HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 �_ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ' �� 6 NYCRR Part 360-5 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FAClLITY INSPECTION REPORT �kth voa� For Use at Yard Waste Composting Facilities FACILITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NO. DAT TIME Town of Southold Composting Facility County Road 48,Cutchogue NY 52Y29 � U.�v ��l v� ,. , INSPECTOR'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AMD TITLES Igor Sikiric M J I t� �UNGNI�GK REGION SHEET OF CONTINUATION EET ATTACHED WEATHER CONDITIONS UNDER ORDER 01 � � ❑Yes �No ��,�� L��r ❑Yes ❑No Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicabie Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71. Additional and/or Muitiple Violations May be Described on the Attached Continuation Shest. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY�GEMENT ��❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted registered�,exempt�,or under order�,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational condi4ons of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360.'1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) . �❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operatlonal records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) � ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surFace waters and/or ground waters.360-1.�4(b);360-5.7(b)(3} .�p ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facflity fs strictly and continuously controlled by fenang,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) � ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14(j) �I ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlied to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) � ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(19) COMPOSTING CRITERIA � ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) � ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) �' ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and tuming frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a campost product in fhe � desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) � ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are inaintained.360-5.7(b)(7) �❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Departrnent 36Q-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING �❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I I hereby acknowledge receipt of this Inspection Report. f, � � �,�n�- �Ur��Ni,r Gt ` .� � S---�,� Individual in Responsible Charge[Please print) `� Signature � Date % �, I ' � EC ector's Signature � i �_ ~ NEW Yb{�K STAT�l7�PAR7'M�Nl'OF�NVff20NM�NTAL CONS�RVATION � bIV1SION OF SOLID AND HAZARbOUS MAT�RIALS ' �� 6 NYCRR Part 360-5 � SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILiTY INSPECTION REPORT m voa For Use at Yard Waste Compostfng Faci(ities FACILI7Y NAME LOCATION FACILIT(NO. bA E , 71M� � Town of Southold Composting Facility County Road 48,Cutchogue NY 52Y29 �0 � v� - �v.� , INSPECTOR'S NAME COD� PERSONS INT�RVI�WEb AND Tt7LES Igor Sikiric M ,-� J��� �1!G�{l�i.� V11 G��� , R�GION SHEET OF CONTINUAI'ION S EET ATl'ACWEn WEAI'H�f2 CONDITIONS UNbER ORDER � 01 l ' ❑Yes f�lo �.�.�� ✓�o' �Yes ❑No Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sanct3ons S�t�orth in ECL Article 71. � Additional gnd/or Multiple Viola�nns M�y be Described on the Atte�h�d Continuatlnn Sheet. Items marked NI indicatg no inspection and do not mean no violatioh has�ccurred. � �C I V GENERAL FACILITY MAN GEMENT � � ❑ 1.Facility is permttted ,registered O,exempt O,or under order�,and solid w�ste management ocaurs wfthin epproved area.380-1 �, �Cl ❑ 2.Facility operates(n accordance with perdnent operaUonal cond(tlons of permft,exemption,registrallon, end/or order.360-1.4(a)(2}, � 36Q-1.7(a) , �0 � 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the faciliry.360-1. i � ❑ ❑ 4.Operator malntatns and operates faciitNes and equipment in aCcordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1, f�d ❑ b.OperaUonal records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) �❑ � 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surFace waters and/or ground w�ters.360-1.14(b);360-5.�(b)(3) I' �❑ 0 7.Access to the fac(lity is strictly and conUnuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) � �� ❑ 8.Sol(d waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently cnnfined or cantrolled.360-1.14(J) � �� ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlied to prevent excursfons above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) � ❑ � 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlted and do not cons�tute an off-site nuisance.380-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) � COMPOSTING CRITERL4 � ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suii�ble base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) � � ❑ � 12.Pond)ng(s minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) � ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow cnnstruction and tuming ftequency are suffi�ient to maintain aerobic cnnditlbns�nd produce a compbst prbduct in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) � d ❑ 14.l2equired separatlon distances are fnaintained.360-5.7(b)(7) � ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for ionger then 24 months,unless approved by the bepartm�nt.360-5.7{b)(13) MONITORING � �I Cl 16.Yard waste is analyzed far the param�ter�ouUin�d in'�able 91 nf Section 360-5.10. ��U-5J(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge r�ceipt of this Inspection Report. �r� �n�5 �u,�r��ucr,� ���-- ��--�-� � �o Individual in Responsible Charge{Please pr�ntj Signature Date i � D Inspector's Signature ` _.. _ ., , Ci � - + 47-15-1E(1/98)—q ' DISTRIBUTION ROUTIN�a 'L _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WHITE COPY—Regional Office , -�� - DIVISIOM OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS� , , YELLOW COPY—Central Office �� . � - PINK COPY—Facility - 6 NYCRR Subpart 36ti�1 1 - GREEN COPY—Inspector _ � . .� ' . � SOLID 11VASTE IVIANAGEMENT FACll.11'Y-INSP�CTION REPORT � . (For UsE at Transfer Stations) � FACILITY NAME : • . - LOCATION � FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME ��U�d-il)1 � } � ' ' ��Jfi.i�7�/rV�'/ J � � tc�F\ t/ � � 1.� lf lJ ( ..J � .INSPECTOR'S NAME- -� CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES _ - ` - - _, '�► -G v(? �/�',J2� c_ �''1 J t�M �S�,�Jc. I��� �" � - - .f,���1�'.t.t�i��;2 -REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS _ DEC PERMIT NUMBER ' - - - , t� � GL�✓�'z 4,�`'P - � - . SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- _ - . " , _ t OF 9 ❑ Yes D�o _ � Attached . Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71;and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and� - - � � .Clean Air Acts.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached Continuation Sheet. � . - � , - . Thia 4orm la a record ot conditlo�a which ere observed in,the fleld et the tlme of Inapectlon. � , - � . - - � _ � ftems maeked NI indlcate no Inapectlon and do not mean no vlolatlon hes occurred. � - . �❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ ORDFR ON CONSENT �t�EGISTERED O EXEMPT -O COMPLAINT . � C ,N9 V -FACILITY MANAGEMENT - : _ • ., , - _ . ' O'' ❑ ❑ 1. Sohd was?e-management facihty is authorized and management occurs within approved area.360=1.7(a)(1),(b);360-1.8(h)(5). - --� ' - . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,anr�solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and .. . � approved for management at the facdity: : � � -• � _ , �- rQ�O ❑ a. Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1): --- � � _ � �q�❑ ❑ b. Department Approved Facihty.for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-11.4(a),(m). � � - � O ❑ ❑ - c. Signs.360-11.4(c)*. _ - - _ _ - - _ _ t - 3. Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: � , -� ❑ ' ❑ a.,Maintenance of Facility Components/Sde Grading.360-1.14(�(1)*. - - - - ' . _ - - ' ❑ - ❑ � b. Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(�(2)*. .._ - _ , . ��'"❑ ❑ c. Drainage.360-1.14(�*. _ � � - _ - 4. Operational records are availabie where required: � ��i J L� j �! � � �',y�,���y`�,�t `,'' - - � �-I�5� f:', ❑ iEl' ❑' _a. Unauthorized Solid Waste'Records.360-1.14(i)(1). - • - - , • ❑ -�-- ❑ b. Self Inspection Hecords.360-1.14(i)(2). �`��{)��; � 1}� y jl .���f��=��,��� �-", „LJ�. �; !r ❑ Q•- O c. PermitApplicationRecords.360-1.14(i)(3). - - � � - _ - - - , ❑ • t�� ❑ d: MonitoringRecords.360-1.14(i)(4). �1�"['�� } ( y,.� ,�i�1j 1�,�ii' F ,j 1,,,� �'�;tip� ,,�il;�t�,�V - ❑ �' ❑ � e. Facdity Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1)*. - - 7 _� ._ --` - � -- � �' }" ���_- ❑ � ❑ f. Daiiy Log of Solid Waste.360-19.4(i)*: �'' ��`( 'r': 'r , #fv�Y I U �'i,� ��%'� U -��!/}! ,2�� f,LrL `v' . OPERATION CONTROL �(�,� ''��C,+�I..iSr��:� `�� .f' �i��_��s ``=�C 7�i ` .. ' ° ��❑ ❑ 5. Sohd waste,'including blowing litter,is sufficiently conhned�or controlled.360-1.14(j);360-11.4(e).� � .. - _. ` ���❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-Site nuisance.360-1.14(k). • - � � ' - . -�O�,❑ ❑ _ 7. On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breetling areas are prevented.360-1.14(I);360-11.4(e). �_ • � •�O' ❑ ❑ . ' 8. Odors are effectively controiled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11 A(e). ._ , , , � WATER` , _- - - - ' - - . - �L7'�❑ ❑ 9. Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1�.14(b}(1). - . ' _ - : �•� ❑ ❑ 10.,Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360=1.14(b)(2). , , � � ACCESS ' . - �❑'" ❑ 11. Access to the facility is strictly and continuousiy controiled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d)*. � O= -❑ O 12.�On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n)*. � ._ - � - - � , . �,a :YIldSTE N/lPdDLIP1G , - . - , a . � . = _ . �� ❑ ❑ 13. Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is avaitable.360-11.4(g)*. = - � _ �- � . -❑� ❑ 14. Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or within seven days of receipt.360-11.4(I). • _ � . . � ,O" ❑ - ❑ ' � 15. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related actiwties are in an enclosed or covered area(for transfer stations recei"ving more .� �than 50,000 cublc yards or 12,500 tons of solid waste annually).360-11.4(n)(1)*. ` ' � � � - u ,` ��' ❑ ❑ 16. Incommg waste is weighed or measured before unloading(for transfer stations receiving more ihan 50,000 cublc yards or.12,500 tons_of sol'id � waste annually).360-11.4(n)(2)'. _ _ , , , _ , . --�17. Station is cieaned or washed down each day to preyent odors or other.nuisance conditions(for transfer,stations receivirig more'than 50,000 ` . , ,cublc yards or 12,500 tons of sol�d waste annually).360-11.4(n)(3)*. _' � , • . . � OTFIER - � - , " - � � On Continuation Sheet identify any other violations. --_ - - :_ . . - . � ,_ "- - * Does not apply to a registereJ transfer station: . ° � -. , _ _, �� � � .� � - `' ' � - " � � � I hereby acknowledge receipt of the" , tt ` ,� " , - ' �` ; Faciliry Copy of this Inspection Report sheet. � � f i1;' . -_ _ �I Ar�.t� a��,,nt�: Nl_ir GG - .�� '� f' � � - f Individual in Responsible Charge(Please print) tA� �,,., -C: _^� � �t . - . _ , � , ���~� � t " �`�_:/�./`_:"'^�� 1f L.��-"C'".C_._..c.^.� '�• � . ctor's Signature � ' ` -` ' Si"nature " �"` -- - , � - _ . �-..-` '� - - 9 ' - . _ ' - - F - � - _ - ^ '- - ��• . � , . . . � -f�A�B L U`�(��f��( - �t . _ -,. , .p. _ .v , ... . , � ' . ' " - -- • -' � ' - ' -- r � " ' � NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF SOLIp AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS � 6 NYCRR Part 360-5 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT [Ecfn uoa� [For Use at Yard Waste Com ostin Facilities FACILITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NO. DATE TIME Town of Southold Composting Facility County Road 48,Cutchogue NY 52Y29 ���S f �v INSPECTOR'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Igor Sikiric �y REGION SHEET OF CONTINUATION HEEr ATTACHED WEATHER CONDITIONS UNDER ORDER 01 � � ❑Yes �No �[,��� ss-�i� ❑Yes ❑No Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71. Additional and/or Multiple Violations May be Described on the Attached Continuation Sheet. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no viotation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACIUTY MANAGEMENT � ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted�registered�,exempt❑,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 � ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7{a) � ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste fs monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facllity.360-1. � ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilides and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. .� ❑ ❑ 5.Operatlonal records are available where required.360.�.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) �❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented fram entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) � ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is stricUy and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitabte means.360-�.14(d) •� ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is suffictently confined or controlled.360-1.14{j) � ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlted to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) � ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controiled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA (�❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is lopted on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) � ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) � ❑ ❑ 13.Wfndrow construction and tuming frequency are suffiaent to maintafn aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �'❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are fiaintained.360.5.7(b)(7) ,�• ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING �❑ ❑ '16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Sectlon 360-5.10. 360-5.7{c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of this Inspection Report. � �� � e� � � � � Individual in Res'�nsible Charge[�le se printj Signature �`? Da e r �+,• i i D C Inspector's,Signature DISTRIBUTION ROUTING -- 47-15-1 (1l98)-q _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WHITE COPY-Regional Office . _ DIVISION OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS YELLOW COPY-Central Office ' � PINK COPY-Facility SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT F14CILITY INSPEC•TION REPORT GREEN COPY-Inspector -,,,Qor � �u� ,i • �;� FACILITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME ����v�► .�����L� �� L,ul Gf-}�fnJ� s a � � � o � a 5 �� � � �� INSPECTOR'S NAME � CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES �G-r�2 S,�r�,�?rc �1 REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER �� �-r,.��i- 5'S�r - l SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- �OF ( ❑ Yes �No Attached Violations of Part 360 are Sub�ect to Applicable Civd,Administrative and Crimmal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71, and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts. -- Additional V�olations May Be Noted on Sheet One of this Inspection Report. Provide site sketches,clarification,supplemental information,locations of photographs ar samples and/or locations of violations. (Uncorrected violations must be described in detail and located on a sketch). 5 I_ ' }-�__ ' _ — _ _ _� __ — _ •'t, � r _ `i..l �"� S 7 �}v J�,�i � i"' S r�5 � - - - -- `.` � - --�- - - - -fi-- -, -- - - -fi- -- - - - - � � P L --f_ 'r�t' ��''`) ' t .. �,N J; Mri�Y � �� '�'�'�— -- ' e- --tT- --�-- '-- - - -- - - -r-- �-- -- - - � - �---,- � ---r- -� -�- - - - �- � -- - - -� �-�--, - -- - - - - . �j�� v -c :��.>i � , �y�� i i � � �� r+' .c, �J�iA�� �P -� � a--t— —t t-1-- —�—T� --�---�-� - 1 � , -�—t �—�- , ' � � �'�}S �I I ;�` N'7�5 h'� ' - - �- Y �- �-- ---�- ---��-;-� �=-� �---�-_ --� - - - -�-` -a----�--E - - �-- ---�_�- --I , � � ' ' '- �- � ��- - -�-�, -�- -�_�l� -l-� _J--- -,�t - --, � -t -�- 1 � -�;- 1- -�-�- -�- _ � � i�-� � � �; � � rT�ll,v- £tl d�l�L-i � �� �:!J fi}���P�rF,](�� � _Q.J �� �.U•-- - -- -��-- � ; � + -��-- -;- �� -� � ---� -f- �--�- 1- -� - - f 1 C- � � � - � � � i � ' ' � ' , 4 -�- - � --�- �--L-- --- �--�--.-}__ �-_1 -�-- - � --� -i--I- -- -1- -�--� I---�---�- --� -i -I- �- �1�-�-}- -�- � �--- , - � - � i � I � I I � � � � i � , --- ' i -- - - �--- - - -�-�-�- --�� r�;- �- ,--+- , ---� -- --1I- ;-- � �---;- -� - -�---�I--�I - �- � +- � � � I , ; ; +--;- �--- --�-�--�---� �-� --1---�-- ---�---f-i--� +----�---I-- `- -�-�-- -',- -�--�I -� -- �--I- +-�-- -- � -�- 1-� i � ; � � � � 1- � - - - --1 ' �- ' - ` � ' ' ' A --;- �--�— -�--� � +- +-- - �-- —+ --� --�---- � �t � � -1�- � � �- �r- `l -� -+I --t i I i ! � i � t I � � i � I r , � , , � , � , , � : ; ; � � I , ; ' �-- � ,� � � � , f � -� :- � -} -��-7- -+- �-�---� - -, - -,--r- -� ---�--- - -- - - ,-- --- - �- f � � , . � � , , � � , � , , - � , �- , � ' � � 1J_ �- 1. _ k + ,-- � -� -+-i-- --- - --�- --I--�- F I ' � �' _I_ 1 � I ,.�, i ' �_i "T_ i �- _�'-�1_' � {- � - ,--� -L ---�--� � � �- �- - �- --�--+-� -1-- --�--�-J- � --��-�- � �--+-! - !- ' + -� -�--�--�- � � ' ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' I - ' I � ' - -L- - - ` --' - ' --�'�- '- - � ' - - - � � , , , � I I ; `-- ----�- i---�-'--f-- `i—-}-- ---�-- —�-- -�-1--i--- -�- -i--I i i +'—t � —t--� i `�-- I i I ' i t �I ' ' I I � � 1 I � '� � f � I � I � '�- 1 -t -t-- --I- -;-- �--i --a----t-j-�- ;-�-1--�-- �--1- f-- —�---t- --�- �---�- f {-'--�- - � _L_ �_ I ` ---r-- � ; - � - -+- t--i- - -�-1-�i --i- --T- - i-- -f-- -;--- ----�--I I--�- --,-�--1--{- -�.___I__-+ -- � - '- � 1_ � i -4----- �-- -� -�--+- -�-�-rt--+ -'--�- � �-�-�- -rt�-�--�-- --�--+--� -� -�--� -�---�-- =--�-- -�-�- -}---�- I � , , � ' I ! i I i i � , , , , , � i -r --t -f - t t--�- T- �--i{-+ -'t --�-r -�- - -f- - -i--�- - - -- --I- - -1--�-- i- �-- - -- y--j + � � { , r � � � � � I T i �� � � I � � � I � � I f ; i , � i ; 1 i , i , ; � i � � I � ; i � i , � � � � ' i �- .- � - � _���. i � - -+--i-r- -fi --}- +-�- fi--i--� -a---� -t--r -{-�--�- '-- -}---#-�-�-- i ---� - i -�-- I , -{---1--+--- +-- --T----�� - �- -=--y- -- -�- � �--r--- - ---� -r-- ' + � �'� � � 1- �- I I --�- �-� -�- -}-- �-- � -,-� �- - 1--�--+- i_` ' I - ' -i _1_._� _�i _� � i ` i � ; -� -t-- -, --1 1 i � , ; ---�- � r-7-- , ; � ,- i , -fi--, I--1 +- -- -- � � - - 1I-- --� --�----�- ' - -- ' - ' — -+- �---' �- -- -- - -- - 1-- -�- � � {--a- � i � �l.-'__'___�.-i-1_ � _� � F- ; t��?--- --I-- i 1 � — 4 -- I � �--�_�i � _�.�.�_� � ' 1 i i , C � I hereby acknowledge receipt of the �' Facildy Copy of this Inspection Report sheet. �� ��� �� ��� � Itij ��� � Individuai in Responsible Chaige(Please print) / -. 1�! r .� � 1 �2.c,t.� �'�t�t•�(,f,•�� Cl /X r'l1!4' " ,J Irispet�Eor's Signature Signature� ' � s Date . .. . . � . � . - .- -- - o . '. . - `. , . ;_ • - • F�CO���C���' - . ,", . _ � :, _ . � - � ', . < < • '. : , . � , , , . - _ �-_ - . . -� ,• , 47-15-1 E(1l98)—� , ' , DISTRIBUTION ROUTING ' — NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMEfVT OF EfVVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - WHITE COPY—Regional Office - �r � DIVISION OF SOLID&H/�ZARDOUS MATERIALS_ - YELLOW COPY—Central Offic� � ' - - � � PINK COPY—Facihty - . s ����� a�ll��a� �S�'1� . � , - GREEN COPY—Inspector . � SOLID VIIASYE ��Na��E�E�dT ��Ci�l'� I�SPE�TSON R�PORT . - - - - � , - (For lise at Transfier Stations) �. FACILITY NAME , ' , LOCATION � . FACILITY-PlUfVIBER DATE TIME .�� _����� ) ti ��r�' C� - s . €�;��I ��_ .5 �i 91� a 5 6 / f�f � � INSPECTOR'S NAME � . - � - CODE PERS0�1S INTERVIEWED AND'TITLES = ' - - ��- SJ�i f�r�, � ' � REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS _ � � . DEC PERMIT NUMBER - _ " � � - �� � �1�.'�u� , J���" - ' _ ' ! — SHEET CONTINUATION,SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360-. _ , � - � � � OF� ❑ Yes D�IVo � -- Attached - , Violations of Part 360 are Subjecfto Applicable Civil,Administrative and Cnminal Sanctions Set Fofth in ECL Article 71,and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and - . Clean Air Acts.Additional and%or Multiple Violations iViay Be Oescnbed on tFie Attached Continuation Sheet. � = � , _ , Thia forPn 9s a record"04 conditl�n��ri►Ich eee obaeevad In 4he 8eld at the tlme o4lnapectlon. � . . . - .` � I¢ems enaeked td8 Indlcate rao Inepactlon end do no4 maan no vlolatlon has occurred. - - � - ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ ORDER ON COfVSENT ��/REGISTERED ❑ EXEMPT -� , ❑ COMPLAIfiIT "- C� NI -V PACILIN MANAGPBAENT , - ; � � � - . , - - - - ��� ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste�management facility is authori�ed and management occurs within approved�area:360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-1.8(h)(5). . � .. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and.solid waste materiais accepted are those authorized and " approved for management at the facdity: ' - - �R�� ❑ ❑ - a. Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). . � -' �': : = - � -- . - ' • - u ❑ �❑ b:Department Approved Facihty for Specific Wastes:380-1.14(r);360-11 A(a),(m). - , -. - _ , t�' ❑ ❑ c. Signs.360-11.4(c)". _ - - ' = � - - - � ,� - 3. Operator maintains and operates facdity componenis and equipme�t m accordance with the permit and-their intended use:- . O ❑ ❑ � � a.Maintenance of Facddy Components/Site;Grading.-360-1:14(�(1)*. � ' -- - - . -: • ~ . - � � � d�� ❑ ❑ - b. Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(�(2)*.- � - /f �fl ,� , .. •- - . �] ❑ � . c. Drainage.360-1.14(�*. . �'�,� ��`l�.iJ�t�'� �(T�v_�i�(/�5 ►`h1 f� = .��'fJ r- � 4. Operational records are available where required:-' . _ ❑ nLl; ❑ a. Unauthoriaed Solid Waste Records.360=1.14(i)(1).�' , � ��ti�J�7�,� ������i 5 _�'�• �-Z.+� , ❑ Q' ❑� :b. Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2):- � � ` • . . . , ' ❑' �- ❑ - - c. PermitApplication Records.360-1.14(i)(3) " � ._ 1'rjJ'��t� �1,�'' � �1 ^� 'y,/L+�v(j,r�-�� ❑ QC� ❑ d. Monitoring Records.360-1,14(i)(4)._, � ' - - . ' ❑ �' ❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1)*. � �, j���5 ��'tti/t•a j��-' ��r�� J�}}�.� _��,S • - ❑ �l; ❑ f.�Dady Log of Solid Waste.360-11.4(i)°._ _ _ - _ _ - �: � - ,�/ OPERATIONCONTR06. �- _ . - ' - t S ''����Jlr- '�1 L"T'", � . ' _ , - .-l� ❑� ❑ 5. Solid waste,including blowing�litter,is sufficiently confined�or controlled.360 1.14(j);360-11,4(e). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively conVolled,and does not:constitute an off-Site nuisance.360-1.14(k). , . - . , q- ❑�,_ ❑ - _ 7, On-site vector,p�pulations are prevented or_controiled,_and vector breedmg areas are prevented.360-1.14(I);360-11.4(e). � - -- : P--O_ � _ ,8. Odors-are effecUvely controlled so that they do not constitute�a nuisance.360-1:14(m);360-11.4(e). . - : - - MIATER - . � -- � , - . - � , , . - .. - .�� O � �_9: Solid waste is�prevented from entering,surface waters and/or groundwaters:360-1.14(b)(1). �- • - " , , f7� � ❑ ' 10. Leachate is minimized 4hrough drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2):- � � � , - ACCESS - - ' -- . . - " � tL7 ❑ ❑ 11. Acce§s to the facility i�strictly and continuously contro!{ed by fencing,-gates,signs,natural barners or other sudable means.360-1.14(d)*. � - ,O ❑ ❑ 12. On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n)*. � - - — - . - ' - �, WASTE HANDIING . � ' ' ' � - �- _ t�`-❑ ❑� -13.�Adequate storage of�incoming solid wa'ste is�aJadable.360-11 4(g�*. - - " - . - - � . � _ �n n- • ❑ . 14. Putrescible solid waste is removed-when transfer conta3ners are full,or within seven days of receipt.360-11.4(I).- � , ' - � . _ , ❑ �- � ❑ _ 15:Processing,tippmg,;sorting;s4orage;compaction;and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area(for transfer stations receiving more . . than 50,000 cublc yards or 12,500 tons of sol�d,waste annually).360-11.4(n)(1)*. - _ , �;�� ❑ 16. Incomi�g waste is weighed or measure8 before unloading(for transfer stations receiving more than 50,000 cubic yards or 12,500 tons of solicl�- wasteannually'j.360-11.4(n)(2)*. , � _ : _ , � - -_ - � - _ • � . 17. Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions(for transfer stations receiving more than 50,OG0 - , � ' cublc yards or 12,500 tons of solid�waste annually):360-11.4(n)(3)*. . „ , . . � , - . _ • - OTHER - . ' • � . . , " - - - On Continuation Sheet identify any other violation5. . , , � . - , � - , - - • * Does not apply to a registered transfer staUon: � � . • _ . , � . - . � • - 1 .-- - _ - . � - �, , _.- . - _ �- - _ � I hereby acknowledge�receipt of the - - - -; � - - � : - "� - -Facility Copy of this Insp?ction Report sheet. - ' � •� r - . � " �_� - ._ . 1 �L'�i��' !�.`..G V?�!��!-P�� , - � � lndividuai in ReSponsible Charge(Please print) � } %{� �_ � � , � � ---- i , r__ -- ; . - . i!/�'i .�.L�_ �i-'�.��.,��/'��1, ��1 1 � � � �4 r�C� - �- ,! " I"spector's Signature _ .-:: _ - SignatGre ` �� � J '' Date f '. . , _ - _ -_ °_a_ � - -- - - - -.: aa. , _-` ... �' . � _�-'�" �. -- , , '� ,` f�A��f�O�f�l��6'lr ;. - - ,' ' , , . . . - . . - - : • _ ' _-_ . ` _ - - - . - - � - " - .- _ _ - - - -�- �- - - -� - - � _ �. , - ' � _ :+ _ - _ , ' . / - 47-15-1E(1/98)—q � , _ , _ • , . ' DISTRIBUTIOy ROUTIPIG ' _ NEW YORK STAT�DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEMTAL CONSERVATION _ . WHITE COPY—Regional Off;ce DIVISION OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS � YELLOW COPY—Central Offics v � � , - - - �� ' - PINK COPY—Facility - - "S ���i�� �����r� .�s�'�1 �. - , , - GREEN CORY—Inspector , SOLID WASYE MAN��E�i1��T ��CILI`� 9N�P��T901V R�PORT . . `. - (For Use at Transier Stations) , � - � FACILITY NAME - LOCATION , " FACILITY MUMBER �DATE - TIME . g�sf„t✓.S {-S G�c� ; ?��> - S � .=1 ��Z� �' � 5 r� �- - �� .� � INSPECTOR'S NAME � _ CODE � PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND_TITLES :' �" ' - -- - . - , , ylY"V� < S,L�� �� � _ - t' ''1 ��� r�U�+-��,j���v � - _ - ,- _ REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS _ DEC PERMIT NUMBER - ' - . �1 4'- �( �) �r�Jjf - ' � / - ' - SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET-ATTACHED PART(S)360- ', „ ' - . _ � ' ° =, , � OF � ❑ Yes �+df o - � � Attached Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Apphcable Civii,Administrative and Cnmmal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL•Article 71,and as Appropriate,dhe CleamWater and �_ - Clean Air Acts.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached Continuat�on Sheet. � - � - _ " 'Phis torrr�Is a raco�d of cond6Uors�which are obgerved In 9he 41�Id a4�e Ume of InapecUon. _ . �� , - . _ . . Rems ewarked Fdl Indicca't�no lesapmctlore�nd do no�tmeen no vlola4lon h�s occurred. := � - : -_. -- - ❑�PART360 PERMIT ❑ ORDER ON CONSGNT � EA GISTERED ,❑ EXEMPT� '0�COMPLAINT_ ,-� , , � � C/NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT - • �- ` - .-� � � _ - - _ � � �� ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facdity is authori�ed and management occurs wdhin approved area:360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-1:8(h)(5).�':_ • " _� � - 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a controt program for unauthonzed waste,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorizer.i and • approved for management at the facility; . � � , � • . - . � �� ❑ ❑ a. Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). _ - - - -- _ .� - � � _ - - � ' - ~Q' ❑- ❑ b. Department Approved Facility for Specrfic Wastes.360-1.14(r);.36U-11.4(a),(m). _ _. • . ' � .- - , C�❑ ❑ c. Signs.360-11.4(c)". ' � - _ � ' _ ..� : � _ ' . " - � �- 3. Operator maintains and operates faciliry components and equipment in acwrdance with the permit and their_intended use: • � - ��]'�❑ ❑ a. Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(�(1)°. ' � � - '. � .- - _ . , - ,O�❑ ❑ b. Adequate Equipment.360-7.14(�(2)*. �. " ' 1 _ -- - _ _ - , � - lQ� O ❑ - c. Drainage.360-1.14(�*. . . �' �5 _ ��r�V�,�+i-� f�y'r/C; a� - L r�iril..--'�, ' - - _ . � - 4. Operatwnal records are avadable where required: � - (�f1 � `� `- " � ' ' _ �- � -. ❑ O� ❑ a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). _ . t'�L_ � ���� �G'�N�!- ��=� -�'('�Q ❑ �]'' ❑ b. Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2),�� � � � =, ` � . � ' __. � ' ❑ �[7� ❑ c. Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). �• :��-'`� .���5 5 f�lL,�-�-�� ,'�� "Gj �`� f' 't - ❑ C�r ❑ d. Monitonng�Records.360-1.14(i)(4). �� - ' ' - .� � � . `- . - . ` - '- � . , ' � ❑ d�❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1)'�. - - �. �?��CI S -�j/-L 5>a�.. . {j��r`�`._ ,j U • . ❑ p ❑ - f. Daily Log of.Solid Waste.360-1'1.4(i)*." - - � ` . � • - - �� . OPERATION CONTROL _ _ = -" _ _ ' ����LJ_ j ��, (:�-��;` i� �('�7%('i� �'�t e1�C b ❑ ❑��Solid waste,includmg blowing I�tter,�s sufficiently confined or controlled.360•1.14Q);360-11.4(e). ,�'�':� �t/-�`.`���.i�t �t ��✓�� _ ' _ !7�""�—�'6. Dust is effectrvely controlied,and does not consti4ute an off-Site nuisance.360-1.14(k). : _ � --- • - - - -. � fJ,�.❑ ❑ 7. On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breetling areas are preverited.360-1:14(1);360-11:4(e): � � � • ,O ❑ ❑ - 8. Odors are effecdvely controlled so that they do not.constitute�a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e). . - - --��--- , � - _ _ "WATER " - ' - ,- � . . ' : 1.- ' ' _ ,- � . D!� � - 9. Solid waste is prevented from entering surtace waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1): °� - _ - - � - ' � '.- • - �I7! ❑ ❑. 10. Leachate is minimized through�dramage contral or,other means and is.prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14'(b)(2). - . " � ACCESS � - -� . _ . - � - _ � , , ' ` ` , ' _ O�❑ ❑• � 11. Access to the facility i�strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,naturat 6arriers or.other sudable means.360-1.14(d)*. _ , j,0�-❑ O 12. On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n)*. - � _ . , _, � _ ' ._ . � ' - -. � � . � WAaSTE HANDLIfdG ° . ' _, - . - .- -. _. - _ . C�1= ❑� ❑ � 13. Adequate sto�age of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g)*. � � . , --� "- � - - O-''❑� '❑ 14. Putrescible solid waste is removed wfien transfer contamers are fult,or within seven days of receipt.`360-11.4(I).,� �=� - - ' , � � Q- ❑ ❑ 15. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activdies are in an ericiosed or covered aiea{for transfer stations-receiving more - - "� than 50,000 cubic yards or 12,500 tons of solid waste annuail � Y)._360-11.4(n)(1)°. -- _ � . � - , J��� ❑. '❑ - 16. Incommg waste is weighed or measured before unloading(for transfer stations receiving more.than 50,000 cublc yards or 12,500 tons of solid - • . _ waste annualtyj.360-11.4(n)(2)*. - � . �� .� ' ' _, � - , . . . - _ 17. Station is cleaned or washed down each day to preaent odorsor other nuisance conditioPis.(for-transfe�stations'receiving more than 50,000 - cublc yards or 12,500 tons of solid waste annually}.360-11.4(n)(3)*. _ _ " _ i- ` • -= . , . � _OTHER . : ' - ' , . � __ --.._ � . , _ . On Continuation Sheet identify any other violations. = _ _ - • - � , __ . - � ' - , * Does not apply to a registered transfer station. � � -_ " ., - � � ` ' ' , � -- , . , - r1 - i ' ' � " � � • . -� -;- 4 • - �_ - - _ � I heretiy acknowledge receipt of the � - --�-; -- - . � a . -, ; Facility Copy of this Inspection Report sheet. � . . - ^ ' _ - " ' - J -.�1!/tL-'� f�5 !.+/�/r_ /.r� .�/' � , , �/ , . - � �, - � - ' - � - ,_, � Individual in�Responsible Charge(Please-print) � _ iYyi - _ , - - .'1, , - ^n ri� �. - - _ -. �-- -- - �t'^t_,.�...% �--`1 i�,�', ✓t " ,t. t.. . � � � ��/� Insp"ector'sSignature - . � - . - � ,__ ,-, , _ , - . Signature,l Date .,, , - : -. _- _ . ._ - �-_ .. . � . f�s�a��LI�O`IPl(���1( - ` -• - , - , - --A ._ . .r .' . ; -_ �,- • -_ . . . , , - ,` .' .' ' . Y , . � . _` . .' . ,� -, �_� , , , . . , _ . - � , a;, • , . � � NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS _ 6 NYCRR Part 360-5 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT �'��04� For Use at Yard Waste Com ostin Facilities FACILITY NAME LOCATiON FACILITY NO. DATE TIME Town of Southold Composting Facility County Road 48,Cutchogue NY 5yy2g INSPECTOR'S NAME � � � ��v� CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Igor Slkirlc � REGION SHEET OF CONTINUATION S�IEET AITACHED WEATHER CONDITIONS 01 � �A� UNDER Of�DE� �olations of art 36U are Su�'ect to o `�`r`� 6$J� ❑Yes �No Additional and/or Muitipe Violatio s�May be�Des nbed on the Attached Continuation SheetE.CL Article 71. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILlTY�EMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted regtstered�,exempt❑,or under order�,and soltd waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registratian, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-9.7(a) �❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a oontroi program,and solid waste materlals accepted are those authorized and approved for �..�/ management at the facility.360-1. _ �.��p ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their Intended use.360.1. �❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are avallable where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surtace waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is sMctly and continuously controlled by fenang,gates,signs ar other suitable means.360-1.14{d) �❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,inGuding blowing papers and Atter,is sufftciently confined or controlled.360-1.14(j) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlied to prevent excursions above the ailowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) � ❑ ❑ � 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not cons6tute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) � ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow constrvction and tuming frequency are suffiaent to maintain aerobic condftions and produce a compost product In the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �� ❑ 14.Required separation distances are fnaintained.360�.7(b)(7) �❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department 360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ �0 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of this Inspection Report. , � � � � . � Indivi ual in Resp sible C arge[Please print] Signature D e n ctor's Signature m--�� 4�-ai 3 �sa-li/oz� New York Siatie Department af Environmental Conservation - Division of Solid &Hazardous Materials � 6 IVYCRR PART 360-16 INSPECTEOiV REPORT �* CONSTRUGTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS PR(DCESSING FACILIN FACII.ITY NAME FACtLtTY NO. DATE TIM17E REGULATORY s v c, �a ,? � a a6 O,-3� srAn,s FACILM LOCA7i0N REGION WEpT ER NDITIONS Permitted,�I Regist+erec� U'`G(-� �i �� i� ��vY UndeExempt � *�or�tegist�r�d�a�6lifies,inspect oniy�or�he�ems prin�i in rei�. �olations of Part 360 are subject to applicable civil,administrative and criminal sancctions set forth in ECL Article 71. Items marked lUl indirate "no inspection�and do nnt mean that no violadon has occured. c v �acsu�r�r r�at�ac,a�Enrr ,,c�a v ae� ❑ � 1.Facility is authnrized and solid waste management occurs � � � �8.Access to the facility is adequately oontrolled. 360- within approved area.360-l.7(a),seo-i.s(h)(1),(s),360-16.1 1.i4(d),36U-16.4(h} ❑ ❑ 2.Facility acoepts only those sotid waste materials author- ❑ � 19.On-slte roads are pas�ble.360-1.14(n),36a-16.3(g)(4) ized for management at the faolity.s5o i.ia(e),(r),s5a � 20.p�dant is present during all operational hours bo � 15.1(a),(�,3fi0-16.3(h)(4),36016.4(b) �ntrol aocess and re�ive solld waste,where perma- ❑ 3.Facility oomponents are rnair�tained and operated in nent operadng equtpment exists.3eo-1.14(c) � a000rdance wlth authorization.360-1.14(�,360-16.4(a) ❑ 4.0&M Manual is maintained and avallable fnr reference W����G and inspection.360-16.4(a) �� 21.Incoming waste is inspected before aocepiance and the �� ❑ 5•Operationat records are available where required. C&D debris acoepted is weighed or measured hefore • 360-1.4(c),36D-1.8(h)(8),36U-1.14(e)(2),(p,360-26.4(b)(2),(�,(1) Unload'tng.360-16.4(b)(2) ������` �] ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervi- sion is provided to ensure that waste wood is unaduiter- ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste is sufficienUy confined or controlted. ated and not oontaminated if it is to be pulverized or 360-1.14(j),360-16.3(h)(4),360-16.4(b}(5) processed separately from other C&D.ssa16.4(c)(3) �Q � 7,DuSt is eff2CtiVEly Cofi170118d. 360-1.14(k),360-16.3(g)(5), � � 23.Adequate storage for inrnming C&D debris is availa6le. 360-263(h)(�,3fi8-16A(b)(5) 364-16.4(�(1) �� � 8.Vectors and vector breeding areas are effectively pre- tYF1 � 24.Unauthorized solid waste rnaterial received at the Ver�ted/controlled. 360-1.14(n,360-16.3(h)(5),360-ifi.4(b)(5) fi' `'' /' facility is removed within 24 hrs. 360-16.4(�(i) ❑ � 9.Odors are effectively controlled. 3so-1.14(m), � ❑� 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored a6o-16.3(h)(�,3C�-i6.4(b)(� un�vered at the facifity for a period eacceeding 30 ❑� 10.Adequate sheRer for mobile equipment for routine main- days.3so-ie.4(�(2)* tenanee and repa[r is provided. 36o-i.ia(o) � � Zg,p�sed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in � � il.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of endosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 9� sound levels a6ove the altowable levels off-site, days.360-16.4(�(2y� � 360-1.14(p),360-16.3(h)(5�,360-16.4(b)(5�� � � Z7,processed and unproo�ssed C&D debris starage piles do � 12.Open buming oca�rs onry in aaordance with a Depart not exceed ZO feet in height and the area at the base � ment issued buming permtt 360-1.14(q) of it�e pite do�;not eacceed 5,000 square feet. ❑ ❑ 13.Fadliry has adequately heat�! and light�shelters,safe 35a-16.4(fl(3) drinkfng water suppiy,�nitary tioilet fadltt�es and radio or �� � 2g.C&p debris storage piles are not locat�in expvattons telephone wmmunications. 360-1.14(t) or below normai g�ade. 360-16.4(fl(3),360-16.4(�(5) ❑� 14.F�ality operator has a oopy of a0 applicable permits,con-� � 2g,q minimum separation dista�ce of 25 feet is maintained ditlons,cordingency plan,operatlons and matntenance between C&D debris storage piles and a minimum report and the mast r+eceot annual report. 360-1.14(u)(i) separation distance of 50 feet is maintained 6etween ❑ � 15.M air manitoring program is implemented bo monftor dust, C&D debris storage piles and property boundaries. odors or other air pollutants at and emanaUng flrom the 3s�.i6.4(f}(3) fadlity,where tequired by ffie Departmerrt. � � 30.Recyciables recovered from the C&D debris are not 360-16.4(bMS�tv) stored at the faciliry for a period exceeding 60 calendar WATER deys.360-16.4(�(4) ��] (] 16.Soiid waste is prevented from entering surface waters ❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an and/or groundwaters. 360.1,14(b)(1) alternative daily cover material and saeenings whtch �� � 17,Leachate is minimized and discharge to waters is pre- received an approval of a petition for a ben�cial use sented/controlled. 360-1.14(bx2),3so-16.3(�(2),3saie.�(y) determinaUlon are not stored uncovered at the fadlity for a period exceeding 15 catendar days.360-16.4(d)(iy, 360-16.4(�(6) oni�a �j7}(Z .SJ/� ((� �� �� B i �-�] ❑ 32-Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies � ' are conspicuousiy posted in all areas at faciltty where Nam o spe r/Tttle.(Please Prir�t} � telephones are available. 360-1.14(s) _ ❑ � 33.All C�D de6ris stordge,prooessing,handling and tipping areas Indude appropriate functioning flre detecdon and/ S attlfe or proteclion equipmetit. 360-16.4(b)(4) j , • /- *exceptthe stnrage of recogntrable uncordaminated wnpebe and other masonary I'+��� !/ wasGe,asphalt pavement,6rick,sap or rodc that has not 6een im m�lact wRh a spill Name of Fadlity Repres tiveJl"�ie (Please Prirrt) fi°r"a peu°�eum produc�hazardous wasla or lndustriat waste and that ts not rnmmfn led with an ather solld waste.36U-I6.4(�5) Continuation sheet(s)attached?: ❑Yes o • Slgnature If Yes,Indicate the number of condnuati eets attached _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION � DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS � 6 N1fCRR Part 360-5 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT [kth 1/04] For Use at Yard Waste Com osting Facilities FACILITY NAME LOCA710N FACILITY NO. DATE TIME Town of Southold Composting Facility County Road 48,Cutchogue NY 52Y29 D `t�D IfVSPEC70R'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWEd AND TITLES Igor Sikiric M )j✓� dJ�G�i1� REGION SHEET OF CONTINUATION S EET ATTACHED WEATHER CONDITIONS UNDER ORDER �1 ❑Yes No �v� ���. ❑Yes ❑No Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sancfions Set Fqrth in ECL Article 71. Additionai and/or Muitiple Vtolations May be Described on the Attached Continuation Sheet. ltems marked All indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C 1 V GENERAL FACILiTY�GEMENT ❑ 1.Faciliiy is permitted reglstered 0,exempt 0,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs wlthin approved area.360-7 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registratlon, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(aj �❑ ❑ 3.incoming soltd waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved far management at the faciUty.360-'1. ��❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates faciA6es and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) �� ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surhace waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7{b)(3) �❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facillty is strictly and condnuously oontrolled by fendng,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Sotld waste,inciuding blowing papers and litter,is sufficienUy confined or controlled.360-1.14(j) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not cons6tute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) � COMPOSTIMG CRITERIA ❑ 11.Yard waste ls located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Wfndrow construction and tuming frequency are sufflcient to maintai�aerobic condltions and praduce a compost product in the desfred Gme frame.360.5.7(b)(6) �❑ ❑ 14,Required separation distances are fnaintained.360-5.7(b)(7) �0 ❑ 15.Product ls not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department 360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ �� 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters ouUined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of this Inspection Report. .�r9�.-�c��5 �t.�rw c t� Ll e k • �� -- - � - �- ca C, Individual in Responsible Charge[Please printJ Signature Date E pector's Signature m---� 47-21-3 (stc i1J02) - New York State Depariment of Environmental Conservation - Division of Solid& Hazardous Materiais � 6 NYC�tR PAF�T 360-16 INSPECTION REPORf' , CONSI'QtUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS PROC�SSING FAQLIN FAQLITY NAME FAQLT�Y NO. DATE TIME REGULATORY T G �r� G� Jd�� 6 :� srAn,s FAQLITY LOCATION REGION WEA CONDITIONS P�rmitted Registere J il� �( GLv►XJ �5 °J= �d Exempt ❑ *�or Fi�gistered Facoli$ies,inspe�o�ely�rthe'3�:ems prirotea9 i�n�ed. Violations of Part 360 are subject to applicable cnril,administrafive and criminai sanctions set forth in EQArticle 71. Items marked_NI inditate "no inspection"and do not mean that no violatron has occured. �C�/E� �► FAQLITY MANAGEMIENT C V AC�.S �fCl � � 1.Facility is authorized and solid waste management occurs � � 18.Access to the facility is adequately oontroiled. 36D- ���Tf within approved area.360-l.7�a),s6ai.a(n)(i�,�s},s6a�s.i �' l.i�d�,360-16.a�h� �] � ❑ �.Facility ac.cepts only those solid waste materiais author- ❑ 19.pn-site roads are pas�ble.36o-i.i4(n),360-16.3{g)(4) � ' ized for management at the faality.3601.1�(e),(�),s6a � � 20.Attendant is present during ali operational hours tio 16.1(a),(�,360-16.3(h)(4),36016.4(b) coMml aacess and r�eN►e solid waste,where�rma- �� 3.Faciiity components are mair�ined and operated in nerit operating equfpme.nt exists.36D-1.14(e) acaordanoe with authoraation.360-1.14(f),350-1G9(a) ❑ ❑ 4•0&M Manual is maintained and available for refererrce W�E�p�G and inspedion.360-16.4(a) �� � Zi.Incorning waste is inspected before acceptance and the �Q � 5.Operational rernrds are available where required. C&p debris accepted is weighed or measured befare 360-1.4(c),36Q-1.8(hj(S),360-1.14(e)(2),(i),360-16.4(6)(2),(Q,(I) unloading.3so-16.9(b)(2) Op������ � ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervi- sion is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulter- � ❑ 6.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled. ated and not oontaminated if it is to be pulverrzed or 360-1.14(j),360-16.3(h)(4),360-16.4(b)(S� pro�ssed separatety from other C&D.360-16.9(cx3) �-� � 7,Dust is effectively mntrolled. 360-1.14(k),360-16.3(g)(5), � � 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D dehris is available. , 360-16.3(h)(57,360-16.4(b)(5) !7+ � 36Q-16.4(�(1) ,�-� � 8,Vectors and vectar breeding areas are effectively pre- � (� z4.Urtauthorized solid waste material received at the vented/controlled. 36u-1.14(�,36a�63(h)(�,360-ifi.4(b)(5) �, / {aq"Ijty js removed within Z4 hrs. 360-16.�(f)(1) �� � 9.Odors are effectively controlled. seo-i.i�(m), �'j � � 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored 360-i6.3(h)(�,360-16.4(6)(� � unmvered at the faality for a period exceeding 30 ❑� 10.Adequate shelter for mobile equipment for routine main- days.ssa15.4(�(2)# tenance and repair is provided. 360-1.14(0) i�-n � Z6.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in il.No1se levels a�e rnntrolled to revent transmission of " `'' ❑ ❑ p r endosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 sound levels a6ove the allowable levels off-site. days.360-16.4(�(2)* 350-1.14(p),36ai63(h)(5),36aie.4(b)(S� �j�`� � 27,proc�sed and unprooessed C�D debris storage piles do � � 12.Open buming occurs only in aaordance with a Depart (�' "' not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base ment issued buming permit 36u-1.14(q) of tne pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet. ❑ � 13.Facility�has adequately heat�and lighted shelters,safe 360-16.4(�(3) drinking water suppty,�ni�ry toilet fadlittes and radio or �� � 28.�D debris storage piles are not located in excavations telephone communications. 36ai.i4(t) or below norrnal grade. 360-16.4(�(3), 36D-16.4(�(5) ���] 14.Fadiity operator has a�py of all applicable permits,can- tP� � Zg,p,minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained diUons,rnntfngency plan,operations and maintenance �')'� � between C&D debris storage piles and a minimum report and the ma�t recent annual report. 350-1.14(uxi) separation distance af 50 feet is maintained between � �'�] 15.An air monitoring program Ls implemented to monitor dust, C&D debris storage piies and property boundaries. �r- - odors or other air pollutants at and emanatlng from the 360-26.4(f�(3) faalily, where required by the Department. �� 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D de6ris are not 360d6.4(b)(5xtv) stored at the facility fnr a period exceeding 60 calendar WATER days.36a-16.4(�(4) � 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an � � 16.Salid waste is prevented fram entering surtace waters, alternative daily cover mateNal and screenings whidi and/w groundwaters. 36o-i.14(b)(i) received an approval of a petition for a benefidal use 17,Leachate is minimized and dlscharge to waters is pre- �� � ser►ted/mntrolted. s5a-7..i4(b)(z),ssa163(�(2),360-16.4(g) determinatlon are not stored uncovered at the fadlity €or a period e�a:eeding 15 calendar days.360-15.4(d)(i), 360-16.4(�(6) ' /-� � OTHER y(!�'� ,5 IVI R ��lJ(f, ��{J(� � ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted In ail areas at fadlity where Nam of specbor�tle (Please Prirrt} telephanes are available. 360-1.14(s) (� � 33.All C&D debris s6orage,prooessing,handling and tipping areas inciude appropriate functioning fire detection and/ St ature or protectlon equlpment. 360-15.4(b)(4) '`� �exceptthe sborege of r+ecogntzable uncorttamtrcated conciete and other masonary ete �/�0`l'l 'U'"� f�����L f C � vuaste,asphatt pavemen�6rick,so1 or mdc that has not been in conmct with a sp(II from a petroieum produc�hazardous waste or fndustrtal waste and that is not Name of Fadiity Represerrta�ve Title (Please Prirrt} rommin I�wtth an omer soi[d waste.360-i6, s � r Continuatfon sheet(s)attached?: ❑Yes No Signature , If Yes,Indicate the number of mntinuaH heets attached 47-15-1E(1/98)—q , - � DISTRIBUTIORI ROUTINi, _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTPAENT OF ENVIRONMEIVTAL CONSERVATION WHITE COPY—Regional Office �� ° DIVISION OF SOLID&HA7ARDOUS MATERIALS � . , � YELLOW COPY—Central Office. �� _ _ PIMK COPY—Facihty s �v��� �°U���r$ a�s���1 . . GREEN COPY—Inspector - SOLID�VVa4STE IIflAN�GEMENl° FA�9L�� �RlS��CT90til RERART� � . (For UsE at Transfer Stations) . FACILITY NAME LOCATION - ' FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME sr���i�vc.� ;5 _ C�'�� r�-,�l�� �? T- 9��GZ � � � �c� � l��d INSPECTOR'S MAINE - - CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES � , �.-(�rr�2 .�i/,/f�i!c, N l 1✓� �SJ �u��J�L( . REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER - � - G�( GI.L�t/y`?'� ��°I" -_ - l SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360= _ , � i OF � ❑ Yes � No ` Attached •Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Crvil,.Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as Appropnate,the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts.Adddional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached Continuation Sheet. �- � � � Yhis 4omn la a record of condl8o�a whlch ere obaerved in 4he fl�Id et th�tlme of Inapection. • 8@eresa m�eKed RI Indlcate no InspecGon and do not meen no vloletlon has occurred. - .. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ ORDER ON CONSEPJT �'REGISTERED ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT " C�i�O V F�CILYTY N9APIAGEMEPIT - - O ❑ ❑ 1. Soiid was!e management facility is authonzed and management occurs wdhin approved area.360-1.7(a)(i),(b);360-1.8(h)(5). - 2 Incoming solid waste is morntored bya control program for unauthorized waste,ano soiid waste materials accepted are those authonzed and ,� � approved for management at,the facility: - � ' . . - - �Ca ❑ ❑ a. Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1).• !O :❑ ❑ b. Department Approved Facdity for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r),360-11.4(a),(m). � ' , _ . - � ❑ ❑ c. Signs.360-11.4(c)*. - , � , � 3. Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: i❑'❑ ❑ a. Maintenance of Facdity Components/Site Gradmg.360-1.14(�(1)*. � . - ��❑ . O b. Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(fl(2)*. � _ ,O ❑ ❑ c. Drainage.360-1.14(�*. � • � -4. Operational records are avadable where required: �'� 'J��' a�,�L�,Jj k�'�<,j r_ ��-%�,.�t ! ��'S �eZ`� ❑ '�3"'� ❑ a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). �� - _� ' ❑ ;C�- ❑ b. Seif inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). _ i;'ti'l.,,�, !`J/.J^v L {t'� L✓i 1`'��� f ���r ❑ .�— ❑ c. Permd Application Records.'360-1.14(i)(3). " _ - , ❑ ,Cl- ❑ d. Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). - - '�`;����,J �-� �rf} �j`;� ;� ��@���,�,� � ❑ O�, ❑ e. Facdity Operator Recor�is.360-1.14(u)(1)*,- - � ❑ �� ❑- f. Dady Log of Solid Waste.360-11.4(i)*. - _ i���• S ��;-�,t ,- 4,.;z� -I i'L,�-;(,ti 7 ,�:" >l��t�✓�{, _ OP�R�aT60P1 COPIFWOL " - = - ; � -r ' ' O�� ❑ ❑ 5. Solid waste,including blowing Iitter,is sufficiently confined�or controlled.360-1.14(j);360-11.4(e). �'� �'��� (J�''���`��'��- r�❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-Site nwsance.360-1.14(k) � 0 .❑ ❑ 7. On-site vec4or populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breetlmg areas are prevented.360-1.14(I);360-11.4(e). - - "� � ❑ - S. Odors are effectrvely controlled so that they do not constitute a-nuisa�ce.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e).� ' WATER - - - EDf ❑ ❑. 9. Sohd waste is prevented from ente�ing surface waters•and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). •� � - �OfO ❑ 10 Leachate is mm�mized through dramage control or other means and is prevented from entering surtace waters.360-1.14(b)(2). ACCESS . . p���❑ ❑ 11. Access to the facdity is stnctly and�continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other swtable means.360-1.14(d)*. • tO ❑ ❑ 12. On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n)*. � f WAS�'E F1.4ftlDLIMG ` . ��, ❑ - ❑ 13 Adequate storage of incoming sohd waste is avadable.360-11:�(g)*. _ ' a �_�O..__14. Putrescible sohd waste is•:;r,oved when transfer containers are full,or wdh�n seven days of receipt.360-11.4(I). � - - , -- ❑ ❑ 15.'Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or'covered area(for transfer stations receiving more '..r_=--'-------..._---�'than 50,000 cubic yards or 12,500 tons of solid waste annually).360-11.4(n)(1);. _ _ P^ ❑ ❑ 16. Incommg waste is weighed or measured.before unloading(for transfer stations recewing more than 50,000 cublc yards or 12,500 tons of solid waste annually).360-11.4(n)(2)�. _ , � , - � , � - -i7. Station is cleaned or washed down'each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions(for transfer stations receiving more than 50,000 � - cublc yards or i2,500 tons of solid waste annually).360-11.4(n)(3)*.- . � _ � - OTF9�R - - - On Continuation Sheet identify any other violations. _ . _ _ , " Doe�t apply to a registere;i transfer station. - � , � r � _ _ I hereby acknowledge receipt of the � r/ �/ Facility Copy of this Inspection Report sheet. i, ---.—" /� - r 1 - F' � , ��� /'i�c:� /JC.rn/��[�J� � _,� ?�� i ji j� - _ Individual in Responsible Charge(Please print) � � � �_. J�� ,f�Ur spectoPs Signature � � - �� • � ""_�``""�`"`"`�. ��- �� �' �� � �' �-'�� - Signature _ / . Date ! _ � . _ , - - o ., _ _ - . . _ � ���o�u������ . - - - , � , �. . - . � - - - . . �� .. . 97-15-1 (1/98)-q - DISTRIBUTION ROUTING - - ' NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WHITE COPY-Regional Office � • - - � - ' . DIVISION OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS YELLOW CQPY--Central Office �. � PINK COPY-Facility �� � . _ . SOLID WASTE MANAGEM�NT•FACILITY IiNSPECTION REPORT GREEN COPY-Inspector ,� - - � " - � - Continuation Sheet � FACILITY tdAME " - - - LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME _ S �r���c . _� c '�_ - - - - r���c►f,���� S a 5 I 7 0 � o � 0 G � � o � -INSPECTOR'S NAME - CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES : --r-G�U�2 siJ��lic �M J R�'�t �,uc.tr�c.� ' REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS ' ' • DEC PERMIT NUMBER �� .�.L�c1�'��' ��a�' l - SHEET - CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED - PART(S)360- 'L OF� ❑ Yes ,�No Attached _ _ Violations of Part 360 are Sub�ect to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Cnminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71, , - � _ , and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts. - Additional Vioiations May Be Noted on Sheet One of this Inspection Report. Provide site sketches,clanfication,supplemental information,locations of photographs or samples and/or locations of violations. , � . (Uncorrected violations must be descnbed in detail and located on a sketch). .� ---------------—- ---- - ----- - -- -- - --- -- - -- ---- ---------- - ------ - - - � ; -' ��i;� �,U"s,{i�, ���;�)t�si��;2.�� _' �A s��:r?�;p I ' � --� ---------�--------j- , ' -=i 1 , ; ; , � , � � , i ; , � , � � � , � C � , I ' , - � • ' ' � ' � � ' � , ' � , � , � , ' �� . � a � -� i i - t � � � ; } .�, ' 1 , � , � , � i �� ,y ' h�i -1 �f-- - -��LG _I✓�G�_rr��ti , f�n��"'�'���_--r� —._5�i_;__inn�l i_�-��,�,_� ' u���-� __1�� -�--------- -- -�- --- _-�_h i ; � � ' ' � 1+= ; � � I ; � � : ! � � � � : : � � l i ; : � . i� � �! ; '��c��a'�,;+�( E' ! S i r�fj(, � � ( .�i.�?1 ���-k.d,`�� j , . � j , ' t , ' ; i � i4 � i , I � . � � � . � . I� i', ' i - 1 -, �, j i � _ j -' � i i � � ' � t ' i ' ' f � { �i -- C�`;,•.��'(� �_fr���-� -'--S`���' �-"� ' �-�'-Ci=�-- ��J(j,:�r_L:.9Gv__ _S�"��-� � .- --' G1;1(1�1�(�- ! � �,--- ---- - -� - ; , �,- � , _ .- --�- , - -;- --- --- - -- .-- -- --�-- i l . ; 1 ' i � ; i ' j ' , 't � IN li i �'�'-� �T7� ��±` ; ,i� _t��rt���j> ;(rc C,�G'v71i� 'J�� � ; ' . I , , , li i� 1 � � , i , � , i , . , I , i ; ' ' ! , ' ' �f i� - � � , � � '_ , ' i , � , i � � , , , � , �i , , .. ,i � �1 f�;'v<S Y L'r E •�� �y,�.'j �r� E � ' i �..-�- - ----- --` K --� — � --�- --- - ---�-- -- - -'-'- - ---------- - - ----- - ----- ---- ---- -- - - - --- ��� 4 ��v' ,+ �g Y,� : � �' ,i , , , � , ; , ' j � , , ; ' � , ' , i; i� , ' ' , � ` ' � � + � ; ' i ' i , � 1i ,' ' - � , ` i , ; ' ' i; " � r- ��,'� � � '1}S �i$'��'1 J1.�" :�I���3 S �, -�'a=,��'i U}4���F�����. �' j!' .J� _ iiff_/'✓� ,.fi�j�tZ' . � i! �� _ _ �_ � '�J�?� li`.1� � � - - � ' ' � - � , , ' 'f i'- L -- - =- i -- - - - -�- --, - ;-- -;- ; f -- --•- -- i - -- - ; -- �-- - - i - ---- T- - � -- - '-- -� ' ; - 1 r ; ' , i ' ;i i; , , , i , i ' j r � - p ' ' � ' � ' i � , �'( I i � j " , , � , , � � � , ` , � ' � '� � t � , - , , � - ' i� -- --- --� - , ---- ---'-------� - � —- �- --„-- ' --' - - - - - ' � - - - `-- --- - - -� - -'_' �; - . , i _ - -'- ---' . � ' � , ` � , ... ' , , , • , , _ � 4 I �! � _ ; ' . _ � . � , , i , ,� II ' ' �f` ' i ' , ' . 3 !i ,� . � I � . . � i . ' i - �i � � ' � , � '� '� _ ' : .' - ' ' i - ' , � � i, � � - ' , ! � � � � , , , , � �i � , , i . • � ,' �' - , ' - � i i " _ � , ' ' 'i - - - - - - - . � � I hereby acknowledge receipt of the � ` Facility Copy of this Inspection Report sheet. . �'i _ ' - - '�l F!d`M�S '��l t�n/f' /�/1 a C Gc Individual in Responsible Charge(Please print) ?�''!//{ �-� ' _ �� �� c.-�'. �_� �- �- �� - �,/ In�pector's Signature ' Signature, , � , \., Date � , . . _ _--;'� _�� _ - __ - - . . .'� I�AC��.�,Tl�CO�Y- , . . . . _ . .. _ I � NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS _ 6 NYCRR Part 360-5 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT (�cth�roa� qr Use at Yard Waste Com ostin Facilities FACILITY NANIE LOCATION FACILITY NO. DA E TIME Town of Southold Gomposting Facility County Road 48,Cutchogue NY 52Y29 INSPECTOR'S NAME � � � •�S CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Igor Sikiric M � REGION SHEET OF CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED WEATHER CONDITIONS G �K �(� ��u �� C � ❑Yes �No GL y �� UNDER ORDER ❑Yes � Violafions of Part 360 a�e Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71. _ Additional and/or Multiple Violat1ons May be Described on the Attached Con�nua�on Sheet. Items marked NI indicate no inspeetion and do not mean no vlolatlon has occurred. C V GENERAL FACILITY MAN MENT ' ❑ ❑ 1.Facflity is permitFed ,registered O,exempt�,or under order�,and sol(d waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with per4nent operationai condiGons of pertnit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), �360-1.7(a) �0 ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste ts monitored by a control program,and solid waste materiais accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. �� ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment In accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. �❑ ❑ 5.OperaUonal records are avallable where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c}(1) � ❑ 6.Soltd waste and leachate is prevented from entering surtace waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) �� � 7•Access to the facllity ts stricUy and conBnuously controlied by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) �� ❑ 8.Solid waste,inciuding blowing papers and litter,(s sufficiently confined or confrolled.360-1.14Q) ,.� ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ,�❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively cantrolled and do not constltute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k},1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTiNG CRiTERIA e�,S�, � ❑ 11.Yard waste is loqtad on a suitable base which ensures stabil(ty and acxessibiUty 360-5.7(b)(2) .J�- ❑ ❑ 12.Pond(ng is minimized.360-5.7(b){5) �� ❑ 13.Windrow construction and tuming frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the deslred time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �� ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are fnaintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7{b)(73) MORlITORING � �� 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters ouUined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 36Q-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of this lnspection Report. �1��S ��nl �l l.�C./c ./� Individual in Responsible Charge[Ptease print] S' natr u�re�` fd-- .S"'- a� Date ' na � �..-�--q 47-21-3 (sco-11/02) New York 5tatie artrnent of Environmental Conselvation- Division of Sol'id �Hazardous Materiats 6 NYCRR PART 3�Q-16 INSPECRON REPORT � CORISTRUCT�ON AND DEMOLITION pEBRIS PROCESSING FAQtiTY FAQLI7Y NAME ' FACiLiT1f NO. DA7E IIME REGULATORY � �' ' �- G� �d RD 2 id � 6 :o v �AT"S FA�TM����N �a�N WEA HER CVNDrtioNs P�rmitted❑ Regisbere � G" �� Unde�Omp ❑ �fFor Re�i�ereal�aci0i�i�s,ins��ntyfor�iae if�ms prin�d an r��. Voiations of Part 360 are sub�ect to appliqble civil,administrative and criminal sanctions set farth in ECL Article 71. Items marked NI�ndirate "no inspectinnn and do not mean that no vinlatian has occur�d. � ❑c v r�►c[urY���tr �a v acc�.s 1.Facility is authorized and solid waste Inanagement occurs � �] � 18.Access to the faality is adequately controlled. 36a- within approved area.360-i.7(a),s�o-i.s(n)(1),(s),360-16.1 i.��d),360-1fi.4(h) ❑ ❑ 2.Facility acoepts only those sotid waste materiats author- ized for tnanagement at the faality.35n 1.14{e),(r),36D- � ZO;On-site roads are pas�bie.360-1.14(n),366-16.3(g)(4) i6.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h�(4),3e016.4(b) � ❑ A�ndant is present durfng all operational hours to ❑ �� 3,Facility camponer�are mairdaained and o COn��aocess and reoeive solid waste,where penna- acmrdance with authorizatlon.3eo-1.1 ��in ne�operatlng equipmerrt exists.360-1.14(c) 4(�,360-16.4(a) ❑ 4.08JN Manual Ls maintained and available for reference W��G and inspectfon,36p.i6.4(a) �Q� Zl.Ynwming waste is inspected before aoceptance and the � ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available wFrere required. C8ip debris acoepted is weighed or measured before 360-1.9{C),360-1.8(h)(S),36o-1.14(e)(2),(�,360-i6.q(b)(2),(Ij,(I) unloadi�g.35D-ie.a(b)(z) + �p�.R���` �❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of mate�ials and adequate supervi- � � sion is pro�ided to ensure that waste wood is unadulter- 6.Salid waste is suf�iciently mnfirted or controlled. ated and not mrrtaminated if it is to be pulverized or 360-1.14(i),360-16.3(h)(4),360-16.9(b)(5) processed separately from other CB�D.360-16.4(c)(3) � � 7,Dust Is effectively wntrolled. 36o-i.i4(k),36D-16.3(g)(5), �� � Z3.Adequate storage for inwming C&D debris is available. 360-163(h)(�,36D-16.4(b)(5) 360-16.9(fl(1) �[� [� 8.Vectors and vector breeding areas are effecdvely pre- � � � Z4,Unauthorized salid waste material received at the verrtedJcontroiled. 360-1.14(�,360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) faCillty(s temOVed Withill 24 hfS. 360-16.4(�(!) �'Q ❑ 9.Odors are effecdvely controiled. 36o-i.14(m), � � � Z5.Processed end unprocessed C&D debris is not stored 360-163(hx5�,36D-16.9(b)(S� unmvered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 "�-B-B--lO.Adequate shelter for mobUe equipmertt for routine main- days.360-i6.9(fx2)* � tenance and repair is provided. 360-1.14(0) � � � Z6.Processed and unprocessed C�D debris is nat stored in ❑ il.lVoise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of endosed or covered stora e for a �und levels above the allowable fevels off-site. 9 period euceeding 90 360-1.14(p),360-26.3(h)(5),36D-16.9{b)(5) d7y5.360-f6.4(�(2)* 12.0 n bumin oocvrs on ❑ ❑ Z7•Processed and unprooessed C&D debris storage piles do --�-�-�- Pe 9 ly in accordance with a Depart �ot exceed 20 feet in hei ht and the area at tlie base ment issued buming permiL 35ai.i4(q) 9 --8-��3.Pacility has adequatety heatsd and lighted sheihers,safe �the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet. drinking water suPPiy,�nitary toilet factiiti�and radio or 360-16.4(�}(3) telephone communlcations. 36o-i.i4(t} �� ❑ 28•C&D debds storage piles are not located in excavations �"8'�14.Paciliip opetator has a copy of all applicabte permits,oon- � or below normal grade. 360-16.4(fi�(3), 360-16.4(fj(5) ditions,cor�tingenc.y plan,operaUnns and mainbenance �0 � Z9.A minimum separafion distance of 25 feet is maintained report and the most reoent annual q� �� � betuvEen C&D debris storage pites and a minimum report 360-i.i u i separation disWnce of 50 feet is mairrtained between �.�..15.An air monfto�ing program Is impiemerded to monftar dust, C8eD debris storage piles and property boundaries. odors or other atr pollutants at and emanating from the ���3� facility, where required by the Deparbnent 360-16. 3s0-16.4(b)(5�tv) (� ❑ ❑ 30.Recyciabi�s recovered from the C&D debris are not / stored at the facility for a period exceeding 6D calendar WATER days.360-16.4(�(4) � ❑ ❑ 16.Soiid waste is prevented trom errtering surfdce waters �;� ❑ 31.Screentngs whid�meet atl the requirements for an i and/or groundwaters. 360-i.i4(b)(i) aiternative daily cover material and screenings which ,�] � � Z7,Leachate is minim¢ed and discharge to waters is pre- received an approval of a petition for a ben�dal use � ser�ted/controlled. 36D-1.14(b)(2),360-163(fl(2).380-16.4(g) determinatton are not stored uncnvered at the faality for a period exceeding 15 calendar days.350-i6.4(d){i), • 360-15.4(�(6) `�'� 07'HBt -� � 51�1 L �,�J ��� 1 �� ❑ 32•Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies N�me s r/Trtle (Please prR�t) a��nspicuousfy posted in all areas at facility where � teiephones are available. 35a1.i4(s) ❑ [] 33.Ail C�D de6ris storage,proaessing,handling and tlpping areas indude appropriate functioning fire detecdon andJ Signa re or protecttun equipment, seo-16.4(b){4) �'�rn�S *mecePt the sborage of recogniiabte unwntaminabed concrete and other masonary �G[�C��� G� uwasbe,asphaR pavement,6rtck,sofl or mdc that has not 6een in aontact wtth a spill Name af Faality Represeniative/Tiiie (Please Print) �a�0�e�p���h��0���or fndus0lal wasbe and that ts not commin I�l wltfi an otfier sotld waste.364-16.4( � - � ' '�"�___ �� �" Continuation sh�t(s)attached7: ❑Yes �o • Signature `�- If Yes,Indi�te the number of mntinuatioR.stlee�attached , -47-15-1 (1/98)-q " � DISTRIBUTION ROUTING � NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WHITE COPY-Regional Office � � YELLOW COPY-Central Office DIVISION OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS � PINK COPY-Facility . - -SOLID WASTE MANAG�MENT FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT GREEN_COPY-Inspector , � Continuation Sheet � - - FACILITY NAME - LOCATION . FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME �Ot�-i i��7G✓� [.F �J�c t�-vGv�- ��. s t e % Q G � 8 C? ! 9 G�o INSPECTOR'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES rY�TCI�C ,�l!�1/�1 C.. °" d REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER d� r1�11� n C�J!" — — l — SHEET � CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- . . ! OF � ❑ Yes p�No Attached � - Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71, - and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts. � Additionai Violations May Be Noted on Sheet One of this Inspection Report. , . Provide site sketches,clarification,supplemental information,locations of photographs or samples and/or locations of violat�ons. . � - - (Uncorrected violations must be described in detail and located on a sketch). _ `I=�=-"_-�--,--=--===r- ---=_--r- - '__ - __.._ ,. - '1-. :.C'1-!i'j�< . 47-15-1E(1/98)—q � - - _ DISTRIBUTIOy fiOUTIPdG , - NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEfiITAL CONSERVATION ; - . WHITE COPY—Regional Office -� - ,� DIVISION OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , _ � YELLOW COPY—Central Office � � � - - - = - � __ - - � PINK COPY—Facd'dy� _ � s ���`�� .��O���C� .���•1�- - GREEN COPY—Inspector . ,SOL�D ��5�� ���������� ���'�I� ���������� ������ . - _ . - - � : �- �(For_Use at Transfer, Stations) � - , - - FACILITY NAME . ; �LOCATION �' � � �" FACILITY MUNiBER DATE TIME . SfYv7�kr�(.�n i_5 " G()=��r+-r3G�� . . � _ .S � -1 q �R � .�a � d "C� _ INSPECTOR'S NAME ' ' � CODE � PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES� � : - ° � -f�r�vt .5/!,�J(TIf�, - p•l - , � - - - - REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS _ - ' - - DEC PERMIT NUMBER ' - � . • _ �� "l:U�i,ll - �-�°1" -- - / _ ' 'SHEET� � - , CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- . _ ' � . _ ' _ - - �� OF � - ❑�Yes " L�''rNo: ' � Attached �Violations.of Part 360 are.Subject_to Appiicable Civd,Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and - � , • Clean Air Acts:Additional and/or Multiple Viofations May Be_Described on the Attached Con4inuation Sheet. - - • - , `- . . �. Thla tortn la a ee�ord of conditlons abhBch are oba�eved In ti�e fl�ld mt the-tlme of ireapectlon.- - � - . � � . -_- ` , � - :Rems masked PJI Indlcate no InapecUo�and do no4 mean no vloletlon has occurreil. _ � . - � - °" ❑,FART 360 PERfVIIT - ❑ ORDER ON CONSENT j�REGISTERED " ' ❑ EXEMPT "❑ COMPLAINT C� NI V FflCILITY MANAGEMENT - ' - , - - - �b ❑ ❑ � 1. Solid waste management facility is authori�ed and management occurs within approved area.360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-1.8(h)(5). ' - � , , 2. Incommg solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorizer.i and � � approved for"managemen4 at the facdity: _ . , . • - - , _ _ , - ;: •b" ❑ _❑ � a. Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). - " ' - -, ,� O" ❑ � ❑ _b.;Department,Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-11.4(a),(m). - - - - _ %O� .❑ ❑. �c. Signs.360-11.4(c)*. . �_ : ' _ - - - ' - - ; ' - - 3. Operator.maintains and operates faality components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: '�- _� k]- ❑ _ ❑ - a. Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Gradmg.360-1.14(�(1)*. . , - - � ' . . � - O� ❑ ❑ b. Adequate Equipment._360-1.14(�(2)*. - - � / ,n = ' " � ` � ,0` ❑ ❑ � c. Drainage.360-1:14(�*. • � � �� � i��.d,S r t`� '�"y`J�s'�11 - ✓�C t��t �1 C"S � ' _ - 4. Operational records are avadable where required: __ - , - �� - - _ - . O ' ❑ - a., Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1)., .:. . ' � . ' � . _ . :��7� �i,�L �cfl,�G- ���. %1��,��p�; ` ; ❑ CV ❑� - b._Seif Inspection'Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ` _ � � . � - • � -. - -• ❑� L�7�-❑ �: c.- Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). , � ��'�"?-{ �'�(f �!'�jr ��1?v�' -- Pi r - +�f�r�. ` � ❑ ��� ❑, d. Monitoring.Records.360-1:14(i)(4). � � � � - � . • _- _ - ❑ D�. ❑ ' �- -e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1)*. . � � - - , : - ❑ �Gl'� ❑ " f. Daily Log of_Solid Waste.360-11.4(i)*.- � ' - ` - � , . ` _ - _�OPERAYION CONTROL " - � � � - -- � - ' .f�,❑ ❑ - 5. Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined�or controlled.360 1.14jj);360-11.4(e). - � _ - �. _ _ _ � �� ❑ -❑ -6.-Dust is effectively controlied,and does not constitute an.off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). - • . , ,. . , • -�T�1= ❑ '-O '�= 7.=On-sde vector_populations are_prevented or controlled;and vector breetling areas are prevented.360-1.14(I);360-11.4(e). - , � -- - �br O,- O 8. Odors-are effectively controlled"so'that they do not eon§titUte a nuisance.360-1:14(m);360-11.4(e). - .- _ � - WATER _ ' ' -, ". _ �- ' : - - - - . .fL-7� ❑ ,0 � - ,9. Solid waste ispreyented from entenng surtace_waters and/or groundwa4ers.360-1:14(b)(1). , - � , - - - � ❑ ❑ ' '10c Leachate is minimized through clrainage control or other means and'is,prevented frvm entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2). , � =.ACCESS'� - � - = - ; . _ - � �C3�",0 ❑ it. Access to the facdity is strictly and continuously controlled by fericing,�gaties,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d)*. � - , �O ❑ _ ❑ .12. On-site roads are passable:360-1:14(n)*. - , - . � �, ' _ " _ - _ , ' -- -- WASTE HANDLING- , . - . " - ' , • � . , , . �O'�-O` ❑ 13. Adequate storage of�incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g)*. . - - . - - �❑----� .;_14`Putrescible solid waste is removed-when transfer containers are fuil,-or within seven days of receipt 360-11'.4(I).� � - - ' � , '�-❑ O_ ._15.yProcessing,tipping;sorting,storage,-compaction,and related activities'are in an enclosad or covered area(for transfer stations receiving more � , � - than 50,000 cublc yards or.12,500 tons of sohd waste'annually):360-11.4(n)(1)*. - � , - _ . , . . r'�❑ _ ��, � 16. Incoming waste is weighed or measured betore unloading(for transfer stations receiving more Yhan 50,000 cublc yards or i2,500 tons of solid , � , _ , waste annually�.360-11.4(n)(2)*: � _ . , � 17:_Station is cleaned or washed down,each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions(foe transfer stations receiving more than 50,000 - " � � _ , cublc yards or 12,500 tons of solid waste annualiy).360-11.4(n)(3)*. - • .- � , : � � , _ -, . � _ -�=OTHEFi � , - - - - - � - � , - . - . - �On Continuation Sheet identifyany other violations. 3 ' • , s , . - - , _ � , • '�* Does not appt -to a registered transfer station. - � , � � , � - - �- _ _ , " _ " � '- - �- - - _ � - � -- - � _- - - , - -i hereby acknowledge receipt of the � - ' '� - � . -: -_ , - " � . - Facihty Copy of this Inspection Report sheet. �- - , �� - � . .+ : , . �f�//!i'/.%f P �� .1,�li'_�./''�l / � - . , �-��•.- _ i�ividual in Respofisibl`e Charge�(Pfease print) 1 i ' `.� - - "i .- , - / , - r � - -"- - ' - . � � �,-% � %��'.� .� .: /_ ,�`L�'r(���1 ° � � I"r�§pector s Signature - � ..T�--�-�—�=f _ , Signature P�� ` � �Date _- - G� __�� . .. � __ --- ,-. - �-_ - . . . --� _ . . : : . .r �<� ' ; `- - ��.� __. - _- ., . . . .f�A��I��;II`�P���1( ._ �. - - . _, - - - �� '- ' + � , - . :.",;. �, . � , _ . _ , y" -_.�x,: -. '.�. � � -. �. . � ` � , . F � ` � , 's . � �_ , . � . :, .�- ��. ��� ��� 47-15-1E(1/98)--q DISTii18UTiO:Y�ROU41P1Ca ' NEW.YORiC STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WHITE CbPY—Regional OfBce '� DIVISlON OF SOI.10&N�ARDOUS MATERIALS Y�LLOW COPY—CenVal Office � . PINK COPY—Facility . s {�Y���'�Ql��a�l� .�����1 , - GREEN COPY—Inspector SO�.�� 16VA�TE �EABVei�rl�M��V'T F`�►CBL�Y� �R9���'�T801!! �E�OFi�' (For lJse at Transfer Stations) FACILITY MAME LOCATtON FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME �i , t ' '�� e'� i C� t tiri� , .-- � � � IMSPECTOR'S NAME . CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TiTL�S � �. .Sl '1 t �..J -�.! �•)G t1 f u�C 1 C�T l' �/��x1 P�j 1' REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMI7 NUfNBER t ! � �� +�� _ — � — SHEET sCOfdTINUATION SHEEf ATTACHED PART(S)360- - . �OF 1 ❑ Yes �No Attached �olations of Part 360 are Subject to Appiicable Civil,Admin3strative and Criminal Sanotions Set Forth in ECl Article 71,and as Appropriate,the-Cleasi Water and Clean Atr Acts.Additionai and/or Multipie�olations May Be Described on the Attached Gontinuation Sheet. ' _ Thle to�Is a eecord o4 condlUon�whlch are obssrved in the fleld a4 the tlme of Inapectlon. fterns marked�!I l�dlcate no 9napeCBon and do no4 mean no v7olaUon has occutrad. � ❑ PART 360 PERMIT Q ORDER aN COPISENT �EGiS'fERED ❑ EXEMP�' ❑ COMPLAIMT C Nt Y FACILlTY WIANAtaEMEI�!!T �0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facllity is authari:ed and management occurs within approved area.360-i.7(a)(i),(b);360-1.8(hj(5). . - 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid waste materials accepted are those authortzer.l and approved for management at the facility: � ❑ ❑ a. Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1]. �❑ ❑ b. Oepartment Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-t 1.4(a),(m). O ❑ c. Signs.360-i1.4(c)*. 3. Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance wfth the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a. Mairrtenance of Facility Components/S'ite Grading.360-1.14(�(1)*. • ❑ EI b. Adequ�te Equipment 360-1.14(�(2}°. ' ❑ ❑ c. Drainage.360-1.14(fl•. 4. Operational records are available where required: ❑ �O a. Unauthorized Sulid Waste Records.360-i.14f7t1). O ❑ b. Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(7(2). ❑ ❑ c. Pertnit Application RecOrds.360-1.14(i)(3). O ❑ d. Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ � ❑ e. Facility Operalor Records.360-1.14(u)(1)*. ❑ � ❑ f. Daily Log of Solid Waste.360-11.4(i}*. OPERATfON CONTROL �1' ❑ ❑ 5. Solid waste,including biowing litter,is su�cienUy confined•or conVolled.380•1.14U7;360.11.4(e). ,�0" ❑ [7 6. Dust is effectfvely controlled,and does not constitute an o8-Sfte nuisance.360-1.14(k). � ❑ ❑ 7. On-site vector populations are prevented or controifed,and veetor breetling areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);360-11.4(ey. �� ❑ ❑ 8. Odors are effectively controlied so that they do not constRute a nuisance.360-1.14jm);380-11.4(e). WkTER - �py"'❑ ❑ 9. Solid waste is prevented from entering sur(ece waters and/or groundwaters.360-�.14(b)(1). �'"p ❑ 10. Leach�le is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surtace waters.360-1.14(b)(2}. ACCE�S �� ❑ ❑ 11. Access to ihe facility aF strictly and continuousty controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-7.14(d)°. ❑ ❑ 12. On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n)�. Wd9S'PE HAOVDlIMG ❑ ❑ 13. Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is availabie.360-11.4(g)•. �` ❑ ❑ 14. Putrescible solid waste is removed when transier containers are�fuU,or wRhin seven days of receipt.360-i1.4(1). - • ❑ �' � �5. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compactio�,andreiated activities are in an encfosed or covered area(for transferstaUons receiving more than 50,000 cublc yarda or i2,500 tons of solid waste a►tnually).360,11.4(n)(i)'. ❑ Jb" O 16. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading(for transfer stations receiving more than 50,U00 cublc yards or 12,500 tons of sofid ' waste annuallyj.360-11.4(n)(2)°. 17. Sfallon is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions(for transfer stations receiving more than 50,000 cublc yards or 12,500 tons bf sol'�d waste annually).360-11:4(n)(3)•. �T?�ER On ContinuaUon Sheet identify any other violations. • Does not a pty 4o a registered transfer station. � i hereby acknowledge receipt of the � ? Facility Copy of this Insp?ction Heport sheet. � , r• ��-�-�" ../��/�'?� � ��!,![".,�-t/-�l'�k' , � �:" ,,_ Indivldual in Respansibie Charge(Piease print) , � � �+t.rc.. �4�•.-'t�."`.^-'��tj � �'"-°� '� - � f// 1� or's Signature " Signature , - - Date �� , .-_ �:_,_ _ _ .< . `� ,._ "..:..'. ` ._' ,�a� ." . . _ . .F�►�tL�'�'�'G�P�- • , , .�.�, _ _ . . _ " - , . . . '�, � ./-t5-1-(1l98j—q bISTFtIBUT10M ROUTIPiG r � NEN1 YORK STA�E'DEPARTMENT OF'ENVJRf1tVIV1EN'fAL CONSERVATION � WNITE_COFY—Regional Qtfce ��--� NEILOW COPY—GenVal Office {� ,= DIViS10N OF-SO41b�B=ktAZRHDOUS MATERIAi.S PINK COPY—Facility - - . - _ "S,Qp:ID�-�IIIAS�E �II14N���I��I��F�C�LI�-I�ISPE�.�IOI� REI�ORT' � .GREEN COPIr—Inspector .. - -_ , � . , : , � = - - � - ,-=-�ontiniiation�=Sh�et��--: - . , _ - � - FA6ILITY NAME tOCAT10N '+-=- _ � ' "" '� - FACILITY NUAtIBEFi DATE -- TIME �#-�L � - �r�iG-� }�t✓� ,3 � S 1 C? C� 5 d � rS C7 INSPECTOR'S NAME - CODE.,,,-.PEHSO[dS,INTERVIEWED AND TI�LES "� �Z' 1 r � �C.. # � "�� �'�jL�7 ?� �r�1,1e� "� . REGIOPf WEATH�R-CONQtTIONS , � . DEC-PERMIT NUMBER � ��. . F,�_ � � - - - � - SHE�7' � � CONTINUATION SHEET A3TACHED .-PART(S).360- � - -- :�OF t � Yes_ �o, ` " J ; , - , � . --__ Attach_ed . - . _ .- - - - �Violations of Part'360 are Su6jgcfto�AppGcabte�ivil,Administr,�tiva and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECLArticle 7i, - >--and ag:i��pCapr�afe;tt�e Clean Water-and��lean Air Acts. - �� - � � �� � $� �14ddiNotial 1/[oiatTot+s EVIay.Be�Noted ori$heet One of this InspecHon-Aeport. � " , _ --� Provide site sketches;claitfi�ion,suppleme�taf:lMbrrba�onvlocaYrans of photographs�or samples and/or locations�of violations. - _ ;�(Unoo�reGieii,violat[ons•must•;be described in detait and located on a sketch): �'*`.�� ��_= -- .:_.=�.s__�5.,z�qr�.�i x:�-.�ca�a+�a.-�s�.a�c.u�ta.�.z:r�t�"''Y=>s: - _. w-.�a�.._ ...<„m:.g.�..,.�.w�esn.:.a�.-,�.v--.�:..�r.4...s..�_�t=N..,....�cmm..'� # ` ' t ,4ne i �' . .. t _', t , _: � � ( . � • . • _ _ ` �����:� ; �'i��51i�'� ��-;r���S , � �i�- ,- ��s5�s.3'��- - � - �-- - • � - • ' , . � . • , t = , i- ,r , . {. _i � - -- -� , # � * , - . • � ; � � - .' ' - , , , , _ , - -- -� -- {- - --•—°--�__.t�_.,_..,_.-`- �- -{ -- . -. _ --y � i . , � . . , , s ' t ` • * . . - S i s g � E � � ,. � I ' < k� , „ . . . � ' � ' -c . � : _ 1, - • . r '_" } �. t � ry '_ : ��Z �e��-�=:t���1 t,Fi�- s s�� s���, ; �������L� _� 1 } , . � �_._�.^_-_.--------�-__.� _��.--- : ---�- , ,- _ -__ . �---------_.__�--- ----------.---� } _!3'_�''� �J �, , - . :B�s�C-��;`�"J;t"5��', ' ;CE?.�J�rT�t?.,�1• , � . , ' �i " -` ` , � � � � __ '_ - - ' � �- i ' ' � " i � � - • � , = � r -i � :.� . _`;_' 4 ._` • - ; ' . - + . � , _ ,, . � -., ':-'•• -, , , , , . ' . � . . . & . - - - ' - �--�=- _ . , _- r- � ..r , . • �e, � _�_,f�u�__.�,.,.��s �ca�a.r_�` _ • .'6'-^_S`_I',dyilrc3�?'__ x?1=_�____...,.r_✓f��d' G�F�r_,__..?�El.k'd� . -���-- ---- -- - -. . -,_ _�� �_'__"_' _ . -w�.,_..._.__ t '.`_ , '4 . i' . �.� ' t + v g � _; `` � ' '��'�F'����F' _; ��� �1�? .' 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' ' - ; . � � � � - _ ; � . _ �. }� � -. ; � ' 3 ; � - - . � . , , . , . _ � . , , .� � . � , . , � �--------�____.--_ .____,.,�___,.._____..._ _ -- ,-- ;.:_..__ _ �__ ,_.__�W ___-m-�---- -• -- ----.�.--,--. ____.,.__. _ ._---- �-- - - -- • � � . � . � � � _~ " ; �; ,. - , . , o � , . , �.:..'.,•-•-.- `.'--„�-�::. �- - - - ' -� • - - - , . � , , , , � � _ .- . , - - - - - - °- �,-- - -� -� ,-. �.i.. . .� � , f = � ' , � � . . ° - . =-t� - - - �- ._ • ; - � � i . , , p. _ � . ` � .. .... { . . _;- +-. -... ' `_ __ .., ' '_ . � f " 1 4 i � � 1 C • . . _-� .1 � " � -_ � � � '_ _" `� � .� t_ ' _�- .. . • - • - y � � . »{ . _.._. ... ._..�-.». _.....r_ �_.._...�_.. _ .,._�_..r..,.._..._ _-{ _. � � _ � � .'swyi�w�'�a� .. .._ ._.. .. _ __ _'.. ._ ._._.. _ ._......... .. . . .. . n ' � � r' � 1_ -� �' � � � � � ` � - . . ' i ' .'r _ J�' _. • - � r.. � � � •"'��_T,�.,�z"r s .�b �'°�..4�.1x"y�(" �p�`� rnM � .e. .,.,c.n a .�. ,- x,. ..r.,..m.< : ..,� .,,.z..,c, <.�� ._aw..,... ...._.z7e, ¢ ..a:erxzct� :...k,_..�,.�-,r ,< �.,a. - _ �{S.=..w."u�.,.vs>-....,,r..__.,er_.-.,«_Y . ,.�...._��� ,��..,:..__-,_�.. ._. ,. ., . _ �-,._-�.^' �« ; c-.�. : � -„u.waa,��.,........z�,-.�«s.. - , `=� � ^ . - , - . .v. i hereby.acknoWi�dge receipt of-the -. � �- : . . , . ,,- - � ' � - - --FaaOity Copy oE#his fnspectian RepbR sheet r,.,;� . .. {sl.' .,,�--.�„'' y'r _�-i' -''t,,,_s.'` .r � ,x_,��� -__. . � _ _....� �� , - - t' . _ �r�1 �+^vi rt`a �J/�nf!'�,��A�-fL' t - ,,. ; - '� � � . - - Individual in Responsibie CBarge(Please p�int) = ~� ''.�=-. - � " . . _,, t_-. _� . '#�-:.�:.,.- c:{.--aC, E'- fi� . - `-,x v �.��.�-�:.�.�-.:-�,�;Insp�ctor's-Signature ., , _ - . _ - t� ,��i�i�-��°(�%��?�`,- Signature_ . -_ _ , ., . ;l?, �-bate•_ , �;:r��s'rszs:- �«-, 'x�",- _`"t3` s'#... : .., �yr.+ .. , * . .Y. _ � . �_ , - .... , _ . , „- , .. � . » . ��.� + , , ., -f .£x..Lt.��.._,.._ � -a .. r� . ✓�,-, � �t'. , . .. � , _ . . - • _ • - _ �� _ - . . - . . - - ,� : _ .. _ _ 47-15-1 E(1/98)-q °- � '� _ � � DISTRIBUTIOy ROUTING- � ��_ _ ' - _NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF�ENVIRONMENTAL CGNSERVATION , ' � WHITE COPY-Regional Office'' _ • ' DIVISION OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS �YELLOW-COPY=Central Office_ . � � . ' � - _ . . � � - ` . � . ,- . ' _ PINK COPY-Facihty � - � � 6 Nl(GRE3 Subpart 360'�1 � ' GREEN COPY_Inspector„ , - � SOLID W�aS°T� MANa�����NT.�ACI��`TY' IN�PE�T90N-�FPORT�� _ = : - � - - - . (For llse at`Transfer Statioras) ' ' � _ • � . , � FACILITY NAME" - - � LOCATION - ` ." FACILITY.NUMBER` DATE� .: TIME = � ` ` - - �i t�r�✓� �7`S ` l' ,i-G I : (�t'� _ . '. �- - {Z � � � S�c� � r� r7 l5 - " INSPECTOR'S NAME . CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND�TITLES_ - • - ` -- __ " =�(-r��dZ S�l,�; 7r�" �-J �l,a ��,t.t�'�(�1��! � ' _f�ICIL+TY vM�+.��'!�r'"st - - REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS � ` ' DEC PERMIT NUMBER ' � ' . ' " - � ' . , . r'�( .r��/T f r��i= - - _ - , ' _ _ , V l " � _ . . " SHEET � CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- '' . -� " � _- � _ � " � -' - T OF 1 ❑ Yes ��No = - - -= _ Attached � � - Violations of-Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil„Admmistrative and Cnminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71,:and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and� • • - . -Clean Air Acts.Additional and/or Multipie Violations May Be Described on the Attached Continuation Sheet. : � � � . - _ , ' - = - _ ' Thta torm t��record o?condltlons wislch ere observed In�e 91e1d a4 tlie tlme of Inapec@lon.�-�• " . ,. " - �- _ . _ _ - Reens m�riced P!E Indic�te no Inspectlon and do no4 mean no violatlon hes occurred. . . � - � - : _ , ' -❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ ORDER ON GONSENT�� - `prREGISTERED�' ❑ EXEMPT� " ❑ COMPLAINT ��_ � ; . " � _ ' � /� �C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT - • � ." _ - � � � � . . ; _ . 4/❑ ❑ ,1. Sohd waste management facility is authorized and management occurs wdhin approved area.360-1:7(a)(i),(b);360-1.8(h)(5). =- ,- . ', • � �` 2. Incommg solid waste is_monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid waste mate�ials accepted are.those authorized and� - : -- ` � approved for management at the facility: � • �_ � - . - - �i7� ❑ O a. Control Program.360-1:14(e)(1). - , . � • ..: � . � • _ - � , - ' � � - b�❑ ❑ _ b. Department Approved Facility for�Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-t1.4(a),(m). �_ � . ' - _ - � _ -_ _ - - _ ' , �1�" O ❑ c..Signs.360-11.4(c)*, � - _ , � - � .- - _ - `' . � � - � 3..Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance_with the permit-anc+tfieir intended use: - - - � � ��57�❑ - ❑ , a. Maintenanoe of Facility Components/Site Gradmg.360-1.14(�(1)*."•� � " _ - - _ - _- _ . • - , -° ��- R. . _ . . _ - . �,C'L ❑ ❑ _ b. Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(�(2)x. � ' , - - _ • _ ,_ � � _� -. _.` - _ � ❑ ❑ � c. Drainage.360-1.14(fl*. � - - - _ - - � - � , , , � _ - - . - � 4. Operational records are available,where required: , • � -- _ . - - - : - . - . , . " � ❑ ��O- - a._Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). -_ ' � � ._- � _ �-- -- � -" -_ . - � - - -❑ �❑ b. Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). '_ ,- , - _ : � - = _ __ - ; • = � � ❑ b- `❑ c. Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). � - � � � ' '� - ' '_ � � . - � ` � � _ ❑ �Cl, :❑ d. Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). � _ - � _ _ -- -_- • - � _ ; � � � - , . ❑ L�' ❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1)*. ` • . . - � - - , --_ _,- . , , _ � . ❑ -0-� 0 f.�Daily.Log of Sohd Waste."360-11.4(i)*. ' � - � ' .. - - � . - . - - � � �,(�` OPERATIONCONTROL ' � - - . ' _, - � �' " _ . = �- � -= � � - -,ib ❑ ❑ � 5. Solid waste,including blowing litter,�is sufficiently confined•or controlled.360 1.14jj);360=11.4(e)._�` � . �,F- ` -_ y - � - _ . - - -_ ;�' ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is,effectively controlled,and does not constdute an off-Sde nuisance.360-1.14(k). ' . � - :.� � � �_ - _ __ .� � �O ❑ ❑ 7. On-s�te vector p�pulations are prevented or con4rolled,and.vector breeding-areas are prevented.360-1.14(I);360-'11.4(e): �. - - . _ _ '�il-� ❑ ❑ 8. Odors are effectively controlled so that�they do not constitute a nuisance.360=1.14(m);360-11.4(e). - - - .. � - - __ ' /�' - . . - • _ - -" • ` . ` - . - WATER - - - _ . _ _ _ '.- _ ' ` ' �- - - . _. . _ ; fE]-''❑ ❑ .9. Solid waste is prevented from entering surtace waters�and/or_grouniiwaters.360-1,.14(b)(1). ,�_ - - l � .- - _ - �.- ' -� - ,: - -O��❑ ❑ 10. Leachate is minim¢ed through drainage control or other means a�d is prevented f�om entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2). _ � - ACCESS . - - _ , , °, _. _ ; - , - . : ._ .� �'- , ", .^. _ ; ' � ❑ , O 11. Access to the facility i�strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,-natu7al barriers o�other suitable�means:360-1.14(d)*.,. - -' - - P ❑ ❑ 12. On-site roads are passabie.360-1.14(n)*. . �^ ', - : . � , . , , _ , _ _ � ',- - �� , - " ` WASTE HANDLIMG � � � -- ` _ . _ - _ . - - - - ` , _ , � ,C�fl ❑ ❑� 13. Adequate storage of inooming solid wa`ste is•�available.360-11.4(g)•. - � _`' "- � �.- ' - = � - � -- = : � - � � - � i��E7 .�O ❑ - 14. Putrescible solid waste is removed when fransfer containers are•full,or within seven`days�of receipt.360=11.4(I);�,�-.,; ., `-� .- ,_ , � , . - ❑ br ❑ '15. Processing,tipping,sorting,s4orage,compaction,and related�activities are m-an endosed o��covered area_(for,transfer stations receiving more - - � � than 50,000 cublc yards or 12,500 tons of solid waste-annually).360-11.4(n)(1)*. _ --_ - � _ � - � " ' ❑ .P` ❑ 16. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading(for transfer_stations�eceiving more than 50,000 cublc,yards or 12,500 toris of sol�d . _ ' _ waste annually'�.360-17.4(n)(2)*. � ' - , " , � - - - 17. Station is cleaned or washed down each day to preVent,odors or`other nwsance conditions(for transfer stations rece�ving more than 50,000 � _ - , ' cublc yards or 12,500 tons of solid,waste annually).360-11.4(n)(3)*: . . . , . , , ` � � _;� - - , , , _ OTHER . _ - _ � , V - - -�- - -- - - � - - ' On Continuation Sheet identify any,other violations.� - � � �- _ - _' -� _ . - " � + . -� ,-, `- - "* Does not apply to a registered transter station. :_ _- _ , - � _ - - � �_ �� � � _ '_ _ ` � � - , � - - = ) �- � _ � - � � . " , __- - � �- I hereby aaknowledge.receipt of the � ---� , - . ' � - ' ~( - � - - , : Facihty Copy of this Inspection Report sheet. � , f . • • . . - " r---� , � �/� ,, - -� � � � _� -- . - -_-���.n'I c.�_ �C-�, i,+/i/�-N/.r l'.r�'" " - ��: - - - - , - _ ,-_ � - . . = Individual in Responsible Charge,(Please"print) , % . . , ' �7 / - � ' -_- _ � _ _�s�:.�:.r.:+k �4J�-�c��.yC..�tf f , �7-�'."..�t/ . - ; � Ir�s`p�ctor's Signature - _ ._ � .- -_ � ' Signature ' - - " Date - �__ ' _ - -- -= - -- -- -. - - �_. _._ ' - _ _ _ . -.-... - - -� - - . � _ �- _�-. . , .., - _ e . - . .�_ .f��a(�OL�5��(��Pl( ' . . _ -- - _ - - . , - - , � � - -- - - _ - , - . . ,- - - , '� - , . ., . _ _ . , . , ._ . . . . _ . . _ _ ..,,. ... _ . . ._., _. . .,.: : � � - � � _ - � , ° . , . . . . . - . , - - , . . , � - - �. �� =� „ i ;R.� � !' �- 47-15-1 (1/98)-q DISTRIBUTION ROUTING -i' - WHITE COPY-Regional Office �� NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - - ,- `DIVISION OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS YELLOW CQPY-Central Office . � - PINK COPY-Facihty � SOLID W14STE MANAGEM�NT FACILITY IiNSPECTION REPORT GREENCOPY-Inspector; . ' Continuation Sheet FACILITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE - TIME .s(�f I7�%(i)L✓� / 1 �� 4�.1��)��J� = J� � , .� � � � � 5 d G � � � INSPECTOR'S NAME COQE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES ' �G-r �- ��.� �✓?IG� iM �� �J1,IGH�� t�C�G�� �' �t�i-(l�tr.�� , REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER � �� �i�J'� (f7�i' - - l - SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- 1 OF l ❑ Yes ��No Attached - Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71, - and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts. - Additional Vioiations May Be Noted on Sheet One of this Inspection Report._ Provide site sketches,clarification,supplemental information,locations of photographs or samples and/or locations of violations. (Uncorrected violations must be described in detail and located on a sketch). r�_�=; @-._..-., , 47-21-3 (scc li/02) � New York S#�dte Depariment of Ernrironme�al Consenration - Division of Solid &Hazardous Materials � 61VYCRR PART 360-16 INSPEC'TIOfV REPORT -.� CONSTRUGTION AN�DEMOI.&TYON DEBRIS PROCESSING FAQLITY FACII.iTY NAME FAQLITY NO. DATE TIME REGUTATORY SiATUS S lY f�L G � � �v (� la �(•, �'(�f� Permitted� FACbi7Y LOG4TlON REQON WEA ER ONDITIONS Registered G� l G '' � �r� L.�,�o� und Exempt ❑ / *For�istered Facil'�fies,�ns��niy�or��e i�ms print�d in�d. Violations of Part 360 are sub�ect to applicable civil,administrative and criminai sanctions set forth in ECL Article 71. It�ems marked NI indirate "no inspection"and do not mean that no violation has occur�ed. C v FAQLI7YMANAGEMENT C v p� � 1.Faality is authodzed and solid waste management occurs ❑ I8.Access to the facility is adequately controlled. 350- within approved area.360-1.7(B},360-1.8{h)(1),(5),360-16.1 1.14(d),360-i6.9(h) � �] 2.Facility accepts only tf�ose solid waste materials author- 19.On-site roads are pas�ble.36o-i.14(n),36ai6.3(g)(4) ized for management at the facility.3b01.14(e),(r),36D- ,0.-�-��0.Attendant is present dudng all operational hours bo 16.1(a),(�,360-16.3(hx4),36016.4(b) oonhni aace.ss and receive soUd waste,where perma- -�'�- 3.FacNity components are maitdained and aperdted in ner�t operating equipmer�t adsts.350-1.14(c) acaordan�with authorizatlon.360-1.i4(�,36Q-16.4(a) '�-�� 4.OBtiM Manual Ls mai►dained and avallabie for reference � / y�����G � and inspectlon,360-16.4(a) �1'1-1 � Zi,yncoming waste is inspected before aoceptance and the ❑ � 5.Operational records are available where required. �`�' '-� C�D debris acoepted is wefghed or measured before 36Q-1.4(c),360-1.8(h)(8),360-1.14(e)(2),(n,360-16.4(b)(2),(i),(I) � Unl08dit1g.360-SS.4(bj{2) OPERA7IONCAN�itOL � � ZZ•Proper separation of materials and adequate supenri- sion is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadufter- ❑ 6.Solid waste is sufficiently conftned or controlled. ated and not mntaminated if it is to be pulverized or � 360-1.14(j),3fi0-16.3(h)(4),360-16.4(6)(5) ,, / processed separatefy from other C&D.360-16.4{c)(3) � � 7,Dust is effectively wntroiled, 350-1.14(k),360-16.3(g)(5), ,�"❑ � 23.Adequate storage for inmming C&D debr�s is availa6le. 366-Sb3(hx5),36U-16.4@x5) �,J 364„��q���i� 8.Vedors and vector breeding areas are effecdvely pre- �tS � Z4.Unauthorized soHd waste material received at the vented/controlled. 36D-1.14(q,360-16.3(h)(5),360-15.4(6)(5) �'i� faq(�ty is removed within 24 hrs. 360-16.4(fl(1) � � 9.Odors are effectively controlled. 350-1.14(m), � � 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored 360-16.3(h)(5�,360-15.4(bx5) urtcovered at the facility for a period exceedtng 30 �'�"1-0.Adequate shelter for mobile equtpment for routine main- � / days.360-16.a(�(2)* tenance and repair is provided. 360-1.14(0) �'�'F"� � Z6.Proce�ed and unpracessed C&D debris is not stored in � � i i.Noise levels are wntrolled to prevent transmission of `7' `'' L endosed or wvered storage for a period exceeding 90 � sound levels ahove the allowable levels off-site. � � days.360-16.4(�(2)* 360-1.14(p),360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4{b)(5) .1371'r'I � 27,processed and unprooessed C&D debris storage piles do ,��-12.Open bumtng acars only tn aaordanoe with a Depart !`Y '-' not exceed ZO feet in height and the area at tha base ' ment i�ued buming permit 360-1.14(q) of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet. -$'et"[r3�.Feality has adequate{y heated and Iighted shelters,�fie 360-16.4(�(3} ddnking water supply,sanitary boilet facilitl�and radio or � �g,C&D debris storage pfies are not located fn excavations telephone communications. 360-1.14(t) or below normal grade. 350-16.4(t�(3), 36D-16.4(fl(5) -{�-���4.Fadlity operator has a copy of all appltcable pertnits,con- � � a9.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet[s maintained ditions,wntingency plan,operattons and maintenance between C�D debris storage piles and a miNmum report and the most recent annual reparG 360-1.14(u)(1) separation distance of 50 feet is maintafned between -�-e-8--i.5.M air monitoring program�implemetrted to monitor dust, C&D debris storage piles and properly bourtdaries. alors or other air pollutards at and emanating from the 364-16.4(�(3) fadlity, where required by the Departrnent (� � 30.Recyclable5 recovered from the C&D debris are not 36�-16.4(bx5)pv) � stored at the faalit�r for a periad exceeding 60 calendar WATER days.35n-is.4(�(4) �,�" � � 3!.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an � 16.Solid waste is prevented frQm entering surFace waters /9� aRernative datly cover material and screenings whlch and/or g�ou�dwaters. 3sai.i4(b)(i) received an approvaf of a petition for a benefiaai use � � 17,Leachate is minimized and dlscharge to waters is pre- determinatlon are not stored uncovered at the fadC�ty ser�ed/controlled. 36a-1.14(b)(2�,36a163(�(2),360-16.4(g) for a period exceeding 15 calendar days.360-16.�(cn(f), , 360-16.4(�(6) r/��(� ��/ �TM� , --�-{,1�'1�Ji y��I G ��uJ. �,�G� .� �� ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies t " are conspicuousiy posted in all areas at facility where Name Insp r/'fitle (PleasQ Print} telephones are available. 360-i.i4(s) �.�� 33.All CB�D debris sborage,prooes�sing,handling and tlpping areas indude appropriate functioning flre detedion and/ Sign re � or pratection equipment s5a1s.4(bx4) S�� °� � c / *exceptthe s6o�age of reoognfzable unrnntamimated rnnuete and other masonary �,. 'Q�i � � L(`PIi�� wasLe,asphaR pavemerit,hrick,saii or rodc that has�rot been In contact witfi a splll Name of Facility Repr eM�tiv�tie (Please Print) fT°m a�roleum prvduct,hazardous vrasbe or Industrlal waste and that ts not . mmmtn led wlth an oth�solid waste.360-l6.4( (5 �� Cor�tlnuaElon sheet(s)attached?: ❑Yes No - Signature If Yes,Indicate the number of mntlnu on heets attached _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIROfVME v NTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF SOl.ID AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS _� 6 NYCRR Part 360-5 � SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTlON REPORT (ksn i�o4) For Use at Yard Waste Com ostin Facilitles FACILITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NO. D 7E TIME Town of Southold Cbmposting Faciltty County Road 48,Cutchogue FIY 52Y29 INSPECTOR'S NAME a � ��' �• 3 a CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Igor Sikihc � M REGION SHEET OF CONTINUATION S EET ATTACHED WEATHER CONDITIONS UNDER ORD�R 01 ❑Yes o �� � f1a d� ❑Yes \�'No �olations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71. Additional and/or Mu�iple Violations May be Described on the Attached Continuation Sheet. Items marked NI indicate no lnspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C i V GENERAL FACILITY MAN GEMENT ❑ 1.Facility is permitted�registered❑,exempt�,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registra�on, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materiais accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the fadlity.360-1. �� ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilitles and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ 5.Operatlonal records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) � ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surtace waters and/or ground waters.360-7.14(b};360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and con6nuously�ntrolfed b fencin Y 8,9ates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) �❑ ❑ 8.Sotid wraste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiendy confined or controiled.360-1.14(jj ❑ 9.Nofse levels are contralled to prevent excursions above the allowable Ieveis off-site.360-'1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlied and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) � COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ' ❑ 12.Ponding ls minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) �❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and tuming frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic condl6ons and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360.5.7(b)(6)' ❑ 14.Required separatlon distances are fnaintained.360-5.7(b)(7) r4� u ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,untess a roved b the D . PP Y epartment 360 5.7(b)(13) MONITORI(YG � �� 16.Yard waste is anaiyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360.5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of this Inspection Report. � ' ��c �� � ! � ' �Z � In ividuai in Responsible Ch ge Please rint � � [ P l Signature Date � f EC I e or's Signature 1 47-15-1 (1/98)-q - DISTRIBUTION ROUTING NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WHITE COPY-Regional Office � - YELLOW COPY-Central Office � DIVISION OF SOLID&HAZARDOUS MATERIALS � � PINK COPY-Facility � - . , SOLID WASTE IVId4NAGEMENT FAClLITY INSPECTION REPORT . GREEN coPv—��SPe�co� � ,- , ; Continuation Sheet - FACILIN NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE - TIME� � � SU�E���J l.�s�f r�c� t"v i c. <<���G v� �. S .� 5 I 7 P c,� � � J l � 3 INSPECTOR'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES �l7'!�{�. 5(l�(�f?I C. �'" I '' , REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER " U� G�-r/� `t�''�` — � _ . ' SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- , � OF t ❑ Yes ��7 No '� Attached .' . _ , Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Admmistrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL Article 71, � ` - - and as Appropriate,the Clean Water and Ciean Air Acts. Additionai Violations May Be Noted on Sheet One of this Inspection Report. , � Provide sde sketches,clarification,supplemental iniormation,locations of,photographs or samples and/or locations of violations. - _, -' , . (Uncorrected violahons must be descnbed in detail and located on a sketch). . � � =I--;-;-�--_=_=-- �_=-_— -,--==--T--�--; �_;' - -=i�---- -� ,--- _;4---1-- �_ ,_ TY_tt f ` 1 , 4 ♦ i Y � � r � �_ _ ; . � � i , , . -� � � � � i 1 � � � /�I��� a�„l,{1�,S 1�' ; {7�,,�'r�, S; ��;;" ;r p f�5��1` ,>>'� + I -�--,------r-, i ` � �` , � � I � ' � ' f � 'r + � I , I • , ' , � ' { , . , , , � � � ' � , ' � , I - , a ', � - � . � _-�i1� ---UA 'G' -r`_�.r"i._,�� __w���r•���_,,i—__r �--_r�-��-'�- --'��cY�`'-��`��r�� � ' �� ' • � �I_,��_— _T_ w1 � ;-- -- - � - , - ---- .. ,! ; � ' :<,`f:,�;G�:t �v c,;� ,l��.��-� ' ! � , ' � `f ' � . '' I . . l : ' . ; � f f_ II+ ��- � i,J , Iz� l '��t sf i., ,• ; , v�,;��" �,� i ��3 i , �.,4��c.;,� h(( l. , ,('+�I 1?F!!,1 L� ,��S 7ic,��� : i � i � . ' ,i � � 1 ' � � � - f ' ' L_ - � � �i �t -- -, -- r--�------�- - - ---; -- ---- —r-- --,----------r_-�--,------- - --- ----.-_ � —_- --N-- �------�---�� �'I I '>{Z- ' �7ti?'' i/ � f�> ! .1�':�,- �S' J L,.,v� '> 1rj'"1 t.'�tfj'r'J)� � ' ' , , ' ' i� ;� ; � f . : � � , ; � ! � � . ' ' ' , � , ' I ' , � , j � ' ' �f i� ! . , , , � . , ; , ` � { ; � �� _� V��l [ .�� � t/!, A- 1 ; ' t_ � yt , S r , S _�(i�J,t���,;� ; 7U _ �°3� I i;,., I_ , ' j ; , , ; ; , . , j , � , � , , . � 1 , , � + � , - i; - - - - ; ------ -=-� 1`'-, ±�{ _,-- �—(�J�dJt � 1��� ;— — --1-�-----,---i -- - - ---- �-- . -'- ;--� --------' —� �I 4` , , �� � ��`� t �t ' i • ; � ; " f i Y� t : ' � ' ( , ! � � " ; ; , i II f! . � ; � ! ; . ' j ' i ' ` � � - i , ' ' fi �� t A1✓� ��.'! I'Z�i,�7�;i.�l, ��:� �, 'r, �_ --i l S ,L t�c., S '�„� �i�1� � M,r�, 1 � ' ' � . � � � � , , , -. u , - 4 � � � , � , , --- - - -- ---- - -� - --- - - — - - -- �--- � '-- -- --- ---�-- � ; ; . , i --- ----I- -- �--- --;-- ---,--- ---�-- ---- --- ;-----.�.� , -- , ��, �f ��:__�__--- , � � ' � ; � � , ; � . � � ' � ; � ' � � � �` i; ; � � ; � � ; ' � ; . i � � ; ` � : , �' i . . � � - E . f . ;! �; - - — -. - , ----- -I--� - - --- � - - - --- �-- ---- --- '— �-�--�.�--- --------�---,— � -�-- ;-- - - �--�--__- ji � �' � l � � il �� , ` . � �� �; � , � � � ; ' , �, - ; ; � � i� � � � ; � . � I i, ; , � � � , j , ! , , � , i � , � 1 � � I 1 + , � � r � - - I i� 1� ' _ " _ _ ' _ ' _ _ _ '_ _ " _ "_;' __ '_"„ '__I`_"___ ""_".`.�� ' __ ` _" i_ _ ." "' 'L' _' ' ^_ _'�_ _"_ _ _'_'fl ! � - � � . . �_ , . \� � i r , � � - � � 2 � � � ?� ')I , I � i�'^~`_ � j � I� ' C , ' ' -- � IJ � , � � , ' � n ' • � ' '� r� - -- -� - `•-- - - - ` --� ----- -- �- - - --- = -�---•-- 1_ - -- - - ---- - - ---- --- � � � � • ,. I hereby acknowledge receipt oi the� � • ` � �-� ? - _ . Facility Copy of this Inspection Report sheet � � , ; : ! - � ��./c'��(%�r � {��? c�t,`-C-1:��/ � - ; . � � Iridividual in Responsible Charge(Plea'se p�int) r J /q // , / ; ♦ -v�� i lVl� - _ J� l �T-Y�� .�,(,/ � l�t�l�'�,! " � J � :Inspector's Signature � Signatu�e' � � ,' / ^ Date � ���Bft�V����lf , . - . , : .l � � - - . . ;._ _ . . . , . _ . , '. . .- � '_ . -r . . .. , , . r u . , 47-15-1E,(1/98)—q � ,�' _ ' � --,' DISTRIBUTIOY ROUTIIdG NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMEMT:bF ENVIROIVMEfiITAL CONSERVATIOPI - • WHI7E COPY—Regional Offsce �` .� - � : � - DIVISION OF SOtID&-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ���;':� , ' YELLOW COPY=Central Office � � _ � -. . _ � � , PINK COPY—Facility - -. , s ���i�� a��l�$��9� .�6��11- � - - GREEN COPY—Inspector • . � SOLID 1NASTE �l9AN�GEflI�E�9T ��CI(L9`��9N�PE�T901V R�PORT . - _ . . - ' - (For Use at`Transfer S4ations) - - - FACILITY NAME �• � • . , , , LOCATION , . � FACILITY NUMBER DATE � TIME - �r��,�ii�1�L �i i#�i�,��;�� ST���,v l'[:`�i G ��,�f� ,;�. . _ .� � "r �1 ��� 7 � U � � � ��d J • IMSPECTOR'S NAME , � CODE _ PERSOIVS IPdTERVIEWED AND.TITLES . - ' • - _ y(���J'i_ ���►'�i� ' `� -- , �" : � - � - � . REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS � - - � • `- " , - DEC PERMIT NUMBER , - _ - - -. . �� - � - E.� G L-��.�-a2 . � �-1�'il r� � - � �- - = - - � � SHEET - CONTINUATION SHEET-A7TACHED PART(S)360- -� � ' " � � _ � -- - _ _ " ' ' - _ ' 1 OF � - ❑ Yes OrNo' � - - - . ' • " � � � _ - - - _ Attaohed . Violations of•Part 360 are Subject to�Applicable Civil;Administrative and Criminal Sanctions Set Forth in ECL-Article 71,arid as Appropriate,the Clean Water and • .- � -Clean Air Acts.Additional and/or-Multiple Violations May Be Described on the�Attached Con4inuation Sheet:• . � . ' � - - _ . • ' ' qhls 4orm Is a�ecoPd of conditlone v�hlch ere abseeved In tl�e fleid�t the time o}InapecPlon. _ - . - - Rems msek�d NE leadicate no_inapec4lora end do/no�4 mean no vtoleUon hes occureed., ' . ❑ PART 360 PERMIT,�- -_- ❑ ORDER.ON CONSENT- � ��REGISTERED �O.EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT - _ . C �NI V _ FACILITY NA�NAGEMENT = � .. ��_ - - �- -- ' � - � ❑._Q 1. Solid wa§te management facility is authori�ed_and�management occurs withiri approved area..360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-1.8(h)(5). . � - � � - �--' _ "2. Incoming solid waste is monitored•by a controhprogram for unauthorized waste,and solid waste maierials accepted are those authorizer.i and . � Y - approved for management at the facility: ' - _ T- _. _ , . - ,- : . -_ _ _ _ - �.EI ❑ ❑ - a.'Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). . - ' �• � � _ . '_ _ -- , " - � - . . . �IG��r.❑ ❑ , b. Department Approved'Facdity for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-11.4(a),(m):- _ " � • _ . rO` ❑ L] c.�S�gns.360-11.4(c)*. - - ., - : -� . . , � - .-_ --- - _ , �� � � 3. Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance wdh the parmit and theicintended use: � ._ . �L�- ❑ " ❑ a. Maintenance of Facih4y:Components/Srte,Grading.360-1�.14(�(1)'. � , � .` - � ' � „ . - ,�'❑ A. �b. Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(fl(2)•.„ _ _ - _ �_ _ -_, .� . _ - �❑ ❑ ❑ � c. Drai�age.360-1.14(�*: � • . - - �- = " - . - -- - - 4. Operational.records are availabie where reGuired: _ . - - -. _ -- . - - " � ❑ Q—_ ❑ a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.�360-1.14(i)(1). -�. �, � - �- " _ . � - � - ❑ .,d� ❑ b: Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). _ _, � _ , , . � - - ,� - � � , � - ❑ " O ❑�, c. Permit�Application Records.360-1:14(i)(3): .- "� � - - . - "' . - � _� � � , ❑ � ❑ _ d.�Monitormg Records.360-1.14(i)(4). � •° -. - � . ' � _ _ - ❑ �[7��❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1)*.. - � - , � .. • ❑ �L�-7 -❑ f. Daily Log of Solid Waste.360-11.4(i)*; _ . -" '� . ' -� _-_ - ; ' . _ : - - � • - - '_ OPERATION CON4ROL '- - � �- �. � -- - '- '�` ' � _ , • _ � b- ❑_ 0 5. Solid=waste,mcluding blowing litter,is su�ciently,coniined•or coMrolied.360 1.14Q);360-11.4(e). � - - - - � ���Y.O� •O 6. Dusf is effectively controlled;,and does nof constrtute an off-Site nuisance.360-1.14(k). _ . - - - rIJ_,,.❑ ,'❑ :-_ 7. On-eite vector populahons,are'prevented or controlled,and vector breetling areas are prevented.360-1.14(q;360-11�,4(e). - + , � ❑_ ❑= 8. Odors are effectively controlled so that they do�not,constitute a nuisance.360=1:14(m);360-11.4(e). � _ . � _ �� � -. " _ �WATER - , .:: _„ ; _- , . - _ . `���❑ ❑ _ 9.,Solid waste-is�prevented�frorri entering surfa�ce watersand/or'groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). - - - , . �T�� � 10. Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is preyented from entering surtace waters.360-1.14(b)(2). . _ , . ' � - ACCESS•_ . -" _ � - " � ' ` y - � , " _ � _ , , �], ❑ ❑� 11. Access to the facility i�cstriotty and continuousiy oontrolled-by fencing,gates,signs,-natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1:14(d)*., . . - �7 . ❑ ❑ 12.=0n-site roads are passabie:360-1.14(n)*.' - . , _ .-' ' = _- • _� / - WASTE HdNDIIMCv "• - �_=" -� - -_' . '-- : '- . , �1�. ❑ ❑ 13. Adequate"storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(gj*;� • _ � - _ _- _ - ��" ❑ ❑ 14. Putrescible solid waste,is removed:when transfer containers are full,or.within seven days"of receipt.360-11.4(I). - _ . . - �.1 ❑ -O - 15. Processmg,Upping, `sorting;siorage,compactio;n,-and related activities are in an.enclosed or covered area(for transfer stations receroing more � than SO,OOO.cubic- ards or 12,SOO tons,of sohd waste annuall 360-11.4 n 1 * ' , � r - Y , . Y)• � )� ),�_. - � . . � -pO�O.-Y O�- 16. Incoming waste is weighed or measured�before unloading(for 4ransfer stations'receiving more than 50,000 cublc yards or-i2,500 tons of sohd - - ,. ; =waste annually�.360=11.4(n)(2)*. . •- � _ _. ._ - � � - � : � � 17. Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions-(for transfer stations�receiving more than 50,0�0 , � cublc yards or 92,500 tons of solid waste annually):360-11:4(n)(3)*. � . - . ` , = ,_ _ � • - - � , ' . - OTHER � . ' �, - ,_ - - .- _ _ _ - - ' _ " _ On Continuation Sheet'identify any other 4iolations:= � - -- _ ; , , " ' _ ," _ . � � * Does not�apply to a registered transfer station. -- - � � . ; ; . . , • - � � � ' � � � �- � ,' � • : • = =- . - - . - --I hereby acknowiedge receipt of the - . _ " - ` � f _ � _ " _ , " - " _ • �, _ _ . Facility Copy of this Insp.=ction Report sheet. � - 3 ? _� � - - _ � - - - - ' -= . - .- . �- � /Q ��P. r,`� �?�7 LP, :,.��/ ' ' - � � � -� � - � ` - Individual in ResPonsible`Charge(Please p�int) � -:-°� �� -� ,�.�.-==y - - -- == , , � ; :-- ; _ - - -- .- �. -.- --� �/� /;� }� f -- 1 ` InspOctor s Signaturs - .' - - -- � - �-_ .' _ � ": l�'�-{�.�-,F�' f 6��l :�!j�d . , - - - : _" - _ - _- , Signature _ / � Date _' �. .. : -__- - - - _-- _ - _ . - "- �e��0������� -- -- - - . - . ti _ _ . .� - .. s5` c . -... _ ^� . .. . " }_ " :4-� .. r � i . � - , � a' � _ � ' i .. ' - .. ' i �� _ - .- r w ., ' � n.. � , .- �` .� _..t � ' • � ' [ a _ .. - .. � .. � i 'l