HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubject File � =�I MATT.TNG ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex S00 P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25t""t � Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 13, 2018 Denise J. Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group, PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Re: Approved Amended Site Plan for Verizon Wireless @ MGH 40200 NYS Rt. 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: M-II Dear Ms. Vista: The Planning Board has found that the requirements of the above-referenced amended site plan have been completed based on the photos submitted August 24, 2018 and the site inspection made September 12, 2018. The site is now in conformance with the Approved Site Plan entitled "Verizon Wireless Communications at Orient Point", prepared by Neil Alexander Macdonald, R.A, dated March 1, 2016 and last revised May 23, 2016. This letter does not condone any changes from the approved Site Plan and from approvals permitted by other agencies; Planning Board approval is required prior to any significant changes to the site. Please, if you have any questions regarding this site plan or its process, do not hesitate to call this office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector Jamie Richter, Town Engineering Inspector 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD, 9T"' FLOOR AM-&"' `0GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 L (J R 4 r. U P, P L L C TEL: 516.227.6363 I FAX: 516.227.6367 July 16, 2018b� BY FEDERAL EXPRESS jUl.. 1 "7 '(10 Ms. Jessica Michaelis Planning Department Sa)e'rOd Town Town of Southold PWxoling Board 54375 NYS Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Site Plan Application(the"Application")by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Verizon Wireless")to the Town of Southold in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility to be collocated at 40200 Main Road, Orient, New York, known and designated as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 NYSMSA Site Reference: Orient Point 2 /Our File No. 100-0773 Dear Ms. Michaelis: Pursuant to your request in connection with Verizon Wireless' Application, enclosed are three(3)additional sets of the zoning drawings prepared,signed and sealed by WFC Architects,last revised May 23, 2016. If you should require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. ry truly yours, Denise J. Vista Enclosures cc: Verizon Wireless (via email, without enclosures) 405 LEXINGTON AVENUE I CHRYSLER BUILDING,2611' FLOOR NEW YORK,NY 10174 212.485.6000 402 MAIN STREET I SUITE 204 1 METUCHEN,NJ 08840 1 732.317.1511 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session —Final Site Inspection Date July 9, 2018 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Verizon Wireless Co-location at Orient MGH Applicant: Verizon Wireless Date of Submission: June 2, 2016 Tax Map Number: 15.-9-8.1 Project Location: 40200 NYS Rt. 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: M-II II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Wireless co-location Acreage of Project Site: 4.7 acres Building Size ±337sf equipment compound This Amended Wireless Communications Application is to extend an existing concealment pole 20' for a Verizon Wireless co-location of an interior mounted antenna within the concealment cylinder between 70' and 90' above ground level of the approved 70' antenna support structure/tower with a 10kw diesel generator with sound enclosure set atop proposed elevated steel platform, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District. III. Analysis A. ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures a. Approved September 2012 site plan for AT&T/New Cingular Wireless to construct 70' monopole and associated ground equipment; b. ZBA variance #6533 granted a 7'1 side yard setback to residential property (R-400 NYS Park) for the AT&T equipment compound. c. ZBA variance #7023 granted February 16, 2017 for a TY side yard setback to residential property (R-400 NYS Park) for the equipment compound expansion for Verizon with one (1) condition: 1 Verizon Wireless @ MGH i. Pursuant to the request by the Town of Southold Planning Board, proposed location and height of the telecommunications monopole must be confirmed by the Planning Board and their technical consultant as per Town Code. B. Site Plan Approval: April 11, 2017 Condition # 1: Prior to a building permit being issued, the applicant shall submit draft Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's) to the Planning Board for their review and approval. Once approved, the C&R's must be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk and a receipt of the filing provided to the Planning Board prior to the issuance of the building permit. The C&R's are for the purpose of ensuring the screening vegetation around the expanded ground equipment compound is maintained as approved for the life of this facility; Staff: a. The applicant filed the C&R's, however they did not submit them to the Planning Department. The site plan was never endorsed by the Planning Board chairman; b. They did submit the C&R's to the Building Department, and they mistakenly issued a building permit, and the colocation was completed; c. The Building Department was notified of this oversight. C. Site Inspection a. Verizon Wireless co-location: site visit conducted by Brian Cummings on July 6, 2018 (see photographs): b. Interior mounted panel antennas within the concealment cylinder between 70' and 90' above ground level. Verizon to take the top spot and an empty sector between 70'-80' for possible future colocation; Staff: constructed as approved; c. Proposed 10kw Diesel generator with sound enclosure located within the proposed equipment area (see elevations) with associated ground equipment; Staff: constructed as approved; d. Nine (9) Eastern Red Cedars @ 14' high x 6' wide and 6' on center; Staff: The proposed screening vegetation listed above is the same species, size and spacing as specified within the existing C&R filed 2 Verizon Wireless @ MGH with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk for the landscape maintenance guarantee required as part of the AT&T compound previously approved; Staff: constructed as approved; e. CityScape required the following four (4) conditions: (1) All of Applicant's feed lines/cables shall be installed inside the monopole structure; Staff: constructed as approved; (2) All ports shall remain sufficiently sealed to prevent access by birds and other wildlife; Staff: NOT constructed as approved; (3) The Applicant shall confirm the generator will comply with the Southold Ordinance noise guidelines; (4) The facility shall remain secured and protected from unauthorized personnel; and Staff: constructed as approved; (5) A fifth condition was added to the approval to file a C&R to maintain the vegetation proposed around the new ground compound for screening purposes. This C&R was filed sufficiently but was submitted directly to the Building Department instead of submitted directly to Planning Dept.; prior to the Chairman endorsing the site plan. C&R (Liber D00012913 Page 217) IV: Staff Recommendations 1. Chairman to endorse the site plans; 2. Seal all access ports as required to prevent access by birds and other wildlife; 3. Once item #2 has been sufficiently completed, support the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy to the Building Department (after the site plans are endorsed); 4. The Planning Department will take steps to ensure that conditional approvals are clarified for the applicant and the Building Department in the future. 3 WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, July 9, 2018 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 2:30 p.m. Executive Session — Advice from Town Attorney 4:00 p.m. Applications Project atin Fuzion S tion 6. �. .... � # � 1000-61-1-13.1 20 Tra veler Street, Southold me Description: This Amended Site Plan Application is for the proposed conversion of an existing 1,113 sq. ft. retail store to a sixteen (16) seat restaurant and installation of a new sanitary system on 3.14 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning District Status Pending... _ Action: Completeness A. �.e...m . .. . �ew,. .e...... . e _ � . ....... Attachments: Staff Report e Location name: rRenycli g (NF eSan-itation} SCTM#!m 1000-83-3-4.7 o at 8475 CoxL -� Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed construction of a 1-story 960 sq. ft. building for office use attached to a 1 Y2-story 6,000 sq. ft. building for warehouse space and no basement with 16 parking stalls on 5 acres in ( the Light Industrial Zoning District . . .. ... ..... . Status: Pending Action: Referral Review Attachments: Staff Report Project Name Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises j SCTM# V 1000-15-9-8.1 Location: ! 40200 Route 25„ ±345' s/w/o Lands End Road & NYS Route 25„ Orient Description, � This Amended Wireless Communications Application proposed 0f . pole extension to an 70 f . higconealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co-location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' r and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District. Status: Approved Action. R Acta. eview filed C&Rs, and Final Site Inspection chments: Staff Report m '''"' Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20554 Informational Notice of Section 106 Filings Date: 06/20/2018 Reference Number: 994011 swo; Heather M Lanza,Town Planning Department Director Pa,H L/ M T Town of Southold Planning Board u P.O.Box 1179 w ..._w.��..... 54375 Main Rd. Southold,NY 11971 =1'1J ii o,ffl dd lfbwi °A�Guwar9lry�p V���:���I The following new Section 106 filing has been submitted: FILE NUMBER: 0008249934 TCNS Number: 172902 Purpose: Collocation Submission Packet Notification Date: 7AM EST 06/15/2018 Applicant: T-Mobile Northeast,LLC Consultant: EnviroBusiness,Inc.d/b/a EBI Consulting(EBI 6118004910) Positive Train Control Filing Subject to Expedited Treatment Under Program Comment: No Site Name: LI13882D/Orient AT&T Tower Site Address:40200 Main Road Detailed Description of Project: 6118004910 Compound Expansion of an existing monopole site resulting in ground disturbance Site Coordinates:41-09-09.3 N, 072-14-39.1 W City: Orient County: SUFFOLK State: NY Lead SHPO/THPO: New York State Historic Preservation Office Consultant Contact Information: Name:Alexis M Green Title:Assistant Tech Dir,Cultural Resources PO Box: Address: 21 B Street City:Burlington State:MA Zip:01803 Phone: (585) 815-3290 Fax: Email: agreen@ebiconsulting.com NOTICE OF FRAUDULENT USE OF SYSTEM, ABUSE OF PASSWORD AND RELATED MISUSE Use of the Section 106 system is intended to facilitate consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and may contain information that is confidential,privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure under applicable laws.Any person having access to Section 106 information shall use it only for its intended purpose. Appropriate action will be taken with respect to any misuse of the system. Page 1 of 1 FCC 813 April 2014 21 B Street EBI Consulting BurlingtonM 01803 Tel: (78 1) I)277 3-2500 www.ebiconsulting.com environmental I engineering I due diligence S r�F June 6, 2018 ♦-4L1 MT,6G Town of Southold Planning Board c/o Heather M. Lanza,Town Planning Department Director `` JUN 1 5 201 54375 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1 179 Southold Town Southold, NY 11971 Planning Board Phone: (63 1) 765-1938 hea tli er.l anza(cD tow n.so u t h o I d.U.u s Subject: Invitation to Comment LI 13882D/Orient AT&T Tower 40200 Main Road, Orient, Suffolk County, NY 11957 EBI Project#61180049 10 Dear Ms. Lanza: Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the regulations promulgated thereunder and interagency agreements developed thereto, EBI Consulting, Inc. on behalf of T-Mobile provides this notice of a proposed telecommunications facility installation at the address listed above. EBI would like to inquire if you would be interested in commenting on this proposed project. Please refer to the attached project plans for complete details regarding this proposed project. Please note that we are requesting your review of the attached information as part of the Section 106 process only and not as part of the local zoning process. We are only seeking comments related to the proposed project's potential effect to historic properties. Please submit your comments regarding the proposed project's potential effect on historic properties to EBI Consulting, to my attention at 21 B Street, Burlington, MA 01803 or contact me via telephone at the number listed below. Please reference the EBI project number. We would appreciate your comments as soon as possible within the next 30 days. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the proposed project. Respectfully Submitted, 7 a�zwf h Suzanne B. Derrick Technical Director—Cultural Resources EBI Consulting Office: (815) 302-9118 Fax: (717)428-0403 sderrick@ebiconsulting.com Attachments—Figures and Project Drawings ENVIROBUSINESS, INC. LOCATIONS I ATLANTA,GA BALTIMORE, MD I BURLINGTON. MA CHICAGO IL CRANSTON, RI DALLAS,TX I DENVER.CO I EXETER, NI i I NOUS FOR TX I LOS ANGELES, CA NEW YORK. NY PHOENIX,AZ I PORTLAND, OR I SAN FRANCISCO, CA I SEATTLE,WA I YORK, PA I0 \ 00 V%NNII � F \ i 1 Orient Point I I ! If 1 ♦ i 0 1 1 / \ d ♦ 4-4 � EBI GIS,Sources:Esri, HERE,Garmin, USGS, Intermap,INCREMENT R NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand),NGCC, OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Legend Project Site Site Radius at 250', 500', 1000' and % mile Date:5/25/2018 Figure 1: Site Location Mapf L113882D ORIENT AT&T TOWER 40200 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 EBI Consulting PN:6118004910 environmental I engineering I date d4ligence � l _- l,, � , y ` - •fes y N. f Orient . Poing , f t i n goem r r Ise Aft -•Ks f I ..,� +' 11`1 \ � - �� � '� • , \� e i► 0 to . - yl OR 6 T BEACH , _ tit 1 $r 'ATE PARK , .•' i r• EBI GIS,Copyright:©2013 National Geographic Socie!y, I-cubed Legend Project Site Site Radius at 250', 500', 1000' and 1/2 mile USGS 24K Quad:Plum Island,NY 1986,Orient,NY 1986 -° Date: 5/25/2018 Figure 2 - Topographic Map N L113882D ORIENT AT&T TOWER 40200 MAIN ROAD ` ORIENT, NY 11957 EBI Consulting PN:6118004910 environmental I engineering I due diligence z . .Mobile•I REVIEWED T-MOBILE NORTHEAST LLC By Bryan Felton at 10:45 am, May 16, 2018 00 LI 13882D S 2 $ ORIENT AT&T TOWER Z j1 Z Rea su¢AeTnti` >ri 40200 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 (7076 GROUND 6102 MUAC CONFIGURATION) VICINITY MAP GENERAL NOTES PROJECT SUMMARY 1.THE COiLTR,AGRCR MiALL WE ALL NOTW ANO OT-KY 1WTR B.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRONE A FULL SET OF SIIE NUMBER: U13882DAPPUCANT: T-MOR0 KORTITAT LEC PNaE"'7 TeCt fAi.]YE ALL LAWS,DROW&ICM FULEx REOuuMTONS AND IAVML CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AT THE SITE UPDATED WITH THE SITE NAME ORIENT AT&T TOWER 3500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY ORA" GROAT RIVER.NY 11779 CHEC+tJ'�RR: OERS OF ANY PUBLIC ALIMOBf,MIAtiIM FAL AND UITLATEST REVISIONS AND ADDENDUM OR CLARIFICATIONS SITE ADDRESS: 40200 MAIN ROAD W LPS C WPAIN SR£L7FICkTIONS,MR LOCAL AND STATE AVAIUME FOR THE USE BY ALL PERSONNEL INVOLVED WITH ORIENT,NY 11957 T-MOBILE DEVELOPNFM PAUL LAPASOTA JURISDICTIONAL CSS SEARING ON THE PERFORMANCE Of Ili( THE PROJECE MANAGER: (631)745-4677 WOfOL TH_VIM PEWDRNEO ON TIME FRWEGI AN3 THE PROPERTY OWNER tilt 7�PRm 7g. B.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTRACTOR AND DL HE THE PROTECTQ200 ALL AWS ABLE OD SHALL UL IN SRAM ACCORDANCE WITH DESCRIBED HEREIN.LL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY ORIENT. MAIN ROAD PROTECT MANAGER: 155HIGHLANDERLET CONSULTANTS ALL APPLICABLE F CAGES,REGULATIONS AND ORDYARCFS. RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION NFANS,METHODS, ORIENT,NY 11957 155 CWIEION AVENUE 2.THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER HAVE MADE EERY EFFORT m SET TECHNIQUES.SELWIENCES,AND PROCEDURES AND FOR ROBERT HAASE FAST ISUP,NY 11730 FORTH IN THE CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCT DOCUMENTS THE COORDINATING ALL PORTIONS OF THE WORK UNDER CONTRACT. TOWER OWNER AT&T WIRD CONFACT: BRYAN FELTON COMPLETE SCOPE OF WORK.THE CONTRACTOR BIDDING THE JOB 10.TNE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY IS NEVERTHELESS CAUTIONED THAT MINOR OMISSIONS OR PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS WHICH ARE REQUIRED FOR THE (671)SB7-0105 StID'E L EROS IN THE DRAWINGS AND OR SPE SCATIONS SHALL NOT �,ME Ems/ � STATE.COU�. UT./LONC.: N 41'9'9.3126'/W 72'14'39.0516' �CT�R'DDt INFINIGY ENGINEERING EXCUSE SND CONIRILTOR FROM COMPLETING THE PROJECT AND1033 WATERVUET SHAKER ROAD wPROVEMIENTS Y ACCORDANCE WITH THE INTENT OF THESE LAICAL GOVERNMENT AUTHOPoIY. CONSTRUCTION TYPE Is ALBANY,NY 12205 DOCIINENTS. 11.7HE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE NECESSARY PROVISIONS m PROTECT DUSTING IMPROVEMENTS.EASEMENS.PAVING. Ilg CROUP: U CONTACT: NA•CGE STEVENS 3.THE CONYING(N OR BIDDER E T- BEM THE ESENLA AVERESPONSIBOFITY CURBING ETC-DURING CONSTRUCTION IPPON COMPLETION OF (518)690-0790 PROFESSIONAL SIAL OF NOTIFYING(w WRITING)THE T-NOBLE RFPRFSQflGTNE OF WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHAU REPAIR ANY DAMAGE THAT NAY ANY CONFLICTS.ERRORS,OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE HAVE OCCURRED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ON OR ABOUT THE SUBMISSION OF THE CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL OR PERFDA6 RME PROM" PROJECT DESCRIPTION SHEET INDEX TR500C1�"TIS'"EwuT1OF1 OF WORK Y THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES.THE CONTRACTOR w;.CRn'xuOF,000n�I.c0 SHALL PRICE THE MORE COSILY OR EXPD45K WORK,UNLESS 12.THE CONTRACTOR SNAIL KEEP THE GENERAL WON AREA ®OmTNG MONOPOLE ❑Ex6TIXG OUTDOOR SHEET DESCRIPTION R_AVtSION WORK OF r#KIBILE.ANY O ATION - DIRECTED Y WRITING OTHERWISE CLEW AND HAZARD FREE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DISPOSE �S) ® OR 116E N'ff110UT EYRRE55 WNIfTEN 4 THE SCOPE OF WORK SHALL INCLUDE FURNISHING OF AUL OF ALL DINT,OBRIS,RUBBISH AND REMOVE EOOPMENT NOT ❑=TIES LOTCE T31UR ❑D6RIG RES RDI ❑INDOOR T-1 TTILE A CONSENT 65TRKRY PROHIBTEC• MATERIALS,EQUIPMENT.LABOR AND AUL OTHER MATERIALS AND SPECFIED AS REMAINING ON PROPERTY.PREMISES SHAT BE ❑EaT °`.•—z't7Y'R o--wEC•mL` ❑FMi0P0Yn C-1 SRE[NDN A LABOR DEEMED NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK LEFT Y CLEAN CONDITION AND FREE FROM PAM SPOTS, ❑OUSTING BUBOMD 0 DS11NG WESIEII WNUaTE PAD C-P COMPOUND Pus t ELEWPt N /FRQIECf WEST,OR SMUDGES OF ANY NATURE ®PROPOSED NOTERDRAW'PICS AHEZIaT1•,USE M RETs7O 3RERFSR, ❑F0I6TNG ROOFTOP ❑e 31R'LAT�kn STEEL PI,,m 73 - GRARIIGLSCALE ANDY]R 1rz TIMES 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHAT VLu�RE J57B SITE PRIOR m THE 13 THE CONTRACTS.OR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL OSHA ❑0(61140 FLAGPOLE ❑SITE SUPPORT CABINET®PpotpgD PPG = A OSE T11F NOTFp suLE C RR�TIi SUBMISSION OF BIDS OR PDLECR@E9 11M TO FAMIAPoff REpINENT TA AS AWELL Y RE THE LATEST EDTIIONS OF AM ❑EK61NC FPR DIGITIN ❑PROPOSED GPS ❑PAVBBOVD LI A HIMSELF WITH THE FELD CDW"'MRS MO TO Y""n THAT Off PERTINENT STALE SAFETY RER:UTATIONS. � APU AIC&OVALS A SITE NUMBER �rm BE�y OR�WITH AAE 14.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE T-MOBLE RETRtFSEITUTNE L113882D WHERE A OONFUCT OCCURS ON ANY OF THE CONTRACT T-MOBILE NORTEAST UD PROPS THE MODIFICATION OF M UNMANNED 7 O}Rf7 um DETADS A DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS Da+T-,SET oDG IPENTs WIRELESS BROADBAND FACILITY MOTION OF PROPOSED PANEL ANTENNAS, -i SITE PLAN A S��E DOCUMENTS THE CONTRACTOR OF IS Mar TO ORDER MATERIAL T (9)RRUS.AND(6)TMA UNITS ADDITION OF ICE BF®LL STEEL EOUPMENT ORIENT AT&T TCwER 6-THE CONTRACTOR SFIALL OBTAIN AUDiORQAnON m PROCEED CONSTRUCT ANY PORTION OF THE WORK THAT IS w CONFLICT CYVTRRAC704"DM11 VFRFY-1.AH5 AND f1E5nHG DMElG ATR fUTF01WL HRBID GBIF$GPS AND 6102 fR7wEf WORN PROPOSED ELECTRICAL CDNO DNS ON THE JOB DRE AI EI MALL DAWO ASHY NOTIFY THE WITH CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO STARTING WORK ON ANY TEM UNTIL COIFUCT 6 RESOLVED BY THE T-MOBLE EASEµ• CA Y Z} 10200 MAY MCAD ARCHITECT IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES WORE P IGA TNHO NOT CLEARLY DEFINED BY THE CONSTRICTION REPRESENTATIVE NtlINC AND"'011fR A ORIENT.NY 1135/ WITH THE WORK OR BE fESPOMBE FOR SAME DFAMNLS/COMPACT DOCUMENTS. 15.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AUL DIMENSIONS,ELEVATIONS, 0-2 GROUNDYG DEALS A 7.THE CONTRACTOR SHAT INSTAL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS PROPERTY LINES,ETC..ON THE JOB. D-3 DROUNDRIG OETAAS A SHEET TIRE ACCORDING TO TIRE MMNFACNRER'S/VEHDORS SPECIFICATIONS 15 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RETURN 141 DISTURBED AREAS TO N-1 ffAERAL ANO 1aRRGL N3TES A fALL: LKESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION AT THE COMPLETION OF WOW, 'ALL BEIPIfE YOU CR ORDINANCES TME PRECEDENCE Wrr9raDBArRIr�3rrcwmDLN TITLE SHEET •'` CALL 8%OR"00-1162-7902 CALL THREE WORIONG DAYS PRKIR m DIGGING "——'—`__=w< SHEET HUMBER yQWM CODs`rOR 11T117Y LOCARO43 ELECIRIC-REDSEWER -GREENCAS/WL -YELLOW SURVEY -PINK T•1; PROPOSEDTEL/GTV-ORANGE PROPOSED EXCAVATION-WHITE WA -BLUE RECJ.A+SA WATER -PURPLE GENERAL SITE NOTES- Mob"'s' 3 - • 1.. �.rJ>]OT2RE.acTNis'R>RTCT.aTF[FFAL wrn.INu'wY 3 i�kl�ll•�r kEY PERfQRWJ H[AFIMCL.fXANdif W®G$'N s',4PItl VAS 0lJ11ME A�1V ALL ALL RL50 " 0 PRp�y.R Oam]S FIOPEAry AM1 llSRC1W=6 2 }CtlEVvfr NFpR] q HR:EF]N PRONLFO R m .. 00 �. c9Nm]cIIR m FIF1D war ORHIHA6 As BOGF � rc mamucrDR � � ]Iff PRafV3D OEwGPYENf 006 NIf OATllOE SRa OF 0 y y c AUTR1a1L =�$ a n¢PIOW9D oLY¢oPNExr a urAwRen AID naeuaaE ooEs Z £r== wr REOURE A uGva D<NAIEp Swnr oR Qwa DalOSAL ���i fi. M L11031Af R9RR 6 iR'POStD N[V{NIICf[RI•IK TNa LL o L.+Dr>-u011:111L"rR K-Ar sFc�a.s N Z - ] �d»C2E OEYFIOPLIlO 006>�AµyEr d UfIRiS 9ON1 OM RAN ARE TAXFN PIAN ORIi]a RFWYGS LEA S7 NG EXISTING ND FlDD DG M O VBNF 9 6LE FAilaS THE ALS PARKING LOT GRASSY ARFA� 7 ExaTac Etnwf gun Evtr w�nrtAl uro wmru / / tuFArrora of unnRs tra rar�vL werxu ANr CININLI011 PFIxIRIr�c]AwI ax rta vlE tnaT mNrAcr IED ulurc AT LFAsr b tools Prsm m w1ollDnc•onL 20LgsAW R$LgI iEB na� R ALL 0®IE]E w IIUSD]FACAINS SHALL tN Ia11O:D)NmN 9ATIBAERY(rrr,cr(s)TDr�.y - R���E a paew 12 NOEma of=A—of ovEw,na PROPOSED r-♦TOME(B)ARIUS ro SIF MRNW PROPOSED Ar-OUr-el A'F c-2 YOOAvm Of PROPOSED H-M4ME(TW AWA W/OHERNEA0 ICE CANOPY OF(J)PER SEC706(J)SECTORS MrAZ) A A ISE PP[ SCfE L1:GE7JI3 PROPOSED r-ucTswE 14'-0'TALL rwcE sT� c�re�vs car -- SITE PRDPERn uNE Ex1umm(rO W TM 0707M tBW A@OoO.R'J r-,ICStE ACCESS OA 7E STREET OR ROAD Q90M D r-,yOE7E P9SPvmv FiKSE ACOM S7�M PROPOSED GAf01FT YATCN EA7S73WG PMZW ACCESS STARS) CHITIN LINK FENCE EVU1T-AIELRtE 6102 _ EDI�/ENT GIl11L"f 2 .. OPAWE WOODEN FFNCE -EXISTING RETAKING TREES/SHRUBS - PT" . zd WALL(TYP.) PRµfEt:T RXx _ TREE LINE C wtj IN, FAR —ETOSRNC GRAVEL (TYP.) LEXISTING UDLFTY POLE SAND LOTS (E) E%ISIING ETEEL E CARRIER RAISED / IXSRNG SHRUB 7D IL RELOCATED TO EDGE STEEL EOUIPNENi PLATFORM (N) NEW OF PROPOSED T-MOBILE COMPOUND EXTENSION OR REMOVED(TYP..OF(5)TDTA:') (P) PROPOSED (F) FUTURE PROPOSED T-410ME A'S BUM EXISTING CARRIER FENCED CAAMRl� - EQUIPMENT COMPOUND PROPOSED T-MaKE(16)7/B'GUAM JJJ EXISTING CARRIER RAISED . CABLES 70 EFRIXHED P1KW PRC1°D.SED STEEL EOUIPMENT PLATFORM _ ETNJ°NEHT CABRET 7D PR09ASfD ANIEDWAS f.� PROFESSIONAL SEAL Txa IGcuueHr s r�E^READbL rer�a:rA]e cra�laarE� Waa.nT+[+xe ANf NIfJFfix XA Lai THI1f%RF9Pf&3lNUfTEN clrsO]r s sTRIGTLr PR/HBITED. " "—EXISTING ACCESS GATE(TYP.) NOTE ff ONAW9K.5 ARE Z1101',USE ❑iAP1RGRL SOLE IMO0.1 R RHES STEALTH OFTRENOTEO SONE APPROXIMATE LOCATION MONOPOLE TOWER OF EXISTING TREE LINE SFFENUMBER: STING CARRIER ICE LI13882D BRIDGE(TYP.)(ABOVE) / S�HOME ROCK `E70STKG ORIENFATATTOHER WALL(TYP-) BEACH;7 AM MAIN ROAD ORIEN-r.Nr 11957 SHEET TRLE SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE: �+ 1�� 1 SffE PLAN 20' 10A d 10' 20' SAES NUMBER N mwselwN0R1H SCALE (11x17): 1"= 24'--0` C•7 SCALE (22x34): 1" = 10'-0" INT T ••Mobile• 1Noo ki1UMKrA:G HAS MOT EVALUATED THE ASSUAGES OA UM F-S kDAa0 IL OR u SITE AND WrEmE5 NO RP9016@Il]t3'FOR IIS STNU�"ILRAi IN'R3�PoTY 8 EGARQiN6 TFS E?TSiPAQ AR PRC4R5ED LDArrw, gNAL 77STALf.�IhPI T8 COMPLY•mI Use 25 KW generator.We are still awaiting 8ESQ1T5 -ZVP&AL ANAL' 00 confirmation of natural gas or diesel.There is IXISRNC CARRIER PANE NG along Main Road �EXIST1 As(TCP) T-MARE EUVIMEWT r0 f£/15rALLEA Z z (r1r PEe$Mm to%TTp?S RPTA, ^p y [sj 2 L1y6Y CABbES Z 5UBF4RTAL mgipTR'iR r-1g41E(9)ARDS m 1i Y00r1FD 0V FROI10.SED N-FR,WF;(6) 3 RRUS-11 84 AYU(J)MW-11 612(nP. C-4 9MAMRY(rm.OF(s)MW , OF p)PER sEcrzw p)srTCRs TOTAL) . •`�` WD=3' E=1&-0irr-0 i 1iF�AB01 MI1NN PROD]6'-0]'I6'-07FAg r-Y(H[E(+8)7/121MAX GIbtES ARE 'A A w/oKmmRx aRwr 10 EL ROVID AROY A?TDSM EV.g OTT 7i �PAq°0_®F-l�li W-W rk!FVa ^- m _ u ;� G2VtET m ihi]K+ 7 AHO&4• www --EXISDNG RETAINING C-5 fYlFN9CW(IC YA][21A:A ) ; / wALL(TYP.) � o PR�TeGT Tig HY%'S -7 GEiEERArEA4 CAf/£T - C r S 77,, f CHEW-EV Rir: k4'� EQUAFWBIm0wo TSE ' $ F EIISDNG STEALTH EfxWIENT GIF,IET E I MONOPOLE TOWER MIN. CYEARARL£FW �' .-� PRCIPOSED Gfh91A7VR '�1 1 - ACfISS cA TE C-s ��y 1 A?CF FD r-NOME ALR3$ MWOSE9 6102 STARS(m YA7CH EATSIAVG $ -,A, EOfiiENT G19NET - HERIZaV ACCESS STARS) Htl' PROFESSIONAL SEAL IXI$DMG FENCED J —EXISTING C011PWN0 FENCED Ta urr Dum APED T-MAXE 08)»a'CW CIAO ExiSDNG GRAVEL(M-) ORuSEtttTH011TE%PRESS WRIREN 1D BE ROVFEV ERW PRv J///,////// 1 ,�` .� EQUIPMENT COMPWNO Og15EM 455Ry1CILY PiOHIBffED TO✓ AAtWWAS� 1 •\' �f�, E%ISnNG CARRIER RAISED ``I MMM r-hEC6fE 14'-0' " STEEL EQUIPMENT PLATFORM I TALLHDO EXTENSKN� NOTE IFDTUYmGS ARE zzvll',u5= YA1p/Q15rIWG) DRUMI0—ENOEDSC&L nA�� 9RgP0.4➢T-Y09GE iKTfR - OF lxEH01FD RALE wu A+€ I NU LI138M D 1 PRfl*TO.TFD T--6KME SIZE HWE C-S KE IRDCE( a ORIENTAT&TTONER J02(IO MAIN 8040 ORIEM,N1'1195] SHEET TITLE � t t_GROUND LEVEL COMPOUND PLAN 1,� eaPLA70RM PLAN &ELEVATION LE A NOAH , NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE:. 6` 3' 0 3' 6' SHEET NUTA3R SCALE {11x17}: 1" — B'—U' p TOWER ELEVATION C•2 SCALE (42x34); 1" = 3'-0" -- Nor TO SCALE Elva`1ING FLAG?OLE PPE MOUNT T R•Mobile (tTRT1-MAGR3@ TD VERIFY?—\ RFDS does not antennas should show RRUs in 00 be RFStower.Please > p 9 S APXVFW W 12X-C- make note that ? NA20 located on ground i Z -- PROPOSED RF SYSTEM SCHEDULE ANTENNA SECTOR ANL MODEL/ VENDOR ALMUTH If-. E-TILT ' EDw'MEIII,. TATA MODEL P RRU MODEL j CABLE_LENGTH OCABLE DCABLE ER � Z ! tA-I KH-1D85B-SR ANDREW av v z/z/z f76' (2)GENERc TWIN (2)RRUS-11 B4(GRDuo) y STYLE 10 TMA (1)RRUS-11 B12(GROUND) fA� 6 — LYJI'r _ NTA S SBNHH-1D65B-SR ANDREW 17V 0' T/Z/Z 375' (2)GENERIC 1WN (2)RRU-11 B4(GROUND) 3AR76 — LtlIX9YLE 1B TMA ((2 RBUS-11 912(caalND}SBNHH-1DB5B-SR ANDREWzeo v z/z/z i7s (2)GENERIC TWIN (2)Iwo-11 B4(cRaRo) tem+ 6 — clxr STYLE 1B TMA (1)MUS-11 B12(GROUND) •CABLE LENGTH DOW D FROM HORIZONTAL RUN AND VERTICAL RISE WITH 20%BUFFER(CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PRIOR TO ORDERING) 1 ➢CSM STEEL BAND MDUNRNC BRACKET(CONTRACTOR TO FIELD FABRICATE MOUNT AS REQUIRED)(TYP-) 1 RL'SCHEDULE(PROPOSED) ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL QT 1T1 SCA -- OT TO SCALE PRO187TNEI: .*W -RATNfT Bw+p EHEC+{BY. IA Lr-1 TAG � �l TRC ►2 PROFESSIONAL SEAL TAG THIS OOGUv kq a T��_:>EAIr I. iT �T �1 vA pG RrJ rD ■ ■ wae:al.Fuea-r.v:�w�Ls-r.� N CONSENT IS STRICTLY YPPROHIB D ANDREW MODEL NO.: SBNHH-1D65B—SR TOP NDgawowW�sA - 1l V£AbOR 1aTmm RADOME MATERIAL FIBERGLASS,UV RESISTANT ;'OFTft*GT -- RADOME COLOR: UGHT GRAY DIMENSIONS,H.WxP. 96 6".11-9".7-1" if1 SITE NUMBER WEIGHT,W/ L113882D PRE-MOUNTED BRACKET4 49.6 LBSSITE�Z. TNAME- CONNECTOR: 7-16 ON FEMALE ATTONVER © 40200 AWN IR �. IXiIENi.NI11957 METAWC TAG NOTES .1" SHEET TIRE _I I7 _ 1 TWO METALLIC TAGS SHALL BE ATTACHED AT EACH END � — OF EVERY CABLE LONGER THAN(3)THREE FEET. REAR SIDE z CABLES LESS THAN(3)THREE FEET WILL HAVE TWO ANTENNA DETAIL METAWC TAGS ATTACHED AT THE CENTER OF THE CABLE RF SCHEDULE 3.TAGS WILL BE FASTENED WITH STAINLESS STEEL ZIP RES APPROPRIATE FOR CABLE DIAMETER- 4 STANDARDIZED METAWC TAG KITS WILL BE ASSEMBLED WITH TAGS ALREADY ENGRAVED TO ACCDMODATE ALL SHELL N1JM@fR CONFIGURATIONS 3 ANTENNA DETAIL 4 METALLIC TAG DETAIL C-3 1OT TO SCALE Michaelis, Jessica From: Denise Vista <dvista@amatofirm.com> Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2018 10:37 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: RE: Verizon at MGH - PB July 9, 2018 Attachments: ATT PORT SEALED_ORIENT POINT 2 (2)jpg; EMPTY PORT 1 COVERED ORIENT POINT 2 (12)jpg; EMPTY PORT 2 COVERED_ORIENT POINT 2 (13)jpg; NEW 14 FT EASTERN RED CEDAR BOTTOM_ORIENT POINT 2 (10)jpg; NEW 14 FT EASTERN RED CEDAR TOP_ORIENT POINT 2 (11)jpg;VZW PORT SEALED_ORIENT POINT 2 (1)jpg Hi Jessica, In response to the Planning Department's July 18`x' letter, attached are six (6) photographs demonstrating that the port holes were all sealed, and the dying tree replaced. Kindly advise if you require that the photos be submitted along with correspondence or if this email is sufficient. —stak Please let me know what else is required to close-out this matter. Thank you. ,U(i 2 4 203$ I. Denise J. Vista, Esq. sout�io��i fb;;r Amato Lay.,Group,PLLC f'I:rnii ir;En.rd 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City,New York 11530 Tel: (516) 227-6363 F'as: (516) 227-6.367 clvista f?.�matc�F�rsri,c:tatn Nyww.arruatolawago up.cotl7 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This electronic message contains information from the laxv firm of_Amato Law Group,PUC.This e-mail and any files attached may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient,or a Person responsible for delivering it,you are hereby notified that any disclosure,copying,distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.if you have received this transmission in error,please forward satne to sender and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. l +iwr "7 a •nom f _ `� 4 J , 4 ^Sri' r ''9 w 4w 40 r r IV r 7 s .r JS 1 r�► r fj�Ir' r0 r ��. 14,01, lir t - w .. 1 ` �#'�►� .- 5k�'Irk„. '. - ,,��: t'�,� Michaelis, Jessica In From: Denise Vista <dvista@amatofirm.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 2:56 PM to zi-, To: Michaelis,Jessica Cc: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: RE: Final Site Inspection for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Attachments: Recorded Declaration of Covenants and Res hcdnns.pdf STAMPED Letter to BDvv BP App5'I9'l7.pdf Jessica, As discussed, itappears that the [&Rs, which were recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 19, 2017 � were filed with the Building Department on the some date (May 19, 2017). Attached are copies of both for your records. Upon your review ofthe foregoing, please let me know ifanything else is required in order toclose-out this application, Thank you. Denise Y' Vista, Esq. Anm*oIuw Gznq?,PI3.[ 666Old Country Road,Suite 9O1 Garden (.ity,New York 11530 Tel: (6l8227'6363 Fax: (91N227'6367 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This electronic message contains information 6ornthe law firm of Amato Law Group,111,1,C.This ,-io^dxnJany fOcs,tmcbcdu`nycoutai*crn66cu6alin6,nnv6vu8`nriolegally privileged. l[?nvx/r^o, dhc6ouoJcdn6Dcot,oz^ person responsible for delivering it,youxohereby notified that am,disclosure,cvp),iug,distribution"cuse ofvuyofthe information contained iuo,attached /o this transmission is S'I'D7C'ILY PROIIIBI%'ED. I[you Live zcccircd this transmission in error, please h,ovxrd same ooreoJczxu6dcmzn7the original transmission and its attachments without reading ozsaving iuany o"nonoc From: Denise Vista Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 11:29 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. (brian.cummings@town.southo|d.ny.us); 1essicom@southo|dtnvvnny.gov' Subject: RE: Final Site Inspection for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Hi Brian and Jessica Following up to determine when you anticipate the inspection will be conducted for the referenced parcel. Thank you, Duoinc J. Vista, Esq. /\zox�ol.xn'��/vo}�. l9.I.(�" 666 (}lJ [onuuT8oxJ, Suite 901 Tel: (510) 227-6363 Fax: (510) 227-6367 iLvi.i1nd1.)-,,'m LaLo—flmrl(�onl CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This electronic message contains information from the law firm of Amato Law Group,I'LLUIllis c mail and any files attached may contain confidential information that is legally privileged.If you are not the intended recipient,or a person responsible for delivering it,you are hereby notified that any disclosure,copying,distribution or vise of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is S'IRICTLY PROHIBITED.If you have received this transmission in error,please forward Sallie to Sender and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. From: Denise Vista Sent: Monday, May 07, 2018 9:44 AM To: Cummings, Brian A. (brian.cummings@town.southold.ny.us) Cc: 'jessicam@southoldtownny.gov' Subject: RE: Final Site Inspection for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Hi Brian, Following up to determine when you anticipate the inspection will be conducted. Thank you, Denise J.Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group,PLLC 666 0ld Country Road,Suite 901 Garden City,New Fork '11530 Tel: (510) 227-6363 Fax: (516) 227-6367 CONFII).EN'T.'IAI.,["l')(NO"rICE.'ll'.6ii.s electronic triessage conlaJins inforaiation frown the law firlil of:,"mato Law Groul..a,P.[1,C. '11'11iss e rnall andan.w, files al6,,ichcd unman contain confidential in.Ibllll'o.8oll thatis legally pdvileged. Ifyou are nottlie ilit.ended recipient,ora persofl lesPOEsible for deliveiing yotaarc helcby nofific.,xi Heal disclosulc,copying.,distlibiation ol use of ui.y c.:)fthc inforryl2tion cont-aincd W,or attached to iliis transtnissio.1.1 is S'll":tI,V'C'1"1.118'.Il,)I,f CI)I:l:li]'J'I:'D " . If yoli have received this trRnsrniss%oti in crron,Pl1.6 ��ard easc r%, same to scliderand dcstmy the original tr�msmksiorl atad its attaclunc,'A.Its without rcading,of savingin any rliallnen From: Denise Vista Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2018 3:15 PM To: Cummings, Brian A. (brian.cummings@town.southold.ny.us) Cc: 'jessicam@southoldtownny.gov' Subject: Final Site Inspection for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Hi Brian, Verizon Wireless has completed construction of its wireless facility at 40200 Main Road in Orient (a/k/a MGH Enterprises) and is working on closing out its Building Permit. In connection with the same, we request that the Planning Department conduct a final site inspection of the facility, which is required in order to receive the Certificate of Completion. 2 Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Denise J.Vista, Esq, Amato Law Group,111,11, 666 Old Country Road,Suite 901 Garden City,New York 11530 Tel: (516) 227-6363 Fax: (516) 227-6367 WWW.11 t M�1 t ohl��u'Lo—L]IL—C(Lin CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This electronic message contains information from the law firm of Amato Law Group,PLLC.This e-mail and any files attached may contain confidential.information that is legally privileged.If you are not the intended recipient,or a person responsible for delivering it,you are hereby notified that any disclosure,copying,distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROT-1IBITED,If you have received this transmission in error,please forward sarne to sender and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. as CC# : C17-21076 'ky ry COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE q7d4 r, STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOIX I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DECLARATION recorded in my office on 05/19/2017 under Liber D00012913 and Page 217 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 05/19/2017 SUFFOLK COUNTY CINE' JUDITH A. PA CAL SEAL SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION Recorded: 05/19/2017 Number of Pages : 8 At: 11 :15 : 42 AM Receipt Number : 17-0085137 LIBER. D00012913 PAGE : 217 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 015 . 00 09 . 00 008 . 001 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $40 . 00 NO Handling $20 . 00 NO COE $5 . 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 .00 NO TP-584 $0 . 00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $40 . 00 NO RPT $200. 00 NO Fees Paid $320. 00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County Will De puollcSUFFOLK COUNTY record. Please remove all L D00012913 Social Security Numbers F :ail prior to recording. Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp ecor ing/Filing Stamps S a lig _ 2 2m Additional Tax TP-584 u b Total c./ salt. ota °o �._.. b6or -52 17 (County) .._ Sub to _ Spec./Add. .__.�. EA-5217 (State) TOT.MTG TAX _.. Dual Tow u County — Held el for Appointment Comm. of Ed. _ 5. 00 a Transfer Tax Tax Affidavit Mansion The property covered by this mortgage is ar fied f �� or will be unproved by a one or two t S Surcharge ___ 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total ....IT_, __.._ YES or NO Grand Total .. '- Z.– If NO,see appropriate tax clause on age -.-of this instrument. :4: D=is 3399933 1000 01500 0900 008001 5 Community, Preservation Fu Deal Propert T Consideration Amount � .__.. TO Servra,.c -IMAM-t7) Agency C p Due Verificatbor, Improved _........ Satisfactions/1:iscla<ar;es/releases ]C,ist.property Owners Mailing Address RECORD TU TO: Vacant band "r .xocwin KY-( "I` ...................... .. __ ._.._s. MaH to:: Judith A. Pascale, Suftk Cotinty Clerk 7 a L- EM��,�t��y-—1 t���t��iaio 310 Center 11Mv , Riverhead, INV 11901 ��b a awa'a�ry y. Title w � � l � d � �, _ This page fa�rrrus part of the ataaclued _.._ _ . _._ ..... .._ .__ _. ura ada, by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF lST I E !'lIC°) > ) .. --..� n... rhe Premises herein is situated in aTfF1 ()T,K ("0I TNTYORK, THIS DECLARATION, made this L_j day ot'May, 2017, by M.Ull. hnterprises, Inc., with its principal offices located at 40200 Main Road (a/k/a New York State Route 25), Orient, New York 119 5 7, hereinafter referred to as "'DECLARANT": WITNESSETH : WHERE AS, the DECLARANT is the owner of certain real property located at 40200 Main Road (a/k/a New York State Route 25), Orient, New York 11957, County of Suffolk, State of New York, known and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1. (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"), Which is more particularly bounded and described as set forth in"Schedule A" annexed hereto; and WHERE,AS, the DECLARANT has entered into a lease agreement with New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") for Verizon Wireless to construct a wireless telecommunication facility (the "Communication Facility") on a portion of the Property, as depicted in "Schedule B" annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, Verizon Wireless has made an application to the Planning Board of tile Town of Southold for Site Plan Approval to construct the Communication Facility on the Property, as shown on the site plan entitled "Orient Point 2," prepared by WFC Architects, issued for filing on May 23, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as tile "Site Plan"); and WHEREAS, in a decision dated April 11, 2017, the Planning Board of the To of Southold granted Verizon Wireless' Site Plan Application with conditions; W11ERE AS, for and in consideration of the granting of Site Plan Approval, the Planning Board has deemed it in the best interests of the To of Southold and the Property that the within covenants and restrictions beimposed on the Property, and as a condition of said approval, the Planning Board has required that this Declaration be filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office; and WHERE AS, the DECLAR-ANT has considered the foregoing and has determined that same will be for the best interests of the DECLARANT and subsequent owners and lessees of the Property, does hereby make known, admit, publisn, covenant, and agree tnat itte saia rroperty nerein described shall hereafter be subject to the covenants and restrictions as herein cited, which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all puxchasers, tenants, lessees, and/or holders of the Property, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors, and assigns, to wit: L The .following landscaping will be planted on the Property in connection with Verizon Wireless' Communication Facility, as depicted on the approved Site Plan: a. Five (5) Eastern Red Cedar Trees will be planted along the west side of Verizon Wireless' proposed equipment area, which measures approximately 32' in length; b. Four (4) Eastern Red Cedar Trees will be planted along the north side of Verizon Wireless' proposed equipment area, which measures approximately 13,40" in length; and c. The Eastern Red Cedars Trees shall provide contiguous screening of Verizon Wireless' equipment area to the north and west, and will be planted so that the branches are touching.. 2. Additional EasternRed Cedar Trees may be added to accomplish the purpose of the screening which is to mitigate any visual impacts to the adjacent New 'York State Park and the New York State Scenic Byway. 3. The landscaping shall be kept in good/healthy condition and shall be replaced should any tree(s) die at any point during the existence of Verizon Wireless" Communication Facility on the Property. The covenants and restrictions contained herein shall be construed to be in addition to, and not in derogation or limitation upon, any local, state, or federal laws, ordinances, regulations, or provisions in effect at, the time of execution of this Declaration, or at the time such laws, ordinances, regulations and/or provisions may hereafter be revised, amended, or promulgated. If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional., the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, The covenants and restrictions contained herein are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the To of Southold, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or at law. The failure of the Town of Southold or any of its agencies to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity oft is Declaration or to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any office ore ploee thereof The within covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the DECLARANT and its successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under the and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked, or amended by subsequent owners of the premises unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote oft e Planning Board of the To of Southold or its successor, following a public hearing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the within covenants and restrictions shall automatically terminate on the removal or decommissioning of Verizon Wireless' Communication Facility. [SIGNATURE ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 3 and year first above written. M.G.H. Enterprises, Inc. By: Robert Haase, President STATE OF NEW YORK ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the ",day of2017, before me the undersigned, personally appetired, Robert Haase, personally kau�tvilKl o-nie or proved to me on the basis of safisfiactory evidence to be the individual whose n is subscribed to the within instnunent and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person on behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument, RICKAM Nlo 01PI !Ub10,SM1*dN4wY(xk 01 4W051-$"C" Twn 4kas SoM,8, Notary PLiblic 4 PARCEL 1m AD.L ' T CERTAIN N .DLO , PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE TOWN CDS` SCDUTD3CDL D, COUNTY".ICY CDS° SUFFOLKAND STATE OF NEW YORK,, C7UN DED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE A SOUTHE. Y SIDE OF .MAIN ROAD WHICHPOINT MARKS THE NORTHWESTERLY Y C✓CD. DSR OF PRE-MISESHEREIN DESCRIBED RIBED AND THE NORTHEASTERLY Y CCDD.:RER OF LAND FORMERLY RLY G IF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY Y SIDE OF MAIN ROAD, NORTH 7° 09' 20" EAST, 151.72 FEET TO LAND OF THE UNITED STATES C.OVE. I EN'r, JCD I.7D,RC~E BY LAST ER D'DCDRED LAND, SOUTH 11- 43' 20" .EAST, 7.52 FEET TO THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK OF GUARD. INE ' BAY, THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ERLY ALONG3°D•'HE ORDINARY IGD WATER MARK OF GA. INE 'S BAY, THE TIE DJRE OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 39. 44' 40" wEsT, 348.41 FEETTO LAND FORMERLY RLY CDS' THE STATE OF NEW YORK; THENCE BY If,A.STENTIOfE L D7CSD TH 4. 40' 45" WEST, 1.000 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY SIDE CDD MAIN ROAD, !"b.P$ THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. PARCEL I: ALL THAT CERTAIN PD_,OT, PIECE E OR PARCEL OF LARD, SITUATE, L'YrNG AND BEING IN THE TOWN OF SCDU"D'HCDILD), COUNTY TY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEG.DN`RfRC3 ATA POINT OR THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF MAIN ROAD, SAID POINT BEING WHERETHE NOR:FHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE PREMISESTO BE DESCRIBED D ARDS THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LAND RCIF CDS° M.G. , ENTERPRISES, INC,, AS DESCRIBED CaRIBED 1 LIBER 8607 AT PAGE 67 INTERSECT SAID SouTHERLY SID")lE OF MAIN ROAD; RUNNING G TD-DIENCCD SCDD.TTH 40 40' 45" EAST, ALONG THE LAND NIF OF M.G.H. ENTERPRISES,ISIES, INC., 800..00 FEET; THENCE E SCDU"D H 870 09' 20" WEST, 30.00 FEET,T, ` O LAND OF O.D J ENT.IEEA H STATE PARK; THENCE CE; RO.Dt"D"H 4" 40' 45" WEST, Al.,ONG THE BARD OF ORIENT EACI-f STATE PARK., 800.00 FEET'I O THE CDD1]C'D-DERLY SIDE OF MAIN ROAD; THENCE NORTH 870 09' 20" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF MAIN ROAD, 30.00 FEET, TO POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. 5 wrr��'9 �°W. �"~!�^� U R 1 m �.. 49 ��u � 4 G i k chrm yW w ro l r vex rM A �A G r �r ✓^ +I P( I T1 yh � wr �k ��^ �(p��"' i 6 r°^+��`e+"',t^�w,, ✓" �d,��k T "�a" �'n�`�rw fir" ":'u',,"�� ry�'�r � `' ��r �., �r�' �,� 1 u�� ��', q$p...�xu ,�. ', � 4 6 �� w✓ �� ��--..: � .d� ,� h �� »,,,"�y�� N'�� r�:�� \,� �,��� rr "' 1�q �� �� µN» , I��„ �r� ,�.,... �" ,„ to p� � 1� '� J, � � �� ��'vwi " m Iw ,�P p'� ��GP II'�'` ,' m'• �,� "J'� "v �"w�� „ wr � pp v n AinwJ Iva " �. :s ', III m � w ��`Y, """'w, �, .,.�..,e �n •w*.."" 'd �e �� ,,,. �°,. I� ✓ - w idtr ��ra V ,yah ,. �jJ lie d um r ' C G , ry id V � T :' iilV ry ml"'� lug �v�,�iR ��e ��ru �lh,�� �" �'mi�m ���� r7�� �k+�a� ���lyi���" y,�a, ,�`��"�s„�,� �����0 �u{ �� '��JM� !�.�u �a� !u h"0111 i �P R 11 � °4r �i t ” �p irr I � "uk '�u �i i� f IT Nil � s `m;i� l � '�"m JlqusG ��" iu ub�o u 6 II �ti'G,u q Vu� 9 r "I n 'W i° I IuN� n �S 4 Cv T��"� u � � � � mT� r nw illl�,� sr°>a ,� uiN � T�I� °i� �raY w ay a � � � �� mon _��....n. mm ...� � y re�mremmm i [ �� rco CD AMATO LAW GROUP, PLLC COUNSELORS AT LAW 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 7TH FLOOR 405 LEXINGTON AVE GARDEN CITY,NEW YORK 11530 402 MAIN ST. CHRYSLER BLDG,26°I'II FLR SUITE 204 NEW YORK,N.Y.10174 TEL•(516)227-6363 CIIEN,NJ DWO p (212)485 FAX.(516)227-6367 TEL,(732)317-1511 F (212)485-6001 FAM(732)317-1513 May 19, 2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Building Department D 13CROVE Town of Southold Town Hall Annex MAY 1 9 01 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 TOWN 01'?so �.DO Ia�Iw Re: Building Permit Application (the "Application") by New York S S,A l..,nn 1..1 Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") to the Town of Southold (the"Town")in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility(the"Communication Facility")to be collocated at 40200 Main Road,Orient, New York,known and designated as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9,Lot 8.1 (the "Property") YSMS.A Site Reference Orient Point /OurFileNo 1000773 wy ., . Dear Sir/Madam: In connection with Verizon Wireless' Application for the proposed Communication Facility to be collocated on the Property, enclosed are the following supplemental materials: 1. Copy of the decision issued by the Town Zoning Board of Appeals on February 16, 2017, for File 7023; 2. Copy of the Site Plan Approval issued by the Town Planning Department on April 11, 2017; 1 Certified copy of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions recorded on the Property, together with a receipt of filing from the Suffolk County Clerk; 4o Two (2) Applications for Certificates of Occupancy,- 5, ccup cy,- 5, Application for Electrical Inspection; 6. Certificates of Liability, Disability, and Worker's Compensation Insurance,naming the Town as Certificate I-lolder, from Telecom .Engineering Croup Inc- the project contractor, 7. Certificates of Liability, Disability, and Worker's Compensation Insurance, narning AMATO LAW GROUP, PLLC the'Fown as Certificate Holder:,from.B&D Electrical Construction Corp.,the project electrician; 8. Four (4) sets of construction drawings, prepared, signed and sealed by WFC Architects, issued for filing on February 21, 2017; and 9, Check,in the amount of$550.00,representing the Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy fees. If everything is in order, kindly issue the building permit at your earliest convenience. If you should have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me, Thank you for your attention to this Application., Vt',,ry In Ll a'S Denisc 1 "Vista Enclosures cc: 'Verizon Wireless (via email, without enclosures) AMATO LAW GROUP, PLLC COUNSELORS AT LAW 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 9TH FLOOR 405 LEXINGTON AVE GARDEN CITY,NEW YORK 11530 402 MAIN ST. CHRYSLER BLDG,26TH FLR SUITE 204 NEW YORK,N.Y.10174 TEL:(516)227-6363 METUCHEN,NJ 08840 TEL:(212)485-6000 FAX:(516)227-6367 TEL:(732)317-1511 FAX:(212)485-6001 FAX:(732)317-1513 April 27, 2017 N 4 BY FEDERAL EXPRESS �� � Ms. Jessica Michaelis Planning Department dthj'"[ �Pw,r' Town of Southold f%noboud Mo 54375 NYS Route 25 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Site Plan Application (the "Application") by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") to the Town of Southold in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility to be collocated at 40200 Main Road, Orient,New York, known and designated as District 1000, Section 15,Block 9, Lot 8.1 NYSMSA Site Reference: Orient Point 2/Our File No. 100-0773 Dear Ms. Michaelis: In connection with Verizon Wireless'Application,enclosed is the executed April 11,2017,Planning Board Resolution. If you should require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. h 1 etiise J Vista Enclosures cc: Verizon Wireless(via email,without enclosures) . : MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEM SERB P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WII.CENSHI � �. Southold,NY 11971 > ' Chair 1 OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERSTown Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY . ffl `` 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SMR �;� �G �q� �� �' Southold,NY Telephone:631765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 11, 2017 Denise J.Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group, PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Re: Approval: Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Rt. 25, *345' stw/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient. SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: Mil Dear Ms. Vista: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on April 10, 2017: WHEREAS, this Amended Wireless Communications Application is for a proposed 20 ft. pole extension to an approved 70 ft. high concealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co- location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are *3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2016, pursuant to§280-74A(4) of the Town Code, the Planning Board entered into a Letter of Agreement with CityScape Consultants, Inc. to provide technical assistance to the Board in reviewing and evaluating the proposed wireless application; and WHEREAS, on June 2, 2016, Denise J. Vista, Esq., agent to the applicant, submitted an application for Site Plan and Special Exception review; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2016, pursuant to §280-74A(4) of the Town Code, the Planning Board required the submission of$4,000 into an escrow account with the Town Comptrollers Office to cover the cost of the Technical Consultant's Review; and Verizon Wireless ° 1, 2017 WHEREAS, on June 9 9 Denise J. Vista, applicant, submitted a check in the amount of$4,000 to the Office of the PlanningBoard; and WHEREAS, on June 9 a the Planning Board ' Consultants t outlinedproceed with the work as in the agreement; and WHEREAS, on July 11, 2016, the Planning Board found the application complete reviewin a revised noticeiexpansion of the equipment compound at less than the required side yard setback; and WHEREAS, on I 9 9 the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold §280-131 C., distributedthe applicationit i it o and WHEREAS, on July 28, 2016, the Southolddetermined equipmentproposed it Administrative ° pole extensionit WHEREAS, on August 26, ® the Orientit i idetermined protectionfire site; and WHEREAS, on September 12, o public Planning i WHEREAS, on September 16, 2016, the Southold Town Fire i determinedi and WHEREAS, on September ® 2016, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) reviewedi WHEREAS, on September 27, 2016, the Southold Town Engineerreviewed above- referencedi ion and determined the project meets the minimumit Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and WHEREAS, on November o a Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) issued a Tidal Wetlands / t expires WHEREAS, on January a 1 the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinatori above-referencedthe 'ect and determined the proposed project is exempt from the Southold Town LWRP Chapter 268, Minor i it )® and WHEREAS® on Februaryv v the Zoning variance under file#7023 with condition, equipment at less than the required side ' i ® ( mlzoning district. Verizon it I ri ri The proposed compound is r i ." Condition: request Town of Southold Planning r location i t of the telecommunications Ie must be confirmed by the Planningit technical consultant as per Town Code; and 2017,WHEREAS, on March 29, the Southold Town ChiefBuilding Inspector reviewed and certified Wireless rFacilityi iM- 11 Zoning i trict pursuant to ZBA file ; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session I it 10, 2017, the Planningreviewed reports issued by CityScapeI i , and determinedthat the action fallswithin regulationsl code Part 6409 of the Middle r i increase to the height existingit is no more than 20 feet, is no substantial change to its appearance (the new antennas will be concealed the same as the existing) r under this i local zoningis essentially case,overridden. In this the Town's zoning pursuant1maximum height of 80 feet, 1( r the minimumi itequipment adjacent residential property lines, -70(G) Fall Zone, are all overridden. however,ground compound, is not covered by the regulation, i applicable. re the proposal to locate the ground compound at a setback less than required by zoningit rreview variance; and WHEREAS, the Planning rzes that the reduction of the setback regulations is a local decision it it was found that the available space on the property is severelylimited, r accepts the changes, and the Applicant i is no alternativereduction setback. The Board also found that the reductionthe setback is sufficientlyi i this M - 11 Zoning Districti i its size, shape and existing development pattern. This, together withadditionr colocation proposali improved personal wirelesscommunications i the public, provided the rationale r the Board to determineit is reasonablein this situation to approve the expansionreducing regulations. ical consultant states that with the combination federal and local codes as stated above, i li i proposed; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session i l applicable requirements rte Plan RegulationsArticle —Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southoldtherefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning i this actionis exempt from the policiesI I Waterfront Revitalization it further Verizon W �it �MG�HEnte�dses� Ea_qe L4 AOU, ,701 7 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Approval with five (5) conditions to the Site Plan entitled "Verizon Wireless Communications at Orient Point", prepared by it Alexander Macdonald, R.A, dated March 1, 2016 and last revised May 239 20169 and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the Site Plan, including the following five plans: 1. T-100.00—Title Sheet 2. SP-100.00—Architectural Site Plan 3. A-100.00— East Elevation, Enlarged Equipment Plan ® ®01.00—Antenna and Equipment Details and Antenna Plumbing Diagram 5. A-102.00— Light Specification Co.n.d. i.t.lons: 1. Prior to a building permit being Issued, the applicant shall submit draft Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's) to the Planning Board for their review and approval. Once approved,the C&R's must be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk and a receipt of the filing provided to the Planning Board prior to the issuance of the building permit The C&R's are for the purpose of ensuring the screening vegetation around the expanded ground equipment compound Is maintained as approved for the life of this facility; and 2. All of Applicant's feed linesicables shall be installed inside the monopole structure; and 3. All ports shall remain sufficiently sealed to prevent access by birds and other wildlife; and 4. The Applicant shall confirm the generator will comply with the Southold Ordinance noise guidelines; and 5. The facility shall remain secured and protected from unauthorized personnel. Please note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to Site Plans: 1. No outdoor lighting was approved with this application. Any outdoor lighting at this wireless facility must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board, and shall be shielded so the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. 2. All storm water run-off from grading, driveways and gravel areas must be contained on site. Verizon i I i 'I 1� 201 valid3. Approved Site Plans are i , within t Board grants an extension. 4. Any changes from the Approved Site Plan shall require Planning approval. issuance5. Prior to the inspect the site to ensure it is in conformityr i , and issue a final site inspection i conformance with the Approved Site , no Certificate be issued unless the Planning . A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for r records. One copy will also be sent to the Building i . questionsIf you have any i . Very truly , Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Michael i Building , with map James Richter, i i with By signing this letter, the applicant acknovAedges that there are Town Code requirements and conditions, Including those listed above, that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a Building Permit Print • Michael "a Applicant/Agent New York i Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless : Signature: Title: Senior Manager-Construction MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS p t s " , P.O. Box 1179 k M Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Chair OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J.CREMERS 54375 State Route 25 PIERCE RAFFERTY (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JAMES H.RICH III ' " Southold, NY MARTIN H.SIDOR h Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowirmy.gov PLANNING TOWN OF SOUTOLD April 11, 2017 Denise J. Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group, PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Re: Approval: Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Rt. 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient. SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: MII Dear Ms. Vista: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on April 10, 2017: WHEREAS, this Amended Wireless Communications Application is for a proposed 20 ft. pole extension to an approved 70 ft. high concealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co- location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping, There are ±3,924 sq, ft, of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2016, pursuant to §280-74A(4) of the Town Code, the Planning Board entered into a Letter of Agreement with Cityscape Consultants, Inc. to provide technical assistance to the Board in reviewing and evaluating the proposed wireless application; and WHEREAS, on June 2, 2016, Denise J. Vista, Esq., agent to the applicant, submitted an application for Site Plan and Special Exception review; and WHEREAS, on ,June 6, 2016, pursuant to §280-74A(4) of the. Town Code, the Planning Board required the submission of$4,000 into an escrow account with the Town Comptroller's Office to cover the cost of the Technical Consultant's Review; and Verizon Wireless (cry MGH Enterprises Pae 2 April 11, 2017 WHEREAS, on June 21, 2016, Denise J. Vista, agent to the applicant, submitted a check in the amount of $4,000 to the Office of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on June 28, 2016, the Planning Board authorized Cityscape Consultants to proceed with the work as outlined in the agreement; and WHEREAS, on July 11, 2016, the Planning Board found the application complete for review and to obtain a revised notice of disapproval for the expansion of the equipment compound at less than the required side yard setback; and WHEREAS, on July 21, 2016, the Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on July 28, 2016, the Southold Town Trustees determined that the proposed equipment compound requires an Administrative Permit and the 20' pole extension does not require a permit; and WHEREAS, on August 26, 2016, the Orient Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection and emergency access for the site; and WHEREAS, on September 12, 2016, a public hearing was held and closed by the Planning Board for the above:-referenced Site Plan; and WHEREAS, on September 16, 2016, the Southold Town Fire Inspector reviewed and determined that there was adequate fire protection and emergency access for the site; and WHEREAS, on September 22, 2016, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) reviewed the proposed project and approved the design as submitted; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2016, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the above- referenced application and determined the project meets the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Storm Water Management; and WHEREAS, on November 14, 2016, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) issued a Tidal Wetlands Permit (1-4738-00898/00022) that expires August 25, 2021; and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2017, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and determined the proposed project is exempt from the Southold Town LWRP Chapter 268, Minor Actions item (F); and WHEREAS, on February 28, 2017, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) granted an area variance under file #7023 with one (1) condition, for the proposed equipment compound at less than the required side yard setback of 25' in the Marine — 11 (M-II) zoning district. Verizon Wireless a, MGH Enterprises Pae 13 April 11, 2017 The proposed compound is provided at 7'3." Condition: Pursuant to the request by the Town of Southold Planning Board, proposed location and height of the telecommunications monopole must be confirmed by the Planning Board and their technical consultant as per Town Code; and WHEREAS, on March 29, 2017, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed Wireless Communication Facility as a permitted use in the M- II Zoning District pursuant to ZBA file #7023; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on April 1.0, 2017, the Planning Board reviewed the reports issued by CityScape Consultants on July 1.8, 2018 and April 5, 2017, and determined that the action falls within the regulations of federal code Part 8409 of the Middle Class Tax and Job Creation Act of 2012. The increase to the height of the existing tower, because it is no more than 20 feet, and because there is no substantial change to its appearance (the new antennas will be concealed the same as the existing) must be approved under this federal regulation, and local zoning is essentially overridden. In this case, the Town's zoning pursuant to §280-701 '2) for the maximum height of 80 feet, X280-701(3) for the minimum distance of all wireless equipment to adjacent residential property lines, and §280-70( ) Fall Zone are all, overridden. The ground cornpound, however, is not covered by the regulation, and local zoning is applicable. Therefore the proposal to locate the ground compound at a setback less than required by zoning required a thorough review by the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board recognizes that the reduction of the setback regulations is a local decision pursuant to ZBA file#7023, where it was found that the available space on the property is severely limited, the property owner accepts the changes, and the Applicant certifies and attests there is no alternative without the reduction of setback The Board also found that the reduction of the setback is sufficiently unique in this M - 11 Zoning, District and for this specific parcel based on its size, shape and existing development pattern. This, together with the addition of Verizon with this colocation proposal to provide improved personal wireless communications services to the public, provided the rationale for the Board to determine that it is reasonable in this situation to approve the expansion of the ground compound, thus reducing the setback regulations Therefore„ the technical consultant states that with the combination of federal and local codes as stated above, this application can be approved as proposed; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session held on April 10, 2017, the Planning Board found that all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations Article XXIV, §280 — Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is exempt from the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further Verizon Wireless (@ MGH Enterprises Pae 14 April 11, 2017 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Approval with five (5) conditions to the Site Plan entitled Verizon Wireless Communications at Orient Point", prepared by Neil Alexander Macdonald, R.A, dated March 1, 2016 and last revised May 23, 2016, and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the Site Plan, including the following five plans: 1. T-100.00 —Title Sheet 2. SP-100.00 —Architectural Site Plan 3. A-100.00 — East Elevation, Enlarged Equipment Plan 4. A-101.00 —Antenna and Equipment Details and Antenna Plumbing Diagram 5. A-102.00 — Light Specification Conditions: 1. Prior to a building permit being issued, the applicant shall submit draft Covenants and Restrictions (C&R's) to the Planning Board for their review and approval. Once approved, the C&R's must be filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk and a receipt of the filing provided to the Planning Board prior to the issuance of the building permit. The C&R's are for the purpose of ensuring the screening vegetation around the expanded ground equipment compound is maintained as approved for the life of this facility; and 2. All of Applicant's feed lines/cables shall be installed inside the monopole structure; and 3. All ports shall remain sufficiently sealed to prevent access by birds and other wildlife; and 4. The Applicant shall confirm the generator will comply with the Southold Ordinance noise guidelines; and 5. The facility shall remain secured and protected from unauthorized personnel. Please note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to Site Plans: 1. No outdoor lighting was approved with this application. Any outdoor lighting at this wireless facility must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board, and shall be shielded so the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. 2. All storm water run-off from grading, driveways and gravel areas must be contained on site. Verizon Wireless (aD- MGH Enterprises Pae 15 Aril L 2017 3. Approved Site Plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. 4. Any changes from the Approved Site Plan shall require Planning Board approval. 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the Approved Site Plan, and issue a final site inspection approval letter. Should the site be found not in conformance with the Approved Site Plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless the Planning Board approves the changes to the plan. A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl. cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector, with map James Richter, Engineering Inspector, with map By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are Town Code requirements and conditions, including those listed above, that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. Print name: , Applicant/Agent Signature: Date: Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session —Referral Review Date April 10, 2017 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Verizon Wireless Co-location at Orient MGH Applicant: Verizon Wireless Date of Submission: June 2, 2016 Tax Map Number: 15.-9-8.1 Project Location: 40200 NYS Rt. 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: M-II II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Wireless co-location Acreage of Project Site: 4.7 acres Building Size ±337sf equipment compound This Amended Wireless Communications Application is to extend an existing concealment pole 20' for a Verizon Wireless co-location of an interior mounted antenna within the concealment cylinder between 70' and 90' above ground level of the approved 70' antenna support structure/tower with a 10kw diesel generator with sound enclosure set atop proposed elevated steel platform, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District. III. Analysis A. ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures a. Approved September 2012 site plan for AT&T/New Cingular Wireless to construct 70' monopole and associated ground equipment; b. ZBA variance #6533 granted a 7'1 side yard setback to residential property (R-400 NYS Park) for the AT&T equipment compound. c. ZBA variance #7023 granted February 16, 2017 for a TY side yard setback to residential property (R-400 NYS Park) for the equipment compound expansion for Verizon with one (1) condition: I Verizon Wireless @ MGH i. Pursuant to the request by the Town of Southold Planning Board, proposed location and height of the telecommunications monopole must be confirmed by the Planning Board and their technical consultant as per Town Code. B. Proposed Verizon Wireless co-location: a. Interior mounted panel antennas within the concealment cylinder between 70' and 90' above ground level. Verizon to take the top spot and an empty sector between 70'-80' for possible future colocation; b. Proposed 10kw Diesel generator with sound enclosure located within the proposed equipment area (see elevations) with associated ground equipment; c. Nine (9) Eastern Red Cedars @ 14' high x 6' wide and 6' on center; Staff: The proposed screening vegetation listed above is the same species, size and spacing as specified within the existing C&R filed with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk for the landscape maintenance guarantee required as part of the AT&T compound previously approved; C. Surrounding zoning: The parcel is adjacent to R-400 to the west, M-II to the east and R-40 zoned parcels opposite NYS Route 25 (±730' from proposed facility) D. Bulk Schedule Setbacks: (M-II zone) Required Provided .. Front yard 35 ft > 35 ft Side yard (E) 1 25 ft > 25 ft _r Side yard 25 ft (50ft. combined) 7'3" * ZBA file #7023 (W) Rear yard 25 ft _ > 25ft !: E. Screening: Nine (9) Eastern Red Cedars @ 14' high x 6' wide and 6' on center; F. Signage Safety signage exists in the immediate area where ground equipment exists and is proposed. Dimensions and renderings of these signs were approved in the construction of the site in 2012. 2 Verizon Wireless @ MGH G. Public Hearing: September 12, 2016, closed with no comment H. Referrals a. Orient Fire District The Board of Fire Commissioners have reviewed the above mentioned site plan application and found that there is adequate fire protection for this property. b. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Policy (LWRP) Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department and the records available [to me], the proposed action is EXEMPT from the LWRP pursuant to Chapter 268 Minor Actions item (F). c. Office of Town Engineer • The proposed Verizon Wireless Antenna extension is to be constructed on top of an existing pole. Therefore, this addition should not create any additional requirements for drainage at the base of the pole; • The proposed area for the new equipment platform will be constructed with porous metal grating surfaces and will not generate a significant amount of storm-water run-off. Therefore, it is recommended that the proposed grade below the new platform be cleared of vegetation and excavated to a depth where pervious soils are present. Leaving this area with a slight depression will contain and recharge run-off that may be generated by the additional development of this site. d. Fire Marshall No comments or concerns regarding the proposed site plan; e. Architectural Review Committee (ARC) The Committee reviewed the proposed project on September 22, 2016 and approved the application as submitted; f. Southold Town Trustees: Administrative Permit required for the ground equipment compound; no permit required for pole extension; 3 Verizon Wireless @ MGH g. NYSDEC: Tidal Wetlands Permit (1-4738-00898/00022) was issued on August 25, 2016 and expires August 25, 2021 1. Planning analysis Site functionality: The addition of the ground equipment compound, extension of the existing tower, base equipment and emergency generator would not appear to interfere with existing on-site operations, site circulation or parking concerns J. Special Exception (by PB) required because the proposed co-location is to extend the pole more than 10'; CityScape Consultant reports (see attached) submitted July 18, 2016 and April 5, 2017: a. The action falls within the regulations of federal code Part 6409 of the Middle Class Tax and Job Creation Act of 2012, generally referenced as the Spectrum Act. Part 6409 states that any "Eligible Facility" (defined as any support structure which has attached a local government approved wireless antenna) may be increased in height and girth by 10% or 20 feet whichever is greater— and further adds regardless of setbacks, height restrictions — as long as there is no substantial change. In this situation the pole is a concealed facility, and the proposed changes will remain substantially concealed, therefore the Pole alone does fall under Part 6409 of the Spectrum Act. b. But that does not include the expansion of the ground compound in this situation because the expansion of the ground compound exceeds local setback restrictions, (and so a variance was required, applied for and granted because zoning did apply to the ground compound) (ZBA file #7023). c. Therefore, the Town's restrictions pursuant to §280-701(2) for the maximum height of 80 feet, §280-701(3) for the minimum distance of all wireless equipment to adjacent residential property lines, and §280-70(G) Fall Zone; are all overridden by Part 6409. (because this was an existing facility previously approved and wasn't being extended past 20 additional feet). d. CityScape provides the following four (4) conditions: (1) All of Applicant's feed lines/cables shall be installed inside the monopole structure; 4 Verizon Wireless @ MGH (2) All ports shall remain sufficiently sealed to prevent access by birds and other wildlife; (3) The Applicant shall confirm the generator will comply with the Southold Ordinance noise guidelines; (4) The facility shall remain secured and protected from unauthorized personnel; and The Town agrees that the expansion of the pole height is allowed under Part 6409 of the Middle Class Tax and Job Creation Act of 2012 as long as the pole continues to be a concealed facility. The Town recognizes that the reduction of the setback regulations is a local decision pursuant to ZBA file #7023; the Town finds that the allowed space is severely limited, the property owner accepts the changes and the Applicant certified and attests there is no alternative without the reduction of setback. The Town believes the reduction of setback is sufficiently unique in this M - II Zoning District, and this particular parcel, and the addition of Verizon to provide improved personal wireless communications services to the public both on land and water, that it is reasonable in this situation to approve the expansion of the ground compound, thus reducing the setback regulations in this situation. Therefore with the combination of federal and local codes this application can be approved as stated; and IV: Staff Recommendations 1. Consider the report issued and recommendations made by CityScape and Staff regarding the proposed pole extension and ground equipment compound expansion; 2. It is recommended that all site plan requirements listed in §280-133 of the Town Code have been met and it is recommended that the above referenced wireless application be scheduled for determination by the Planning Board at the April 10, 2017 public meeting with the four (4) conditions as recommended by CityScape Consultants and a fifth condition to require the filing of a C&R for this facility to maintain the vegetation proposed around the new ground compound for screening purposes. The existing C&R (Liber D00012705 Page 527) may be used as a template to ensure the screening around the expanded ground equipment compound is adequately provided and maintained. 5 Southold Town Planning Board Work Session —A ril 10 2017 -- Pa e 3 Project Name- Verizon Wireless at MGH 1 SCTM#: 1000-15-9-8.1 Enterprises 1 _ Location: 40200 Route 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient l Description: This Amended Wireless Communications Application is for a proposed 20 ft. pole extension to an approved 70 ft. high concealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co-location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District. j Status: Pending � . . .. Action: ° Status Update __. ._..... _.... . Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: North Fork United Methodist SCT M#: 1000-63-1-15 Church Loc 6CR 48, Southold Description: ti Th sSite Plan is for the proposed construction of a 7,640 sq. ft. place of worship and 42 parking stalls including 4 ADA on 2.45 acres in the Limited Business (LB) Zoning District. Status: I Pending Action: ublic Hearing Prep. Attachments: } None Project Name: Polak Agricultural Barn SCTM#: 1 1000-55-6-34 Location: 57995 Route 25, Southold Description: i agricultural Istoaage barn on 2 28 acres 60 x p g proposed 40' (2400 sq. ft ) s in the R-80 Zoning District. Status: Pending Action: i Referral Review Attachments: Staff Report Discussion: ❖ Draft Comments to ZBA re- Chris Mohr Lawncare Shed SCTM#1000-96-1-20.1, 22155 CR 48, Cutchogue Local Law in relation to amendments to Chapter 275 Wetlands and Shorelines and Chapter 280 Zoning ❖ Review "New Uses in LIO and LI Zones" ❖ Planning Board Monthly Report Draft for March Town of Southold, New YorkLIE, PU�� , W010TOZ, ri(Mirm-1 Telecommunications Site Review Consultants, Inc. Supplemental Letter 7050 West Palmetto Park Road,#15-652 Boca Raton,FL 33433 Tel:877.438.2851 Fax:877.220.4593 rJ05,NI.AC �13C. April 5, 2017 Mr. Brian Cummings,Planner Town Hall Annex Building 53095 Route 25 �d °�� Southold,New York 11971 RE: Verizon Wireless—Orient Point 2 Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-15-9-5.1 Dear Mr. Cummings, It is understood this particular application has had considerable confusion. The follow-up by us was difficult to translate because we were advised that the only aspect the Town had control, the ground compound setback, had already been approved, therefore eliminating the Town's ability to negotiate a result closer to the Town's codes. That is because the federal oversight involved here circumvents long established local control codes and additionally this particular applications combined two different federal regulations. The first consideration of federal code is Part 6409 of the Middle Class Tax and Job Creation Act of 2012, generally referenced as the Spectrum Act. That states that any "Eligible Facility" (defined as any support structure which has attached a local government approved wireless antenna) may be increased in height and girth by 10% or 20 feet whichever is greater — and further adds regardless of setbacks, height restrictions — as long as there is no substantial change. In this situation the pole is a concealed facility, and the proposed changes will remain substantially concealed, therefore the Pole and the Pole alone does fall under Part 6409 of the Spectrum Act. But that does not include the expansion of the ground compound in this situation because the expansion of the ground compound exceeds local setback restrictions, which does not apply under Part 6409. Next comes the original Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the condition that all Providers must be treated the same and you cannot discriminate; whatever is approved for one Provider must be allowed to all, unless there is something unique,timely or circumstantial to this particular application. Therefore the Town's height restriction in the Marina District along with the fall-zone and setback regulations is overridden by Part 6409. Approval of the ground compound reduction of the Town's setback regulation, must be unique, timely or circumstantial to this application. The Applicant statement there is no other method to arrange the equipment without a setback reduction is the Applicant's problem and not the Town's and the Application must understand that this alone cannot be considered as covered under Part 6409, and the Applicant must fine a solution or seek a variance. Or the Town has the ability to deny the application, or to compromise in some manner acceptable to all. Any approval of the ground compound setback exception should be specific to the particular application otherwise in the future the Town is obligated to approve all requests for ground compound setback reductions of equal or less intrusion. Verizon Wireless—Orient Point 2 Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 273 M50FIT291. Page 2 Consultants, Inc. As a possible solution, it is recommended that the final approval be stated as: "The Town agrees that the expansion of the pole height is allowed under Part 6409 of the Middle Class Tax and Job Creation Act of 2012 as long as the pole continues to be a concealed facility, which will be approved in the final sight plan process. The Town recognizes that the reduction of the setback regulations is a local decision; the Town finds that the allowed space is severely limited, the property owner accepts the changes and the Applicant certified and attests there is no alternative without the reduction of setback, the Town believes the reduction of setback is sufficiently unique in the Marina District, and the addition of Verizon to provide improved personal wireless communications services to the public both on land and water, that it is reasonable in this situation to approve the expansion of the ground compound,thus reducing the setback regulations in this situation. Therefore with the combination of federal and local codes this application can be approved as stated." p.. r CityScape Consultants,Inc. Town Hall Annex �' , r; Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road �i�� Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD „ ^, iGk��su�r� C�aam� Rai*ng 3ows J MEMORANDUM TO: Donald J. Wilcenski, Planning Board Chairman FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: March 28, 2017 REQUIREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: Verizon Wireless @ MGH Enterprises Location: 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient SCTM# 1000—Section 15-Block 9—Lot 8.1, Date: March 01, 2016 Revised Date: Max23, 2016 1. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 144 AND 280 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE *Wireless Communication Facility IS A PERMITTED USE BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION IN THIS MII DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. * See ZBA FILE #7023 ... __ �. Michael J. Vtit. Chief Building Inspector :a r MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS � b '� y Southold,.O. Box 1179 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI =� Chaim OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR " ��� 1)` Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building InspectorI � From: Brian Cummings, Planner Date: March 21, 2017 Re: Request for Use Certification Proposed Site Plan for Verizon Wireless @ MGH Enterprises 40200 Rt. 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient SCTM#1000-15.-9-8.1 The Planning Board has found this Site Plan Application suitable for determination pursuant to §280-131 F (1) and refers the application to you for final review and certification. This Amended Wireless Communications Application is for a proposed 20 ft. pole extension to an approved 70 ft. high concealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co-location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District. Your certification is requested by April �20 . 7 Thank you for your cooperation. Encls: Site Plan Application Site Plan r):µ r BOARD MEMBERS so Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson � 53095 Main Road-P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes Office Location: Gerard P.Goehringer Town Annex/First Floor,Capital One Bank GeorgO Horning 41 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Kenneth Schneider � ,� Southold,NY 11971 k s� " RECEIVED w http://southoldtown.northfork.net E ZONING BOARD O�APPEALS TOWN FEB 2 2 2011 TOWN OF 50U HOl Tel.(631)765-1809-Fax(631)765-9064 So old Town, �ler' . l V wron�:w�tllaard . FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16,2017 ZBA FILE: 7023 NAME OF APPLICANT: MGH Enterprises,Inc. 'Verizon Wireless PROPERTY LOCATION: 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient,NY SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. WFFOLK Q f:UYI Y A),K]'N,mIS°ITRA"IVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk Comity Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated December 19, 2016 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: This application was referred for review under Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated January 30, 2017. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to-this department, as well as the records available, it is the coordinator's recommendation that the proposed action be EXEMPT from LWRP review pursuant to Chapter 268,Mainor Actions Item(F). TOWN OF SOU17110LD P'[,,Al`rCN TNG BOARD, This application was referred for comments to the Town of Southold Planning„ Board, In a inerno dated Januaiy 27, 2017, Members of the Planning Board expressed their support of the application with coniments, and recommended that the Zoning Board of Appeals include a condition that the proposed location and height be confirmed by the Planning Board and their technical consultant as per Town Code. . PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: Parcel is a conforming lot in the in the MII Zone. It is improved with a one story frame restaurant with attached deck, accessory one story and two story buildings, along with boat slips. It has 181.72 feet on Main Rd. (SR25)' to the north,752 feet along the easterly property line' 348.41 feet on Gardners:Bay to the south and 1000.1 feet on the westerly property line. Shown on a survey prepared by Hawkins Webb Jaeger, PLLC, last revised November 15, 2014 and a site plan (Page SP-100.00) prepared by WFC Architects, last revised May 23,2016. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Request for a Variance under Article XIII, Section 280-56; and the Building Inspector's October 18,2016 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to collocate a wireless Page 2,February 16,2017 #7023, MGH Enterprises,Verizon Wireless SCTm No. 1000-15-9-8.1 communications facility on subject property at: 1) less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 25 feet; located, at: 40200 NYS Route 25,(Adj. to Gardeners Bay)Orient,NY. SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests variance relief to install a wireless telecommunications equipment compound with a side yard setback of 7.25 feet from the subject property line, adjacent to an R400 Zoned NYS State Park, where 25 feet is the minimum permitted by code. The Notice of Disapproval was amended on August 24, 2016 to address the need for a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals and further amended on October 18, 2016 to correct errors. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Chief of Police of Southold Town submitted comments by email to the Chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals, on January 31,2017, addressing this application. He indicated that it was critically important that the proposed Verizon Wireless equipment be approved by the Board of Appeals. He stated that the local police participate in counter terrorism drills with other local, state and federal agencies; and that current spotty communications from Orient Point and Plum Island both by radio and cell phones would be greatly improved with the installation of this proposed cellular equipment, The Suffolk County Police Department indicated in their letter of December 2,2016 submitted by the applicant,that they fully support the application due to the need for communications coverage for police and public safety. The applicant also submitted several reports including three engineering reports and an FCC Compliance Assessment Report which will all be forwarded to the Planning Department for their review of the site plan application. On February 15,2012 in ZBA#6533,the Zoning Board granted MGH Enterprises Inc,/New Cingular Wireless, LLC variance relief to install a new wireless communications tower and equipment compound having a 7.1 foot side yard setback from the property line,which was subject to a condition that they return to the Zoning Board if, in future, they wish to increase the height of the monopole. FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on February 2,2017 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation,personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1, Town Law X267-bs3)MM. Grant of the variance rvi ll not produce an undesirable change in the character" of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, The surrounding;area is of mixed uses containing, a marina, a restaurant, an office building and parking used by Plum island employ es, a large interstate ferry terminal with parking area, an R-400 zoned protected NYS State Park which cannot be subdivided and two large residential developments across NO'S route 25, to the north, Any detriment is rnitigated by the placement of the proposed cellular equipment compound at the southernmost end of the property which is the farthest distance from existing buildings and residences in the area. Additionally dense screening exists on site and is proposed for the new equipment compound to further mitigate visual impacts. 2. Town Law V674(3)(b)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. To function properly, the proposed equipment compound must be located next to the existing equipment compound which was previously granted a 7 ft. 1 in. side yard setback 3. Town Law.4267-b(3)(b)(3). The variance granted herein is mathematically substantial, representing 70% relief from the code.However,the proposed equipment will be concealed inside a secure fenced compound area screened from the adjoining State Park area with landscaping and adjacent to an existing equipment Page 3, February 16,2017 #7023, MGH Enterprises,Verizon Wireless SCTm No. 1000-15-9-8.1 4. compound that has had no adverse impact. Moreover, the coloration on the existing monopole will improve cell coverage needed by the community and law enforcement agencies and the Town supports collocation of existing antennas, instead of creating new sites in many locations. . Town Law 5267-1b(3)(b)(4) No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code. The adjacent residential property is owned by Long Island State Park Commission (Orient State Park) and has no residential structures located within the required fall zone and is the access roadway to the park with no access to the beach within the area of the monopole site. 5. Town Law 5267-b(3)(b)(5). The difficulty has been self-created.However, the original site chosen for the existing tower has not caused any physical or environmental problems for either the surrounding residential\community or the commercial community. 6. Town Law 5267-b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of new wireless telecommunications equipment while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Weisman (Chairperson), seconded by Member Dantes,and duly carried,to GRANT the variance as applied for, and shown on the five page Site Plan(Pages T-100.00, SP-100.00,A-100.00, A-101.00,A-102.00,prepared by WFC Architects, last revised May 23,2016. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Pursuant to the request by the Town of Southold Planning Board,proposed location and height of the telecommunications monopole must be confirmed by the Planning Board and their technical consultant as per Town Code. That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision will result in delays and/or apossible denial by the Building Department of a building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variances)granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings, site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, or demolitions, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Page 4, February 16,2017 #7023, MGH Enterprises,Verizon Wireless SCTm No. 1000-15-9-8.1 Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three (3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three (3) consecutive one (1) year terms. Vote of the Board., Ayes;Members Weisman (Chairperson), Schneider, Horning and Dantes. (Member Goehringer not present) This Resolution was duly adopted(4-0). Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing c� / a� /2017 0 so MAILING ADDRESS: " PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS l "�w � � P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSHI Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS ^' Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ,, Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-xmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, ZBA Chairperson Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Members of the Planning Board Date: January 27, 2017 Re: Request for Comments for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 ZBA#7023 The Planning Board has reviewed your request for comments for the above-referenced co- location with a new wireless equipment compound at less than the minimum side yard setback of 25' (7'3"proposed) and supports the variance with the following comments: • Pursuant to §280-70(D)(1) of the Town Code, the location of the proposed wireless equipment compound and co-location on an existing antenna support structure or other structures on other property in the Town is second on the list of priority siting's for wireless communication facilities; • The proposed equipment compound is adjacent to an R-400 zoned parcel (NYS Park) which cannot be subdivided and is protected as a Public State Park. Additionally, dense screening exists on site and is proposed for the new equipment compound to mitigate visual impact; • The application proposes two (2) 10' pole extensions with Verizon to occupy the top spot. As part of site plan approval and special exception,pursuant to §280-71(B)(2)(b), any application with a proposed extension beyond the firs( 10 feet shell require special exception review and approval by the P1a.Iinifig Board. Tlic applicant will meed to provide evidence that the proposed height, as requested, is the lowest necessary to meet coverage needs and that the pole is structurally designed to meet a smaller fall zone(amongst other considerations/standards); We respectfully request that the Zoning Board include a condition that the proposed location and height must be confirmed by the Planning Board and their technical consultant as per Town Code. Thank you for this opportunity to provide comments, and please feel free to call us with any questions. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION m Division of Environmental Permits,Region 1 l r SUNY @ Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,NY 11740 [I 44 P:(631)444-03651 F:(631)444-0360 www.dec.ny.gov LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION RESPONSE 711Ti ��ira— � Planning Board November 8, 2016 Brian Cummings Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST Verizon Wireless @ MGH Enterprises 40200 NYS Rt. 25 Orient, NY 11957 SCTM# 1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Mr. Cummings:. This letter is in response to your Lead Agency Coordination Request of July 21, 2016 for the above referenced project pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR Part 617). This Department has no objection to the Town of Southold Planning Board assuming lead agency status for this action. The enclosed Tidal Wetlands Permit (1-4738-00898/00022) was issued on August 25, 2016 for this project. If you have any questions, please call me at 631-444-0403. Sil erely, Sherri Aicher Environmental Analyst 3a wvot< Department of M ti.rxwk arr r_�..................... rwrvrenimar Environmental Conservation Am domme NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-00898 PERMIT Under the EnvironmentalCnservation I,'aw ECJ.' Permittee and Facility Information --------...... I........ Permit Issued To: Facility: MGH ENTERPRISES INC ORIENT 13Y THE SEA MARINA PQ $QX 333 40200 MAIN RDISCTM# 1000-15-09-08 ORIENT,NY 11957-0333 ORIENT,NY 11,957 Facility Application Contact: ROBERT HAASE ORIENT$�THE SEA MARINA PQ 13OX 333 MAIN RD ORIENT,NY 11957 Facility Location: in SOUTHOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY Village: Orient Facility Principal Reference Point: NYTM-E: 731.2 NYTM-N: 4559.5 Latitude: 41'09'14.0" Longitude: 72'14'40.8" Project Location: 40200 Main Road - watercpurse- Gardiners Bay Authorized Activity: Construct addition to existing Verizon Wireless compound. All.authorized activities must be in strict conformance with the attached plans stamped NYSDEC approved on 8/25/16. (JRA) NOTE: It has been determined that this parcels more than 100 feet.from DEC regulated freshwater wetlands and therefore is out of Freshwater Wetlands Act(Article 24)jurisdiction. Permit Autho>rizations Tidal Wetlands -Under Article 25 Permit ID 1-4738-00898/00022 New Permit Effective Date: 8/25/2016 Expiration Date: 8/25/2021 NYSDEC Approval -By'acceptance tans e laf_this' lm''' rit,.tb c peg lrrit9tfi1g�� s Ura.t tlw p r111it`�s conti�ige"t UP94 Str i t ......... compliance with the ECL, all applicable'regulations all conditions included as part oft is permit. Permit Administrator:MARK CARRARA, Deputy Regional Permit Administrator Address: NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Brook,NY 11790 -3409 Authorized Signature: ao/d , .. — Date �./..� ...._ — Page 1 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738700898 Distribution........ stribu List ROBERT HAASE Habitat- TW JACQUELINE R PASQUINI Permit Components NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS, APPLY TO ALL AUTHORIZED PERMITS NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS - Apply to the Following Permits: TIDAL WETLANDS � _v I. Post Permit Sign The permit sign enclosed with this permit shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the worksite and adequately protected from the weather. 2. Notice of Commencement At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project; the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work. 3. Concrete Leachate During construction,no wet or fresh concrete or leachate shall be allowed to escape into any wetlands or waters of New York State, nor shall washings from ready-mixed concrete trucks, mixers, or other devices be allowed to enter any wetland or waters. Only watertight or, waterproof forms shall be used. Wet concrete shall not be poured to displace water within the forms. 4. No Construction Debris in Wetland or Adjacent Area Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area(upland) and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in wetlands and/or protected buffer areas. ....... s. ii `" gctat ed `I'idiwlWtlalitls- `T'laer�"..sh�il:l be tio.disturlaaj,ice.to vegct�rtcd.ticla1 -- wetlands or protected buffer areas as a result of the permitted activities. 6. Storage of Equipment, Materials The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined to the upland area landward of the bulkhead or on a barge. Page 2 of 6 damme NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-00898 7. Seeding Disturbed Areas All areas of soil disturbance resulting from the approved project shall be stabilized with appropriate vegetation (grasses, etc.) immediately following project completion or prior to permit expiration, whichever comes first. If the project site remains inactive for more than 48 hours or planting is impractical due to the season, then the area shall be stabilized with straw or hay mulch or jute matting until weather conditions favor germination. 8. Clean Fill Only All fill shall consist of clean sand, gravel, or soil (not asphalt, slag, flyash, broken concrete or demolition debris). 9. Direct Runoff Away from Tidal Wetland and Buffer Roads, driveways,and parking areas shall be graded to direct runoff away from tidal wetlands and protected buffer areas. 10. Straw Bales or Other at Tidal Wetland A row of staked straw bales or approvable erosion control devices shall be placed at the landward edge of the buffer area as per the NYSDEC-approved plan, prior to commencement of any regulated activities and remain in place and in good, functional condition until the project is completed and'all disturbed areas are stabilized with vegetation. 11. Contain Exposed, Stockpiled Soils All disturbed areas where soil will be temporarily exposed or, stockpiled for longer than 48 hours shall be contained by a continuous line of staked haybales/silt curtains (or other NYSDEC approved devices )placed on the seaward side between the fill and the wetland or protected buffer area. Tarps are authorized to supplement these approved methods. 12. State May Order Removafor Alteration of Work If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon-the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification df the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed,the owners, shall,without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former.condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the. State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 13. State May Require Site Restoration If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may lawfully require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its l:ori�r�c coaad ion. ...U- a ;l ll lac ° plc- a�ii"st tie `t to fl ew work-aa 1,1'oarst �tftily ifel removal or alteration. 14. Precautions Against Contamination of Waters All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. Page 3 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL,CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-00898 15. Conformance With Plans All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or applicant's agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by WFC Architects last revised 4/22/16 . 16. State Not Liable for Damage The State of New York shall in no case be liable for'any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from-any such damage. _... GENERAL CONDITIONS - Apply to ALL Authorized Permits: 1. Facility Inspection by The Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation(the Department)to determine whether the permittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71- 0301 and SAPA 401(3). ----- ---- ----The-per-mittee-shall-provide-a-person-to-accompany--the-Department's representati-ve during an-inspection-- tothe permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce-a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. 2. Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. 3. Applications For Permit Renewals,Modifications or Transfers The permittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for permit renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forms or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal, modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. Submission of applications for permit renewal, modification or transfer are to be submitted to: Regional. Permit Administrator . _ __._ .. _. .. _........... ........ _ _ - NY$DEC R .gioil 1 Headquarters SUNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Brook, NY11790 -3409 4. Submission of Renewal Application The permittee must submit a renewal application at least 30 days before permit expiration for the following permit authorizations: Tidal Wetlands. Page 4 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC 11) 1-4738-00898 5. Permit Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to exercise all available authority to modify, suspend or revoke this permit. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a. materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b. failure by the permittee to comply with any terms or conditions of the permit; c. exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d. newly discovered material information or a material change in,environmental conditions, relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e. noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. 6. Permit Transfer Permits are transferrable unless specifically prohibited by statute, regulation or another permit condition. Applications for permit transfer should be submitted prior to actual transfer of ownership. NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages,to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit, This indeninilication does not extend to any claims,,suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable to DEC s own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits,or, actions naming the D8C and arising under Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit .—=11c peiiiiittee ,,;responsible-for_ii formirig-its independent contractors,employees, agents and-as igns,.ol their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of- way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Page 5 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 'Raw Facility DEC ID 1-4738-00898 Item I): No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Page 6 of 6 SCOTT A. RUSSELL JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. MICHAEL M.SUPERVISOR ,� � � �� COLLINS, P.E. TOWN HALL 53095 MAIN ROAD « TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765 1560 Fax. (631) 765 9015 ;) uioi4) 31I51ll ^ ° )!� `bl,fit¢,d��""���L"ti�d�k &Rpl,�,b,,la'�' Y;"°'e � tlr� GR.�,6a tl,� Pr3,� � � , OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Donald J. Wilcenski September 27, 2016 Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Amended Site Plan for Verizon Wireless Telecom Tower 40200 Route 25, Orient, New York SCTM #: 1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Site Plan prepared by the Office of WFC Architects, dated 5/23/16, for a 20' pole extension of the existing Verizon Wireless Antenna. This project also includes ground equipment that will be located up on a metal platform and out of the Flood Zone. Please consider the following: 1. The proposed Verizon Wireless Antenna extension is to be constructed on top of an existing pole. Therefore, this addition should not create any additional requirements for drainage at the base of the pole. 2. The proposed area for the new equipment platform will be constructed with porous metal grating surfaces and will not generate a significant amount of storm-water run-off. Therefore, it is recommended that the proposed grade below the new platform be cleared of vegetation and excavated to a depth where pervious soils are present. Leaving this area with a slight depression will contain and recharge run-off that may be generated by the additional development of this site. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. lark rely, r J, ,, e A. Richter, R.A. �J Michaelis, Jessica 0 ► "fit 1 PJ From: Cummings, Brian A. t4 Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 3:32 PM �� � �� �I 111W , To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: FW: Verizon Wireless @MGH Orient SEP 23 '[, Raa'ururg l os::➢ From: Fisher, Robert Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 3:21 PM To: Cummings, Brian A. Subject: Verizon Wireless @MGH Orient Brian I have no further concerns about this project. Bob Robert Fisher Fire Marshall, Town of Southold robert.fisher@town.southold.ny.us (W) 631-765-1802 - (C) 631-786-9180 PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICA TION CONFIDENTIALITYNOTICE' This electronic mail transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information belonging to the sender which is protected by privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error,please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the original message. 1 MAILING ADDRESS: ��� ��.a:;rra.� � �•, P O. Box 1179 PLANNING �' r. DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, 11971� „�� ,;� Chair OFFICE CI WILLIAM J.CREMERSTown Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY � ti� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) RTIN H.SIDOR ' ���(�j Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdt ownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 13, 2016 Denise J. Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group, PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Re: Close Hearing Resolution - Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Route 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient. SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: MII Dear Ms. Vista: A Public Hearing was held on Monday, September 12, 2016 regarding the above- referenced Amended Site Plan. The Public Hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, James H. Rich, III Vice-Chairman ✓ AMATO LAW GROUP, OPLL „1 S COUNSELORS AT LAW 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD ..w_w-.-- ,-.,.••e, ,w ,. o 9TH FLOOR (flklwa 1 �q 405 LEXINGTON AVE GARDEN CITY,NEW YORK 11530 PWiniq Boar � AIN ST. CHRYSLER BLDG,26TH FLR SUITE 204 NEW YORK,N.Y.10174 TEL:(516)227-6363 METUCHEN,NJ 08840 TEL:(212)485-6000 FAX:(516)227-6367 TEL:(732)317-1511 FAX:(212)485-6001 FAX:(732)317-1513 September 13, 2016 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Ms. Carol Kalin Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Site Plan Application(the"Application")by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Verizon Wireless")to the Town of Southold in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility to be collocated at 40200 Main Road, Orient, New York, known and designated as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 Public Hearing Date: September 12, 2016 YSMSA Site Reference Orient Point 2 /"Our File No. 100-0773 Dear Ms. Kalin: In connection with the public hearing for Verizon Wireless' Application to the Planning Board, enclosed is the original Affidavit of Posting. Thank you for your time and attention to this Application. ,, y tllttly yours, Denise J. Vista Enclosure AFFIDAVIT I This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as . L� LA gym," ...... a i ��. y placing the Town's official poster notice(s)within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s)where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on_ 5Ej?r, L 2,O l W ifed I receipt cards ih �71 vers o�tec� o-�rde"of every abuts and every property which is across on n. You,Name It) Sig natur4 Addie s Q Bite . OK, . ........m.m ��... Notary Public COURTNEY J WIKMAN NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01W16295429 ®uallfled In Suffolk County My Commission Expires January 06, 2018 PLEASETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS RECEIPTGREEN RETURN : 12:00 noon, Fri., /9/16 Re: Proposed Amended Site Plan for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises SCT s: 1000-15- -8.1 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, September 12, 2016, :01 p.m. Ll AMATO LAW GROUP, PLLC COUNSELORS AT LAWLJ 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 2 0 j"' 9TH FLOOR405 o CHRYSLER BLODG,AVE TH FLR GARDEN CITY,N SoLAh0ld)0-� •waq;0 r I ST, NEW YORK 11530 NEW YORK,N.Y.10174 TEL:(516)227-6363 �61d11*1;IB 204 1 C III'; M$40 TEL:(212)485-6000 FAX:(516)227-6367 TEL:(732)317-1511 FAX:(212)485-6001 FAX:(732)317-1513 September 8, 2016 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Ms. Carol Kalin Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Site Plan Application(the"Application")by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Verizon Wireless")to the Town of Southold in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility to be collocated at 40200 Main Road, Orient, New York, known and designated as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 Public Hearing Date: September 12, 2016 NYSMSA Site Reference: Orient Point 2 / Our File No. 100-0773 Dear Ms. Kalin: In connection with the public hearing for Verizon Wireless' Application to the Planning Board, enclosed are the following notice materials: 1 Affidavit of Mailing, with five (5) original white certified mail return receipts attached thereto; and 2, Copy of the Affidavit of Posting. As discussed today,we will submit the original Affidavit of Posting at the public hearing on the Application. In addition,as of today,we have not yet received any green return receipt cards. In the event that we receive same, we will file them at the hearing. Thank you for your time and attention to this Application. Very tr l y yours, Denise J. Vista Enclosures AFFIDAVIT OF POS"flN TIMs is to serve notice that d personally posted the property known as 4 7 . l..��� 9 , . ......... ..�......�...._...-�-�.._..���,._.-.��!.:1.__�.^�.eu.. -_ _ �. !� by placing the Town's official poster notice(s)within 10 feet of the front property diine facing ng the street(s)where it can be easily seen, and that p have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least Ssysin days prior to the date of the Ipublic hearing on............ ............:` I have sent notices by certified imail--return receipt,the receipts and green return receipt cards of whWh are attached,to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which Is across on tu,u Narne rl1t r > Date Note NOTARY PUBUC-STATE OF NEW YORK No, 01M6295429 Qualified in Suffolk County MY COmmiallon Expires January 06, MB PLEASE RE,TURN THIS F d V17", CFRTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS GREEN RE'TU'RN RECEIPT CARDS .1.2:00 noon, Fri. 9/9/16 ,�wt4sJ!r,trooJru�rnw,mrw��,rca vy rv�rw:���,��,�gym;-,n,�mn.��m,arm�ma;'am•rek,w;mn,��;mc,arr���o-�wr�:�rnra�:ak�;mmmu��mr�,0u���.mm�;�,mrw�e�r,��r,w�r�,�awm�rcme�.d��w�rm,nr,��wu,mrmlr,nrmmmmr�mr Date of P u�ddc H---e rungo AFFIDAVIT MAILING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as 40200 Main Road Orient New York "%a I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Au ust 30, 2016 Tne -- (print) Grm BLL 606 i1 (gun y R d ardc!i a tJ��r ��rki1,530 Address 0 ul 2010 ," t` NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 02ZA6292807 prblIC My Commission Expires November 12, 2017 PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY.- 12:00 noon Fri. 9/9/16 Re: Pro osed Amended Site Plan for Verizon i SCTM#s: 1000-15-9-8.1 Date f li ring: y, September 12, 2016, 6:01 Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Verizon Wireless @ Orient MGH Enterprises 40200 Route 25 Orient, NY SCTM#1000-15.-9-8.1 \1. 1000-15.-8-14.2 W - CIS VAq 3LO WM"Lgl� 0-r. NA(ILS+LC- UAQ+\ \20 1.000-1.5.-9-7 —I . r3ormwout\ 10-7 Z5 1 1000-15.-9-9 MkJCA SiOk5, 4. 1000-39A....12 I—V 11 U��W ������� Il�p� ������ ��� IIIH� � Ilum ��m� vlu� mml I����� I�I�I�I� rru �' 77 i:+VRVd ��..... ...a if u; qR 117 .. ..... ,. I. ru E i agll"md1d�.;��„,„��Od P d a l��'d dnm wm'7`9nec ram dd7%ar,"rg�,v� danU aaw llVgVm'd9nuVfldVVaau CeMd'r`On7 I7 { ° as 8+Y i,V1rtiadu'W 7mh ung A4T.4 a7 tlmll doo K11 l rddmuwd .. .. Ildm „fid Nmll7"7Vdlru7uouurca Vgmupusllu �7 " .. .... ""� wawa waa"' u„ 1 ""'AdiilutlW3U g:nou m Ri mhdrticUd N Pamhlefy", .. D ....,, rdd7m4m ru Ln astitmowenc Park Manager C3 d C _. 1�'1 a'�r 1987 76 '✓ti �] 57 a7g».t r�rnr��a far,a,es�kfi kl ,i "rl 6111 Yrk9 ._.� ......ww. SCTM#1000-39-1-2.2 ,.�a, ._,. .e... .,....,". ' it m'lml m Viu m I uu I s m iN I w um 4W mJ a � I� III�M � w IIS uln% ru m Amo mlml Ln , Y✓ r-41 / 1 li 1 � U J/ r �' d.wzw�U7inu7J 9"aGaail&gar � av alt ru Ul� ic,7aa d.r-+�a Jaru: d a R�7uMwa" arp gay awrdu2' di Y ri {,,�V�18vu6�,wml 11 gnawRdXVPd. umreu�a„o l,� "p,* �` dsd'wllirmg gmudu9aaa pdu tlmrnl .... tw C m Rr�rk'o�IV dk a k9 pV�ll�a9rrru�la7u� u�au�apugr.g�u�u:'7abuuVlu��y �� .... ���vy wa7p O tlV a w;m h Addt MunaluileV 0AbIrl1W NmuuVVmwy ......... ....... .,.. W , C3Pae9>atllnada.H ru 41, rl «��'tliirrop�'rafip�d7��wi4Mrea��awe ..... ....mmPafkS;w." "cratfn"`" historic Pr er ation Ln Long Island Regi . �� .... on 0 5'P"aarP,rrcd"lpt'd> ". "i k-661hNbfitl. 6' WO'NM1'k . .rAffabylort—Ne -York,I'17Q-0-24T, ......Ar..__� r� Irvin m iw' ,� Imu, uou rn —0 m .. MO sin;..plagro m m m a m Y , ..m Ir r �e .� l IY'N"F'Irlp J II" f,Va IYGWwa�� mall Fr � ru d"`�r14�arvIl�i�uuu�usUaassaup� aa,r^tii3(rJ+rvtv���xln�rrV&;arrsyYppe}+rVfrWa �Y i q ) w mu g�� D vq NI�11"uYM1a C3 q_NUIaW�usuuu F N 0.aaaW ctffroV O) 9 fm q_�q ,. h UI�4kVO "d P M 1 q�;rv�ry flus mmllU Irl�u ���dm Y � !u�o1&,roVguuauwlllflO l� oulluaw. IIuVG.�V�burvm@auawry�� ''+6nPo�a'da�IlAatt�1'J` V ..... ..., ru r rrak "'A wwauFw ml"'i e�' IY'raf ab.. Elsky �,r��� R . a ... .. ., orvrtldhmr9.>YwOs..^rrvrm�C rv"fiva>� wro ,&M 1000-15-8-14,2^ ^ ...,.. ....o, ..�UIIIIIIII uum w.m � II � I U Im I�i I uiI II mu mu �Iiw IIII 'iii oni uuoi � muu � mina Ln m Ln W. PiY �S �F ... :.... 0 . � r ISVkiYrrurB Yat woG A vs� RI $�gb arorvrv.tlqu118aaVfuuuvu ll8nvuU1.NuanurU drlru¢r Ru.xu uuutlwi�I,v� ercprovwx�nurvedrrp "F.. 'rq GIll�Vu ^ O E]IRetu lilirvw u�ecellll�aa(4 lm nlll�,) $ . w aavuYa�Nw M �q.JaaNAuuM o��uaallanwautdclmuv IPa q a q ry[IYdw lw pl uaNuaaY Il�mwmNn"tlG1,n'd IDaVUevmy d w,u, u C3 ---. ...... .. .. ...... ... " m 'n� cH r�,yaw d Ln Dru ri van and D.r DCrawford S!� tlwrFrta9�mw:e�krwFgu��^ � � Carrvrvu�sl"riot 4pr wr r twr + Y+m1. rl ww w rNrQ ) . ..... ..... ..._, (TM mm"," VI u u mi I�''ll m , I,VIm �f Er LO t ru a.�rrrir�ti;d Mali k•ra�� ... � nw�� �r4tllA:uliYu�ltS��SEI9vM�('r."iuoru�¢�Pa,enai�r��`ce9wr��mxwi„nrur�raYi vu,�, �,�J �f Q ��' .ouonu�mawar�dx0��mr6�a;rraoro0s�b ��uo- &"SagawwtuA E3 pn";ammkufltlae�V l.W�rtuuB M'Vautla�Nmscu uYumrH ,« ,y,r � k�erpw�„° O ElAduft8lonatwoRequked I I kAdudu ftuhdgluuirmro�'¢a�drc�rGamcp l�UaroVl�mwrvgc'� u r ru Abu, Lr) ` r andrrr�auggmw�wiv q�d N N l `xfiirri .Disease Center a rp qp9q,,NgW (ork 1 194 SCTM#1000-15-9-9 .AMATO LAW GROUP, PLLC COUNSELORS AT LAW 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 7TH FLOOR 405 LEXINGTON AVE GARDEN CITY,NEW YORK 11530 402 MAIN ST, CHRYSLER BLDG,26TH FLR NEW YORK,N.Y.10174 (516)227.6363 SUITE 204 � METUCHEN,N1 TEL:(212 485-6000 (516)227-6367 TEL:(732)317-1511-1511 FAX:(212)485-6001 FAX:(732)317-1513 August 30, 2016 VIA EMAIL 10EPte, Mr. Brian Cummings, Planner ELSOWh6oid 2016 Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Building 54375 State Route 25 t wn hoard Southold,New York 11971 Re: Site Plan Application(the"Application")by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Verizon Wireless")to the Town of Southold(the"Town") in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility(the "Communication Facility")to be collocated at 40200 Main Road,Orient,New York, known and designated as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9,Lot 8.1 NYSMSA Site Reference: Orient Point 2/Our File No. 100-0773 Dear Mr. Cummings: We are in receipt of the Telecommunications Site Review, prepared by CityScape Consultants, Inc. ("CityScape"), and dated July 14, 2016 (the "CityScape Review") in connection with the review of Verizon Wireless' Application, and respond as set forth below. I, CityScape's Review indicates that three (3) panel antennas, two (2) diplexers, and four(4)feed lines will be installed within the monopole. However,as depicted in the construction drawings that were filed with the Application (the "CDs"), three (3) panel antennas, six (6) diplexers, and twelve (12) 7/8" cables (feed lines) will be installed within the concealment pole and extension thereto, See CDs, Sheet A- 100.00, East Elevation, which is also attached to CityScape's Review as Exhibit A. 2, CityScape's Review indicates that the structural analysis report that was filed with the Application' does not consider Verizon Wireless' 'proposed "equipment." However, the structural analysis was specifically prepared for Verizon Wireless' proposed Communication Facility,as indicated throughout the report,including: (a) Page 1, "Verizon Extension Tower Only Co-Location," which is also attached to CityScape's Review; (b)Page 2,"The purpose of this analysis was to verify whether the existing structure is capable of preparing the proposed loading configuration as specified by Verizon Wireless to AT&T;" and (c) Verizon Wireless' proposed loading is detailed in the Proposed Loading chart in Appendix A, Tower Analysis Summary Form, and Appendix B,page 2 of 3. AMATO LAW GROUP, PLLC Additionally, with respect to CityScape'8 recommended conditioris of approval, Verizon Wireless does not have any objections to the same, and responds as follows: I.. CityScape recommends that Verizon Wireless' feed lines/cables be installed within the monopole. As depicted in the CDs, Verizon Wireless' proposed cables will be concealed within the monopole and extension thereto.See CDs,Sheet A-100.00,East Elevation, which is also attached to CityScape's Review as Exhibit A. 2. CityScape recommends that"[a]ll ports remain sufficiently sealed to prevent access by birds and other wildlife." Verizon Wireless has no objection to this condition. 3. CityScape recommends that Verizon Wireless confirm that the proposed generator will comply with the Town's Noise Ordinance. Please note that Verizon Wireless has ordered a Noise Study in connection with the public hearing on the Application. 4. CityScape recommends that the Communication Facility "remain secured and protected from unauthorized personnel." As depicted in the CDs,Verizon Wireless' proposed equipment compound will be enclosed with a 13'-0"high chain link fence with privacy slats and gate,thus preventing unauthorized access thereto,and will be consistent with AT&T's existing security fencing.See CDs, Sheet A-100,Enlarged Equipment Plan, which is also attached to CityScape's Review as Exhibit B. If you should have any questions about the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this Application. V: truly yours, , Denise J. Vista cc: Verizon Wireless (via email) r yyyy U l a0 " 7J Tav�ru ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT PIanaiug Board 23300 Main IRoad, Orient, NY 11957 631 -323-2445 * Fax 631 -32.3-9706 orientfired@c)ptonU ne.net August 22, 2016 Brian A. Cummings, Planner Planning Board office Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Cummings, The Board of Fire Commissioners reviewed your letter dated July 21, 2016 and site plan for the Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises located at 40200 Route 25, Orient N.Y. and found no recommendations are necessary. f ,51 '=cerely, Donald R. Sayre, Secretary Orient Fire District Cil.) PG , IAL1M` jM-, TOWN OF SOUTFORM NO. HOLD �) .�E (I�.'.... W, . .I.,. .. 111� NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL iwnunlld Town DATE: May 23, 2016 Nm AMENDED: August 24, 2016 TO: Amato Law Group, PLLC (Verizon Wireless) 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Please take notice that your application dated April 29, 2016 For permit for a co-location on an existing wireless facility at Location of property: 40200 Route 25, Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 15 Block 9 Lot 8.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: 111r pr ,� o l claw x�lz� s; i rs,l eco l c t , � � ... t lrl n ,II °a�wal �t'oq'i tC,emSouthold 1�1rd.��1�� Board. l L,t1 e1r11c„e, t17 s_)c,ytecl acceso y 1,,�11>1,e,tt _M1 ,t *,� �ttecl 1 ti ��1t1t to Article X11:[.. S.e tjon 28(1- 5, C"• 1 ro v11i,e11 t ttme t1��1 t1 o 1 t�tlt, a apt J lwla et tg,flj _coti l tioris_o � 280-15. ...fl ewo which states.il at, �rpe . _ ... _cu � 1 �� tclctx�, t��ta �r� , 1tt�tr�_,r � �°,rg0 setback is 25 feet. According to the.proposal, the,egMailjt�_jgit will have_a setback of 7 5 feet,, This Notice was amended on August_24. 2016„to address the need for variance from the„Zoning Board of Appeals. Lt1 o,,r 1 S,g„cwt: re 711-1- w CC: file, planning, zba Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health- ..........- SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building... ............. TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board a1,,)prova1__, ' FAX: (631) 765-9502 ........... SoutholdTown.NorthForkxet PERMIT NO. Check,_f"o ...... Septic nn- ...... N.Y.S.D.E.C.-I Trustees--, C.O.Application...... ­-­­ ­...... Flood Permit, Examined 20_..... .... Single&Separate­—­--­­- Storm-Water Assessment Form Denise J. Vista, Esq, Ul to:Amato Law Group,,R UW Approved--.....,-, ...................--­­�20'. 6 6 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Disapproved a/c t4-- arden-City-New-yu*1"15-30'—' I-...............-I. .. ......... ............ 20­ APPLICATION FOR BtJIL NG PERMIT Date Aprl 1....29 2016 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Bui Inspe-etor with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets oto.. areas, and waterways. commenced before issuance of Building Permit. c.The work covered by this application may not be d. Upon approval of dais application,flit Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building sl'iall be Occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not comincliced within 12 monihs alter(lac date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an 't elinil hp.rp.niiired SubdivisionFiled Map No.,-­ 2, State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy Marina, restaurant, and wireless communications facility b. Intended use and occupancy less facility 3. Nature of work(check which applicable): New Building-—., Addition----—,Alteration X, Repair, Removal Demolition biter Work_pqbii�u ity wireless communications facility ___ _j� ­­--I .............. ... ........ (Description) 4. Estimated Cost Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units n/a—,,,.—Number of dwelling units on each floor– n/a If garage, number of cars n/a Marina/public utility wireless 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. �LQcom M U gicatiQos J- --fm�t - - - tower N/A Depth /A.. 7. Dimensions of existing Atmetmas, if any: Front N/A Height 69'-0" a9l Number of Stories- NIA tower Dimensions of same.,x.txwtm with alterations or additions: Front N/A Rear.. /A Depth Height s9,-0" agl Number of Stories.. N/A__—. (equipment,-compoxMd) Length Width -011 rU tion: fvixig 13' 10" 4*0a _321 ..—Depth 8. Dimensions of entire new const - c - Height 13, Numberof Stories 9. Size of lot: Area: 4.7 acres 10. Date of Purchase --Name of Former Owner Applicant is 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated Marine 11 zoning district 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation?YES—NOS_ 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES– NO--X—Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES NO 40200 Main Road 14. Names of Owner of prernises�M.G.H. Enterprises Address Orient,NY 11957--Phone No. Name of Architect WFC Architects Address ive 12-1 Teclmoio�gg—yybr' Phone No (63L) 689-8450 �. Name of Contractor Address .......—Phone No. ............ TOWN( OUTHOLD JILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDIN"DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health --- -- - SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans ..................... TEL: (631)765-1802 Planning Board aipproval­ FAX:(631)765-9502 Survey.. ...... .... SoutholdTown.NortliFork.net PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form­­­­­­_­­... ......... N.YSJIF,C. Trustees C.O.Application_.._.._......_..-----...... ......... Flood Permit Examined20 Single&Separate­­................ Storm-Water Assessment Form A: Denise J.Vista,Esq. Appruved­­ 20 )it to:Amato Law Group,PLLC a/c R6 Old Country Road,Suite 901 Disapproved ardeai"C,iW;'NLw,Yui-k-1,15't—, 1410y­ - 3 .............................­-........... ................. ...... .. -——----- Expiration—— ................. 20_ ................... 51 1 m swcl 4 041t APPLICATION FOR BLltl,]' NGPERMIT Date Apri 1 29 ,2016 INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the But Zf-;iy,f nspec lor with 4 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public street,,',or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant.Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. New Yn S A L Parhorship d/b/a Verizon Wireless J� at" St r� i�/'4 or name,if a corporation) c/o A/nato Law Group,PLLC 666 Old Country Road,Suite 901 Garden City,New York 11530 (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner,lessee,agent,architect,engineer,general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder ,,, alicant is lessee of property Name of owner of premises M.G.H.Enterprises,Inc. (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation,signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License'' c;.--——-------------------- Plumbers License NO. Electricians License No. Other Trade's Licenseo. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: 40200 Main Road Orient House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 15 ---Block—­.9 ..........­­­­.,.,,­­.­.,Lot 8.1 Subd' n., , I ... . ... ........... File tp No.._—-111111...............-...................Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy Marina,restaurant,and wireless communications facility 11-11-1--........... ...... ........................................................................................................... b. Intended use and occupancy Same,and proposed wireless facility .... ..................... ...... ... .................... 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building Addition .........---Alteration,"x ,, ,,, ,,,.I- Repair—Removal—,,...................Demolition Other Work public utility wireless communications facility (Description) 4. Estimated Cost Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units n/a Number of dwelling units on each floor...........n../..a.............................................................. If garage, number of cars-9/a., Marina/public utility wireless 6. If business,commercial or mixed occupancy,specify nature and extent of each type of use.communications-facillitty................... tower 7. Dimensions of existing*tnmkmas,if any:Front N/A Rear N/A Depth N/A ---------------------- Height__,,_,,.69--o-, azj­...........Number of Stories-, NIA tower Dimensions of same--aboettm with alterations or additions: Front N/A Rear N/A Depth Height 891-01"agi Number of Stories NIA ...... ....... Length Width 8. Dimensions ofenfiie n6v consbitclion:Uxxit 321-0" Height 13, Number of Stories- 9. Size of lot:Front —Rear Depth Area:4.7 acres 10.Date of Purchase.--,,,"--,,-.,,. -Name of Former Owner Applicant is lessee of property 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated Marine 11 zoning district .......... ......... I'll, --" 12.Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation?YES_NOS 13.Will lot be re-graded?YES—NO—X—Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES—NO 40200Main Road 14.Naines of Owner ofpre miscs M,G,lj,EnlerpLlp a Addmss2l�ln,NY 111957 Phone No,(63)323-2424 Na in e o f A rel i i tect WFC Architects CIS Address 12-1 Technology Drivo Phone No (:11)689 450 Narne of'Contractor IT --Address.. —Phone No. 15 a.Is this property within 100 feet of tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland?*YES x NO IF YES,SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES&D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b.Is this property within 300 feet of tidal wetland?*YES X NO IF YES,D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16.Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17.If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. 18.Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property?*YESx NO *IF YES,PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Nassau John Walden on behalf of New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless being duly sworn,deposes and says that"he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (&)He is the Senior Engineer-Equipment (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) ........... XXXXV=L*XXXXXXK and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this day of,. 20 11611-11 New York SIM,. /a Verizon Wireless —--—---------................... B y Notary Public Signattue of Applicant Name:i Walden Title: senior Engineer-Equipment ,�.., MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �� f'SO P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSHI � +!" Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III q "r (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR 0.� CQUNM Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowrmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 12th day of September, 2016 on the question of the following: 6:01 p.m. Proposed Amended Site Plan for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises, located at 40200 NYS Route 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Road & NYS Rt. 25, Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-15-9-8.1 6:02 p.m. Proposed Amended Site Plan for Country Car Wash, located at 6565 NYS Route 25, ±724' s/w/o Bray Avenue & NYS Rt. 25, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-125-1-19.5 6:03 p.m. Proposed Amended Site Plan for Hudson City, located at 11600 NYS Route 25, s/e/o Pacific Street & NYS Rt. 25, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-122-3-17.1 6:04 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Threes Brewing East, located at 12820 Oregon Road, on the south corner of Cox Lane & Oregon Rd., Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-83-3-4.6 Dated: 8/11/16 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU. COPY SENT TO: The Suffolk Times Kalin, Carol From: legals <legals@timesreview.com> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 9:41 AM To: Kalin, Carol Subject: Re: Legal Ad for the Sept. 1 Suffolk Times Importance: High Good morning, The legal notice has been scheduled to be published in the 9/1 edition of the Suffolk Times. Thank you and have a great day! Best regards, HEMA MMUP i un":dsa Assostant&fl es Coordinator 6.3:x..2..98.":,2.00 ext. 2.,'.:5 631.354„8032 (�i rect) 631°298,0410 (fax) Iriemer@timesreview.com wwwoti mesreview,corn From: "Kalin, Carol" <Carol.Kalin@town.southold.ny.us> Date:Thursday, August 11, 2016 2:34 PM To: Lee Peters<legals@timesreview.com> Subject: Legal Ad for the Sept. 1 Suffolk Times Please print the attached legal ad for the September 12, 2016 Planning Board Public Hearings regarding the Amended Site Plans for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises, Country Car Wash & Hudson City and the Site Plan for Threes Brewing East in the September 1, 2016 edition of the Suffolk Times. An e-mail confirmation of receipt for our files will be appreciated. Thanks. Carol Kalin Secretarial Assistant Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Annex at Capital One Bank 54375 NYS Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 631/765-1938 phone 631/765-6640 fax t #12939 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successfully commencing on the 1st day of September, 2016. Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of S .. - ..-2016. CHRISTINA YOLINSKI r / ror NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. oIv061050e0 Qualified In Suffolk County My commission Ixplra Nbiuory ZI,2020 r MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS d 1�` P.O. Box 1179 �,w, 'Q Southold NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI � �'` ', Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 11 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III � ,' „p (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR O'UUNT`I � . , Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 12th day of September, 2016 on the question of the following: 6:01 p.m. Proposed Amended Site Plan for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises, located at 40200 NYS Route 25, #345' s/w/o Lands End Road & NYS Rt. 25, Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-15-9-8.1 6:02 p.m. Proposed Amended Site Plan for Country Car Wash, located at 6565 NYS Route 25, ±724' s/w/o Bray Avenue & NYS Rt. 25, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-125-1-19.5 6:03 p.m. Proposed Amended Site Plan for Hudson City, located at 11600 NYS Route 25, s/e/o Pacific Street & NYS Rt. 25, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-122-3-17.1 6:04 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Threes Brewing East, located at 12820 Oregon Road, on the south corner of Cox Lane & Oregon Rd., Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-83-3-4.6 Dated: 8/11/16 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Carol Kalin, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 15th day of August, 2016, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold New York September 12, 2016 Public Meeting: 6:01 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Amended Site Plan for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises, SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 6:02 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Amended Site Plan for Country Car Wash, SCTM#1000-125-1-19.5 6:03 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Amended Site Plan for Hudson City, SCTM#1000-122-3-17.1 6:04 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for Threes Brewing East, SCTM#1000-83-3-4.6 Carol Kalin Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this I J'-day of 2016. MELANIE DOROSKI >ulblie7 � NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No. 01D04634870 Qualified in Suffolk County NotarCommission Expires September30, , �r MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNINGMEMBERS �1 �QF s Ii� P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENS � Southold, NY 11971 Chairs, OFFICE LOCATION: WILL J.LEES Town Hall Annex PIERCE FFETY rry �� 54375 State Route 25 J ES .RICH III (cor. Main d. &Youngs Ave.) RTIN H.SIDO CO(IN� �. 1' , Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdt ownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 9, 2016 Denise J. Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group, PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Re: Amend July 11, 2016 Set Hearing Resolution - Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Route 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient. SCTM#1000-15-9=8.1 Zoning District: MII Dear Ms. Vista: The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, August 8, 2016: WHEREAS, on July 11, 2016, the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Verizon Wireless Communications at Orient Point", prepared by Neil Alexander Macdonald, R.A, dated March 1, 2016 and last revised May 23, 2016; and WHEREAS, in a letter dated July 13, 2016, the agent, Denise Vista, Esq., requested that the public hearing date be rescheduled to September 12, 2016 due to unavailability; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, September 12, 2016 at 6:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Verizon Wireless Communications at Orient Point", prepared by Neil Alexander Macdonald, R.A, dated March 1, 2016 and last revised May 23, 2016. The public hearing packet regarding the Town's notification procedure and the sign & post will need to be picked up at,the Planning Board Office at the Southold Town Annex when you are contacted to do so. i Verizon Wireless at MGH Enter prises Page Two August 9, 2016 Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Postin /Mailin aloe with the certified mailin receipts AND the sl ned green return irecei t cards before 12:00 noun on Friday September 9 2016. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the ublic hearin is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encls. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adiacent Propertv Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for an Amended Wireless Site Plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the Marine II Zoning District; 4. That this Amended Wireless Communications Application is for a proposed 20 ft. pole extension to an approved 70 ft. high concealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co- location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres. The property is located at 40200 NYS Route 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd FI., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on Weblink located on bottom left of home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Site Plans", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: Carol.Kali n(cD-town.southold.ny.us; 6. That a Public Hearing regarding the Amended Site Plan will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, September 12, 2016 at 6:01 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Date: 8/9/16 Notice to Adjacent Property Owe .ers Verizon Wireless @ Orient MGH Enterprises 40200 Route 25 Orient, NY SCTM#1000-15.-9-8.1 1. 1000-15.-8-14.2 2. 1000-15.-9-7 3. 1000-15.-9-9 4. 1000-39.-1-2.2 —r X Y f } e �j 1, F @ 0 BEPGN i�t `'®NG -`¢'-- LONG MIANi7 L7hi11S-Si ;t } - IS Ap c a �` _ 4 =S""_� •� moi`!'-}�'�' ���'� s i k I --- .• __ --_. .._ ----. . -___. - € --- ...—_ o- --_ _SECTION NO a ;£� NO TICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK QC f 2 T �au€a10 E E =_=.�— _ _. - _ Real Property Tax Service Agency y �� ' ----. �— - .: x .z-mss£-. -<s� 3 �es.`.�,. - MAItiTE#'RtvCc.Ai.TEFATEOk,S4:E 03 G _ a=. F:- E �a§T �L { f VILLAGE OF - 39 -,=s= rn�tx: 3 '—'" t4a. a .- �-,�� _ COu Y e Y91901 _ ^' CTSTlv`OUTIOh Or ANY E94TEOY pF THE � R�YCRfCe d •• - 5.zrS.4a=_ SG FOLK CO'eTY TAR M 1P 5 40 31T 3 nB C n8ar C E ._ AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 9/9/16 Re: Proposed Amended Site Plan for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enter rises SCTM#s: 1000-15-9-8.1 Date of Public Hearing: Mon Jay, September 12 20166:01„p.m. Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows § 55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-20031 Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town,which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant,petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property,nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant,petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. 1 >on 0 ® _ _ 0. E _ O. O •� •� ■ m m � C C O is .p 2 O w C IM _ m N .a+ i uu 0 W M M r.O O •® _ ■ ■ E N V ev CL LAM 4� p d v N C)cm i ,= 'DC N t/) C v •- O O C O CL O N L.® ® � t2 = uj NO° c C (a O ® C ,C L. 'r i LL. ® ca N N 10 Cl) V uj N O +�—+ •>C e ' O O ® CN v L O +�•+ v d c' d ■ .Q N LL N j U) C O pM ti � C N a) +1 _ •gyp—,, L.LU 'M i O w 00 V RfCl) ._ i O s. N O O Boom r ., E U Q. >LLJ uj LO .= i y ++ 0 O. N O 'a V �% C to i m ® C N L_ N JL C t O V O = O V O � � ++ L ®2A z � ,(tf +� G) m Lij -� O C C N MMMMMMMM ro 1 V Consultants, Inc. ril hold VML V a l N1,�W.�..bn P1ann,4iQ 10,11 Via Federal Express July 15, 2016 Brian Cummings, Planner Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 Southold,New York 11971 Re: SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1; Verizon,40200 Route 25,Orient Dear Brian, Enclosed please find five (5) copies of CityScape's review for the above referenced facility application for equipment modification and upgrade. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding our analysis. Sincerely, Elizabeth Herington-Smith Enclosures 7050 W. Palmetto Park Road#15-652- Boca Raton, FL 33433-3483 Tel: 877-438-2851 - Fax:877-220-4593 At�r---rcC AMAT O LAW GROUP PLLC JUL 1 4 2(316 COUNSELORS AT LAW .. ����ttlpNA� wtb 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 9TH FLOOR Manning Board 405 LEXINGTON AVE GARDEN CITY,NEW YORK 11530 402 MAIN ST. CHRYSLER BLDG,26TH PLR TEL (51 2276363 SUITE 204 NEW YORK,N.Y.10174 METUCHEN,NJ 08840 TEL-(212)465-6000 FAX:(516)227-6367 TEL:(732)317.1511 FAX:(212)485-6001 FAX:(732)317-1513 July 13, 2016 VIA EMAIL Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Site Plan Application(the"Application")by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Verizon Wireless")to the Town of Southold in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility to be collocated at 40200 Main Road, Orient, New York, known and designated as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 NYSMSA Site Reference: Orient Point 00-0773 ' olnt 2/Our File No. 1 ............... Dear Mr. Chairman and Members of the Planning Board: We respectfully request that the public hearing date for Verizon Wireless' Application be rescheduled to September 12,2016,as we are unable to attend the originally scheduled hearing date of August 8,2016. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this Application. e,. truly i1•s, Denise J. Vista cc: Verizon Wireless (via email) ILI SS: IBOARD so P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ` .d Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLLAM J.CREMERSTown Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY c� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �r �r (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ;, �DUN� ( Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 14, 2016 Denise J. Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group, PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Re: Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: MII Dear Ms. Vista: am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on July 11, 2016 where the Planning Board accepted the above-referenced Site Plan for review. Before the Board can commence its,full review, it is necessary to provide the following directly to this department: 1. In coordination with the Building Department, it was discovered that this plan will require a revised Notice of Disapproval due to the proposed expansion of the equipment compound with a side yard setback of 7'3". Please submit the current Site Plan to the Building Department for a revised Notice of Disapproval at your earliest convenience. Once the above information is received, the Planning Board, its Staff, Town Departments and relevant agencies will provide additional comments following full review. The Planning Board has accepted your request to reschedule the public hearing initially set for August 8, 2016. The hearing date will be rescheduled to September 12, 2016. If you have any questions regarding this site plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office. Very truly yours, ya `1� Brian Cummings Planner xrMAILING ADDRESS: MEMBERSPLANNING BOARD SO P.O. Box 1179 ,, DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 � � "' r.�� Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) RTIN H.SIDOR " � Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 12, 2016 Denise J. Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group, PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Re: SEAR Classification & Set Hearing: Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Route 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient. SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: Mll Dear Ms. Vista; The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, July 11, 2016: WHEREAS, this Amended Wireless Communications Application is for a proposed 20 ft. pole extension to ari approved 70 ft. high concealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co-location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant,-marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, has determined that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action as it does not meet any of the thresholds of a Type I Action, nor does it meet any of the criteria on the Type II list of actions; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is an Unlisted Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan entitled "Verizon Wireless Communications at Orient Point", prepared by Neil Alexander Macdonald, R.A, dated March 1, 2016 and last revised May 23, 2016. Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Page Two July 12, 2016 Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing recei is AND the signed preen return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, August 5, 2016. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearinq is closed If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encls. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Ad'acent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Wireless Site Plan; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the Marine II Zoning District; 4. That this Amended Wireless Communications Application is for a proposed 20 ft. pole extension to an approved 70 ft. high concealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co- location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres. The property is located at 40200 NYS Route 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt. 25, Orient; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd Fl., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on Weblink located on bottom left of home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Site Plans", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above), Or by sending an e-mail message to: Carol.Kalin(D_town.southold.ny.us; 6. That a Public Hearing regarding the Site Plan will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:01 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Date: 7/12/16 Notice to Adjacent Property Owners Verizon Wireless @ Orient MGH Enterprises 40200 Route 25 Orient, NY SCTM#1000-15.-9-8.1 1. 1000-15.-8-14.2 1 1000-15.-9-7 3. 1000-15.-9-9 4. 1000-39.-1-2.2 ISfAMD b Np w ✓ � v d x x 4,¢ / _ auattor currotrc — I , r a s , 6 av- /l u \ yM V UN7 C K full ., f - r� U P rtY T A9e� Re I S o ....,,. ^� � � � 111 wry 15 �- -- i I f r 1i R) C7 IW ( I( GrtyT 5 Afl Y� �.. � �. 39 ,,,i,,,/„O/-�i i /,:J/ill/ AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon Fri. 8/5/16 Re: Pro osed Amended Site Plan for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises SCTM#s: 1000-15-9-8.1 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, August 8, 2016, 6:01 p.m. Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows § 55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-20031 Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town,which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant,petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail,return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property,nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant,petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. 1 C w C y --1 (/1 C C O _r C. C. 7h O N• 2. CL 00 a) O E C. ® (C :z (D O a. � lD C. ®° CL CD M C) C O O n n 0 O C C. O (C 0 N O a (n C �. 0 C. (D (1) =< + -a � N o 0 t• � � O_ o cn rh (D `. =r 0 =0 " C < 00 CD 0. O (D C. at co > M �+ (D N° O CD m= N uo y N � > �u O Cl) N (D• C7• O rr O ® C> C �+ O O (D -1 XCl) . C) -, su 00 N O (D 'a ® C C ° O0 ® O p, O -. 0 O N z Cl) �•N (0) C O N _ 5 (D -% (1) 0 - O• rr � � a o' 2. (n ® O 2• n ( � C (D Mr0 ■ ■ CD X m 0 CL (A C' C C p CD 2) C. 0) O Q Cr ■ • iv C �• O O C ® C O CD C. C. Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session —Completeness Review Date July 11, 2016 Prepared By: Brian Cummings I. Application Information Project Title: Verizon Wireless Co-location at Orient MGH Applicant: Verizon Wireless Date of Submission: June 2, 2016 Tax Map Number: 15.-9-8.1 Project Location: 40200 NYS Rt. 25 Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: M-II II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Wireless co-location Acreage of Project Site: 4.7 acres Building Size ±337sf equipment compound This Amended Wireless Communications Application is to extend an existing concealment pole 20' for a Verizon Wireless co-location of an interior mounted antenna within the concealment cylinder between 70' and 90' above ground level of the approved 70' antenna support structure/tower with a 10kw diesel generator with sound enclosure set atop proposed elevated steel platform, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District. Ill. Analysis A. ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures a. Approved September 2012 site plan for AT&T/New Cingular Wireless to construct 70' monopole and associated ground equipment; b. ZBA variance #6533 granted a 7'1 side yard setback to residential property (R-400 NYS Park) c. Special exception granted by the Planning Board including waiving of the following: i. Fall zone distance to residential property line; I Verizon Wireless @ MGH 1. The concealment pole was structurally designed for a smaller fall zone as verified in the structural analysis; ii. Setback to residential property line; 1. The adjacent residential parcel is a NY State Park in the R- 400 zoning district with no structures or areas where people congregate nearby; B. Proposed Verizon Wireless co-location: a. Interior mounted panel antennas within the concealment cylinder between 70' and 90' above ground level; b. Proposed 10kw Diesel generator with sound enclosure located within the proposed equipment area (see elevations); c. Nine (9) Eastern Red Cedars @ 14' high x 6' wide and 6' on center; Staff: existing C&R filed with County for specific landscape maintenance guarantee tailored to the landscaping numbers provided on the approved site plan d. Staff: Clarify with applicant if there will be an empty cylinder space for future co-location between heights of 70' and 80'; C. Special Exception (by PB) required because the proposed co-location is to extend the pole more than 10' (see below); review and findings will be done during referral review: §280-71(B)(2)(b) (b) Modification, as defined in § 280-69, including co-location, to an existing wireless facility holding all valid permits in the LI, LIO, B, HB, MI, or MII Zoning Districts and causing a visible change to the exterior, and which conforms to the following requirements: [1] Co-locations shall not extend the height of the structure more than 10 feet over the original approved structure. To prevent the incremental extension of height over time, any subsequent application with a proposed extension beyond the first 10 feet shall require special exception review and approval; and [2] Base station equipment shall be as specified above in Subsection §280-70 G Fall zones: An antenna support structure must include an area surrounding it that is free of other structures and areas where people congregate, except the base equipment, with a radius equal to a distance of two times the height of the 2 Verizon Wireless @ MGH structure. A smaller fall zone may be allowed if supported by a report submitted by a qualified structural engineer. The structural engineer's report shall be submitted to and reviewed by the Planning Board and corroborated by an independent consultant hired by the Town that demonstrates that a smaller fall zone is appropriate and safe. The fall zone of an antenna support structure must not include areas where people congregate, and must be clear of all structures except the base station equipment. Required = 180' (90' pole) §280-70 (1): Antenna support structures in the LI, LIO, MI, MII, B, and HB Zoning Districts are subject to the following restrictions: (1) Minimum lot size: in accordance with the bulk schedule for each zone. (2) Maximum height: 80 feet. ((proposed at 90')) (3) Minimum distance of all wireless equipment to adjacent residential property lines or streets shall be no less than 500 feet. ((7'31) D. CityScape consultants have been authorized with their review of the proposed application and have been put in direct contact with the applicant; E. Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Side yard setback variance was granted for previous site plan approval and 7'1" of the equipment compound to the west property line (R-400 State Park) a. Staff: send referral to ZBA for the proposed 7'3" setback for the new equipment area expansion (insufficient side yard not mentioned in notice of disapproval); IV: Staff Recommendations 1. It is recommended the application be found complete for review and to send referrals to the following agencies: 2. Provide a revised notice of disapproval from the building department; (alert our ZBA that they need to expedite this application) a. CityScape to complete review, ZBA, DEC, Trustees, Town Engineer, Town Board, Building Dept, LWRP, ARC, SCPC, Fire Marshall, Orient FD and any other interested agencies; 3. Set the public hearing for August 8, 2016; 4. Classify the SEAR action (unlisted); 3 Southold Town Planninq Board Work Session – July 11 2016 - Pa e 2 Project Name: Joint Industry Board &McBride SCTM#. [''1000-83-2-16 & 17.1 Re-Subdivision Location: 0475 & 10725 Oregon Road, approximately 1,018' southeast of Duck Pond Road, Cutchogue ... ..... �.._ . Description: r This proposed re-subdivision will reconfigure the lot lines of two parcels, r SCTM#1000-83-2-17.1(28.7 ac) and SCTM#1000-83-2-16 (30.8 ac), with no change to the current lot sizes. Currently both parcels front on and run perpendicular to Oregon Road. The proposed re-subdivision would result in the majority of the road frontage shifting to Lot 16. Lot 17.1 would be located behind (to the northwest) of Lot 16. This proposal is located in the AC and RR Zoning Districts. sPendin desi n andreferrals. ��_�_ Status: »..,.. . ..� .... ction: Review g Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Verizon Wireless at MGH SCTM#. 1-0-00-15-9-8.1 ''""'""" j Enterprises .. Location 40200 Route 25, ±345' s/w/o Lands End Rd. & NYS Rt 25, Orient ......__ .. 11111,11.11- Description: This Amended Wireless Communications Application is for a proposed 20 ft. pole extension to an approved 70 ft. high concealment pole for a Verizon Wireless co-location of an interior mounted antenna between 70' and 90' above ground level, a 10 kw diesel generator with sound enclosure, associated ground equipment and additional landscaping. There are ±3,924 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a restaurant, marina and associated accessory structures, all on 4.7 acres in the Marine II Zoning District. ...... . ,r. .A. . e .. _e Status; New Application 1 Action; completeness. M, Review for co.,. _ _ Attachments, Staff Report �.... _,_. .. Project Name; i East End Tick & Mosquito Pest Control I SCTM#: 1000-97-3-2 Location: 36570 Route 25, ±420' s/w/o of Skunk Lane. & Main Road, Cutchoeue �.. , Description: This Site Plan is for the proposed conversion of an existing building to a single family dwelling with an attached business office with four (4) parking stalls on 0.25 acres in the Limited Business (LB) Zonine District. Pendin Actio : . . n.. _ .. ,,.._ _ ......... ,.,m Status: Review referrals. Attachmen... ._ ,...,.. ............... t s, Staff Report Project Name: Bre ewer Yacht Yard Pavilion 2007 SCTM#: 100043-3-2 Location. on the corner of Manhasset Avenue and Sandy Beach Road, known as 500 Sandy Beach Road, in Greenport Description: ! This Amended Site Plan is for a new accessory 45' x 25' open air pavilion on a 9.6-acre parcel in the Marine 11 Zone. Status, Expired Action: Review request for Approval Extension, Attachments: Staff Report MMMMMMMM ro 1 V Consultants, Inc. ril hold VML V a l N1,�W.�..bn P1ann,4iQ 10,11 Via Federal Express July 15, 2016 Brian Cummings, Planner Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 Southold,New York 11971 Re: SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1; Verizon,40200 Route 25,Orient Dear Brian, Enclosed please find five (5) copies of CityScape's review for the above referenced facility application for equipment modification and upgrade. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding our analysis. Sincerely, Elizabeth Herington-Smith Enclosures 7050 W. Palmetto Park Road#15-652- Boca Raton, FL 33433-3483 Tel: 877-438-2851 - Fax:877-220-4593 f, w AMATO LAW GROUPS PLLC COUNSELORS AT LAWp ' 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 9TH FLOOR 405 LEXINGTON AVE GARDEN CITY,NEW YORK 11530 402 MAIN ST. CHRYSLER BLDG,26TH FLR TEL: 516 227-6363 SUITE 204 NEW YORK,N.Y.10174 ( ) METUCHEN,NJ 08840 TEL:(212)485-6000 FAX:(516)227-6367 TEL:(732)317-1511 FAX:(212)485-6001 FAX:(732)317-1513 June 20, 2016 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Brian Cummings, Planner Planning Department Town of Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Site Plan Application(the"Application")by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Verizon Wireless")to the Town of Southold(the"Town") in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility to be collocated at 40200 Main Road,Orient,New York,known and designated as District 1000, Section 15, Block 9, Lot 8.1 NYSMSA Site Reference: Orient Point 2 /Our File No. 100-0773 Dear Mr. Cummings: In response to your correspondence dated June 6, 2016, regarding Verizon Wireless' Application,enclosed is a check in the amount of$4,000.00,made payable to the Town,to establish an escrow account to pay the wireless consultant's fees. If you should require anything further,please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this Application. V, truly s, Denise J. Vista Enclosures cc: Verizon Wireless (via email, without enclosures) Swiltiold Town PNang7u�r '�a�� MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS � P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI " Southold, NY 11971 Chair ��9 �4` OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS � OS �f Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY "� rT 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH IIIc x (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR � '� Southold, NY M. Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-xmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 6, 2016 Denise J. Vista, Esq. Amato Law Group, PLLC 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Re: Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Zoning District: MII Dear Ms. Vista: The Planning Department is in receipt of an Amended Site Plan Application for a 20' extension and Verizon co-location on an existing facility with the addition of related equipment at the site referenced above. Pursuant to §280-74A(d) of the Town Code, the Planning Board will hire a Technical Consultant to aid in the review of the application and hereby requires the submission of $4,000.00 into an escrow account with the Town Comptroller's Office to cover the cost of the Technical Consultant's review. Please remit a check in the amount of$4,000.00 payable to the Town of Southold. Any unused portion of the Technical Consultant's Fee will be returned to you. Our consultant is CityScape Consultants, Inc. They may contact you directly regarding this application. If you have any questions regarding this application or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office. Thank you in advance for your prompt payment. Very truly yours, Brian A. Cummings C-11 Planner AMATO LAW GROUP, PLLC COUNSELORS AT LAW 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 9TH FLOOR - �- W " q 4 ' 405 LEXINGTON AVE GARDEN CITY,NEW YORK 1 , :d �. 402 MAIN ST. n _ CHRYSLER BLDG,26TH FLR SUITE 204TEL 516 227-6363 NEW YORK,N.Y.10174 ( ) „y ME T ICIIaM N,NJ 08840 TEL:(212)485-6000 FAX:(516)227-6367 ���� 0 2 20 1 01` TEL:(732)317-1511 FAX:(212)485-6001 FAX:(732)317-1513 "'hfli�,ijgg Boa.°d VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Planning Department Town of Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Site Plan Application(the"Application")by New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Verizon Wireless")to the Town of Southold(the"Town") in connection with the proposed public utility wireless communication facility (the "Communication Facility")to be collocated at 40200 Main Road,Orient,New York, known and designated as District 1000, Section 15,Block 9,Lot 8.1 (the"Property") NYSMSA Site Reference: Orient Point 2 /Our File No. 100-0773 Dear Sir/Madam: In connection with Verizon Wireless' Application for the proposed Communication Facility to be collocated at the Property, enclosed are the following materials: 1. Site Plan Application Form; 2. Notice of Disapproval issued by the Town, dated May 23, 2016; 3. Applicant's Affidavit, executed by Verizon Wireless; 4. Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form, executed by Verizon Wireless; 5. Authorization and Consent, executed by the Property owner; 6. LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, prepared by VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C., dated May 17, 2015; 7. Full Environmental Assessment Form, prepared by VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C., dated May 17, 2015; 8. Title Report for the Property, prepared by First American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services; 9. Four (4) copies of a Property survey, prepared by Hawkins Webb Jaeger PLLC; 10. Nine (9) sets of drawings, including a site plan,prepared, signed and sealed by WFC Architects, LLP, issued for filing on May 23, 2016; 11. 500' aerial prepared by VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C.,depicting all land uses, structures and zoning within 500' of the Property; AMATO LAW GROUP, PLLC 12, 300' aerial, prepared by VHB Engineering, Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C.,which depicts the landmarks within 300' of the Property; 13. Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance Assessment and Report, prepared by Pinnacle Telecom Group, dated March 15, 2016; 14. Photographs of the existing wireless facility located on the Property; and 15. Application filing fee, in the amount of$1000.00. If you should have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this Application. Ver)' truly yours, 1'cruse J. Vista Enclosures M. Verizon Wireless (via email, without enclosures) lhmo'dl;�A"W"and"61 gas IrEl mm Consultants, Inc. MAY 25 2016 7050 West Palmetto Park Road#15-652 Boca Raton,Florida 33433 8paldl6d Tow,' Tel: 877.438-2851 Fax: 877.220-4593 Ptaillihig Board LETTER OF AGREEMENT May 25, 2016 Brian Cummings, Planner Town of Southold 54375 State Route 25 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Agreement between Town of Southold,New York(Town) and Cityscape Consultants, Inca (Consultant) dated March 25, 2013 (Agreement) Dear Mr. Cummings, As per the above referenced Agreement between Town and Consultant, Consultant agrees to provide a review and analysis for an Application from Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises for co-location to an existing tower located 40200 Route 256, Orient,New York, SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Review services for the Application will be performed at an agreed upon rate of four thousand dollars ($4,000). There will be no additional costs of fees associated with the review of this Application and/or follow-up letters relating to this Application. Consultant will provide the services as outlined in Exhibit A, Scope of Services, of the Agreement. Sincerely, ' ' � ....W Elizabeth Herington-Smith LING ISS: PLANP.O. Box 1179 NI S ��� Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKIF Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CREERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 1 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III " (cor. Main Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR , i Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 24, 2016 Mr. Richard L. Edwards d/b/a CityScape Consultants, Inc. 7050 Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL 33433 Re: Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Mr. Edwards: The Planning Department is in receipt of an Amended Site Plan Application for Verizon Wireless to co-locate on the existing wireless facility referenced above. Pursuant to §280-74(A)(4) of the Southold Town Code, the Planning Department is seeking your assistance in reviewing and evaluating the application, including the construction and modification of the site, once permitted, and any site inspections. Please provide an estimate for the cost of your consulting services to determine whether the application meets the General Requirements in the Southold Town Code for maximum permissible exposure. Should the Planning Board approve your estimate, a purchase order will be provided authorizing this application's review to begin. Please, do not start any review until you are authorized to do so in writing. If you have any question or comments, please contact me. Best regards, Brian Cummings Planner www.southoldtownny.ciov: Weblink located on bottom left of home page, Planning Dept. folder- Applications; Site Plans — Pending, 1000-15.-9-8.1, Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD lCE � - SITE PLAN APPLICATION FORM J t �,I 1() 2 f 0 Site Plan Name and Locationufct yid Te ri Nanr�hiy hoard Site Plan Name: yerizon„Wireless-Orient Point 2 Application Date: 5 / 31 / 2016 Suffolk County Tax Map#1000- 15 - 9 - 8.1_ Other SCTM#s Street Address: 40200 Main Road Hamlet: Orient Distance to nearest intersection: 108'east of State Parkway Type of Site Plan: New X Amended_Residential Zoning District Marine II Owners/Agent Contact Information PlePlease list�amv, n aihn�address„ and :rlt Lna , number wmcar the r le below,• .. ............. a� t.mm_ Property Owner M,G.H„Enterprises, Ing . _ m Street 40200 Main Road City Orient.. State New York. __ _Zi 11 ghat Home Telephone (61)323-2424 Other_...........�...................._... ,. , ,�............................ Applicant New YorkmSMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless mmmmmmmmmmmm Street c/o,�mata L_@w__Croup.,ITPLLC, 666 Old Co jntitryRoad,.. !site 1 City Garel. r ityState New York ._ ... _Zil) 11530 Home Telephone (516 227-6363 Other ..............a, Applicant's Agent or Representative........ ...................m.m.� ,._m,, ( )* Q. G ......... Contact Persons Denise Vista Es Amato Law roup, PLLC Street 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 City Garden City State New York ✓ri,p� 11,530 Office Telephone (516)227-6363 Other _ *Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here. Site Plan Application Form 2/1812010 Site Data Proposed construction type: New X Modification of Existing Structure Agricultural Change of use Property total acreage or square footage: 4.7 ac.*xfk Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: ............. _. ............ .................................................... .........................................................._......... ...................... ..................................................... Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes No X If yes, explain: . m Does the parcels) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code§280-9 Lot Recognition? Y x N_ If"yes", explain(and attach any necessary documentation—title report, subdivision approval, etc.) Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: s / 23 / 16 Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes No x If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes_ No If yes, attach a copy of the application packet, Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use, If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. .. ...facility Lista 1 existing property uses: Marina, restaurant, and wireless communications i nsfacility List all prposed property uses: Same, and ro oed wireless facilit wy Other accessory uses: Existing lot coverage: ___1.93 % Proposed lot coverage: 2.10 % Gross floor area of existing structure(s): 3,924 sq, ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s):337 sq. ft. 4,261 sq. t.) Parking Space Data: #of existing spaces:_#of proposed spaces: —_.m. Loading Berth: Yes :Nc Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: .4 83 % Proposed landscape coverage:•5087 % [Wetlands: Is this property within 500' of a wetland area? Yes X No ___ M:aybe__..��.... I,the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true. New York S A Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Signature ofPreparer: y .....m '� .. . .�e_� Date: 3/25/16 Nark : John ' as ,d n Title: Senior Engineer-Equipment Site Plan Application Form 2/18/2010 APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK John Walden , on behalf of New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wirelessbeing duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at c;(ommArnatommLaw Group, PLLC,. 666 Old CountqQ1.,.Qarj, nj ity,,New York 11530 in the State of New York, and that he is the owner of the above property, or that he is the Senior E gineer-Equipment O the New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ._. (Title) (Specify whether Partnership or Corp.) which is hereby making application; that there are not existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan;that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights- of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be alter or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plan as approved by the Planning Board. Signed Owner New Y rk SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Signed ��� finer or Corporate Officer and Title) ame: John Walden Title: Senior Engineer-EgYipment Sworn to me this "/t . day Of 2016 ROXAN MERNANDEZ NOTARY l�BV U CI.STATE Or NEW YORK w V .. e..... ... ....... ow .,.p.., �. .w... �k4".,.n' M1 N1b�1"a'��Vr1No. IIIE�N3a� .a+� � 1 Notary Pub11c Qtoll�r ire Suffdk 'aarcr Y r,�tNirf Wi wu�rr anr;h 30,20� I: Southold Planning Department Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. , on behalf of Your Name: New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Last,First,middle initial unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan X Other(Please name other activity) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. "Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YesNo X .......................... ...... If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated, Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold ... Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); --------.......... C.an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship: Submitted this 75 day of Mar.2016 New Y rtr SMSA Uni ted Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Si gatst t e r°c..., Print Name By,,,,,fn__Ialden Title: Senior Engineer-Equipment Disclosure Form AUT TION AND CONSENT WHEREAS, New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless"), with a mailing address of c/o Amato Law Group, PLLC, 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901,Garden City,New York 11530,desires to install a public utility wireless communication facility (the"Communication Facility")on certain real property located at 40200 Main Road, Orient,New York,known and designated as Suffolk County Tax Map District 1000,Section 15,Block 9,Lot 8.1 (the"Property"),owned by M.G.H.Enterprises,Inc.(the"Owner"),with a mailing address of 40200 Main Road, Orient,New York 11957. WHEREAS,Verizon Wireless,in order to install and operate the Communication Facility at the Property,must submit to the Town of Southold(the"Town")certain zoning applications and/or building permit applications (collectively the"Applications"). WHEREAS,the Owner agrees and consents to Verizon Wireless' submission of all necessary Applications to the Town, as well as any other application required by any federal, state or local entity with jurisdiction thereof, such that the required approvals for the proposed Co cation Facility are necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner hereby authorizes, consents and agrees to have Verizon Wireless act as its agent, as follows: 1. The Owner hereby consents to the filing of all Applications by Verizon Wireless with the Town, and any other necessary federal, state or local agency,with respect to the installation and operation of the Communication Facility on the Property. 2. Verizon Wireless shall have the authority to act as the limited Agent for the Owner, thereby permitting Verizon Wireless to execute and complete any necessary documents on behalf of said Owner as may be required in order to obtain the necessary approvals and permits to install and operate the Communication Facility. 3 This Authorization shall be limited solely for the purpose of permitting Verizon Wireless to obtain the necessary approvals and permits to install and operate the Communication Facility, and for no other purpose. 4. This Authorization shall terminate, and be of no further force and effect, only after Verizon Wireless receives the necessary Town,federal, state and/or local approvals and permits required to install and operate the Communication Facility. M.G.H. ENTERPRISES, INC. By- Name: Robert Haase Title: President Sworn to before me this the (6 day of JJoe-(( 2016 Notary Public NaWy puW SW of New YC* 40 01 PNOW61-su"county Tf,ffn Fyr1VVQ 1; �em R .Z1 -------- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1I N 0 ;/ r i0l FORM NO. 3 UfFu ., NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Hamlin g Board DATE: May 23, 2016 TO: Amato Law Group, PLLC (Verizon Wireless) 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901 Garden City, NY 11530 Please take notice that your application dated April 29, 2016 For permit for a co-location on an existing wireless facility at Location of property: 40200 Route.25, Orient,NY County Tax Map No. 1000- Section 15 Block 9 Lot 8.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: n,11 c � � c9 . l ac.wg�f ggar .l qj!'4 ted ppw"��q:ggt t()...gSjtc plaq yNylrg."pyp fyom the ouffiapld P]a1,111I'lag Board. CC: file, planning Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS I All applicants for permits*including Town of Southold agencies,shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterflurt Consistency Review Law.This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town Of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2, Before answering the questions in Section C,the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list,policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfrmt Revitalization Prograrn A action will be evaluated as to its si cant beneficial and adverse effects Li ,)n the coastal area.(which includes all of Southold Tows)..�.. m 3. If any question in Section C on this foram is answered"yes"or no"then the proposed action will affect the achievement ofthe LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus each answer must be ex lained in detail listin both su ortin and non-, suppo facts.If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LVVRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department,all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCT # 15 -9 _ 8.1 PROJa,7NAME Proposed New York SIVdSA.Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Communications Facility...Orient Point 2 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): TovmBoard Planning Board Building Dept. 1:1 Board of TrusteesEl 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g.capital El construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant,loan,subsidy) (CD Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of action: rbe proposed:action involves the installation of a Verizon Wireless communications facility at 40200 Main.Road in the hamlet of Orient,Town of Southold, ....... .... �_., �. Suffolk County,Now`fork(the"subject property").Specifically,Verizon Wifeless proposes to histall a 20±-Font:extension on the existing Ca9 46ot above ......... ......... ........ ------ --_....._ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... grade level(agl}concealment pole at the subject property.Three antennas would be concealed within the resulting 89±foot agl concealment pole,and ____ ....... ........ _ .,..... associated equipment would be installed within a proposed equipment compound,north of the concealment pole and an adjacent equipment compound of` ........ „m, ___ ....... ..... ....... ,. another service provider".The equipment compound would measure 32 feet by 13 feet-t()i.inches(443 t-Square-feet),and would Include a pier...supported steel laitforrrr 292.5 t S uare feet with e nr ment Calumet-,main distribution bore, n rg p` (. q q p 5,PCrrlele radio heads and A 1tlkWdiesel.powered erner(PerYCy backup generator CS proposed for this site.A weather canopy would cover portions of the equipment platform and would have four CIPS units mounted thereon.The equipment ® ,...... ...... ..... .... .,....-____.. compound would be surrounded by a 13-foot agl chain fink fence,as well as nine 14 foot agl evergreen plantings for additional visual screening on the north ...... ....... and west sides.Associated utility conduits would be ranted underground at the subject property to existing connections. ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ........................................................... .... ..... Location of action:40200 Main Road,hamlet of Orient Site acreage: 4.7f Present land use:Commercial Marina and Restaurant Present zoning classification: Marine II(Mll) 2. Man application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency,the following information shall be provided: � s a Name ofapplicant New York SMSA Limited Partnership a Verizon Wireless .... ,,� (b)Mailing address:c/o Amato Law Group,PLLC, 666 Old Country Road, Suite 901, Garden City,New York 11530 (c)Telephone number.Area Code O 516-227-6363 (d)Application number,ifany:,, _., Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ® No El If Yes,which state or federal agency?New Yark.State Dcpadnient ofEavfro nnerlW Conervalaon C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ®yes m:] Not Applicable The proposed lmst'anfpavf on makes use of tetWing IfinfVasnl'nSe'lues as IIP.nTly Plves the cofio Ja ioa Cf a.Verizon Wheless facifity up on wid piioxC mate W 66'n ePfa1Ving w lllleless conaCml.anicati Unds faeulin.,y on a paunfdclrn Cf the overall OdenY by nlhue,Sea Rentawnan t.and Maainina prrc;p efty,'The a;veira00 erquupdnzvnenuf catnip ouund aura wcuudd occupy only CP.0 ±acne(0,2-t pena;emu,ortine sanpjiceu,parc0),and u4:would uncd innvelwe kite clleadnnfy dad maunnuap anea,a,The 20-food conceal nmenft pole exl:etn ooni wound conceal Ve,,6P.on Wiiie.lcss a n64 iinilafd vvfth�%pRGill ng to m1fl(yate pal eIIIIial V isual u[I:paacia,As the fC1.6:;lllllll:y would be coll)Q'tted wAul:lhiki an emisfi ng C!(Y61Cd','akneI@I:p ole ona d;dJPl me`rciiallly developed�Jyop enCy,same woo 11 dp'Knot aIGd.Wersel,y Ilmpact:C6Ynnn nuin�IlYy chaff aT4:'ex cy open,,pace IITI�siource�s,Firm i iy,the p,t.-'Sentd;e of a 4',4➢nnlNnOknicaf ones face fily lion4g(OC'v t ai Nyle'fi:offi)the,Ma 11in Read yfsuou t:e 2 5)cc a klor and Gard)%ICI:'s Ilay would no Y.be p re'eed("imt setting,as die p)nop:I sed f'a.C'dpnf.,y naisl'afladonl would be an exne;ntlsson ofan cxCsfnnng co nce+311N eni pole,Ifa.11sen than a CODnfA(Icnely new installation, Attach additional sheets ifnec:essary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria "ides X Nb [-] Not Applicable - ----- ........................ ............... Although the proposed action will not directly protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources,the applicant intends to consult with both the Tovm ol'Southold ........ ... ............... Planning Department,the New York State Office of Parks,Recreation and I listoric Preservation and Federally-recognized Indian Tribes to ensu re that the proposed facility has been desigmed and sited such.that it would have minimal impacts upon historic and/or archaeological resources. ................. Attach additiorW sheets ifneces� Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold See LWRP Section 1H-Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Not Applicable Yes El ib L As with the ew.vvvvxisting concealment pole,the proposed concealment pole extension would be visible from the surrounding area. However, antennas would be concealed within,the extension would match the existing concealment pole in structure and coloration,and it would not significantly alter the existing visual character of the overall subject property.Moreover,it is anticipated that the proposed extension, will be obscured from view from many locations by intervening structures and vegetation. .Finally,the equipment compound would be ................. surrounded on the north,and west sides by evergreen plantings to screen views from adjacent areas. ------- .... ........... mm Attach additional she ifnecessary NATURALCOASTPOLICIES Policy 4.Minfiyfize loss ofTfe,stnichmes,and nabmal resources fi-cm.flooding and erosion See LNVRP Section III-Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria TIbU Not Applicable According to FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 36103C0088H,the proposed facility location is located within a 100-year ..........- floodplain(Zone AE-EL9).However,the proposed accessory equipment would be installed on a pier-raised steel platform, such that .............. ......._ same would be above the 9-foot base flood elevation.The proposed ground-based equipment compound would also be situated outside .................. the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area.Moreover,the proposed installation will result in the minimal disturbance of only 0.0761±-acre of paved and lawn area on the overall marina and restaurant property(i.e.,an increase in impervious area of 0.0006±-acre).Finally,the proposed facility would be unmanned. .......... Attach additional sheets ifnecessary Policy 5. d kr4wove water quality and supply in the To of Souffiold See LV%TRP Secdon Iff Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria D Yes El :rb X Not Applicable As the proposed facility would be uninanned,it would not require potable water nor would any sewage or solid waste be generated. Moreover,a minimal amount of impervious area would result and there would be no non point source runoffto adjacent properties as a result of the proposed action. Thus,there would be no benefits or impacts to water quality. ........... .......... ....................... Attach additional sheets ifnecessaty Policy 6. Protect and restore the cluahty and funefton o Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See UAIRP Section M-Policies;Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. El Yes E] -tb X Not Applicable, The nearest Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat to the proposed facility is Long Beach Bay, located approximately 150 feet west of the proposed facility.However,the proposed installation would be on previously paved ed velo deand laareas p p lawn and would not m any significant positive .., .���,_ mmmmmmm_____ result or adverse impacts to ecosystems. ----------- Attach additionalsheets ifnecessary Policy 7. Protect and irrprove air cluality in the Town of Southold - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Not Applicable As the proposed facility would be umanned and remotely monitored,requiring minimal vehicular trips,there would be no significant adverse impacts to the air quality resulting from automobile emissions.Additions ww ....� ......� lly,the proposed emergency back-up diesel generator would only operate on an occasional basis for routine testing(typically once per week and in emergency.... sit p c p } situations,limiting potential impacts associated with dies p el emissions. Moreover,the proposed action does not involve the creation of an industrial use.As such,it is not anticipated that the proposed facility would have any adverse impacts to the air quality of the Town of Southold. Attach additional sheets ifnecessary Policy 8.MMMMZe envwonmenW degract-Vaon in Tomm of Southold from solid waste and hazardous E] substances s. See L tion -Policies;Pages 3 o 3 for evaluation ria. E]Yes1:1 Not Applicable The proposed action involves the construction of an unmanned communications facility. Thus,no solid waste,hazardous waste, hazardous substances or other wastes would be generated. PUBLIC COAST POLICEES Policy 9.Providefor public access to,and recreational use of,coastal waters, lic lands, lic resources ofthe Tovm of Southold See LNVRP Section III-Policies, 3 8 through 46 for evaluation criteria [:1 Not Applicable As previously indicated,the proposed action involves the construction of an extension to an existing concealment pole and installation of ��vvrr� .�.....�.u.u............................................................................................-__.........m.��.m..m..�. ....................................................... ,.........__. associated accessory equipmentAs upon a developed portion of a commercial marina and restaurant property. s such thisproject does not provide public access to,and recreational use of, coastal waters,public lands and public resources;nor would this project hinder existing ......_... ..m ,. _.....__._. �w........................................ public access to such resources. Attach additional sheets ifnecessary COASTWORKING POIJCIES Policy 1 O. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and pmmote siting ofnew water-dependent uses m suitable locations. See LWRP Section III-Policies-Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes L] -Tb ® Not Applicable As the proposed ffacilitywould be collocated within an existing wireless communications facility,it would not directly protect promote the siting of water-dependent uses.However, improved Verizon Wireless service in the vicinity of the subject property may be a benefit to those participating in water-dependent activities.Moreover,the proposed facility would not interfere with the existing commercial operations at the overall subject pro � p property, manna and restaurant o era � ert .............. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11.Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound,the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III-Policies;Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. O Yes 0 No ® Not Applicable previously proposed d.Although the proposed facility location is in close proximity to As reviousl ,discussed,the ro sed facility would be unmanned. � � m„ proximity on the sustainable the su.. living marine resources. Gardener's Bay(i.e.,200E feet), same would have no adverse or beneficial impact stainable use of hvm .... Attach additional sheets ifnecesy Policy 12.Protect agneult ural lands in the Town of Southold See LWRP Section III -Policies;Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria- Yes' riteriaYes 0 No M Not Applicable The proposed action would have no impact on agricultural lands in the Town,as the proposed facility would be situated on previously restaurant property,with existing less can exstin wire communications facility developed,paved and lawn,areas of a commercial marina and rstatrop � � 1e y thereon. ............... Attach additional sheets.. w�....... .. a.. _.......... ...e ee... ifnecessary Policy 13.Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III-Policies;Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes .,, IT,IT,IT M Not Applicable The proposed The would use minimal electricity and would be unmanned.Therefore,the effect on energy and mineral resources �__.. ......... _. would be minimal, pREpARIDBy � TITLE Project Manager __DA�May17,2016 9 r°rii Mliuevanid t,, 0 3 Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C.as Environmental Consultant to Verizon Wireless Amended on 8/1/05 projrecfindoc:29675.18_Southold LWRP Form-5-16 Full Environmental Assessment Form Part I -Project and Setting Instructions for Completing Part 1 Part 1 is to be completed by the applicant or project sponsor. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information;indicate whether missing information does not exist, or is not reasonably available to the sponsor;and,when possible,generally describe work or studies which would be necessary to update or fully develop that information. Applicants/sponsors must complete all items in Sections A&B. In Sections C,D&E,most items contain an initial question that must be answered either"Yes"or"No". If the answer to the initial question is"Yes",complete the sub-questions that follow. If the answer to the initial question is"No",proceed to the next question. Section F allows the project sponsor to identify and attach any additional information. Section G requires the name and signature of the project sponsor to verify that the information contained in Part lis accurate and complete. A.Project and Sponsor Information. ...... ....................... . Name of Action or Project: Proposed New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Communications Facility-Orient Point 2 ----------- ..-............................................__... --- -...._............. ___ ------- Project Location(describe,and attach a general location map): 40200 Main Road,hamlet of Orient,Town of Southold,Suffolk County(SCTM#: 1000-15-9-8.1)(see attached site location map) Brief Description of Proposed Action(includepurpose or need): ....._ ®�� � � _m_.. See Attachment ..Nam..._e of Applicant�nmPP m_..-...., onsor:p �9,,........�................ Telephone:p See project.. ......................................m,,._m /S contact below New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless E-Mail: See._ .contact....................... w....... project below Address: 4 Centerock Road City/PO. Stater Zip Code Wesack New York 10994 Project Contact(if not same as sponsor;give name and title/role): Telephone:516-227-6363 --............................ Denise Vista,Esq.,Amato Law Group,PLLC E-Mail:dvista@. amatofirm.com _ - Address: 666 Old Country Road,Suite 901 City/PO: State: Zip Code: Garden City New York 11530 -aProperty Owner ....(if .not same as sponsor).. Telephone: (631)323-2424 --— _. M.G.H.Enterprises,Inc. E-Mail: Address: 40200 Main Road .-,..- City/PO: State: Zip Code: Orient New York 11957 Page 1 of 13 B.Government Approvals B.Government Approvals,Funding,or Sponsorship. ("Funding"includes grants,loans,tax relief,and any other forms of financial Government Entity If Yes: Identify Agency and Approval(s) Application Date Required (Actual or projected) a.City Council,Town Board, E]Yesg]No or Village Board of Trustees b.City,Town or Village OYesEINO Town of Southold Planning Board-Site Plan Planning Board or Commission c.City Council,Town or E]YesEZ]No Village Zoning Board of Appeals d.Other local agencies W]YesE:]No Town of Southold Building Department-Building Permit e.County agencies [-]YesONo f.Regional agencies E]YesONo g. State agencies OYesE]No NYSDEC-Tidal Wetlands Permit and Non-Jurisdictional Determination for Freshwater Wetlands It.Federal agencies E]YesoNo i. Coastal Resources. i. Is the project site within a Coastal Area,or the waterfront area of a Designated Inland Waterway? OYes E3No If yes, ii. Is the project site located in a community with an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program? 0 YesE]No iii. Is the project site within a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area? El YesEZINo* C.Planning and Zoning C.I.Planning and zoning actions. Will administrative or legislative adoption,or amendment of a plan,local law,ordinance,rule or regulation be the E]YesONo only approval(s)which must be granted to enable the proposed action to proceed? • If Yes,complete sections C,F and G. • If No,proceed to question C.2 and complete all remaining sections and questions in Part I C.2.Adopted land use plans. a.Do any municipally-adopted (city,town,village or county)comprehensive land use plan(s)include the site [ZlYesONo where the proposed action would be located? If Yes,does the comprehensive plan include specific recommendations for the site where the proposed action [--]Yes[Z]No would be located? the site of the proposed action within any local or regional special planning district(for example: Greenway OYes[--]No Brownfield Opportunity Area(BOA);designated State or Federal heritage area;watershed management plan; or other?) If Yes,identify the plan(s): Management Plan c. Is the proposed action located wholly or partially within an area listed in an adopted municipal open space plan, [3YesoNo or an adopted municipal farmland protection plan? If Yes,identify the plan(s): *There ioaportion cf the overall subject property that is within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. However,the location nfthe proposed action inoutside the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. Page 2ofl3 C.3. Zoning a. Is the site of the proposed action located in a municipality with an adopted zoning law or ordinance. ®Yes❑No If Yes,what is the zoning classification(s)including any applicable overlay district? ,Marine 11(MII)District of..the Town...of Southold ....... wwwww vwwwww�w ww w w b. Is the use permitted or allowed by a special or conditional use permit? ❑YesNo c.Is a zoning change requested as part of the proposed action? ❑YesNo If Yes, i. What is the proposed new zoning for the site? CA.Existing community services. a.In what school district is the project site located? Oyster Ponds Union Free School District Mb.What police or other public protection forces serve the project site? ___wwww.._w__ww__wwwww Town of.Southold Police Departmentl a�,,,, c.Which fire protection and emergency medical services serve the project site? Orient Fire Department------ ...._.�..._.._.._........_........._............ ..._............._.............. .... d.What parks serve the project site? N/A-The proposed facility would be an unmanned wireless communications facility and would not place a demand on or utilize parks.. D.Project Details D.I.Proposed and Potential Development .................... a.What is the general nature of the proposed action(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial,recreational;if mixed,include all components)? Wireless communications facility b.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 4.7t acres(Overall subject property) b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 0 0761± acres so.. ---------­- .-- m ....... c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 0.01± acres ** c.Is the proposed action an expansion of an existing project or use? 0 Yes❑No i. If Yes,what is the approximate percentage of the proposed expansion and identify the units(e.g.,acres,miles,housing units, square feet)? % _______ 29± Units: feet (Represents proposed 20±-foot increase in pole height) ------ ......... .__....._ ......... ........_. d.Is the proposed action a subdivision,or does it include a subdivision? ❑Yes ONo If Yes, i. Purpose or type of subdivision?(e.g.,residential,industrial,commercial;if mixed,specify types) H. Is a cluster/conservation layout proposed? ❑)'es o iii. Number of lots proposed? iv. Minimum and maximum proposed lot sizes? Minimum Maximum e.Will proposed action be constructed in multiple phases? ❑YesNo i. If No,anticipated period of construction: 1± months H. If Yes: • Total number of phases anticipated • Anticipated commencement date of phase 1 (including demolition) month year • Anticipated completion date of final phase month wear • Generally describe connections or relationships among phases,including any contingencies where progress of one phase may determine timing or duration of future phases: *Represents area of proposed ground-based equipment compound and underground utility trenching. "*Represents area of proposed 443±-square foot equipment compound. Page 3 of 13 f Does the project include new residential uses? E1Yes0No If Yes,show numbers of units proposed. One Family Two Family Three Family Multiple Family Lfour gr morel Initial Phase At completion ofall phases ........................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................... g.Does the proposed action include new non-residential construction(including expansions)? OYesE]No If Yes, i.Total number of structures 2 (Concealment pole extension and equipment compound) (Refers to equipment U. Dimensions(in feet)of largest pro—posed structure: 12,± height; 13'10"±width; and 32'±length compound fencing) iii. Approximate extent of building space to be heated or cooled: o square feet h.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that will result in the impoundment of any E]YesONo liquids,such as creation of a water supply,reservoir,pond,lake,waste lagoon or other storage? If Yes, i. Purpose of the impoundment: ..... --------- - - ------------------------------------------------------- ------ ii. If a water impoundment,the principal source of the water: Ground waterE]Surface water streamsE]Other specify: . ..................................---——__----_-_-__----,....................................................... ......................................................... iii. If other than water,identify the type of impounded/contained liquids and their source. ----- ..... ........ ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv. Approximate size of the proposed impoundment. Volume:................ ..... ------ -_ million gallons;surface area: acres v. Dimensions of the proposed dam or impounding structure: —height;_length vi. Construction method/materials for the proposed dam or impounding structure(e.g.,earth fill,rock,wood,concrete): ................................................................................................................................ ..... ...............-11-11,11,1111,............................. D.2. Project Operations a.Does the proposed action include any excavation,mining,or dredging,during construction,operations,or both? [JYesWJNo (Not including general site preparation,grading or installation of utilities or foundations where all excavated materials will remain onsite) If Yes: i.What is the purpose of the excavation or dredging? ii. How much material (including rock,earth,sediments,etc.)is proposed to be removed from the site? • Volume(specify tons or cubic yards): ------------------------ ---- -- ------ • Over what duration of time? iii. Describe nature and characteristics of materials to be excavated or dredged,and plans to use,manage or dispose of them. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .... --"..................... ------------------- --------—---------—------------------- iv. Will there be onsite dewatering or processing of excavated materials? No Ifyes,describe. -----........................ ..................................................... ........... ..................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ ........................... .......... . ....................................................................... V. What is the total area to be dredged or excavated? ................ ..................... --- --- acres vi. What is the maximum area to be worked at any one time? acres vii. What would be the maximum depth of excavation or dredging? ........................feet viii. Will the excavation require blasting? E]YesE]No ix. Summarize site reclamation goals and plan: ......................... ........................................................................... .......................................... -----... ................................... ............................................................................................................................. ..... ...................................................... ........................ ---------------------- --- ----- ------—-------------------- ........................... ................................................... b.Would the proposed action cause or result in alteration of,increase or decrease in size of,or encroachment E]YesoNo into any existing wetland,waterbody,shoreline,beach or adjacent area? If Yes: i. Identify the wetland or waterbody which would be affected(by name,water index number,wetland map number or geographic description): ........... ................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 13 ii. Describe how the proposed action would affect that waterbody or wetland,e.g.excavation,fill,placement of structures,or alteration of channels,banks and shorelines. Indicate extent of activities,alterations and additions in square feet or acres: --------- ------- , iii. Will proposed action cause or result in disturbance to bottom sediments? YesNo If Yes,describe: .. ......... meeeeeee� iv. Will proposed action cause or result in the destruction or removal of aquatic vegetation? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • acres of aquatic vegetation proposed to be removed: • expected acreage of aquatic vegetation remaining after project completion • purpose of proposed removal(e.g.beach clearing,invasive species control,boat access): ro - • proposed method of plant removal: ®, -_ -------- • if chemical/herbicide treatment will be used,specify product(s): ........ v. Describe any proposed reclamation/mitigation following disturbance: c.Will the proposed action use,or create a new demand for water? Yes ONo If Yes: (Unmanned facility-will not use potable i. Total anticipated water usage/demand per day; gallons/day water) ii. Will the proposed action obtain water from an existing public water supply? ❑Yes o If Yes: • Name of district or service area: • Does the existing public water supply have capacity to serve the proposal? ❑Yes❑No • Is the project site in the existing district? El Yes❑No • Is expansion of the district needed? El Yes❑No • Do existing lines serve the project site? El Yes❑No iii. Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to supply the project? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: „ • Source(s)of supply for the district iv. Is a new water supply district or service area proposed to be formed to serve t _. �._ he project site? ite? YesNo If,Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: ..... -- __ ......... ......... .... ..... • Date application submitted or anticipated: • Proposed source(s)of supply for new district __ .... ......... ...... v. If a public water supply will not be used,describe plans to provide water supply for the project vi.If water supply will be from wells(public or private),maximum pumping capacity: gallons/ minute. d.Will the proposed action generate liquid wastes? E1YesONo If Yes: (Unmanned facility-will not generate liquid i. Total anticipated liquid waste generation per day: gallons/day waste) ii. Nature of liquid wastes to be generated(e.g.,sanitary wastewater,industrial; if combination,describe all components and approximate volumes or proportions of each): ______ ........ ........_ ...................................................... iii. Will the proposed action use any existing public wastewater treatment facilities? Yes❑No If Yes: • Name of wastewater treatment plant to be used: ...... • Name of district: • Does the existing wastewater treatment plant have capacity to serve the project? ❑Yes o • Is the project site in the existing district? E]Yes o • Is expansion of the district needed? E]Yes o Page 5 of 13 • Do existing sewer lines serve the project site? ❑Yes❑No • Will line extension within an existing district be necessary to serve the project? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • Describe extensions or capacity expansions proposed to serve this project: ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ . ......... ....... ........ ......... ........ ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ..._..... .......... iv. Will a new wastewater(sewage)treatment district be formed to serve the project site? ❑Yes❑No If Yes: • Applicant/sponsor for new district: • Date application submitted or anticipated: ___ _____ • What is the receiving water for the wastewater discharge? v. If public facilities will not be used,describe plans to provide wastewater treatment for the project,including specifying proposed receiving water(narne and classification if surface discharge,or describe subsurface disposal plans): ... vi. Describe any plans or designs to capture,recycle or reuse liquid waste: . e.Will the proposed action disturb more than one acre and create stormwater runoff,either from new point ❑Yes ZNo sources(i.e.ditches,pipes,swales,curbs,gutters or other concentrated flows of stormwater)or non-point source(i.e.sheet flow)during construction or post construction? If Yes: i. How much impervious surface will the project create in relation to total size of project parcel? Square feet or acres(impervious surface) Square feet or acres(parcel size) ii. Describe types of new point sources. iii. Where will the stormwater runoff be directed(i.e.on-site stormwater management facility/structures,adjacent properties, groundwater,on-site surface water or off-site surface waters)? • If to surface waters,identify receiving water bodies or wetlands: • Will stormwater runoff flow to adjacent properties? ❑Yes❑No iv. Does proposed plan minimize impervious surfaces,use pervious materials or collect and re-use stormwater? ❑Yes❑No f. Does the proposed action include,or will it use on-site,one or more sources of air emissions,including fuel Yes❑No combustion,waste incineration,or other processes or operations? If Yes,identify: i.Mobile sources during project operations(e.g.,heavy equipment,fleet or delivery vehicles) None „ . ii. Stationary sources during construction(e.g.,power generation,structural heating,batch plant,crushers) None iii. Stationary sources during operations(e.g.,process emissions,large boilers,electric generation) Diesel-powered emergency backup generator g.Will any air emission sources named in D.2.f(above),require a NY State Air Registration,Air Facility Permit, ❑Yes No or Federal Clean Air Act Title IV or Title V Permit? If Yes: i. Is the project site located in an Air quality non-attainment area? (Area routinely or periodically fails to meet ❑Yes❑No ambient air quality standards for all or some parts of the year) ii. In addition to emissions as calculated in the application,the project will generate: • Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) • Tons/year(short tons)of Nitrous Oxide(N20) • Tons/year(short tons)of Perfluorocarbons(PFCs) • Tons/year(short tons)of Sulfur Hexafluoride(SF6) • Tons/year(short tons)of Carbon Dioxide equivalent of Hydroflourocarbons(HFCs) • Tans/year(short tons)of Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Page 6 of 13 h.Will the proposed action generate or emit methane(including,but not limited to,sewage treatment plants, ❑YesNo landfills,composting facilities)? If Yes: L Estimate methane generation in tons/year(metric) ii.Describe any methane capture,control or elimination measures included in project design(e.g.,combustion to generate heat or electricity,flaring): ......... ......... .......... ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... i.Will the proposed action result in the release of air pollutants from open-air operations or processes,such as ❑YesNo quarry or landfill operations? If Yes:Describe operations and nature of emissions(e.g.,diesel exhaust,rock particulates/dust): j.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels or generate substantial ❑YesNo new demand for transportation facilities or services? (Remotely monitored,unmanned facility) If Yes: i. When is the peak traffic expected(Check all that apply): ❑Morning ❑Evening []Weekend ❑Randomly between hours of to . ii. For commercial activities only,projected number of semi-trailer truck trips/day:. iii. Parking spaces: Existing Proposed _ Net increase/de ' crease iv. Does the proposed action include any shared use parking? ❑Yes❑No v. If the proposed action includes any modification of existing roads,creation of new roads or change in existing access,describe: . m... .,. ----- ........ ....... ........ ......... ......... ....... ......... vi. Are public/private transportation service(s)or facilities available within '/2 mile of the proposed site? ❑Yes❑No vii Will the proposed action include access to public transportation or accommodations for use of hybrid,electric ❑Yes❑No or other alternative fueled vehicles? viii.Will the proposed action include plans for pedestrian or bicycle accommodations for connections to existing Yes No pedestrian or bicycle routes? k.Will the proposed action(for commercial or industrial projects only)generate new or additional demand ®Yes❑No for energy? If Yes: L Estimate annual electricity demand during operation of the proposed action: To be determined. A minor increase in electricity ... ...... ...... demand is anticipated. ii. Anticipated sources/suppliers of electricity for the project(e.g.,on-site combustion,on-site renewable,via grid/local utility,or other): Local grid(PSEG Long Island) iii. Will the proposed action require a new,or an upgrade to,an existing substation? Yes No 1.Hours of operation. Answer all items which apply, i. During Construction: ii. During Operations: • Monday-Friday:-----&00 a,111' 3 , • Monday-Friday: 24 ho urs/day* ......... ......... • Saturday: N/A • Saturday: 24 hours/day** • Sunday:, N/A • Sunday:.- 24hours/day** • Holidays: N/A • Holidays: 24 hours/day** *Typical construction hours. **Remotely monitored, unmanned wireless communications facility. Page 7 of 13 m.Will the proposed action produce noise that will exceed existing ambient noise levels during construction, 0 Yes E]No operation,or both? If Yes: i. Provide details including sources,time of day and duration: l"he n6se level sJud.rhf1co nstf ucIwri ldrywevet_oondruclionwouldnot hows, in accordrance with 1he ................................................................................................... Town of Southold noise ordinance. — ----------- ------ ii. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a noise barrier or screen? E]YesONo Describe: ----------------------- ----------------- --------- -- ----- n.. Will the proposed action have outdoor lighting? 0 Ves—E]No If yes: i. Describe source(s),location(s),height of fixture(s),direction/aim,and proximity to nearest occupied structures: nealh the.pEo _gWipmentcanopy.Fixtureswould be fully _0 aiiclwoL��dtiolcaLisc,�riff-site..�L(jLit Al, stalted bt _p _osede _shieldf _g ................... ... ...................................................................... -- ---- -- -- ------ -------- --- ---—-- --- -------- H. Will proposed action remove existing natural barriers that could act as a light barrier or screen? E]YesONo Describe: -—-___- --------___- ...... ............................... .................................... o. Does the proposed action have the potential to produce odors for more than one hour per day? El Yes 0 No If Yes,describe possible sources,potential frequency and duration of odor emissions,and proximity to nearest occupiedstructures: ... .......... ..... .......................__............................................. ....................... ............................................................................. .........................- ...................... ........................................... ........ ..................... ........... ... ............................................................................................. ...................................................... - ..... --- . .............. ...... ............... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ p.Will the proposed action include any bulk storage of petroleum(combined capacity of over 1,100 gallons) El Yes ONo or chemical products 185 gallons in above ground storage or any amount in underground storage? If Yes: i. Product(s)to be stored ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................... ii. Volume(s) per unit time (e.g.,month,year) iii. Generally describe proposed storage facilities: .............------------.. . ... ................................................................... ___ —--—----- ... ................................................................................................................................................ .... ................................ ....................................................................... ......... ...................................................................................................... q.Will the proposed action(commercial,industrial and recreational projects only)use pesticides(i.e.,herbicides, [_J Yes ONo insecticides)during construction or operation? If Yes: i. Describe proposed treatment(s): ........................................ ................................. ...... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ............. .............................................................................. ................................................................................. ....... ...... ...... ........................................................................................ I------------------ ................................................................................................................................................................. H. Wiffih action... Pest tvl�iti't'kgc'in--c--t-i--t--P--ractices-?------------ ---------- E_1­Y_esE1No r.Will the proposed action(commercial or industrial projects only)involve or require the management or disposal El Yes ONo of solid waste(excluding hazardous materials)? If Yes: i. Describe any solid waste(s)to be generated during construction or operation of the facility: • Construction: - -------- --- --- tons per_ (unit of time) • Operation - ..........� _1 tons per. ........ (unit of time) ii. Describe any proposals for on-�iie 'minimization,recycling or reuse of materials to avoid disposal as solid waste: • Construction: -—-- -----...... ............................................................................ --- ------- .......................................................................................................................................................................... .... ........... ............ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................... • Operation: ............... ...................................................... ............................................................................................................................. .......................................... ................ ........................... iii. Proposed disposal methods/facilities for solid waste generated on-site: • Construction: --—-------------- ------------------—------------—--—-----—------- --—- --—- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------........................................................................................................................... • Operation: .. ........... ..... .......... ------------------------------ Page 8 of 13 s.Does the proposed action include construction or modification of a solid waste management facility? Yes 0 No If Yes: i. Type of management or handling of waste proposed for the site(e.g.,recycling or transfer station,composting,landfill,or other disposal activities): ................... ........................................... ..... ...... ii. Anticipated rate of disposal/processing: 0 Tons/month,if transfer or other non-combustion/thermal treatment,or 0 Tons/hour,if combustion or thermal treatment iii. If landfill,anticipated site life: years t.Will proposed action at the site involve the commercial generation,treatment,storage,or disposal of hazardous Yes No waste? If Yes: i. Name(s)of all hazardous wastes or constituents to be generated,handled or managed at facility: .............. ........... ........ ................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ii. Generally describe processes or activities involving hazardous wastes or constituents: .............. ......................... ------------------- - ----------- ........................ ................................. ............................. ....................... ........................................ iii. Specify amount to be handled or generated tons/month iv. Describe any proposals for on-site minimization,recycling or reuse of hazardous constituents: .............................. .......................................................................................................... ........................................................... ..................................... ................ .................................................................. .... V. Will any hazardous wastes be disposed at an existing offsite hazardous waste facility? [--]YesE]No IfYes:provide name and location of facility. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ---- --- ....... ....... --- ...................... If No:describe proposed management of any hazardous wastes which will not be sent to a hazardous waste facility: ........... ------------------- ------------- ........................... .......... E.Site and Setting of Proposed Action ..................__ ---—--- .............. E.I.Land uses on and surrounding the project site a.Existing land uses. i. Check all uses that occur on,adjoining and near the project site. [I Urban El Industrial 0 Commercial 0 Residential(suburban) [1 Rural(non-farm) El Forest El Agriculture 0 Aquatic 0 Other(specify):Public Parks,Institutional ii. If mix of uses,generally describe: See Attachment ... ................ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................--- -----—-----------------------------—-------------------_ ------------—-------—----- -------------------------------------— --1 ,",�1-111...................................................................................................................................—-------------------------------.................................-------------- ....... ia .......................................................................... Land uses and covertypes on the project site, ............................. Land use or Current Acreage After Change Covertype Acreage Project Completion (Acres • Roads,buildings,and other paved or impervious surfaces 1.6± 1.6± +0.0006±* -.......-—----------------------------- ............................................. .......... • Forested 0 0 0 ------ ------ ------------------------------ mm • Meadows,grasslands or brushlands (non- 0 0 0 agricultural,including abandoned agricultural) _0A g r-i-c-u_1tu ra-1 - 0 0 0 (includes active orchards,field,greenhouse etc.) • Surface water features (lakes,ponds,streams,rivers,etc.) 2.4± 2.4± 0 Wetlands(freshwater or tidal) 0 0 0 • Non-vegetated(bare rock,earth or fill) 0.7± 0.7± -0.0006±* • Other Describe: .................................................................. ­­­.......—------------ ....................... *Represents addition of concrete piers to support proposed equipment platform. Page 9 of 13 c.Is the project site presently used by members of the community for public recreation? ❑Yes No i. If Yes: explain d.Are there any facilities serving children,the elderly,pep (� o le with disabilities e.g.,schools,hospitals,licensed ❑Yes No day care centers,or group homes)within 1500 feet of the project site? If Yes, i. Identify Facilities: e.Does the project site contain an existing dam. Yes No If Yes: i. Dimensions of the dam and impoundment: • Dam height: feet • Dam length: feet • Surface area: acres • Volume impounded: gallons OR acre-feet ii. Dam's existing hazard classification:cation:: .... W. Provide date and summarize results of last inspection: f.Has the project site ever been used as a municipal,commercial or industrial solid waste management facility, ..... ,_....._ ❑Yes No or does the project site adjoin property which is now,or was at one time,used as a solid waste management facility? If Yes: i. Has the facility been formally closed? ❑Yes❑ No • If yes,cite sources/documentation: ii. Describe the location of the project site relative to the boundaries of the solid waste management facility: W. Describe any development constraints due to the prior solid waste activities: g.Have hazardous wastes been generated,treated and/or disposed of at the site,or does the project site adjoin ❑Yes No g P p J J o property which is now or was at one time used to commercially treat,store and/or dispose of hazardous waste? If Yes: i. Describe waste(s)handled and waste management activities,including approximate time when activities occurred: h.. Potential c....o.....ntamin.a...t...o.....n history. Has there been a reported spill at the proposed project site or have any ®.....Yes❑.......... No remedial actions been conducted at or adjacent to the proposed site? If Yes: i. Is any portion of the site listed on the NYSDEC Spills Incidents database or Environmental Site YesNo Remediation database? Check all that apply: Yes—Spills Incidents database Provide DEC ID number(s): 1102330 El Yes—Environmental Site Remediation database Provide DEC ID number(s): Neither database ii. If site has been subject of RCRA corrective activities,describe control measures. N/A _ -------- ....... ......... ......... ............................................. ............. W. Is the project within 2000 feet of any site in the NYSDEC Environmental Site Remediation database? ❑Yes No If yes,provide DEC ID numbers) iv. If yes to(i),(ii)or(iii)above,describe current status of site(s): Spill-#1102330.-was closed tiy.the NYSDEC on 12/21?Q11. ®, Page 10 of 13 v. Is the project site subject to an institutional control limiting property uses? EJYes0No • If yes,DEC site ID number: .--... .,._ ... --- �. • Describe the type of institutional control(e.g.,deed restriction or easement): • Describe any use limitations: ........ ......... ......... ......... • Describe any engineering controls. • Will the project affect the institutional or engineering controls in place? Yes No • Explain: E.2. Natural Resources On or Near Project Site a.What is the average depth to bedrock on the project site? 500±feet below grade suface(bgs) b.Are there bedrock outcroppings on the project site? ®Yes®No If Yes,what proportion of the site is comprised of bedrock outcroppings? % ......._ .......----.................................................. ............................................,n c.Predominant soil type(s)present on project site: Fd-Fill land,dredged material 100 .... _ _ _ a/o % d.What is the average depth to the water table on the project site? Average: 5t feet bgs .. ".-------_----------------- -_..___.__.-_ _.-------------------------------------------------------------------- e.Drainage status of project site soils:O We — 11 Drained: 100%of site El Moderately Well Drained: -%of site ❑ Poorly Drained %of site —....w .......... f.Approximate proportion of proposed action site with slopes. 0 10%: 100 %of site ❑ 10-15%: %of site ❑ 15%or greater: .%of site g.Are there any unique geologic features on the project site? Yes No If Yes,describe: h Surface water features. i. Does any portion of the project site contain wetlands or other waterbodies(including streams,rivers, ❑Yes®No" ponds or lakes)? ii. Do any wetlands or other waterbodies adjoin the project site? ®Yes❑No If Yes to either i or ii,continue. If No,skip to E.2.i. iii. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies within or adjoining the project site regulated by any federal, ®Yes❑No state or local agency? See Attachment iv. For each identified regulated wetland and waterbody on the project site,provide the following information: • Streams: Name Classification • Lakes or Ponds: Name Classification • Wetlands: Name Gardiners Bay Tidal Wetlands and freshwater wetlands Approximate Size N/A ........- ...... • Wetland No.(if regulated by DEC) PL-3 --- v. Are any of the above water bodies listed in the most recent compilation of NYS water quality-impaired Yes ONo waterbodies? If yes,name of impaired water body/bodies and basis for listing as impaired:------ �.. ... .. ..... ........ . i.Is the project site in a designated Floodway? Yes o ............................................................................................................................................................ ...............m-._......m....m m........__._._._. _..__.... .m.__ ._........m__m...._. .. ... _._._._............... j.Is the project site in the 100 year Floodplain. ®Yes❑No k.Is the project site in the 500 year Floodplain? Yes o 1.Is the project site located over,or immediately adjoining,a primary,principal or sole source aquifer? Yes o If Yes: i. Name of aquifer: Nassau-Suffolk Sole Source Aquifer "Refers to existing and proposed equipment compound area only Page 11 of 13 in, Identify the predominant wildlife species that occupy or use the project site: Herring gull,Robin,House sparrow,.Eastern gray squirrel,as well as other common suburban species. n.Does the project site contain a designated significant natural community? ❑YesONo If Yes: i. Describe the habitat/community(composition,function,and basis for designation): -------------------------------- u. Source(s)of description or evaluation: , W. Extent of community/habitat: • Currently: acres • Following completion of project as proposed: acres • Gain or loss(indicate+or-): acres o.Does project site contain any speciesof plant or animal that is listed by the federal government or NYS as ❑YesON . o endangered or threatened,or does it contain any areas identified as habitat for an endangered or threatened species? The NYSDEC New York Nature Explorer and Environmental Resource Mapper indicate that several endangered or threatened species have been identified in the vicinity of the project site. However,the proposed lease areas consist of lawn and paved areas such that habitat for any endangered or threatened species would not be disturbed by the proposed action. p. Does the project site contain any species of plant or animal that is listed by NYS as rare,or as a species of ❑YesNo special concern? The NYSDEC New York Nature Explorer and Environmental Resource Mapper indicate that several rare species or species of special concern have been identified in the vicinity of the project site. However,the proposed lease areas consist of lawn and paved areas such that habitat for any rare species or species of special concern would not be disturbed by the proposed action. q.Is the project site or adjoining area currently used for hunting,trapping,fishing or shell fishing? ®Yes❑No If yes,give a brief description of how the proposed action may affect that use: Fishing may occur,W1th1n Qardaner,'s Bey SQutn agf.tYf ..... proposed facility location. However,the proposed action would not interfere with such activities. E.3. Designated Public Resources On or Near Project Site a.Is the project site,or any portion of it,located in a designated agricultural district certified pursuant to ❑Yes®No Agriculture and Markets Law,Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? If Yes, provide county plus district name/number: b.Are agricultural lands consisting of highly productive soils present? ❑YesoNo i. If Yes:acreage(s)on project site? ii. Source(s)of soil rating(s) ... . ..........,,, ,,., .n..,.,.............., c. Does the project site contain all or part of,or is it substantially contiguous to,a registered National ❑Yes®No Natural Landmark? If Yes: i. Nature of the natural landmark: ❑Biological Community ❑ Geological Feature ii. Provide brief description of landmark,including values behind designation and approximate size/extent d.Is the project site located in or does it adjoin a state listed Critical Environmental Area? ®Yes❑No If Yes: i. CEA name: Peconic Bay and Environs ii. Basis for desi nation: Benefit g to human health&protect drrnkinc water W. Designating agency and date: Suffolk County, 11 13 1988 Page 12 of 13 e.Does the project site contain,or is it substantially contiguous to,a building,archaeological site,or district ❑Yes®No which is listed on,or has been nominated by the NYS Board of Historic Preservation for inclusion on,the State or National Register of Historic Places? If Yes: i. Nature of historic/archaeological resource: El Archaeological Site ❑Historic Building or District ii. Name: iii. Brief description of attributes on which listing is based: £Is the project site,or..any ...portion ...o f............l �_.....__. __. o it,located in or adjacent to an area designated as sensitive for ❑Yes®No archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO)archaeological site inventory? g.Have additional archaeological or historic sites or resources been identified site? g ( ) es been identified on the project site? ❑Yes®No If Yes: i.Describe possible resource(s): ii. Basis for identification: h.Is the project site within fives miles of any officially designated and publicly accessible federal,state,or local ®Yes❑No scenic or aesthetic resource? If Yes: i. Identify resource: North Fork Trail,Orient Beach State Park Orient Point County Park U. Nature of,or basis for,designation(e.g.,established highway overlook,state or local park, state historic trail or scenic byway, etc.): Scenic O"py,_State Parka Count„y_PArk_________ iii. Distance between project and resource: 0 1t,0.1t 0 ±_ miles. m m.....m L Is the project site located within a designated river corridor under the Wild,Scenic and Recreational Rivers ❑Yes®No Program 6 NYCRR 666? If Yes: i. Identify the name of the river and its designation: ii. Is the activity consistent with development restrictions contained in 6NYCRR Part 666? ❑Yes❑No F.Additional Information Attach any additional information which may be needed to clarify your project. If you have identified any adverse impacts which could be associated with your proposal,please describe those impacts plus any measures which you propose to avoid or minimize them. G. Verification I certify that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture, P.C.as Environmental Consultant to Verizon Wireless Applicant/Sponsor Name Date May 17 2016 Signature.........eO Title ProjectManager _ ...._._. ......... .......... ........1 Erin Echevarria Page 13 of 13 2967518:projrecfindoc:NYS EAF_4-16 Proposed New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Communications Facility 40200 Main Road Hamlet of Orient,Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Environmental Assessment Form—Part 1 Attachment Page 1 Item A—Brief Descri tion of Pro osed Action: The proposed action involves the installation of a Verizon Wireless communications facility at 40200 Main Road in the hamlet of Orient,Town of Southold,Suffolk County, New York (the "subject property").Specifically,Verizon Wireless proposes to install a 20±-foot extension on the existing 69±- foot above grade level (agl) concealment pole at the subject property.Three antennas would be concealed within the resulting 89±-foot agl concealment pole, and associated equipment would be installed within a proposed equipment compound, north of the concealment pole and an adjacent equipment compound of another service provider.The equipment compound would measure 32-feet- by-13-feet-10±-inches(443±-square-feet), and would include a pier-supported steel platform (292.5± square feet)with equipment cabinets, main distribution boxes, remote radio heads and a 10 kW diesel- powered emergency backup generator thereon. A weather canopy would cover portions of the equipment platform and would have four GPS units mounted thereon.The equipment compound would be surrounded by a 13-foot agl chain link fence, as well as nine 14-foot agl evergreen plantings for additional visual screening on the north and west sides.Associated utility conduits would be routed underground at the subject property to existing connections. Page 9, Item E.1.a—Existing land uses: The subject property contains a commercial marina and restaurant,with an existing wireless communications facility(concealment pole and associated equipment).The surrounding land uses are generally described as follows: North: Single-family residential East: Federal institutional,ferry terminal, County Park South: Gardiner's Bay West: State Park, single-family residential Page 11, Item E.2.h—Surface water features: The commercial marina within the subject property is shown on the NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Maps as a category SM (coastal shoals, bars and mudflats)tidal wetland.The marina is also classified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory as M1UBLx(marine, subtidal, unconsolidated bottom, excavated). Additionally,the proposed wireless communications facility is located approximately 113-feet-6±inches east of NYSDEC Freshwater wetland PL-3,associated with Orient Beach State Park.The proposed action would occur within the wetland adjacent areas and would not disturb these wetlands.The applicant will secure a Tidal Wetlands Permit, as well as a determination of non-jurisdiction for freshwater wetlands, prior to installation of the proposed facility. \\vh6\proj\Long1s1and\29675.18 Orient Point 2\ProjRecords\F1na1Docs\LEAF Attachment_Amato edits_05132016.docx \\ . , �± �f �< ( ` \ IN\ / \ } � / \ \ \ VZW - Orient Point 2Orient, # s , 2000 Feet .... . ... —–—.... . .. E_D Sit® Site Location Map 40200 M @n Road Hamlet of Orient Town o Southold Suffolk County New York 2u Bing Maps Kalin, Carol From: Elizabeth Herington-Smith <elizabeth@cityscapegov.com> Sent: Tuesday,June 28, 2016 12:02 PM To: Kalin, Carol Cc: rick@cityscapegov.com; kay@cityscapegov.com Subject: Re: Cityscape Authorize Services Verizon at MGH Enterprises, 1000-15-9-8.1 Importance: High Thank you Carol, We will begin our review. Have a great day, Elizabeth On 6/28/16, 11:47 AM, "Kalin, Carol"<Carol.Kalin@town.southold.nv.us> wrote: >Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link >attachments: >CityScape Authorize Services MGH.pdf >Note:To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent >sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your >e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSHI � � �� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: p q WILLIAM J.CREMERSr 9�-Y` Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �10 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ala Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 28, 2016 Mr. Richard L. Edwards d/b/a Cityscape Consultants, Inc. 7050 Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, FL 33433 Re: Proposed Co-location for Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises Located at 40200 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-15-9-8.1 Dear Mr. Edwards: The Planning Board has authorized your scope of services in connection with the above. This letter will authorize you to proceed with the consulting work as outlined in the Agreement. Enclosed is the approved Purchase Order#29592 with amount not to be exceeded. Any work beyond this amount must be authorized in writing prior to being started. Also enclosed for your convenience is a Southold Town Voucher Form for your use with each invoice submitted to this department. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at 631/765-1938 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Best regards, Brian Cummings Planner www.southoldtownny.gov: Weblink located on bottom left of home page, Planning Dept. folder- Applications; Site Plans— Pending, 1000-15.-9-8.1, Verizon Wireless at MGH Enterprises � f1nJI TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �"�I 111111 Purchase Order# 9 53-2 Dater ........ -- - Account ... - D semi billing to: Vendor oluver rid p Departrnenil-tv)m;11 � " � tW :" Address VENDOR **Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment** ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL ) THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE PPYROPRIATION CHARGED Dept. Head CERTIFY T TO BE A JUST AND TRUE- l RCHASE RIDER 011 f 11 iq Super bor VENDOR � p A N r 3 > lu u a� > z 4 1 ro c N A � ai o N � w � c N � ami boa c �N W b N awa O Q a N ro N U N N N p e� to pen� ✓^ )? ttt c N N p t^ N 623 ; p . A +A+ N C F"" G ..¢U .0 ba ba by H W N YAM G N 'N ctl 4) N nS SW .0 A N N cC N CJ CI C7 "CS r xMAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MES S �`� P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENS � „1 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J. CRE ERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY k 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �" (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) PA RTIN H.SIDORSouthold, IVY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: June 21, 2016 Re: Checks The attached check is for a Consultant Escrow Fee for the project review listed below. Please deposit into B691 Deferred Revenue Account. Thank you.. Applicant/Project e Name & Tax Map Amount Check Date/No. m.. Type .. ...........# �..._ . Verizon Wireless at MGH 15-9-8.1 $4,000.00 6/20/16 --#6772 Consultant Amato Law Group, Enterprises Escrow PLLC 4 Fee CK atts. wr at,r�'I � >Imeg uo�ggaaYaa� aq any�ry maraam5 oMner��awrt.,A�FN��iuq "' TOW; r ✓ �� ��r a ! Gr✓��i7r r /! �, p prf I r! CD x,'j iiY Ypp A/� r 5C-' 9pi �l �Y! r2%PCD o f%'� I rr✓>t���f ° �i '�! � i� '�� �!(r a j�ii��l% �t r! r I �Jl/� 'rro� �� r!/✓��j F � * s i a l��� r�i �r l�r'f h!�/ q � 1��I���i�'���5���//,✓f r�� I I�xi" 7:Wgki �t� if r q. � �IJr r�f�4F�1��r�lcf✓�s � � a r�,�t! rrJ! �a r %�ytr /� �)ri 1�Y yyll��J��I� ✓! 4 r � r! xl�,!ir! ��� �i/ 'fp � M�),n ��✓�/k �l{7GAO � �i �� ��t/ (�y� 1r/r� * ���"�y�r r U m�y?A�r` r rll�J✓� � low ✓�y�,�/ern, 1��/�/�i���! * ir!fir ,� r r"k���9�""fi `,r��� �»�r r��Ir����f''��r!�l�j✓/ r * /��II,, J � �r/�fG/r a 11�Y�fir n '✓ � s fl�,G�L� ^,� �lyti�r>lG � ✓P'd�r ! � r,t 9ja Jptfri% ✓ /�r(r�✓/iti l Irl r 1f � rii� v r �(i✓J r /fl ll�la f a r � i p ty 1 r 1. . � lr ✓, � /Iyl * r ���., �1� ufl ip r �-�i rf rr/r /H ✓ frl��/r �ii r/ rr r� rl � !/r � d(✓i 'q �fn 4r� r al �. �r it % r ✓ / * 1 M".. f✓ r/ � r 6�✓'f i � r r r r I 'Y a f /ISI G "/1 ✓ 0� rY i of {� V/ 1 r ( g /r✓j%' i t" ✓ r it " Y � � BC � // �r�G!✓� r r f �7 ;%r� 7 i `�r01�/��/;,r ��41� ��✓I , �r J Caw � , 4 l� I ✓�/� i * rr p r✓ r ' "'" Mu *M ✓r 0 11 G ✓ oil �`3 t !✓i a0 a r O � ff`(r ✓ � O bra r r 6 O t 'y� iii/ cb oco 10 ;r VIEW n 10 F w tl y ® r o " OM LL ro � � � �, �� y� lrora �d�YiriYbYuu! yl, �xMAILING DRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ` Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (car.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ' log 's Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: June 2, 2016 Re: Check Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Site Plan Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name &m Type Tax Map # Amount unt Check Date/No. Verizon Co...location. MGH p� 15-9-8.1. ...... _ $1,000..��w .� .... 5/25/16 - #6707 Amato Law Group Enterprises Site Plan e� .__. �.�.... .ro.. ee A..m w_.. JAM Att. ME �^ 'a8"s P J ww ^+� ✓5°a n +„_ • • • • o • • y ry �� / a i JG pfr /y"/ If/r J ,; l °r ,,;, ,'- i r l/ //!rl r/'�f��j'✓''i J'`"iD r;/i�'��r/� '��; / ,, „� r 1 "'r,f /'�� t r�i1'/� 1✓ /r/d,r/;r, ' I//%� � ✓(jiir✓/�., I GARDEN(+lT"�' ,rV i�f ,'' �✓ yy�^�a 1r`/�� „c ';,;,;, ,, .,', _.., ,, � 3 ��£ � r� "�' /M /<%rat//nH//�',`ir✓�/J��/ %IarJ yrf�' ,,,,I... r : r l/��✓%/urr�7 all �+�'�'„r-.r 'WA��,.M /1 'frr.;L,D !,,;, „ ,,'� °„„ ,r, Ir,,,(i.,,.. ;r ,., /i / /l Ia!%%�! /J J`rl/e r(nl r� ,.rr✓ ,r1d( Y: r a r Frf/ if�/„ ,..1 r��y r ,f/� �4,��'�N ��, :/, / �r� f /r�/J11//ffj(%r/�/-:., �`1r�%�✓Ir �N¢/lu a/rr✓„� r n:.l r rfi- ”- �'.IA /.;- rii„ ii, /r.J�,,.,r,r:a �'�l�/�r NJ Jy�"a�//�,y!/l'l�/ ✓^rN'�r'0 ° r4 r,✓ir'e,i. / I,,;rr r//��C1�fllydr /""ri, Ty,!/,,,,�'g //pry wy rr{ N//f a/," r,,,;,,,,, �� >;;,,. ,', ,, ,,, `', ,,y / 1, r//�,.r N��dll/1, %�%/� ,,� s� � ,n✓l('� r a,,l r %f /,�x/�// r�yjl 1 ���4 w AM 8 r'y'nl dl r r/ ,", �,, „ ,, �'� ,, ,,, .�% /A� �;/fa / r/ / ✓// � �""' r,�'4,,.. l� ,,r//"✓r „ rf; ///!r/Ay/Y nlYliiil,,,�/r�+ �,,.,r ,� r,,, f I r, it ,,,,,, ,;;, � / // �✓ 1✓ani`/�/Iavr(�y� �N� 1' N! `;ir%,'�/�y 11✓!/�' Nl /SGIr✓r l r �i, r. �.,, ,;, ,' ," ', ,. „>;;�, -,- '"„ ,. a r r�/ /�'f�riN9/rG%/�iYlJ w'���rrr^a+.s r�„il,� 'rte' rr,, Y, � vr9i'% � an,,5✓; iirai,,„n;r' r/a a,/�,,.��r,.' �� E iu r ,r J( r w r ,.. / / I . 1....,r a Wra ✓ I wJ /;r i r _.lr / /ir r � r,,, r i r /i ,w n.rn �rn.,�/f✓I/.rib'�v/.,.,fl„�,l v01 dY✓S'✓✓�il�,r,�✓911 yA�1i` narf;�>(1i,,,wayJi.,�l�el�2llA✓pla✓„3:.r-.vb/„>s"9r rwt<:;,r.,, r2, ,<„r....s,.. „rr mrc',arl ,r,,,rnwr�e „�,ra_L.a/I, rr,�✓,,b�z/,r✓cr.,.1�/Ludacr�//nlr./'✓merl�1...,.rwi r,�/fan'ir>rN�.✓.�ao,� rrnWr.r n.,Jnw. �, DER of Town of Southold �1 *1,000.00 : One Thousand and 00/100y"T� � •• • • x • � '• • �• � � �ryp g ,.. ��� ✓ rr, /,,,,.1) ✓Fl F Jr d/ /�51 nr %i �r„�w�(na���1o� %�;;✓ a r✓�” ,ra�Ya%, Jf o,, °Pi ' fir ��.. � 1, .r„rJ � / r r „✓ ",,,, ';";:, , ,,,,,,,. 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P�IWI� ��� '%l//ll. r 'NIS N-„!�' lJ� I' IIS .�.yy� �� � J ”RII � ��; � �,� �"4' �� �', i 1{�' ✓I'i/+„r✓ 1tw/r�//drf>���tl✓��✓1J»l��ll%Jr�l����)@�Il�'n�!u�rrl�",b''rf�'1yluJi,�i,.;" n � r � , / /F rY //l1Frr�i%% /r y�rL�J�fr�t��/��r��✓/�/ i;��'rN!/ , ,,, L n �:,✓.;k r.+.snl .. flhd�+ a ua._,Mr ..i J'':S.0 I ' � J� ti'�a .fie 8', .. ,d,.W,� 1u � lA';9u vh��Sd mw'+.nµ� ,k.y—uY ,d,vc.. e�^" rA . l AMATO LAW GROUP,PLLC I IOLA ACCOUNT 6707 Town of Southold 5/25/2016 L&E- Evergreen Site Plan Fee 1,000.00 Evergreen IOLA VZW/Orient Point 2/100-0773 1,000.00