HomeMy WebLinkAbout4235 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1809 ACTION OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS Appl. No. 4235 (REHEARING). Matter of the Application of KIM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK. Re-Hearing pursuant to Resolution of Beard of Appeals adopted June 13, 1994 to re-consider and re-hear appellants' variance appHeation under Article III, Section 100-33, based upon the April 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector, to locate accessory building[uae in the front yard area. Location of Property: 3200 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel 1000-94-2-5. WHEREAS, an application was made for a rohearino~ of Appeal No., 4235 by Cynthia Sutryk, and a resolution was uoanimously adopted at a publie meeting held on June 13, 1994, granting the applicant's roquesting for a rehearing for the reasons stated theroin; and WHEREAS, after due notice, a public hearing and rohearing was held on July 14, 1994, at which time all those who desired to be heard wers heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the Boami has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted ceneerninE this application; and WHEREAS, Board Members have personally viewed and familiar with the promi.~es in question, its present zoning, and the surroundin~ areas; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following finrlino~s of fact: 1. The applicants under Appeal No. 4235 have z~quested a rehearin~ concerning their oz'iginal application pertalnin~ to a VaI'iance from Article III, Section 100-31, and Article XXIII, Section 100-231, which roquir~s that an accessory building be located in a requirod ~ear yard due to misunderstandings between the applicants, the ChAirman and Board Members at the prior heavings pertaining to a ~estriction or non-~estriction on the number of animals to be housed and permitted under the zoning ordinance and/or the variance determination. The application for a buildln~ permit upon which thi~ appeal is based shows that the accessory (ba~n) builclin~ is proposed to be situated in the northerly (front) yard area. Page 2 - Appeal No. 4235 Matter of KlM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK Decision Rendered July ~41994 2. For the record, a determination was rendered on June 8, 1994 by this Boa~l granting a conditional varitnee for the location of an accessory barn buildlng and horse cerral area, for the housing of two horses. This is a rehearing and new determination under that application. 3. The premises in question is located in the Agricultural- Conservation Zone District and eontain.~ a total area of five and 5.32 acres. This parcel is improved with two foundations, one for a new single-fRmily pursuant to Building Permit No. 21929Z issued 314/94, and the other for the subject accessory barn (for which no permits have been issued) located north/northwest of the dwelling foundation under construction. A survey dated and received May 3, 1994 shows the dwellin~ under construction a distance of 176+- from the easterly front property line (from the inner edge of a private right-of-way) and 122+- feet from the southerly property line. Using the surveyor's scale, the dwelling foundation is 310+- feet from the closest northerly line and 170+- feet from the westerly property line, at its closest points. 4. For parcels of this nature with a private right-of-way extending the entire depth (483.46 feet) of the property as well as frontage along a town road (Sound View Avenue of 119.13 feet), the property is considered a corner lot with two front yards. Section 100-232 provides that the rear yard may be defined as Cone yard other thtn~ the front yard to be a rear yard, and the other or other side yards .... " It is the position of the Beard that the layout of the land as a corner lot lends to the difficulties in locating a permitted a accessory barn stlnlcture with coin, al a~ea while at the same time meeting the yardi and setback regulations and appropriate di.~tances for housin~ of the horse(s). 5. For record purposes, it is noted that thi~ budding is proposed for accessory use incidental to and used by the residents and occupants of thi.~ dwelling, and my not be used for profitable or g~inful purposes. By the grant of thlg variance, thig budding, as located in the front yard, may not be enlarged, re-located, or othex~gise altered except by additional application and formal review of the Board of Appsal~ and subject to further eempli~nee with the codes in effect at that future time. 6. The use of the accessory barn is proposed for horses, which pursuant to Section 100-31(C-8) is a permitted accessory use, provided that such animals shrill not be housed within forty (40) feet of any lot line. The proposed buildino~ and corral aroa structure are shown to also be in confornmnce with the nmxdmum height requirements pertinent to accessory structures at eighteen (18) feet. <See code definition "height"). Page 3 - Appeal No. 4235 Matter of KIM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK Decision Rendered July 14 1994 7. The hearing record is lengthy and confirms opposition from owners of the adjacent (adjoining) parcels on the north and south sides of the applicants' property, and other concerns - some related to this project and some unrelated. ~ull consideration hR.~ been made of the entire hearing record by Beard Members, and additional restrictions relating to the use and location of this barn and horse corral area have been made a condition of this variance. The neighboring residences to the north are approximately 120 feet from the proposed horse corral area and more than 260 feet between the accessory barn and other residences (north). The rear yards of the northerly neighboring parcels immediately abut the applicants' northerly front yards. The corral area and barn are for housing and keeping of the owners' two horses and a pony. 8. It is the position of the Beard in considering this application that: (a) the circumstances aro uniquely related to the preperty particularly since the code defines two yard az~as to be front yards; (b) the relief is not substantial in relation to the requirements and will be distant from neighboring buildlnows and neighboring properties; the setbacks at its closest point is to the westerly property line at 54+- feet; (c) the variance ~equested does not involve an increase of dwelling unit or use density, and the use of the premises sh~LI romain residential; (d) the relief rsquested will not cause a substantial effect on avsil~ble governmental faailities since the structure is a permitted use unde]~ Section 100-31C, and will be used only incidentally to the residents and occupants of the dwelling; (e) thero is an alternative available for the applicant to pursue by locating the accessory ba~n and corral az~a in the limited rear yard - which is that area closest to the southerly dwelling (Dr. R. Hariri) without a variance; (f) the variance will not in turn be adverse to the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, or order of the town, or be adverse to the neighboring properties since additional requirements have been imposed for compliance and extra efforts by the prspel~ty OWl]er. Page 4 - Appeal No. 4235 Matter of KlM F,~I.I~)N and CYNTHIA SUTRYK Decision Rendered July. 14 1994 NOW, THEREFORE, on motion by Member Dinizio, seconded by Member Wilton, it was RESOLVED, to RESCIND the previous Resolution of this Board adopted June 8, 1994 under Appeal No. 4235; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to GRANT i'a variance as requested under Appeal No. 4235 to locate a 24 ft. by 22 ft. accessory building in the northwesterly front yard area not closer than 54 feet from the westerly property line and 120 feet frem the rear yard property of Parcel No. 1000-94-2-3 (now or formerly Kavisris as per survey), and SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The use of the barn and corral area shall be limited to an accessory use personal to the landowners and not for profitable or commercial use; 2. The the accessory barn is limited to stalls for only two horses and a pony (or three horses, or ttrvee ponies); more than three will require a further hearing for reconsideration, after a new, subsequent appHcation. 3. Any and all manure shall be stored and disposed of in a proper nmnner so as not to cause odor, fly infestation or other adversity to neighboring landowners. 4. There shall be no horse training services or riding in-~tructions by the landowners (such as a ridino~ academy-type use) to non-residents at the property; 5. The 100 ft. by 90 ft. horse corral (fenced area) shall be no closer than 120 feet to the northerly property line at its closest point, no closer than 200 feet to the easterly property line, no closer than 40 feet to the westerly property line, and shall not be located south of the dwellin~ foundation area. 6. The accessory playhouse building now situated in the front yard and presently under construction shall be located to a proper position in the required rear yard prior to the issuance of any buildin~ Page 5 - Appeal No. 4235 Matter of KIM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK Decision Rendered July 14 1994 permit. Vote of the Board: Villa and Wilton. Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Dinizio, Doyen, This resolution was duly adopted. RECEIVED AND FILED BY THE SOUTt{OLD TOWN Cl.k~K DATE HOUR Town _Clerk_, Tow~nn o~ Southol_d APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1809 ACTION OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS Appl. No. 4235. (Also - See Beard's Determination after a Rehearing, which Determina- tion was filed subsequently. ) Matter of the AppHeation of KIM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK. This is a ~equest for a Variance under Article III, Section 100-33, based upon the April 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval for a permit to construct accessory building in the front yard area. Location of Property: 3200 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel 1000-94-2'5. WHEREAS, after due notice, public hearings were held on May 4, 1994 and June 8, 1994, at which time all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the Beard hag carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, Beard Members have pereonslly viewed and are f~mili~r with the premises in question, its present zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of fact: 1. This appileation is a request for a Variance from Article III, Section 100-31: .a~..d. Article XXIII, Section 100-231 which requires that an aeeessory ouuamg be located in a required rear yard. The application for a building permit upon which this appeal is based shows that the accessory (barn) building is proposed to be situated in the northerly (front) yard area. 2. The promises in question is loeated in the Agricultural- Conservation Zone District and contains a total area of five and 5.32 ac~es. Thi.~ parcel is impreved with two foundations, one for a new single-family pursuant to Building Permit No. 21929Z issued 314[94, and the other for the subject accessory barn (for which no permits have been issued) located north/northwest of the dwelling foundation under construction. A survey dated and received May 3, 1994 shows the dwelling under construction a distance of 176+- from the easterly front property line (frem the inner edge of a private right-of-way) and 122+- feet from the southerly property line. Using the surveyor's scale, the Page 2 - Appeal No. 4235 Matter of KIM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK Decision Rendered June 8, 1994 dwelling foundation is 310+- feet from the closest northerly llne and 170+- feet from the westerly property line, at its closest points. 3. For parcels of this nature with a private right-of-way extending the entire depth (483.46 feet) of the property as well as frontage along a town road (Sound View Avenue of 119.13 feet), the property is considered a corner lot with two front yards. Section 100-232 provides that the rear yard may be defined as "one yard other than the front yard to be a rear yard, and the other or other side yards .... ~ It is the position of the Beard that the layout of the land as a corner lot that lends to the difficulties in locating a permitted a accessory barn structure with corral area while at the same time meeting the yard and setback regulations and appropriate distances for housing of the horse(s). 4. For record purposes, it is noted that this building is proposed for accessory use incidental to and used by the residents and occupants of this dwelling, and may not be used for profitable or gainful purposes. By the grant of this variance, this building, as located in the front yard, may not be enlarged, re-located, or otherwise altered - except by additional application and formal review of the Board of Appeals and subject to further compliance with the codes in effect at that future time. 5. The use of the accessory barn is proposed for horses, which pursuant to Section 100-31(C-8) is a permitted accessory use, provided that such snlnmla sh~ll not be housed within forty (40)feet of any lot line. The proposed building and corral a~ea structure are shown to also be in conformance with the maximum height requirements pertinent to accessory structures at eighteen (18) feet. <See cede definition' "height~>. 6. The hearing record is lengthy and confirms opposition from owners of the adjacent (adjoining) parcels on the north and south sides of the applicants' property, and other cencerus - some rolated to this project and some unrelated. Full consideration has been made of the entire hearing rocerd by Beard Members, and additional rostrictiona roiating to the use and location of thi.~ barn and horse corral area have been made a condition of this variance. The neighboring residences to the north are approximately 120 feet from the proposed horse corrsl aroa and more than 260 feet between the accessory ba~n and .other residences (north). The rear yards of the northerly neighboring parcels immediately abut the applicants' northerly front yards. The corral area and barn a~e for housing and keeping of the owners' two horses. 7. It is the position of the Beard in censidering this application that: Page 3 - Appeal No. 4235 Matter of KlM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK Decision Rendered June 8, 1994 (a) the circumstances are uniquely related to the property - particularly since the code defines two yard areas to be front yards; (b) the relief is not substantial in relation to the requirements and will be di.~tant from neighboring buildings and neighboring properties; the setbacks at its closest point is to the westerly preperty line at 54+- feet; (c) the variance requested does not involve an increase of dwelling unit or use density, and the use of the premises shall remain residential; (d) the relief requested will not cause a substantial effect on available governmental facilities since the structure is a permitted use under Section 100-31C, and will be used only incidentally to the residents and occupants of the dwelling; (e) there is an alternative avnilAble for the applicant to pursue by locating the accessory barn and corral area in the limited rear yard - which is that area closest to the southerly dwelling (Dr. R. Hariri) without a variance; (f) the variance will not in turn be adverse to the safety, health, welfare, comfort, eenvenienee, or order of the town, or be adverse to the neighboring properties since additional requirements have been imposed for compliance and extra efforts by the property owner. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion by Member Villa, seconded byr Member Dinizio, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT a variance as requested under Appeal No. 4235 to locate a 24 ft. by 22 ft. accessory building in the northwesterly front yard area not closer th~n 54 feet from the westerly property line and 120 feet from the rear yard property of Parcel No. 1000-94-2-3 (now or formerly Kavlaris as per survey), and SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The use of the barn and corral area shall be limited to an accessory use personal to the landowners and not for profitable o1~ ~ommercial use; 2. The the accessory barn is limited to the storage of two horses; more than two horses will require a further hearing for reconsideration. Page 4 - Appeal No. 4235 Matter of KlM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK Decision Rendered June 8, 1994 3. Any and all storage of manure shall be disposed of in 'a proper manner which will not be adverse to neighboring landowners. 4. There shall be no riding instructions by the landowners such as a riding academy-type use to non-residents at the property; 5. The 100 ft. by 90 ft~ horse corral (fenced area) shall be no closer than 120 feet to the northerly property line at its closest point and no closer than 200 feet to the easterly property line, and shall not be located south of the dwelling foundation area. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Geehringer, Dinizio, Doyen, Villa and Wilton. This resolution was duly adopted. lk //' / RD P. GO~HKeINGER ~/ / CHAIRMAN / RECEIVED AND FILED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK DATE HOUR / Town Clerk, Town of ~outho,d_ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS C-erard p. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Ri~h-,d C. Wilton Telephone (516) 765-1809 Appeal No. 4235 Project/Applicants: County Tax Map No. Location of Project: TYPE II BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S.E.Q.R.A. ACTION DECLARATION Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Seuthold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 April 13, 1994 Klm Fallon and Cynthia Sutryk 1000-94-2-5 3200 Soundview Ave., Mattituck, NY Relief Requested/Jurisdiction Before This Board in this Project: Accessory building in the fr0nt yard area This Notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. An Environmental Assessment (Short) Form has been submitted; however, Section 617.13 of 6 NYCRR Part 616, and Section 8-0113 of the Environmental Conservation Law, this variance application falls under the Type II classification as established by law. Further, this Department may not be an involved agency under SEQRA {Section 617.13(a) as amended February 14, 1990}. Although this action is classified as Type II for this variance application under SEQRA {specifically 617.13, 616.3(j), and 617.2(jj)}, this determination shall have no affect upon any other agency's interest or SEQRA determination as an involved agency. For further information, please contact the Office of the Board of Appeals, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 at (516) 765-1809. Original posted on Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Hall Copies to applicant or his agent and individual board members. Copy placed in ZBA project file for record purposes. mc 5'rATI~dENT OF ml~l~Nt THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWA~ SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WILL CONIfORM TO THE STANDARDS OIr TH[ 5UFKOLK CO. DEPT. OF HEALTH 5ERVICE~. ($) APPLICANT COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH APPROVAL P'OI~ SUFFOLK SERVICES -- FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY DATE: H. S, REF. NO.: APPI~OvED: ~UFFoLK' CO. TAX MAP QESt~NATION: SECT. ~.OCK PcL. D~: L. P. / ?, %?. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TO'iYN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. APR - 5 1994 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Date .... APRIL 4, 94. To CYNTHIA SUTRYK & KI}{ FALLON 55 HARBOR VIEW AVE. MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated MARClt 30, 94 ........................... 19 ..... mr permit to CONSTRUCT AN ACCESSORY BARN Location 3200 SOHNDVlEW AV~. of Property ................. I~TTITUCK, 1~ YORK House No. ' ....................... County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 94 Street Hamlet 5 .............. Block . 2. Lot ......... ~ .... Subdivision ................. Filed Map No ................. Lot No .................. is returned herewith and disapproved on the ~llowing grounds . ~SORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCI~S OR OTtt~R 'ACCESSORY USES SI~L BE LOCA~U IN I.~.' P, EQUIRED BEAR YARD. ARTICLE III GlinT. 100-33. ' ................................ ic,;o ......... ' ....... IRED BY IBI/ ZONING BOAP, D OF APPEALS. RV 1/80 i TOWN O1~ ~OLD Examined ................. 19... Approved .......... ~, ......19... Permit No ........ FORM NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765 1802 (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT BOARD OF HEALTII ........ 3 SETS OF PLAHS ........ SURVEY ................. CIIECK .................. SEPTIC FOR:I CALL .F~,.b/.~ ........ MAIL TO: Date ?'..~.~.~.. ?.? ........ , 19 ?K CYNTHIA E. SUTRYK KlM M. FALLON 55 HARBOR VIEW AVE. ORDER OF 558 admit ahthorizec~ inspectors oh ~remises and'in building f~)r necessary'inspectit~ns~-- ~d to the Building Inspector, with 3 adjoining premises or public streets diagram which is part of this appli- Building Permit· ennit to the applicant. Such permit ver until a Certificate of Occupancy r a Building Permit pursuant to the [ther applicable Laws, Ordinances or or demolition, as herein described. using code, and regulations, and to (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, 'lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ......... ................................................................................ Nameofownerofpremises .K,'~t FAt. coD A~I~ ~¥,~m4,~. (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer. :: , (Name and title of corporate officer) u' ' Blder s L~cense No .......................... Plumber's'License No ......................... Electrician's License No ..... Other Trade's License No ...................... 1. Locationoflandonwhichproposedworkwillbedone. ,3200 J'o~.,,~e, ~'~,.~ ~4,t~._ ..................... House Number .......................... · ..... Street ........................ Hamlet County Tax Map No. I000 Section ... ?¢/ Block ............................ Lot Subdivikion ..................................... Filed Map No. Lot (Name) ............................. 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use.and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy ' 3. Nature of ark (check which icable): New Building .......... )n .... ~l,erat on ......... Repair .............. Removal ............. Demolition .......... .~..-..?v4Ot~0'' !j~ ':It~,~¥0rk. !.. 4. Estimated Cost . /.~?'r't) (Description) .................................. Fee 5. If dwellin,, numbe- -~ .... (to be pa~id.,0~ng this application)' · ~ o, · ui awelllng units M...;~.~_ _r~ · u garage, num her of cars ruling units tm*eWcr~floor .... 6. ' " '" ................. . ............................ ': ~.-.77]. · ...... i ......... 7. ~ibm;S~;oSnS's ~x~;iCnl~ls~%cm[j;eds (]~cT~.a.n~%;tPeclfy nature and extent of each type of us ... ' ........ He ght Nu - Y_ .......... ...... Rear . ... Depth ............ ............... mt)er of Stories ......... ............................................... Dimensions of same structure ~vith alterations or additions: Front ................. Rear .............. 8. sions of en;i;; ~;2J,L'XL' .~.Helgh~t ..,, .......... ......... Number of Stories .......... - ,~ua~truc[lon: Pron[ .......... ;. · Rear ...... . . Depth 9. ~H. eight ............... Number of Stories.. ~ ..... . ' '. ............. alze of lot: Front ...................... Rear ...................... Depth 10. Date of Purchase .................. ......... Name of Former Owner . . 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ...................... 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: ........... ' .................... 13. Will lot be regraded ............................ Will excess fill be removed fr ' · 14. Name of Owner of premises &~,~co,o4('r,~,w,. ~,~,&.,.~ '"-t4-at'o-- _ om premises. Yes No Name of Architect , ~ - ................ Phone No..~ ?;,7..¥~..x . .. ........................... auoress ................. Phone No .... Name of Contractor .......................... Address ....... · .... Phond No' . ........ ' 15. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? *Yes ........ No ........ · If yes, Southold Town Trustees Permit may be required. ' .... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and. indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether · interior or corner lot. STATE OF NEW~YORK,~ ~/, COUNTY s.s ........................................... being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individu.41 signing contract) above named. He is the .......... . ........................... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) ..... of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application: that all statements contained in this application are true to the best ofhis knowledge and belief; and that the Work wi/l be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Swam to before .......... ~. ....... .T. dayof /..~.g.. f .c'~..c~. .... ,19 ~'.¢-( · . ,,, .... . y_) TOWH OF 50UTHOLD0 NEY/ YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPF-~L NO. 4/°2, ~"'~--" TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. .............. /c.. ............. ...... ............................... Name of Appellant Street and Number ....~...(~"'~1_'7~..%}.~,','~.- ..................................................................... ..-~,..~, ............. HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality 5tote THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO ..................................... DATED ...................................................... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ( ) ( ) Name of Applicant for permit Street and Number Municipali~ State PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY ]. LOCATION OF,THE PRpPER~Y %..~.....C~. ~.(~``(~``(~``(~``(~..~..Q.~)..~...~.~..~..A...~..~.~...~..~.~L~.~...Y/.~ Street /Hamlet / Use District on Zoning Map District lO00 Section~HBlock~ Lot ~ ~ rent ...................................................... ~ur ~ner K/'~ ~c~ ~ ~y~r~z~ D,~y~ MopNo. 'LotNo. Prior Owner 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article ~ Section 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is mode herewith for (please check appropriate box) ('~) A VARIANCE to the Z~ning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 () 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (has) ~ been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such oppeat was ( ) request fora special permit [ ) request for a variance crud was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated .................. t .......... , ................ ~-; ..................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( is requested for the reason that Form Z'~I (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL l. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because; vicinity of this property and in this use district because The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by oil properties alike in the immediate CHARACTER OF THE D1SIKICT because The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF ) Si~natgr'e . Sworn to this ........ Z.~.....2~. .......................... day of ..... ..~...~./cq. k ......................................... ~9 ¢'~ /Notary Public LINDA J. COOPER Notary Public, State of Nnw York NO. 4822563, Suff~olk Count'~! T6rm Fxpires Dece'mDJ 31, 19 -" ~ PROJECT I.D. NUMBER 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only SEQR PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be comDleted by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR I 2. PROJECT NAME 3. PROJECT LOCATION: ~ New ~ Expansion ~ Modification/alteration 8. WILL PROPOSED ACT;ON COMPLY WiTH ~ISTING ZONING OR OTHER ~ISTtNG ~NQ USE RESTRICTIONS? ~ Yes ~ NO If NO, describe ~rietly m. Does *c~=o. ~.votv~ I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete ti3e Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 .(Continued on reverse side) this form, and an envlronmen~ I elew ;~11 be made by before any actioh is taken, this board SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSSIENT FO~! I~NSTRUCTIONS: (a) In order to answer the questions in this short EAF it is assumed that the preparer will use currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of th~ action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be sig- nificant and completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered NO it is likely that the project is not significant. (d) Environmental Assessmen~ 1. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site or physically'alter more than 10 acres of land? Yes: NO 2. Will there be a major change to any unique or %u%~ual land form on the site? Yes NO 3. Will project alter or have a large effect on an existing body of water? Yes NO 4. Will projec~ have a potentially large impact on groundwater quality? .__.Yes No 5. Will project significantly effect drainage flow on adjacent sites? 6. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? Yes . No 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air quality? Yes .No 8. Will project have a major effect on visual char- acter of the community or scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? Yes NO 9. Will project adversely impact any site or struct- ure of historic, pre-historic, or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical envircamental area by a local agency? __Yes No 10. Will project have a m~jor effect on existing or future recreational opportunities? Yes No 11. Will project result in major traffic problems Or · cause a major effect to existing transportation .' systems? . Yes _~No 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturb- ance as a result of the project's operation? ~Yes No 13. Will project have any impact on public health or safety? Yes No 14. Will project affect the existing community by directly causing a growth in permanent popula- tion of more than 5 percent over a one-year Yes No period o~r have a major negative effect on the ~ character of the community or neighborhood? Is there public controversy concerning the project? 15. 'ZBA _ Date: QUESTIO~;AIRE FOR FILI}TG WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATIO~T A. Please disclose the names of : the owner(s} and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate. sheet may be attached.} ~,~ F~c~,,~ B. Is the subject premises listed on the real es=aCe market ~or - sale. or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes {~ } No. (If ~, Dleasa a~-h =uU7 o~ "oond/r~ns,, of C. Are therm a~zy%Truposal~ tm =hange~r alter l~d { } Yes {Y} No D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 3. Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? .... E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? ///~ (If not applicable, state "N.A.") F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fencas which e~4~t and are not ~ho%rn on t-he survey map that you ara submitting? i/~? If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? ~ If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If n--~e, please state. H. Do you or any co-owner also own Other land close to this parcel? .. ~ If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. I. Please list present use or operations parcel ~ proposed use conducted at this and ^utndrized Signature ~d Date 3/87, 10/901k § 97-13 WETLANDS § 97-13 TOWN -- The Town of Southold. TRUSTEES -- The Board of Trustees of the Town of Sourhold. [Added 6-5-84 by L.L. No. 6-1984! ~fE ~'i~,N-DS [Amended 8-26-76 by L.L. No. 2-1976; 3-26- 85 b.v_ ,I..L No. t;-1985]: -,"2~ ' ',' ~', '"-' ~ ~ ~I'DAL WETLANDS: " (1) All lands generally covered or intermittently cov- ered with. or which border on. tidal waters, or lands lying beneath tidal wakers, which at mean low tide are covered by tidal waters to a maximum depth of five (5) feet. including' but not limited to banks. bogs, salt marsh, swamps, meadows, flats or ocher Iow lying lands subject to tidal action; (2) All banks, bogs, meadows, fiats and tidal marsh subject to such tides and upon which grows or may grow some or any of the following:, salt hay, black grass, saltworts, sea lavender, tall cordgrass, high bush. cattails, grcundseL ~rshrn~llow a~d law All l.~nd immediately ndjacent ~o a tidal wetland as defined in Subsection A(2) and lying ~vithin seven- ty-five (75) feet landward of the most landward edge of sm-b a.tidal wetiand. FRESHWATER WETLANDS: (1) "Freshwater wetlands" as defined in Article 24. Ti- tle 1, § 2.1-0107, Subdivisions l(a) to l(d) inclusive, of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York: and (2) All land immediately adjacent to a "freshwater wet- land," as defined in Subsection B(1) and lying wkh- in seventy-five (75) feet landward of the most land- ward edge of a freshwater wetland. 9705 z.*.s.ss TOWN OF $OUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNEI{ ~ RES. LAND Tillable SEAS. IMP, STRE~.~¥~ OeP N $ VL TOTAL -(GOO FARM DATE VI LLAGE W SUB. LOT ~ ACR. TYPE OF BUILDING COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value RENb~RKS FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD DECLARATION OF COVENANTS~--~k~DATE RESTRICTIONS THIS INDENTURE made this ~ day of ~ , 1987, by /SUNBOW ASSOCIATES residing at 1065 Hyatt Road, Southold, New York, hereinafter called the ~ ~, the Declarant is th ' · e owner ~n fee s~mple of a certaln parcel of land situate at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk C~unty, New York, and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District Section 100, Block 2, Lot 5.i containing approximately 3~.6 acres, 0~.~ being the same premises acquired by the Declarant by deed dated ~[~ ~'-~llC~ and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Occie on December !0, 1986 in Liber 10188 of deeds at page 17, and referred to hereiu as the "- , pre~.~ses- and WHEREAS, the Declarant intends to subdivide said premises for residential purposes and desires to subject said premises to certain conditions, covenants and restrictions in order to preserve the maximum open space, natural scenic beauty and natural vegetation and to prevent overcrowding and to conserve the ground water resources of the Town of Southold, and 1000, WHELEAS. the Town of Southold the premises as a lots or parcels. n~=~. has a~!ie~ for approval of the subdivision and development of Minor Subdivision, to contain not more than four (4) NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant does hereby declare that the aforesaid premises and every portion thereof is hereby held and shall be conveyed subject to the conditions, covenants and restrictions hereinafter set forth, and that every purchaser of said premises, -1- or any portion ther ~, by the acceptance of a ~ed thereto, covenants and agrees that the premises so purchased shall be held subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions hereinafter set forth. 1. No lot or plot as shown and designated on the Minor map approved by and filed with the Southold Town Planning be Subdivision Board shall further subdivided. 2. No dwelling,' or other building or structure shall be erected maintained within 100 feet of ~he top of the bluff or cliff adjacent or to Long Island Sound. 3. In order to prevent the erosion of the bluff or cliff adjacent to Lon Island Sound, no vegetation shall be removed ther'efrom nor disturbed in any manner, nor shall any stairways, paths or other' struct,~res be placed or maintained thereon, without the written approval of the Southold Town Planning Board. 4. That all of the covenants, conditions and restrictions contained herein shall be construed as real covenants running with the land and shall continue and remain in full force and effect at all times as against the owner of the premises or any portion thereof in perpetuity. Said covenants, conditions and restrict~_ons ..... ~ ¼= ' ~' . .... inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Declarant, their heirs, successors and assigns; any owner of any portion of the aforesaid premises, their heirs, successors and assigns, and the Town of Southold, and its successors and assigns, and the failure of any of the foregoing to enforce any of such covenants, conditions and restrictions shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. -2- HAND DELIVERED Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Road Southold, NY May 2, 1994 Re: Application for Variance of Fallon Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-94-2-5 Dear Sir or Madam: The undersigned are homeowners adjacent to the property seeking the variance. On the map attached to the filing we are Mr. Demetrio and Ms. Madeline Laveglia on the property formerly Kavlaris (94-2-3), Mr. David DiSalvo and Ms. Margaret Scheffs on the property formerly Zimnowski (94-2-4), and Dr. Robert Hariri and Ms. Margaret Hariri (94-2-6). All of us were attracted to Soundview Avenue for its scenic side and rear views over unspoiled farmland as well as the sense of open space and quiet. Two of us (94-2-3,4) purchased our homes in the past year understanding that a two story house would be built on the hill of the rear subdivision adjoining our properties. While this would negatively affect our view and the privacy, the consolation was that such placement would create a large front yard protecting us by code from any future structures which would have immediate impact on us. We would like to welcome Ms. Fallon and Ms. Sutryk as neighbors, but are led to wonder by their actions whether the feelings are reciprocal. We now have the addition of their mini bike, skimobile and overland vehicle. They poured a considerable foundation for a barn in the front yard without any permits or neighborly consultation. This was done with prior knowledge from the Building Inspector that a variance would be necessary. They have put us in the uncomfortable position of questioning their intentions. While we are sympathetic to their reasons for wanting this accessory barn in the front yard, we are not sympathetic to its proposed use to house horses. The additional environmental stress of flies, odors and ground pollution would affect all of us. Two of the properties (94-2-3,6) have windows and outdoor decks which will be in direct sight of this structure. Ms. Fallon has since told us that the structure will be one story, will house only two horses, and that she will keep the area clean and horses away from our property lines. Therefore, seeing that the foundation is already in place and in the effort to avoid any future conflict and build good relations, we will not seek to sway the Board to deny Ms. Fallon's and Ms. Sutryk's request, provided in return the Board, if it does in fact grant the variance, do so only upon the following conditions: 1. That the housing of animals in said structure be limited to two horses; 2. That any corralling or keeping of said hvo horses be a minimum of forty feet from the undersigned property lines; 3. That the area for keeping of said two horses be kept reasonably clean and unoffensive to the adjoining neighbors; 4. That said structure be limited in height to 17 feet and be so designed and constructed so as to be in keeping with the scenic beauty of the area; the roof will be a gabled A-Frame with either asphalt or wood shingles and the siding will be of either board and batten, or wood shingles. If Ms. Fallon and Ms. Sutryk are equally concerned to build good relations and are true to their representations, then we see no reason to their objecting to any of the above conditions; without such we are united in opposition to the variance. Very truly yours, MARGARET H~RIRI nEN ETPdO LA~VEGLJ~ LA L MARGARET SCHEFFS ~ behalf of ~e S~;heffsTrust '" iz.q,~"d '~-~j ~-) ~-'~ 5On'behalf of the ~ch~ffs Trust 3100 Soundview Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 May 4, 1994 HAND DELIVERED Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Road Shouthold, NY Re: Application for Variance of Fallon Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-94-2-5 Dear Sir o~ Madam: With regards to the letter you received dated May 2, 1994 from Laveglia, Scheffs, and Hariri the undersigned were under the impression at the time that there were no ordinances prohibiting horses and corrals from the front yard. We felt that since we might have to suffer horses either way, with or without the barn in the front yard, at least with the variance request we could have a 40 foot buffer. We now understand that zoning ordinance 100-31-C-1,8 would prohibit horses and the structure of fences in the front yard and that this variance request is for both accessory structure and accessory use. We are now clearly stating our objections to such accessory use. Ms. Fallon's and Ms. Sutryk's property has frontage which adjoins our rear and side yards. The possibility of having our rear yard surrounded by horses and fencing would cause us definite hardship for the following reasons: 1) It would cause us to suffer from the attendant flies, odors, noise and ground pollution particularly as the summer winds are from the south. 2) It could lead to the removal of ground vegetation and erosion. 3) The above along with the erection of necessary fencing would be an eyesore for us and would alter the established character of open unobstructed farm field and scenic view. 4) As the land rises in elevation as it approaches our house and our rear deck looks out over this land it would be both undesirable and unfeasable to establish any buffer yards or screening. 5) Our well water is subject to the northern migration of ground water and is already at the border of state limits for nitrates. Horse pollution in our immediate area would be a further detriment. Certainly these reasons are in keeping with "matters to be considered,, under zoning ordinances 100-251 and 100-264 and we fail to see how the granting of such variance will lead to the "conservation of adjoining property values". The selling point of our house was the rear yard and deck and before purchasing we made our inquiries with both Town Hall and Ms. Fallon about the possibilities of any future developments (other than the proposed new home) that would negatively affect the status of our property. We were assured that there would be none. We know of several people who have horses adjoining their properties and they have nothing but warnings to give us as to the flies and stench. The reasons Ms. Fallon and Ms. Sutryk give for the appeal are not very compelling. They are choosing to locate their new home so as to maximize their view particularly from their rear yard. They created a relatively larger front yard and a smaller rear yard yet that "smaller rear yard" is still larger (almost 200' sq.) than either of the two rear yards their frontage adjoins. It appears they want the benefits of such creation but not the drawbacks. They state in their application that their rear yard is not a desirable location for horses. If they do not want to be burdened with the effects of horses in their rear yard, why is it fair that we should be? Therefore, while we can sympathize with the granting of a variance for the accessory barn we are opposed to the granting of a variance for accessory use for horses without the additional condition (which will replace condition #2 of the letter dated May 2, 1994): 2) That any corralling, fencing, keeping or grazing of said two horses be within 100' of said accessory barn. We feel this is a fair compromise and that the applicants, if they are good neighbors, will understand our concerns. The signatories of the previous letter have been in consultation with us and are in agreement with the contents of this letter and seek the same outcome. All of us are concerned that the granting of a variance with the conditions outlined opens up the question of future conflict, enforcement and remedies and we look to the board to act prudently. y truly yours, Margaret Scheffs /~ On behalf of the Scheffs Trust David DiSalvo On behalf for the Scheffs Trust L *)' ~..'~ ~ *' J.:' * -% , ',~' ,;.; * ~ · ~.~,~!. ~ j , .... ~ .~- , ; a * SUFFO/KCO. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVA/ ~ ~ ,,.F..., .~ . ~ ~ .......... · ~ ~, -,~ - .':.~ ..? ~'-':..*' ~..TZ~./;¢r';~,~2~ ¢~.~ ~' ~. .... . ? ~.,. - .. ' ,.. . . ,. .',. ~t ' ~ , . ~' , -~'.1~ ~, .- .' ', ' -.~:// ~ ~' ~,~:' ~ '~:~',~'; .~'~'.. ' , " ~ . · ,: , ~ · ~ v..,' ~/~ ~0~',~.~... ' ' ' , ' ~ ' · I ~ ~ ~. / .;: ~'~'~Tf41~ ~UT~ ~,~:' o,s~. sect. B~ ~. , ~ I~ ' · ~ ' * 1% ~. r~ .,.: · ~e~-. ~ · ~., ~ ~,'~ ' .' -. I ' ~'. ROO, RICK~ANTUYL P.C. ~ ~, · ,:.":': ' f,¢. V....-- ~ ~'~ ~'~ ~"" ~ '.. ~ ' ' LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS .~' May 20, 1994 Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold, NY Re: Application for Variance ofFallon - SCTM #1000-94-2-5 Dear Sir or Madam: At the May 4, 1994 variance hearing the undersigned along with the petitioner, Ms. Sutryk were instructed by the Chairman to try and reach a compromise in the hall. Our prime concern was the number of horses and where they would be corralled. The plan as presented by Ms. Sutryk that evening placed most of the hardship on the Scheft and Laveglia residences, particularly in light of the prevailing southeast winds and open view. We left the hall meeting with a compromise plan as follows: 1. Ms. Sutryk gave us verbal assurances that there would be only two horses and a pony; 2. We reoriented the corral area more to the rear of the property so as to minimize the effects of wind, view and well pollution (see attached plan). This more equally shares the burden while allowing an even larger riding and grazing area as well as shade trees to the western edge. 3. We have no objection to a 5 foot corral fence providing it is of the open post and slat wood design typical of such fences, which we believe Ms. Sutryk plans to erect. 4. We have seen the barn plans and have no objections except for the use ofT-111 type siding instead of shingles or board and batten. This plan could not be presented that evening as it was late and Ms. Sutryk wanted to show it to Ms. Fallon first. We all hope this compromise plan meets with Ms. Fallon's and the Board's approval. Thank you. MAP~ARET SCHF,~rS fsth.e S~f~sT~st On behalf of the Scheffs Trust 55 Harbo~'~3ie~v A~:enue Mattituck, fi;. Y. 1195£ Juno 10, 1994 Board of Appeals To%on of Soutkold Application fi;o° 4£85 Please be advised tkat tke /~orse barn in question %vas designed to kouse a q~a~imum of tkree korses. It ~as not ~y intention at tke June 8tk Hea~ing to li~it myself to tke t~o kowses I p~esently o~n; nor did I intend to mislead tke Board into possibly understanding I ~ould ~ant to kouse ~ore tkan tkree. I apologize for any misrepresentation. ¥'ery truly yours, Kim Fallon NIOIF ~AUREEN B£IRTH ~ 20" E ~ 'N 65° 21' COR, ACT. · MAP soUND 3,110.68' t~/IEW A N. 71' 03' 30" E N/oIF ED wARD & DOROTHY zIMNO.SI AREA = 5.32 acres N/oIF suNB~~'U S 65' 36' 50" W AssOCIf TES ~A¥ - 3 199/1 I! LIe. NO. ?.Co SOUND 3,110.68' NIO/F EDWARD & DOROTHY .L AcT. · MAP VIEW A N 71' 03' 30" E TIE acres S 65' 95' 50" W A$$OClA, TE$ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1809 June 27. 1994 TO: Dr./Mrs. Robert Hariri Mr. and Mrs. Dernetrio,Laveglia Schef, fs Trust John W. Robinson Robert Rowebl Cynthi~ Sutryk Klm Fallon RE: Fallon and Sutryk - Rehearing Variance for Accessory Barn in Front Yard Location Ladies, and Gentlemen: Enclosed for your update, and ~information is a copy of the Legal Notice which confirms ,July 14, 1994 at 7:45 p.m. to. be, the date and time of- a rehearing, in.the:Matter,of the Appti~ation.,of Klm' Fallon and Cynthia. Sutr. yk. The Board Members granted Ms. Sut~yk~.s written request for a rehearing, based upen,a misunde~stand~ng~by Board Member(s) of informatior~ p~esented at the heaHng~ by the appticants. This is the ,only notice that-will be sent to you concerning the .date and time of the,rehearlng. Please-feel free to call if you have.any questions, Very truly yours, Enclosure Linda Kowalski, Clerk Board of Appeals Mailing List for 5/a,/9~ Hearings Notice: Claude A. Sher u,3 Ridge Road Searington. NY 11507 Rudolph H. Bruer. Esq. Main Road Southold. NY 11971-1q66 Mr. Thomas A. Palmer P.O. Box.218 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Kim Fallon 55 Harbor View Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Mr. Jon Co Kerbs ~q0 Riley Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Mr. Frank Cichanowicz Briarcliff Landscape P.O. Box 222 Peconic, NY 119S8 Samuels ~ Steelman Architects 25235 Main. Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Stephen L. Ham III. Esq. u,5 Hampton Road Southampton. NY 11968 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wipf gq0 West Creek Avenue Cutchogue, NY 11935 Mr. John Thatcher F.I. Nature Conservancy P.O. Box 132 Green Village, NJ 07935 Robert T. Bayley, AIA 150 LAKEVIEW Terrace East Marion, NY 11939-0595 Del±vered to NEWSPAPERS 4/19/94 Copies of all files in board boxes and to Chairman 4/19/94. Copy of legal notice to: Town Clerk (for coord.) Buildin90ept. Posted on Town Clerk Bulletin on 4/19/94, Board NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Law and th~ Code'of ~he To~v~ ~f hearings will be ~heid by :the '~6. 8:00 p~m, Appl. No, 4253 ~ aad MARY WISSEMANN'. ? ~vmiaa~.ba~ed u~p~t~the June.16,, ~' cons~ct a~es~ g~e building Map of C~ Be~ ~M, N,Y4 County.~ax Map P~I No. I~ 4-11.1. The subject premises is a (inClu~ng low ]~ subje~ m lng) and is dc~ned as a corner lot ~fing along CI~ View R~ ~d a 6. 8:10 p.m. Appl. No. 4254 ~ DEPOT ENTERPRISES, INC~ STATE~ NEW YORK) ) SS: .tnv. . O.F S OLK) of Mattituck. il said County, bet~ duly sworn, says that he/ah, is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, Weekly Newspaper, published at Mnttituek. the Town of $outhold. County of Suffolk State of New York, and that the Notice of whie] the nnnexed is a printed copy, has been tegulm ly published in said Newspaper once each for [ weeks stteeessively, commencing ol the ~day of ~L_ 19~.~__. area of approximately 30,500 square feet and fronts along Brushes Creek., / Peconic Bay Boulevard, and Mcsrobian Drive. Street Address: 1780 Paconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel. N.Y.; County Tax Map Parcel No.: 1(X;0-145-4~2.1 (prev. I &2). ~Tax Map Parcel ID No. 1000-102-2: 2. 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4252 -- I12.1. Subject premises is zoned DENNIS R. and ANN L: BANNON, Residential-Office (RO) and contains Variance to the Zoning Ordinance; a total lot area of 1.6± acres. Article IliA, Section 100-30A;3: I "The Board of Appeals will at said based up°n the June16'1994 N°fic°': ~ / fime* and Placc hear any aad al per- of Disapprovil from the Building. = ' proposed addition with an insufficient, rear yard setback. The subject premis-. es contains a total lot area of approxi: mataly 12,300 square feet and is a corner lot. Location of Propeny: 855 Mary's Road (a/k/a 645 Hamilton' Avenue), Mattituck, N.Y.; Count), Tax Map Parcel ID No. 1000-140-~ 3. 7:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4251 -- MARILYN $. MORSCH, Variance. to the Zoning Ordinance, An`icle lllA~ Section 100-30A.3~ based upofi the.~ June 6. 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector, for approval of an "as buiW' wood deck L: addition with a side yard setback at , less than the required 15 feet and less 3 than the total side yards r~q-ui~l~d ~t t~ · and 20 feel The subject premises ! c, ontains a (c0nforming)'tol~l(lot!a~eai~~ p~:4Q.409, square feet in ~lhis~-40 :Di. su-icc 1%~ Loc~on?6 .~0%'/~h Sea D~Ve, $outh0~ld~.N.~,~o~ty Tax map Parcel No~ 1000-54-$~ ~4~ 7:45 p~m ~PpL, No742~-°~ KIM FALLON and CYNTHIA · SUTRYK. ReLHearing pursuant'tO f Resolution of Board of Appeals and re-hear appellants' variance ap-~* - plication under Article IE, ~ectionL., 100-33.=based upon the April 4, 1994~':t Notice of Disapproval from the' Building Inspector, to Iocate~ acccs. ~br~.~uil~ing/use n~he gr~fi~ aid' ~ a o and we v;r~ ven u e~Jdatll i~k~jq .¥~%~ County Tax Map Parcel 1000-94.2.5,- sons or representatives desiring to be heard in the above matters. Written commenti ~nay also be submitted prior to the cof~lusion of the subject bearing. Each hearing will not start before the times designated above. If you wish to review any of the above files or would tike to ~'iqugst more information, please do not hesitate to call 765-1809 or visit our office. Dated: June 27, 1994.. BY ORDER OFTHE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS · ~ GERARD P. GOEHRINGER; :, ~ CHAIRMAN ' ~' By Linda Kowalski 798S-lT~u30 '; Ouall~te~n Suffo~6OO4~4k Coumv ~.~ Principal Clerk 4, 100-33) and under prior varianceff' de~enni~ May II, 1~3 ~rAp- ~al N0; 4157, for ~ission to m~- ffy t~ ~rly y~ ~i~ck for ~ccesso~ bali court. Location ~ 320 ~t ~e ~ 293~ Main R~, Cuteho~e, N.Y.; ~un~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southokl, that the following public hearings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN. BOARD OF APPEALS, at ~fi~,,~od~hold To~vn Hall, 53095 Ma, in Road, South01d, New ~'.York 11971, on THURSDAY, .JULY 14, 1994, ', ~ommenclng at . the times ~specified below: 1. 7i30 p.m. Appl. No. 4250- WILLIAM AND HELEN cHILDS. Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Ar- ticle 111, Section 100-33C based upon the March 29, 1994 N'otice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector for permission to locate ac- cessory garage with reduced front yard setback(s) on this corner lot. The subject premises contains a total lot area of approximately 30,500 square feet and fronts along Brushes Creek, Peconic Bay Boulevard, and Mesrobian. Drive, Street Address: 1780 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 100-145-4-2.1' (prev. l&2). -2. 7:35 p.m.?AppL;N~ 4252- DENNIS R. and L. BANNON;".-Variance i't6 the Zoning Ordinance, Arti- cle IliA, Section 100-3,0~A.3.,% Notic6' of Dis~3pro~)al'fr6'~ the Building lnspectorj_~o~ mission to locate,propo~ itlon w~th an ed add , ~ ,. · nt rear yard setback;'T~e subject premises' Eontams a. total'· lot' ~ar~fi~ of Japprox- imately 12,300~ square 'fe°t and is a corner lot. of Proper~y Road (a/k/a 64~ "wood deck addition with a side yard ~ack at less than the requir~ll~ 15 feet and less than the total side yards re- quired at 15 and 20 feet. The subject premises 'contains a (conforming) total lot area of 40,409 square feet in this R-40 Low-Density Residen- . tial Zone District. Property Location: 630 North Sea &~. Drive, Southold, NY; Coun7" ty ~ax Map Parcel No. 1~54-5-16. . 4. 7:45 p.m. Appl~No. ~ 4235- KIM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK. Re- Hearing pursuant to Resolu- tion. of Board. of Appeals 'adopted June 13,' 1994 to re- consider and rehear ap- pellants' variance applica- tion under Article Ill, Sec- tion 100-33, based upon the April 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector, to locate accessory building/use in the front yard area. Location of Property: 3200 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck, NY~, County Tax Map Parce~/~ 1000-94-2-5. 5. 8:00 p.m. Appl. No. 4253- JOHN AND MARY WISSEMANN. Variance based upon the June 16, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector for permission to construct ac- cessor~ garage building;with ' an insufficient fr0~t yard"set- ~bfick3~t 580 Clea~ Road, : Lot No.~47. ~nd part of 4?.on. ~tlib%~:De~l{Ji~ineht~ Map ~'of cOUNTY OF sUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Patricia wood, being duly sworn, says %hat she is the Editor, of the TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Sou%hold, in suffolk County; and that the notice of which %he annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Traveler-Watchman. once each week for ~ weeks succesS~vely, commencing on the day of .... '~'' ............ ' Sw~o~n to before ~e on this ...3?3 .... day of 19 / c6unty ~Tax Map Parcel N0. ' -' n -f Pro"~rt''' ~}'~il 1 .The ~subject "'.' o~6~m~m~tely45,~ ~.~2,~,,~ ~.~au laha~ No~l~-10~2~l~!~'' ,Suo]~-~tO s~o~. ~, Residential-Office ~RO) ,s A corner Cedar Beach, Southold, NY; Notary Public BARBARA/L SCHNEIDER NOTARY PUBUC. State of New No, 480C0846 . {~u=l fled in Suffolk uest~ mdre: infor- ~ No. APPEAI.~ BOARD M~MBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. Jame~ Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton Telephone (516) 765-1809 May 2, 199L[ BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMO FOR THE FILE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fsx (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Re: Appl. No. u,233 - Klm Fallon and ano. Ms. Fallon stopped by to deliver three prints of a construction plan (2 sheets each set) of the proposed barn in the front yard. I asked Ms. Fallon whether or not she will be proposing a horse corral or fencing relating to the barn use. and she said she will at some point in the future for two horses, It was suggested that Ms. Fallon bring with her to the hearing on 5/4 a proposal for a corral and location for the horses since it is an accessory use normally in the rear yard as well. (The corral and horse use was not submitted initiatly as par~ of the permit or variance application but may be a consideration by the Board of Appeals in its decision for a barn {with or without corral) in the front yard. cc: Board Members (FYI) APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard R Goehrin~er, Chsir~-- ~er~e Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa R~h~ C. Wi]Mn Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPF_ALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 20. 199~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fsx (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Klm Fallon and Cynthia .$utryk 55 Harbor View Avenue Mattituck. NY 119S2 Re: Appeal. No, q235 - Proposed Accessory Barn in: Front Yard Dear Ms. Fallor~ and Ms. Sutryk: Supplementing our, letter of~ April 19. 199~. this will, confim that the following documents are needed to complete, your~file: An original, and.six copies (for a total of 7) of a building construction plaa. providing all details: includin~ height from natural grade~ .location of~ door{s), the direction doors will be facing on the site, general design. The proposed use of the barn will also be required, as well as the height and: Ic~[ion of all fencing, existing and proposed, or other structures which will be in,the front yard {such as a corral). Please furnish our office with the above-documents as early es possible~ Thank:you. Very truly yours. CHAIRMAN BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the i Code of the Town of Southold, that the following ~ public hearings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS, at the Southold Town Hall, ! 53095 Main Road, Southold,. New York 11971, on~ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,[ 1994, commencing at the times specified below: "' I 1.7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4235- KlM FALLON AND CYN- THIA SUTRYK. (Hearing Continued from May 4, 1994). This is a request for a variance based upon the April 4, 1994 ~ Notice of Disapproval fromi the Building Inspector to locate accessory building inI the front yard area. Location i ~...of Property: 3200 Soundvie. e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.~ I Avenue, Mattituck, NY; Coun- i ty Tax Map Parcel 1000-94-2~5. 2. 7:35 p.m.~4.ppl. No. 4234- ALEX AND MARION WIPE (Hearing Continued from May 4, 1994). This is a request for a variance under Article III, Section 100-33C for permission to locate an ac- cessory garage with a fron- tyard setback at less than the i required 40 ft. front yard set- ~ back. This parcel is noncon- forming with a lot area of ap- proximately 22,000 sq. ft. and [ frontage of 118 ft. Location of I Property: 940 West CreekI Avenue, Cutchogue, NY;[ County Tax Map Parcel No. / 1000-1,03-13-7 = ~ 3.7:40 p.m. AppL No. 4246- LKC CORP. and JASTA, INC. This is a request for a Special Exception for permis- sion to establish a drinking establishment use as listed under Article XI, Section 100-10lB in an existing prin- ~ ~._..~ipal. building. The subject premises is nonconforming with a lot area of approx- imately one-half acre and 115+ ft. frontage along the north side of the Main Road a.nd is located in the B-General Business Zone District. Pro- perty Address: 6955 Main: Road, Laurel, NY; County Tax i C~OR:50 p.m. Appl. No. 4245- GE AND SUSAN TSAVARIS. This is a request for a variance under Article XXlll, Section 100-239.4A for permission to locate swimm- ing pool with fence enclosure within 100 feet of the bluff of the Long Island Sound. Loca- tion of Property: 2170 The Strand, LOt 111 at Pebble Beach Farms, East Marion, NY: Parcel ID No. 1000-30- 2-53. 5. 7:55 p.m. Appl. No 4244SE- DEPOT ENTER- PRISES, INC. This is a re- quest for a Special Exception, as amended, to include ap- proval for the location and use of a proposed addition to the existing principal bui d ng located at 320 Depot Lane, Cutchogue, New York. The proposed addition is an expan- sion of the existing recrea- tional membership club and is located in the Residential- Office (RO) Zone District. .~Property ID No. 1000-102-2-12.1. 6. 8:05 p.m. Appl. No. 4249- SANFORD AND SUE HANAUER. This is a request for a Special Exception to establish and operate a Bed and Breakfast in accordanc~ with the provisions of the zon- ing code at Article III, Section 100-31B(15), with owner- occupancy, and as an ac- cessory tothe existing prin- cipal residence. Location of Property: 4105 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck, N~ Coun- ty Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-94-3-part of 1.7, also known and referred to as Lot No 2 on the Subdivision Map of'Robert and Jean Lenzer. 7. 8:10 p.m. Appl. No. 4240- JOHN CROKOS. This is a re- quest for a variance under Ar- ticle XXIX, Section I 100-239.4A based upon the May 4, 1994 Notice of Disap- proval from the Building In- spector for permission to locate swimming pool with fence enclosure within I00 feet .~i f the bluff along the Long sland Sound. This property was the subject of prior Ap- peals under Appl. No. 4204 as rendered 12/8/93 and Appl. No. 4140 as rendered 2/23/94. The subject premises is im- proved with a single-family dwelling and contains an area of approximately 40,000 sq. ft. (total lot area). Location of Drive, Orient, I~Lot No. 7 on the Map ot~hnd View Estates; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-14-2-3.11. 8. 8:15 p.m. Appl No. 4241- RICHARD LAN. This is a re- quest for a variance under Ar- ticle IliA, Section 100-30A.4 (ref. Article Ill, Section 100-33) based upon the May 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector in a building permit application to construct pool and deck in the front yard area, as an ac- cessory use. Location of Pro- perty: 230 Bridge Lane, Cut- chogue, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-111-15-1.4 and 1.5 (Tax Map Parcel No. 1.4 totals 2.478 acres and Parcel No. 1.5 totals 1.088 acres). The subject premises is located in an R-40 Low-Density Residen- tial Zone District. 9. 8:20 p.m. Appl. No. 4243 -- MOORE"S LANE HOLDING CORP. This is a request for a variance under Article V Section 100-53B, Section 100-31C (tel Section 100-33), and Section 100-231, based upon the May 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector for per- mission to locate acessory uses (tennis court, swimming pool and pool clubhouse) in an area other than the required rear yard, and with tennis-court fencing at a height of more than four feet when located in a front yard area. Location of Property: 475 Cedarfields Drive, Greenport, NY; Coun- ty Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-40-5-1.42. The subject premises is located in the Hamlet-Density Zone District. 10. & 11. 8:25 p.m. TONY AND MARIA KOSTOULAS. Location of Property: 1035 Aquaview Avenue, East Marion, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No, 1000-21-2-13. This property is nonconforming as to total lot area in this R-40 Zone Distridt. Appl No. 4098 - (Continued Hearing) This is a request for a variance under Article XXIll, Section 100-239.4 for approval of a deck extension located within 100 feet of the bluff of the Long Island Sound. A ppi No. 4248- This is a quest for a variance under Ar- ticle IliA, Section 100-30A.3 for approval of a deck addi- tion with insufficient side yard 12. 8:35 p.m. Appl. 4247- HUGH T. and CAROL L. CONROY. This is a request for a Special Exception to establish an Accessory Apart- ment in conjunction with the owner's occupancy within ex- isting residence as authorized under Article III, Section 100-30A.2B and Section 100-31B(14) of the Zoning Code. Location of Property: ~Westerly side of Gin Lane,~ Southold, NY; also referred to as Lot No. 2 on the Subdivi- sion Map of Bay Haven filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map 2910; further identified on the County Tax Maps as 1000-88-3-6. 13. 8:55 p.m. Appl. No. a~'~o- *-,-r~D AD~LI~N SY'VERSON~ This is a request for a varianc~ under Article ILIA, Section 100-30.1 based upon the May 2, 1994 Notice of Disapproval~ by the Building Inspector for] approval of the proposed in- sufficient lot area and insuffi- cient lot width of proposed Parcels No. I and No. 2. Loca- tion of Property: Pdyate Road No. 17 extending off the easterly side of Camp Mineola Road, Mattituck, NY; Coun- ty Tax 'Map Parcel No. 1000-123-6-17. The .subject premises contains a total lot area of approximately 1.2 acres in total area and is located in the R-40 Low-] Density Residential ZoneI District. I The Board of ApI~eals will at said time and place hear any and all persons or represen-. tatives desiring to'be heard in the above matters. WrittenI comments may also be sub- mitted prior to the conclusion of the subject hearing. Each hearing will not start before the times designated above. If you wish to review the files or need to m:luest more informa- tion, please do not hesitate to call 765-1809 or visit our office. Dined: May 23, 1994 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN . By: Linda Kowalski IX'5/26/94(40!] COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of the TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Traveler-Watchman once each week for / ............................. weeks success~vely, commencing on the S~w_~n to before me on this ....---~;...day of .......... ...~.. ~ ........... , ~9~? Notary Public BARBARA k SCHNEIDER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Ne~ No. 4806~46 Qualified in Suffolk Com~ Commission Expir~ $"/3//~ -- NOTICE OF pUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuam to 8cclion 267 of the Town Law and the Code of Ihe Town of Southold, thai the following public hearings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARB OF APPEALS. at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Soulhoid, New York 11971, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE S, 1994, commencing at the time specified below: I. '/:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4235 -- KlM PALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK. (Hearing Continued from May 4, 1994). This is a request for a variance based upon the April 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector to locate accessory building in the front yard area. Location of property: 3200 Soundvicw Avenue. Martituck, NY; County Tax Map parcel 1000-94-2-5. 2. 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4234 -- than he required 40 ft. front yard ~t- back. This parcel is noncol~ining with a lot area of aPpr°~,,~2 Location of p~operty: 9~0 West Creek Avenue. Cutchogue. NY; County Tax 3. 7:40 p.m. Appl. No. 424 LKC CORP. and .lAS'FA, [NC. This is a requast for a Special Exception for permission to establish a drinking establishing usc as lis~d under Article XL Section 100-I01B in an existing pefinc Ga build ne. The subject p~mis, s is I~orconforming w h a ot area of ft. frontage along the north side of the Main Road and is located in the B, General Business Zone Dlstrict.~ Property Address: 6955 Main Road, Laurel, NY; County Tax Map No. 1000-122-6-36. 4.7:50 pm. Appl. No. 4245 -- GEORGE and SUSAN TSAYARIS. This is a request for a variance under Article XXIII. Section 100-239.4A for permission to locate swimmlngpool the bluff of the Long Island Sound. Location of Property: 2170 The Strand, Lot 111 at Pebble Beach Farms, East Marion, NY; Parcel ID No. 1000-30-2-53. 5. '/:55 p.m. AppL No. 42445E ~- DEPOT ENTERPRISES, [NC. This is a request for a Special Exception. as amended, to include approval for the location and use of a proposed addi- tion to thc existing principal building located at 320 Depot Lane, Cuichogue, New York. The proposed addition is ational memhership club and is located in the ResidentiaI-OfEce (RO) Zone District. property ID No. 1000-102-2- SANFORD and SUE HANAUER. This is a ~eqecst for a Special Excep- lion to establish and operate a Bed and B~eakfasl in accordance with the pro~. visions of the zoning code at Article IlL Section 100-31B(15), with owner- occupancy, and as an accesso~ to the existing principal residence. Location of Property; 4105 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map parcel No. 1000-94-3-part of l.?, also known and referred to as Lot No. 2 on the Subdivision Map of Robert and Jean Lenzer. JOHN CROKOS. This is a request for a variance under Article XXIX. Section 100-239.4A based upon the May 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from he Building inspector for per- mission to locate swimmingpool with fence enclosure within 100 feel of thet bluff along the Long Island Sound. This property was the subject of prior Appeals under AppL No. 4204 as ren- dered 12/8/93 and AppL No. 4140 rendered 2123/93. The subjeci prenus- es is improved with a single-family dwelling and contains an area of approximately 40,000 gq. ft. (total lot area}. Location of Property: 2110 Grand View Drive, Orient, NY; Lot No. 7 on the Map of Grand View Estates; County Tax Map Parcel No. 8. 8:15 p.m. Appl. No. 4241 -- RICHARD LAN. This is a requesi for a variance under Article IliA. Section 100-30A.4 (ref. Article ill. Section 100-33) based upon the May 4. 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector in a building pe~nit application to conslruct pool and deck use. Location of Property: 230 Bddge Lane, Culchogue, NY; County Tax 1.5 (Tax Map parcel No. 1.4 totals 2.478 acres and Parcel No. 1.5 totals 1.088 acres}. The subject premises is located in an R-40 Low-Density Residential Zone Distrlet. 9. 8:20 p.m. Appl. No. 4243 -- MOORE'S LANE HOLDING CORP. This is a request for a variance 0nder Article V Section 100-53B, Section 00-3lC(tel Section 100-33} four feet wMn Iocaled m a · area, Location of property: 475 Cedarfields Drive, Oreenporl, NY; 5- 1.42. Thc subj P~ MARIA KOSTOULAS' Location of 7945-~ITMy26 '~'~ / ,- f THE SD~FOLK T~, a at ~tfltuck, ~ Co~ of ~o~ and , ~d ~at the Nofl~ ~ w~ p~t~ copy. h~ b~n m~- once ~ch w~k commenC~ O~ Principal Clerk BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NOTICE OF I PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY: GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of. Southold, that the following public hearings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWNI BOARD OF APPEALS, atI the Southold Town Hail, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1994, commencing at the times specified below: 1.7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 4223 CLAUDE SHER. This is a re- quest for a variance under Ar- title XXIII, Section 100-231, ' based upon the April 7, 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector for a building permit to erect fenc- ing around a proposed tennis- court structure which will ex- ceed the maximum height re- quirement of the code when located in the front yard. Location of Property: 1480 Old Woods Path, Southold, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-87-1-21. 2. 7:33 p.m. Appl. No. 4236 - ELEFTHERIOS PAPPAS and OTHERS. This is a re- quest for a variance under Ar- 'dele XXIII, Section 100-231, based upon the April 19, 1994 Notice of Disapproval (up- bated from September 21, 11992) for a permit to construct :fence/gate and gate post which !will exceed four-ft, height re- ~quirement when located in the front yard. Location of Pro- 40 p.m. Appi. No. 4235 - FALLON AND CYN- THIA SUTRYK. This is a re- quest for a variance under Ar- ticle III, Section 100-33, bas- ed upon the April 4, 1994 Notice of Disapproval for a permit to construct accessory building in the front yard area. Location of Property: 3200 Soundview Avenue, Mat- tituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel 1000-94-2-5. 5.7:45 p.m~ Appl. No. 4231 - ALEX AND AFRODITE BOUKAS. This is a request for a variance under Article VII, Section 100-71B(2) which requires a lot area of 40,000 sq. ft. per Special Exception use category in the Residential-Office Zone District. The subject premises is nonconforming containing 21,051 sq. ft. in area and 97.76 ft. in lot width. Location of Property: 14695 Main Road, Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-114-8-5~ 6. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4230SE; - ALEX AND AFRODITE BOUKAS. This is a request for a Special Exception under Article VII, Section ic~ 100-71B(2) for the proposed conversion of an existing' single-family dwelling to pro- fessional office(s) in this Residential-Office Zone District. Location of Proper- ty: 14695 Main Road, Mat- tituck, NY; County Tax Map i Parcel No. 1000-114-8-5. ~ 7.7:52 p.m. Appl. No. 4217 -: THOMAS PULS and DON- I NA RICCO. (Carryover from March 2, 1994). This is a re-, quest for a variance under Ar- I tide III, Section 100-33 for, petty: 68755 C.R. 48, Green- port, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-33-5-14. 3.7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4232 - THOMAS PALMER and JOAN GIBBS. This is a re- quest for a variance under Ar- ticle ILIA, Section 100-30A.3, based upon the March 2, 1994 Notice of Disapproval for a lot-line change of two substan- dard parcels, having insuffi- cient area and width as exist and as proposed. Location of Property: 2140 and 2200 Deep Hole Drive, Mattitock, NY; County Tax Map Parcels 1000-123-4-4 and 5. permission to locate swimm- !ng pool with fence enclosure m an area other than the re-l quired rear yard or required! front yard. Location of Pro- perty: 1350 Eugene's Road, Cutchogue, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-97-6-1.2. 8. 7:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4234 - ALEX AND MARION WlPF. This is a request for a variance under Article III, Section 100-33C for permis~ sion to locate an accessory garage with a frontyard set- back at less than the required 40 ft. front yard setback. Thin parcel is nonconforming with a lot area of approximately.I 22,000 sq. 'fi: a~iontage (lot [ width) Of 118 t~bcation of [ PropeYty: 940 West Creek l Avenue, Cutchogue, NY;! County Tax Map Parcel NO. 1000-103-13-7. 9. 8:00 p.m. AppL No. 4238 - JON C. KERBS. This is a re- quest for a variance based upon the April 18, 1994 Notice of Disapproval for a permit to alter roof line for a height above the 18-foot limitation in a preexisting accessory building with garage and ren- tal apartment (Pre-C.O. Noitf~ Z6034 isaued 8/1/74); Article IIIA, Section 100-30A.4 (ref. 100-33). Location of Property: 440 Riley Avenue (previously known as 590 Riley Avenue), Mattitock, NY; County 'Pax Map Parcel No. 1000-143-4-10. 10. 8:05 p.m. Appl. No. 4226 - THOMAS KELLY. (Car- ryover from last hearings calendar). 11. 8:10 p.m. Appl. No. 4203 - KIM CAMPBELL. (Third and Final Hearing). This is a request for a variance under Article based upon the November 30, 1993 Notice of Disapproval for a permit to reconstruct new accesory building, which replaces an ac- cessory building existing prior to September 1993 - and which contained a nonconforming guest cottage use as an ac- cessory to the main residence (see Pre-C.O. No. Z5912 dated 5/15/74). Location of Proper- ty: Private Road at East Har- i bor, Fishers Island, NY; Coun- ty Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-4-4-16. 12.8:15 p.m. App-l. No. 4203SE - ROBERT E. BIDWELL. This is a request for a Special Exception under Article III,, Section 100-31B(13) for ap-' proval of winery uses in ex- isting building and proposed building. The site plan shows that the property is situated along the south side of C.R. 48, Cutchouge, NY, is zoned Agricultural-Conservation, and is identified on the Suf- folk County Tax Maps as 100-96-4-4.3 containing 15.4 + acres. 13. 8:25 .p.m. Appl. No. 4237 ROBERT PELLIGRINI. This is a request for an amendment to Special Exgep- tion No. 4065 (rendered January 23, 1992, for the pro- cessing of grapes grown at the premises and sales of grape wine), to convert a portion of existing building as a cooking facility (kitchen) for private use. Location of Property: 23005 Main Road, Cutchouge, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-109-1-8.7. 14. 8:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4218 - JOHN STRIPP. (Carryover from last hearing calendar.) Variance for front yard set- back of new dwelling. Private Road, Fishers Island. 1000-7-2-9. 15. 8:35 p.m. Appi. No. 4220 - JOHN STRIPP. (Carryover from last hearing calendar.) Variance to locate accessory swimming pool with fence enclosure in the front yard. Private Road, Fishers Island. 1000-7-2-9. The Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear any and all persons or represen- tatives desiring to be heard in the above matters. Written comments may also be gub- mitted prior to the conclusion of the subject hearing. Each hearing will not start before the times designated above. If you wish to review the files or need to request more informa- tion, please do not hesitate.to call 765-1809 or visit our office. Dated: April 19, 1994. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN .R'~Z 'By Linda Kowalski 1X4/21/94(80) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS: Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says tbat she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WA1CHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Soutbold, iP SuHoik County; and that the notice of :',,hich the annexed is a printed copy, bas been published in sa~d Long [sian,'1%aveler-Watchman once each week for / weeks successively, commencing on tile d.y o, ...... ....... Sworn to before me this ........... ~'~'.i'''... day of 15).. Notary Public BARBARA A. SCHNEIDER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of t,'-e;'~ Yor~ ~t?~; ~d in S=HOa~ Cot~y / NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of lhe Town Law and the Code of the Town of Soulhold, that the following public hearings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS. at the Southold Town Hall. 53095 Main Road. Southold. New York 11971. on WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1994, commencing at the times specified below: CLAUDE SHER This is a request for a variance under Article XXIII. Section 100-231, based upon the April 7. 1994 Notice of Disapproval from the Buikling Inspector for a building pem~0 to erect fencing around a pro- Old Woods Path. Soulhold. NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1'000-87- STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: f~0UNTY OF SUFFOLK) (~t~_ ~p.. ~ of Mattituck, in said County, being duly sworn, say~ that he/she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Mntfltuck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suilolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regular- ly published in said Newspaper once e~eh week for I weeks successively, COmm~n~.~ on the ,2. l day of ~)lfl I 19~. RICCO. (Ca~yover from March 2, building and propo~d building. ~e JOHN ~. (C~ovcr from ~ 1994). This is a request for a variance under Article IlL Section 100-33 for permission to locate swimmingpool with fence enclosure in an area other site plan shows that the properly is sit- ualed along the south side of C.R, 48. Culchogue, NY, is zoned Agricultural- Comervation, and is identified on the Suffolk Coumy Tax Maps as 1000-96- ,L43 Cgmaining 15.4± acres. q3. 8:25 p.m. Apph No. 4237 -- ROBERT PELLIGRINL This is a request for an amendment to Special Exception No. 4065 (rendered January 23, 19~., for Iht processing of grapes grown at [he premises and sales of grape ~ine), to convert a portion of hearing calendar.) Variance to locate accessory swimmingpool with fence enclosure in Iht front yard. Private Road, Fishe~ Islmd. 1000-7-2-9. The Board of Appeals will al said lime and place hem' aay and all per- sons or rep~":~.matives desiring to bo Comments may also be submitled prior to the conclusioa of the subject hear- ing. Each hearing will not slat~ before thc times dcsigmued above, If you , wish to review Ibc files or need to GIBBS. Th s is a request for a vari- frontyard setback at less than the ance under Ankle IliA, Section 100- required 40 ft. from yard setback. This 30A.3, based upon the March 2. 1994 parcel is nonconforming wilh a Notice of Disapproval for a lot-line area of approximately 22,000 sq. ft. change of two substandard parcels, haying insufficient area and widlh as ex,st and as proposed. Location of Propony: 2140 and 2200 Deep Hole Drive. Mattiluck, NY; County Tax Map Panels 1000-123-4-4 and 5. 4. 7:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4235 -- KlM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK. This is a request for a vari- ance under Article Ill, Section 100-3.~, and frontage (lot width) of 118 fl. Location of Properly: 940 West Creek Avenue, Culchogue, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 10(~-103-13.7. 9, 8:00 p.m. Appl. No. 4238 -- JON C. KERBS. This is a request for a variance based upon the April 18, 1994 Notice of Disapproval for a per- mit to alter roof line for a height above the 18-fool limitation in a preexisting based upon the Ap~l 4, IgO4 Notice of accessory building with garage and Disapproval for a permil [o const~ct ~ntal apanmen (Pre-C O No Z6034 ~re* -- -~ .,, ..- : ,~,,~ssued 8/I/74}; Ankle IliA Section , , a.uca~m~,fPlopenj~"~20O 100-30A.4 (rcf. 100-33). Location of Soundview Avenue. Mattituck, NY; ~ Property: 440 Riley Avenue (previous- County Tax Map Parcel 1000-94-2-5. ly known as 590 Riley Avenuel, S, 7:45 p.m. AppL No. 4231 -- Mattituck, NY; Counly Tax Map ALEX and AFRODITE BOUKAS. Parcel No. 1000-143.4-10. This is a request for a variance under 10. 8:05 p.m. Apph No. 4226 -- Article VII, Section 100-71B(2I which THOMAS KELLY. (Canyover from requires a lot area of 40,000 sq, ft. per last hearings calendar). Special Exception use category in the : I I. 8:10 p.m. Apph No. 4203 -- Residential-Office Zone Districl. Thc subject prendses is nonconformin~ containing 21,051 sq. ft. in area and 97.76 ft. in lot width. Location of Property: 14695 Main Road. Maltiluck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-114-8-5. 6. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4230SE -- ALEX and AFRODITE BOUKAS. This is a request for a Special Excep- lion under Article VII. Section 100- 71Bf2) for Ihe proposed conversion of an existing single-family dwelling to professional office(si in this Resi- dential Office Zone Disu'ict. Location KlM CAMPBELL. (Third and Final HearingJ. This is a request for a vari- ance under Article based upon the Ngvember 30. 1993 Nolice of Disap- provai for a permit to reconslruct new accessory building, which replaces an accessory building existing prior to Seplember 1993 -- and which con- lathed a nonconforming guest collage use as an accessory ~o the main resi- dence (sec Pre-C.O. #Z5912 dated 5/15/741, Location of Property: Private Road al Easl Harbor, Fishers Island, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-4-4-16. of Property; 14695 Main Road, 12. 8:15 p.m. AppI. No. 4203SE __ M:'4~l~ck, NY; Counly Tax Map ROBERT E. BIDWELL This is a P ~-1!4-8;5. requcs! fora Special Exception under "~.N.o. 4217 -- Article IlL Seclion 100-31B(13) for . ~,~A approval of winery uses in exisdng cxisling!building as a cooking facility (kitchc~ for private use. Location of Properly: 23005 Main Road; Cutcbogue, NY: County Tax Map Parcel Nb. 1000-109-1-8.7. 14. 8:35 p.m. Apph No. 4218 -- JOHN ~FRIPp. (Canyover from lesl heanng ~alendar.) Variance for front yard selback of new dwelling. Private Road, Fishers Island. 10~0-7-2-9. 15. 8:35 p.m. Appl. No. 4220 -- request more infmmarion, please do : not hesitate to call 765-1809 or visit ' Daled:Aprillg, 1994. ' '::*~'? ~ ?, - BY ORDER OFTHE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS , '. :-~ ~ -:--' GERARD p. OOEHRINGER ~ ~ :~ = CHAIRMAN :~ -' -'~- By Linda Kowalski ,7915- ITA21 , , -:::g. · Copies of Legal Notice s~ent to the following 5/24/94: Cynthia Sytruk and Kim Fallon 55 Harbor View Avenue Mattituck. NY 11952 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wipf 940 West Creek Avenue Cutchogue, NY 11935 LKC Corp. P.O. Box 843 Jamesport. NY 119~7-0843 Mr. and Mrs. George Tsavaris 2170 The Strand P.O. Box 385 East Marion, NY 11939-0385 Dr, Joseph Lizewski Depot Enterprises. Inc. 320 Depot Lane Cutchocjue. NY 11935 Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hanauer 4105 Soundview Avenue P.O. Box 281 Mattltuck, NY 11952-0281 Attn: Keith Keller-Sandgren, Associates 10 Mineola Avenue Roslyn Heights. NY 11577 Mr. James Fitzgerald P.O. Box 617 Cutchogue. NY 11935-0617 Moore's Lane Holding Corp. P.O. Box 1143 Cutchogue. NY 11935-1143 Patricia C. Moore. Esq. P.O. Box 23 Westphalia Road Matt'ituck. NY 11952-0023 Mr, and Mrs. Hugh T. Conroy 380 Gin Lane Southold. NY 11971 Dr./Mrs. Robert Hariri 61 Lafayette Avenue Chatham~ NJ 07928 Scheffs Trust 3100 Soundview Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 M/M Demetrio Laveglia 97-24 116th Street Richmond Hill. NY 11419 Copies to TB, BD, PB, TA Departments Copies of Legal Notice se~to the followlng;6/27/94: Cynthia Sutryk and Kim Fallon 55 Harbor View Avenue Mattituck. NY 11952 Dr./Mrs. Robert Hariri 61 Lafayette Avenue Chatham; NJ 07928 Scheffs Trust 3100 Soundview Avenue Mattituck. NY 11952 M/M Demetrio ,Laveglia 97-24 116th Street Richmond Hill. NY 11419 Mr. and Mrs; William Childs 1780 Peconic ,Bay Boulevard P.O. Box56 Laurel~ NY 11958-0056 Mr. and' Mrs. P,O. Box 920 Mattituck. NY Dennis Bannon 11952-0920 Mr. Mark' Davis Mattltuck. NY 11952 Mr. William Kelly {Builder for Wissemanns-) 22355, Cox Lane~ Unit ~4 Cutchogue~ NY 11935 Mr. and Mrs. John,,Wissemann P.O. Box 524 Southold. NY 11971 [for forwarding to Germany) Charles J. Bleifeld, M.D. {Owner- of' 50' ROW; north ' of Wissemanrt) North Shore Orthopedic SurgeFy 48 Route 25A, Suite 106 Smithtown, NY 11787 Patricia C. Moore,- Esq. (Re. Morsch) P.O. Box 23 Westphalia. Road Mattltuck, NY 1195'2-0023 Copies to Town Clerk (TB g TA). P.B. and,Building. Department Copies of ZBA files, as of date of filing; to ZBA Membe~s-6/24/gu~ for inspections Posted on Town Clerk Bul,letin 'Board 6/27/9[~ Delivery to Local Newspapers (Traveler-.& Times 6/27/90,) APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 24, 1994 Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1809 TO: RE: Applicants Public Hearings - June 8. 1994 Dear Sir or Madam: We are in receipt 'of your recent -application under the Southold,Town.Zoning Ordinance and. have forwarded notice for publication this week to the,local and official newspapers of the. Town, to wit: Long Island, Traveler 'and- Suffolk Times. Copies of your file have been distributed to the .Board Members for additional review, and individual on-site inspection; expected within-the next 10 to 14 days. If you have not already staked the proposed new construction, we ask that you please do so immediately. It is requested that one of the property owners, or if the. property owner is not available~ then someone: fully familiar with the property, appear .at the public hearing, at. the time specified in the attached Legal. Notice. If your presentation, should be lengthy, a draft or final written copy is always appreciated. You should feel free to submit additional~ documentation to support this application 'at any time before; or during, the.public hearing~ Please: do not hesitate to call our office if you~ have questions concerning your application or related matter. Yours very truly, Linda Kowalski Clerk. Board of Appeals Enclosure APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 19. 1994 Town Hall, 55095 Main Road P.O. ]~x 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 TO: RE: Applicants Public Hearings - May q. 1994 Dear Sir or Madam: We are in receipt of. your recent application under the Southold Town. Zoning Ordinance and: have,forwarded notice for publication this,week to the local and official newspapers of the Town. to wit: Long Island Traveler and Suffolk Times. Copies of your file have, been distributed to the Board Members for additional review and individual on-site-inspection, expected within-the next 10~ to 1~, days. If you have-not already , staked the proposed new. construction.- we ask that you please do so immediately, It is requested that one,of the property owners, or if the property owner is not available, then someone fully familiar with the property, appear at the public, hearing at the time specified in the attached Legal Notice. If your presentation will be lengthy, a draft or final written copy. is always appreciated. You should feel free to submit~ additional, documentation to support this application at. any-time before, or during, the public,hearil~j. If you have any questions, please call our office. Yours very truly. Linda Kowalski Clerk. Board of Appeals Enclosure BOARD OF~A~AApPEALS' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~_,, In the Matter or the Petition of to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold TO: NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: I. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to request;~~pecial Exception) (Special Permit) (Other) [c±rcle choice] 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: ~oo -~ o~' ,'v'Z) I/'.,Z-~'~,.J · 3. That the property whic~h is the subjec~ of such Petition is located.in., ?.e. fol~lowin~z~oning di,strict: 4 That b'~ such Petition, the undersigned will request the following relief: ~ . .5. That the provisions of the Southold Town Zoning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under- sighed are Article 2~ Section /,~0-33 . I [ ] Section 280-A, New York Town Law for approval of access over r~ght(s)-of-way. 6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in lhe Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road Southold, New York and you ma), then and there examine the same during regular office hours. (516) 7~5-1809. 7, That hefure the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Board of AppeaLs; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, ndwspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Dated:' /'/-//: ~' Petitioner Owners ' Names: Post Office Address Te]. No. [Copy of sketch or purposes.] plan showing proposal to be attached:foP ,convenience NAM~ PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS ADDRESS Z i~35 7D6 DEE F>Receipt for Certified Mail NO Insurance Coverage Provided (See Reverse} State and ZIP Code Posle§e Return Receipt Showing Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees tmark or Date Z E35 7D& BE~ Receipt for - Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage provl ~ Do not use for International ~'~'~ (See Reverse) -- _ Street 8nd NO , ~l. Z ~35 ?D6 ~ Receipt for Certified Mail No InSurance COVerage Pro Do not use f . vided or International Mail ~66L q~ '008~ mJ~ Sd ~ -, ~-' ' ~ ~ ~f~,'/.~ ~ ~ ZlfS~ ". ..... ~ayst~aton[h~/~ day of ~f~,'~ ,]9 ~ . de~u.en[ mailed a true copy of [he Notice sez forth on the re- verse side hereof, directed [o each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresse~ of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Sou~hold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Of- fige2~ _ x~ ~,' ~ ;that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by ~ettifie~ (registered) mail. ~ . Sworn to before me this /~,~ day of ~,~ .19 ~'-~ '~otary Pub(lc UNDA J..COOPER Notary Public, State of New York.., No. 4822563, Suffolk Cou~ty~ ()! / Term Expires Dec~ 31, 19....'~."-~ transmitted to adjoining (This side does not have to be completed on form property owners.) JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: $outhold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Judith T. Terry. Southold Town Clerk DATED: April 12. 1994 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 4235 - Klm Fallon and Cynthia Sutryk Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. ~235 KlM FALLON and CYNTHIA SUTRYK for a variance. Also included is: Notice of Disapproval from the Building Department, dated April 4, 199u,; Notice to Adjacent Property Owners; survey; Short Environmental Assessment Form; and ZBA Questionnaire. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1809 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING Linda Kowalski. residing at Matittuck. New York. being:duly sworn, deposes and, says that on the,27th day of June; 1994,. deponent deposited a true copy of the Legal Notice of Hearings (to be held July 14. 1994 by the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold.) with the Mail Delivery Room of the Southold Town Hall, to the following persons at the addresses set oppesite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite ,the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons shewn on, the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at-the United States Post Office at Southold, NY, Lfnda Kowalski Sworn to before ,me this day of June~ 1994. Notary Public APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1809 July 19, 1994 Cynthia Sutyrkand Klm FaHon 5 Harbor View Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Appl. No. 4235 - Variance for Barn Building Dear Ms. Sutryk and Ms. Fallen: Please find enclosed a copy of the findings and determination rendered after the rehearing was concluded on Thursday evening by the Beard of Appeals concerning your variance application, together with a copy of the previous findings and determination rendered at the Beard's June 8, 1994 Re~u~r Meeting. No building construction activities are permitted, and you are required to return to the Building Inspector for completiozfaction ofbuilding permit application and supporting documents and for issuance of a building permit by the Building Inspector for this barn building and corral structures. As you know, the pmynouse structure under construction must be removed to a proper location and a building permit will also be necessary for that structure. We have furnished copies of this approval to the Building Department office for their update on their Notice of Disapproval and for permanent recordkeeping purposes. Very truly yours, Enclosure Copies of Decision to: Town Building Department Mr. and Mrs. David DiSalvo Mr. and Mrs. Demetrio LavegHa Linda Kowalski, Clerk Beard of Appeals & DOROTHY N/o/F MAUREEN BEIRTH SOUND ' vIEW A N 71° 03' 30" E 2gl8.64' 5.32 acres ' I~AP S 65' 35' 50" W · t i AssOClATE$ SUNBE~U SUFFOLK CO. HEALTH DEPT, APPROVAL H,S, NO. STATEMENT OF INTENT THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WILL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF THE SUFFOLK CO, DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES. (SI APPLICANT SUFFOLK COUNTY SERVICES -- FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY APPROVED: DEPT. OF HEALTH APPROVAL FOR SUFFOLK CO. TAX MAP DESIGNATION: DIST. SECT. BLOCK PCL OWNERS ADDRESS: 55' z¢,.;.".~'o~' ~?;~e~ ~'~. DEED: L. P. TEST HOLE STAMP SUFFOLK CO. HEALTH DEPT· APPROVAL H.S. NO. STATEMENT OF INTENT THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISF~DSAL SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WILL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF THE SUFFOLK CO DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES. (Si APPLICANT SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH I SERVICES -- FOR APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY DATE: APPROVED: SUFFOLK CO TAX MAP DESIGNATION: DIST. SECT BLOCK PCL 5-6- ,:,.. r~'-.:~,-L~';.,: ~;; Z ,ooo 094