HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-99-3-13 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, lEE, President Albert J. Krupski, Jr.,. Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. TuthilI William.'G. Albertson. Telephone (5.!6) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN- OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR ' SCOTT L HARRIS Town .Halt 53095 Main Road P.O. BOX 1179 Sou~hold, New. York 11971 COASTAL .EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT Permit Number: 99--3--13 Name of Applicant/Agent:Rambo, Inc. Name of Permittee: Dr. Celestino Clements Address of Permittee: 364 Ridgewood Ave, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 Property Located: Baitie Beach Road, Mattituck DESCRIPTION. OF ACTIVITY: to construct a 3'42' bUlkhead with (2) 20' returns 'above the MHW mark and along the toe of the bluff. Backfill behind bulkhead-with approx. 475 c'.y. of clean fill trucked in from an upland source. Trim overhainging vefetation at the crest of the bluff to allow for a natural angle of repose of approx. 45 degrees, plant bluff face with beach grass on foot on center. Date of permit issuance: June 24, 1993 This permit i.s valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance. SPECIAL'CONDITIONS: NA Bluff restoration through a re-vegetation agreement is · attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. NA A relocation agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. NA A maintenance agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. John.Mi Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees 'Bo '"'"' S th id'To T ' · "' 'd Of ...... ' ' ' :,, .'..~ ar. ' o.u .O' wn · ru..stee's' . i~ · SOUTHOLD,.NEW YORK. '-'~- .' PERMIT NO.. _. ~Ag;~ ..... i ..... DATE: .... ~.~z~e, 25 ...... ~99S ' · 'ISSUED.T.O. ................. '...'D~.~...iC. eles. tino._Clement¢ ......... ' ..................... i ........ . Ii ' Purs. uanf'fo the~ provisions of Chapter 615 .of the Laws of · the State o~c New'York,. 1893;.'and ChaPfer'404'of the LaWs of the ' '~ · 'State of. New' York .f'.'952; and.' fh'e Sou+hold Town Ordinance. eh- rifled "REGULATING.' AND THE. PLACiNG"OF OBSTRUCTIONS ' IN AND .ON TOWN 'WATERS AND' PUBLIC LANDS and fha '!~ REMOVAL OF .SAND., GRAVEL OR' OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN.WATERS;" ~nd in acCordance wi~h the !ir Res°lu+ion of The Boar'd adop+'e'd .'e.f a n~eefi'ng held on Jun'e 24,' ~J, 'i 9. . 9..S_ ..', and in consid'eraflon of .the. 'sum of..$ ...... !.5..0.~..0.~) .... paid by' . . ~,~b~.,..::.znc.,'. o~ b~.~.~,~. ~.~.~i~.~ ................................ -.of ' N.. Y, and subiec~ fo ~he" '~ "Terms and Conditions. Ils+ed ..on ~he 'reverse' .side hereof, of 'Sou+hOld Town Trustees' authorizes and permits +he following:. to construct a 342 bulkhead .With (2) 20 returns above the MHW mark and along the~ toe Of the blu'ff. Backfill behind bul~ wiih approx. 475 c.y. of clean fill trucked in .from'. an' upland source, trim 'overhanging vegetation. Plant. blnff face. " all in accordance wi~h ~he de.felled specifications ~s presented in +he. originafing a'pPlica+ion. ' ' iN'WiTNESS WHEREOF, The.said Board of Trustees. here- '. . .' by. Causes ifs C'orpora+e. Seal ,o be 'affixed, and these presents' fo be subscribed: by e. majorlfy 'of fhe~said Board a.s of. ~hls da+,e. ,..~..~.~,~ . . :~., ',-. ?,~. ~- . ,...~. · ,, ...~.~ , ,~. ..... . :~ .... .,~ ~ '~ TRUSTEES Jo'hlt M~ Bred~meyer, III; president. / Albert J. Kmpski,. Jt.~ Vi6e PreSident · Henry .E smiih Johti B. Tuthili Wiili~ni G?'Aibefl~on Telephone (.5"!6) 765-1892 Fax (5i6) 765q'823 SUPERVLqOR SCOTT L..i HARRIS ToWn Hall ~ 53095' Ma'ia Road EO..B~x i179 South'old, New York 11971 BOARD' OF'TOWN TRUSTEES ToWN OF sOUTHOLD Coi~STAL..EROS~[ON.' MANAGEMENT '.PERMIT APPLICATION Date Ree; by offi'e~' .~.._ SEQRA Type ~ · .' COOrd. Re%tiew~opt ~ fmand', ' xnaxngs:.. . . · .{:also see ~ie) Application Fee: ApplicaLion .Number; SCTM ~1.000- 99-03-13 · projecE.Name {If any) clemente Date' preparedl .Aprlt~12~.1993 Applicank: Thomas .Samuels.- James B. Ramb.9i' Inc~ Addressl Bish6p~ Lane~ $oUtha~pto. n~.Ny .11968 Phon~ 516 .)283'-1254 Interest: (owner, consulkant,l.eSsee>et.e,} Agen% Owner of Property.: Dr', C~lestino ~lemente · Address 3.64 RidqeWOOd Avenue Glen Ridget NJ 07028 Phone (201) 743-5188 SUbject Property Loeationl Ba'i~i~. Beach. ROad Ma{%i~uck~ NeW Y°rk '(Provide LILCO Pole ~, DistanCe to cross. Streets if not on location map) Page 1 Project Description The .Project description mus~. ' · .' ...... · . also. include plahs for recta~ation of land diSt~tbed d~'in~ c0h~tru.etiOn, of the Prlncipi~.' and acces~0ry .~tr~c~ and ~n~gtoun.d struct'U~e.s (i~e.~ ~ pipelin~ amd 'SEptic .Sy.~'~m~ -~ake' add~,t.~0hat attachments if ~ecessa'ry) ~-'. See.. 'a,ttache.~- '-.~ , "0,_: i ..'-'~...:, ."~.. ~....~ ~ .:- - AuthOrization (Wh~re the applicant is not the owner) fP.~int~owr~t. Of. ~ubje[c[ Property)-- (Mailing address-phone) .. '6~_~ '../~x~.'......A/~T: o ~O.~ ~ ..' · z~, ~ ~ ~ ~'. ~-;'~ do'hereby adt.horizetr..' --, '.... : ' . .' '"to'apply 'f~r . ' TH~S IS NO? A, PE~IT P~e ~ ConStruct a 342 f'oo"~ bulkhead with tWo. twenty..foot returns ab°ve'.the, mea'n' hlghlw.ate~mark abd,~lon.g the'.toe of the bluff~, Back~xii 5ehxnd b~lkhead w~h"~pp~0xima~ely 475 cu~ic .yard~ o~' 61~a~'..fil~ .t~uck~d in from a'.~.up'land source~ Trim.o~e"~ha~gzhg'V~g~t. atzon i~-~ ~he. crs'st=.of-~h~ bluff.to aliowlfo'r a.'~.~'~u~.lahg'le.~of r~.p'o'~'e'o'f deg~eeS'~ plant ce~.ter. nty of Suffolk ) State of NeW York ) T.hOmlaS ..Samuels ......... 'i i BEIN~ .DU~y SWORN DEPOSES AND AF'FIRMS-THAT"i'HE/'sHE'.IS'.THE'AP.PLiCkNT..FOR..THE.~AB'O~. DESCRIBED. - PERMiT(.s)"iAND'~T'An~'.'S~ATEMEN'TS' CONeAiNED R~EIN ."ARE TRU~ TO THE..~BE'STOp. HiS/~.'~0WL~DGE.~D'.BELi~.i..A~D T~a~WoRKwinn ,BE. DONE.'~IN.. THEM~R'..SE~' FORT~ iN'~i~'APPLicAei0N.AND As ~y BE APPR09~D'.~Y.~RE,So~T~oLB TowN.B0~OF.~s~z~..'.~THE..~ppLiC~T - SIGNATURE SWORN TO BEFORE ME' THIS DAY OF MiCHAEL.G.'WALSH Notary Pubti~, State ~f New York NOi 4942746' ?tiffOll~ County.. suggested space for lOcakion Map THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Page : . SHORT ENVi~ON~fN~AL A'SS~M~N~ ~O'~M . . ..~ .... ..... ' ': '.~ ~,.~., . .:'.'~ ~-.-,b, ~ '. .....~ .... . . . . .. · "~~ ~ ........ . PART ii--ENVIRONMENTAL Ass~!tSM~,~.,~ (To be cbmpl~t~d by Agency) A. DOES ACTION EXCEE~ ANY TYPE I TH"ESHOLD iN ~ .YCRR, PART ~t7.12~ If yes; C0cr~l,~e th~ mvlb~ Pr~e&~',jnd ,~'~'~"~ ~,:;: ':,-:',' ;. El, WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED. REVIEW A~,'~b¥ibED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS tN ~ NYCRR, PART 6)?.67 if ~1o. ti) httg'aflv~ declatktibfi may be ~upers~ded by ~noth~r t~vol~d ~y~ ' . ' ~" ~- 0,~o ........ . ,., :,-_ ,~,~-,,~ ~, . .,, ~, .,.,,,,..,:~ ..~..~,~ ~ , , c. ~t~ ACTi~ R~ULT tN,ANY ~OV~h~ ~r~cT~ AS~OClATEU W~TH THE fOLLOW,Ne: (Answ~r~ may b6 h~.a~rifl~, il I~ibli) Aesthetic, aOrtcultural~ a~ch~eolOgrc,% historic. Or othbt natural o~ eultu~ar re,ounceS: or commUnli? 6r fi'~ighl~e~hbod eh~r~tb(~r~ ~x~hilh bdeily: C~. Vegetation or fauna, fish, ~heil~t~h or Wildlife -~pecle.a, aignlfleiiat habit,ts, or thr&atanad 0f ~ind~ngariad apebl§§? E~ptittlfi briefly: Cl. A C0mmun'i~y:s. ~xtsti,nl) plans bi. ~oali..ii~ offlcla ty adopted, et a bhang& In u~a or Iniensliy .Of usa of ia~d ef.oii~ef natutaJ.~i~t~a&~ i~ b~latly CS. GrOWlh, ~ubiequeht development, et related act!vlile~ ttkely 1~ be induced, by the [oropoied action? Ex~t~ilh 5ilafty. CB. Long term~ ~hort term, cOmulath, it, er Olher,i~f~eefla not Ideflflfled In c~t-067 ~xplal0 briefly. C~: Olher 'lmi~acte (lneludln~ chan~e8 tn riga Oi either elUlthltty er ty~6 6f enai. gy~? ~-xpl~ln briefly. D. m,TH,ER~ OR IS ~ERE,LtKEL¥' ~O ~E, :COf[dTROYERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL: ADVERSE,,I~NVIIqONMEN~AL iMPAG'q~$? · [~ tili' [] fib li'¥~, ~til'~ bdi~fly -" ,I~Ai~' i#~'b~,i~iqMiNATION,Oi~,.~i(i:NI~iOANe! ~6 ba eO~platae"by ~a" .... t" ' '""''"'"" ...... " ......... ; ...... ~ ........... ' ...... ebb.ur, th'e~ pt~e~d directly jo fha ~U.LL ~A~ ahdlet: Pectate ~ b~eck thl~ box It Y~U have. ~a't~iflaa; .ba~a '~ i~8"i~f6~tl6~ dobuma~fiOh, that the ~ee~'ea,ad.abtl~ WiLL NOt '~aaufl':~fi ~isna'[ute of 'RespOnsibl~ Ofiicdi ~ ~Lea~ Aeency Signature o~ Prepar&r'{ fi' different from. responsible officer) ..... bate ~Oh~ M. Brede~yet, I~L Pre~i'dem A~be~i I ~P~'~i, k, Vice Witlia~ G. Alb.er~so~ Telephone (5i6) 765q892 F~x (516) 765-1823 ~'OARD OP TO~N. TRUSTEES ~o'~i.ou P~o~c~ion . Ch~.a~ Sou~n~d ~T~' Code .~. or pr~n~ .~m~ (g) "' program for a ~t~'~8t~:'~ 88~8~1~ ~noWb licensed ~urv~ Of %h~ as'built ~rUebure, I% i~ mY/onr ~d~rs~R~dih~ ~h~h W~ .a~ ~o maihtain hhls ~%r~et~r~~,~,... . ~...,' wIhh ~a%~i~i~ d~i~h~d %o ~ndu~ 30 years and equivRI~nt, td tb~ 6'ki~ifial RpprdV~d ........... ~t~uct~.~'I a~d'~ that fordrany maintenance whiSR ne~Aw~ Mof~ khan 5% .... 4 . · ~tCbctRr~ w~ ...... ' .... "" * ........... ' ........ ~ ....... , . ~O~ .......... '"' ....... ~' .:.,,'~ ..... ~., .,,. ....... ...;; ..... .~, ,...: , . ......... p St a property ~ofi..a '~t~l~':: b? th~'.~f~ Eha~ ~ald' lack o~ ...... , ............ SUP.ER¥iSOR SCOTT L HARRIS Town Hall 53095'Ma'in Road EO. BoX t179 S0ttt~oM, New. York 1197t NO'VARY PUBLIC Please SUbmit thr~e copie~ of a licenDed land survey made within one year of th~ Origi~aicon~tr~c~on.'~ ......... "'' Th&~ ~aiht~ance agre'~e~t ~hal. i Ohiy b~ Valid upo~ the final approval of the adminigtrator. '~ub~R.~t Own~t~ ma~ apply to ~he So~thold Town Trushe~ to r~-authotiz~ thi~ ~ai~te~ance ag'ree~en~. TRUSTEES John M~ Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice PresidenI Henry P. smith John B. TuthilI William 'G; Albertson Telephone (51.6) 765-1892 Fax. (5'16) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L..HARRiS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. BOX 1.17.9 Southotd, New York 11971 June 3'0, 1993 Thomas Samuels james. H. Rambo, Inc. Bishops Lane Southampton, NY 11968 Re: Dr'. Celestino Clemente SC.TM 91000-99-3-13 Dear Mr. samuels: The following action was taken by the Board of'Town Trustees during its'regular meeting held on Thursday., June 24, 1993 regarding the above matter.: WHEREAS', Rambo, Inc. on behalf of' Dr. Celestino Clemente applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions o'f the Wetland Ordinance of the Town o'f Southold, application dated April 28, 1993 and, WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation AdviSory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said appl'ication on Thursday', June 24, 1993 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, 'and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this appiication, and, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the:health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the application of James Rambo, Inc. on behalf Dr. Celestino Clemente to construct a 342" o~ bulkhead with (.2) 20' returns above the MHW mark and along the toe of the bluff. Backfill behind bulkhead with approx. 475 c.y. o~ clean fill trucked in from an upland source. Trim overhanging vegetation at the' crest, of the bluff to allow for a natural angle of repose of approx. 45 degrees. Plant bluff face with beach grass on foot on center. permit will expire two years from. the date it is signed.. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two'inspections. are required 'and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. P.ermit will be issued ~pon payment of the following fees for. work be done below~Mean.'High Water Mark:. No fees .~....~truty yours, John M. Bredemeyer~ IIi Pr'esident, 'Board o~ Trustee · JlVIB': jd TRUSTEES John M. Bredcmcyer; Ill. President Albert J. KrupSki, Jr., V~ce' President .Henry 'P. Smith John B. Tuthill William O: Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN- OF SOUTHO'LD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box t179 Southold, New York 11971 S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO .SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMF~NT APPLICATION NO. 1000-99-3-13. NAME: Dr. Celestino Clemente DATE: May 26, 199.3 Chapt. 97 - Wetlands Chapt. 37 - Coastal Erosion RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the EnvirOnmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 6!7..i0 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the. Southold Town Trustees, as Lead Agency for the action described below, has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should' not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: Type DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Applicant proposes to construct a 342' bulkhead with 2 20' returns above mean high water mark and along the toe of the bluff. Backfill behind bulkhead with approx. 475 c.y. of clean fill trucked in from an Upland source. Trim overhanging vegatation at the crest 'of the bluff to allow for natural angel of repose of approx. 45 degrees. Plant bluff face with beach grass one foot on center. Located Bailie Beach Road, Mattituck. LOCATION: $CTM 91'000-99-3-13 REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An on site inspection has been conducted by the Board of Trustees. 2. An environmental assessment, submitted by the applicant and reviewed and completed, by the Board of Trustees, has indicated that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should the following mitigation measures be implemented. cc: CAC New York State Department· of Environmental ..Conservation TOWN O.F SOUTH:OLD] " " -:Thom'as '"0. JOrling.. CommissiOner mental Quality Review- S-EQR) of the Environmental 'Conservation Law and'6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: RE: LEAD AGENCY: COORDINAT}ON. REQUEST. The purpose of this request is to det~ermi.ne un;der A.~ti:cle..'8 (State-Environ-- Your agency's interest in acting as lead agency; Your agency's jurisdiction in the action described betow;'and Issues of concern which your agency believes should be evaluated. Enclosed is a copy of the permit application and a.completed Part 1 of the Environmental Assessment Form to assist you in responding. Project Name: (e('~i':'+a~ c ~.~ ~c. ?~e<c0 Project Location: ~6c){i~ ~m¢~L ~Oe~.~O/~"~e~. TOcc~ ~)i~5-~c~Sr~'o'A:~/ DEC Project Number: DEC Permits- SEQR Classification: [ ] Type DEC Contact Person: [~Unl,i. sted DEC Position- [] DEC has no objection to your agency or another agency assuming lead agency status for this action, but reserves the right to comment on this action if a positive determination of significance is made: [..]. DEC has!nO.%jection to.yoUr ~gen¢~.j'r an6~her ag~ncyassuming'lead'agency · .statu~ f°r'.'thiS action.,.butwe,lhave~ the fRllowing~:.¢°ncerns regarding this· ~]~DEC wishes to assume lead agein~'s!Statu:S'for thi:'s"'acti°n. [ ] The proposed action has been identif~"e'd bY~'DEC as Occurring wholly or · partially within or substantially contiguous to a critical environmental area {CEA) that was designated by It is the position of this Department that your agency, if it has a juris- diction over the action, should assume the lead agency rote based on the existence of the CEA and the fact that·the anticipated impacts are primar.ity of local.significance, [ ] Other. (See comments below) Comments (Optional).: ~esponse: Please·respond to this request wi'thin 30 days of the date of this letter. If no response is received within 30 days, we will assume that you have no objection to DEC. or another agency assuming the role of lead agency., and have no comments to offer regarding the proposed action at this time. If neither your agency nor any other involved agency,· including DEC, has indicated a will- ingness to serve as lead agency within 30 days of this letter: [ ] We will petition the Commissioner of DEC to designate a lead agency for this action. [ ] .We will petition the Commi:ssioner of DEC to designate your· agency as lead, presuming you have jurisdiction. Please feel free to contact this office for further information or discussion. Sincerely, Enclosures cc' (see distribution list) .. 14-1.6.~ (2/87]--7c Appendix A State Environmental Quality ReView FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT'FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF i'sde~igned to heI,i~ applicants and. ager~cleS determine,, in."-a:n: ~rderly. manner, whether a project or action may b~.~ighlficani~i.~h:e".q, tte~t!0.n~iO~iwhethe'~ an actio,.~ma~, be:si.gn~'~f~a~t:'is ~'O't a'lw-a~;~as'y'.~ 'ansW~ 'Fr~qu'~h:[~ · {~. fh'~re are:.aS~Cf3?.~f-.'.:~'.~:j~'[..t~-~[.,~e S~bje~ti~..br' 'Un:measbr~abt~., {.t s'i~ifi~'ance''~,:ha~e.:iiffl~:.~r.'nb' f6f~'~{, knOwled~e of' the .e~virOhment'.or may bb technically ex'Peff in en'virofimen~al a'nalys.is, I, ~dditi'onj.~.ma,Y ~hO"haVe k:~wle'dse, in One Particular area maY.n~t be a~re of'the broader concerns'affe.ct'in8 the .q'ue'st{O~: ~f; s~n'~fi.~ance. · '. · . · . · '.'The ~Ull' EAF: is' i~[ended[ t°',PrOYide a .~ethod whereby applicants and agencies ~an be assured that ~he' de:termination Process has beefi:-0r~rl~:; ComP~heh.s.iV~ i,':~re. Yet flexible to allow introduction?of, information:t~ fit.a p,roje~t or action ;. '=...' ....~ . · .. ";... F~I! EA;F Eom~enls=. The '.full~ EAF is'comprised of three parts: Pat[ 1= P.rb~id.es obje.~tive data, and information about a given project and.its .s'i[e. 'By"id~[i.fyin.8· basic ~ject d'at-a,'"'tt'ass[~t's'.a reviewer in'.the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and Pa~t 2= .FOcuses on idenfi[yin8 the range of possible impacts 'that may occur from a ~roject or action.' It provides :- 8uida~'~e'a~':'~o:Wh~th~'f.an.impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it isa,pOtentially_ la:~ge ~mpac;[~:'-The.,fOr~ aisb.identifies whether an ~mpact can'be m~ti'8~ted or reduced. " Part 3: If an~'impact [~ P~rt 2 is identified .as pO[entla'lly-lar~e, then Part 3 is used to evaluate.'whe~her'or not the impact, ~ aCtoaliy:im'po'~tant DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE--Type I and Unlisted Actions Identify Ihe Portions of EAF completed for this project: [] Part I [] Part 2 UPart 3 Upon reweW .of the information recorded on this EAF [Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate}, and any other'supportfng information, and considering both the magitude' and importance of each impact, it is reasonably'determined by the lead agency that: . -, [] A. The project Will not' result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will have a Signifkant impact on the environment, therefore a negalive declaratlmt will be prepa.~-ed. [] 13. Although the project could have a significarff effect on the environment, there, will not. be a'Significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be pr.epated~* C. The project ma,/~esuk in one or more large and important impacts that. rna'y h'a've'a.significa~t impact' on the environment, therefore a positive declatatlon will be prepared. ~* A, Conditioned Negative Declaration is .only valid for Unfisted Actions Celestino 'Clemente Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name'of ResponsibJe'Officer i'n Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from respo.nsibre officer) Date PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist .in determining whether [he. ac{ion proposed may ha~e a significant.effect on the environment. Please .com'Ple.te the=entire [0rm:, Parts A'.'tht0u.g]~ El AnsWers to th~se' q uesti0nsWi:ii, be cOnsiClered as. part of the'appliCation for:approval'and may be subject to f.'urther'veri.fication and public review; Provide'any additional. information you believe will be needed to complete Parts' 2 and 3. It is expected .that completion of the full E.AF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such'additional work is unavailable, so indicate and Spec.fry each instance, NAME OF ACTION \ Celestino Clemente LOCATION OF ACTION (include Street Address, Municipality and County) Bailey Beach Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 NAMe: OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR Celestino Clemente BUSINESS TELEPHONE ~203 734-5188 ADDRESS 364 Ridgewood Avenue CITWPO I STATE Glen Ridge NJ Z.IP CODE 7028 NAME OF OWNER (if different) ADDRESS BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( ) CIT¥1PO STATE ZIP CODE DESCRiPTiON OF ACTION See attached" Please .Compleie Each Question-indicate N.A, i! not :applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overatl projecL both .developed and undeveloped areas. li. PreSent Jan.d.use: E]Urban I~industriat E]Commercial mResidential(suburban) l~Forest O.Agric[~lture: l-IOthet 2. Total acreage of Project area: 2.7 4 '-. 'acres." APPROXIMATE ACREAGE a4ow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) luplands') ested '~ Agricultural (.Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) Wetland [FreshWater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of .ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) (beach) Roads; buildings and 6thOr paved surfaces Other (Indicate type). .Bluff 3. What is predominant soil type[s) on proiect Site?"' a. Soil drainage: mlwel'l drained ~ % of site I-IPoorly drained % of site PRESENTLY 1 _ 71 acres acres acres acres acres 0,6 0 acres .0 13 acres 0.2 9 acres ~]Rural (non-farm) AFTER COMPLETION 1, '71 acres acres acres acres acres 0 '60 acres 0.13; acres · 0.2 9 acres .... [~Mod~rately well drained" :-: %' of site b. If any,agricultural land. is involved, how:, many.acres of soil are classified.within soil group I through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? NA acres. (See I NYCRR 370}. :: 4 Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? i-lYes reno a What is depth to bedrock? (in feet) · 5. A.p~roximate Percentage'of prOPose~.;,hroject site with-stopes: II0'10% 18"'~'~ % ~10-15% 66 % ~ "": "'~ '"""~':~"-~":~"5'~~ :"6r greater · 1:6 % 6. Is project substantially 'Contiguous :~o, or'contain a building, site', or district, listed on the State. or the National Registers of Historic Places~ ~Yes ~No .... ~... Is project substantially.-Contigu0us tea'site listed onthe Register of National :Hat~ral' Landmar~s~ - .~Yes ,' ' ~No 8. What is'the depth of the.water [abt'e~.'. 9~.:..tS site 'i~t'ed:.::~er ;':pri'~r% 'Pri'n~i:~l~"°t'~sole'.:~oU'rc'e 1o. Do hunting, tithing or shelt..fis.hing.opportunities presen.t[y exist in the project area~ ~Yes ~No " 1:t. Does pr0~ec~'.' ~ite. contain any ~P~cies of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or .enda~gered~ ~Yes ~No According to Bruce Anderson, Suffolk EnvirOnmental.' COnsUlting Identify. each species 1'2. Are the~e' ~'ny uniqu~ or. unusual .l~:n~d';.forms on the ~mject'..site? .(i.e., Cliffs, ~e~ other, geOlOgical formati°ns) BYes ~No D~sctibe..se~e~.ely. eroded bluff ." 13~ Is the project site presently used by. the community or neighborhood as an "~:~n sPac6 Or 'r~creation area? ~No'. If'.yes, explain . 14. Does the.present site include ~Cenic v~ews known to be important to the Community? ~No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: NA a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes. ponds, wetland ~'~.a~' ~within or contiguous to project area: a. Name Lan? I-~]~n~ gOt:nd b. Size (}n acres) 2zJ.~... +__. sq. miles 17. 'Is the site served by existing Public utilities.~ E]Yes IIINo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? EJYes b) If Yes, will improvement~ be necessary to allow connection? l-lyes t-INo 18. Is the site located ih an' agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 2'5-AA, Section 303 and 304? E:]Yes 19. Is the site located in or' substantially contiguous to aCritical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 r3Ye~ /No 20. Has .the site ever been used for the disposal of solid 'or hazardous wastes? [:]Yes INo B. ~Project Description · 1..F-~ic~l dimenSions~end scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or Controlled by project sponsor 2.74. acres. b. Project acreage to .be developed: ~ acres i~itially; 0 _.05 acres ultimately., c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped 2.56 acres. ..~bulkhead and backfill d. Length of Project, in miles: NA (if'appropriate) e. If the proie.c't is an exlSansion,.iindicate Percent of expai~sion proposed .NA %; . f. Number of.0ff-street parking spaces, existing NA ; proposed NA · g.' Maximum vehicular trips generated per'J~our. NA {upon completion of'prp}ect)? h If residential: Number and t'~pe of.housing units: One Family TWo Fa'miry Multiple Family CondominiUm Ultimately 1' i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure 5' height; 5 width; 3~°2' length. i. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare' project will occupy is? ~ ft*bulkhead and ,backfill 2. How much natural material (i.e., 'ro~:k, earth, etc..) will be removed from the 3. Wilt disturbed areas be reclaimed? aaYes ElNa E]N/A a, tf yes, for what intended purpose is the site being recl.aimed? b, Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? FlYes aaNo c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? . t-lYes tonsfcubtc yard~ , ~No 4. How many acres of vegetation(trees, shrub%, ground covers) will 'be·removed from site? fl' ~' ' ac.fesl- $. Will.any .mature forest (over 100 years old} or other locally-important vegetation be retoOk'ed by'this projec't? months, (including demolition), 1993 year, (including demolition). 199'3 year. IINo after project is complete 0 F1Yes aaNo If yes, explain F-lYes [~No 6, tf single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 1 7, If muJti*ph.ased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b, Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 _Auqast month c, Approximate completion date of final phase August month d. Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? i-lYes 8. :Will bi. asti'ng occur during construction? [3Ye~ ~llNo 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction. 4 t0. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will proiect require relocation of any projects or facilities? 12, Is.surface liquid waste disposal involved? f-lYes aaNo - a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc') and amount bi. Name of water, bo~y into which .effluent.will~be..diScharged 13, I.s subsurface liqgid Waste disposal invoIyed?· .. E]Yes ....... jNo .. Type 14. Will surface area of an existing :water,body increa:se or, decrease.by proposal? l~xplain 15. is project or any portion ~)f~ project located in a I00 year flood plain~ re. Yes 16.. wilt the project generate sotid waste? F1Yes JJNo a. If yes, what is the amount pet month tons b, If yes, wilt an existing sotid waste facility 'be used,~ I-lYes reNo c. If yes, give name ; location d. Will any wastes no{ go into a sewage diSpbsal system or into a sanitary landfill? e: If Yes;~explain ......... ' -E]Yes .Il No, - '. E]No FqYes E]No 17,. t project invo'~'ve the disposal o7 solid waste? I-lYes a, If.yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? b. if yes; what is the anticipated site life? .,. years. 18. Will project use herbicides.or pesticides? F1Yes ~No INo tons/month, 19. Will project routinely Produce odors [more than one.t~o]u.r..per day)? F1Yes JJNo 20, 'Will project produce operating, noise exceeding the local, ambient noise levels? E]Yes 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? E]Yes JlJNo If yes , indicate type(s) 22: I.t~ water supply is from Wells, indicate pumping capadtY .-.NA-.." gaJlons/m.inute~ 23. Total anJ~icipated water usage per day NA .... gallonsJday. ~ 24. Ooes project involve Local, State or Federal funding? l-lYes ~No if Yes,..explain :reNO 4 25; APProvals Required.: City, Town, Viha.ge Board [Yes [3No City, Town, Village Planning Board E]'Yes I-[No' City, Town.Zoning Board . ~.Yes. Clbl0~ :..~.~:... .... City~. C0u~ty,Health.,.Departrae!-lt ~, [~es. E31~o · · Other Local Agencies IIIyes .[No' Other Regi0nal.'"^genc es F-lYes State Agencies .BI'Yes E]No F'edera| Age.n. cies . . E3Y'es F-INo, SUbmittal Date Sout'hOid T.r'ustees ..... '.' '4/'9'3. t~v'..q_~.RC. " · 4/93' ' C..Zoning and: Planning Information 1. Does proposed a.c[ion'...invo'lw a: pta0ning or zoning dec.sion? I:lYes BIN0. Jf Yes, 'indicate decisi0n'r~.quired · ~ ~ . · . [zoning amendment fi]zoning variance Clspecial use permit Clsubdivisio.n l-lsite plan [new/revision of master plan ~tesource management plan F-lo?her 2. What'is the zoning cl~ssificati.0n~{s)of the site?' R-40 3. What is the maximum potential developmeqt of the site if devet0p~d as.pe.rmitted by the prese.nt zoning? 1 lot 4. What is.~.belp~0pqsed z0n. i.n~ Of the site?:.- NA ,. _ ...... 5. What Js.Ih.e m'aximurn poterltia development of/he site.if developed as Permittedby.the.prop.osed zoning?: NA .... .'.,. 6. is the proposed action c0.n..sljsten!; with the' recommended uses in adopted !o'cal".iand .use planst. 7. What are.the predominant .land uge(s)and zoning classifications within a ¼ mile radius~of proposed action? R-40 E]No t]. 15 the proposed actio~ compatible 'with adjoining/surrounding Jand uses within a ¼ mile? ~Yes CINo 9. if the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are,proposed? a. What is the minimum tot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require a. ny a~ithorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? [Z}Yes BINo tl. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreatio~ educat, ion, police, rite protection)? l-lYes IINo~ a. if yes, is existing capacity sufficient to hao. dle projected demand? l-lyes I-3No 12. Will the proposed action result'in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? [i-lYes BINo a If yes, is 'the existing road network adequate to'handle the additional traffiC? [3Yes F-INo D. Informational Details Attach ar~y additional information as may 'be needed to clarify your proiect !~ there are o'r may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please .discuss such impacts and the measures whic.h youprOpose to.mitigate or avoid them. Verification ......... . .... - .t certify that the inf0rmatio0 provided above' is true to. the best of my know. edge 'B~uoe A 'Anderson , Applic.a~t/,$$,~sor Name .,' - "' '. · Date April 2'8 19'9'3 ' /~k~,' : - ./;<. ,//.' / ' $ ignatu t ~/~a~'~'~/~. ' //~ Title ~Ag en t .... if the action iS in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. -7e .......... . ' ' " -- - ~ J DFC APPLICATION NUMBER " JOINT APPLICAT["oN FOR' PERMIT L.=~P~ Or ENGINEERS APPLICATION NO l-- Please read ALL instructions on.b'~ck before completing thi~ application. Please !yp~ qr print, clearly in ink. Attach addltiona infom~ation as '~eeded ~ARTIC'[E 9, TITLE 1, ARTIC[~ 43 6NYCRR 646 (LAKE GEORGE RECREAilON ZONe) ~ARTIC'LE 15, TITL[ 3 (AQUATIC PESTICIDES CONTROL] ~6NY~RR 327 {AQ~A~IC VEGETATION] ~NYCRR 32B filS'Hi ~6NYCRR 32~1NS~:C~ ~AR~iCLE ~5, TITLE 5'6NYCRR 608 [PROTECTION O~ WATERS} ~'Fo~ the co~struc[ o~. reconstruction, or repair ota DAM'or ot~er impoundment sm~cture ~ · ~'For'~he disturbance of a STREAM 8iD OR BANKS or excavation in or' titi of NAVIGABLE WATERS .... ~40q WATER QUALITY ~ARTIcLE 15, TITLE 27 6NYCRR 666 ~ILD. SCENIC.AND RECREATIONAL RIVERS) '~ARTiCL~ 24 6N'YCRR ~62 663 (FRESHWATER WETLANDS] ~ARTICLE 36 6NYCg~ 500 (FLOODPlAiN MANAGEME.NT) ~ARTICLE 25 6NYCRR 6~q .~TIDAL WETLANDS) ~ARTICLE 34 6NYCRR 505 [COASTAL EROSION) ~'SE~TION 10 (RIVER AND HARBOR ACT OF 1~99) for structures and work in navigable wa~e~s Of ~he U.S, ~ COASTAL CONSIST~NC~' CERT F' CAJlON ~s~Cn0~ 40~ ccL~,'~ w~Th ~T O~ ~,~) ~o~.~,~p~ o~ ~,~'o~ im m~i~J ~,'~,~, 0~ t"eU.S. '. ' . ' '.' . · ~ S~CT~0N 103 (MARINE PROTECTION, R~'SEARCH AND SANCTUARIES ACTJ ~or,the ~ranspo:tation of dm~ged ma~riat~ fo~ dumpmg i~0 ocean LJ~ PR[WOUS PERMITJAPPL'ICATION NUMBERS AND .DATES jif anyJ ~A APPLICANT IS. A/AN ' ~]'Owner [--'JJperatc~, F-]i~e .... J--]Municipality]Governmental Agency (Check as many as apply) NAME'OE APPLICANT [Use Full'N~me] -CELESTiNo' 'CLEI~EltTE, U:.D. '.' MAILING ADDRESS' ' .... ' '" 864 .R1DGEWOOD AVENUE POST OmCE GLEN:.' RID'Q'E, :NJ 0702.8 TELEPHONE [Where can be rea~:hed rlurin~ day) :J STATE J. ZIP CODE NAME OF [~JoWner ~Agent/Contact Person · -:Bru¢.e"-A. A~de'rson -' Suffolk MAILiNG.ADDRESS · P;'.O~ :~Box 9.58- POST' OEFICF Water'" Mill 5. 'PROJECTTFACILtTY LOCATION (Mark Iotation on ..ap. see Number.qB on reeei;se side) County 'SuffOlk Town orciW rout'hold' STREET ADDRESS []f different from applicant} [Check one) Environmental Consulting, In.c.. I,TELEPHONE (Where can be reached dunng day) 1.5t6 726-191.9 tSTATE. l ZIP CODE ' I Village NA Bai'lie Beach. Road POST OFFICE t%titu'ck 6. NAME OF STREAM OR BODY OF WATER Long. Island Sound 7. HAS WORK BEGUN ON PRO]ECT.~ If YES, attach explanation on startin~ work without permit, include~ dates· [] Yes ~ No Show .work on. map and/or drawings. ' ' 9 PROPOSED USE: j~ Pti.vale J 10. PROPOSED STARTING DATE: I t'.'1 ,,,,h,f, 1-] ,,.,,,u~,,,.l , AuguSt, 1993 13 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: J S TATE J ZIP C,ODE NY _.. ]]_195.2 Bm WILL PROIECT UTILIZE STATE [~Yes' J~No 'APPROXIMATE COMPLETION DATE: ['~2 FEE OF (NYS Permit S.eDtember, 1'993 J $ 200'00 En.cJosed (e.g. quantity and type'o.f ma'teri~l to b~ ex~'av'a{'ed."dredged or used for fill or rip rap, .location of disposal sites; type of st'~u~ture to be instaJted; height, of dam; size of impoundent; capaci.ties of proposed water sources: ext~,nt of distribution system, etc.] see. attached ~4. WILL THIS PROJECT REQUIRE ADDITIONAL FEDERAL, ST'AT~"AND/OR L~DCAE PERMiT~? .~ Yes [] No .if yes, please list. Southold Town Trustees- Coastal Erosion Mana.g'emenlt Permit t5. CER.TIFICATION: J tJthu;. 't[~e appJmcant a( cei)(~ itl.it Fell>our b' ty Jo~ all damage, dim~ct'or.indirect, oi whate~er' natgre, and by whomever suffered; arJ~JJlg 'gui m th~: jJr,ojt.~ [ 'de,ct.bed J~e'rein ~J~d agrees tg'iade l~nify and '~a've hannles~ th~ St&t~ from' 5~its, actiohs da.ag'es and costs oT every aame and description n.su ~ ng ~rom ~d project In add~tion Federal Law 18 US.C. Sent'on iO0t provides for a fine of not more tha~ $10000 or mprsonment fo~ not more t~an ti~( w~'an applic.ant' ~0owin~Jy an~ wi'[l~ y f~'S f eS ~onc~a ~".~ve~s 0,~ ~ mater a ~-':'~ m m. ' . · '~ . . years, or both. .' . ' ~ ~.~ ... . · · . '.. ... . · . .: .. . '...... PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS ON REVi~R.SE SIDE