HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOR RES 299 ,., OSPERIZu KOSOLRESSUX1 i Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk Registrarof Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer May 9, 2016 Suffolk County Planning Department L.I. State Park Commission Town of Southold Town of Southampton Town of Brookhaven ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution #299 which was adopted by the Riverhead Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on May 3, 2016. Resolution# 299-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Movie Theater Definition) If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecchio at 631-727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm at Ext. 260 Sincerely, ( , d A4411-e- Yi Diane M.M. Wilhelm DMW:cd 200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034 ' ,i ' A • 4 ' ' i ---- i `' Alak ' iktraitt' Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk _ Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer May 9, 2016 Honorable Town Clerk: Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and email back to the Riverhead Town Clerk, Diane Wilhelm at wilhelm , townofriverheadn .iov or by fax at 631-208-4034. Signature: Date: Town Board Meeting May 3, 2016 2:00 PM Resolution# 299-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Movie Theater Definition) Sincerely, 641424,1.t., _ Diane M. Wilhelm Town Clerk DW:cd 200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034 05.03.2016 ADOPTED 160299 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution #299 AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLE D "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Movie Theater Definition) Councilman Dunleavv offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Wooten RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached public notice to consider a local law to amend Chapter 108 entitled, "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code once in the May 12, 2016 issue of the News-Review Newspaper, the newspaper hereby designated as the official newspaper for this purpose, and also to cause a copy of the proposed amendment to be posted on the sign board of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and if needed, a certified copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Hubbard ®Yes ENo Giglio ®Yes ENo Wooten ®Yes [No Dunleavy ®Yes ENo Walter EYes No The Resolution Was [X Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted Y:\2016 RESOLUTIONS\05.03.16\299- BLDG - ResoPHMovieTheaterRev (definition).docx TOWN OF RIVERHEAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Town Board of the Town at Riverhead at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, on the -Ith day of June, 2016 at 2:05 o'clock p.m. to amend Chapter 108, entitled "Zoning"of the Riverhead Town Code. Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead as follows: CHAPTER 108 Zoning 108-3 Definitions; word usage. Movie Theater A building devoted to the showing of motion pictures on one or more screens within the building(s) on a paid-admission basis • Underscore represents addition(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York May 3, 2016 BY THE ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M.WILHELM,Town Clerk Y:\2016 RESOLUTIONS\05.03.16\299-BLDG - ResoPHMovieTheaterRev(definition).docx ; pWNUF I•.> ' A it ) -M TP SPFPITAS 0.PROGAFS R/�'E1792 RH�PQA "''; Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer May 9, 2016 Suffolk County Planning Department L.I. State Park Commission Town of Southold Town of Southampton Town of Brookhaven ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution #300 which was adopted by the Riverhead Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on May 3, 2016. Resolution# 300-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Movie Theater Use) If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecchio at 631-727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm at Ext. 260 Sincerely, A14,4, >1 EdhL . Diane M. Wilhelm DMW:cd 200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034 /---- oxiti,N1 op -2t: Iv i ---- \ , Atti 111' 1 '47/11:1;40:7/ Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer May 9, 2016 Honorable Town Clerk: Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and email back to the Riverhead Town Clerk, Diane Wilhelm at wilhelmatownofriverheadny.gov or by fax at 631-208-4034. Signature: Date: Town Board Meeting May 3, 2016 2:00 PM Resolution# 300-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Movie Theater Use) Sincerely, ,41-424:-e, >7( % 67k61444— Diane M. Wilhelm Town Clerk DW:cd 200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034 05.03.2016 ADOPTED 160300 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 300 AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Movie Theater Use) Councilman Wooten offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilwoman Giglio RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached public notice to consider a local law to amend Chapter 108 entitled, "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code once in the May 12, 2016 issue of the News-Review Newspaper, the newspaper hereby designated as the official newspaper for this purpose, and also to cause a copy of the proposed amendment to be posted on the sign board of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and if needed, a certified copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Hubbard ®Yes ❑No Giglio ®Yes ❑No Wooten ®Yes ❑No Dunleavy ®Yes ❑No Walter XYes PNo The Resolution Was ® Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted Y:\2016 RESOLUTIONS\05.03.16\300- BLDG - ResoPHMovieTheaterRev (shopping center).docx TOWN OF RIVERHEAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Town Board of the Town at Riverhead at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, on the 7th day of June, 2016 at 2:05 o'clock p.m. to amend Chapter 108, entitled "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code. Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead as follows: CHAPTER 108 Zoning Article XLVII. Shopping Center (SC) Zoning District 108-262 Uses. In the SC District, no building, structure, or premises shall be used or arranged or designed to be used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, or altered, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except for the following permitted uses or specially permitted uses and their customary accessory uses: A. Permitted uses: (1) Shopping centers (with a minimum size of 50,000 square feet of gross floor area). (2) Office campuses. (3) Health clubs and spas. (4) Restaurants. (5) Indoor sports and recreaton recreation facilities. B. Special permit uses: (1) Movie Theaters. B C. Accessory uses. Accessory uses shall include those uses customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses or specially permitted uses when located on the same lot. Specifically included are the following: (1) Drive-through windows for banks and pharmacies. G D. Prohibited uses: (1) Motor vehicle dealerships. (2) Boat dealerships. • Strikethrough represents deletion(s) • Underscore represents addition(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York May 3, 2016 BY THE ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M.WILHELM,Town Clerk Y:\2016 RESOLUTIONS\05.03.16\300- BLDG - ResoPHMovieTheaterRev(shopping center).docx �pWNop Yp .PE�ETpR(ISpFR�TAS PEA PROGRESSIIM j Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer May 9, 2016 Suffolk County Planning Department L.I. State Park Commission Town of Southold Town of Southampton Town of Brookhaven ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution #301 which was adopted by the Riverhead Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on May 3, 2016. Resolution# 301-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Theater Parking) If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecchio at 631-727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm at Ext. 260 Sincerely, 424444_ , 6,0k;iedeix_ , Diane M.Wilhelm DMW:cd 200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)7274200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034 l' It i \ :4)"°• 1792 ic) , ' Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer May 9, 2016 Honorable Town Clerk: Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and email back to the Riverhead Town Clerk, Diane Wilhelm at wilhelma,townofriverheadn .gov or by fax at 631-208-4034. Signature: Date: Town Board Meeting May 3, 2016 2:00 PM Resolution# 301-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Theater Parking) Sincerely, #414144, Xi , 6,0/k6/4440._ Diane M. Wilhelm Town Clerk DW:cd 200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034 05.03.2016 ADOPTED 160301 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 301 AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 108 ENTITLED "ZONING" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Theater Parking) Councilwoman Giglio offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Hubbard RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached public notice to consider a local law to amend Chapter 108 entitled, "Zoning" of the Riverhead Town Code once in the May 12, 2016 issue of the News-Review Newspaper, the newspaper hereby designated as the official newspaper for this purpose, and also to cause a copy of the proposed amendment to be posted on the sign board of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and if needed, a certified copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Hubbard ®Yes _No Giglio XYes No Wooten ®Yes _No Dunleavy ®Yes _No Walter ZYes ENo The Resolution Was ® Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted Y:\2016 RESOLUTIONS\05.03.16\301 - BLDG - ResoPHMovieTheaterRev2 (parking).docx TOWN OF RIVERHEAD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Town Board of the Town at Riverhead at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, on the 7th day of June, 2016 at 2:05 o'clock p.m. to amend Chapter 108, entitled "Zoning"of the Riverhead Town Code. Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead as follows: CHAPTER 108 Zoning 108 Attachment 1:1 Parking Use Number of Minimum Spaces One-family and two-family dwellings 1 per dwelling unit Multiple dwellings 1 1/2 per dwelling unit Hotels, motels,tourist homes, cabins, lodging, 1 per guest sleeping room or suite rooming and boarding houses Fraternities, sororities or dormitories 1 per 2 sleeping rooms Hospitals 1 per 1'1/2 patient beds Sanatoriums or convalescent homes 1 per 3 patient beds Medical or dental office 1 per 150 square feet of floor area Mortuary or funeral directors' establishments 1 per 75 square feet of floor Bowling alleys 4 per alley Theaters, auditoriums or any public assembly area 1 per 3 seats with fixed seats, including churches, schools above elementary levels, colleges and universities Movie Theaters 1 per 4 seats • Underscore represents addition(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York May 3, 2016 BY THE ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M.WILHELM,Town Clerk Y:\2016 RESOLUTIONS\05.03.16\301- BLDG -ResoPHMovieTheaterRev2 (parking).docx