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'" ,„ 04/14/16 Anthony& Karen DeLorenzo 470 Haywaters Drive Cutchogue, NY 11935 '1{l's r ♦t To Southold Trustees: " ', We would like to trim,the.shrubs and trees located at the.ba`ck of our property approximately 12-18 inches lower.We have'enclosed photos of the greenery and give permission for someone to go to the property to review our request:, ' Thank you, . Karen DeLorenzo (917)848-3003 --0)) C II V 0 I 'L APR 202016 I , 5/7//G i i Southold Town V\i'L CIA; C._Gl1 RA V afer, De.torRdz 0 Board of Tru4tee5 1x FL PI ft/4.ft/4. 4,0 t5 pro I 1ec I'eol .Sp ec,-c. 6.000.4 e:,+- femoie of +I Wef-laJ wd;c'*c,(s. 1: beLorerizz i. I ) 2-PC�Trze-1 "-" �-oiJ y /l2� ; ti " y i .