HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUSING, MARTHABOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE f516) 755-I892 Martha C. Husing P. O. Box 696 Mattituck, New York February 24, 1986 11953 Dear Mrs. Husing: Please be advised that in accordance with the Town of Southold's wetland ordinance you are required to complete the attached application and return to this office, along with the required $50.00 filing fee for a permit for the project proposed in the Notice of Application from the New York State. D.E~C~. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, Board of Town Trustees Henry P. Smith, President Ilene Pfifferling Secretary to Board Attachments ' N EW~¥ORK STATE DEP~'RTM~NT Or ENV RONMEN~TAL CO~SER~/AT ON~ ' ~ '~ ~ ' NOTICE OF COMPL~E APPLICATION ~ ~~f~ ;[ Address: ~,0. ~ 59~ Permit~ applies ~or and appf[~tion numberto Pro ect clescr ption and ocat on. Town/g~tgO£' ,~qo~_,~lel - Count~ SEQ D~ERMINATION: (check appropriate box) ., . ' ~ , ~ SEQR-I' Project is riot ~ubje~t to SEQR because it-is an exem at, exc[uded~ a ~ype II acliom ~ SEQR-2 Pro~ect is a Ty~ I act?on; it- his been ~etermined that tee 'project Will' not- ~ ~ve a' significant effect onthe ' environment. A Negative Declaration has been pr&pare~ ~and is on fi e. ~'. SEQR-3 Project is an unl sted act on: it h~ been determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. ~ SEQR-4 A draft environmental impact statement has been oreoared on this project, and is on file. ~ SEQR-5 A final enwronmental imoact statement has bee~ oreoared on tNs 'project a~d is on file SEQR LEAD AGENCY AVAILABILITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: AFplications ma', be reviewed at the addres§ listed be[ow. Comments on the project must be submitted to the Contact Personindicated below by n0]ater than CONTACT PERSON: TO THE APPUCANT: 2, This s to ~wse you tnatvour aDDEcation is comDtete and a ~ewew has commenced, Additic qal reformation may ~ requested frQ~ ~ou at a Cutur~ ~am. if deem~ n~cessa~ ~n order to reach a decision on vour ~DD]iC~t~o~ 3 Your Drolec~ Is classified ~IOR. Accordingb a ~ec~s~off will be m~de wKhm 9C oavs ofthe date of this Notice. [fa p~DIIC neanng S necessary, vol wi ~e notified within 60 da-'s and the heating will comme~ce~ithin 90 ~avs of the date of this ~OtlGe. If a~earing is heM, the final deei¢on wmDe maae within 60 days after the hearm~ is comoleteo. 4. Pubication ofthis Noticouc§ ina newspaper is ~ re(]ulreo -- not recurred If required cons/( the accompanying transmittal letter for iurther instructions. CC: Chief Ex~utive Officer Environmen~l Notice Bulletir Room 509 50 Wolf-Road, Alba-t~ N.Y. 12233-0001 File CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (516) 75t-7.%~0 FIELD REPORT -- POLICE DEPT., JHarntet of Otc. PDTS 2 -- Continuation Re~3on~ Attached? tl Yes Reporting Officer Shield No. Form PDTS I Applicant: Address: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION Date:?~_'b'~m~' lz~h., 2.9 P.O. Box 596 Permits applied for and appl'ication number[s) Project description and location. Town/'~q~:of- ~,~-5~] d , County of g,f=f:ot~ Project si~e - Great Pecomic 3aY, ~outh of Peeon£c Bay Blvd., bet~,~een lands of }~ttituck Park ~omm~ssion and IAtgsb~e Roaa Ciw~c Assoczatmo~, ~attituck, ~e~ York, SEQR DETERMINATION: (check appropriate box) - ~ ~ SEQR4 Project is not subject to SEQR because t is an exempt, excludedZd'r a :Fype II action. ~ SEQR-2 Project ~s a Type I action: it has been determined that the project wi[[ not have a'significant effect on the ~ SEQR~3 [] SEQR-4 ~ SEQR-5 environment. A Negative Declaration qas been prepared and is on file. Project Is an ur~listed action: it has been determined thai the proiect will not have a significant effect on the environment. A draft environmental imoact statement has oeen prepared on this ~roject anti is on file. A final environmental imoact statement has been preparea on this project and is on file SEQR LEAD AGENCY ~=fSDEC AVAILABILITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: Applications mav be reviewed at the addres~ listed below. Comments on the project must be submitted to the Contact Person indicated be]ow bv no later t~an ~-~, ! Z.~ !~ CONTACT PERSON: Y, ober[ N. Thurber Senior Env!ron~e~£al ~aiyst ~,~SDEC 1. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Bldg. 40, SblCY, Room 219 Stony Brook. New York 11794 (516) 751-7900 This is to advise you ~nat your aDolication ~s comolete and a review nas comn~enceo AdditionaJ information may De requested fror~ zou at a future oate. it deemed necessary n oroer ~o feacl~ ~ cJe£]~lon oft vo~Jr aDB Ica[Ion. Your pro ~=ct is classified MA, OR. Accordingly, a decision will be made within 90 days of the date of this Notice. if a DU~HC nearmg ~S necessa~, you will be notified within 60 da~s ano the neamng w.~ commence within 90 da.'s of the date of tn~s not~ce, if a hearing ~ ne~ the final decision will be made within 60 days after the hearing s como~etea 4 Publication ot this Noti :e in a newssa~er is: ~_~,[~.~ recruited [] not recuired [f requ~Fea, p~ease co.It the accompanymg ~ransm~Ea~ etter for fu~ner msrructions. CC: Chief Executive Officer ggpe~Fiso~, ~o~.~ of So~tho~d Environmen[a Notice Bufferin Room 509, 50 Wolf Road Albany N.Y. 12233-000] J. Gi~, I~SDEC Applicant: Address: NOTI CE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION ~artha C. '~2using, Date: February ~zah, !98~ P.O. Beg 696 % I~att!tuck, Yew-York 11953 Permits applied for and application number(s) Tidal Wee1 ~ndm, No. '10-85-!004 Project description and location. Town/~of ¢c~gbo3 d County of S,z f:¢r~l ~: ' ~thr~ deteriorated jegt~es - 42 l~r ~., 62 !~r ft., ~d 75 !~r ~. ~g=h. .~e~tives ~y n~ed to be further a~dre~d a~ a h~ring or dec~i~ co~er~ce. ProJec~ sits - Great Peconic Day~ ~outh of Peconic Day B!~., 5et~ ~s of ~ttituck Park Co~,~ss%~ and ~gsbee ~d Civic' ~ciati~, .~mttituck, l{ew York. SEQR DETERMINATION: (check appropriate boxJ ~ SEQR-1 ~ SEQR-2 -'-/~ SEQR-3 ~ SEQR-4 ~ SEQR-5 Project is not subiect to SEQR because it is an exempt, excluded or a Type ]l action. Project is a Type [ action- it. has been determined that the project will not havi~ a significant effect on the environment. A Negative Declaration has been prepared and is on file. Project is an unlisted action: it has been determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment A draft environmental im 0act statement nas been prepared on this proiec/and s on file. A final environmental impact statement has been prepared on this project ano is on file SEQR LEAD AGENCY AVAILABILITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: Aoolications may be reviewed at the addres§ listed below. Comments on the oroject must be submitted to the Contact Person indicated below bv no later than ?'~m-~ t A~. !~P,~ CONTACT PERSON: ,P_obert N. ~urber Semior Environr~r~tal ~na!ys~ ~fSDEC TO THE APPLICANT: 1. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ~ld.~. 40, Sb~JY, Room 219 Stony Brook, New York 11794 ~o) 751-7900 3. Your project is clas$ified MAJOR. According~y, a declsion will be made within 90 da softhedateofthisNotice, ltaDubhchearing~snecessarv you will be notified withm 60 days and th~ ? aaring wm commence w~tr n 90 days of the date of this notice. If a hearing ~s held, the final decision w' oe made within 60 ears after the hearing ~s commete(a. 4 Publication of this Notice in a newspaper zs: ~ required ~ no[ required If rec]ulree p~ease co, it the accompanying transmittal letter for further instrucu CC: Chief Executi e Officer Stlpe~zisor. TO%~ of Southold Env[ron~ ~ntal Notice 8ulletm Room 509 50 WoJf Road. Albany N.Y. 12233 0001 File J. G~1~an~ I~DEC Pla-¢ ~Tork Sta~e De~ar~_~ of ;tare