HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1339Board Of Southold=ToWn' Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK NO.'i:.~ .............. " ~--~ ~"~-~'~ DATE: Jan. 2, 1979 l~ .............................................. =' :':~=:~Baldwin L. Humm ~:'.~r- ~.:.~:, ~', Purs~t~nf fO fhe prov~slon~-:of Chaplet ~lS'of the LaWS of the Stele of New York, 1893[ end Chaplet 404 of the Laws of fhe ~.¥ ~afe of New York 1952;-a~d .the Soufhold-Town-Ordinance en- -:,-~ t~tled .RE~ ~TIN~ AND THE PLACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS - . IN AND-ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS end fhe ~ ~RE~OVAL'OF SAND, ~R~VEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM~ ~::. LANDS.UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and 'n ~c~rdance- w'fh the Resoluflon of ~he Board ~d~ed ~ ~ ~efing 'he~d on .,' and b' con~iderati0n of 'fhe su'm' Of $...._.:~:..~..._ p~id b~ .; ~. of ..................... ~.~F~9~ .............................. N. Y. ~nd subject to Terms ~nd Con&f~ons hsfed on~ fhe reverse side hereof, of Soufhold Town Trusfees ~ufhor}zes end permffs fhe 9~8oeme~¢ o~ 88 ~ee¢ o~ ~e~ 8¢ ~ ~o~ ' M ~ll b o~cordance wffh the derailed 'specff~cafbns os pre~nfed b - ..... fh ..... ppi .... ~ b~ ~se~.ffs:Corpsr~f~' S~l tob~-~f?xed, and fhe~ presents '::='~¥=be ~ubs~r~be~ by e m~lorffY of fhe'sa~d Board ~s' of fhis d~f~e. xx 1938 March 17, 1978 ~Lr ~ Baldwin L. Humm 51 Dumbarton Drive Huntington, New York 11745 Dear M~, Humm,~ The Board of Southold Town Trustees has received a notice from ~he Department of Environmental Conservation regarding construction of a bulkhead and dredging along the shores Df ~ordham Canal and ~all Pond. You will also require a permit from the To%~ of Southold for the pilings which will hold the bulkhead. PleaJse submit an accurate detailed survey of thLis pro~ertywiththe wo~E outlined on it. i enclose application. Yours truly, PHILIP G. HORTON, President Beard of Southotd Town Trust~es By Muriel Brush, Clerk ,,~, ,,,,. ~ NANGP-E APPLICATION NO. D~I=A;~TM~'NT OF THE: ARMY 77-~7 10 January 1978 - - PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 9213 - - - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This District has received an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act'of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403); Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (86 Stat. 816, P.L. 92-500]~ Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (86 Stat° 1052; P.L. 92-532) as appropriate, as described below: APPLICANT: Baldwin L. Humm 51 Dumbarton Drive Huntington, New York 11743 WORK: Bulk. head, Dredge & Fi.ll WATERWAY: Gn]l Pond & Fordhmm Canal, Shelter Island Sound LOCATION: Stirling, Town of Southo!d, Suffolk County, New York A detailed description and plans of the work are inclosed in your review of the proposal. to assist The decision whether to issue a permit wilt be based on an evalua- tion of the probable impact of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable deteriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposed work will be con- sidered; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use, navigation, recreations water supply, water quality, energy needs~ safety, food production and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. NANY FL -129 Nov 77 NANOP-E PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 9213 A preliminary review of the application indicates that an Environ- the presence or absence of registered properties or properties listed in the latest published version of the Register as being eligible for inclusion, has been made. Presently unknown archeological, or historical data may be lost or destroyed accomplished under the required permit,~ The evaluation of trator, Section crlter PrOtection, the public interest the guidelines promulgated by ~he Adminis- ~ction Agency, under authority of p r ollutlon Control Act or of the ] ~under' authority of Section 102(a) of the Marine Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as appropriate. Any person may request, in writing, within the coment period specified in this notice,-that a public hearing be held to consider this appli- cation. Requests forl Public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The following government authorization(s) has(have) been obtained or will be obtained prior to the issuance of a Department of the Army permit: 1. Tidal Wetlands Permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Couserva~ion. 2. Water Quality Certification from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Any criticisms or protests regarding the proposed work should PREPARED IN WRITING AND MAILED TO REACH THIS OFFICE prior.to 11 February 1978 otherwise it will be presumed that there are no objections. be It is requested that you communicate the foregoing information concerning the proposed work to any persons known by you to be interested and who did not receive a copy of this notice. If you have any questions concerning this application, you may contact Mr. Charles Cat,ldo of this office, Telephone No. 212-264- 3912. 2 Incls: 1. Description of Work 2. Plans NANY *FORM - 129.1 AUG 77 CLARK H. BENN Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer ~A~OP-E Application ~o. 77-~27 Public NoticeNo. 9213 Description of Work Th appimcant p.roposes to construct.approxmmately 265 ft. of timber ~tu3~Jnead extending a m~ximumdistance of about 8 ft. offshore of the present line of mean high water as showu on the attached plaus. In addition, it is also proposed to dredge the area f~mediately in front of the bulkhead to a w~fLmum depth of B ft. below the plane of meau low water. Approximately?5 cu. yd~ of sandy m~t~rial will be removed, placed behind the proposed bulkhead, along with an additional 1OO cu. yds. oF sand from upland sources, and suitably retained to prevent its entry int~ the 'waterway. The proposed 'wonk is required in order to facilitate the residential develop- ment of the ~djaeent uplaud property. / t I I 51 Dumbarton Drive Huntington, New York, 117z~3 December 22, 1978 Board of Town Supervisors Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mr. Phillip G. Horton Dear Mr, Horton: Enclosed is an up-to -date survey of the property fronting Gull Pond as referenced in my application to bulkhead dated (way back) on March 27th and approved on April 4th. As the bulkheads primary purpose is control of erosion, it will be positioned directly against the upland bank and en- compass 88 linear feet by actual measure. Of the 88 feet, 75 feet appears clearly to front Gull Pond with an additional 13 feet which might or might not be properly considered as the dredged canal frontage. It is difficuk to be precise due to erosion and the +/- nature of the surveys past and present. The purpose of this explanation is not to haggle, as the check enclosed should cover the required fee for 88 linear feet, but rather to explain the differential between current footage and the 75, feet identified in the application. Thank you for your patience. Enclosures Sincerely,' B. L. Humm 51 Dumbarton Drive Huntington, New York 11743 May 18, 1978 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Attention: Mr. Philip G. Horton Dear Mr. Horton: I am in receipt of the Board's approval to erect bulkheading in front o~ (my) private property at Gull Pond and I thank you for the favorable and prompt action. My plans pertaining to the bulkhead construction on this property is in two stages. The first step will be the section fronting the Fordham Canal and with required permits and approvals now in hand, construction will be underway shortly. Upon its completion, I will be in a position to determine, survey, prepare drawings, er al for the area fronting Gull Pond. I have taken your time in this subject for two reasons. First to indicate that while we will be bulkheading almost immediately, that action will be restricted to the Canal portion. Secondly, to explain and or apologize for not getting back immediately with the fnformation requested. Thank you for your patience in this regard. Sin~l;~ly, BOARI) OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 P/1 P~ev 6/72 1. Your application, dated ........ ~¢~.2~.~..19~'~ ........................... has been reviewed by this Board, at a meeting of the Trustees held on .....,&_1~.~.~...~.,...],9~.~. ........................................................ Md resulting n the action, as indicated below: (.....,1~....) Application approved. ( ............ ) Application denied. ( ............ ) Application tabfed. 2. Commen~s and' remarks: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees: RESOLVED the application of Baldwin H,,mm tO erect 75 in front of private property at Gull to be issued upon receipt of an accurate detailed survey of the property. 3. If your ap/:;'lication is approved above, A Permit Fee is now due, and should be made payable to the order of the Board of Southold Town Trustees. This fee ~s computed below according to the Schedu.le of Rates as set forth in the nstruction Sheet (Form I/1). If the Permit Fee is paid in person to the Secretary of the BOard, The Permit will be obtainable at the same time. tf the fee is paid by mail, the permit will be mailed in reply. Computation of Permit Fee: The fee will be based on where the bulkheading is located on the survey map as p~esented. Total Fee for this application .......................................................... $ ........................................ / .~ ~ ..~.~.~.~g.Z/g~./. ............ Signed . ...,~': ~.¢. i..4- ........... ~,~... Chm. Board of Southold Town Trustees. Secretary. STAlin '.)I ~EW YORK DE PARTMENT OF ENV [ ~,ONMENTAL CONS ERVAT ION In the matter of the Petition of: Baldwin L. Humm (By: Petition No. TW-15278~0126 -WQ-SP Patrick J. Carrig) PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE i~onice zs hereby given that, pursuant to Article 25 (Tidal Wetlands of ~.he Environ~ent&l Conservation Law and the Rules and Regulations for ~ssuance of Permits under said.Law (6NYCRR Part 661), the Departm~ent of Environ- mental Conservation will cause a public hearing to ~e held in the Suffolk 'County Legmslat~ e Meeting Room, County Center, Riverhead, N.Y, 11901. on the 26th day of January 19 78 , at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on that day for the purpose of: (a) hearing all persons, corporatzons or civil divisions of ~]e ~tat~ of ~ew York that may be affected by the execution.of the'plans Baldwin L. Humm 51 Dumbarton Drive Huntington, NY 11743 The project site is located east sideI of Fordham Canal and D ' north side of Gull Pond on parcel south of right-of-way off Dawn r~ve, Gree~port, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, N.Y. The App!ica~t pro- poses to construct 270~ L.F. o~ timber bulkhea~ and dredge approxin%atety 100± cu. yds. along the shores of Fordham Canal and Gull Pond~ plans for which have been filed with the Tidal Wetlands Permi~ Agent, Department of Environmental C~)nserva~ion, and are now mn his office in Stony Brook, where ~ke same are open for public inspection; and (b) affording the petitioner the opportu]ity to establish that the proposed project is not contrary to (1) the policy of the State to preserve and protect tidal wetlan!s, to prevent their despo- liation and destruction and to give due consideratior~to the reasonable economic and social development of the State and (2) the provisions of Title 2, Article 25 of the Envzronmental Con- servation Law. Further notice is hereby given tha~, pursuant 2o Title 5, Article 15 (Pro- tection of Waters), Environmental Conservation 'Law and the Rules and Regu- lations for issuance of permits under said Law (6 NYCRR Part 608), the pur- pose of said hearing is also for determinzng waether said plans provide fo] the proper and safe construction of all work c~nnected therewith, and whe~ execution of the proposal would adversely affe:t the health, safety and welfare of the people of the State or the natural resources of the State, The petitioner further requests that, pur:3uant to Section 401(a) (1) of PL 92-500 (The Act), the project be certified that it will comply with ap- plicable federal effluent limitations or other limitations or standards under Section 301, 302, 306, or 307 of the A~t. Ail persons, corporanions or civil divisions of tile State of New York, who have objections ho tile execunion of said plans or wish ~o be heard eli:her zn favor of or opposed to such plans, zn order to be heard thereon, must file a notice of appearance of such desire to oc heard in writing and in duplicate, specifying the precise grounds of slpport of or opposition to the petition, with the Tidal Wetiands Permit Aiministrator at Buitdzng 40, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, 11794 on or before th~ 23rd day of January 1978 Filing for this purpose shall requmre actual receip~ in the office of the Tilal Wetlands Permit Adntinis- trator. If no notices of appearance are filed, the hearing may be can- celled, Dated: December 13, 1977 New York DANIEL J. I~RKIN I~-~~ STATE DEC EA 124B ·-~,~ Tids] ;':etlands PermSt Administrator Stony Bro~k, NY 117o, 4 ~] 2/76) BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town Of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Main Road A/~ - Re~. 6/?2 APPLICATION FOR A BIILKHEAD. DIKE, OR JETTY l. Does this project involve the use of WETLANDS as defined in the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance? YES ;or NO. If it does, you must file through the Town Clerk's Office. 2. Is the proposed work entirely within the boundaries of your own property as substantiated by your Eieed or Survey? YES or NO. If it is, e Permit is NOT required from this Board, but the Town Building Inspector should be contacted for full details. 3 Applicant's name and address: ..~.q~....~...~.~....~.../...~......~....~...~...7.~ ...................................................... ...... ..................................................... 4. Contractor's name a.nd address: .../..~...Z~/2/.6Z'17. ~f~z~Z:'~ .... ....... ...... ...... ......................................................... 5 Explain briefly the purpose of this application: ........................................................................ After issuance of Permit, I expect to: (mark with an X) (a) Commence work AT ONCE ............; ASAP ............ ; UNKNOWN TIME ............. (b) Complete work in 1 DAY ...........; 1 MO ............. ; 1 YR ............. ; FUTURE ............. Secure the correct Area Map from the Secretary of this Board, and by using an X WITHIN A CIRCLE as a mark, indicate as closely as possible the location of this project. On the reverse side, provide a SCALE DRAWING which will show Ordinary High Water ,Mark as well as the s~ze and shape of the structure or work to be done. Also include all dimensions for portions which extend off~hore from the O. H. W. M. Provide the following documents: (al A Licensed Engineer's Survey of the property involved. (b) A copy of the Contractor's Plan and Specifications. Does this project extend into Town Waters beyond on imaginary line or boundary formed by existing works of a similar nature along this area's shoreline?~'or NO. If it does, state the approximate distance beyond, ............ ft. Will this construction require ~,he Filling of any land offshore of the Ordinary High Water Mark or the Dredging of any material from Town Lands under water?~or NO. If it does, Form A/4 (Applicotion for Dredging/Filling) must be completed and attached as port of this application. 1I. Accepted by: In requesting approval of this application, I submit that: the inform<~tion presented herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I am the person accountable for the performance of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications attached; I have read or am familiar with the prowsions of any Southold Town Ordinance. pertinent to the work involved; and further, I intend to adhere to and abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Permit, when and if issued to me. Dated: d VL H- ¢JCCL,~: GULL