiDefio- S ewio-r A ccotiwtt Clerk' Taw vv of Southalci. Deloa vtw 4'tt of Solid'W a4tei P.O. Sow 962 1 Rudder, Lynda From: Bunchuck, Jim Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 2:47 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: DeFio, Valerie Subject: RE: lubricant bid specs Please add the 2 things in Val's email. . From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 2:34 PM To: Bunchuck, Jim; Flatley, Martin; Orlando, Vincent; McLaughlin, Karen; Martinez, Jacqui; Standish, Jeff; Tabor, Roger; William Ruland; Kruszeski, Frank; Savage, Kristen; Foote, Nancy Subject: lubricant bid specs Please let me know if your Department would like to see anything add to the attached list for this year's bid by 3/23, thank you. Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Principal Account Clerk Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 631/765-1800 ext 210 631/765-6145 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 9th day of May , 2016, a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York. Bid on Lubricants _ 10, J _ IA/ _ lizabeth A. Neville outhold Town Clerk Sworn before m this lb day of , 2016. ' Notary Public LYNDA M RUDDER Notary Public, State of New York No 01RU6020932 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 8,20 NOTE: SDS sheets MUST be included on all deliveries. No exceptions. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS SAE 15W40 DIESEL ENGINE MOTOR OIL Multi-grade and heavy duty formulated to use in turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines in various types of service with either high or low sulfur fuels. Must meet or exceed the requirements of most manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, construction, mining, fanning and high speed marine diesel engines. Approved against MACK'S EO-M Plus specifications and Cummins CES 20076 specifications. Brand Comparison: Miles "ALL-SPEC Super"oil or equal. Only oils with the commercial API rating of CJ-4 (or better if/when available) will be accepted. 4ANTI-WEAR(A W) HYDRAULIC OIL -ISO GRADE 32 Anti-wear hydraulic and circulating fluids formulated with high quality base stocks and thermally stable additives. Multi-grade and heavy duty formulated to use in turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines in various types of service with either high or low sulfur fuels. Must meet or exceed the requirements of most manufacturers of heavy duty trucks, construction, mining, farming and high speed marine diesel engines. Approved against Allison C-4 and Caterpillar TO-2 specifications. Brand Comparison: Miles "Stratus Premium Anti-Wear Industrial"Hydraulic Oil or equal. GEAR OIL-HEAVYDUTY,SAE80W-90 Multi-gear and High Temperature Gear Oil. Petroleum based,gear oils. Must meet or exceed the requirements of API Service designation GL-5/MT-1 and MIL-PRF-2105E. Keeps critical parts clean of deposits and sludge when subjected to high temperature service. Protect gear equipment under heavily loaded conditions against surface stress. Brand Comparison: Miles MPI Premium or equal. , ANTI-FREEZE (ENGINE COOLANT) UNIVERSAL - GREEN Single phase ethylene gycol based, universal. For use in both heavy duty diesel and automotive engines particularly those containing aluminum alloys. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID Shall meet or exceed the requirements for applications requiring General Motors Dexron III/ (F-30 166) and Ford Mercon (M931113) and Micro LV. Shall meet the requirements of Ford ESP- M2CI38CJ and ESP-M2CI66H. MULTIPURPOSE LITHIUM LUBRICATING GREASE -No.2 Lithium complex, water resistant, extreme pressure grease for heavy duty chassis applications. Brand Comparison: Miles Extreme Red or equal. MULTIPURPOSE GEAR GREASE -No.8 Longer-lasting, high temperature, water-resistant, extreme pressure Grease for extreme load joints. A synthetic high temperature EP grease that will stay in place under all weather and load conditions. Brand Comparison: Black Bear HT No.8 or equal. 5W 30 SYNTHETIC BLEND Conoco Super Synthetic blend or equal l0W 30 SYNTHETIC BLEND Conoco Super Synthetic blend or equal 50:1 OUTBOARD 2 CYCLE Kendall 50:1 outboard 2 cycle or equal, suitable for all 2 cycle uses updated 3/16/15 Page 3 Rudder, Lynda From: Orlando, Vincent Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 9:13 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: RE: Lube Bid Nope No one responded to an email I sent out with regards to comments....no response I guess all good...I gave them one more shot at it with the email to you . well wait and see?? From: Rudder, Lynda Sent:Tuesday,June 07, 2016 9:10 AM To: Orlando, Vincent<vincent.orlando@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: RE: Lube Bid You all discuss it at a meeting? From: Orlando, Vincent Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 9:10 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: Bunchuck, Jim; Wells, Randy; William Ruland Subject: Lube Bid Morning Lynda, Please accept the Lubricant bid opened on May 15th....thx Unless anyone cc has an objection Vincent Orlando Town of Southold Superintendent of Highways Office: 631-765-3140 vincent.orlandotc'Dtown.southold.ny.us CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication 1 ' OFFOLIr ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC �� yQ 0�y Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ® d • P.O.Box 1179 532 ale Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER ! 9� aQ �• Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER - DI 4 #�,0i Fax FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID OPENING 2016 Lubricants Bid Opening 5/19/16 @ 2:00 PM One bid was received: Grade A. Petroleum Corp Results are attached. 90 E Hawthorn Ave Valley Stream NY 11580 516-825-554 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid . Signed.gn di-2,, Print name: Stephen R. Clyne Corporate Title (if any) Vice President Company Name: Grade A Petroleum Corporation Mailing Address: 90 East Hawthorne Ave Valley Stream,NY 11580 Phone Number: 516-825-5544 BID ON: Oils & Lubricants --,' :, 1 _ . , .,,f.., ...,,r, 0 - . :52/1 ; 44 ECK ,,. ... . 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