HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/2016 James Garretson, Chairperson Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin, Vice Chair 54375 Route 25 Donald Feiler PO Box 1179 James Grathwohl Southold, NY 11971 Robert Harper Fax (631) 765-9502 Gary Parker Telephone: (631) 765-1802 Edward Webb www.southoldtownny.gov Damon Rallis, Administrative Assistant Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Minutes 3:00 p.m., April 19, 2016 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Attendees: Anne Surchin, Robert Harper, Edward Webb, Gary Parker, James Garretson, Donald Feiler, James Grathwohl, Damon Rallis  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:02 p.m. by Chairman Garretson.  Approval of Minutes: The minutes of March 15, 2016 were approved unanimously on a motion by Commissioner Webb and a second by Commissioner Parker. Chairman’s Comments  Chairman Garretson announced that he would like to hold a special meeting to discuss the possibility of Southold Town becoming a Certified Local Government (CLG). He explained that new requirements give more power to the municipality and the town board, which could make it more appealing to the current administration.  Chairman Garretson also announced that Southold Town Councilman James Dinizio would be joining the meeting later in the day to discuss the definition of “façade”. He also expressed the need to continue the discussion of having all applications related to a Landmarked property brought to the commission for review. He explained that both issues were important for the commission to stay on top of. Appointments  Springsteel, 1620 Koke Drive, Southold (Pre-Submission Conference)(SCTM# 1000- 87.-5-19.3). Proposed additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling on a landmarked property. Two representatives from Fairweather-Brown Architects were on hand to discuss o the project, which is a planned addition of a screened porch on an historic structure. Commissioners agreed that the vertical siding was out of place and suggested that o that the architect consider a siding material that better matches the existing structure. They also suggested that the roof pitch should be steeper, in keeping with the o existing structure. A gable roof was suggested as possible solution as opposed to the shed roof proposed. Commissioners also suggested some sort of lattice work around the base of the o new structure, which is being constructed on pilings, which is not typical of a historic home. The applicant’s representatives agreed to bring the HPC’s comments back to the o architect ahead of a planned May public hearing.  Campbell, 400 King Street, Orient (Pre-Submission Conference) (SCTM# 1000-26.-2- 14). Proposed additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling on a landmarked property. Kevin Perry, architect, gave a power-point presentation and presented the HPC o with plans and models for proposed additions and alterations to this landmarked structure. Commissioners agreed to schedule a May public hearing for the project , ahead of o the project’s ZBA public hearing.  Kane, 335 Village Lane, Orient (Pre-Submission Conference)(SCTM# 1000-25.-2- 4.13) Proposed additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling on a landmarked property. Mark Schwartz, architect, discussed the project which consisted of amending an o existing building permit, issued for interior alterations, to include window replacements and a door replacement on the façade of the building. The door was already replaced, he explained, without HPC approval with a door that matched the existing. Mark Schwartz said that the owner would be replacing the windows in-kind, o using Anderson “A” series windows with the same divided light. Commissioners questioned whether or not the roof line above the side entry door o had changed when the door was replaced. Mr. Schwartz said he was unsure and would check. Commissioners passed a resolution unanimously to issue an administrative permit o for the window replacements only, on a motion by Commissioner Grathwohl, and a second by Commissioner Webb. The HPC agreed to amend the permit to include the door if the roof line was not changed. If the roofline was in fact changed, it would be applied for to the HPC under a separate application, as that would require a public hearing.  Town Councilman James Dinizio (Conference). Continued discussion on the definition of “façade” as it relates to the town’s Historic Preservation Law. Councilman Dinizio urged commissioners to clear up the matter of the issue by o letting the town board know how they would like a façade (as it relates to the HPC’s jurisdiction) to be defined. Commissioner Webb said that he believed the code was already clear. o Councilman Dinizio suggested that the HPC create a diagram that would express o the “line of sight” that should be used by the building department when determining the commission’s jurisdiction and present that to the town board. Commissioners agreed to work on the issue and present something to the town o board in the near future.  Peconic Land Trust (Presentation). RE: Historic Easements. Representatives from the Peconic Land Trust (PLT) gave the commission a o presentation on historic easements and historic preservation projects that the Land Trust is involved in. Commissioners and PLT representatives discussed the use of Community o Preservation Fund (CPF) monies for historic preservation. PLT representatives confirmed that although the Town of Southold does not use CPF funds for historic preservation the CPF law does allow for historic preservation expenditures. PLT representatives explained that much of their work involves educating o property owners about the historic easement program. Commissioner Grathwohl said it would be great to have the PLT in the HPC’s o corner. Chairman Garretson said that the HPC has renewed its commitment to educate the o public about historic preservation and the PLT could play an important role. All partied agreed to work together in the future on education and other projects. o Old Business  PowerPoint Presentation Commissioners Harper and Webb announced that they had completed two HPC o PowerPoint presentations to be used as educational tools. One version is “basic and user-friendly” aimed at educating the general public while the other, they said, is more detailed and aimed at builders, real estate agents, and other industry professionals. Administrative Assistant Damon Rallis agreed to keep the presentation discs on o file in the building department with a sign-out sheet. They would be loaned out as needed. New Business  Review/Update HPC Brochures & Landmarking Application Commissioner Webb brought up the need to update the town’s existing brochures o describing the town’s historic preservation law and application process, as well as the form used by anyone wishing to landmark their property/structure. Commissioner Webb said that he had investigated printing costs and they were o reasonable. Administrative Assistant Damon Rallis reminded the commissioners that there o was a bidding process and procurement policy that needed to be followed for nay expenditures and that he would handle that portion of the project. Commissioner Surchin agreed to make changes/edits to the brochures and present o them at the May meeting. Commissioner Webb agreed to review and make changes to the Landmarking o application.  Update to 2016 Goals Sheet Commissioner Grathwohl suggested additional “goals” to the finalized goal sheet o for 2016. Commissioner Webb suggested that after further discussion, Commissioner o Grathwohl’s goals could be presented as an addendum. Meeting Adjourned  The meeting was adjourned unanimously on a motion by Chairman Garretson and a second by Commissioner Webb.