HomeMy WebLinkAboutMotherway, Nicholas 0," O . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE• X41 4 Gy i Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK o P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax Iji �����, Fax(631) 765 6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER . �Qliii �a0�1� Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER _ ��9 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL PERMIT OPERATION PERMIT SEPTIC TANK or CESSPOOL Operation Permit No. 4191-R Residential x Non-Residential Fee $ 10.00 New x Existing Name Of Owner MOTHERWAY, NICHOLAS Mailing Address 1 193 WILLIAMS WAY SOUTH Mailing Address 2 City St Zip BAITING HOLLOW NY 11933-0000 Property Address 1 940 LAUREL COURT Property Address 2 City St Zip LAUREL NY 11948-0000 Owner Telephone No. 631-793-9950 Tax Map No. section 125.00 block 4 lot 24.001 Cross Street ROUTE 25 r ' o A:Idea Issue Date: 2/12/03 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk (TOWN SEAL) IIIOI. OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK �` /97 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD `�S�FFUIK`D Application No. ` ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK $10.00 - Residential P.O.BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 ���! $25.00 - Non-Residential Telephone 0 * NO (516) 765-1801 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT APPLICATION for OPERATION PERMIT SEPTIC TANK or CESSPOOL Operation Permit No. Fee $ DATE Of-29— a3 OWNER NAME: /nOrikkk✓/ J the OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: /93 GvjL/��grn � 1 �‘„ L 097,77V 4L(/)/A_/ ,✓ J//93_3 OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS: 90 L4ig_c.c_ C v Y //95/, OWNER TELEPHONE NUMBER: ,j/- ?9f- 9'S',3-0 0 TAX MAP NO. : Section /2.5- Block 7 Lot 2y,, un CROSS STREET: AJlT 2.5 TYPE OF SYSTEM: Septic Tank New Existing Cesspool New )C Existing Residential____ Non-Residential _ LOCATION MAP: Must be attached hereto before permit may be issued. (Locate building and system; give north arrow and feet of distance, approximately, to building and closest road.) 41 - �r Signature of Applicant RECEIVED BY: • Town Clerk's Office DATE: FEB-03-03 11 :08 AM SHARP CONSTRUCTION CORP. 631 728 7962 P. 03 Suffolk County Department of Health Services Office of Water Management Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York 11901 631-852.2100 CERTIFICATION OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BY INSTALLER Health Depart Reference# #K10 - 01-0 2.5'67 Suffolk Tax Map# Dist: Sect(s) I ZS Blk q Lot 2`i,001 Project Name and Address: • l L 1 L/' £.L Li, 1- Subdivision Subdivision Name and Lot# y , L L i Applicant's Name: t CR: ,120 Description of system Installed: Septic Tank Volume (gallons) 10°0 Shape: Rectangular (cd'Cylindrical ( ) Name of Precast Manufacturer: d^ Leaching Pools Number of pools Diameter and Depth: W X II Name of Precast Manufacturer b 4r4tt Other: MEASUREMENTS: I r r J ) -'1;N\4 I hereby certify that the subsurface sewage disposal system, described herein, has been installed by me in accordance with the approved plans and standards of the Suffolk County Department of Health Serves, and is operational. Installer Signature: MINIM Date: Z �J /o3 MINIM Print Name/Compa y : SUFFOLK XCAVTING CORP. Phone: 631-878-4467 Consumer Affairs License Number : 14,081 EXP. 2003 LW 252 EXP. 2004 This certification shall not be used in lieu of inspections required by personnel of the department and may be duplicated on company letter bead,provided It contains above information.