HomeMy WebLinkAboutAT&T Rigorous Structural Analysis Report February 26, 2015 ' a9gknomp Maya�" pr ,' at&t °/ ' GPD Engineering and Architecture Professional Corporation AT&T Towers Kevin Clements 2300 Northlake Center Dr., Suite 405 520 South Main Street, Suite 2531 Tucker, GA 30084-4032 Akron, OH 44311 (330) 572-3546 kclements@gpdgroup.com GPD# 2015723.01.48780.02 February 26, 2015 RIGOROUS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT WITH MODIFICAITON DESIGN AT I DESIGNATION: Site USID: 417'0 Site IFA: 111111'7374 Verizon Site Name: ORIENT IPOINT Site Name: EAST ORIENT PINT AT T Project: Verizon Extension Tower Only Co-(location 10.29.2014 ANALYSIS CRITERIA: Codes: TIA-222-G 120-mph (3-second gust)with 0" ice 50-mph(3-second gust)with 0.75" ice SITE DATA: 40200 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957,Suffolk County Latitude 41° 9' 9.9" N, Longitude 72° 14' 38" W Market: NYC/NNJ 69' Valmont Stealth Monopole w/proposed 20' extension Mr. Reggie Barrau, GPD is pleased to submit this Rigorous Structural Analysis Report with Modification Design to determine the structural integrity of the aforementioned tower. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the suitability of the tower with the existing and proposed loading configuration detailed in the analysis report. Analysis Results Tower Stress Level with Proposed Equipment: 71.5% Pass Foundation Ratio with Proposed Equipment: 31.5% Pass Note: In order for this analysis results to be valid for the proposed, existing, and reserved loading in Appendix A the modifications referenced in the design drawings by GPD (Project#: 2015723.01.48780.02, dated 2/26/2015) must be installed. We at GPD appreciate the opportunity of providing our continuing professional services to you and AT&T Towers. If you have any questions or need further assistance on this any other projects please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully submitted, qfa aallara,CP y u^^y +d� 'w i ti. ?r c ",' w d "" ti N 0Y q ,' t - ,*d'�: 4 n �t,1 �bM MerW.' 9w� ' , ' \ * ‘ i :, W., um:r r L.: (4,:,,,,,u,i ,, , Liforo John N. Kabak, P.E. ,:4 New York#: 090039-1 ' , � 1: r� sio i°90039- 4ce �OPsi � 520 South Main Street.Suite 2531 .Akron,0 r i b"l '1 i0-572-2100.Fax 330-572-2101 . .GPDGroup.com GPD Engineering and Architecture Professional Corporation AT&T LISID.48780 69 Ft.Stealth Monolpule w/ rerc reed 20'Extension-Structural Evaluation SUMMARY& RESULTS The purpose of this analysis was to verify whether the existing structure is capable of carrying the proposed loading configuration as specified by Verizon to AT&T Towers. This report was commissioned by Mr. Reggie Barrau of AT&T Towers. Modifications by GPD (Project#: 2015723.01.48780.02, dated 2/26/2015), have been considered in this analysis. The proposed coax shall be run internal to the monopole in order for the analysis to be valid. TOWER SUMMARY AND RESULTS �i Results Member Capacity' �. 42.2% Pass Monopole Pass Flange Bolts 71.50/ Pass Flasrge Plates _ Pass Anchor Rods 58.3% pass Base Plate 29.5°b Foundation 31.5% Pass ANALYSIS METHOD ^� t*cl ou tnxTower (Version, a commercially avail I fele software 1o'rr4rrKan1,� was used to create a three choir nsional na odel of the tower and calculate primary member strL s ? for various dmad ltvt', w�!arlr ata{l t e lora o derl t cot yplete yti s from the analysis is included in Appendix B. �ht r� following table details thSTM info ttidedt the benefit of a structural analysis. This analysis is solely based n this information and is beingcompleted detailed site visit. DOCUMENTS PROVIDED Document 'Rtrn r^ s Siterra Notice of Co-lo Form (Part 2) AT&T Interna I Loading Document, u lad 10/30/2014 Siterra Site Lease Application Applicant Site Name: Orientl'�airat,dated 8/29/2014 Siterra Construction Drawings WFC job #; x}8979 dated 9/21/20112 Siterra Tower Desi -ra Valmont Ord r#: 209586,dated 2/4/20'14 Siterra Foundation Design Valmont M #: 209586FP„dated 2/4/2014 Siterra Geotechnical Report MC Pro''ect µ 07000808A-G151, dated 7/27/2010 Siterra 01472 ' Previous Structural Anal 'sis GPD jab 3.01.48780.01 .” Rev 1,�d -ated 1/8/2015 GPD Modification Drawings GPD job 015723.01.48780.0'2„ dated 2/26/2015 Ft. Extension-Structural Evaluation AT&T USID:48780 69 Stealth Mono ole w proposed 20' ASSUMPTIONS This rigorous structural analysis is based on the theoretical capacity of the members and is not a condition assessment of the tower. This analysis is from information supplied, and therefore, its results are based on and are as accurate as that supplied data. GPD has made no independent determination, nor is it required to, of its accuracy. The following assumptions were made for this structural analysis. The tower shaft sizes and shapes are considered accurate as supplied. The material grade is as per data supplied and/or as assumed and as stated in the materials section. 2. The antenna configuration is as supplied and/or as modeled in the analysis. It is assumed to be complete and accurate. All antennas, mounts, coax and waveguides are assumed to be properly installed and supported as per manufacturer requirements. 3 Some assumptions are made regarding antennas and mount sizes and their projected areas based on best interpretation of data supplied and of best knowledge of antenna type and industry practice. 4. All mounts, if applicable, are considered adequate to support the loading. No actual analysis of the mount(s) is performed. This analysis is limited to analyzing the tower only. 5, The soil parameters are as per data supplied or as assumed and stated in the calculations. 6. Foundations are properly designed and constructed to resist the original design loads indicated in the documents provided. 7. The tower and structures have been properly maintained in accordance with TIA Standards and/or with manufacturer's specifications. 8. All welds and connections are assumed to develop at least the member capacity unless determined otherwise and explicitly stated in this report. 9. All prior structural modifications are assumed to be as per data supplied/available and to have been properly installed. 10, Loading interpreted from photos is accurate to ±5' AGL, antenna size accurate to ±3.3 sf, and coax equal to the number of existing antennas without reserve. 11. All existing AT&T loading was obtained from the construction drawings and the Notice of Co-location form and is assumed to be accurate. 12. The proposed Verizon loading was obtained from the provided Site Lease Application and the Notice of Co- location form and is assumed to be accurate. 13. No future AT&T loading was reserved in the Notice of Co-location Form; therefore, the generic future AT&T loading was modeled.The elevation of the future AT&T loading was obtained from the Construction Drawings. 14. The proposed coax shall be run internal to the monopole in order for the analysis to be valid. If any of these assumptions are not valid or have been made in error, this analysis may be affected, and GPD Group should be allowed to review any new information to determine its effect on the structural integrity of the tower. 2/26/2015 ...............�.m..........�wmwm�.........-.-wm�. ..........._.�wm..._....ewmw................................................................................................................................._ �Page ...3of 4 proms Extension-Structural Evaluation AT&T USID:48780 69 Ft.Stealth Monopole w osedld'Ext _.. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES GPD GROUP has not performed a site visit to the tower to verify the member sizes or antenna/coax loading. If the existing conditions are not as represented on the tower elevation contained in this report, we should be contacted immediately to evaluate the significance of the discrepancy. This is not a condition assessment of the tower or foundation. This report does not replace a full tower inspection. The tower and foundations are assumed to have been properly fabricated, erected, maintained, in good condition,twist free, and plumb. The engineering services rendered by GPD GROUP in connection with this Rigorous Structural Analysis are limited to a computer analysis of the tower structure and theoretical capacity of its main structural members. No allowance was made for any damaged, bent, missing, loose, or rusted members (above and below ground). No allowance was made for loose bolts or cracked welds. This analysis is limited to the designated maximum wind and seismic conditions per the governing tower standards and code. Wind forces resulting in tower vibrations near the structure's resonant frequencies were not considered in this analysis and are outside the scope of this analysis. Lateral loading from any dynamic response was not evaluated under a time-domain based fatigue analysis. GPD GROUP does not analyze the fabrication of the structure (including welding). It is not possible to have all the very detailed information needed to perform a thorough analysis of every structural sub-component and connection of an existing tower. GPD GROUP provides a limited scope of service in that we cannot verify the adequacy of every weld, plate connection detail, etc. The purpose of this report is to assess the capability of adding appurtenances usually accompanied by transmission lines to the structure. It is the owner's responsibility to determine the amount of ice accumulation in excess of the code specified amount, if any,that should be considered in the structural analysis. The attached sketches are a schematic representation of the analyzed tower. If any material is fabricated from these sketches, the contractor shall be responsible for field verifying the existing conditions, proper fit, and clearance in the field. Any mentions of structural modifications are reasonable estimates and should not be used as a precise construction document. Precise modification drawings are obtainable from GPD GROUP, but are beyond the scope of this report. Miscellaneous items such as antenna mounts, etc., have not been designed or detailed as a part of our work. We recommend that material of adequate size and strength be purchased from a reputable tower manufacturer. Towers are designed to carry gravity, wind, and ice loads. All members, legs, diagonals, struts, and redundant members provide structural stability to the tower with little redundancy. Absence or removal of a member can trigger catastrophic failure unless a substitute is provided before any removal. Legs carry axial loads and derive their strength from shorter unbraced lengths by the presence of redundant members and their connection to the diagonals with bolts or welds. If the bolts or welds are removed without providing any substitute to the frame, the leg is subjected to a higher unbraced length that immediately reduces its load carrying capacity. If a diagonal is also removed in addition to the connection, the unbraced length of the leg is greatly increased, jeopardizing its load carrying capacity. Failure of one leg can result in a tower collapse because there is no redundancy. Redundant members and diagonals are critical to the stability of the tower. GPD GROUP makes no warranties, expressed and/or implied, in connection with this report and disclaims any liability arising from material, fabrication, and erection of this tower. GPD GROUP will not be responsible whatsoever for, or on account of, consequential or incidental damages sustained by any person, firm, or organization as a result of any data or conclusions contained in this report. The maximum liability of GPD GROUP pursuant to this report will be limited to the total fee received for preparation of this report. 212612015 .. .. ..._ wmmmw .. ................._....��,. ....�m.-_..................-.-..� Page 4 of 4 69 Ft.Stealth Monopole w/proposed 20'Extension-Structural Evaluation AT&T USID:48780 APPENDIX A Tower Analysis Summary Form 2/2 6/2 0 I 5 Tower Analysis Summary Form Eimi,iiiiiii tele I A Nb xluwr r Y Nr Nm a The Inlormallon contained In this summary report Is not to be used De Kama _ 'Lehiururp 31 e c 4mrm ,„ Yur TS independently tram the PE stamped tower analysis. .. . c t.f Y .!.y Im ae ,ahl _ t.+rl lewrlty4&'puear.«4 drwM hnreig{IP '._ "" Ow T3e/Mw I 10�p aamr xlmptl—aW.—.ile Mee,_.,,• Dredge Pareaatgpa .A.__. w... _..... �An, nla Mhi ar1 ,Ti,,..MSMMtYaaVa..n.a...a a LwklN aY3Pg tlyf 'lima M Kee, fI Lith - Uesg4)CodeU Used pOFAP IX I rvtl 4NmlUj rMeG AaMf TT.w �w k T WW4.21. ,f pans Mmtt W 1 vLac.mTower .ry Rndnkk 11 P TMTT{M n Y.'fiwfmM A -0 MAxJgmpl Y.JY& m w ® flw/InPo m ItI 'T 4ad�I/) 11&/2M201041m alah0 {4 a rer m etheititiael IN LMvl11/ 3orMp 11 1,41/ 11 O iu 001 oFlt r3 fm � ini Toteu,nr DeM tav 1b 1,76 e % w,aMdm �. a �i 141 riAk7d,a411 frrd Y t%12015 ldl6p2es a tllII ere 0P rotes11tetteta ter. lm It e101/91414)1 a m) ern v u Palo Slate Where).�ll) 1e+b TT N,:u l 0Xu. ......... ie ................. trrirdior Teals Ir^'.ry Tii E'a�daOlnyp, Reserved C It/I+y ee; .�,,,,,rui /,;;',�, ;�c,;, •Am(QY1)/to ;r- „, ,,.o';�,. _ uflI14 M' _ —.. Par NlIWwnlissttee Mmul) Attachment aeriesCi'Mlmr' hely#11 ill,) Antenna CL(a) tyMmnliCy Type Marlmtla4P.Ynr11P Model Azimuth Quantity Mmn stacriure Type Quantity Model Slaw Internal/External Mobley Erg II A rlau11/ (nnm1111ite NAT Ira( tea""'"' w ::....::_....... x tie:Trate tlsroR1Y{1 mgtPO,tl % INa 4atw Ya" &wiwtr YR (Al mtl NA p(J d41Alq,1/I rC Ire r 114/I ........ Aa11 ew ........ 110 i bl&41✓11/ ......... .... .. _VM/111.1 0.114 Al Of a4r AT i' a 5"ind MI I41ttP 17A d,- PI _ _ANAOI W t®rN J Id M nrrfl m V N*uv nnfi ri AMM;r&11111 I melVlr riN+rA lMwm/1 4 M 7MMCA. 11:I// fJ Thy � tum,�alrrceu Mee r dwYe ry 1 rGq mflAIX l motate Or seutl p WO M&111,5 Proposed 4a duuuy 9y O14Yf 8 11116a nr)1/' Mode S I Attachment IAnl ON M " Antenna a CL(ft) 9Ydly Type 311 xArr Model Azimuth Quantity MwPM Type AIINlely BMayr(ll ze Internal/External ThoisivIIIA' '. tlPP I Y M A 14))1/I0 /ARV'X/ :I VAN' It trite aaJ .... . tiled „ ...... .........'. d mr... 111 Pewee Vence IXDATTevi IXp rd oh rd"]@144W4hnMuwaan m .... ..... yumFhm loneanl leading 9muy ud!I^nlw s tlrm rear nalmuqr„tartar iamrII Note:The proposed coax'.Leall be installed interne to the monopole In order lar the analysis to be valid, Tatar.Lamlory 10Yl1m0b9itie tee Arrlitarra tremor Mount 1/Dor,%fm'I lel Orrprtity Type le d l e: Model Azimuth Quantity 1 Manufacturer Type QUmmllty Model Sloe Attachment Height DO Internal/Edema] 1rex Lp,10/ 55, ,St. 5 11/0/ k0wrno0eram 1rO,DOYl'7""'"----"""' 10)0/40 �WIIIlgaleml .,war n T➢rn,ur,m�Iwv �4 rge:The haws amenymhwe Mmm l rrllSn0)4.17.oedema,Ow vulr)/rs/preec'r'wrtlM..ilrR''IM. �. 69 Ft.Stealth Monopole w/proposed 20'Extension-Structural Evaluation AT&T USID:48780 APPENDIX B tnxTower Output File 2/26/2015 Job Page tnxTower 48780 EAST ORIENT POINT 1 of 3 GPD GProject Date roup 520 South Main St.Suite 2531 2015723.01.48780.02 14:10:39 02/26/15 Akron,OH 44311 Client Designed by Phone:(330)572-2100 AT&T Mobility FAX:(330)572-2101mhoudeshell .. . - Tower Input Data There is a pole section. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Suffolk County,New York. Basic wind speed of 120 mph. Structure Class II. Exposure Category D. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 0.7500 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of 40 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50°F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non-linear(P-delta)analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads,feed line supports,and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Feed Line/Linear A• •urtenances - Entered As Area Description Face Allow Component Placement Total CAAA Weight or Shield Type Number Leg ft ft2/ft klf LDF5-50A(7/8 FOAM) C No Inside Pole 57.00-8.00 24 No Ice 0.00 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.000 1"Ice 0.00 0.000 LDF5-50A(7/8 FOAM) C No Inside Pole 67.00-57.00 18 No Ice 0.00 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.000 I Ice 0.00 0.000 LDF5-50A(7/8 FOAM) C No Inside Pole 89.00-67.00 12 No Ice 0.00 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.000 1"Ice 0.00 0.000 LDF7-50A(1-5/8 C No Inside Pole 45.00-8.00 6 No Ice 0.00 0.001 FOAM) 1/2"Ice 0.00 0.001 1"Ice 0.00 0.001 Discrete Tower Loads _____, Description Face Offset Offyets: Azimuth Placement CAAA CAA, Weight Or Type llorz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ,, ft ft2 .fi2 K ft ft (3)P65-15-XLH-RR w/ A None 0.000 67.00 No Ice 5.97 4.05 0.057 Mount Pipe 1/2"Ice 6.39 4.64 0.103 1"Ice 6.81 5.25 0.155 (6)ETD819HS12UB A None 0.000 67.00 No Ice 1.53 0.47 0.019 1/2"Ice 1.70 0.59 0.027 1"Ice 1.87 0.71 0.038 Job Page tnxTower 48780 EAST ORIENT POINT 2 of 3 Project Date GPD Group 520 South Main Si.Suite 2531 2015723.01.48780.02 14:10:39 02/26/15 Akron,OH 44311 Client Designed by Phone:(330)572-2100 AT&T Mobility mhoudeshell FAX:(330)572-2101 Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAA CA A Weight Or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft " ft IV f2 K /t /i (3)DBXLH-6565A-R2M w/ A None 0.000 57.00 No Ice 5.70 4.17 0.047 mount pipe 1/2"Ice 6.18 4.86 0.093 1"Ice 6.66 5.53 0.145 (6)TTAW-07BP111-001 A None 0.000 57.00 No Ice 0.64 052 0.018 1/2"Ice 0.76 0.62 0.024 1"Ice 0.88 0.74 0.031 (3)CWWX063X25G00 w/ A None 0.000 87.00 No Ice 11.85 9.60 0.067 Mount Pipe 1/2"Ice 12.48 10.93 0.153 1"Ice 13.12 11.98 0.249 (6)FD9R6004/IC-3L A None 0.000 85.00 No Ice 0.37 0.08 0.003 1/2"Ice 0.45 0.14 0.005 1"Ice 0.54 0.20 0.008 (3)P65-15-XLH-RR w/ A None 0.000 45.00 No Ice 5.97 4.05 0.057 Mount Pipe 1/2"Ice 6.39 4.64 0.103 1"Ice 6.81 5.25 0.155 60'x 38"canister C None 0.000 89.00-29.00 No Ice 114.00 114.00 4.848 1/2"Ice 198.00 198.00 6.420 1"Ice 282.00 282.00 7.993 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Elevalion Appurtenance Gov, Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature if Comb. in " ft 89.00 60'x 38"canister 42 4.0087 0.422 0.000 39018 87.00 (3)CWWX063X25G00 w/Mount 42 3.8291 0.424 0.000 39018 Pipe 85.00 (6)FD9R6004/1C-31_, 42 3.6500 0.424 0.000 39018 84.00 60'x 38"canister 42 3.5607 0.424 0.000 39018 79.00 60'x 38"canister 42 3.1205 0.420 0.000 19509 74.00 60'x 38"canister 42 2.6956 0.404 0.000 13006 69.00 60'x 38"canister 42 2.2937 0.371 0.000 9229 67.00 (3)P65-15-XLH-RR w/Mount Pipe 42 2.1413 0.351 0.000 7811 64.00 60'x 38"canister 42 1.9244 0.320 0.000 6141 59.00 60'x 38"canister 42 1.6039 0.280 0.000 8482 57.00 (3)DBXLFI-6565A-R2M w/mount 42 1.4880 0.268 0.000 12915 pipe 54.00 60'x 38"canister 42 1.3189 0.248 0.000 15441 49.00 60 x 38"canister 42 1.0532 0.209 0.000 11463 45.00 (3)P65-15-XLH-RR w/Mount Pipe 42 0.8592 0.176 0.000 9504 44.00 60'x 38"canister 42 0.8137 0.168 0.000 9114 39.00 60'x 38"canister 42 0.6071 0.131 0.000 7565 34.00 60'x 38"canister 42 0.4402 0.105 0.000 6473 29.00 60'x 38"canister 42 0.3197 0.094 0.000 8812 Section Capacity Table 1 Section Elevation Component Size Critical P OP,,o,,,,, % Pass No ft Type Element K K Capacity Fail I 1 89-69 Pole TP10.75x10.75x0.37S 1 -3.148 462.020 26.1 Pass L2 69-59.5 Pole TP10.75x10.75x0.5 2 -5.079 666.567 39.4 Pass L3 59,5-59 Pole TP14.5x10.75x0.5 3 -5.127 666.567 39.4 Pass L4 59-29.5 Pole TP14.5x14.5x1.094 4 -14.501 1907.510 42.2 Pass ••••••I•ML Job Page tnxTower 48780 EAST ORIENT POINT 3 of 3 . . - Project Date GPD Group 520 South Main St.Suite 2531 2015723.01.48780.02 14:10:39 02/26/15 Akron,OH 44311 Client Designed by Phone:(330)572-2100 AT&T Mobility FAX:(330)572:2101 mhoudeshell . .. Section Elevation Component Size Critical P OP,,tr,,,, I Pass No ft Type Element K K Capacity Fail L5 29.5-29 Pole TP38x14.5x1.094 5 -14.626 1907.510 42,2 Pass L6 29-0 Pole TP38x38x0.25 6 -18317 1941.210 41.5 Pass Summary ELC: Existing/Pro posed/Future Pole(L4) 42.2 Pass Rating= 42.2 Pass ooFt.s�akhwon^po|ew/pmvoodzn'cmen Extension AT&T oocx*omo APPENDIX C Tower Elevation Drawing ......., ,...... ....... .. 89,0 ft DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION TYPE ELEVATION 60 0 38 canister 89-29 (3)P65-15-XLH-RR w/Mount Pipe 67 (3)CW W X063X25G00 w/Mount Plpe 87 (3)DBXLH-6565A-R2M w/mount pipe 57 o $ o o (6)FD9R6004/1C3L 85 (6)TTAW-07BP111-001 57 M m M M o m o o d (6)ETD819HS12UB 67 [(3)F'65-15-XLH-RR w/Mount Pipe 45 MATERIAL STRENGTH GRADE Fy Fu GRADE Fy Fu A53-B-42 42 ksi 63 ksi A572-65 65 ksi 80 ksi m A500-46 46 ksi 62 ksi TOWER DESIGN NOTES 1 n 1. Tower is located in Suffolk County,New York. 2. Tower designed for Exposure D to the TIA-222-G Standard. 3. Tower designed for a 120 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-G Standard. 0 0 4. Tower is also designed for a 40 mph basic wind with 0.75 in ice.Ice is considered to $ increase in thickness with height- N • 0 5. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. 6. Tower Structure Class II. 7. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.00 ft 0 0 8. TOWER RATING:42.2% o 1 N a� v a q/ y N � v 0 0 0 0 295,11, ALL REACTIONS 8 ARE FACTORED '41 AXIAL 0 Er, o o _ 0 30K SHEAR MOMENT 3 K--1 ,.,` 140 kip- 40 mph WIND-0.7500 in ICE AXIAL 19 KK SHEA \ MOMENT 13 K 1 ` 612 kip-ft o.o rt REACTIONS-120 mph WIND v — 2 oa 'p o m . E - a m v GPD Group tr 48780 EAST ORIENT POINT 520 South Main St. Suite 2531 1'019' 2015723014878002 4" Akron, OH 44311 rkeiul'AT&T Mobility Ur'uW''oOy mhoudeshell N'prl Phone:(330)572-2100 'q' TIA 222 G oak'02/26/15 ''''p NTS FAX:(330)572.2101 ''"',„,,as,rrA„,,,,,0„nt,Adlii4WM41,+„.,..xu,r,nari,,.Dw9NiatE-1 Feed Line Distribution Chart 0'-89' Round Flat App In Face _.. App Out Face �rvrv.�rvrv..rvrvryTruss Lep 89 MN Face A Face B Face Clql 100 LL LL N 60.7'1, 69 00 67(10 61.410,,,... LL .r4t'59. 0 tA;9.;:Y41i 57.00 57.00 Q 45.00 45.00 w O LL n 2- P.,) -sN G�t3 9 O 20.50 V— (-.:0 i Feed Line Plan Round Flat App In Face App Out Face k v, r/ / 2` (6)LDF7-50A(1-5/8 FOAM) (8 )LDFS- ��J7/8 FOAM) --- I ENT POINT GPD Group , 48780 EAST ORI 520 South Main St. Suite 25311 20 f57�",311'►4k1780 W,ffirth, Akron,OH 44311 liCtIo" A &t Mobility r"r t" 1I mtl� ud rsNi t p TIA 222 Phone:(330)572-2100 F'de � G s,� X02/28/15 APO NTS t��s� FAX;(330)572-2101 d9 ,K1OhPA"III Ww24,441 """m a"Na'E-7 69 Ft.Stealth Monopole w/proposed 20Extension-Structural Evaluation AT&T USID:48780 APPENDIX D Anchor Rod & Base Plate Analysis 2/26/2015 Anchor Rod and Base Plate Stresses, TIA-222-G-1 EAST ORIENT POINT Am GPD GROUP 2015723.01.48780.02 Overturning Moment= 12,06'k`It Axial Force= 18:,,06"k Acceptable Stress Shear Force= 13,00 k Ratio,{ 1 hittPfill Anchor Rods Base Plate (Section 4.9.9,TIA-222-G-1) Location=I, .t, er a Number of Rods= Plate Strength(Fy)= 50 ksi _ 08 = Rod Ultimate Strength(F„)= 100 ksi Outside Diameter= 4$x30 in Base Plate Detail Type*= �" yp Plate Thickness= 2 in Rod Circle= 4-4,,OT wcalc= 22.59 in Rod Diameter=1 1,7-5 in wmax= 20.00 in Net Tensile Area= 1.90 in2 w= 20.00 in Max Tension on Rod= 80.62 kips Z= 20.00 in3 Max Compression on Rod= 85.37 kips M„= 265.07 k-in Pu= 85.37 kips (pMn= 900.00 k-in vu= 1.63 kips ��BP Capacity= 29.5% 1 OK n= 0.50 NRnt= 152.00 kips Pole This analysisassumesassumesithe58.3% OK — Pole Number f Bides iin Rod y- ys clear distance Thickness= 0.25 in from the top of the concrete to the bottom of Pole Yield Strength=. ksi the leveling nut is less than the diameter of the anchor rod. Notify GPD Group immediately if existing field conditions do not meet this assumption. l'"----- Stiffeners Configuration=r 4010_1 69 Ft.Stealth Monopole w/proposed 20'Extension-Structural Evaluation AT&T USID:48780 APPENDIX E Flange Bolts & Flange Plate Analysis 2/26/2015 FLANGE BOLT AND SPOKED FLANGE PLATE CALCULATIONS @ 29ft 48780-EAST ORIENT POINT 2015723.01.48780.02 hlk Ifeattlaras Bolt Information Plate Information Mumen(M.) �'; .d tell kwft ¢soasnaeter ' „ 'f 25 m meter:iaa IIIIIIIIII�l11 11�l ;in (pl I}pt O kYps Net TensOW Area L N gun un thickness.' 'f is Shear(V) i 444 kips 'Bald C rs)s; t' wn i_y 1JJ)J1JfJJyJJ dI of Bolls e: Nf G MA:11N in Butt e w to w: %/ (i n 150k'se .. Flange Bolt Capacity. I=n((db/2)a/4+(BC)2/8]_ 588.59 in' (12(M)(BC/2)/11-(P/n)= 77.95 kips Vm,.=(V/n) 1.561 ksi F„ti= 150.000 kips 4,8qF=4)FGkA= 109.013 kips �R �ORSF�n62.13 kips-Adju .._ ted Interaction sCapacity $Reu Capit 530438 ri 071 30438 ( 0. Bolt Capacity715%OK Flange Plate: M =T.rr(el 429.98 k"Is - "__........ M)'JFl�.- 35.0 ks`..... 5 wt� 2 5 .r3 qwpv,.ww "r�,M b810�25 est \ \, �, .. 13i43;c3 Plate Capd:.rkft�== tm2 2Y'dk'�L h,.." .• 1 "ti, FLANGE BOLT AND SPOKED FLANGE PLATE CALCULATIONS @ 59f1 48780-EAST ORIENT POINT 2015723.01.48780.02 �irUx Reactions Bolt in`orrnatlon Plate information Lower Plate Information Mcarom lrviy /. 1' oiarneoew t'ln 1ltrrnatm iNr tNimieker fit'en � , 6 �� AataB lky , S B MN�,±�, Met Tensile Area e„' rr In Thpckr�esz a ” In T9nckoas ;1 sn Shear w 4v v^,� Ting, V 0 i aeY0.45. ^r, 6 e: iry; 4400i on Snit tirade t„ t k$i pa �t11 un Flange Boit Cppacit"R 1=n[(d,/2)'/4+(8C)'/8)= 243.38 In T,,,,,,=[12(M)(BC/2)/I]-(P/n)= 30.23 kips ,'' r, =l'v/nl= 0.796 ksi dR,,F„>A„ F„5= 120.000 kips , .._... �. _' 54.540 kips 4>R„y=0.45F„bAb= 31.81 kips Adjusted 4>1„, 54.52 ( ,, Interaction Capacity 0.55444563 P I _,...�.....�.....�.....�..Bolt Capacity= 55.4%t.'JVG S ” y,.,. Flange Plate:(Spoke controls) + �" ff Mi,=T�(e)_ 72.55 k-gin 5=w( )/6= 3.333 in a r q Z=(9)n1,5= 5000 Ina "^ M..F,,Z 250.00 Its! " eas c ................... yr<1 „> Mpyi„,.,=dtyMn 225 ksi Upper Place Capacity=I 32.2%10k Lower Flange Plate:(Plate controls) Mp=C,,,,,'(BC-inner radius)= 61.85 k-In „w " 5=w(tp')/6= 2.818 In 2=(5)z1.5= 4.23 Yts1 M„=FEZ= Via,mn,w, v;K= 190 238625 ksi Lower Plate Capacity=l '31.i1 i;iil Existing Flange Connection @ le' EAST ORIENT POINT 2015723.01.48780.02 GPD GROUP — a 1.Mnrrrent= 3240 left Axial= 4,1146 krps.. Acceptable Shoot Huila Shear= >64 kips = Image Botts Lipper Flange Plata ImmUpper*ati(tenern 9 Bevis e� ,6 Location_ £4I'eait �onfiguialicii.1 11401141 Bolt Type m. ' Plate Strength(Fr)_ 55Iksi Threads Included?., 33M Plate Tensile(FO_ 155 ksl Bolt Diameter. .0:1 in Plate Thickness= Inn Bolt Circle.,A tyre Outer Diameter= in 4r=��01 5 4+= —to, 4.=+ISe"� wcalc= 9.39 lin wmax= 12SOIn ITeatslsn&Shear(TIA-222-G-I,Sacrfort4.06) w=I 3.55 In F,b 120 k 9Z=1 3.65,In' Ac- 0.60132 inn M==_32,64 k-Mn. A= 0.462 Ina' `4Mn 164..4263 9a-in 4Rrw= 24.35 kips. UP Capacity e 19.9%OK 4Rm,µ 41.58 lops 4Rnr i('arrfastndj 41.57 Buis Vm= 0.54',Ikpts T,,. 17.60 kips Prying Action Check 114.IA,,mop 6avappe tin 61156e66°,a to - Max Comp.on Bell. 16.65 Spa Lower PUsn 9 o Plate Lower Stirlen/re Capacity= 2.2% Location= 0 11; L.,,,____ 1lerrt a+lrotion,-i 1 IntlIn Tensile Capacity. 42.3%. 1, Plate Strength(Fr)_:. 1,169 Interaction Cnpacily=e 42.3% Plate Thickness= I 2.5111n I5011Capacity= 42.3"A OK Outer Diameter= i'In wcalc=I9.35x,In Pole information wmax=' 12.5611n ''...... Snail Diam.(Upper)=; !Ih2_154n we 9.30 Inn Thickness(Upper)e" ?0015 in Z= 1.85,1 6111 #of Sides(Upper)mamyl I I M„= 3254 k-Rn . Fy(Upper) «h 4,3 661 4Mn= 164,4293,-1k•9t LP Ca nteli,= 194%OK Shaft Diam.(Lower) IS 9''in Thickness(Lower)= waI In #of Sides(Lower)_ cn 1 Fr(Lower)=1 401661 IJI IL1,lx fl *itlravr Vr an 69 Ft.Stealth Monopole w/proposed 20'Extension-Structural Evaluation AT&T USID:48780 APPENDIX F Foundation Analysis 2/26/2015 Caisson Analysis p EAST ORIENT POINT AllirollIKA. 2014723.01.48780.02 / m GPD GROUP . o''58 9ri In-,,..,5*.,'.,3 'HG 0 ri'' ioro 1 oi,'Id tcppoollaunomt"' IOMPO'llpeivt ,,','41,,,,, '44,5111y1P541,9111145,33 """"""""""""*""'Code rik-1,&•6 ""Mu o1, 00 2 1h, o ,11:11"i,k,110,4,1,„1,;,,Nio'''tf,',904''''',YltflPY Attlit411,1115,40110,' Concrete Code ACI 318-05 Mr= 2768.57 k-ft d011iplAtirtial'Pri'yr.442;riii riV,i'4i,oilriPp5,111014 Seismic Design Category B FS= 452 1,11,0,53100041 i,,yr I')'idit trl'kr Of,,,poil,6110,,,,Ly,,N, Max Stress Ratio 1.05 1iiiipacity c 2.94X Pars "° OP'1111Intihnil V,,"rp,10;f,'''Ali'0 lirviiiiiiigildl,,,i'di° Reinforcing Known? Yes diltilldiftlip)00)(1,:,,A,iiii,'544C,f/mil iiiiiii,1108fiti,11 .1,h.1111.11N.11'; ililt"41,10.01441111..10;:ii',4,(,.','/'''>,',,effiHrliet,'1110.41,4101,C111,11.11),11 Modified? No ,010'iloatsok f %; ' ,,/e *-:ie-,,,iteforoftirrkosormaty;-/// 0014,0,0,opi!,!1!!,,11,7 0,opt;f0,,o,kvoityrIp ,.. Ground Water 8.00 ft 4difin 2186 00 lag, )4,01":160,041011,.,,/4 A(,tfril^1.4,,,,,f,;, 110,4501100Allpth,,,,,,,do Soil Depth to Neglect 4.17 ft Mu= 688.95 k-ft t'iiigilifg451ilid'ili,,d,ry,,,51,11,105,i Acirili i l PAPilliiiti Mln p= 0 00333 'iliO,INI#IPIP1101,1 41`0 i'',/1/4,1','14,4IIMIIIIIIIIIOAIIiII Provided p= 0.00526 OK 4'filo,itik#0,',/' , „/ ' ' '61 .66 k"-Ti- Moment,M capacity. 311% Pass 0d35"P*1190070g,„,f,),,Iii o'4 Id°4,1104:05, Axial,P 19.00 ilklitAlll'Ilrr, '','II',1'i 444(97'IIIIIiiglitillig Shear,V 13.00 k ,!re40,11114; 11,101,,foteitlife,i;,v1g,,';&!,, ',r,00„,ig,41,40 ,,,,, 111,i4b01111,1'11,"0 OV:Wt,1).)I ty'lliMill4 Pier Diameter 6.5 ft litcr,14414,!,,,,r',0,1,'„(4i..,;;'lti,i illiSrillierli Pier Length',Minty Grade 20.6 ft iddiglidti;;Idiri il'i )irl'.,4',111P1 t„de litirt,.4".iiririSii,It' vilidricilippo'''''t i' i'','0", rc"r, ilthAN:Apprri{ Distance Above Grade 0.5 ft k '11 1,1 0'10,,A ilio,,' h11111161k0',1,,,iiol,110 Vertical Bar Size #9 Vertical Bar Quantity 18 Tie Size #4 ft 440PiliteVirli '.ii ',I t 0 006,,',4 Mgt&,fing0, fc'= 3 ksi ' Diameter )' fY= 60 ksl Clear Cover= 4.936 in /50'0 0;10,0' , ,i,Igrig;;,,V,,,;r7 /4P/.,//f0,4% # Layer Soil Type Thickness 7,pc Cu,pat 4z Kp Top of LayerlBot.of Layer Layer 1 Sand 0 28 2 77 0,00 6.00 Layer 2 Sand 15 125 ., * 6 105 0 32 3.25 6.00 21.00 Layer 3 Sand 1.00 21.00 21 00 U Layer 4 . Sand 1 _ 1,00 21.00 21.00 ..... — 7 1.00 21.00 21.00 Layer 5 Sand I I-. Layer 6 Sand 1.00 21,00 21,00 Layer 7 I Sand 1 00 21 00 21.00 Layer 8 Cla, 0.00 2100 21 00 _ ------ Layer 9 Sand 1 00 21 00 21 00........, Layer 10 Clay 1 000 2100 2100 GPD Caisson Analysis-V1.00 69 Ft.Stealth Monopole w/proposed 20'Extension-Structural Evaluation AT&T USID:48780 APPENDIX G Modification Drawings 2/26/2015 ya ��l��llj'p�sr7�����//,� ��J/r��l� rtr��(iti //,/�Im�f /�,, ��� /�. f� I �� l �J�f JJJ///l � �ia%�/i ��7i7,,,tt,(//fr, JJJ�,J/�lr9 f�� ��ifjy ffv �•; I if fir/, , 0/41 1, , ,/ Vii,1,/ikt �j l ' 1 /fit ;� 1Ivy X11 (��11%/41,// ��/,/1�,,r " y 1f)tri (0,//7: / , ,/, i ,,, 70 /?//' /J,,/ „ 1 ,,74,/,//, Hif/(//,///:: yi,/,(;,)/„...: :w1:3 i mi 4 , :wir: OC 30) mA • r 4 41 W N 4 Z CoW � Nf O ( p � AOgu el, d c " ° rNOI, N8 O ` r ,r .VDZ n p 8 o m r xx mr = 5O , ”,`, m $ x D rn w m Z I'J W �� I"Its'" - N c —7I E m p > y„ `iiro'I =, ,til m m E , La C com I Nw� 1m L7 'Po � i o g g b b'b 12ll -(30C1 vy, p o o n �z m O o o —I i D m -1 N o ,iI rll n N 0 n co x ® -< 73 0 A x A a ° om� mm mmz �z m 0 m 00 arri (b it, fll (, A N 0 0 m fmyn p 0 l ; Hh oRONcN vm en R2rm m0q (4E wzn0_TijxO �. -1 1‘63 n � AOo �eAz -61 I ° m nm ox — • {Z9 x0 Zm .. N 98 OAr Zo J NZ 0 p o In 1 In C O NP O# O n c w X v N '" -Ni o z m 0 r m c, 1 o z m o I 70 7 ' q 'b i 4 EAST ORIENT POINT m r.. —" 040200 ORIENMAIN NYR 95� f . �� �, ISI i � , t"I�"�.,k:SHEET ''''''''''''1111.4111 'a�� � V M! 0;!T-ON tiVn§N AF aBNO AMITPP iiil rg0;,' 948Pg4e 6FaIA' WERgr. ,T,Te, fippl?4 111?"gpi' 5'14.4 ni 1 $4!ftr.y v5-0 IP i0P2.1 .$451P41 Ao g-PJ, 1(1/(3A3A80 NIAT ,,T, ,,, ,,,,,R., rlotom ,0 2gT= ilail8( 00 0.11A. X',"6s.46X,4 (;11A X4(01.1(.0p(141(, . 5-416158 ...„Yr6 r9 4ri'15'41• lAk:jM4 6. WT1Mmg ir,a5,mrx" , " =TA C'''''H,604:d '7.-,oid,, 'iTil?=.1,- Fill6 1% q,Nfl -417A80 P; ,k° 41101 :,,,t1,-;,,,,,i1 9;w,,,R,,,JAP rj.tti ,fig?dliFle] Im2A; Ri,1,1 > I R6,x4((f IlAv9rPel rh ';.:01 11i0;t48 4. 1,T, 2Pr?ANYOR d„."1,1h 3)044 64 ,,, , ,f Itikq',pt hgTri r- Azita9 igMv'.19,' :7,1, ng),IfTl. 1,,T4!040 ! og ,,40w,6.0 ' 'ivAgy w,16,;''' Eq8 ger. Eiltil A,-,: gd?.,Y4 ((;._ eltvg,3,5d 6,-41' gh &A:041P.r 050 rigge! !,'A).) l'4g),e' iiI4g1"-4 4'04, 6 1,140 .0.146" ,".i°71 11 el 0,1ggEll ;:f6P !VIM qi "AW;Im IFF:i MA --1 141.g1 r-;,'14ii5-1 IrcR Pg,0 g9T7'5.i.45 414'.?''i.',1 Arb togiJkkil ogg ',,,,':i.,,,,i11-12! ',.i.T,Pq 8ligi0.6N &.-1(I ig5 'g(0(100,(j(( pagl. q.4711k4 in tiCli:,11 gt(4, -4"4 ilqw ir'ArdUl ;'il3illiS,4!" 4? 141 10250-0 ';':ii111':° rAi4?74(1 '! "SL,.07J0i5 Ir'c'd PI ,n6,11 IAT,M X.Okr" 2P17 XIT',11q,§ 1 R4;11; 61"6,43k4 fik 82 qq1ka '1,16A,pit,,e, mr4 24' 111,1TIM.4g:44 yy ,Iii,, f,,i004.n t' .'1, il,"A-46. '.,,,i,'. ,Avr, mr"V;ter' F ki?"2 d'-tiPleeel.itl., 7g.t1 'TF-; ,06-"M OM,TN Tti TEt .v.1.02 (+la 8.5. ,p,d 801 30p0Mel limle 08.41 A' ;;;;1' im,15(443( '-w 4 4P8'48 0,P 1;411 (,;(480,401 r" 20 -144pki, '4,41z0, iMLIMM .g Ipm ,,,i'T PPq 6g$t6,1,' „ blY- !,'"8,,A474, „"t'l rY42 -pi5-41,0 5P1 P11P 18 9.(1,(L.M iiiplo pl ,4gA ,i444g T2 g6(1.((Mr A6!(1V,,1,61(x; Ar,'„ -,,c, 944?(W,RE4 (T„,t 30 , v. „11T;Av.; ,W1111,T,I 11101;,.., ,'''f2i hP 0j!,40re, '''')."4 ?,:.'.4cdok ,,)71 Y.P-041,1 'mi1,4tA fq, 1:41 $TJElg F, al,..§ii.,!,A. i;',0,.;4,7; il i 011N-44P; 'ffi,:i !k4!h ''''' 8NA1411 likg41 if,Ap;a:.,,i 'WA L'I Re.A; Atu;Ofi. ,J,.k A 1,,Aiit RMIA dfigh A fttMd 'iliet§. ki N N N N ,i, .., ii: qo ' : 1 I 1 ii-11 'tfililv801,61 2 Tg °, Tgg r.,,.?.-3z g ' F !. ;I; Yaglgre,Pfi" r, goq P A g 4.'0 90'e0mti''11.iT6 T 8T, ''' T' q21,' gRCR517,0,,-,1,'u +- 1 7,:dr2 g 4 ?1,,J! 14'' -,,, tli*,211.4A r- 3414,Zt811(31 Z 9AgOi(144(361 C) A ftli 'Oa T8 I m P :"g mscimIgAR02? -1 %.1- 1 pasplid ,,:m (r2 ,,f,, 0 461; iAT, 3,„ i glIS ,e.,EIN'iogP c) c) e ,D, hli I 1 i lilt 4V: n16,!,, EI II-8i !, -1i. greigogg z 4-4 m4PE .0'4°.,ei.4,0',A C E0 'i Igel 8 TR ri 3 ! 8((:661&1806 Pi 1 li ri 'ph 1 !Ell Ig0;40140 1 k , CI " fieJ49'.'0 lel r ',' 8 (e.144i(„;;384 ; F( i 8'J 1 ' '1( (11019524,01 PI!. ''1140(1di 2rT,' P EYX i fi 1 iFtrIA11574$ -, m,,,, , 1 it ee.t A043448A8,48 rgflIggr 1,1&711garAp C: A8 1%1 kh T'q gM T= d'06 dol.., 6m:m,,:,- no a L]P M2.0ae.,4 TP r 8.6138 e0g l .(;;;8!,p4 __I 2M 02?fi'gd a P l, f '' 7.,,PUT C ?,,,,,,OICZ 11,pl'r,,,,,! nig 91MEM > ''.5 I4 o 1 '' 11/, V" fl: 'rg 'i 741§91 g; Y TIP E;; hlg,r,i r- I TM Tr- g 140"Ac:1 pg P 7808 51 (((e."A0 (.4 e: 1'IR;','„,'",4 1 1,1 I; R 4tel. '"20 "°Elti --I 'tr:y4 1 re, tele"'0, , --,': K 111714 t' ig d! ! 011Ag' !, ' mm x8 «80 II li 14 s',,N,194,006 ' r!",; ief1.04 ,! 041g '-' 04:1 5;g Rre-.2i;y iz 4 'vrj eee i 5 ,,V,,,AIT oT sp,',...,,Tv E mlIMR, Pg> r,-'11rP C) 6 Fe? ° l (ceir WA .(6-6(13 m d(i 11 ,:' 8 511111,-m 'XI g " 'kW t •IltiM:, rn r111' T ,,,,,'elp4R",.;4. !fi i i=g- T 2,41";1, -q, MR f'14c 7 * eYe e', t4.7260U 1; T i 14.: r 4 z. Roz [ Li1.ie 21 41.7, e1,3 F 8;1:AYI[R6 '3(,) ; mF ; ilr; ,1; 0 A . z gr F.M 5*0,30 u&c.PT4-7 _m e, 4edetTeA P.1,11 ref ;(41 grTd sIF*Li i i 0' si ETAST ORIENT POINT t; '1 i 11) i 40200 MAIN ROAD ORIENT,NY 11957 ' PROJECT NOTES " , ...7 3(i9„( I (I( I‘ 111111111,, 4 ; ; ; „4, ilm 1,q .............. _ W 5 :4 � � "� A ; §M A 'r a R' 4 4 5 7 ;i ii ;;, " qa cr, 4,�v , a;If,? „.k al PI f R 5 2 9 0) 1o v A � m Err;177 71 — m it 01 1-1 z o' 4 A A 1J v, o r z a' " 1z pI� JI@ t'l rA EAST ORIENT POINT r. �( v4 ORIENT.NY 11957 i.... .. 9 A , SI Ir , ? 40200 MAIN ROAD It SPECIAL INSPECTIONS 1 � a ,� § III a 4S II oa n $s; „. 1,,,,T,;',",„1,,2 ...... ................ 199 . ,01}1i 0, '2222 cg 99 19,9 90'9 c cc 2„ cel';1,11;1121;' '2'31'9' 0 299' 9 * 922 '4 21 P1 ilrirm, 9 X, P1C'ri}1[Yi 0 z , . 04' 4 r N ,..., I Id j 2. ' 9• c 1 90 1 .... RC• 9 9 1 202• 9 9 ,4 / , „!' ',, / --1 6 0 , AA I A 0 a —i 0 C IA: 0 r'tt, m 9 91 91' •—• 0 29 cpc 0 2 P1 / , ok. 4 12229'942 IPA A AAt dil \, , 1411 4, A A Al I 61, rip o, 11).11 1. IA4 '‘,/ I , . Li i '1/ ' LI .........——„„„,,,,..—..„................_,„,....,....,—......_,...— — _ --------"•—• "------:----:—--",--7"7-",7,-, a- EAF,T(,),R)EN'T liD0119T , 11 •••YOA13, ORK,'N I,NY 11 „,/ ........................._ TOWER ELEVATION& MODIFICATION SCHEDULE 0 'N.0700;c tit 1 11),. .., I A 4 oat N800mOmo2 sz ons m z y z omg -; r18 =° NI t ti -r,,,; ,,.`", F S =-m N 2O ' ; m 2,1 _no mR s rel a= a I _ �'' m 24 e < �.. Dx m 1.) I, ,I 0 I Z ; 'r poi o£ g ¢m2 ' 7,, n=,, � f 5 aaaTC 1\\\ _^>m om:m „,„ , , R �a �,�� � f L,-.: a—, 4„ ..„. \, /N„, Et I ,:27P 0_1011 . „ ,.."-: :e' N Z2OT 7a N si a 14 cm2 0o im s ppD ' ll 4n2 O WT Py m o m , ;� p i , i - , K,k,?, 'AI e„,03 "jj „ 6;1:: Q''' Cf) 1 9riji99\9,s. 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