HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUKE, LAWRENCE TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III. President Albert J. Krupski. Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tnthill W'flY~am G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR~ SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: -Zoning Board of Appeals Board of Trustees Lawrence Huke ~ SCTM $1000~114-1~1(~ June 29, 1993 Please review the attached materials with respect to the above referenced parcel being single and separate. If it is single and separate and would qualify for funither review, would youkindly inform this office so that we may continue our SEQRA review. Thank your for your help in this matter. JMB:jmd TRUSTEES John M. Bmdemeyer. IH. President Albert J. Krupski. Jr., Vice President Henry P. Sm/th John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-t823 UPERVISOR ~ )TT L. HARRIS Town Hall 095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST Enclosed is a permit application and a completed part I of the Enviro~menta! Assessment Form. Southold Town Trustees are interested in your ageny's c0mmefitS in acting as SEQRA Lead Agency for: .~:~ TAX MAP: ~1~1-~ o' ' PERMIT PERMIT REQUIRED: (~ TOWN WETLAND ( ) OTHER SEQRA CLASSIFICATION: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II ~) UNLISTED ( ) CEA Please contact John M. Bredemeyer, III, President, within 30 days and be advised that the Southold Town Trustees (WANT)/(DO NOT WANT) to assume lead agency. SENT TO: DOS ( ) DEC (~DOH ( ) PB ( ZBA (~ BLD (~[~I-- Please complete, detach and return this form to expedite processing. Involved Agency:~3~C~.~ Project Name: Location: ~"~ q ~ SCTM: We at ~y~D~ (Have/No) objection to Southold Town AGENCY Trustees assuming Lead Agency. Comments/Reasons: Signature- of TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III. President Albert J. Krupski. Jr.. Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road EO. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 May 18, 1992 Mr. John Holzapfel, Chairman Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Holzapfel: Transmitted herewith are the following applications Gerard Keegan Andrew McKay John Fiore David Weild Robert Long Williams Mallins Lawrence Huke SCTM for your review. 91000-70-10-63.1 1000-78-1-10.12 1000-91-1-5 1000-116-6-5 1000-83-1-5 1000-99-4-3 1000-114-12 Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to these applications. Very truly yours, John M. Bredemeyer, III President, Board of Trustees JMB: jt BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hal, 53095 Man Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York t 1971 TELF_3HONE (51H) 765-t892 APPLICATION IS HF~Rw.~y MADE TO THE TOWN TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK CO73NTY, NEW YCP~K, FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT PURSUANT TO THE LAWS, ORDINA~NCES AND REGULATIONS SOVERNING THE COASTAL AND I~IOR WETLANDS, FLOOD PLAINS AND DRAINAGE AP~EAS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN, AND THE ISSUANCE OF PEP&I!TS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 32 OF THE CODE OF I~{E TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. __L±C~!ON NC. Iiq- )~ I~ DATE May 1, 1992 APPLICANT'S NA/,~: Lawrence Huke TEL. NO. 728-0005 .... r ~ 11746 .,~NG ADDRESS: 3 Fanning Ave., HampLon Bays, NY _283-6360 AGENT: Eh-COnsultants, ~nc. TEL NC. ~_~N_ ~,-~R .... 1329 North Sea Road, Southampton, NY 11968 ?E~,~IT REQUESTED TO: Construct a one-family dwelling and decks, sanitary system, bluestone (or similar pervious) driveway. Approximately 700 cy of fill will be trucked in to raise grades to those shown. _.,O ...... FOR REQUESTED PERMIT: Wo~phalia Ace., Mattituck Corner Silkworth Road & w ?~L~? Mattituck M. AP NO: i000- 114-1-12 -~==~ BAY OR ~iA.W_BOR FRONTING £iZE OF PROPOSED WORK: .... See Pro~ect Description PROPERTY-: Darby's branch of Mattituck Creek App. Pa~e 2. YDS. TO BE EXCAVATED: MANNER IN WHICH MATERIAL dumped and Graded WIDTH OF CANAL, CREEK OR BAY FRONTING PROPERTY: YDS. TO BE FILLED: 700 cy WILL BE REMOVED OR DEi~0SITED:Trucked in, DEPTH AT LOW TIDE: N/A DISTANCE TO NEAREST CHA_N-NEL: DISTA/~CE PROJECT EXTENDS BEYOND R-40 AREA ZONING: INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: DESCRIBE KNOWN PRIOR OPERATIONS Dock HAS A~Y PRIOR LIC~_NSE OR PF~RM!T BEEN OR DEPOSIT FILL ON SAID PRF2,1ISES: 150±' AVER. RISE IN TIDE: N/A SIMILAR PROJECTS IN AREA: IS PROJECT FOR PRIVATE OR BUS. USE: One-family residsnce CONDUCTED ON PREMISES: ISSUED TO ERECT STRUC~""JRES, Yes. dock'permit Private DREDGE. HAS ANY LICENSE OR PERi, IT EVER BEEN REVOFF.~ OR SUSPF/TDED BY A GOVERN~,LE~NTAL AGENCY: No DESCRIBE F~JLLY THE REHAbiLiTATION OF PROPERTY: Following constructipn of house, area will be planted with indigenous species. DESCRIBE PROPOSED CONDITION OF PROPERTY AFTER WORK IS COMPLETED. AN ADDITIONAL S%.-~VEY OF PROPERTY SITE IF NECESSARY: dependent vegetation will be used. ARE THERE ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS IN YOUR DEED WI~iCH WOULD PROHIBIT THIS PROJECT: None WRITTEN CONSENT OF OWNER IF NOT THE SAME AS APPLICANT: See Attached. INCLUDE L~ttle or no fertilizer- t'pR~.~ EC~I .D. NUMa,' Appendix C State Environmental Quali~ Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only =ART I~FROJECT INFORMATION rte be com[~ieted by ADDllcan! or J~roject sponsor) Lawrence Huk~ by En-Consultants, Inc. { Z.. 3. ~RoJECT LOCA~ON: Suffolk ~u,~ma~ty Mattituck cou.ty SE' Silkworth Road SCTM ~1000-114-1-12 5. IS PROFOSED AC~ON: [] New ~ 5xcansm. [] Moc~ification/a,terazfon Construct ~ one-family dwelling and decks, sanitary system, bluestone (or similar ~ervious) driveway. Approximately 700 cy of fill will be trucked in tq raise grades to those shown. 7. AMOUNT CF ~NO~FFECT~D: ~. /~ILL ~RO~CSE~ ~;GN C~MPLY WITH ~IST;NG ZONING OR OTHER ~ISTING ~NO U~E R~TRIC~NS? ~ No ~f No. cescr=~e ~r~etly DEC, Suffol] County Department of Health A PERMIT ApPc~OV'AL, OR FUNDU'IG; ,Now OR U't"T[M~TEL¥ FRCM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGE.x~C'r' IFE~E~.tL. I Lawrg~ce H~k~ by Eh-Consultants, Inc. Daze: May i, 1992 ~ction is in the C~nstal Area, on,you are a state agency, co~npJete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 61~'.21 C . · Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION ~TG be cern 9~eteci by Applicant or Project sponsorl ~. A~'PLIcANr /~PONB~R '' j 2. PROJECT NAME Lawrence Huke -by En-Consultan~.s., Inc ;3. PROJECT LOCATION: Mumcl~3m[t¥ Mattituck COUnty Suffolk silkworth Road SCTM ~1000-114-1-12 S. IS PROPOSED ACTION: .,E~-- New [] Exoans,on 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: [] Modification/alteration SEE ATTACHED SEQR 7. A~OUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially · 7 4 acres uItimatmy ' .7 4 acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? --~Yes [] NO If NO, oescrioe onefly 9. WHAT IB PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? ~{esidentiat [] l.dustrial [] Comrnermal Descr~0¢: 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A"P-~RMIT APPROVAL. OR FUNDING. NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCALI? ~Yes [~ NO ~f yes, I~S! agency{s) eno ~errn~uao[3rovals Suffolk County Department of Health 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACT!ON HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [] Yes J~J~o if ye~, rs! agency name aha ~ermi~/approval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? [] Yes [~x!N o t CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMAT~ON PROVIDED ABOVE iS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Appticanusoonsor nmme: T.~[~r~IR~ Huke~bvz En-Consultants r Inc. If the action is in the Coastal Area. and '7ou are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 (Continued on reverse 0a,e: 5/26/95 side) COUNT~ OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK ) _ Roy L. HaRe BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT HE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS, AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED M~REIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE ~D BELIEF, AND THaT WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAYBE APPROVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD TME TOWN OF SOUTHOLDAND THE TRUSTEES HAP-MLESS AND FREE FROM AAUf AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS AEISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PEI~4IT, IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEP~RY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT ORREPRESENTATIVE, TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PRF2~ISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. ~oy L. ~a3e £~©PXq TO BEFORE ME THIS t ~ DAY OF PUBLIC ~(Am.~INED BY APPROVED DISAPPROVED CONDITIONS (if any) SIGNATURE OF CHAIPdVLAN COMPUTATION OF FEES ~oveo 2/27/85 pART 1---~ROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor · NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a signific on'the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be ¢ as part of the application for approval and may be subject to ~rther verification and public review. Provide any information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. it is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent 'on information currently available and will m new studies, research or investigation, if information requiringsuch additional wo~ is unavailable, so indicate az each instance. ~AME OF AGT~ON ' · L.~wrence Huke Silkworth Road, Mattituck, Suffolk ,County Eh-Consultants, Inc. ~329 North Sea Roa~ Southampton (516} 283-6368 STATE ~P CC: N~ 119~8 ~516~ 728-0005 AOD~E~S 3 ~a~n~9 Ave. ~ampto~ Bays Construct a one-family dwelling and decks, sanitary system, (or similar p~rvious) driveway. Approximately 700 cy trucked in to raise ~rades to those shown. NY 11946 bluestone of fill will be Please CornnJete Each Quesuon--lndlcate N.A. if no~ aOpJicabJe A. SR~ Description Phvs;ca~ ~e::mg of overa}[ proiec:, both developed and undeveJoped areas. Vacan[ 1. Pm~ent land use: ~Urban Filndustria] rqCommerciai ~-'~Fores: I~Agricu]ture /-[,Other 2, Tota~ acreage of Drojec: area: .77 acres. APPROXL%iATE ACREAGE Meazow or Srushtand {Non-agricu~turaD Agr~cukurai (;nctude~ orcnaro~, crop,and, pas{ute, e~c.; We~]ano (Fre~hwamr or :~da~ as per ArUde~ 24. 2~ o~ ECL] U~vege[a[e~ (Rock. earm or fill) (bluestone driveway.) Roa:~. budd~ng~ and o~her oave~ surface~ Other lnd~ca:e typm ,,. ~Resldentia' (subutoan) What ~s preoom:nant soiJ type{s) on srolect s~te~ Carver & Plymouth sands a. Sod drainage: F-h/Veil drained 30 % of ~[e ~,%toderateiy wet{ drained ~PoorJv drained 70 % or s,te o. f ~nv a~r~cukurat [and ;s invotv~, how many acres o~ sod am ctassifieo within sod grouo 1 Lano Cfassi[;cauon 5vs[em~ N/A acres. (5e~ ' NYCRR 370L ,Are mere oeoroc& outcroppings on oromc: s;te~ ~Ye~ PRESENTLY AFTER .33 acres -26 2q acres ~q 05 acres .05 acres . O1 acres .05 5..App~oxJma£e percentag~' proposed pro~ec£ s~te with slopes: · E115% or greamr % 6. Is project substantially contiguous m. or contain a buS{ding, si~, or district, listed on the Sta~e or the R~ter~ of Historic Places? ~Yes ~No 7. ~s proiect substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Reg~ter of National Natural L~dm~rks? ~Ye~ 8. What is the de,th of the water ~ble? 4.7 ' [in feet) a~ ~ hole' 9. Is site {ocated over a primal, pffncipat, or sole source aquifer? ~Yes ~No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing o~po, unities presendy exi~ in the oroject area? ~Yes 11. Does pm}ect site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or ~dan[~ According :o ~oy L. ~a~ Identify each species '- 1~ Are ~here any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e.. cfiffs, dunes, other geological ~Yes ~No Describe . 13. Is the Dro{ec: ~ite presently used by the communi~ or neighborhood as an open space or recreation a ~No If yes, ~piain 14. Does :he oresent site inciude scenic views known to be important :o the community? ~Yes 35. Streams within or contiguous to ~rojec: area: . a. Name of ~:ream and name of River ~o which ~c ~s tributary 16. Lakes, pones, wetland areas within or contiguous to prelect area: a. Name Darb~f~s Branch of Mattituck Cre. ek. b. Size {In acres} 17 Is the site served by %xistlng public uulities? ~Ye~ ~No electricity al 1~ Yes, does sufficient capacity exist :o altow connec:~on~ ~Yes ~No b) If Yes, will ~morovemen[f be necessary to allow connec~ion~ ~Yes la Is the sl~e tocated n an a~Nculturat district certified pursuanl to A~ricul:ure aha ,~iarke~s Law Section 303 an~ 304~ CYef ~No Is the 5ire {ocaled m or subitanuaJly conuguous ~o a Ctkical Environmental Area de!~gnated oursuan; of me ECL and 6 NYCRR 61T? ~e! ~No 20. Ha~ ~he site ever been~used for the disposal of solid or hazardou~ wastes~ ~Yes B. Project DescNp:ion 1. Physical dimensions and scale oS: prelect (fill in dimensions as appropnate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor .77 b. Prolec~ acreage to be devetooed: .06 acres initially; .06 c, Proluc~ acreage ~o te~a~m undeveloped ~ 7~ .... acres. d. Length of pro;ecL in mzt~s: _ ~,/A (If appropriatet e. If :he prelect is an expansion, ~ndica:e percent f. Number of off-street parkin~ spaces ex ~un8 0 ; proposed ~ ' g. ,%lax~mum vehicular tt;p~ auneraled per hour , h. If re~dcnuaL Number and wpe ui hou~mq um~s: One Famziy Two Family Muittpie Famdy 1. Linear tee~ or frontage alon~ a public ~horou~hfare pro~ect . acres ukimateJ,/. 50 . leng[h 2: How much nazura~ material (Le.; rock, earth, etc.} will be removed from the site? 3~ W~l disturbed areas be reclaimed? rlyes r/No ~N/A a. If.yes. for what intend, d purpose is the site being reclaimed? . ' ~. Will top~oil:be stockpiled for reclamation? I-~Yes I-fNo c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? 1-lyes I~No 0 tons/cubic 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground coverst will be removed from site? .31 _+ acres. 5. Will any mature forest [over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project . - months, {including demolition). month month EWes year, (including demofiti after proiec: is complete (lYes ~l~No If yes, exeJain 6. If single phase project Anticipated period of construction 7. If multi-~hased: N/A a. Total number of phases anticipated [number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 c. Approximate completion date of final phase d. Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? 8. Will blasting occur during construction? I-Iyes l~tNo 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction Z2 10. Number el: jobs eliminated by this project 0 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ~2. ls surface liquid waste disposal involved? ~Yes f~No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage. industrial etc. l and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will he discharged .. 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? E~ffes f'~N~ Type Sewaq¢ 14 Will surface area of an existing wa:er body increase or decrease by proposer Ex,fain 15. Is ~rmec= or any ~ort[on of .~rojec~ loci=ed ~n a 100 year ~ood I6. Will the prelect generate solid waste~ ~es a. tf yes, what is the amoua: per month · ~ tons b. If yes, wit[ an existing solid waste facility be used? ~Yes ~No c. If yes, give n~me Southold Town LandiS]3 ; {oc~tion d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or e. If Yes, explain ~Yes X~No ~Yes Mattituck EYes 17. Will :he proiect invotve the disposal of solid waste? a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? b. If ye~. what is the anticipated site life? l{I. Will ~tolect use herbicides or pesticides? t-lyes i-tyes tons/month. years. [~No 19. ~,VilI proiect routineiy produce odors (more than one hour per day]? C]Yes ~o 20. Will pro,eot produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise leveis? 2'J. Will prelect result in an increase in energy use? ~es ~No If yes , indicate 22. ]~ water ~u~piy is from wells, indicate pumping capacity 4! 23. TotaJ anuc~ated ~vater usage per day 300 ~aJlons/dav. 24 Doe~ orolec~ revolve Locat. State or Federal funding? ~Yes ~No !~ Yes. I~Yes gallonslmmute. 2~'~ppro'4als Required: 'City, Town, Village Board EYes FINo City, Town, Village Planning Board rlYes I-1No City, Town Zoning Board ayes City, County Health Department [~Yes' Other Local Agencies EYes [~No Other Regional Agencies r'lyes i-lNo State Agencies r~Yes F1No Federal AgencJe~ i-lYes r'lNo C. Zoning and Planning Information Subn Dz Nub Front (road Yard variance vet ,~anztary System & Well 5/92 DEC Article~25 5/92. 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ElYes [2No If Yes, indicate decision required: C2zoning amendment i~zoning var,ance [~special use permit Esubdlvisian Esite plan i-[new/revision of master plan C/resource management plan C]other 2. What is the zoning classifiCadon(s)of the site? R-40 3, What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zomng? One one-family; dw.ellinq 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? N/A · 5. What is the maximum potential develooment of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zomng? One one-family dwelling 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses m adopted local land use plans? [~Ye5 7. What are the predominant land use(s] and zoning classifications within a 'A mite radius of prooosea action? R-40 One-family dwellings g. Is the proposed actlon compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a '4 mi[e? C'YesXNO 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N/A a. What is the mimmum lot size proposed? 10. Will orooosed act/an re~uire any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? ~YesXNO '11 Will the prooosed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation. education, o fire protection)? EYes [~No a. If ,/es, is ex,sung caoacitv sufficient to handle proiectecJ demand? ~Yes f~No 12. Will the prooosed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? I~ye~XNO a. if yes. is the existing road network adequaee to handle the additional traffic? EYes ~]No D. Informational Details ~ Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your proiect. If there are or m%v be .]ny ad* ~mpacts associated w~th '/our proposal, please discuss such unpacts and the measures which you orouose co mmga avoid them. E. Verification ~ certdy t~"~he i~,i~mation ;rowded above is true to the besl: of my knowledge. Applicant;Spops.~ir Na~e~awrence~ Huke ~v En%Pnmsl]]~mn~R, Inc. D,]te 517:/92 ~ Roy -~. ~a3~ ' the action is in the Coastal Area. and you are a state a~ency, complete the C~n~*=l .s ........ wi h hi~ a*~ ...... TO %~OM IT MAY OONCERN: I authorize 5~-Conaultanta, /nc. '~o apply for permit~ o~r my ~]~. Southold. N~w York 11571 SOUTllOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TO: FROM~ DATED; Southold Town Board of TrusteEs Southold To.~l Conservation Advisory~ouncil July 23~ t992 Recommendations -At its meetin9 hold Tuesday~ July 21, 1992 the CAC made tho follow~ lng recommendations: On a motion by Stephen Angell, seconded by Rober~ Keith, it was RESOLVED to recomrc~nd to the Southotd Trustees _a_~roval with a ~ul~tions of the Wetland Application of Linda Ta~ 53-2-2 to c~n~truct a 24' x 3~~ single story r~aii marine antique and gift shop with access driveway and parking.~ ONLY AFTER there is independent approval as approrpiate to the site by the Plannin9 Board and ZBA will the CAC recommend approval of the projec~ as environmentally sound with the following stipulations: that ther~ continually be a natural ve~tativ~ buffer maintained and left it a natural state~ and that no chemicals be permitted for stora~ or use on the site. -~8320 Rouue 25~ Greenport Vote of Council; Ayes: Ali Motion carried~ On a motion by John Ho!zapfel~ seconde~ by John McCormick~ it RESOLVED. to raco~end to'the Southoid Town ~rustees approval o~ tho Wetland Application of construct a~new wood deck. 1250 Bridge Lane~ Cutchogue Vote of CounciI~ Ayes: All On a motion by Stephen Angell, seocnded by John'Hotzapfel~ it was RESOVLED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees ~ovai of Wetland ADplication of Walter and Stanley Kr~ki 8~-2-3~ to construct a 125 on east side; and armor with 1± ton stone on filter ~Sth and stone splash pad behind~ The CAC recommends disapproval ~ause it would set a precedent since there is no house or the property° In general, armoring the north shore of Long ~i~land is not in the best interest of the town~ The Council ~gests t~e Trustees study this issue for long term view~ ~'~idge Lane~ Cutchogue ~ !y~te of Council: Ayes: ~Alt ~ction carried. ~ a motion by Robert Keith, seconded by Stephen Angell, it was ~D to recormm~nd to the Southold Town Trustees ~ W~tland Application of To_~ny Heties 125-$-28~3 to construct Drive Exto~-Mattituck Council: Ayes: Ail ~arried. application of ~onald. Winkler 7S-2-1.1 to construct a single dwel!in~ was TABLED~ Tke Council was unable to inspect property due to heavy growth. Applicant should stake the ~operty and submi% better plans° .35 Main Bayview Road~ Southold revised application of~?~a~nce~k~ for a ~ouse was TABLED a rein~pect~on ..... Road~ Mattituck buiidin~ approval of the Waiver Request of E.M. Davidson a temporary shed. There is no problem with the environmental spects of the project~ however, the Council questions the status the petition - does the project have the property owners.ilapproval~ CAC recommends approval of the Waiver Request of Joseph D. ~er to add a room as lon~ as ali th~ usual conditions are Dtlowed~ ioe~ hay bales, drp-wells~ etc. Telephone (516) 765-1801 SOUTFfOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 T,O: FROM: DATED: RE: Southo[d Town Board of Trustees Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council May 27, 1992 Recommendation of Wetland Applications The following recommendations were made by the CAC at its meeting held Tuesday, May 26, 1992: On a motion by John Holzapfel, seconded by Robert Keith, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees approval with stipulations of Wetland Application of Gerard C. Keegan 70-10-63.1 to construct fixed dock, ramp and float. The CAC recommends approval provided the applicant maintains a 25' native vegetation buffer. 100 Beachwood Lane, Southold. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion by Bruce Loucka, seconded by John Holzapfel, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval with stipulations of Wetland Application of John Fiore 91-1-5 to construct a ramp add flo~ting dock. The Council recommends approval with the stipulation that the ramp cannot extend further than a third of. the way across Canoe nlet. 5050 Sunset Way, Southold Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a moti;on by Bruce Loucka, seconded by John McCormick, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees disapproval of Wetland Application of John Fiore 91-1-5 to install a swimming pool. The Council recommends disapproval as submitted. The Council would approve a swimming pool if the pool is relocated outside the 75' buffer (move east). 5050 Sunset Way, Southold Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. On a motion by John Holzapfel, seconded by John McCormick, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees partial approval of Wetland Application of David Wet d III 116-6-5 to increase height of ex'sting bulkhead, raise house, build retaining wall, raise garage and~! renovate ariveway. The CAC recommends disapproval of the bulkhead and retaining wall. The Council recommends approval of the raising of Page 2 ~ and grading. The Council stipulates that if a retaining wall is necessary it be placed within proximity of the house (within 15' - 20' of house). 10450 New Suffolk Avenue, Cutchogue. Vote of Council: Ayes: all Motion carried. On a motion by Bruce Loucka, seconded by Robert Keith, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Trustees approval of Wetland Application of Robert P. Long 83-1-5 to install a timber bulkhead. 445 Glen Court, Cutchogue Vote of Council: Ayes: Bruce Loucka, Robert Keith, John McCormicl( and Betty Wells Abstain: John Holzapfel Motion carried. On a motion by John Holzapfel, seconded by Bruce Loucka, it was RESOVLED to recommend to the Southold ~Town Trustees disapproval of Wetland Application o~, l~aw~ence H~l~e. 114-1-12 to construct a Single family home with deck, ~itar~; sys~m, and driveway; truck in fill to raise grade. The Council recommends disapproval because the proiect is env'ronmentally dangerous. [t is too close to the marshland, Silkworth Road and Westphalia Avenue, Mattituck Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion carried. The Wetland Application of Roger Vorce 72-1-1.5 was not discussed due to the fact that the project was already completed. Wetland Applications of Andrew and Mary McKay 78-1-10.12 and of William Mallins 99-4-3 were TABLED. ~P~EALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard E Goeh~inger, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Lydia A. Tortora BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Septemtmr 18, 1995 Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1809 Mr. Albert Krupski, Jr., Pres. Board of Town Trustees Town Hall Southold, NY 11971-1179 Re: Pending Trustees' Application - Lawrence Hr_kc 1000-114-1-12 at Mattituck Dear Al: This will confirm that an application has now boon filed with the Board of Zoning AppeaLs. You may recall back in July the Trustees were attempting to coordinate SEQRA with the NYS D.E.C. and other agencies and were notified that further applications with those agencies needed to be filed. In fact there was some indication that the NYS D.E.C. application was either incomplete or being withdrawn - for reasons unknown to our office. At a meeting of the Board of Appeals held on September 13, 1995, the following action was taken: BE IT RESOLVED, a) That the Board of Appeals has no objection and hereby does recommend lead agency status to be declared by the Town Trustees since this property is not bulkheaded and contains various wetland areas ra the vicinity of the proposed building and cesspool location activities; b) Also, that the Town Trustees be requested to transmit the Long Environmental Assessment Form with its town censultant in accordance with the SEQRA procedures after it has boon deemed to be a oomplete application; and BE IT FURTItER RESOLVED, That the Board of Appeals shall hold the advertising of a public hearing on the variance application in abeyance pending the APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio. Jr. Robert A. Villa Richard C. Wilton Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Board of ~~ Trustees Board of Appeals June 30, 1993 SCOTT L. HAR~S Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 SUBJECT: Your Memo dated June 29, 1993 Z000-114-1-11 & 12 Huke Thank you for forwarding to us a copy of the single-and-separate search concerning a pending Trustees application. For the following reasons, a formal application to the Board of Appeals will be necessary for the requested determination which involves both 911 and ~12 owned by Lawrence Huke: a) the land is substandard and the szngle-and-separate search furnished through the Trustees is incomplete and net conclusive. Copies of deeds must be attached, particularly those with reference to both currently owned by Mr. Huke and the previous ow~%ers, and all deed refer- ences for lands adjoining the northwesterly (northerly) right-of-way tract. Part of the search shows that Brown conveyed this parcel in 1965 to Walter Grabie. Lot 911 must be included in the search since it has been previously brought to our attention that Brown also owned other adjoining parcels in 1965. (There is no record of town approvals for the land splits.) Therefore, a variance ms required for the substandard size of these (~1t and 912). b) the proposed location of a dwelling structure does not meet the front yard requzrements of the zoning code - a variance from the Board of Appeals will be required (as of today a variance application has not been filed). When appropriate, please let us know, for record purposes, whether or not the Board of Trustees will be commencing a new SEQRA process to show a Tsrpe I Action (CEA) {instead of an Unlisted Action as previously circulated}. Thank you for your assistanoe and your communications. (For informational purposes, we are furnishing the Building Department with a copy of our communications.) cc: Building Department l~ge 2 - September 18,~995 To: Mr. Albert Krupski, Jr., Pros. Board of Town Trustees Re: Application of Lawrence Huke coordinated processing and outcome of the New Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). This resolution was onnnhnously adopted. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any l~ime. Very truly yours, York State GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN Attachment (Copy of Map with ZBA) cc: ZJ~A ]B~ard Members APPEALS BOARD MEMB: Gerard P Charles Grigoni% Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. James Dinizio, Jr. Robert A. Villa Telephone (516) 765-180t~ FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: RE Southold July 22, 1992 Lawren6e Huke Lot Nos. 11~-2-12 & 11 E/s Westphalia Roa~, ~tt~tuck (Darby's Branch/Creek) With reference to your coordination letter of July 20, 1992. we ask that the following concerns and ou~Lm,ents regarding the above environmentally sensitive pro~ect he accepted and reviewed: 1) We have no objection to your lead agency status under SEQRA; 2) The lot is substandard at 33,872 sq. ft. and does not meet the lot size requirements. We are concerned that variances will be necessary not only for setbacks but also for the lot size. Review by the Town Attorney's Office (or our office) of a single-and-separate search, with copies of deeds referenced therein, certified by a reputable title company is a requirement under the zoning code for substandard lots~ in order for the Town to determine whether or not Lots 12 and 11 are viewed as separate parcels under the zoning regulations. Information from town records show that the parcel has been merged for tax purposes as well for a number of years. It is also possible that the properties were combined (not only due to common ownership for quite a number of years) hut also because the waterway access over 912 was an easement area to the upland tract ~$11). Both tracts have been conveyed in one deed over the years. 3) The contours shown for the entire lot are at or below eight (8') feet above MSL. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation does not issue waiver for this type of property and is it apparent that DEC review and wetland applications should be filed before finalizing SEQRA . T6: $outhold Town Trustees Re: Your Coordination Letter of 7/20/92 Lawrence Huk~ Property at Westphalia Road, 1000-i14-2-1~ and i1 Mattituck 4) ). 5 ) The Suffolk County Department of Health Services was not checked On the coordination request form. It is urged that their agency be included as an "inVolved agenc!~' at this time. 6) - a description and evaluation of methods and land (if not received). Thank you for and review at this early staqe. We ask that you please include us as an interested agenoy. GG:lk cc: Building Department Planning Board Town Attorney's Office Albe, a $; K~pski. President Jphri Hohapfel, Vice President William G. Albenson Martin II. Oarr¢ll Peter Wenczel 12:56PM FROM 5N-CONSULTRNTS, INC BO~D OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD CoaStal Erosion Permit Application rU~ee L~as Penm~t ApPlication waiver Town H~ 53095 :Main Road P,O. Box 1179 $outhoM, New York 11971 Telephon~ (516) 765-1892 Fa~ (516) 765-1823 __CAC Referra~ Lead Public: :{date) Decision: ApprOved (Y/N) (date) __AppliCation ~ee:$ Name of Applicant Phone Number: suffolk county ~x (provide LILCO Pole S, diatance ~0 cro~s s~ree~, aha location) (If applicable) ' 10-1~-1gg$ i~:5?PM FROM EN-CONSULTANT$~ INC TO 76518~ P.83 GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: ~- Previous use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date ,/No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? ~o Yes If yes, provide explana=ion: Project Description (use attachments if necessary) 18-16-1995 12:57PM FROM EN-CONSULTANTS, INC TO 765182~ P.04 WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations:~ Area of wetlands on Percent coverage of lot; ~2~quare feet Closest ~istance.be=ween nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands:~_~ feet Closest distance between ~rest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands:~_. ~- feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No ~ Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? Depth of which material will be removed or feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: /"~ ~ cubic yards cubic yards Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason os such proposed ~peraticns (use a=~a~hments if appropriate): New, York State Depart,~ent of Environmental Conservation Bu Iding 40 -SUNY, Stony Brook. New York 11790-2356 Phone (516) ~.~.~. 0365 Fax # {516) ~,~. 0373 J~nuary 16, 1996 Mr. Roy L. Haje Enconsultants 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 SCTMNos.= /00001-0 Westphalia Ave., Mattituck 1000-114-1-11 and 1000-114-1~12 Dear Mr. Haje.; The DEC staff has further reviewed the following~conents: this application and has 1. Staff has examined copies of the deed and tax 'bills for the above referenced tax lots. The deed shows that the tax 10ts are part of the same premises (described as such in the deed) andlthe bills show they are held by the same owner. Therefore, ~nless you can provide a copy of a DEC permit for a subdivision of the premises described in the deed, this Department must consider the entire premises as subject of this application. 2. Neither the title search nor survey you submitted cover the entire premises. The application cannot proceed further until th~ ~applicant provides a survey of the entire premises subject of the deed which identifies the complete configuration and size (in square feet) of the entire premises ~eld by the applicant or he provides a copy of a DEC permit for subdivision of the premises. 3. To date, no records have been located of a DEC subdivision approval for the premises. DEC staff .cannot ¢ommen~ f.L~cher on this application until the above-reqUested information is submitted. Mr. Roy L. Haje Page 2 As you know, a second home on the premises must meet density as well as set back requirements of the Tidal Wetlands regulations. P%ease submit the additional requested information to my attention by Mar=h 16, 1996. Very truly ~gurs, ~/ ROBERT N. · THURBER Environmental Analyst I RNT/ls cc.: L. Huke Town of Southold, Board of Town Trustees L. Chiarella ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 FAX NO. 516-283-6360 516-283-6136 October 19, 1995 Town of Southold T~ustees Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: LAWRENCE HUKE SCTM# 1000-114-1-12 Dear Trustees: Enclosed pleas~ find copies of the title searches for the above referenced for your records. If you request anything further please do not hesitate to call. RLH:dl Enclosures Very truly yours, Roy L. Haje President 10-16-1gg5 I~:5~PM =ROM EN-CONSLLTRNTS, INC TO 765182~ P.01 EN~CONSULTANTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1329NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283-6136 EN-CONSU.LTANTS, INC. 1329 NORTH sEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283-6136 June 21, 1993 Ms. Karen Munze New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SUNY, Building 40 Stony Brook, New York 11794 RE: LARRY HUKE - ~1-4738-00533 Dear Ms. Munze: We must respectfully take issue with the content of your October 9, 1992 letter. A title search for the subject parcel verifies that it is a single and separate lot in a residential area. Recognized usage therefore is development with a single family dwelling. Permanent development with an accessory use such as a dock only is impermissible by Town code. Further, my client purchased the property based upon these premises and we cannot consider the presence of a dock alone to be granting "full and adequate" use of the property. Only a single family dwelling will satisfy generally acceptable criteria. While the home will be situated considerably closer than the 75' setback from wetlands, this condition is unavoidable due to the size of the parcel, configuration and location, and proximity to wetlands. I have previously discussed why the house cannot be located any further to the north than the 15' now provided. These conditions combine to create a hardship not created by the owner and one for which relief must be granted by all regulatory agencies. Ms. Karen Munze -2- June 21, 1993 As evidenced by other homes similarly situated, we do not agree that the development must indeed result in any degradation to the. adjacent wetlands. Indeed the vegetation and the preoautions which will be taken before, during and after construction will allow the perpetuation of the wetland in its present condition. Runoff from the house can easily be accepted by drywells and the decks will be of open wood construction and therefore not alter runoff to any noticeable degree. plantings of species as Rosa ru~osa, Bayberry, etc. While human activity will indeed increase, the property is not situated in an isolated area at the present time. Houses exist to the north and south and a heavily traveled road (Westphalia Avenue) forms the southwesterly border. Therefore, a~y. fauna now present are well adapted to current conditions and woul~not be expected t~ he further inhibited by the development. Any minimal benefit of the adjacent upland on which the home will be constructed for flood storm and erosion control, cleansing ecosystems, absorption of silt and organic material, will also be minimally effected by construction of this small dwelling. Y~ur comments on accessory structures such as decks are unrealistic as described above. They fail to recognize that the structures will be of open type construction and thus cannot adversely effect the value of the adjacent a~ea. While a reduction in sunlight impingement will probably reduce vegetation growth below, the perpetuation of existing growth and enhancement by plantings will prevent any erosion, siltation, etc~ into the adjacent waterway. Your comments concerning the sanitary system are highly speculative and probably overly pessimistic. Studies conducted bypersonnel from the Suffolk County Department of Health reveal that most nutrients are adsorbed onto soil particles within two feet of the cesspools. Thus, even though the sanitary system is less than the normally mandated 100', it is unlikely that it will contribute to any significant extent to the nutrient load of the waterway. In the unlikely event that nutrients can reach the wetland, they will simply serve as fertilizer to enhance growth. Indeed, one of the attributes of tidal wetlands is to take up nutrients and metabolize them in~o additional growth. In fact, experimental use has been made of wetlands for just such Ms. Karen Munze -3- June 21, 1993 a purpose and they have proven to be excellent for this purpose and in preventing entry of nutrients into surface and ground waters. Further studies have shown that a much more likely cause of pollution is overland flows from roadways. As suchf townS, counties, and state highway departments are the more likely culprit. These conditions are only recently being recognized and steps taken to recharge runoff which is now directlyentering the waterways. Just such a condition exists on this property and we urge you to contact the Town of $outhold to determine their willingness to install catchments in Westphalia Avenue. Based upon precedents, we believe the owner is fully entitled to develop this parcel in th manner requested. Should the Department deem a hearin~ to be necessary we are confident that an administrative law judge will agree. Therefore, I request that the matter be referred to the Office of Hearings as soon as possible as unnecessary delay will simply subject my client to economic hardship. A copy of this letter is being sent to the Board of Town Trustees of the Town of $outhold who also have jurisdiction in this matter. RLH: JHG Enclosures cc: Southold Town Trustees Larry Huke Vet trul ours, Roy qZ. Haje ~ President EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-636O FAX NO. 516-283-6136 December 14, 1995 Town of Southold Board of Town Trustees Southold, NY 11971 SCTM # 1000-114-01-12 SILKWORTH RD. & WESTPH~LI~ Dear Trustees: Enclosed please find a revised site plan which incorporates most of the recommendations made at your last meeting. Specifically, the house is shown as being constructed on pilings. The area between the house and edge of wetlands will become a "non-disturbance buffer". A 12'x12' drainage easement will be offered to the Town of Southold for the installation of a drywell, to capture runoff moving southward on Westphalia Ave. The sanitary system for the proposed house will be placed on the north side of Silkworth Rd. on a separate parcel owned by Mr. Huke. An appropriate easement will be granted. In exchange for these significant concessions, I would hope that the Town Trustees would be able to endorse this project and assist us in securing approval of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services and NYSDEC. As the proposed sanitary system will be lo~ated only 40' from the well on the adjacent property, I would expect the Health Department to comment if not object to this aspect of the proposal. Should the Board fail to endorse the project, the applicant retains the right to withdraw any or all of these proposals and proceed with his original application. --1-- December 14, I 1995 page 2 look forward to your earliest comments. Your~s-)very truly, President RLH:to Enclosur-es cc: Larry Huke DEC# 1-4738-00533-00001-0 EN-CONSULTAN¥S, INC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283-6136 October 19, 1995 Town of Southold Trustees Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: LAWRENCE HUKE SCTM# 1000-114-1-12 Dear Trustees: Enclosed please find copies of the title searches for the above referenced for your records. If you reques~ anything further please do not hesitate call. Very truly yours, Roy L. Haje President RLH:dl Enclosures Title No. SBA 611 SOUTH BAY ABSTRACT, INC. as authorized agent for FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK does hereby certify to: LAWRENCE UUKE THAT it has caused a search to be made in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in the State of New York against the premises described herein and premises adjacent thereto on all sides from 1944 to present to ascertain the fee chain of title for the subject premises and abutting premises, and has found only the returns as set forth herein on the following pages as they bear a record title; and; DOES certify that "the owners of the premises herein have owned the same in single and separate ownership as by law from 1944". THIS Company's liability is limited to ONE THOUSAND ($1,000) DOLLARS for negligence only. SOUTH BAY ABSTRACT, INC. Clarence R. Ba~ks, President SUBJECT PP~ISES Suffolk County Tax Map Designation District 1000 Section 114.00 Block 01.00 Lot 012.000 DESCRIPTION ALL THAT certain p ce or parcel of land, with the thereon erected, situate, lying · Town of Southotd, county of Suffolk bounded and described as follows.- BEGINNIN? at a concrete monument set on the easterly side of Westphalia A~enue at the northwest corner of the premises herein de~c~i'b~d adjoining 'a 30 ft. private road on the north; from said Point o~ beginning, RUNNING THENCE along ~he s6utherly lane of said private road, NOrth 44 degrees 0~' 40" East, 199.25 feet to a monument and land of R. Corwin; RUNNING THENCE along said land of R. Corwin and along Darby's Branch of Mattituck Creek, two courses and distances as follows: 1. South 27 degrees 31' 20" East, 74.44 feet to a rock; 2. South 28 degrees 52' 20" East, 161.57 feet to land Munch; of R. RUNNING THENCE along said land of R. Munch, two courses and distances as follows: 1. South 63 degrees 48' 10" West, 113.29 feet; 2. South 14 degrees 58' West, 17.58 feet to the easterly side of Westphalia Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Westphalia Avenue, the following two courses and distances, as follows: 1. North 63 degrees 36' 30" West, 36.61 feet; 2. North '44 degrees 13' 40" West, 160.63 feet as the point or place of BEGINNING. to the monument CHAIN OF TITLE FOR SUBJECT PREMISES James H. Young and Lottie L. Young to Oscar B. Gunther and 2Frieda A. Gunther Liber 1452 page 123 Dated - 8/21/29 Recorded - 8/22/29 Oscar B. Gunther to Kenneth G. Brown Liber 5718 page 359 Dated - 2/8/65 Recorded 3/24/65 Kenneth G. Brown to Walter C. Grabie Liber 5718 page 356 Dated - 3/10/65 Recorded - 3/24/65 NOTE: Walter C. Grabie died on April 1, subject premises to his wife, Eleanor L. Surrogates Court File No. 619P1974). 1974 and devised the Grabie (Suffolk County NOTE: Eleanor L. Grabie died on July subject premises to her son, Walter L. Surrogates Court File No. 1338P1976). 5, 1976 and devised the Grabie, (Suffolk County Walter L. Grabie to James Woodburn and Mary Ann Woodburn Liber 9150 page 168 Dated 2/26/82 Recorded - 3/4/82 James Woodburn and Mary Ann Woodburn to Lawrence Huke Liber 10472 page 226 Dated - 11/9/87 Recorded - 11/17/87 LAST OWNER OF RECORD - 2 ADJOINING PREMISES TO THE EAST District 1000 Section 114.00 Block 07.00 Lot 003.000 Henry S. Duncan and Joseph C. Rogers to Seymour H. Tuthill Liber 567 page 208 Dated 4/29/1905 Recorded - 5/20/1905 NOTE: Seymour H. Tuthill died on November 5, 1933 and devised his entire estate to Ella E. Tuthill. NOTE: Ella E. Tuthitl died on April 2, 1945 and devised her entire estate to Jennie Wells Lester. Jennie W. Lester to Philip Peluso Liber 4504 page 31 Dated - 8/23/58 Recorded - 8/25/58 Philip Peluso to Philip Peluso and Sigrid Peluso Liber 4619 page 401 Dated - 4/30/59 Recorded 5/1/59 Sigrid Peluso Liber 5263 page 448 to Dated - 11/9/62 Philip Peluso Recorded - 11/13/62 Philip Peluso Liber 5347 page 259 to Dated - 5/14/'63 Robert J. Munch and Recorded - 5/15/63 Isabel Munch Robert J. Munch and Isabel Munch to Isabel M~nch, as Trustee OWNER OF RECORD Liber 11568 page 358 Dated - 10/15/92 Recorded - 11/6/92 ADJOINING PREMISES TO THE NORTH District 1000 Section 114.00 Block 01.00 Lot 007.001 Home Owners Loan Corporation to Rudolph O. Armbrust and Marie M. Armbrust Liber 2337 page 42 Dated - 1/12/44 Recorded 1/17/44 Rudolph O. Armbrust and Marie M. Armbrust to Richmond S. Corwin Liber 5374 page 114 Dated - 7/5/63 Recorded - 7/5/63 Richmond S. Corwin Liber 9534 page 200 to Dated 3/20/84 Thomas V. Perillo Recorded - 3/26/84 LAST OWNER OF RECORD Dated: February 11, 1993 Southampton, New York Sworn to before me this llth day of February, 1993. SOUTH BAY ABSTRACT, INC b Ularence R. Banks President EN-CONSULTANTS, INC 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FAX NO. 516-283-6360 5! 6-283-6136 February 7, 1994 Board of Trustees Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: LAWRENCE HUI{E - SCTM No. 1000-114-1-11 & 12 Dear Trustees: A review of my file indicates that the last corre- spondence to you dated July 7, 1993, is a request for a determination of Lead Agency under SEQR. As all other agencies are awaiting your decision, no progress has been made with them either. Therefore, would you please reactivate this matter and notify us what action you intend to take. President RLH:KD cc: Larry Huke / EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283-6136 July 7, 1993 Board of Trustees Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: Lawrence Huke, SCTM No. 1000-114-1-12 Dear Sirs: The DEC is awaiting action by your Board as lead agency before taking any further action on this application (see their notice of incomplete application to me dated June 30, 1993). Please proceed in processing of this application as promptly as possible. President RLH/jd enclosure cc: Larry Huke NOTICE {7~NCOMPLETE APPLICATION - THIS IS N~T A PERMIT APPLICA[~i-. OWNER ID NUMBER LAWRENCE HUKE 3 FANNING AVE HAMPTON BAYS, NY 1394 AP[~f_IOATION ID I ~ ~T~ NUMBER 1~698 P~u~s A~]E~ FO~ 1 ARTICLE 25: TIDAL WETLANDS FACIL~/P~J~T. HUKE PROPER~ P~J~T IS L~A~D IN SQUTHOLD ~N SU~OLK Y~r ~ f~ P~ is In~te, ~ F~w~o ~e~ ~e Requ~e~ The project is ~ing reviewed pursuant to the State ~vironmental Quality Review ~t (SEQR). A designation of Lead Agency and a determination of significance for the purposes of SEQR are n~essary before your application can be considered complete. A~ ~f~n: THE DEPARTMENT CANNOT REFER THE PERMIT MATTER FOR A ADJUCATORY PHBLJC H~RING UNTIL ~E ~PLICATION IS COMPLETE. THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HAS ASSUMED L~D AGENCY STATUS FOR THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW AND MUST EITHER ISSUE A NEGATIVE DEC~RATION OF SIGNIRCANCE,OR ACCEPT A FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BEFORE THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED COMPLETE. NO FUR~ AC~ON C~ BE T~EN UNTIL ~ OF ~ESE MA~R~S ~ R~I~D BVlS~N OF REGU~T~YAFFAIRS DAT& 06/30/93 ~G~ON ~ StO~ ~ CAMP~, ~ 40, ~ 219 ~PHONE NUMBER 5~ 6-751-7900 STaY B~ ~W YORK ~ ~790-2356 2 N Y S DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SUNY CAMPUS. BLDG 40, ROOM 219 STONY BROOK, NEW YORK 11790-2356 516-751 ~7900 SAVE THE TOP HALF OF IHIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS AND RETURN THE BOTTOM HALF WHEN PROVIDING THE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APplICATION. YOUR DOING SO WILL HELP US EXPEDITE YOUR PERMIT PROCESSING. THANK YOU. DEC CONTACT : KAREN A MUNZE BAKER BATCH ID : 125698 APPLICATION ID : 1-4738-00533/00001-0 OWNER ID : 40493 DATE RECEIVED : 05/04/92 APPLICATION TYPE : NEW APPLICANT NAME : LAWRENCE HUKE FACILITY NAME : HUKE PROPERTY PROJECT DESC : VARIANCE REQUEST CONST SFD DECKS SS PLEASE PROVIDE REQUESTED INFORMATION ON OR BEFORE : SAVE THIS PART DETACH N Y S DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION REGION 1 - STONY BROOK RETURN THIS HALF OF THIS FORM WHEN PROVIDING THE INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THE ACCOMPANYING. NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION. DEC CONTACT : KAREN A MUNZE BAKER BATCH ID : 125698 APPLICATION ID : 1-4738-00533/00001-0 OWNER ID : 40493 DATE RECEIVED : 05/04/92 APPLICATION TYPE : NEW APPLICANT NAME : LAWRENCE RUKE FACILITY NAME : HUKE PROPERTY PROJECT DESC : VARIANCE REQUEST CONST SFD DECKS SS INFORMATION DUE ON OR BEFORE : -- PLEASE ATTACH THIS HALF SO IT IS DISPLAYED PROMINENTLY ON YOUR RESUI~MISSION RETURN THIS PART ! EN-CONSULTANTS 1329 NORTH SEA RD SOUTHAMPTON NY 11968 NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF RESUBMISSION Thank you for submi~lng additional information on the application referenced below. Tbe mater~al submitted is being reviewed by staff, and yOU will be advised in writing regarding the Department's fied~ngs. In all luture communications. please refer 1o the Application ID number. Application ID: 1-4738-00533/00001-0 Date Received: 06/23/93 Applicant: LAWRENCE HUKE Facility: HUKE PROPERTY Description: VARIANCE REQUEST CONST SFD DECKS SS DEC Contact: KAREN A MUNZE BAKER CHECK oFF LIST 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. $150.00 APPLICATION FEE PAID : ~- L~ ~ $35.00 AMENDMENT, WAIVER OR INSPECTION, FEE PA]ID: DATE SENT TO CAC: <5'- ~5--~-~ ~.3~L~i~ 3-~9.o~- CAC COMMENTS: 7, LEAD AGENt?-: 8. I].E.C. PERMIT: 9. ARMY CORPS PERMIT: 10. PUBLIC HEARING : 11. DETERMINATION: 12. CONDITIONS: 13. PERMIT ISSUED: FEES PAID: Additional Information YOUNG & YOUNG PLANNING, ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING 400 OSTRANDER AVENUE. RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 1190! Telephofle/~16~727-2303 Facsimile/516-727-0144 November 30, 1992 Mr. Roy Haje, President En-Consultants, Inc. 1329 North Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968 RE: LAWRENCE HUKE at Mattituck, (91-0554) T/O $outhold, New York Dear Roy: Enclosed please find seven (7) prints of the above captioned survey, last dated November 25, 1992. This survey has been amended to indicate a new test hole dug on November 24, 1992 at 10:38 AM (high tide). Per our conversations, this should reflect seasonal high groundwater. Also enclosed is bill for professional services rendered. Enc .L~-~-~ Very truly yours, K 'enneth F. ~bruzzo ALDEN W. Y©UNG HOWARD W. YOUNG THOMAS C. WOLPERT KENNETH F, ABRUZ. ZO Professional Engineer Land Surveyor Professional Engineer Land Surveyor & Land Surveyor EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516-283-6136 February 16, 1993 Town of Southold Board of Trustees 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: ~i AAWI%ENCEHU~E, SCTM No~. 1000~1t4~1-12 Dear Sirs: Attached please find a single and. separate abstract for the premises referenced above, which is now pending before you for a wetlands permit~ As the parcel's single and separate status pre-dates zoning, it should be considered a legally-constituted lot capable of being developed with a one~family dwelling. Please proceed with processing of our application on this basis. V/~ry truly yours, ~ ~esident ~' -" RLH:KD Enclosure cc: Larry Huke New YorA S~a~e Depadmen~ Of E~viro~me~tal Co~se~ (516) 751-1389 FAX (516) 751-3839 October 9~ 1992 Roy Haje, President En-Consultants~ inc. 1329 North Sea Rd. Southampton, NY 11968 RE: NYSDEC ~ ~ Pe=m~ Application #i-4738-00533/00001-0 LaWrence Huke Dear ~. Haje: The Department_ has reviewed the above referenced permit application. Numerous DeparLments! objections to the proposal exist and ~e discussed as i. Single Family Dwelling (SFD}~ The construction of the proposed SFD does not meet the standards for permit issuance in an adjacent area as outlined in 6NYC~ Part 66i:9(c). The proposed SFD ioca~ion, although perhaps as far away from the wetland boundary as possible; a m~nzmum !6'~ maxzmum lS~ doss nom meet the 75~ setback as required in the Development RastrlcLions [$6~.6(a) (i) ]. The construction of a SFD in this location will adversely mmpact the present and potential value of the adjacen~ tidal wetland and therefore similarly does not meet the standards for permlL issuance as per 66t.9(c) (3). Runoff from the SFD and associated decks will affect the vegeLatlon in the adjacent high and intertidal marshes and mosL likely promote the infiltration of Phra~mites sD.. Changes in the species composition will alter the existing benefits related to flood~ sLorm and erosion control, cleansing ecosysLems! and the adsorotion of silt and organmc material Human activity in conjunction with ~ne reduction of a natural buffer and the alteration of existing beneficial plant species will adversely affect existing and potential wildlife benefits at thms site. Roy Haj e October 9, 1992 Page 2 2. Accessory str~actures~ decks: The installation of decks in the proposed location does not meet the standards for permit issuance as identified in 681.9(c). As proposed they Will be located a minimum t5~ from the tidal wetland boundary. As with the single family dwelling, the proposed decks do not meet the 75~ setback as outlined in the Development Restrictions: 6Si.6(a) (!). The decks~ as proposed will have.an imDact on the value of the adjacent wetland in that it will repi~d~ eXiSting natural buffering ~e~etatio~-chan~e the ~ate~ storage daPacity of that area and di'mlnish its ability to c0ntro~ st0~mwater runoff~ change ~he recharge capacity of underlying soils by redirecting runoff i~to adjacent tidal w~ttands and prom?to the infi~tr~ti6n ~ndperh~s replacement of indigenous beneficial wet,ands species w~th ~hra~ites sp_~ similarly, actTvitY on'the decks is li~ely~to ~iminish the existing unrestricted ~se of this area by resident wiialife. Th% proposed decks~ther~f~e d~ not meet the standards for p~rmit ~ssuance. u~er 3~ Sanitar~ Syste~: The proposed sanitary system, a 65% variance from ~he re~dired setback, does not meet tDse standards for permit issuance as outlined in 661.9{c). The installation of a sanitary system within 35~ of'the tidal wetland boundary does no~ meet the 100~ Setback r~quired by the Development Restrictions: 661.6(a) (1)~ The proposed'sanitary system does not meet the standards under 661o9{C) {~) in that its design is no~ compatible with the public's health and welfare. The cross section for the proposed sanitary system does not show the location of seasonally high ground water. Because of the proposed close proximity of the sanitary system to ~ne wetland boundary we can expect this system, to be both stor~ and tidally influenced, it is likely that the system will be flooded and non-functional during certain storm and high tide e-vents creating a direct pathway for bacteria and viruses associated with untreated waste to enter the nearby waterway. The sanitary system does not meet the standards under 66io9{c) (3} in that it will have an impact on 5hose tidal wetlands benefits identified. Mattituck Creek is conditionally closed to sheltfishing, a5 least in part~ because of the fecal load contributed by adjacent, leaky or non-functional sanitary systems. Contributions of nutrients from the system may result in an increased fre~aency, duration and magnitude of algal blooms creating anoxic conditions in Darb,?s branch of Mattituck Creek killing resident shellfish species and driving off o~her mobile species of fish and crustaceans. Wading skorebirds and other predators will net utilize an area that is devoid of prey species° These effects may create significant impacts on the entire food chain at and near the site° Roy Haj~ Oc~ober 9~ 1992 Page 3 The project as proposed is not approvable by ~he Department. The Department is not denying use of the proper~y~ as a catwalk at the site (although currently removed to the upland) exists and grants use and access to the waterfront. A permit for a 4 ft. by 60 ft. ca%waik, a 4 ft. by IS ftc ramp and two 6 ft. by 16 ft. floats was issued on 2~8/88. .This. permit expired o~ 2/28/90. Should thepermit~ee wish to reconstruct these p~eviouslY approved ~tructures, theDepartment wl!l notobject to modification of the current application to include ~econstruction of these decking structures only~ and deletion of the current proposal for a house, from the plans and application. As the application remains incomplete'pending either issuance of a Negative Declaration of Signfficance or acceptance of a Final Environmental-Impact Statement by the Town of Southold, the Department is unable to make a final permit decision at this ~ime. K'final decision ~ilt be made ~nen tine application reaches ~'complete~ status. Very truly yours, Karen A. ~unze Sr. Envirommentai Analys~ file L. Huke New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40--SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 (516) 751-1389 FAX (516) 751-3839 Mr. John Bredemeyer III Board of Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 NYSDEC Permit Application # 1-4738-00533/00001-0 Lawrence Huke Thomas C. Jorling September 1, 1992 Commissioner Dear Mr. Bredemeyer: The Department is continuing review of the above referenced proposal. The setback of the sanitary system of approximately 35 feet may not be compatible with public health. At this time, the proposal fails to meet any of the DEC's required setbacks from the tidal wetlands. The structures and sanitary system may have an undue adverse impact on the present and potential values of the adjacent tidal wetland. Please clarify the Lead Agency status for this project. Your last transmittal was unclear as to whether or not the Town wishes Lead Agency status. Very truly yours, Kar~n ~[unze Sr. Environmental Analyst KM/nw cc: ToWn of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 FAX NO, )NMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-6360 516-283-6136 August 7, 1992 Board of Trustees Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: LAWRENCE HUKE, WESTPHALIA ROAD, MATTITUCK Dear Sirs: Attached please find various documents indicating the single and separate nature of the parcel that is the subject of the application now pending before you. I trust that this, plus the recommendation for change that we have implemented, will now enable you to issue your approval. RLH:KD Enclosure V~~o~ur s, President cc: Lawrence Huke CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY ~ THE WORD "ARREARS" iS PRINTED SEE THE COUNTY I 1 BILL NO.- 11-~.-1-11 LAND VALUE ASSESSED VALUAT]O1 ~10 V~. ~EM~ ~ ~O ~PT J OTH. EXEMP' PLEASE READ REVERSE SIDE GEORGE R. SULLIVAN MAKE ALL RECEIVER OF TAXES FI3NOS 3Z40 ~STP~ALIR NAME KD ADDR~S OF OWNER ~ F&~NING AVE 1991-1992 AMO~JNT PAID TAXABLE VALUE cou~-v TOTAL TAX ENAL RECEIVED PAYM~T-FIRST H~F T~ RECEIPT NO. DATE PAID TAXES 1~.155. g4: AMOENT PAID RE 6018CNB12-31-91#121 ~577.52CI C P e 61,0i7.00 D g ORIGINAL CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY RECEIPT GEORGE R. SULLIVAN TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 MAKE ALL RECEIVER OF TAXES MON. TO FRI. g:00 A~. TO 5:00 P.M. FUNDS CLOSED ALL LEGAL HOLIDAYS PAYABLE CLOSED SAT NAME AND AD?RESS OF OWNER ~; FA~NING AVE. N,~ MPT O~l SAYS RECEPJED PAYMENT-SECOND HALF OR TOTAL TAX DATE PAiD PLEASE READ REVERSE SIDE 1991-1992 .... T~.'<ARLF V&LUE ~ J ---- TAXES~ COUNTY TOWN SCHOOL SP. DISTRICT OTHER TOTAL TAX 600 21.t5 PENALTY RECEIVED PAYMENT-FIRST HALF TAX DATE PAID AMOUNT PAID 60iS0~B12-31-91#123 8.00 D g ORIGINAL Amount of Insurance $ N~me of Insured: 95,0~00 Dateofl~ue November 9, ~87 LAWRENCE HUKE Title No. 637-S-0881 Theestateor~t~eStinsured ~t~s~is fee simple vestedinthe~suredbymeansof deed from James W. Woodburn and Mary Ann Woodburn as to Parcel 1 and by deed from James Woodburn and Mary Ann Woodburn as to Parcel 2 dated November 9, 1987 and recorded November 17, 1987 in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCHEDULE A The premises in which the insured has the estate or interest covered by this policy is described on the description sheet annexed. SCHEDULE B The following estates, interests, defects, objec~oas to ~ifie, liens and encumbrances and other matters a~e excepted from the coverage of our standard form of policy: L Defects and encumbrances arising or becoming a lien after the date of this poficF. 2. Consequences of the exercise and enforcement or attempted enforce- ment of any governmental war or police powers over the premises. 3. A~ny laws, regulations or ordinances (inciading, but not limited to zoning, building, and environmental protecfioifi as to th~ use, o¢cupena¥, subdivision ox improvement of the premises, adopted or imposed by any governmental body, or the effect of any non- compliance with, or any violation thereof. 4. Judgments against the insured or eatates, interests, defects, objee- by o~with the privity of the insured. 5. Title to any property beyond the lines of the premise~, or title to areas within ox rights or easements in any abutting streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or watex~vays, or the fight to maintain therein this certificate specifically provides that suei~ titles, rig.ifis~ ox easements are insured. Notwithstanding any provisions m this paxag~aph to the contrary, this certificate, unless otherwise excepted, insures the ordinary rights of access and egless belonging to abutting 6. Title to any personal property, whether the same be attached to o~ used in connection with ~iid p~emises or otherwise. 7. AS to Parcel 1 - S¢rvey - made by William R. Simmons, Jr. dated September 29, 1987 shows a one-story frame dwellzng with a detached frame garage, a metal shed, and a frame shed. Utility pole and overhead wires along the westerly record line. As to Parcel 2 Survey - made by William R. Simmons, Jr. dated September 29, 1987 shows vacant land, marsh, and land under water. No encroachments. No variations. 8.Mortgage made by Lawrence Huke, as Mortgagor, to First Suffolk Mortgage Corp., as Mortgagee, ~dated 11/9,/87 in the przncipal amount of $61,750.00 and interest, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, State of New York. 9. No title will be insured to any land lying below the present or any former high water line of Mattituck Creek. 10. Except riparian rights and easements of others to and over Mattituck Creek, but policy does not insure any riparian EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. 1329 NORTH SEA ROAD, SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK 11968 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 516-283-6360 FAX NO. 516~283-6136 Board of Trustees Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 June 30, RE: LAWRENCE HUKE, Westphalia Avenue, Southold SCTM No. 1000-114-1-12 Dear Sirs: As per your recommendations, the project has been modi- fied as indicated on the attached site plan. We feel that project has been modified as much as possi- ble and would hope that it meets with your approval. I would also request that your positive input be granted with the Zoning Board of Appeals, from whom a front yard variance is now required. Verv/'~ruly yours, RoyLL Haje / President RLH:KD Enclosures cc: Larry Huke New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Thomee C. Jodlng Commissioner RE: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 '(State Environ- mental Quality Review - SEQR) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: Your agency's interest in acting as lead agency; Your agency's jurisdiction in the action described below; and Issues of concern which your agency believes should be evaluated. Enclosed is a copy of the permit application and a completed Part I of the Environmental Assessment Form to assist you in resoonding. Project Name: Project Location: DEC Project Number: DEC Permits: SEOR Classification: [ ] Type I [ ] Unlisted DEC Contact Person: ~6~'~l ~. *~t~4ZC ~ea~F- DEC Position: DEC has no objection to your agency or another agency assuming lead agency status for this action, but reserves the right to comment on this action if a positive determination of significance is maOe. -2- [] DEC has no objection to your agency or another agency assuming lead agency status for this action, but we have the following concerns regarding this project (see "comments" below). [ ] DEC wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. [] The proposed action nas been identified by DEC as occurring wholly or partially within or substantially contiguous to a critical environmental area {CEA) that was designated by It is the position of this Department that your agency, if it has a juris- diction over the action, should assume the lead agency role based on the existence of the CEA and the fact that the anticipated impacts are primarily of local significance. [ ] Other. (See comments below) Comments (Optional): Please respond to this request within 30 days of the date of this letter. If no response is received within 30 pays, we will assume that you have no objection to DEC or another agency assuming the role of lead agency, and have no comments to offer regarding the proposed action at this time. If neither your agency nor any other involved agency, including DEC, has indicated a will- ingness to serve as lead agency within 30 days of this letter: [ ] We will petition the Commissioner of DEC to designate a lead agency for this action. [ ] We will petition the Commissioner of DEC to designate your agency as lead, presuming you have jurisdiction. Please feel free to contact this office for further information or discussion. Enclosures Sincerely, cc: (see distribution list) NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF E~ONMENTAL CONSERVATION ; JOINT APPLICATIOi~i~FOR PERMIT DEC APPLICATION NUMBER £ U.S.ARMY C~RPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION NO. Please read ALL ms~rucuons on back before completing th~s application. Please type or print clearly in inL Attach additional information as needed. r--]ARTICLE 9, TITLE 1, ARTICL~ 43 6NYCRR 646 [LAKE GEORGE RECREATION ZONE) [~]ARTICLE 15, TI:fLE 3 (AQUATIC PESTICIDES CONTROL) --]6NYCRR 327 (AQUAT C VECETAT ON) J~6NYCRR 328 (FISH) ~]6NYCRR 32g(INSECTS) [~ARTICLE 15. TITLE 1S [] 6NYCRR ~ [~tATER SUPPLY] []6NYCRR ~02 (LONG ISLAND WELL) F []SECTION 10 RIVER AND HARBOR ACT OF 18gg~ '~f~str~ctures and work id navigable'wa~ers of the U.S. []COASTAL CONSISTENCY CERTIFICATION. 10-88-0083 2/8/ 88 2. APPLICANT IS AlAN [~LO .... J~opera:or ~]Lessee [~]Munictpalib 'Governmental A~encv Lawrence Huke (Check one) POST OFFICE H~mDton BaYs 4. NAME OF r--]Owner [~AgentJContact Person Eh-COnsultants, ~nc. STATE ZIP CODE NY 11946 1329 North Sea Road POST OFFICE STATE J ZmCODE Southampton NY J 11968 Cou.W Suffolk J Southold silkworth Road " POST OEFICE J STATE I ZIP CODE Mattituck NY 11952 TELEPHONE (Where can be reached during day) 516 i 283-6360 Darby's Branch of Mattituck Creek [] Yes ~No Sho~ work on mar and/or drawings. B. WILL PRO)ECT UTILIZE STATE LANO~ []Yes J~]No 9 PROP?SEDUSE: ~ Private t 10. PROPOSED STARTING DATE: 11. APPROXIMATE COMPLETION DATE: j 12 FEE OF (NYS Permit Onlv) [] Public [] ComPendia ASAP 6 months s 900.00 Enclosed SEE ATTACHED 14 WILL THIS PROIECT REQUIRE ADDITIONAL FEDERAL STATE AND/OR LOCAL PERMITS? ~ Yes [] NO If yes. please list: Suffolk County Department of Health _March 17, 1992 President PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sonsnruc5 a one-family dwelling and decks, sanitary ~ystem, bluestone (or similar pervious) driveway. Approximately 7~ of fill will be 5tucked in to raise grades to those shown. Variance is requested for setback of house/deck to wetland (proposed 0'; required 75'); sanitary system to wetland (proposed 36', required 100' . Variances are necessitated by size and configuration of lot, and presence of wetlands. Widtk of house has been made minimal and it will be only 25' from road. Any further reduction in width of house would make it too narrow 5o be usable. House is well under permissible minimum coverage of 3000 s.f. so 20% coverage rule does no~ apply. Location of cesspools maximize their setback from wetlands. JPRO, EOT LD. NUMSER 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality':Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL A, IiIEtitSMENT FORM For UNLISTED AC'ClONS 0nly PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (To'be completed by Applicant. or Project sponsor) 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR -- . 2. PROJECT;NAME LaWrence Huke by En-Consultantsr Inc 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality Matti%uck County Suffolk Silkwor th_.Road SEQR SCTM =1600-114-1-12 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ~ New [] Exoans~on [] Modification/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: SEE ATTACHED 7, AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: .74 .74 Initially _ acres Ultimately 8 WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? [] Yes ~ No If No describe brief y 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE tN VIC NITY OF PROJECT? ~Ji~esidential [] IndustriaI [] Commercial Describe: [] Park/Forest/Open space [] Other 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL. OR FUNDING NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY =EDERAL STATE OR LOCAL(? ~ Yes [] NO If yes ~st agency,s) aha ~ermltlaoorovals Suffolk County Deparsment of Health -- DOES ANY ASPEC- OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [] Yes [] No If.yes, lis agenc~ name aha permit/approval 12. ¢,S A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING ~ERMIT/APPROVAL REQU}RE MODIFICATION? [] Yes ~ NO CERTIFY THAT THE iNFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ADOncant/soonsor I)ame: Lawze~?_Huke ~¢7 ~n-Consultants, Inc Roy L. Hajc If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete tile Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment- Date:3/17/92 OVER 1 information you believe wi[[ be needed to It is expected mat camptetion of the furl EAF new s~udies, research or inv~ti[~tion. J~ LO~QN O~ ACORN Include ~ree~ Ad~re~, Mumcip~ty ~a County} Silk~orth Road, Mattituck, Snff6ik Cbunty Eh-Consultants, lac~. ] (516) 283-636~ · 1329 North Sea Road South~pton N~E OF O%VN~ ~ ~Hereni] ~ ~USlNE~S T~HQN~ ~awrence ~u~e } r516~ 728-000! PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION PrePared by Projects!Sponsor ' NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whetfi~r the~action proposed ~y have a signif on the environment, p e~e complete the entire fda. Pa~ A ~rad~ E. Angers t~ these questions will he as Dart of the application for ~&r~erifica~ion and public review. Provide an~ 3 Fanning Ave. ~amp t o~n Bays :urrentty available and wig, work i~,unavaiiabie, $o indicate i ~TATE ~P CC NY 11946 Construct a one-family dwelling and decks, sanitary syst. em, bluestone or similar p~rvlous driveway. Approximately 700 cy of fill will be trucked in to raise ~rades to those shown. Please Camelele Each Quesuon--lndlcate N.A. if nor applicable A. Site Description .e..Ins or overail mrmlecl, bolh devetcme~ and undave]omea areal. Vacant aaa use: FlUrban FlIndustriai F-~Fores: l-lAgriculture E]Commerciai ~O:her . j.~'-Residenual [suburbam f-Rurai [nc PRE!E.';TLY AFTEE acres · 33 acres .2 6 ~ve,qzna (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24. 25 or ECL] Unve?raree (Rock. earrn ar fill) (bluestone: driveway) O~ner (lndica:e :vpeL a, 5off :~a;nage: ~Wetl drained 3p % of ~,~ ~Poodv drained 70 % or site qq acres qq : ~ .05 acres .05 : acres .01 a acres .05 & Plymouth sands F'~,\,locterate]¥ well drained _ % or site o. f any auncuitural land ~s lnvoive~, how many acres of soii are ciassified ~wthin soil %irouo I thr~ugi~ 4 of U Lane C:assir ca:ton 5vs~emr N/A acres. IS NYCRR 370l ~. ^~prox~ma:e percentage o~ p,~posed protect site with s/opes: I~0-I0% 1 fl fl % ~I045% .... ~15~ or ~eater , % 6. ]s ~rojec: substantially contiguo~ to. or contain a buiidlng, site, or distd~ listed an the State or the N~ Reg~ster~ of Historic ?laces? ~Yes ~No 7. ts ptoiec: ~ubs:andailv contiguou~ to a site listed on the Register of Nation~ Natural Landmark~? ~Yes 8. What is the depth of the water t~ble? 4.7' tin feet) a~ test hole- 9. ~s site located over a primal, pdnopaL or sole source aquifet~ ~Yes ~No ~0. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing oppo~unities presentty ~xist in the project area? ~Yes ~No 11. Does proiect site contain any species of plant o? animal life that is identified as threatened or endan~ ~Ye~ ~No According to Roy L, ~a~e ldentfiV each species . 12, Are t~ere any unicue or unusual land forms on the project ~ite? {i.e.. cliffs, dunem other g~iogicui forma ~Yes ~No De~ibe 13. {s the proiect site presend¥ used by the communiW or neighborhood as an open space or recreation f~Yes r'~No If yes. ~piain ~4 Doe~ the ~resen: site inciude scenic views knmvn to be imoortant :o the commumW? ~Nn 15. Streams whhin or condguou~ to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to wMch it ~s tnbu~a~ .,. 16. Lakes. =on~s. wetlan~ areas witMn or contiguous to project area: a. N~me ., Darb~' s Branch of M~ttit~k Creek b. Size (In 17. ~s the 5~e serve~ bv~x~ung ~uoiic utditie~? ~Ye~ ~No electricity al ~f Yes. does suffic~en: ca=ac~tv ex,st :o allow connection? ~Yes ~No b] ~f Yes. wdI m~rovement~ be necessary to allow cannec:ion~ ~Ye5 ~.No of :ne ~CL, and 6 NYCR~ 6i7~ ~es ~No 20. Has :ne 5~re ever 3een use¢ rot :ne disposal o~ ~oiid or hazardous wastes? ~Yes B. Project Des.cnption a_ Total con: guou5 acreage owned or controilec by prolect soonsor ,77 d. Length ar ora ec:. m m~ms: N,r~ (if appronr:ate} One Famdv Two Faro:iv Nltn[ti~/e F,1HI:Iv .?.~' Approyals Required: Sub? Type D. 'Ck;; Town, Village ,Board ClYes r'lNo City, Town. Village Planning 3pard FIYes [~IHo Cit3,, Town Zoning Board EqYes City, Count%, Health Department ~Yes' gnp Other Local Agencies IWiYes I-INo Other Regional Agencies i-~Yes 1'1151o State Agencies PA'Yes Federal Agencies []Yes Front (road Yard variance ve~ Sanitary System & Well ~ub 2 DEC Article 25 5/92 C. Zoning and Planning Information ~l. Does prbposed action involve a p}anning or zoning decision? Ir/yes FINo _ If Yes, indicate decismn required: 12~zoning amendment 3~zoning variance r'lspecial use Pe~it ~subdivision ~si:e plan ~newlrevision of m~rer plan ~resource management plan ~other . R-~0 2. What is the zonmg ctassifica~on(s)of the sim? 3. What ~s the m~imum potential developm~t of ~e site if developed ~ petal?ted by the present zoning? One one-family dwe~linq I. What [s the ~mP°sed zoning of the ~ite? N/A 5. What is the m~imum ~orenrial development of the:*ite if developed ~ permitted by the proposed zomng? One one-family dwelling 6. }s the pra~osed ac?mn consistent with the recommended uses m adopted local land use plans? ~Yes 7 What are the Dredominenr [and use(s) and zoning classifications w/thin a ~ mite radius of promosea R-40 Ona-~amiZ7 dwe111ngs 8. Is the ~ro¢osed action compatible w/th adjoining/surrounding land uses within a % mile? ~YesX~( 9. I[ the proposed ac?zen is the subdivision of land. how many lots are prop0sed? ~/A a. What ~s the mm?mum lot size ~roDosed? ~0. Will prooosed action feature any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? ~YesX~C 7l Witl the prooosea ac?mn cream a demand for any communav 0rovid~ semites ~recreauon. fire ororect;oni? ~Yes a. If yes, s exisung ca~aczrv sufficient to handle projected demand? ~Yes 12. Wilt the =focused acrzon result in the generation of traffic signfficandv above ~resent levels? ~YesXSO a. [f yes. *s the existing road network adequate to handte the additional traffic~ UYes ~No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your ~rmect. If there ~re or m%v be any ac E. Verificstion I certlty :h~a~he :n/~rma:~on prowded ,~bove ~s true to the best of my knowterlge. Signature ~ et ~x"%j~_x~ '~ Nde ~resident .......... ' Roy ~. 0 , , tonslc:,~bic ,~ year. (including demotk year: 2; How much natural ma:eriaJ (i.e.. rock. earth, etc.l will be removed from the site? 3. W~I disturbed areas be reclaimed? I-]Yes f-iNo a. If. yes. for what lntend..d purpose is the site being reclaimed? ~. Will :opsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? I~Ye~ f'Iblo c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for redamation~ CiYes UNo 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, grounci covers) will be removed from site? .31_+ acres 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old} or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project r3yes J~No ' ' 6: If singie phase project: Anticipated-period of canst~ction 6 months. [lnctudlng demolition). 7. If muki-f~hased: a. Total number af phases anticipated [number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 ,, month c. Approximate compiedon date of final phase month d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? t~Yes 8. 'Az/Il blasting occur during construction? G-lyes I~No 9. Number of [ohs generated: during construction Z2 : after project is complete 0 . ,, 10. Number af iObs eliminated h¥ this prelect 0 1'1. WiIl prelect require reIocarion of any pro]ecr~ or facilities? E2Yes :~No If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disaosal involved? ~Yes I~INo' a, If yes. mdicate type of waste (sewage. industrial etc.} and amount b. Name of ~vater bod'¢ into which effluent witl be discharged 13. ~ subsurface liquid waste d~sposal involved? ~es ~N~ Type Sewaae ~4 will surface are~ af an ex[sdn~ water body increase or decrease by ~5. ~s ~rmect or a~v port]o~ oi pro]ec~ located ia a ~00 ve~r flood oiam~ ~5. Wdl the ~r~!ec~ generate solid waste? ~es a. It ues. what is the amau;:: per month .Z _ tons b. if yes wiii an exisrmg s~iid waste faciiity he used? ~Yes ~No Southold Town Landfill . location Mattituck d. Will any wastes no~ Go mto a sewage disposa[ system or zn:o a samtatv landfill? ~Ye5 17 Will :ne 9re et: mvowe the disposal of solid ~vaste? F~Yes a. If yes. wna: ~s the anUc~=ated rate of disposal? tOnSlmontn. b. If yes. wnar ~s [ne anUC~pated site life? .,/ears. 18. WHI pralec: use herbicides or sesdcides? ~Yes ~Na 19 kVii[ p:t2~ect routmmv produce odors (more than one hour [)er day)? ~Yes 20, ',Vffl ~ro~oct :ro~uce operating no~se exceeding the local ambmnt noise leveis? win protect result ~n an mcrease ~n energy use? ~es ~No l[ ~es. mczcare tv~c~s]_ Oemd~tqc oil and eloctricity 22. H ,.va[er suos[v s Jram weftS. Mdicate pumping capacity 4! 22 /o::1 ~nt;czaare~ wa:er usaue ~e~ day 300 I']Yes XI~No \¢.2 [[ansldav. Doe; ~.ro~. ,'~vowe LaCZ~. State~°r Federal fundinq? gallOns/minute· .. 00-17-T (5/26) YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL C~ ~RYATION TRANSMITTAL SLiP TO Copies FO~,CTION AS INDICATED: J~ Please Handle [] Prepare Reply [] Prepare Reply for Signature [] Information [] Approval [] Prepare final/draft in [] Comments [] Signature /~FRile eturn L'26 ~ Wes~tphalia Road, Mattituck, N~vf York LAWRENCE HUKE from WOOB~C~RN SECURITY TITLE AND G;UARANTY COMPANY CREDIT Paid on signing Contract First Mortgage held hy Ad&ess Interest {rom @ .% m. Second Mortgage held by Address Interest from Purchase Money Mortgage to Address Bents. Security on Leases Taxes Water Rates Sewer Bental Assessments Total Credit to to Additional Expenses Charged to Seller Drawing Papers Becording fees Stamps Approved: Present at Closing: John Mcnzal, Thompson , Mr. and Mrs. James Wooc burn, Larry Huke, Thomas J. DeMayo, Jim Place. SETTLEMENT November 9 es Of ................. ' 1987 Purchase Price Interest Taxes 799.36 parcel 1 239.8£ parcel 2 $2.85 per day Water Rates Sewer Rental Fuel _ Waived Bents T~MD~ $ 95,060.00 To~!CredR 9~500.00 BMance $ 85,560.00 No. 1744 144876 SCNB Additional Expenses Charged to Purchaser Exam. Fen Ck: No. 1746 Tax Search Drawing Papers G~. NO . Recording Fees Mortgage Tox ~Mort. Fees No. 1749 Survey No. 1745 Esq. Legal Fee Prepaid Taxes Ck 1747 Title Closer Ck 1750 DEBIT Sw,O00 60 310 23,500 1,373 350 UU 9O O0 O0 75 O0 887 42 55O 00 500 00 622 00 25 00 /oo o lW, pf, oo 0 ~OJNSU~I~ Y~QUK~I~AY,~ER BEFORE ~GNI~ THIS INST~ENT -THIS IHSTRUM~T SHOU~ BE USED BY ~E[S QNLY ~IS ~E~ ~de the 9 '-- ~y of ~ , n~et~ hundred and ~ ~ BE~EN ~d~, ~ Y~ l-fEE, r~dirg at 3 F~ A~rn~ J~'EAL ESTATE NOV 17 party of the second part, W'ITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in conslderation of ($95,000.00) · * TRANSFER TAX SUFFOLK · COUN, T¥ dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and asSigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land~ with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, ~ing andbeingin the Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and d~scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northeasterly side of Westphalia Road at the point where said northeasterly line is intersected by the northwesterly line of a 30 foot private road running northeasterly from said Westphalia Road from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE along said northeasterly line of Westphalia Road the following two courses an~'diStances: 1. North 44° 2. North 54° Janet Brown; 13' 40" West 139.53 feet; 41' 20" West 8.91 feet to land now or formerly of THENCE along feet; THENC~ along 53' 50" East foot private said land of Brown North 48° 04' 40" East 100.00 land now or formerly of Oscar B. Gunther, South 44° 141'.32 feet to said northwesterly line of said 30 road; THENCE along said northWesterly line of said 30 foot private road, South 44° 04' 40" West !O0.00 feet to the point of B-~N~.I~.~T ~ ~n TOGETHER With a right of way over said 30 foot private road known as Silkworth Road for access between said premises and WestDhalia Road and between said premises and Howards Creek. BEING and Intended to be the same premises deeded to the party of the first part by deed dated February 26, 1982, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 4th day of March, 1982, at Liber 9150 Page 161. 10472 Parcel II ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, wtih the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the easterly side of Westphalia Avenue at the northwest corner of the premises herein described adjoining a 30 foot private road on the north; from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE a.long the southerly line of said private road, North 44° 04' 40" East 199.25 feet to a monument and land of Corwin; RUNNING THENCE along said land of R. Corwin and along Darby's Branch of Mattituck Creek, two courses and distances as follows: 1. South 27° 31' 20" East 74.44 feet to a rock; thence 2. South 28° 52' 20" East 161.57 feet to land of R. Munch; RUNNING THENCE along said land of Ro MUnch, two courses and distances as follows: 1 South 63° 48' 10" West 113.29 2. South 14° 58' West 17.59 feet Westphalia Avenue~ feet; thence to the easterly side of RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Westphalia Avenue, two courses and distances as follows: 1. North 63° 36' 30" West 36.61 feet; 2. North 44° 13' 40" Wes't 160.63 feet or place of BEGINNING.. thence to the monument as the poln TOGETHER with a right of way over said 30 foot private road for access between said premises and Westphalia Avqnue. BEING and Intended to be the same premises deeded to the party of the first part by deed dated February 26, 1982, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 4th day of March, 1982, at Liber 9150 Page 168. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF~i~::T-~ SS: STATE OF NEW~RI~ COUNTY OF ~Td~c_K On the '~-~day of Nzrv~rfl~ 1987 , ~fo~ me ~rson~lly ~me ~uted ~e ~r~oing ~,.~d~pwiedg~ ~t No. 4~94~43, Suff0~k Cou,ty ~mmission ~xpi~es August 31, 1988 STATE OF NSW YORk COUNTY OF .... ~SS: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me kaown, wh?, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at ; that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of sa~d corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. SS: On the ~y of ._~ 194~7~, before me personally came to me known to be t~ .indMdual described in and who exee~ed the foreff~ing mstrumant, and acknowledged that ~ executed me same. STATE OF NEW YORK, C:OUNTT OF SS: On the day of 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing i.nstrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at/~o. that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the ~ame time subscribed h name as witness thereto. Bargain ale Dee W~x~ ~$~e,~s~x A~^~s~ Gas~xoa's Acrs TITLE NO. TO ~I'AN~A#D FOIIM ~ HEW YoIIK BOA## OF TlR[ U#nBIWRITERS Distributed by CHICALGO TITX,im INSURANCE COMPANY SEGTiON BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TG,WN Recorded at Request of CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Return b]~ M~il to Zip No. Z 0 0 Z Z ~ z~ / SU~Y FOR LAWRENCE HUKE FEB. I~, 1992 AT MATTIT~K ~N ~ SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE~ ~RK ~ ~ ~ RI~R~AD, NE~ YORK ,, ~ YOUNG ~ YOUNG 'NOTE: ~ = ~ONUM~T ~ND ARE~= 5387~ S.E ~DEN W.YO~NG, PROFE~ONAL ELEVATIONS SHOWN HER~N ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. ~D ~ND sURvEYOR N.Y_S_UCENSE NO. 1~845 .~ ~ ~ ~L(W~IC T~ C~S(~) ~. ~ ~ KY's. LICENSE ~.45893 ;