HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEGENNARO, JOHNNon-Jurisdiction Mr. John De Gennaro 2213 Indian Neck Lane .Peconic NY 11958 'RE: SCTM ~ 86-5-10 Dear Mr. De Gennaro: After an on site inspection the Southold Town Trustees found that the 7' X 12' addition and a second story to the existing home is non-jurisdictional as per map submitted May 18, 1992. Please note that the Trustees request that drywells be used to contain roof runoff. If you have any q~estions please call our clerk at 765-1892 Very truly yours, · John M. Bredeme.yer, III President, Board o'f Trustees -.-Board-Of $outhold Town .Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE: ..~.~Far¥....:~.~.,, 1996 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 61'5' of the Laws of the State of 'New York, 1893; and'Chapter 404 .of the Laws of the State of New York 1952: an.d +he S°ufh°ld Town Ordinance eh- +if!ed "REGULATING AND.THE PLACINC= OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND '.ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the' REMOVAL OF SAND, ~=RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;." and in accordance with +he Resofu+ion of The Board adopted at a meeting held on 19..~ ..... and in consideration of the sum of $..'...)..~.,..~:)paid by ,..~n~.(~ ~.~;~f, ~....O.~...]~ eh.al£,` ~ .'~ ~,~T, ,]} ~ G~,~A~..o+ .................................... of N.Y. and subject fo the Terms and Conc~i'flons lis+ed on ~he reverse side hereof, of Soufhold Town Trustees aufhorlzes and permits the following: to construct a 3' X 21' fixed walk, 3: X 51' fixed w~k above grade, 3~ X 16' ramp; 6' X 20' float secured by (2) sets o£ ~2) 8" diameter X 25~ dolphins. all in accordance wlfk the defai'[ed specifications as presented in the orlglnafing application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees' here- by causes ifs Corporate Seal fo b:e affixed, and these presents fo be subscribed, by a maiority of the said Board as of this daf,e. ...... ALEXANDER F. TREADWEll SECRETARY OF STATe Mr. Roy L. Haje, President Eh-Consultants,. Inc. 1329"NOrth 'Sea Road Southampton;NY 11968 STATE Of New;YorK DEPArTMENt Of STATE .......... '--~ ALBANY, NY 12231-0001 !. ...... 2S, v94:< F-951735 U.S. Army Corps of Eng/neers/New~ York District Permit Apphcafion. #95-11870-L2 Jotm':.D~enii_m:o;:Richmond Creek Town. of Southold, Suffolk County DEC # t-4728-00546/00004~0 Dear Mr. Haje: The Departm.em of State has completed its evaluation of your Federal Consistency Assessment Form and certification that the above proposed permit acfiv/ty complies with New York State's approved Coastal Management. Program, and: will be conducted in a manner consistent with this program. Pursuant to 15 CFR Section 930.63, and based upon the project information submitted, the Department of Stare concurs with your consistency certification. Tiffs concurrence iS without prejudice to, and does not obviate the need to obtain all other applicable licenses, permits, and approvals required, under existing State statutes. The U.S. Army Corps. of Eng/neers is.being notified of this decision by copy of this letter. Sincerely, D/rector Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization GRS:DAM:dlb cc: COE/NeW York'District - Sophie E'ttinger DEC/Region 1 - Robert Greene Town of Southold - Albert Krupski ~ pdntsd on recycled pape~ Albert J. Krupstd, President John Holzapfel, Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H: Garrell Peter' Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1i79 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (51.6) 765-1892. Fax (5t6) 765-I823 BOARD OF 'TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ease ~= a~vzsed ~'i~ your app±!cat~on, ~a~e~ has beenreViewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of I~-~ . and the following action was taken: (~) Application Approved. (see below) ( ) APplication Denied. (see below) (__) Application Tabled. (See below) If you application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now .due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth iht he sintruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or reapplication including fees will be necessary. COMMENTS AND REMARKS: COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: ........ ' Albert J. ICrupski, Presideat John. ElOlzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garretl Peter Wenezel Town-Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O: Box 1'179 Southold, New.. York 1'1971 Telephone .(516)'.765-1892 Fax. (516)'.765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN 'TRUSTEES ' TOWN OF SOUTHO.LD January 29, I996 En~Consultants, Inc. t32.9:..North Sea Rd.. Southampton, NY 1t.9'68 Re: John DeGennaro SCTM ~ 1000.86'-5-10 Dear Mr. Haje: The following action was taken by the Board of Town TrUstees during its.regular meeting held on Friday, January26, 1996 regarding the 'above matter: WHEREAS, En. Consultants on behalf of JOHN DE GENNARO applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated November 27, 1995, and, WHEREAS, said 'application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Co~ncil for their findings and recommendations, and .WHER~A.S, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said. application on January 26, 1996, at which time all interested' persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are f~miliar with the premises in question. and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concer~ing this application, and., WMRREAS, the structure complies with the standard, set forth in Chapter 37-18 of the Southold TOWn Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of. the town, NOW THEREFORE. BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve a Wetland Permit to construct a. dock consisting of a 3' X 21' fixed walk; 3' X 51' fixed walk (min. 4' above grade); 3-~ X 1'6' ramp~..- 6" X 20' float secured by.'(.2) sets of ('.2)- 8`~ diameter X 25' dolphinS. a~, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that this determinati~ sho.uld not be c'onsidered:adetermination, made:for any other:.Department or Agency which may also have an aPPliCation pend~ing, fOr the same or similar project. Permit to .construct p~oject will expire two years' from. th~ date it is signed if not started. Fees must be paid~: if. applicable, and .permit issued, within six months .of. the date of this notification.~ TWo inspections are required and the Trusteesare to be notified upon completion of said project. FEES:~ Very truly yours, Albert J. KrupSki, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/jmd cc: CAC EN"CONS U'LTANTS, INC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON., NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 'FAX NO. 516-283-6360 516-283-6136' Ms. Jill Doherty Town of Southold Trustees 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11791 JaDuary 15, 1996 Dear Ms. Doherty: Enclosed .please find the Department of Environmental Conservation permit for the above referenced. If you request anything further please call. Respectfully yours, Dianne K. Le Verrier Environmental Consultant Enclosure ~:.~'ui]~ding 40,- SUNY,:Stony. Broc~k, New York 11790-2356 Phone .(51.6) ~.'1~0365 Fax'# (516) 444,0373 MZch~ January 5, 1996 Mr... John DeGennaro 22 Bridge Lane Port Je'fferson, NY 11777 1~2:1-4738-00546/00004-0 Dear Permittee: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL.) and its implementing regulations (6NYCRR, part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please read all conditions carefully. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather~ Very truly yours, ~J Margaret M. Rorke EnCon Program Aide MMR:cg enclosure * FACX L [T~f/PROGItN4 NLI4BER ($') (TWSP1) PERMIT ~FECTIVE DATE ArticLe 15, Title 15: Water SuppLy ArticLe 15, Title 15: ~ater Transt~rt ArticLe 15, Tt:tte ~5: Lon~ ,. Xsta~d~e.L.Ls ArticLe.15, Title Z?: Yi.L'd,. Sce~ic~nc[Rec~e&t~UlL Rivers ~ other: Article2~, TitLe 9; ~ilYC~i375: Act~cLe ~:. Caa~taL Erosi.on ArticLe :36: Fic~dpl.in ArticLes 1, 3, .17, 19, Z7, 37; ~IlYC~ ~8l): Ra~fatJ'on.Ccmtro[ pE.R#'ZT iSSUED TO TELEP~E '~RES$ OF PE~1TT'~ N~E ~O ~DRESS OF pROJE~/FACiLiTy L~TZ~ oF P[OJECT/FA8~ C~NTY T~ ~TER~RSE NY~. C~tr~t, r~t~t, r~Lace ar r~fr fns~a[l or r~[ace ft~ti~ ~ks ~ r~. NOTE: A~f;i~[ activit~ ~ri~ m ~ge (~) are also a~rov~ ~r this ~mit if the ~join~ ~x is ch~k~ a~ the pr~s~ ~rk is sho~ ~ the a~rov~ plan. ~vir~tat C~e~atj~ Law (ECL), aLL a~LicabLe r~uLa~i~, the G~raL a~[icab[e'$~iaL C~iti~ f~L~ ~ ~rt of this.~mit. I Page I of 6 1. The Permitted site ~.fa'cili.ty, including relevant~..ceco.rds, is subject to in- spection at rea.sonabTe hours and interVals by an .authorized rep.resentati, ve of. 'the Deparl~mnt of ~irorrrentai ~se.'l'Vati0n ('the Depar~rent) to determine whether the permittee~ is ccrrplying with this permit and' the B::::L. Such represen- tat ire trey order the.:.,~Ork suspended pursuant to B:% 71-0301 and' S¢¢A 401 (3). A copy of this pe.rmi'~, including all referenced traps., drainings and special conditions, rrust be ~vai lab. l.e for inspection by the Department at all t'irms at the project site.. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon r'equest.'by..a Depara'mnt representative is a violation of this permit; Permit ~ and ~ls 2. 7f~"Departrrent reserves the right to madify, suspend or revoke this permit ~hen: a) the scope of the permitted activity is exceeded or a violation of any condit:ion of the permit or provisions of the E~ and pertinent regula- r ions is found; b) the permit ~as obtained by misrepresentation o.r failure to disclose re levant facts; c} neczrr~terial inforrration is discovered; or d) envirorrrental conditions, relevant technotoqy, or. applicable lazy or regulation have rraterial [y changed since the ~ermi.t vas issued. 3. The permittee rrust submit a separate written application to the Deparl~mnt for rene~l, rr~ification o.r transfer of this permit. Such application rrust include any forr~, fees o.r suppl'amental inforrration the Depa'rtrrent requires. Any rene~l, rmdification or transfer granted by the Departrrent rrust be in writing. 4. The permittee rrus: submit a rene~el appl ication at least.: a) 180 days before expiration of permits for State Pollutant Discharge EI imination System (SR::ES), Hazardous V~st.e lV~nagemnt Faci lities (~), rrajor Air Pollution Control (AMC) and Solid V~ste M~nage'rent Fac i t i t i es. (~I~/F); and b} 30 days before expiration of all other permit types. : 5. Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not rrodify, supersede or rescind any 'order or determinati:.on perviOUslY issued by the Depar1~rent or any of the tern-s, conditions or requireTP, nts contained in such order or determination. Other Legal C~! igatiofls of Penvitt'ee 6. The permittee has accepted expressly, by the execution of the application, the full :legal responsibility for all da-rages, direct or indirect, of ~hatever nature and by vC4rrever suffered, arising out of the project described in this permit and has agreed to indeTnify and save harmless the State fr~n suits, actions, da"rages and"costs' of every na"re and description resulting from this 'project. This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to t.respass upon the' lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the: permitted v~rk nor does it authorize the= irrpai'rrrant of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to' the permit. 8. The pe. rmittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, ease"rents and rights-of-way that nay be required for this project. PaC~e 2 of ~ ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS FO~TICLES 1,5. ~l'i[ie ~], '2~:"~, 34 9 That if future operations by the State ~,~ew YoLk require an al- teration in the position of the structure orwork herein authorized, or if. in ~he opinion of the Department of Env.ironmenta~ Conse~ation ~3. it shaU cause unreasonable obstruction ta the free navigation of'said waters or flood flows or endanger th& health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause toss or' destruction of the natural resources of the State. the owner may be or~ere~ by the Oepa~ment remove or aite~ the st~ctural work, obstrUctions, or hazards caus~ thereby without expense to the State, an~ if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill excavation, or o~er modification of the watercourse hereby au~orized shall not be pietY, the owners, shall, without ex~nse Io the State. an~ to such extent and in such timean~ manner as t~ O~a~ent of Envimnmen~l Con~a~on may r~uite, remove alt or a~. ~nion of the uncomplet~ structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and fl~ capaciW of the watercourse. No ctaim sha[l be made against the State of New York on account df any.such removat or aJteration. ~0 That the State of New York shall'in'no case'be liable for any damage I6. or inju~ to the structure or work heroin aut~dz~'w.hich.may ~'caus~ by or result from ~uture operations undertaken by :he S~te for the co~e~ation or improvement of navigation, or for other pu~os~, and no claim or right to compensation shah acc~e from any such damage. Granting of this permit does not relieve :he applicant of the responsi. biliW of obtaining any other permission, con~nt or approva] from the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S, Coast Guard. New Yo~ State Office of Genera~ Series or local government which may be r~uir~. All nece~sa~ precautions s~a[I be taken to prec[ud~ contamination of any wetland or wate~ay by suspended, solids, sediment, fuels. solvents, lubricants, epoxy coa6ng~, paints, concrete, [eachate or any 11 and &"NYCRR'Pa~ [ ) other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the proiect. Any material dredged in the prosecution of the work herein permitted shall be remOVed evenly, without leaving la~ge'tefuse piles, ddges across the bed of a waterway or floodplain or deep holes that may have'a tendency to cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks of a waterway. Them shall be no unreaSOnable inter/erence with.navi~.~tionby the work herein authorized, If upon the expiration 0r revocation of this permit, the project hereby authorized has not.been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State. andto such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Con~ervati0n may require. remove all or any portion 0(' the unc0mpleted structure or fill and- test0re the site to its former condition. No claim.shalfl be made against the State of New York on account of any s~!ch 'removal of alteration. If gran(ed under 6 NYCRR Pan 608, the NYSOepartment-of Environ-, men tal Conservation hereby certifies ~at the.subject project wgl not contravene effluent [imitatio'ns orother fimitat[ens Ot standards under Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and' 307 of the.clean Water Act of ]9?7 (PL 95-2~7] provided that ali Of the c°nditia~ns' Ii~ 'herein are met. All activities authorized by. this.permit must'be ~n.!sttiCt~.con~0rmance with the approved Plans. sebmitted by the apDii~ant'0~,"his agent a~ part of the permit application. ~ Such approved plans were prepared by o, SPECIAL CONDITIONS Additional Approved Activities (if box is checked) Install up to. four (4) mooring piles (see special conditions 8 and 9). Construct a boat lift or davit. Construct a board walk or footpath up to four (4) feet in width · to access the dock (see special conditions ~0 and ll). Important: Refer.to Special. Conditionson the following pages whic~ aPPlYSPecifically to any additional activities checked. ' Page., 3 of ~ The use of wood treated With pentachorophenol in the construction of str~ctures that' will be in contact with tidal waters is strictly prohibited. Those portions' of docks, catwalks and ramps which extend over · .~.egetat~d t'idal wetlands shall have a maximum surface width of .4 fee~ and.'-Sha11~'bea ~nimum 0f'3 1/2 feet above' grade,: as measured from th .gr~'°~d s~:ace tO the. 'bottom of 'the planking. Floating docks shall not rest l. On Vegetated tidal, wetlands at any tidal stage'. Docks and floats shall not: (a) extend laterally beyond .property lines, (b) be placed so. that docked boats 'extend over. adjacent property lines, (c) interfere with navigation, (.d) interfere with Other landowners, riparian rights. Dock reconstruction or .replacement or seasonal installation shall not involve eXPansion or substantial modification of existing structures or facilities. Installation of additional docks at marinas, boat basins, or other commercial' facilities is-not authorized by this permit. No dredging, .excavating or other alteration of shoreline or underwate areas is aUthoriZed by this permit, nor shall issuance of this permit be construad to suggest that the Department will issue a permit for such activities inthe future. Any debris or excess materials from clearing or construction activities performed under this permit must be immediately and completely removed, from the wetland adjacent area and disposed of at an upland site. Disposed of debris in tidal wetlands is prohibited. F^~]LFr¥ ]~. NUI,,~ER For Ar~icl~. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Moorin= Piles (if approved, see page 3) 8. No structures are to be constructed on pilings without further authorization of the Department. ~.i.lings..sha~l .not:' (a) extend beyond property lines, (b) be ~._°.e~.'.~._°...i:':'~a~'::~':d°.'.c~.ed;b. oats e.'_xt:, e.nd.ov_er properly.' lines, .(¢} ~.~.~==~.".wzr. n navzga=~on, (~) zn=er=ere with other landowners, riparian rzghts. Access pathS, boardwa~k~ (if approved, see page 3) i0. The ground area cleared, for construction of a path or boardwalk' is limited to a maximum width of six (6) feet. The path or boardwalk itself is limited to a maximum width of four (4) feet. 11. Cover material used for footpath is limited to natural wood/bark chips, stone, graVel or sand. /-~ ~3~ ~ ~&/~ ~ - 0 Albe~t J'. Krupski, President ]'0hn Hohapfel, Vice President Will/am G. Albertson Martin II.' Gan'ell Peter WenCZet BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTI~,i%S TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 :'main' R°'~. S.E.Q;RiA* NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON .THE ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION' NO; 100.0-86.5-10 NAME: JOHN DE GENNARO DATE: Dec. 2t, 1995 Chapt. 9.7 - Wetlands Chapt. 3.7 - Coastal Erosion RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, S.tate..Environmentat Quality'ReView and 6NYCRR Part 617', Section 617.'t0 and ChaPter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southotd, notice is 'hereby given that the SouthOld' Town Trustees,. as Lead Agency for the action described below, has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration shOUld, not be considered a determination made for any other department or'agency which may also have an application Pending for the same. or similar pro.ject.. TYPE OF ACTION: Type: I DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Applicant requests permit to construct a timber dock consisting of a 3* X 21' fixed walk, a 3' X 4i' fixed walk, (min~ 4' above grade.) a 3' X 16.' hinged ramp and a'6t 'X 20' float secured b7 ('2) set of 8t' diameter X 25~ dolphinS. LOCATION: 2213 Indian. Neck Lane, Peconic NY REASONS SUPPORTING'THIS DETERMINA~ON: 1. An on site inspeCtion, has been conducted by the Boar~ of Trustees. 2. An environmental assessment, submitted by the applicant and reviewed and comp~ete~ by the Board of Trustees, has indicate~ that no significant adverse e~fects to the. environment are likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. cc. CAC EN'CON:SU LTANTS, INC. 1329-NORTH SEA: ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FAX NO. 516-283-6360 516-283-6136 December 2.2, 199.5 Ms. Jill Doherty Town o.f Southold Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main Road S.outhold, NY 11971 RE: 'JOHN DE GENNARO S'..CTM~ t000-86-5-10 Dear Ms. Doh.erty: The above ref.erenced is amenable t© decreasing the length .of the ca~walk, to 3' X 4.1'. As such I have revised the work plans.and enclosed, the plans herewith. If you request anything further please do not hesitate to ReSpectfully yours, Dian.ne K.. Le Verrier Environment al~' Consu ttant EnclOsures Telephone · (5~6) 765-1sol Town' Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATIOI~I ADVISORY COUNCIL At a meeting of the Southold Town ··Conservation AdvisOry Counci held Monday, December 18, 1995 the following recommendation was 'made: No. 1.316 ,.R,E:S;0'L~E~D:..to.~e~9~eod to t'he Southold Town Board of Trustees:,..AP,~O~AL; 86Ls~10 't~ ¢~)n'StruCt a ti'mber dock Consisting 'of 3' x 21' fixed walk; 3' x 51' fixed' walk (min. of q~ abOve grade); 3' x 16' hinged ramp; 6~ x 20' float secured by (2) sets of (2) 8" diameter x 25~ dolphins. The CAC suggests the catwalk be aligned with the horseshoe area, being sure to place where there is no spartina growth. The catwalk .is too long. It should be shortened .to. allow 'for. 3' depth at seaward edge of float at Iow tide. 2213 indian. Neck Lane, Peconic '~ Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. ALEXANDER F, TRiEADWELL SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF NEW DEPARtmENt OF StAtE ALBANY. NY 12231-O001 December. 11, 1995 Mr. Roy L. Haje, President En-C0nsultants, Inc. lo_9 North Sea Road Southampton, NY '11968 Re: F-95-735 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/New York District Permit Applicat/on #95-11870-L2 . .~;';:?I0h~. D~Ge~o i'!.:'''~ Town of South01d, Suffolk CounW Acknowledgement of Federal Consist.encv Assessment Form Dear Mr. Haje: The Department of 'State received your Federal Consistency Assessment Form and supporting information on November 24, 1995 and has determined that the submitted documentation is adequate to commence our review of your proposed project. We wilt contact you if additional information may be necessary .for consistency' review purposes. You and the Corps of Engineers w/Il be norif/ed of our decision when we have completed our review of this project for. its consistency with the New York State Coastal. M"anagement Program. The Corps of Engineers cannot issue a perrrdt for this project unless the Department of State concurs with your consistency certification. Please call David A. MacLeod at (518)' 474-6000 if you have an,v questions. Sincerely, William F. Barton Chief, Consistency' Review and Analysis. Bureau Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization WFB:dlb cc: COE/New York District - Sophie Ettinger NYS DEC/Region I - Robert Greene Town of Southold - Albert Kmpski Albert L Kmpski, President JOhn Holzapfel,.: Vice. President William, G...-Albertson Martin H. Gan'ell Peter WenczeI BOARD OF TO.WN .TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Halt - s3o9 am..Roaa'. . ' LP'.O. 'B(~::'Ij2.79 ' .':. '~ '.' Southold; Ne~'.'.:ydi~i~"~i97,i . Telephone:. LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST TO: %~HOM IT MAY ~ONCERN DATE: 11/27/95 .:Enclosed is~ a 'permi% application an~[ a ¢ompte.ted part I of the Environmental Assessment Form, Southold Town T<ustees are interested'in ~our a~en~'s comments in ac~ing as SEQRA~eadAgency'f°r: NAME.: J. OHN DE' GENNA~O LOCATION: .2213 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic TAX' MA~: 1000¢86-5-10' DES'CR~':: (See. atta~c]~ed) ~ERMiT R'F. QUiRED: '. ~.. ~ ~~ ( S.EQ~ ~SIFtCA~ION:' ~). ~.e I ' PERMi[T .% Pending. Type ~I CEA Please .contact Albert $.. Krupski, Trustee President, w~30 . days and. be advised that the So%~thold[ ~own Trustees ~/{DO NOT WAAF~} to assume lead agency. SENT TO: DOS ~) DEC ~ DO5 ( ) ~B { )~ ZBA { ) BLD (") ~lease complete, detach and retur~ this form to expedite processing.. · Involve~ Agency: Project Name: Location: SCTM: We at AGENCY Trustees assuming Lead. Agency'. .(.Have/No) Objection to Southotd ~oun Comments/Reasons: ACE GAG ~)' Signature of Authorizecl Representative May ~1, 1992 John Bertani Builder Inc. 1380 Oakwood Drive Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1594 BW,N OF SOUTHOLD. South'old Town Trustees ~ain Road S.outhold, New York 11"97.1 R.E: DeGennaro Residence 2213 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 Gentlemen: Acting on behalf of Mr. John DeGenn.aro, we request a non- jurisdiction determination regarding proposed additions 'and alterations to his property at the above address. As you ;w&il 'soe from the sU=vey .a[[ached~ ~ke home and. " proposed addSt&on .w~ll Bo ovor 75. feet from R~chmond Crook. WE are enclosing.' a check'for $35.00., a letter from Mr. DeGennaro stating that we may act in his behalf and a survey from R. Van Tuyl, P.C. Thank you. Sincerely, ~ Be.rtani president JAB:lb Enc. To Whom It May Concern; 5/6/92 Please be advised that I John DeGennaro, owner of property known as 2213 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, N.Y., give permission to John Ber'tani to act in my stead in the application of any and all permits and such for the'renovation and adder±on.to the above name r~F~l.zapfeL Vice President ~ ..;/~ . ~[?~.-~ ~.~'~ '. ';/~ ' 53~5 M~n Road Wilii~.m O. Albenson 2:~ :"" "'" ........ ~'g /':~':'~ '~ "-'~' P.O. Box t I~ ¢ ~ q~:;~ ~; Southotd, New York t 1971 Telephone (516) 765- t 892 Pet~ We.nczel ~~ Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ... Coastal Erosion Permit Application .Tr.~Seee Lands Received Applic'atio~: ., :leric~i Review:. Comp le.~ed: A~.P tica~o ~sEQ~.C.lasSi~ication ::.'Receim~ Of '~C' ~=o.rt DeeiSien: AP':r.ove~ .' (Y~.)" Nan~e of Applicant John DeGennaro Ad~ress 22 Bridge Lane, Port Jefferson, NY 11977 Phone Number:(516 ) 734-4066 Suffolk County Tax ~{ap Number: 1000 - 86-5-10.0 Proper~y Location: 2213 Indian N~ck T,~n~ Peconic~.NY__,~/95R - (provide LILCO Pole ;, distance to cross s=reets, and iocauzcn, Agent: Eh-Consultants, Inc. (:If appiicaoie) Ad~xess: 1329 North Sea Rd., Southampton, NY 11968 Phone: (516) 282-6360 Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: ,,Rr40 ,., · Previous use of property: In~ended use of prouerty: GENEkAL DATA.~ no change in use Prior p'e_~mits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date x No Drior permits/approvals for sz2e im~rovemens£. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or susFended by a qovernmen~a! agency? × No ,. Yes If yes, prcvide ex_~lanation: Projec~ Description (use at~ac,hments if necessary): See Attached PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construct a timber dock consisting of 3' x 21' fixed walk; 3' x 51' fixed walk (min, of 4' above grade)-; 3' x 16' hinged' ramp; 6' x 20' float secured by (2) sets of (2) 8" diameter x 25' dolphins. PropoSed Dock Construction is as such to avoid interference with natural spring area where animals come to feed. f~J~oard of Trustees ApPiica~.~.,n WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDs A~r;iCATION DATA Purpose of the proposed ouerations: Private ..Boat Dockage Area o'f wetlands on lot: 3.045 square feet Percent coverage of lot: 9.5 % Closest distan.oe .between nearest existing structure and upland edge o.f wetlands: 92' feet ' Closest distance between nearest .proposed structure and umland edge of wetlands: N/A feet - Does the project involve excavation or filling? x No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated?.__N/A, c"~bic yards How much --=~ m.=~___al will be filled? N/A cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: N/A fee~ Proposed slope throuqhou~ the area of operations: N/A Manne~ in which material will be r~moved or depcsised: N/A Statement of the effecU, if any, on the wetlands add tidal waters of the town that may result by reason os such proposed operamicns (use at~acb, ments if appropriate): Temporary effect in wetlands during jettinq of.pilings into ~roubd SHORT EN:VI'RO.N.M'ENTA SS'ESSM. ENT' FORM For UNLISTED A~,~)N$ Only ;AR~ I--PROJECT INFORMATION fro be'cemp!eted .by ~pptic~t or ~oj~ s~nsor) 1. ApPu~NT"S~NSQ~ En-Cons,ulta~S, "inc.' ~ 2. PR~ NAME ' for John DeGennaro 1 3; ~ ~ON: Mumci=alitv Southo'l'd': ~,:,' ~u.~ Suffolk ~ PREC~SE: ~ON~ (strut ~t ~= r~ [n~'io~ pmm~n.~ l~dm~& e~ or p~vi~ 2213 Indian Neck Lane Peconi.c, NY 11958 C .MO~lflcatl0n/altaratl~ SEE ATTACHED 7. 'AMOUNT OF LA, NO AFtEr: Initially _ C; ~c~.~-~,~ UXt]matet¥ WILL pROPOSED ACTION CO.MPL¥ WITH EXISI3NG ZONING OR OTMER {-'XlSTING [.~NO USE r~yes [~'N'o If No. ~escnt=e 0tieily WHAT IS FRF..~ENT LANO USE [N VICINITY' OF PROJECT,? ~[Res~eflttat ' ~ l~ustrial ~ ~mme~:al De~cn~e: ~'. A~rtcuitur; ~ P~JFotes,JO:en s~ace ~_. ;)OE.~ ACTION. iNVOLVE A. ;:~.'~MIT APPROVAl_ OR FU.NOING..NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. STATE OR LOCAU? Town of Southold, DEC, CON ~ 1. DO~S ANY ASPECT, OF THE AC~;1ON HAVE A CURRENTLY VAi./~ PERMIT OR APPROVAL? '~..'~ YeS ~ No if yes. JiSt agency name efta perm~aa:ro~al 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION W1LL -~XIST;NG PERMtT/AFPROVAI. RE{~U[RE MOD]Fi. CArtON7 ~Yes ~No ~ [ C~ ~AT T~E iNFORMATiON PROVtO~D A~OVE iS TRUE TO THE BE~T OF MY KNOWLEDGE If the action is in the.Coastai Area. and you are a state agency,, compiete the Coastat Assessment Form b.e~or'e proceeding with this. assessment OVER 1 f · .scfFPo,-¢. cz. HAc~s'r~ot.1"IdA'P .2~ · ?' = ~000' AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) l print owner of Property) (.mailing. address) ,~ do hereby authorize En-Consultants, Inc. to apply, for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my beh'alf. ~ ' '~'// s signature) / / C'0~n=y of Suffolk State of New York ~.......Rny T,'..'.. Ha..j e - ~EI/qG DULY SWOP~ :. AFFL S- WO~"-~L. BE' DOE ~ ~S': '~M BE A~PR~ ~Y'~ S~O~ TOE $~ OF .EUST~S.. ~PLIC~TION'. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THiS DAY OF Notary P'ubi£c ~ GAl STRAI'i*ON Notary Public; State of New York No. 4772055 Oualified in Suffotk.County /.~ / /