HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-754Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO DATE: ~pt. 12 Stake No. 329 iSSUED TO ...... W~:~.~...~.ess & Thc~9~.S..~.t....,Cr~tJ:~ .................. Pursuanf fo {'he provisions of Chapfer 615 of {'he the Sfafe of New York. 1893; and Cha Sfafe of New York 1952; and fha Soufhold Town Ordinance en, {.i{.led "REF=ULATINC= AND THE PLACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and fha REMOVAL OF SAND, ~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance wlfh fhe Resolution of The Board adopfed a{' a mee{'ing held on Sept;.._]..~, 19.7~. .............. ~ and in consideration of fhe sum of $ 26,00 paid by.: ...... ~al~er Gtess.& ~homas N.~ ..~.~.~. .......... of Ma. in ~XY.~q?~...gd~.~.Sg.q~.O~, N. Y. and Terms and Conditions lis{.ed on {'he reverse of Soufhold Town Trusfees aufhorizes end permlfs construct a dock 3 ft.by 38 ft., ramp 3 ft., float 8 ft. by 12 ft., (240 sq. pilings at their 3oint boundary line b~ ~ & 4 on private road "Koke Drive.,Southol~ all in accordance wi{'h fhe del'ailed specifications as fhe originating applcaflon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trusfees here, by causes, lfs Corporafe Seal fo be affixed, and fhese fo b~ subscribed by a n~ajorify of fhe smd Board a', TERMS an~ CONDITIONS ~: : The Pern~tt~ Walter Olcss & Thomas N. Craiq residing at bla±n Bavview Road~ Southold, N.Y., ~ pa~ of the ~onsid~fion for ~e ~C~ of ~e Per~ d~ ~md ~d p~i~ t~ ~e fol- l~ing: L ~at ~e said Board of T~tee~ md ~e Town of ~old ~ rel~ ~ ~y ~d ~ damages, or cla~ for dmagm, 0f ~ts ~Ning ~y or ~e~y ~ a r~t b} ~y o~- afion perfo~ed pmuam to ~s ~h ~d &e ~d Pe~ee'wffi, ar h~ or her o~ ~p~, defend any md ~1 su~ ~ ~tiat~ by ~d p~fi~, and &e smd Per~tt~ assm~ :~B ~i~ with respect &~eto, re &e mmpl~e exclm~on-of ~e ~d of T~e~ of ~e, To~ Of ~old 2. That ~s Petit N ~d for a p~ Of L2 mos. wM~ ~ ~mi&~ m ~ &e es&mated t~e required to complete &e work ~volve~ ~t ~ould ~smc~. w~r~t, r~u~t for ~ e=ension may be ~do to ~e Bo~d at a later ~tm 3. ~at ~s Pemk sho~d ~ retched ind~Mite~, or as long ~ ~e s~d' Pe~ .~ to m~mam the stmmre 0r proje~ ~volv~ to provlde e~dm~ to anyo~ con~ned ~at auffi- or~afion was or~mlly obt~n~ 4. ~at the work ~volved w~l be ~bje~ to ~e Nsp~fi~ md approvfl of ~ ~d or zts agents, and non.~mp~ wx~ &e prov~om of &e on~m~ app~tm% my ~ ~e for ~v~anon of &ts Permit ~ r~olufion of ~e sa~d Bmrd. 5. That ~ere will ~ no u~easonable int~fer~ce wi& na~n as a r~t ~ ~e work herein auto.ed. 6. That there shall ~ no Mterference wi& the .ri~t of ~e pubic to ~ss and ~p~ ~g &e beach be~een Mgh ~fl low water m~ks. 7. That g famre operations 0f &e Town of Sou&old r~e ~e ~ovM ~d/or flteradons in &e location of &e work here~ aU&o~, or if, ~ &e opi~on of &e Bo~ of Tme~, ~e work s~l cause unr~onable obs~on re free navi~ti~, ~e smd P~ ~ be r~, upon due notice, re remove or alter &is work or proje~ h~ein stated'~t ~ m ~e To~ of Sou&old. 8. That &e said Board will be nofifi~ by the Per.tree of &e ~pl~ ~ ~{ ~rk ~- o~ed. -~ 9. lhat &e Permkree will obt~n all o~er per~m and censure ~t maT/~ ~r~ mp- pI~ent~ ~o ~is petit w~ my be subj~ to revo~ u~n f~e to ~n ~e. .................... BOARD O.F SOUTHOI.D T<3WN TRUSTEES : :'' rev/6/72 To: Walter Glass and Thomas N. Craig, Main Bavview Road, $outhold~ N.y.11 I. Your application, dated Sept. 11, 1972 has been reviewed by this ~oard,at a m~eting of the Trustees held on ~September~ %li !972 and resulting in the action~ as indicaCed below: Application approved~ ( ) Application d~nied. ( ) Application tabled. 2. Comments and remarks: 3. If your application is approved above, A PermitFee~is now,due~ 'and should be ~ade payable to'the order of the BOard,~f SOuthOld ~ow~ Trustees. This f~e is computed below accordin~ ~ th~'Sched~le of Rates as set forth in the Instruction S4~eet (Form.%/1) If the Permit Fee is~paid in person ~ the Secretary of the Boa{d, The Per~it will beigbtainable at the Same time. I~ the fee is paid by mail, the permit Will be mailed in reply. Computation Of Permit Fee: · Dock - 3 ft, by 38 ft. - 114 sq. ft. Ramp ~ 3 ft. by 10 ft. - 30 sq, fti Float- 8 f~. by 12 f%. - 96 s~. ft. 240 sq. ft. ~ 10¢ s, $24.00 2 pilin~ 2.00 Total Fee for this application: ............... $ Signed Chm. Board o Trustees. by /" Secreta ~-e, - TO~ TRUSTEES A/2 ' re~/72 A~F~ICAT~ON FOR FIXED and/or FLOATING DOCKS 2~ Contractor's name L address: 3= Briefly explain thepurpose of this spplication: _ 4. After issuance of a Permit, I expecn to: (mark by an X) (a) Commence work ..... AT ONCe__; ASAP~; UN~NOWN (b) Complete work in--lDAYi 1MO. '~; lkSlo ; FUTURE__. 5. Secure the correct Area ~p from the Secretary of this Board,and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE indicate as closely as possible [ne location of this dock. On the reverse side of this map, provide a $C_.Lm DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Water Mark, the shape and size of the dock and any supplemental pilings which are needed to hold a floating dock or t~e-up a boat° Give all dimensions necessary to determine the area of the dock surface which extends offshore from the O.HoW~Mo 6. Will any portion of this construction extend offshore ~n[o To~ Waters beyond an imag~ary t~e or bo~dary formed by other similar st~actures along the area's shoreline? ~or NO~ If x.[ does extend beyond this so-called dock line ~dieate by how far~approximate!y~, ft~ 7. Provide the fo!tow~ documenns: (a) A Licensed Ene~eer's Survey of the property invoived. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plans & Speciflcations~ Will this construction require the Fiil~g of any land offshore of the Ordinary High Water Mark or the Dredg~g of any material f- =om To~ ~nds under water? ~ or NO. If it does, Form A/4 (Application for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and a[tached as part of this application~ In r~questtng approval of this application, I su~it that: the ~forma~ion presented here~ is true and correc~ to the bes~ o~ my ~owledge and belief; ! am the person acceptable for the performance of the work in accordance with the plans and spec- ifications attached ~ I have read or am familiar with the pro- visions of any Southold To~ Ordinance pert~ent to the work ~nvotvedi and further~I ~tend to adhere,~to and abide by the Accepte= by:/,g~ Dated: Or/~~~