HomeMy WebLinkAboutSander Body (2) /////'�SrruL4''- ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,1l�IMC ,�/��®�®� � ��'" ����; Town Hall 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK 3,1 P.O. Box 1179 � Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ;' • " ^ '. ��� Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER ? ,42,�. .ti)* Telephone Telephone(631)765-1800 ,� RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER - /•if www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER .,•' OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 23, 2016 Gary Cervelli Trius, Inc. 458 Johnson Avenue PO Box 158 Bohemia, NY 11716 Dear Mr Cervelli: Congratulations. At the regular Town Board meeting held on May 31, 2016, the Town Board accepted the bid of Truis, Inc. for a Sander Body. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. The bid deposit is being returned to you. Thank you for your bid. Very truly yours, (600,-Pe,..-1\ir\\ 0)— Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of May 31, 2016 '�aO'U `COga RESOLUTION 2016-559 Item # 5.25 f °a„' ADOPTED DOC ID: 11987 • THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2016-559 WAS 'ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 31, 2016: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid from Trius, Inc. in Bohemia, NY 11716 for one Carbon Steel 10-foot Flo'N Dump sander body in the amount of$31,887.00 delivered to the Highway Department„all in accordance with the Town Attorney. This to be a legal charge to,the 2016 capital project budget line H.5130.2.100.100 (Flo'N dump sander body) Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] . MOVER: William P. Ruland, Councilman SECONDER:Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell Generated June 2, 2016 Page 38 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC ��'�� 494 Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ® P.O.Box 1179 at Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS • Pyr • t% Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER � 4� a®� ��i Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ®j 4i4 poi www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER :" ,,,,,•� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID OPENING Sander Body for Highway Bid Opening 5/19/16 2:00 P.M. One (1) Bid Received Item#1 Item#2 Trius, Inc. $31,887.00 n/a 458 Johnson Avenue PO Box 158 Bohemia,NY 11716 Gary Cervelli 631/244-8600 Rudder, Lynda From: Orlando, Vincent Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 1:58 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: Savage, Kristen Subject: Reso Lynda, Please accept the sealed bid from Trius , Inc. for one 10' carbon steel Muilti-purpose Sander Dump body. Thanks in advance Vincent Orlando Town of Southold Superintendent of Highways Office: 631-765-3140 vincent.orlando a town.southold.ny.us CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. 1 1 1,; 4 ,,.» ,, "ti HOLD B.00UM N-^lJ x'0,3! H At IGH: .G I W U WOM .1K A. a y;,; I .�;t s HSBC w US:DOL•LAR`.DRAFT ,. (OFFICIAL CHECK) . - -- No102402. 75 :.3 TRI.U..,,S"W .. - ":^pA.ear. )t34f-: ¢ µ 50126 "-3.i REMITTER , i- DATE ata / 1, PAY RUsi3 oNe i€{7fi13t r3ONLY" i. $, , �1d tU:1 1 ,,, t US S.DOLLARS. . Drawer HSBC"Bank""USA,N A 1 _ li ' TO 1 :€" }`:i d OF i i'`O€D', t"""TWO.SIGNATURES REQUIRED FOR AMOUNT$50,000 AND ABOVE,°' THE'° • - _. .. ". . _ , ' 'ORDER ., , nm OF . :4q• IN .. . ORIZED SIG qT RE.' „ „, : . 8 ffnaktta, k ,.Payable through'RSBC Bank USA,-W:A,• 7 bE�IZED" tGNATURE" (I• L024026 ? So' 1:02230L2531: 7L30LL556n■ ' — • . , _ i J" ,, ,_: , , Town of S , , , Bid For: Carbon Steel 10' Multi-Purpose Dump Body For Supply Only • LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971, until 2:00 P.M. Thursday, May 19, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for a Air Flo 10' carbon steel Flo 'n Dump or equivalent sander body. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Southold Town Clerk during normal business hours. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be submitted on the per item price list, and must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check the amount of$100.00. All bids must be marked "Bid on Sander Body", and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: May 3, 2016 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON May 12, 2016,AND FORWARD ONE (1 ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Info Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Highway Table of Contents Intent Technical Product Specifications Item 1 One (1) Carbon Steel 10' Multi-Purpose Dump Body for Supply Only Bidders Response Sheet INTENT SECTION It is the intent of the following specification to describe a new, latest model in production Air-Flo 10' Carbon Steel Flo 'N Dump or equivalent. In recognition of the specialized nature of the chassis components and in the interest of insuring the safety of the operators, affixing responsibilities, minimizing downtime, maximizing productivity and insuring proper service, warranty and factory support beyond the point of sale, bids will be accepted only from equipment dealers who are factory authorized to sell, service and provide warranty support in this geographic area. The following specification is based upon various multi-purpose dump bodies. The Town of Southold has evaluated different types of dump bodies and has determined that this product is best suited for the town's needs in safety, quality, performance, and long term operating costs. This specification is not to be interpreted as restrictive, but rather as a measure of the safety, quality and performance against which all multi-purpose bodies will be compared to. In addition, the items listed below shall be considered as part and parcel to the bid. 1. Specifications—In the event alternate chassis or equipment brands are bid, each vendor shall at the time of the bid submit two (2) copies of a technical description of the unit and components he/she proposes to furnish for the purpose of evaluation. Said representations should be sufficiently detailed so as to address this bid on an item-by-item basis. Specifications submitted by vendors shall be instrumental in substantiating compliance with this bid. 2. Coating Specifications, Samples and MSDS Sheets—In the event an alternate is bid, the vendor shall supply(2) wet and (2) dry samples at the time of the bid. Wet samples shall be in steel containers and be clearly labeled to match the stated offering. Dry samples shall be provided on 3" x 6"tin placards. MSDS sheets shall be provided and will be instrumental in verifying compliance. In the event exceptions are taken, the vendor is hereby instructed to annotate and number the exceptions taken and provide all detail relevant to those exceptions listed by corresponding number on a separate sheet of paper. As per the New York State General Municipal law, all political subdivisions are allowed to make purchases through the resulting contract(s). Any other political subdivision will issue purchase orders directly to vendors within the specified contract period referencing the town contract and shall be liable for any payments due on such , purchase orders; and shall accept sole responsibility for any payment due. A bidder may not bid multiple products for one bid item. If a bidder offers more than one, only the lowest prices offering will be considered. In the event price offerings are identical, only the first item listed will be considered. Instructions to the Bidders: In the event an alternate is bid, complete product specifications and brochures as described above shall be considered mandatory. The information submitted by vendors shall be instrumental in substantiating compliance with the requirements of this bid. Failure to submit these technical support documents at the time of the bid shall render the bid non-responsive. In the event exceptions are taken, the vendor is hereby instructed to annotate and number the exceptions taken and provide all detail relevant to those exceptions listed by corresponding number on a separate sheet of paper. Vendors are cautioned that unsubstantiated claims of compliance to the technical specification and/or any written representations that the product offered is of commensurate capability or an "or equal" nature will not constitute compliance with this requirement. No individual claim(s) of compliance, equality or superiority shall receive any consideration in the absence of specific technical information to support such claims. The issuance of unsupported claims shall render the bid non- responsive. In the event an alternate is bid, the town reserves the right to request a demonstration within ten (10) working days of notification. Demonstration will be conducted at a designated location within the town free of charge. Failure to comply with a request for demonstration may result in disqualification of bid. COMPLIANCE TO SPECIFICATIONS The bidder shall indicate 100% compliance by checking "YES" or non-compliance by checking "NO" for each line item of specification. Any space left blank shall be considered non-compliant. Any deviation from the specification, or where submitted literature does not fully support the meeting of specifications, must be clearly cited in detail, in writing, by the bidder and submitted with the bid. NO verbal interpretations will be accepted! In addition NO deviations below"minimum" specifications as written will be accepted. "BIDDING REQUIREMENTS SECTION" SECTION SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO It is the intent of these specifications to describe a multi-use heavy-duty steel dump body for supply only to be mounted on a pre-existing, town owned chassis. X This dump body shall have a telescopic hoist and an intregal conveyor built into the floor for conveying and/or spreading ice control materials, chips for seal X coating, asphalt or shoulder material. Since the body will be working in very demanding and adverse conditions, and to thus prevent obtaining an unproven proto type body of a similar design, the x INTENT: manufacturer shall have been in continual production of this specific type of body. The manufacturer shall also have built a minimum of 200 such units; and shall provide to the bidder a list of customers that includes names and x phone numbers of a list of 10 different customers. . These customers shall have working experience with the proposed model x being bid, with a minimum operation time of at least 3 years Product must be from original design manufacturer. x The overall length of the dump body shall be 10 ft. It shall have a struck x capacity of 8 cubic yards without sideboards. The straight vertical SIDES of the body shall be made of 7 Ga. steel. x The top of the sides shall be boxed with a "C" section closure and full x welded. The boxed top rail shall be dirt shedding with a 45 degree slope at the top and shall be 5" deep and 6" high. x BODY: The corner post shall be made from 7 Ga. steel and be 5 1/2" deep and 16" x wide. It will run full depth from the top of the gate to the bottom of the x longitudinal and be full welded. The sides are supported by vertical gussets that are 4-1/2" deep, 7 1/4" wide and full welded. x The bottom of the sides will have a 45 degree sloped rub rail that is 5" wide. x The TAILGATE shall be constructed of 7 Ga. steel. x '. SECTION SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO There shall be two vertical interior gussets 5 1/2" wide, 3 1/2" deep and full welded and two vertical outside gussets 5 3/4" wide, 3 1/2" deep and- X full welded. - There will be a dirt shedding boxed horizontal top rail running full width that is 6 1/2" x 4" and full welded. The upper tailgate hinge bracket shall be incorporated into the rear corner post to give the appearance of the tailgate and hinge assembly being the - x same height as the rear corner post. - - BODY: The bottom horizontal rail shall be full width and sloped 45 degrees. - X The flat horizontal FLOOR shall be made from 1/4" steel. x The center of the floor shall have a bar flight chain conveyor running the entire length of the body: The conveyor shall be flush with the floor of the dump body x The flat horizontal FLOOR of the body and the bedplate of the conveyor, shall,be supported every 12" by Hot Extruded, American Standard 4" Structural Steel I-Beam which is 7.7 lbs. per foot. Body is to be painted black - - - x The conveyor hood is mounted in a rear opening of the,tailgate of the x dump truck body. - - It shall be capable of being shifted to a forward-extended position covering the rear end of the conveyor and to a•rearward retracted position where a flat straight front face of the conveyor hood is flush with-an inner X - face of the tailgate. A horizontally revolving feedgate is riot acceptable. x CONVEYOR HOOD: The GATE LATCH shall be made of 1/2" steel and have 1-1/4" pin. X X There will be threaded rod adjustments and have two yokes with 5/8" pins. The gate handle shall be supported by two angle irons 1/4" x 2"-x 3" with a x 1-1/4" rod. This handle will have a safety chain with a ring that will slide over the • x handle. All moving joints shall be equipped with accessible grease fittings. X To position more of the load toward the front of the truck and leave less open space between the cab and the body, the body shall have a 10" deep , , X by 13 1/4" wide lift cylinder doghouse for single axle units and a 10" deep DOGHOUSE: - by 14 1/4" wide lift cylinder doghouse for tandem axle units. The body must be able to be mounted with no more than 5" between the - X cab and the front body panel. SECTION SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO For ease of dumping operations, even tailgate spreading of aggregates, (i.e. spreader apron, side discharge, or stone spreader) -the conveyor shall end X flush with the rear of the body and shall not extend past the tailgate of the unit. When the conveyor chain is moving material toward the rear of the body, X the material shall be_fed through the doghouse opening in the tailgate. This movement of material through the tailgate shall be used for conveniently,charging attachments such as paving hoppers and cross x conveying shoulder machines. The rear ofthefloor and rear conveyor shall have no openings by which - material shall pass through before it moves rearward through the doghouse x in the tailgate. The rear of the floor and rear conveyor shall seal tight against the tailgate x - and doghouse in the tailgate when the coal door is closed. This tight seal shall eliminate any material leaking out of body. x The CONVEYOR shall feed material rearward through the coal door of CONVEYOR: the tailgate. The conveyor shall be 34" minimum width.' x The sides of the conveyor which are also the longitudinal members of the body, shall.be constructed of Hot Extruded American Standard 12" x - Structural Steel channel which is 20.7 lbs. per foot. There shall be an adequate number of 3" channel bracing welded to the x ; bottom of the channel iron longitudinals. This 3" channel bracing shall form the base of the unit that will rest on the - - xu , truck chassis. - The dump,body floor shall be so formed that it fully covers the pintle chain links, #D667XH. x The bar flight shall be 1/2" x 1-1/2" and welded to every link. x The bedplate of the conveyor shall be made of 1/4" abrasion resistant steel. X The conveyor shall be powered by one 6:1 ratio spur gearboxes mounted to the side of the 2" drive shaft. The gearbox(s) shall be powered by a hydraulic motor. DRIVE ASSEMBLY Shall be bolted in position easily detached to allow for ease of ` COVER: maintenance of rear drive assembly. X The spinner disc shall be made of 10 Ga. steel and be 24" in diameter. X I,t shall have 6 formed vanes. X • SECTION SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO SPINNER: There shall be a moveable, 2 piece round spinner deflector that is hinged at, a 180° radius to allow both halves of the deflector to be adjusted for x spread pattern control. The disc shall be mounted to an "L" shaped arm. x This arm shall be pin mounted in a tubing, which will be mounted to the SPINNER: chassis of the truck. This "L" arm shall have 2 positions, one under the conveyor to receive material, the other position will be stowed under the truck chassis. X 1/2 CAB SHIELD: There shall be a 1/2 cab shield supplied made of 10 Ga. steel. x The 1/2 cab shield shall extend 22-1/2" from the frontofthe body. x The 1/2 cab shield shall.be 31 inches of height from the top of the body where the sideboards sit. X The hoist shall be of telescopic design, double acting and have a trunion • mounting. The trunion mount shall have a 1-7/8" pin. Capacity shall be 20 tons. x It shall be designed to operate up to 2500 PSI and shall be self-bleeding. X It shall have 1/4" wall construction with bronze glands and pistons to x assure a smooth and durable bearing surface. Each cylinder shall be internally sealed. x TELESCOPIC HOIST: The inside seals shall have a U-cup design made of nitral packing. x The piston rod shall be machined-from ASI 4140 and nitrated using the QPQ method to establish the following mechanical properties: Surface Hardness: Rockwell C60-C65 x Surface Finish: RMS 20 (using ASTM B117 salt spray) x Approximately 7% surface area corrosion in 88 hours (or 10 times better than hard chrome plating) Fatigue Strength: Approximately 80%to 100% increase using QPQ as compared untreated sample. Hoist is to be painted black. x There shall be a cover plate over the conveyor made of 7GA. steel. x COVER PLATE This plate will slide into position over the conveyor and then be bolted in place at the rear of the body. - There shall be an air latch tailgate in place of a manual latch, the handle operating the front pivot shaft will be replaced by an air cylinder operated X AIRGATE front pivot shaft. The air cylinder shall be 3 1/2" in diameter with an 8" stroke. x It shall have a 3/4" chromed rod. x CHASSIS/CONVEYOR Installed on the underside of the body to protect the chassis frame rails, PLATE there shall be a stainless steel chassis/conveyor cover plate installed. X SECTION' SPECIFICATION DETAIL , COMPLY YES NO CHASSIS/CONVEYOR x PLATE This plate shall run the entire length of the conveyor. Four (4) Federal Signal clearance lights. x _ Two (2) Truck Lite amber reflectors x Two (2) Federal Signal red clearance lights x LIGHTING: Four(4) Truck Lite red reflectors x Two (2) Federal Signal stop/tail/turn lights. x One (1) Truck Lite License Plate Light x One (1) Amber Strob Light mounted to the front of the cab shield. x Two (2) Federal Signal reverse lihts. x ALARM: One (1) Body-up alarm/ body raise light x • Price Response Page Base Package Price Price In,Words One (1) Carbon Steel 10' Multi- Thirty One Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty Item 1: Purpose Dump Body for Supply $31,887.00 Seven Dollars and No Cents. Only Item 2: 0 N/A I Garrett T. Cervelli as a duty authorized representative of Trius, Inc. have full read, understood and recognized the requirements of this bid. I have enclosed complete copies of this specification, having been filled out in good faith and to the best of my knowledge for the items(s) being bid. Signed: j / 0.4,1X.2 Dated: May 17, 2016 r ' BIDDERS RESPONSE SHEET Exceptions and Deviations (Use additional pages if necessary.): NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief,by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid gd Signed: ildizzerA Print name Garrett T. Cervelli Corporate Title (if any) Secretary Company Name Trius, Inc. Mailing Address P.O. BOX 158 Bohemia, NY 11716-0158 Phone Number 631-244-8600 BID ON S`-%^&e"-- ©J`-( •, I I. 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' ,,.0, t .!1,3' fort"f 4 ,1 i•;', i .,4 ''', *-".• l' I"' • •-•'4-- ,'-r '- x - FloWDump®. 00000000000000000000000 © 000000000000 © 000000 © 00000000000 ' ' .. f 1 TheFloN Features :^ 1 -_ 44 I, Dump® The Flo'N Dump® was designed to be a simple, ai _- ___ ` 1 ; spreads strong,and versatile unit.The fact that the body conveys '; lc material while material while it is down on the chassis gives this body % � the body is several benefits: E-'' - '-, down on the ° Stable and Safe-This body has a low center of gravity '• ' ' chassis which while spreading, much lower than a body that raises afis,�. ? �" forward, rearward or to the side.It is even lower than a4 -- - . ;4 makes for a hopper spreader,for a safe and stable load on icy - - I'4• low center of roads. , "r -, y ?r' gravity and o Simplicity-Because the body does not need addition- .r . ; ` consequently al hydraulic/mechanical systems to tip it forward or to r-.4.0 k r 44 a safe and the side it can use simple efficient, and conventional "4' Ku ti'v' stable load on dump body and spreader hydraulics.This pays benefitsl't'� � ,, - in decreased maintenance requirements. : ...`'.,,, ,4£a:,, .-.. —_:„., . _._,,„..-0A4,c'' t Ste' . icy roads. © Strength-Massive 12"structural steel body longitudi- == nals also form the sides of the conventional conveyor. 1/4"thick AR-235 conveyor floor is supported by 4" structural steel interlaced I-Beam,making this floor/ r body system the strongest of all multi-purpose bodies. STRONG ENOUGH TO DROP BOULDERS DIRECTLY . ON THE EXPOSED CONVEYOR CHAIN! r L----= "`. '' \ The conveyor R " © Versatility-This Flo'N Dump®is a very heavy duty �` is a strong and dump body,and with the conveyor in operation can be " li integral part of used for conveying ice control material,shoulder repair the body. Made gravel,cold or hot mix asphalt,or any other road repair of massive 12" aggregate.The conveyor moves the material out while •: ,'- the body is down on the chassis.One or two body rais- r t, f= f� structural steel es will recover the conveyor,enabling 90%of the mate- ie longitudinals, rial to be conveyed.Optional moveable hopper sides 4 :' , -:; 1/4"AR-235 eliminate the need to raise the body while conveying. � ' . *."—j.' i . e ' 1 floor with Body Specifications • � 4 ,' 4" I-Beam , ,,r • Model Body Side Struck Hoist :t0--,4%, Akt, interlaced (Front or Length Height Capacity Capacity i ' Rear Spread) g g p y p y I� t..' ��{ crossmembers. ° ei,;"`r ':'' FND-9 9' 34" 7YD 20 TON °" FND-10 10' 34" 8 YD 20 TON " FND-13 13' 46" 13 YD 38 TON „ i Fes= W. 1,40,4'..,4z° ;:. FND-14 14' 46" 14 YD 38 TON Flilk _-- „ -.- FND-15 15' 46” 15 YD 38 TON lam"" ,- r--. i,'a. j - � FND-16 16' 46" 16 YD 50 TON r FND-17 17' 46" 17 YD 50 TON i th.:\;,, . ' Optional Front Spread Options ,` Model features exclusive Front or Rear Spread•Combination Package(Front r - ..chassis frame chute. Spread with Rear Convey)•Rear Conveyor Control This chute allows Top Screens•Conveyor Cover Plate ' _ precise material Ground Speed Sensor Pickup•Hot Mix Belt oY applications—from 45°Moveable Hopper Sides•Spreader Apron !1 spreading of all materialel; CAUTION: The combined weights of the truck chassis, hoist, body, ;,''''.'•� under the truck to all and cargo must not exceed the gross vehicle rating of the truck .W'666 '2,,t,,..,,,,. material to the left lane o of the truck or any 00 y �,, , ,...,.. .� - Pry,„,-;,--:41,--;,-.,-4:,,,:,,,,,,' - combination in 0 .�" `f� °�- ' ''',,;---,',',,-r'.-!--- between. a • ' ° Air-Flo Manufacturing 4 , z ` 0 1 Main Street, Prattsburgh , NY 14873 nt � „,„lit-`--,,---A, te . 4 ez 11 ',.!>2.-•P':•'., © phone:607.522.3574 , st F e_- Ca o fax:607.522.4412 0 Air-Flo Manufacturing reserves the right to change design specifications and furnish o US patents#4886214,5310119,5397172,5400974,5437499 products so altered without prior notice o and other US and international patents pending 0 n LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, at the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971, until 2:00 P.M. Thursday, May 19, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for a Air Flo 10' carbon steel Flo 'n Dump or equivalent sander body. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Southold Town Clerk during normal business hours. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defect or informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be submitted on the per item price list, and must be accompanied by a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check the amount of$100.00. All bids must be marked "Bid on Sander Body", and must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: May 3, 2016 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ON May 12, 2016, AND FORWARD ONE (1 ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports Brown's Letters Burrelle's Info Services Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Highway Town of S Bid For: Carbon Steel 10' Multi-Purpose Dump Body For Supply Only Table of Contents Intent Technical Product Specifications Item 1 One (1) Carbon Steel 10' Multi-Purpose Dump Body for Supply Only Bidders Response Sheet INTENT SECTION It is the intent of the following specification to describe a new, latest model in production Air-Flo 10' Carbon Steel Flo 'N Dump or equivalent. In recognition of the specialized nature of the chassis components and in the interest of insuring the safety of the operators, affixing responsibilities, minimizing downtime, maximizing productivity and insuring proper service, warranty and factory support beyond the point of sale, bids will be accepted only from equipment dealers who are factory authorized to sell, service and provide warranty support in this geographic area. The following specification is based upon various multi-purpose dump bodies. The Town of Southold has evaluated different types of dump bodies and has determined that this product is best suited for the town's needs in safety, quality, performance, and long term operating costs. This specification is not to be interpreted as restrictive, but rather as a measure of the safety, quality and performance against which all multi-purpose bodies will be compared to. In addition, the items listed below shall be considered as part and parcel to the bid. 1. Specifications—In the event alternate chassis or equipment brands are bid, each vendor shall at the time of the bid submit two (2) copies of a technical description of the unit and components he/she proposes to furnish for the purpose of evaluation. Said representations should be sufficiently detailed so as to address this bid on an item-by-item basis. Specifications submitted by vendors shall be instrumental in substantiating compliance with this bid. 2. Coating Specifications, Samples and MSDS Sheets—In the event an alternate is bid, the vendor shall supply(2) wet and (2) dry samples at the time of the bid. Wet samples shall be in steel containers and be clearly labeled to match the stated offering. Dry samples shall be provided on 3" x 6"tin placards. MSDS sheets shall be provided and will be instrumental in verifying compliance. In the event exceptions are taken, the vendor is hereby instructed to annotate and number the exceptions taken and provide all detail relevant to those exceptions listed by corresponding number on a separate sheet of paper. As per the New York State General Municipal law, all political subdivisions are allowed to make purchases through the resulting contract(s). Any other political subdivision will issue purchase orders directly to vendors within the specified contract period referencing the town contract and shall be liable for any payments due on such purchase orders; and shall accept sole responsibility for any payment due. A bidder may not bid multiple products for one bid item. If a bidder offers more than one, only the lowest prices offering will be considered. In the event price offerings are identical, only the first item listed will be considered. Instructions to the Bidders: • In the event an alternate is bid, complete product specifications and brochures as described above shall be considered mandatory. The information submitted by vendors shall be instrumental in substantiating compliance with the requirements of this bid. Failure to submit these technical support documents at the time of the bid shall render the bid non-responsive. In the event exceptions are taken, the vendor is hereby instructed to annotate and number the exceptions taken and provide all detail relevant to those exceptions listed by corresponding number on a separate sheet of paper. Vendors are cautioned that unsubstantiated claims of compliance to the technical specification and/or any written representations that the product offered is of commensurate capability or an"or equal" nature will not constitute compliance with this requirement. No individual claim(s) of compliance, equality or superiority shall receive any consideration in the absence of specific technical information to support such claims. The issuance of unsupported claims shall render the bid non- responsive. In the event an alternate is bid, the town reserves the right to request a demonstration within ten (10) working days of notification. Demonstration will be conducted at a designated location within the town free of charge. Failure to comply with a request for demonstration may result in disqualification of bid. COMPLIANCE TO SPECIFICATIONS The bidder shall indicate 100% compliance by checking "YES" or non-compliance by checking"NO" for each line item of specification. Any space left blank shall be considered non-compliant. Any deviation from the specification, or where submitted literature does not fully support the meeting of specifications, must be clearly cited in detail, in writing, by the bidder and submitted with the bid. NO verbal interpretations will be accepted! In addition NO deviations below"minimum" specifications as written will be accepted. "BIDDING REQUIREMENTS SECTION" • SECTION SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO It is the intent of these specifications to describe a multi-use heavy-duty steel dump body for supply only to be mounted on a pre-existing,town owned chassis. This dump body shall have a telescopic hoist and an intregal conveyor built into the floor for conveying and/or spreading ice control materials, chips for seal coating, asphalt or shoulder material. Since the body will be working in very demanding and adverse conditions, and to thus prevent obtaining an unproven proto type body of a similar design, the INTENT: manufacturer shall have been in continual production of this specific type of body. The manufacturer shall also have built a minimum of 200 such units; and shall provide to the bidder a list of customers that includes names and phone numbers of a list of 10 different customers. . These customers shall have working experience with the proposed model being bid, with a minimum operation time of at least 3 years Product must be from original design manufacturer. The overall length of the dump body shall be 10 ft. It shall have a struck capacity of 8 cubic yards without sideboards. The straight vertical SIDES of the body shall be made of 7 Ga. steel. The top of the sides shall be boxed with a "C" section closure and full welded. The boxed top rail shall be dirt shedding with a 45 degree slope at the top and shall be 5" deep and 6" high. BODY: The corner post shall be made from 7 Ga. steel and be 5 1/2" deep and 16" wide. It will run full depth from the top of the gate to the bottom of the longitudinal and be full welded. The sides are supported by vertical gussets that are 4-1/2" deep, 7 1/4" wide and full welded. The bottom of the sides will have a 45 degree sloped rub rail that is 5" wide. The TAILGATE shall be constructed of 7 Ga. steel. SECTION SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO There shall be two vertical interior gussets 5 1/2" wide, 3 1/2" deep and full welded and two vertical outside gussets 5 3/4" wide, 3 1/2" deep and full welded. There will be a dirt shedding boxed horizontal top rail running full width that is 6 1/2" x 4" and full welded. The upper tailgate hinge bracket shall be incorporated into the rear corner post to give the appearance of the tailgate and hinge assembly being the same height as the rear corner post. BODY: The bottom horizontal rail shall be full width and sloped 45 degrees. The flat horizontal FLOOR shall be made from 1/4" steel. The center of the floor shall have a bar flight chain conveyor running the entire length of the body. The conveyor shall be flush with the floor of the dump body The flat horizontal FLOOR of the body and the bedplate of the conveyor, shall be supported every 12" by Hot Extruded, American Standard 4" Structural Steel I-Beam which is 7.7 lbs. per foot. Body is to be painted black The conveyor hood is mounted in a rear opening of the tailgate of the dump truck body. It shall be capable of being shifted to a forward-extended position covering the rear end of the conveyor and to a rearward retracted position where a flat straight front face of the conveyor hood is flush with an inner face of the tailgate. A horizontally revolving feedgate is not acceptable. CONVEYOR HOOD: The GATE LATCH shall be made of 1/2" steel and have 1-1/4" pin. There will be threaded rod adjustments and have two yokes with 5/8" pins. The gate handle shall be supported by two angle irons 1/4" x 2" x 3" with a 1-1/4" rod. This handle will have a safety chain with a ring that will slide over the handle. All moving joints shall be equipped with accessible grease fittings. To position more of the load toward the front of the truck and leave less open space between the cab and the body, the body shall have a 10" deep by 13 1/4" wide lift cylinder doghouse for single axle units and a 10" deep DOGHOUSE: by 14 1/4" wide lift cylinder doghouse for tandem axle units. The body must be able to be mounted with no more than 5" between the cab and the front body panel. SECTION SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO For ease of dumping operations, even tailgate spreading of aggregates, (i.e. spreader apron, side discharge, or stone spreader) - the conveyor shall end flush with the rear of the body and shall not extend past the tailgate of the unit. When the conveyor chain is moving material toward the rear of the body, the material shall be fed through the doghouse opening in the tailgate. This movement of material through the tailgate shall be used for conveniently charging,attachments such as paving hoppers and cross conveying shoulder machines. The rear of the floor and rear conveyor shall have no openings by which material shall pass through before it moves rearward through the doghouse in the tailgate. The rear of the floor and rear conveyor shall seal tight against the tailgate and doghouse in the tailgate when the coal door is closed. This tight seal shall eliminate any material leaking out of body. The CONVEYOR shall feed material rearward through the coal door of CONVEYOR: the tailgate. The conveyor shall be 34" minimum width. The sides of the conveyor which are also the longitudinal members of the body, shall be constructed of Hot Extruded American Standard 12" Structural Steel channel which is 20.7 lbs. per foot. There shall be an adequate number of 3" channel bracing welded to the bottom of the channel iron longitudinals. This 3" channel bracing shall form the base of the unit that will rest on the truck chassis. The.dump body floor shall be so formed that it fully covers the pintle chain links, #D667XH. The bar flight shall be 1/2" x 1-1/2" and welded to every link. The bedplate of the conveyor shall be made of 1/4" abrasion resistant steel. The conveyor shall be powered by one 6:1 ratio spur gearboxes mounted to the side of the 2" drive shaft. The gearbox(s) shall be powered by a hydraulic motor. DRIVE ASSEMBLY Shall be bolted in position easily detached to allow for ease of COVER: maintenance of rear drive assembly. The spinner disc shall be made of 10 Ga. steel and be 24" in diameter. It shall have 6 formed vanes. SECTION SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO SPINNER: There shall be a moveable, 2 piece round spinner deflector that is hinged at a 180° radius to allow both halves of the deflector to be adjusted for spread pattern control. The disc shall be mounted to an "L" shaped arm. This arm shall be pin mounted in a tubing, which will be mounted to the SPINNER: chassis of the truck. This "L" arm shall have 2 positions, one under the conveyor to receive material, the other position will be stowed under the truck chassis. 1/2 CAB SHIELD: There shall be a 1/2 cab shield supplied made of 10 Ga. steel. The 1/2 cab shield shall extend 22-1/2" from the front of the body. The 1/2 cab shield shall be 31 inches of height from the top of the body where the sideboards sit. The hoist shall be of telescopic design, double acting and have a trunion • mounting. The trunion mount shall have a 1-7/8" pin. Capacity shall be 20 tons. It shall be designed to operate up to 2500 PSI and shall be self-bleeding. It shall have 1/4" wall construction with bronze glands and pistons to assure a smooth and durable bearing surface. Each cylinder shall be internally sealed. TELESCOPIC HOIST: The inside seals shall have a U-cup design made of nitral packing. The piston rod shall be machined from ASI 4140 and nitrated using the QPQ method to establish the following mechanical properties: Surface Hardness: Rockwell C60-C65 Surface Finish: RMS 20 (using ASTM B117 salt spray) Approximately 7% surface area corrosion in 88 hours (or 10 times better than hard chrome plating) Fatigue Strength: Approximately 80%to 100% increase using QPQ as compared untreated sample. Hoist is to be painted black. There shall be a cover plate over the conveyor made of 7GA. steel. COVER PLATE This plate will slide into position over the conveyor and then be bolted in place at the rear of the body. There shall be an air latch tailgate in place of a manual latch, the handle operating the front pivot shaft will be replaced by an air cylinder operated AIRGATE front pivot shaft. The air cylinder shall be 3 1/2" in diameter with an 8" stroke. It shall have a 3/4" chromed rod. CHASSIS/CONVEYOR Installed on the underside of the body to protect the chassis frame rails, PLATE there shall be a stainless steel chassis/conveyor cover plate installed. • SECTION' SPECIFICATION DETAIL COMPLY YES NO CHASSIS/CONVEYOR PLATE This plate shall run the entire length of the conveyor. Four (4) Federal Signal clearance lights. Two (2) Truck Lite amber reflectors Two (2) Federal Signal red clearance lights LIGHTING: Four (4) Truck Lite red reflectors - Two (2) Federal Signal stop/tail/turn lights. One (1) Truck Lite License Plate Light One (1) Amber Strob Light mounted to the front of the cab shield. Two (2) Federal Signal reverse lihts. ALARM: One (1) Body-up alarm/body raise light Price Response Page Base Package Price Price In Words One (1) Carbon Steel 10'Multi- Item 1: Purpose Dump Body for Supply Only Item 2: 0 I as a duty authorized representative of have full read, understood and recognized the requirements of this bid. I have enclosed complete copies of this specification, having been filled out in good faith and to the best of my knowledge for the items(s) being bid. Signed: Dated: BIDDERS RESPONSE SHEET Exceptions and Deviations (Use additional pages if necessary.): NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief,by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid . Signed: Print name Corporate Title (if any) Company Name Mailing Address Phone Number BID ON ,.�„ C'ex- PjaJ`.( Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of May 3, 2016 °t` `° °t, RESOLUTION 2016-430 Item # 5.11 3,° Uaa ADOPTED DOC ID: 11858 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2016-430 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 3, 2016: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk's office to advertise for bid the latest model production Air-Flo 10 foot carbon steel Flo 'N Dump or equivalent sander body. Specification are available at the Town clerk's office. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell Generated May 4, 2016 Page 23 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 9th day of May , 2016, a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Bid on Sander Body , • 1_J �+ lizabeth A. Neville outhold Town Clerk Sworn before me this 10 day of Y _, 2016. N tarY Public LYNDA M RUDDER Notary Public, State of New York No. 01RU6020932 Qualified in Suffolk County 14 Commission Expires March 8,20