HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-61 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES PER.M,T NO ........ ...... Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 61,5 of the Laws of 1893 of the State of New York~and Chapter 404 of the Laws of ! 952 of the State of New York and in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Town of SouthoJd adopted at a meeting of said Board on ........ .~..fk~..~..~,~I..~.~....~..~..~.~ ............. , and in consideration of the sum of $ ...... ~0.~.0.{~ ............... lawful money of the United States, paid by ~r.~.f~.~.~...~....~'.~.~,.~.~.~...°..~...~.. residing at .... ~...~.o..~...~.~.:~]~.¢.~..~.~.~?~.~.~...~,,~..~,..~. ...................... , New York, the said Board oF Trustees of the Town of Southoid, Suffolk County, New York, hereby authorizes and permits said ............ ~.~F~.~ ....',~.~,~.~.~g~ ........................................... to ~re~ge ~arsh bog along the ~h~e li'~e of hi~ lo~ on Deep H~le Creek~ all in ~cco~d,~nce wi~h the plan~ sub~ The said .............. ~'.~pJ%.:~,~.9~f~.~DZ~.~ .................. , as part of the consideration for the issuance of this permit does hereby release the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold from any and all damages claims for d~mages or suits that may ~rise or occur directIy or indirectly as a result of any operation carried on under and pursuant to this permit, and wil! at his own expense, defend any end all suits which may be brought by third parties as a result of any operation carried on pursuant to or in accordance with the terms of this permit, and assume full liability with respect thereto to the complete exclusion of said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southo]d. THIS PERMIT is subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation as o result of the work herein authorized. 2. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along that portion of the be~ch between Iow'arid high water mark. 3. That the work shall be subject to the supervision and approval of the said Board of Trustees or its agents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board of Trustees, the day and year above wr tten. ......... (L S.) STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ........ ON THIS.....~"J ........ day of ............ ~..~.~. .................................. , 1~ ~ before me personaliy appeared ¢o me, who, being by me ~uly sworn, severally sa~8 t~a* *hey each resided in the Town of SouthoM, County of SuffoSk, State of New York, a~d were members of the Board of Trustees of saJd Town of Southo[d ~nd constituted ~ me[orffy of the s~e; that they knew the corporate seal of se$d Town of Southo[d; ~hot *he se~ affixed ~o The fore~oJnD Jsstrume~t was such corpoya¢e seal7 ¢hat i~ was so affixed thereunto by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of ~ Trus*ee and by [ike order. ..................... Notary Public TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARB OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. a ' d ---~.: .~ ........ 19.._..'~--.. Apphcatlon No ................... : .......................... Approved~~..~...~'~ ..................................... ~e~[t No .................... ~.~- Dis~e~ ~c ....... ~: ........... ~ .............................................................................................................................................................................. ~~....~.~ ................................ cha~m~n, Bo~d of T~tees ~ APPLICATION F0~ PERMIT INS~U~IONS ~. This application to be comple~tely ~ed ~ by type~'iter or ~ i~ and subm~ttea to the Tow~ ~s.tees ~ dup- licate. B. ~lot ~plan showing location of lo~ and bull~ngs on pre~ses, rel~t~o~ to adjo~ng presses, pubic streets, pa~ks, elc., a~d giving detailed description of proposed layou~ of project must b~ dra~ on dia~am wMch is p~ of this app~c~ion. C. The work covered by ~Ms app~cat~on may not be commenced before the issu~ce of a petit. D. Upon approval of ~is app~ca~ion, Town Trustees w~ issue a per~t to app~cant. Such pe~ sh~ be kept on the pre~nises and avs~il~b!e for ~nspection at a~ E. App~c~t sh~ ~ify the ~os~d c~ T~stees n~c~ ccmi~leticn of the work cov~ed By ~PLIC~TIO~ I~ HERE~Y M~E to the Board of T~stees of the Town of So~ho~d, S~fo~ County, New Yo~k, for the issuance of s. petit p~sua~t to the laws, Ordinances a~d reg~atlons governing construction of: docks, piers, buI~eads, jettys ~d ~ed~ng in; under, and over the ~ters cf To~ of S,o~t~old. ~e app~cant a~ees to comply ~h a~ app~c~ble laws, ordinances, regul~tions s~n~ conditions specked by sa~d t~stees, and to hold the Town of S9uthc]d, and a~ To~ o~ci~ free from Hab~ty and da~ges of any N~me of o~er of pre~ses .......................... .......... ~.'.~,~ S~ee~ Ad,ess ~f Property .................... ~_...~.....~;..~ .............. ~..~ ~' ~ ................ H~me address If OSher ~a~ Loc~tion ................................................................................................................................................................... ~eek, Bay or H~bor Fronting Property .......... .~....._~ .......... ~~ Pe~it Requested To; ..............~~..~...~.~.~ ................................................................................................................. Size of ~roposed Work: Le~h ......~.~ ................ Wi~th ..~..( ................ Helghth Above High Water ...~.~ .............. Depth Below Low Wate~ .......... ~M ....... Average R~e In Tide ...~..~'..~.~___.. Yards to Be E~cavated _..~ ................... Width of Oa~al, Creek ~r ~ay Fronting Prope~y ........ ~ ............................. Depth a~ Low Tide ......... ~ ....................... Is This For P~vate or Business Use? ~~[~ ............................ ~ea Zoning ...... ~~..~ Complete plbt pla~ to b~ drawn on reverse side of t~s application. ~ o~ ~w so~ 00~ 0~~ ) ~ ~~ being dray sworn, deposes a~d says that he is the app~cang for the ab*ye ~rk will be done in the manner set fo~h in the application and as a~proved by the Bo~d of Trustees of the Town of So,uthoId. a~d the app~oant agrees ~:~ hold the To~ cf S~uthold and said trustees harness an.d free from any an~ a~ dam~es a~ claims a~s~ un,er er by virtue ~f s~d permit. ~ . ~ ~ ~ _